Friday, June 1, 2012

CNN's Ashleigh Banfield Backtracks After Calling Homosexuality a 'Lifestyle Choice'

She says she misspoke, but she called radical homosexuality a "lifestyle choice."

And that threw the extreme homosexual left into fits of apoplexy.

See Towleroad, "CNN's Ashleigh Banfield Calls Homosexuality a 'Voluntary Lifestyle Choice', Tweets Clarification: VIDEO."

That's the walk back at the link. Here's the original segment.

Also at PuffHo, which has Banfield's tweets: "Ashleigh Banfield, CNN Anchor, Calls Being Gay a Voluntary 'Lifestyle Choice,' Says She 'Mangled Words'."

FLASHBACK: "ACTRESS Cynthia Nixon refuses to bow to pressure from the gay community to change her opinion that her homosexuality is a "choice'', despite facing criticism for her beliefs."

And I thought progs were supposed to be all choice? Well, not that choice!