First, Robert Stacy McCain continues to pump out Pulitzer-worthy reports on the Kimberlin-Rauhauser thug syndicate. See, "‘A Faint Whiff of Vigilante Hysteria’: Weinergate’s Kimberlin Connection," "Fear and Loathing on Capitol Hill: The GOP Caucus Is Decadent and Depraved," and "Did Brett Kimberlin Stalk BlogCon?"
Second, Robert also has the report on Aaron Worthing's appeal. See, "Walker Files Appeal in Kimberlin Case;Ali Akbar Says: ‘We’re Not Stopping’." And see also Michelle Malkin, "Won’t back down: Amidst threats, National Bloggers Club announces Aaron Walker appeal; blogs to crank up pressure on Congress":
When I asked Ali Akbar of the National Bloggers Club for help with a website/infrastructure to support the blogger targets of convicted bomber/online terrorist Brett Kimberlin two weeks ago, he didn’t hesitate or waver. He stepped up to the plate because he believes in free speech and new media. I knew and respected him from his past work on grass-roots conservative campaigns and online projects. I was honored to join the NBC board of directors when he asked me late last year. There is no vast, deeply-funded conspiracy behind how it all came together — as some deranged progressive operatives (who habitually indulge in such rancid psychological projection) are claiming. I simply asked for help with organizing/fundraising tasks that were way beyond my paygrade. Ali volunteered to help and hasn’t stopped. The blogosphere owes him bottomless thanks.Continue reading.
Plus, see the big report at Camp of the Saints, "The #BrettKimberlin Report D+12 Part II: Flak And Return Fire."
And note that UCLA's Eugene Volokh has stepped up for some pro bono assistance to Aaron Worthing, "Consulting on the Aaron Walker / Brett Kimberlin Case."
Third, GOP Sen. Saxby Chambliss has energized the right with a request to the Attorney General's offce. See, "Chambliss Demands Inquiry Into Attacks Against Conservative Commentators" (via Memeorandum).
Michelle has more, "GOP Sen. Saxby Chambliss to DOJ: What are you doing about SWATtings?" And following the links takes us to the write-up at the Atlanta Journal Constitution, "Saxby Chambliss calls for probe into ‘SWAT-ting’ of conservative pundits." Plus, Kerry Picket has this at the Washington Times, "Chambliss demands DOJ inquiry into 'SWAT-ting' incidents against bloggers."
Also blogging, Jawa Report, Riehl World View, and Urban Grounds.
Fourth, Robert Knight has a blockbuster piece up at Townhall, "The Left's Assault on Free Speech and Conscience." Knight offers an outstanding review of events, but his larger discussion of the issue is worth quoting at length:
SWATing is just one of the nastier tricks played by the intolerant Left, which increasingly employs smears and intimidation.The full article is here. Be sure to share it.
In early May, The Chronicle of Higher Education fired author and blogger Naomi Schaefer Riley for opining that some black studies dissertation topics were “a collection of left-wing victimization claptrap.” Thousands of liberal academics signed a petition demanding her firing, which the Chronicle dutifully did after holding out for a few days.
In April, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), which represents conservative state legislators, was attacked by former White House “green jobs czar” Van Jones and his Color of Change movement. ALEC had posted on its website model voter photo ID legislation, which Jones’ group describes as an attempt to “disenfranchise over 5 million people in the upcoming elections.” ALEC soon caved and removed the post after losing corporate sponsors including Coca-Cola, Mars, Wendy’s and Kraft.
A union front group, Change to Win, then began bullying health insurer Wellpoint over, among other things, its support of ALEC.
The Center for Political Accountability, run by Democratic operative Bruce Freed, is promoting “transparency” so that businesses contributing to conservative causes can be hounded and boycotted, as Target was over its support for a Republican gubernatorial candidate who favored traditional marriage. This is the corporate version of the smear campaign against people who donated to California’s Proposition 8 marriage amendment in 2008. Leftwing activists posted a Google map with donors’ names and addresses, inviting harassment. Vandalism, firings and some terror incidents conducted against the Mormon Church followed.
Jackboot leftist tactics have reached even the therapist’s couch.
In California, the legislature is weighing a bill (SB 1172) making it a crime for concerned parents to take a confused child under 18 to a therapist to reinforce the child’s gender identity. There is also a nationwide movement to criminalize pro-straight counseling. Dr. Robert Spitzer, an architect of the 1993 removal of homosexuality as a disorder in the psychiatric diagnostic manual, did his own study of ex-gays in 2003, in which he concluded that some people could change their orientation. A former hero of the Left, he was terrorized, ostracized and hounded until he did a partial mea culpa a few weeks ago.
“He had been attacked so violently on account of his study that he had nearly broken down emotionally. …” writes Dr. Gerard van den Aardweg, author of many books on homosexuality. “I understood hell had broken loose against him. I thought: and this is ‘free’ America, where a good-intentioned, humane psychiatrist is stoned for having the courage to publish a careful study with a very careful conclusion that merely calls into question the gay dogma of irreversibly programmed homosexuality?”
In March, the Obama Administration threatened to bankrupt Catholic hospitals if they wouldn’t violate their beliefs regarding contraceptives, abortifacients and sterilization. To some people’s surprise, the Catholic hierarchy hit back with multiple lawsuits, a spectacular story ignored by the “mainstream” media.
Massachusetts Democrat Rep. Jim McGovern is going for the gold medal of leftwing censorship. He is sponsoring the Orwellian-named “People’s Rights Amendment,” which would undo the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling and strip “all corporate entities—for profit and non-profit alike” of freedom of speech. The First Amendment? As co-sponsor and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi would say, “Are you serious?”
As the political Left faces a bruising comeuppance in November, leftist bullies are going for outright control of what’s said, written and done.
Finally, Ace of Spades has a blackout event planned for Friday: "National Day of Blogger Silence -- This Friday."
I will post links of Congressmen's and Senator's email addresses and offices and phone numbers, and urge every concerned American citizen to let them know, in no uncertain terms, that a crime in progress against the First Amendment (and people's safety) is occurring, and we humbly request they take this seriously.I will be following up with my congressman on Friday. See previously, "Is Convicted Terrorist Brett Kimberlin Abusing Tax-Exempt Status? Calling for Congressional Hearings on Continuation of Section 501(c)(3) Benefits."
They are literally going to get someone killed. That is their endgame here.
Will the media and Congress pretend "we didn't know" when this happens?
ABCNews knows.
The Weekly Standard knows.
The Daily Caller knows.
And many, but not yet all, Congressmen and Senators know.
I encourage all bloggers and twitterers to essentially strike that day, or write nothing except your desire that you expect your Congressmen to take threats to your First Amendment rights seriously.
Bloggers are encouraged to research the committee jurisdictions of their Members of Congress. Look to those areas over which representatives have authority and can initiate government action against illegal progressive intimidation and harassment.
And most of all, don't stop. Keep the pressure on --- it's working!