Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Spain Back in Cross Hairs as Greek Election Results Fade

At the Wall Street Journal, "Spain Back in Cross Hairs: Greek Election Results Fade Quickly as Madrid's Borrowing Costs Set Record" (via Google):

The brief afterglow from Greece's vote Sunday to try to remain in the euro was quickly extinguished by a cascade of bad news out of Spain that again rattled faith in the currency bloc's ability to support its most troubled members.

Fresh data from Spain's central bank showed the country's lenders were sitting on the highest level of bad loans in 18 years and that their deposits continued to leak away. The gloomy figures—and worries that consultants scouring the creaky banking system will find yet more problems—helped drive Spanish bond yields deep into territory that is widely viewed as unsustainable.

The yield on the Spanish 10-year bond was at 7.18% late Monday in London, an unwelcome euro-era record for the zone's fourth-largest economy. The worrying signal demonstrates how Spain's troubles continue despite what plays out in Greece or elsewhere in the bloc.

The Spanish stock market fell 3%, and Italian stocks slid 2.8%. Italian bonds weakened somewhat, and other global markets largely shrugged off the Athens results. The U.S. Dow Jones Industrial Average slipped 0.2%. In early Asian trading Tuesday, stocks edged downwards after rising Monday.

"Spain is the bigger uncertainty and until there is greater clarity around Spanish bank recapitalizations and sovereign funding costs, risk in financial markets will remain elevated," said Jeffrey Rosenberg, chief investment strategist for fixed income at asset manager BlackRock Inc. in New York.

Greeks voted Sunday for pro-Europe parties who will try to continue the troubled country's bailout program, relaxing fears of a popular uprising that could have threatened Greece's place in the euro zone. Many analysts had feared that a vote for antibailout forces in Greece could cause sudden deposit or capital flights there that would quickly spill over to Spain.

The streets were calm in Athens Monday as political leaders met to wrangle over the terms of a coalition government. That effort appeared on track, and even as Germany stressed it would not abide any delay in Greece fulfilling its budget-cut targets, the Athens stock exchange ended the day up 3.6% and the country's thinly traded, highly volatile bonds were stronger.

But Greece's results did little to help Spain's troubles. "The picture doesn't change that much for Spain," said Juan Pablo Lopez, an analyst with EspĂ­rito Santo Investment Bank in Madrid.

The country appears to be in a vicious cycle in which the deteriorating economy weighs on the banks, whose declining fortunes weigh on the government, which moves to slash spending, hurting the economy.

Spain's chief problems are its banks and its bonds. Last week, the country was thrown a lifeline of as much as €100 billion ($124.5 billion) from other euro-zone countries to rescue the banks from a morass of bad real-estate loans that is worsening amid the diving economy. There hasn't been any conclusion on how much bailout money is needed or whether the latest pledge will be enough.

That has helped crush investors' appetite for Spanish government bonds. The country's financial plan calls for it to sell more than €30 billion of long-term debt this year.

This week, the Spanish government is expected to receive the results of a "stress test" on its banking system, done by consultants Oliver Wyman and Roland Berger Strategy Consultants. Preliminary news reports, which rattled investors Monday morning, said that the total needed funds recommended by the outside consultants could be higher than the €100 billion bailout figure.

Spain hired the external consultants in May, amid a surprise announcement that one of Spain's biggest banks needed €19 billion in funds. The government could disclose some aspects of the report as early as Tuesday, according to people familiar with the matter. Both firms declined to comment on the contents of the report.
Spain's going to need another bailout --- or it's going to default. Plain and simple.

Greek Pro-Bailout Parties Seek Governing Coalition

At the Wall Street Journal, "Parties in Greece Near Coalition":

ATHENS — Greece's two leading pro-bailout parties appeared late Monday to be headed into an alliance that would give them the majority needed to keep promised overhauls on course, but they were working to find support from others in Parliament for a broad cross-party coalition government.

After formally receiving an exploratory mandate from Greek President Karolos Papoulias earlier in the day, conservative New Democracy leader Antonis Samaras met with the heads of four other parties. Following those meetings, Mr. Samaras signaled a deal between him and his Socialist Pasok party counterpart, Evangelos Venizelos, would be reached within three days.

"Mr. Venizelos and I are in agreement that, no matter what, a government of national salvation must be formed within the deadline for the mandate given to me by the president," Mr. Samaras said after the third of the four scheduled meetings.

Although New Democracy won the most votes in Sunday's elections, it doesn't control enough seats to govern on its own and must seek a coalition partner to form a majority in Greece's 300-member Parliament.

Its former coalition partner, Pasok—which also supports the country's European-led bailout—came in third in the vote. Combined, the two parties would control 162 seats, giving them a comfortable margin of support.

The new government will face high hurdles, with a central administration threatened by a cash crunch within weeks, an economy in free fall and an angry public exhausted by two years of austerity measures.

Its first task will be to come up with €11.5 billion ($14.6 billion) or more of new austerity measures demanded by the country's creditors, which could further inflame the public.

Facing strident opposition in Parliament from Greece's antiausterity Syriza party—which came in a strong second in Sunday's vote—Messrs. Samaras and Venizelos have been trying to bring in other party leaders to gain broad backing for tough decisions ahead.

One possible candidate could be the small, Democratic Left party, which accepts the loan deal but wants an easing of the terms of the austerity measures.

But even without that support, the two are ready to reach a deal and have held advanced talks on forming a government, officials from both parties said.
Continue reading.

BONUS: From Walter Russell Mead, "The Greek Election Solves… Nothing."

Mitt Romney Predicts Wisconsin Win

At the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, "Romney predicts a win in Wisconsin":

JANESVILLE, WIS. - Mitt Romney, expressing confidence while campaigning with Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, said Monday that he plans to win the battleground state that Democrats have dominated in recent presidential elections.

"We're going to win Wisconsin, and we're going to get the White House," the presumptive Republican nominee told an audience at a textile factory in Janesville.

Romney is keeping his focus on the economy as he campaigns through contested states, saying he'll promote a climate friendlier to small business, domestic energy production and job creation, while asserting that President Obama has mismanaged the recovery.

"If there's ever been a president who has not been able to provide the American people a fair shot, it's this president," Romney said. "We're going to replace him with someone who will go to work again for you."

Walker, introducing Romney at a Monterey Mills factory, referred to his recent recall election victory.

"It is my honor to still be the 45th governor of the great state of Wisconsin," he said. "And it's my honor to be on stage with the man I hope is the 45th president of these United States."

The Obama campaign called Romney's speech Monday "an exercise in angry and evasive rhetoric."

"He offered no ideas of how to create jobs now or strengthen the economy," campaign spokeswoman Lis Smith said in an e-mailed statement.

Romney was also joined by Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., the House Budget Committee chairman who endorsed him in March and is often mentioned in media reports as a possible running mate.
More at the link.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Nine San Diego 7th-Graders Caught Masturbating In Class While Watching Porn

The joys of technology in the classroom.

Pat Dollard reports, "Middle Schoolers Suspended For Masturbating While Watching Porn on Cellphones in Class."

But wait!

It turns out there's more to the story, at Huffington Post, "San Diego Students Suspended After 'Gay Test' Involving Watching Porn Videos On Cell Phones":
Nine seventh grade students at a San Diego-based middle school were suspended last month after watching pornographic videos as part of a so-called "gay test," according to reports.

According to U-T San Diego News, students in all-boys English class at Bell Middle School in Paradise Hills allegedly wore gym shorts as they watched videos on their cell phones. Whoever became sexually aroused while watching the videos was labeled gay, and several adolescents masturbated openly during the class.

In addition, peers complained of inaction by teacher Ed Johnson, who is now reportedly under fire because he did not respond to students who told him about the behavior while it was allegedly happening, according to NBC San Diego.

Among those to condemn the news was Patiti Boman of Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, who called the incident "terrible," even though Bell Middle School officials have yet to confirm many details.

"I was thinking we were getting better and that’s why we go out and speak in schools. This is news to me and this gives me chills,” Boman, part of the team which helped craft the district’s anti-harassment policy, told U-T San Diego news. "They use that to attack and intimidate."
Oh brother.

They're 7th graders and obviously their teacher doesn't know how to manage a classroom. So instead of a discipline problem (and the appropriate consequences for the boys), this case will likely metastasize into a "hate crimes" investigation against these kids.

It's not getting any easier to be a kid these days, that's for sure.

Cherokee Activists Will Travel to Boston to Challenge Elizabeth Warren on Native American Claims

It seems to me that if one had such a wonderful background as a Native American you'd be exciting about meeting with those of your tribal origins. Of course, very few people make claims like Elizabeth Warren, so it's no surprise she's blowing smokescreens over the Bay State.

At the Boston Herald, "Cherokee, Warren showdown: Tribe activists find Liz claim ‘offensive’."

Cherokee activists who say Elizabeth Warren’s campaign has ignored their emails and phone calls will trek to Boston this week in hopes they can force a meeting with the Democratic Senate candidate over her “offensive” Native American heritage claims.

“It’s almost becoming extremely offensive to us,” said Twila Barnes, a Cherokee genealogist who has researched Warren’s family tree. “We’re trying to get in contact and explain why her behavior hurts us and is offensive, and she totally ignores that. Like we don’t exist.”

Late last night, a Warren campaign official told the Herald that staffers will “connect” and “offer to have staff meet with them.”

The four women, who Barnes said are all registered Cherokee tribal members — from Missouri, Oregon, Oklahoma and one within the Bay State — are due to arrive in Boston late today for four days. But they are closely guarding their itinerary, and Barnes would not say exactly what they have in mind.

“We’re going to be visible. We have some things planned,” said Barnes, hinting: “It’s (Warren’s) birthday this week.”
These women are Democrats and independents, so it's about authenticity not politics.

Should be good.

More at Legal Insurrection, "Cherokees travel to Mass but Elizabeth Warren refuses to meet them."

Mitt Romney Tours Rural America, Locking In Core Support Against Obama's Urban Progressives

At the Los Angeles Times, "Romney, cows and ice cream: Targeting conservative, white 'backbone'":

TROY, Ohio — Mitt Romney posed for a roadside photo with a herd of grazing cows in rural Pennsylvania. He scooped ice cream for locals in the quaint town square of Milford, N.H. In Brunswick, Ohio, he served pancakes at aFather's Day breakfast.

Romney calls his five-day trek across remote regions of presidential battleground states a journey along "the backbone of America."

It is also the backbone of Romney's campaign: Republican strongholds of older white voters, many of them blue-collar.

For Romney, rural areas, small towns and outer-edge suburbs like Brunswick, on the outskirts of Cleveland, are crucial to offsetting President Obama's strength in urban centers.

Shifting demographics — the Democrats' coalition of younger and racially diverse voters is growing while the Republican base of white conservatives is shrinking — play to Obama's advantage. In several states, such as Nevada and Colorado, Obama's order Friday to stop deportation of many young illegal immigrants could add to his edge by lifting his standing among Latinos, putting more pressure on Romney to turn out his own voters.

But the stalled economy has given Romney a chance to overcome any erosion of his party's core of support. As he traveled across swing-state back roads over the weekend, Romney focused relentlessly on the nation's meager job growth, laying blame on Obama.

Romney also played up the struggles of small businesses that are vital to the far-flung communities on his route.

In Weatherly, Pa., on Saturday, he pounded Obama in remarks to supporters at the Weatherly Casting & Machine Co. factory. Obama, Romney told the crowd, may be "well spoken and articulate and eloquent" on the economy, but has failed to turn it around.

"If you want to know who can really get this economy going, go and talk to small businesses in your community," said Romney, who was introduced by the company president, Michael Leib. "Talk to people like Mike."

Romney's tour, which hits Wisconsin and Iowa on Monday and Michigan on Tuesday, is aimed not only at ensuring robust turnout of conservatives who shunned him in the Republican primaries, but also at small-town voters inspired by Obama to abandon the GOP in 2008. Many are disappointed in Obama and poised to vote Republican, just as they did in the 2010 midterm election.

"When you just look at where the votes come from, clearly a Republican candidate has to do well in the suburbs, exurbs and rural areas to carry states like Ohio," said Russ Schriefer, a senior Romney campaign advisor.
Continue reading.

Also, "Scott Walker lends Mitt Romney a hand in Wisconsin."

And from Chris Stirewalt, at Fox News, "Romney’s Path to Presidency Runs Through Rust Belt."

Michelle Malkin at Right Online: 'We Are Winning'

Michelle illustrates how conservatives are dominating Twitter and how much the progressives hate it.

The video has some disconnections, but it's good.

And see Joel Pollak, "RightOnline in Review: What Would Breitbart Do?"

Russia Sending Marines to Syria

The Los Angeles Times reports, "Russia reportedly sending 2 warships with marines to Syria."

And see the New York Times, "Russian Warships Said to Be Going to Naval Base in Syria":
MOSCOW — Introducing an unpredictable new element into the Syrian crisis, a news agency said on Monday that two Russian naval vessels with marines on board were ready to head for Syria to protect Russian citizens and a naval base there, in what would be the first known reinforcement of Moscow’s military presence since the start of an uprising against President Bashar al-Assad.

The Interfax news agency quoted a Russian naval official, who was not identified, as saying that the two amphibious assault ships would head for the Mediterranean port of Tartus, where Russia has its only warm-water naval base in the region. Russia has been the staunchest ally of Mr. Assad in the 16-month-old conflict, shielding the Damascus government from stern international measures to remove him from office.

Moscow is also Syria’s biggest arms supplier, and the relationship provides Russia with its main foothold in Middle East diplomacy.

Interfax quoted the official as saying the ships were “ready to ensure security of Russian citizens and infrastructure of the Russian Navy logistics base” in Tartus.

The official said the crews “jointly with the marine units they carry are capable of protecting the security of Russian citizens and evacuating a part of the property of the logistics base.”

The Russia Today English-language television news channel said the vessels were currently moored in the Crimean port of Sevastopol. Talk of evacuation of material and “protection” of Russian citizens in Syria, who include military advisers, seemed to be one more sign of alarm about the deteriorating security situation there after United Nations monitors announced over the weekend that they were suspending their operations as violence mounts.

The United Nations said the monitors would not be withdrawn from Syria, but were being locked down in Syria’s most contested cities, unable to conduct patrols. While the decision to suspend their work was made chiefly to protect the unarmed monitors, the unstated purpose appeared to be to force Russia to intervene to assure that the observers are not the targets of Syrian forces or their sympathizers. Russia has opposed Western intervention and, by some accounts, continues to arm the forces of Mr. Assad.
RELATED: From Thomas Donnelly, "Obama Fails To Act In Syria."

A Greek Reprieve

A commentary on the Greek elections, at the Wall Street Journal, "The Germans might have preferred a victory by the left in Athens."

There's no tasty quote to pull out so RTWT. I'll be updating on the market reactions throughout the day.

Los Angeles Times Pumps Up 'Difficulties' of 'Transgender Children' While Reporting That Clinical Treatment Is Based on 'Instinct and Observation' Rather Than Science

I'm sure it's a difficult thing dealing with the social ostracism of being "transgendered."

When I read the stories I feel sympathy for people, especially children. But I recall some reports over the last few years of parents of transgender children pushing their kids towards the opposite sex of their birth. For example, having young boys dress like girls all the time, which does nothing but cause gender identity confusion. See the recent story out of Britain, via the Daily Mail, "The boy of five living as a girl... helped by his parents, counsellors from the NHS and a school that give him a 'gender-neutral' loo," and also the commentary from Carl Sarler, "Pity poor Zach, a five-year-old victim of the politically correct gender identity industry."

So now here comes this report at LAT, "Transgender kids get help navigating a difficult path," with the moving introduction:
Amber, a soft-spoken, feminine 12-year-old who loves Hello Kitty and fashion design, lives with a secret. It is a secret most sixth-graders can't fathom, one she hides behind pink skirts and makeup. It is a secret that led to all her baby pictures being tucked away as though her childhood had never happened.

Amber was born a boy.

When she was 10, she stopped going by her given name, Aaron, and began dressing as a girl. Last year, she started taking medication to keep her from going through puberty.

"I can be who I am," Amber said. "I can be a girl."

An increasing number of children like Amber are realizing they are transgender and seeking care at clinics around the nation. Because of their age, the complex and emotional journey is as much their parents' as their own. Families are forced to make tough decisions about therapy and medication, and about what to tell friends and relatives. They are trying to give their children a normal upbringing with summer camps and sleepovers while protecting them from harm and embarrassment.

"How do you move through society with a gender-variant child?" said Nancy Quay, a psychotherapist at the University of Michigan gender services program. "What do you tell your neighbors? How do you keep your child safe?"
Okay, keep reading at the link.

Here's the part that just kills me:
Just a few clinics around the nation serve transgender children. It wasn't until about five years ago that doctors began treating them with puberty-blocking drugs to give them time to explore their gender identity before taking hormones whose effects would be irreversible.

The medication is approved by the Food and Drug Administration for children who start puberty prematurely but not for transgender adolescents. Two professional organizations that study hormonal and gender issues recommend the drugs' use in certain transgender cases, but doctors remain divided on whether to prescribe the controversial and expensive medication.

Supporters say the drugs can prevent the devastation a transgender girl feels when she grows facial hair or her voice drops and when a transgender boy develops breasts or begins menstruating. They can reduce depression and anxiety and eliminate the need for some future surgeries, said Jo Olson, Amber's doctor and the medical director of the transgender clinic at Children's Hospital Los Angeles.

"Puberty in the right body is hard enough," Olson said. "Puberty in the wrong body is really hard."

Other doctors, however, express caution based on a lack of research. Walter Meyer, an endocrinologist and psychiatrist in Texas who works with transgender patients, said that puberty blockers are helpful for some adolescents but that knowing which ones is sometimes difficult. Not all children who identify with the opposite gender end up as transgender adults, he said, and giving medication to those may be going too far.

The drugs are administered through a surgical implant in the arm or monthly injections. They suppress the production of sex hormones, making it easier to pass as the opposite gender, Olson said. If the youngsters stop taking the drugs, they will go through puberty.

Olson acknowledged that doctors are making clinical decisions based on instincts and observations rather than research. "That's what makes this incredibly difficult," she said. Olson said she prescribes blockers only to adolescents who are in counseling and have been persistent about their gender identity.

Amber's father said he thinks of the puberty suppressors as a stopgap to "make sure everybody is 100% on board with the way it's going."

But Amber insists she never wants to be male. "Why would I have started if I am going to change my mind?"
There's absolutely no science involved in such treatment. It's all touch-feely and emotionally driven.

So, back over to Sarler commentary at London's Daily Mail:
These days, ‘gender identity’ has become one of the fashionable syndromes of our time and, in the hands of the politically correct, one of the latest social tyrannies, to which we must all pay heed. ‘Trapped in the wrong body’ has been said so often that it has slipped into public consciousness in such a way that it is now beyond the pale to question it.
Ain't that the truth.

Maricopa County Sheriff Deputies Arrest 6-Year-Old Suspected Illegal Immigrant

The progressives think this is just outrageous!

Here's the report from the Arizona Republic, "MCSO arrests girl, 6, suspected of illegal immigration" (via Memeorandum):

Maricopa County Sheriff Office deputies arrested a 6-year-old suspected illegal immigrant Friday, the day President Barack Obama softened the country's deportation policy toward young illegal immigrants.

The girl was with 15 other people believed to be in the country illegally who were traveling to the Midwest and northeast United States, said Chris Hegstrom, spokesman for the Sheriff's Office.

"She's been turned over to ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) to try to determine where she's from. She told us she's from El Salvador. That's what she told us," he said.
It goes on like that, but see Bryan Preston at PJ Media, "Six-Year-Old Illegal Alien Gets Arrested. Whose Fault Is It?":
President Obama announced a new immigration policy on Friday that tells the whole world he has no intent of doing his job, which is to faithfully execute the laws of this nation. That announcement probably played no role in this specific case, but it will attract more illegal aliens, and it will create more business for the coyotes who smuggle these people, and drugs and other things, into the United States. It will make it more difficult to secure the border. Sheriff Joe will see more six-year-old illegal aliens making a very dangerous journey in the hands of some unsavory and dangerous characters thanks to President Obama.

We also shouldn’t exonerate the little girl’s family in all this. Six-year-old girls don’t make the decision to cross borders on their own, they don’t hire the smugglers, they don’t make this trek unless some adult has made the decisions for them. These family decisions to abandon one country and break the laws of another, and continue to break those laws every day, don’t start with the six-year-old, and they don’t end with a presidential declaration either. Sheriff Joe still has to do his job. We are either a nation of laws, or we are not.

Fantasizing About Young Sexy Women is Called 'Normal'

ICYMI, my friend David Swindle kicked off a big debate on fantasizing about young women at PJ Media. Here's David's original post, "Revolting: Kardashian Mom Allows Bikini Photo Shoot of 16 and 14 Year-Old Daughters."

Dave's key point is that men should not be fantasizing about slutty "girls" in the 18-22-year-old range, as they're immature and most likely to bring pain and unhappiness.

The argument's not going over too well, however. Dr. Helen Smith responds, for example, "‘When Do Cute and Sexy Young Girls Stop Looking Cute and Sexy? Death’":

Women are often at their most fertile and attractive at the ages (18-22) that Swindle is describing. Men being attracted to women of this age is called normal. Should you act on it? Maybe not, but that’s not the point that Swindle is making. He doesn’t even seem to think that you should be fantasizing about women who are of age 18-22. Why not? Why should men only be interested in “mature women,” especially for a fantasy?
Dave responds here, but it's the comment section that's especially good.

Exit question: Is Kate Upton a "girl" or a "woman"?

Hamilton Airshow 2012

Blazing Cat Fur reports, "And we're back...", and "Air Show Pics."

Blazing Air Show

The homepage is here.

Islamists Claim Victory in Egypt Election

The New York Times reports, "Egypt’s Military Cements Its Powers as Voting Ends":

CAIRO — The Muslim Brotherhood early Monday projected its candidate, an Islamist, as the winner of Egypt’s first competitive presidential election, hours after the ruling military council issued an interim constitution granting itself broad power over the future government, all but eliminating the president’s authority in an apparent effort to guard against just such a victory.

The military’s new charter is the latest in a series of swift steps that the generals have taken to tighten their grasp on power just at the moment when they had promised to hand over to elected civilians the authority that they assumed on the ouster of Hosni Mubarak last year. Their charter gives them control of all laws and the national budget, immunity from any oversight, and the power to veto a declaration of war.

After dissolving the Brotherhood-led Parliament elected four months ago, and locking out its lawmakers, the generals on Sunday night also seized control of the process of writing a permanent constitution. State news media reported that the generals had picked a 100-member panel to draft it.

“The new constitutional declaration completed Egypt’s official transformation into a military dictatorship,” Hossam Bahgat, director of the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, wrote in an online commentary. Under the military’s charter, the president appeared to be reduced to a powerless figurehead.

Though final results were not available, Brotherhood supporters called the apparent victory by their candidate, Mohamed Morsi, a rebuke to the military’s power grab. “Down, down with military rule!” a crowd at Mr. Morsi’s campaign headquarters chanted as he prepared to give a victory speech shortly after 4 a.m. Monday.

Mr. Morsi thanked God, who, he said, “guided Egypt to this straight path, the path of freedom and democracy.” He pledged to represent all Egyptians, including those who had voted against him. And he made a special profession of support for the rights of members of Egypt’s Coptic Christian minority, many of whom had rallied against him out of fear of the Brotherhood.
More at that top link.

And see Barry Rubin, "Egypt: Things to Think About as We Await the Presidential Election Outcome":
While one can certainly sympathize with the idea of letting an elected parliament take office, that’s not necessarily such a clear call in strategic terms. The parliament — which will write the constitution and thus define the powers of the president — is almost 75 percent rabidly anti-American and antisemitic. (I don’t write that last word lightly, but it is quite accurate.) Imagine if this situation had arisen in Iran in 1979 with the Iranian military refusing to turn over power to the forces led by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Would it have been wise for Washington to demand that this be done as soon as possible?

Yet, here is Defense Secretary Leon Panetta calling on Egypt’s military in a manner that “highlighted the need to move forward expeditiously with Egypt’s political transition, including conducting new legislative elections as soon as possible.” Senator Patrick J. Leahy has called for withholding U.S. aid to Egypt, saying, “I would not want to see the U.S. government write checks for contracts with Egypt’s military under the present uncertain circumstances.”  What circumstances are more appropriate for sending U.S. arms and money? When the Muslim Brotherhood dominates parliament, the presidency, has written a constitution mandating Sharia law, and follows a policy of death to America and death to Israel? Who are you going to cheer for if Islamists rebel against the regime?

Maybe now is a good moment for the U.S. government to remain quiet.
Read it all.

BONUS: At Telegraph UK, "Egypt presidential election overshadowed by further army power grab and voter fraud claims."

Rodney G. King, 1965-2012

The New York Times has an obituary, "Police Beating Victim Who Asked ‘Can We All Get Along?’":

LOS ANGELES — Rodney G. King, whose 1991 videotaped beating by the Los Angeles police became a symbol of the nation’s continuing racial tensions and subsequently led to a week of deadly race riots after the officers were acquitted, was found dead Sunday in a swimming pool at the home he shared with his fiancĂ©e in Rialto, Calif. He was 47.

There was no evidence of foul play, the Rialto police said.

Mr. King, whose life was a roller coaster of drug and alcohol abuse, multiple arrests and unwanted celebrity, pleaded for calm during the 1992 riots. More than 55 people were killed and 600 buildings destroyed in the violence.

In a phrase that became part of American culture, he asked at a news conference, “Can we all get along?”

“People look at me like I should have been like Malcolm X or Martin Luther King or Rosa Parks,” he told The Los Angeles Times in April. “I should have seen life like that and stay out of trouble, and don’t do this and don’t do that. But it’s hard to live up to some people’s expectations.”

Mr. King published a memoir in April detailing his struggles, saying in several interviews that he had not been able to find steady work.

He said he had once blamed politicians and lawyers “for taking a battered and confused addict and trying to make him into a symbol for civil rights.” But he was unable to escape that role. On Sunday, the Rev. Al Sharpton, said in a statement, “History will record that it was Rodney King’s beating and his actions that made America deal with the excessive misconduct of law enforcement.”

And more recently, Mr. King seemed to embrace the role himself, saying that his beating enabled others to succeed and “made the world a better place.”

“Obama, he wouldn’t have been in office without what happened to me and a lot of black people before me,” he told The Los Angeles Times. “He would never have been in that situation, no doubt in my mind. He would get there eventually, but it would have been a lot longer. So I am glad for what I went through. It opened the doors for a lot of people.”

Though Mr. King wrote in his memoir that he still drank and used drugs occasionally, he insisted that, with his fiancée, Cynthia Kelley, who had been a juror in a civil suit he brought against the City of Los Angeles, he was on the road to reclaiming his life.

“I realize I will always be the poster child for police brutality,” he said, “but I can try to use that as a positive force for healing and restraint.”

Mr. King said he was essentially broke, though he said he received an advance for his book, “The Riot Within: My Journey from Rebellion to Redemption,” published to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the riots.

He still walked with a limp and several of his scars were visible. His best outlets for relaxation, he said, were fishing and swimming.
More at the link.

King is quoted saying that he didn't think Barack Obama would have been elected had he not been beaten in 1992.

Lefty blogger Kathy Kattenburg commented at my earlier post, objecting to me pointing out the truth about the left and Rodney King. See: "Rodney King Dead: Fiancé Finds Him at Bottom of Swimming Pool."

And more at Twitchy, "Left uses Rodney King’s death as an excuse to bash Republicans," and "Twitter debates whether Rodney King was a civil rights hero."

BONUS: From Steve Lopez, at the Los Angeles Times, "Rodney King was tragic figure, unlikely symbol."

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Senior White House Adviser David Plouffe Claims Obama's Backdoor Amnesty 'Not Political' (VIDEO)

No, not political at all (eye roll).

The Political Ticker reports: "Immigration change not political, Plouffe asserts." (Via Memeorandum.)

Socialist Party Wins Majority in French Parliament

The New York Times reports, "President’s Socialist Party Wins Clear Majority in France."

And at Telegraph UK, "France election: Francois Hollande and Socialists head for absolute majority":
President François Hollande received a powerful mandate to champion growth in Europe and take on the German-led austerity drive last night as his Socialist Party headed for control of parliament with an absolute majority.
French prime minister Jean-Marc Ayrault welcomed the victory of his Socialist Party in legislative elections, saying:"The goal is to shift Europe towards growth and protect the euro zone from speculation. The task before us is immense".

After gaining control of the Senate and the presidency, the Socialists now wield more national power than ever before and the outcome means that Mr Hollande is unlikely to make major changes to his largely social democratic cabinet.

But the result of the election, marred by record low turnout of 44 per cent, is likely to mark the end of Mr Hollande's honeymoon period as he faces the economic realities of a debt-ridden Europe and domestic unemployment of 10 per cent, a 13-year high.

He clinched the presidential election in May in part by warning that his conservative rival Nicolas Sarkozy had erred towards too much belt-tightening and calling for more state-sponsored stimulus to boost growth.

But with Spanish banks just given a new bail-out and Greece's future in the euro in doubt, some commentators warn France could be next for market turmoil unless it makes deeper structural reforms.

Mr Hollande's first wake-up call could be the release of a public finance audit late June expected to show France must slow spending promises to meet its deficit goals.

His stance has put him on collision course with Germany in recent days, with Chancellor Angela Merkel pointing out that France risked further falling behind economically with his policies.
Well, it's going to be interesting, to say the least.

Check back for continuing coverage.

Conservative New Democracy Party Set to Lead New Government in Athens

There are live updates at the Guardian and Telegraph UK.

And here's Der Spiegel's report, "Pro-Bailout Party in the Lead: New Democracy Looks Set to Win Greek Election":
Official projections on Sunday evening showed the conservative New Democracy as having won the Greek election, whose outcome is seen as crucial to the euro zone's future. The party may be able to form a pro-bailout coalition government with the Socialists, but Greece could still face months of uncertainty.

London's Daily Mail reports that the socialist PASOK party has agreed to form a unity government. See, "Greece chooses austerity over Euro withdrawal, as latest election results show voters back pro-bailout parties." And see the analysis from James Pethokoukis, "Greek election results: What they mean for Greece, the euro, the EU — and beyond" (via Memeorandum).

The Romney Boys Share Their Favorite Memories About Their Dad on Father's Day

From the Romney campaign:

Rodney King Dead: Fiancé Finds Him at Bottom of Swimming Pool

CNN reports (via Memeorandum).

Rodney King was found at the bottom of his swimming pool at his home in Rialto early Sunday, authorities said.

King’s fiancĂ© called 911 about 5:25 a.m. and said she found King at the bottom of his pool, Sgt. Paul Stella told The Times. Officers pulled him from the pool and began CPR until paramedics arrived and took King to Arrowhead Regional Medical Center in Colton.

King was pronounced dead at the hospital at 6:11 a.m., Stella said.

Preliminary information indicated King drowned and there were no immediate signs of foul play, Stella said.

An autopsy will be conducted.

King was drunk and unarmed when he was pulled over in 1991 for speeding by Los Angeles Police Department officers, who responded to his erratic behavior by kicking him and striking him dozens of times with their batons.

The incident was captured on video by a civilian bystander, and the recording became an instant international sensation.

Four of the officers were tried for excessive force. Their acquittal on April 29, 1992, touched off one of the worst urban riots in U.S. history.
Continue reading at the link.

Dennis Prager discussed Rodney King in his book, Still the Best Hope. Prager mentioned King while discussing the left's shopworn "socioeconomic circumstances" theory to explain (and justify) black crime. And Prager cited King in a footnote:
The 1992 riots provide a perfect example. The Left did not blame the arson or the beatings and shooting of innocent non-blacks, especially Korean-Americans, on the blacks who committed these acts. They blamed white America and the allegedly racist police brutality they contended occurred during the arrest of a black man named Rodney King. The liberal news media were very largely responsible for creating the frenzy, indeed the hysteria, in America, and especially in black America, that led to these riots. For weeks, national and local news shows repeatedly televised a tiny segment of a video showing white police officers beating a black man identified only as "a black mortorist." The "black mortorist" was in fact a convicted criminal who was finally caught by police after a long car chase at high speeds through residential neighborhoods. One part of the video never shown on American television showed King refusing police orders to exit his car and to lie down to be frisked. The members of the jury were among the only Americans to see the entire video, which is why they acquitted the police officers. And that acquittal was the ostensible reason for the riots, fires, beatings, and murders.
More at Memeorandum, including this headline at Gawker which substantiates Prager's argument: "Rodney King, Victim of Police Brutality That Spawned L.A. Riots, Dead at 47."

But see TMZ, "RODNEY KING: Drinking, Smoking Weed Before Drowning."

ADDED: At the Los Angeles Times, "Rev. Al Sharpton calls Rodney King a 'symbol of civil rights'."

Obama's Presidency and the Pathologies of Progressivism

From Bruce Thornton, at FrontPage Magazine:
Obama’s presidency has failed miserably, but it has accomplished one thing: it has revealed for all to see the lethal pathologies of progressive ideology. This doesn’t mean progressivism will go away. We thought the New Democrat Bill Clinton had put progressive ideas to rest when he said that the era of big government was over, and then reformed welfare and cut government spending from 23.5% of GDP to 19.5%. Yet despite the success that followed his rejection of failed liberal policies, here we are in the fourth year of Obama’s term, saddled with $5 trillion in new debt, a stalled economy, a National Labor Relations Board carrying water for the unions, a blatantly politicized Department of Justice, and rapidly metastasizing entitlement programs. Meanwhile the president indulges in class-warfare rhetoric young a century ago, and calls for even more redistributionist deficit spending to benefit his political cronies and clients.

The worst economic recovery since World War II that Obama and the Democrats midwifed has exposed the failure of the notion that the government can create economic growth and wealth rather than merely expropriating it from the creative and productive, and that centralized planning and regulating by “experts” can more efficiently allocate resources than the free market does. But more important is the underlying idea of progressivism that Obama’s policies is predicated on: Perfect justice, prosperity, and equality are possible if enlightened elites are given the power to organize and run society according to “scientific” knowledge about human nature and behavior. For two centuries this hubristic idea has led to failure, misery, and murder on a vast scale, yet progressives continue to increase government power in order to create this impossible utopia. Obamacare is just the latest iteration of this frequently demonstrated fallacy that complex human behavior, which reflects the unpredictable free will of millions of unique individuals, can be organized, controlled and regimented in order to achieve some dream-world utopia. That progressives still cling to this exploded idea despite the evidence of history and a disintegrating E.U. shows just how reactionary and blinkered they are.

But the list of progressive fallacies exposed by Obama is much longer. He has laid bare the hypocrisies and failures of the race-based identity politics that lie behind affirmative action and other racialist policies. Only by dint of the Jim Crow one-drop rule can someone who is half-black, who was raised in one of the least black states in the union by white grandparents, who had no exposure to black American culture and mores in his formative years, and who graduated from exclusive, elitist, predominantly white universities be considered authentically black. Moreover, his manifest ignorance about everything from pronunciation of common words to the basics of history and economics has exposed the gross inflation of his abilities by whites, one based not on performance but on assertion. Remember the presidential historian who claimed, with no evidence from transcripts or test scores, that Obama was probably the smartest president ever? Obama illustrates the truth that progressive racial policies are based on the illiberal idea that predicates minority identity on simplistic group stereotypes and the presumption of victimhood based on nothing other than melanin quotient and hair texture.
Continue reading.

I mentioned earlier that the failed Wisconsin recall signaled the end of a viable progressive ideological program. Leftists won't quit, as Thornton also notes, but their ideology has been totally discredited.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

How our Fear of Talking Honestly About Race Hurts Us All

I'm reading Harry Stein's new book, No Matter What...They'll Call This Book Racist: How our Fear of Talking Honestly About Race Hurts Us All.

It's great!

The Southern California Chevelle Camino Club 15th Annual Car Show

Here's the link to SCCCC website.

I was out in Los Alamitos this morning.

My buddy Greg Joseph invited me. Here's his 1971 Dodge Charger:

Los Alamitos Car Show

Nice interior. I like that little cassette player below the dash.

The car's completely original, with a new paint job back in 1986. I'm told it's probably worth $125,000.

Los Alamitos Car Show

I'll come back to this one. My memory escapes me:

Los Alamitos Car Show

This one's a 1941 Ford Woody, hard to forget:

Los Alamitos Car Show

Here's a Chevrolet Bel Air, 1956 or so:

Los Alamitos Car Show

I should have brought a notepad or something. I took a shot of the identification card on this one, knowing I wasn't going to remember the details:

Los Alamitos Car Show

It's an incredible 1950 Chevrolet Fleetline:

Los Alamitos Car Show

The interior:

Los Alamitos Car Show

The trunk:

Los Alamitos Car Show

Here's the Transformers Ironhide from Trinity Worldwide Reprographics. It's the original truck from the movies Transformers 1 and 2.

Los Alamitos Car Show

Los Alamitos Car Show

Los Alamitos Car Show

Trinity set a up an information table. Here's the Mission Statement.

Los Alamitos Car Show

This is one of my favorites, a 1964 Chevrolet Chevelle Malibu Convertible:

Los Alamitos Car Show

A really clean car:

Los Alamitos Car Show

The event was held at the Cottonwood Church. Here's the lineup of Chevelle's on the grass out front:

Los Alamitos Car Show

Here's clean Dodge Coronet, I think 1965:

Los Alamitos Car Show

Los Alamitos Car Show

And here's a 1929 Ford Model T:

Los Alamitos Car Show

Los Alamitos Car Show

That's it.

Good clean fun.

Swastikas Spray-Painted in Brooklyn's Borough Park Neighborhood

At the New York Post, "Swastikas, hate graffiti found on B'klyn synagogue, stores."

There's also an interview with New York Assemblyman Dov Hikind, here.

And Pamela adds, "In Obama's America, Jew-hatred is becoming more and more widespread." (Via Memeorandum.)

Progressive Heads Explode After Rigorous Scientific Research Reports Better Outcomes for Kids in Traditional Biological Family Structures

You gotta love it, at Heritage, "Why the Liberal Intolerance for New Family Structures Study?" (Via Memeorandum.)

And check the research summary here, "New Family Structures Research and the “No Differences” Claim."

Progressives are working overtime to destroy and discredit the author of the new research, Mark Regnerus. See Molly Redden at TNR, for example, "It's Time for Mark Regnerus to Get Collectively Dumped."

The left wants to "Spitzerize" Regnerus. Recall the report from a couple of weeks ago at the New York Times, "Dr. Robert L. Spitzer, Noted Psychiatrist, Apologizes For Study On Gay 'Cure'." His research was met with "tremendous anger" by the radical gay community, and Spitzer reportedly spent many nights sleepless at the backlash.

Well, that's what you get for going against the left's orthodoxy, I guess.

BONUS: Linkmaster Smith comments:
I’m all for creativity (as this blog may in fact bear out, for regular readers). Invariants like the building blocks of society, e.g. families, may not be the best place to get all wildly experimental.
Careful there, Linkmaster. You may have to recant if you announce those views too energetically.

Mitch McConnell: The Political Left Seeks to Undermine Free Speech

This is an amazing speech.

Breitbart interviewed Sen. McConnell on Friday, "EXCLUSIVE: McConnell: 'Radical, Dangerous' Obama Admin Seeks to 'Shut Up' Opponents." (At Memeorandum.)

More here. And the full speech is at the link.

And see Patterico, "Mitch McConnell: “There’s somebody I’ve heard about named Brett Kimberlin”."

More from Alana Goodman, "McConnell Vows to Defend Citizens United." And at the American Enterprise blog, "Growing threats to our First Amendment rights: An address by Mitch McConnell":
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell delivered a harrowing address on Friday at AEI, detailing both the singular importance of free speech and the forces that seek to stymie it.

Chiefly among Senator McConnell’s concerns are moves proposed by the Obama administration that bully dissidents and effectively stifle their political rights. With legislation such as the DISCLOSE Act, McConnell asserted, the Obama administration and its allies in Congress impinge upon the rights of American citizens.

America was built on the sanctity of political freedom and in the words of Senator McConnell, “The bulwark of this freedom is, of course, the First Amendment.”
This is exactly what I've been talking about.

Gisele BĂĽndchen is Highest Paid Model in the World

At Forbes, "The World's Highest Paid Models."

And at London's Daily Mail, "Kate Moss, Miranda Kerr and Lara Stone rank among world's best-paid models... but Gisele outstrips them all with $45m fortune."

Sarah Palin at Right Online - #RO12

The Right Scoop has the full clip: "Full Speech: Sarah Palin at Right Online 2012."

And see the Los Angeles Times, "Sarah Palin gives a pep talk to conservative bloggers at the Right Online conference":

LAS VEGAS -- It was a rousing pep talk for a ballroom full of conservative bloggers, and a tribute to a fallen compadre Friday evening, as Sarah Palin honored the memory of the late Internet entrepreneur Andrew Breitbart and told an annual gathering of conservative new media that they fill a vital role in the nation’s political discourse.

In some ways, Palin’s 35-minute speech was also a vintage performance, her sing-song voice rising and falling as she also castigated and mocked the “lamestream media,” accusing it of failing to vet then-candidate Barack Obama in 2008 and of promulgating rumors about her personal life, which still seem to get under her skin.

“You do what the old media can’t or won’t do, and that’s tell the truth,” said Palin, who remains a hero of the tea-party right despite her withdrawal from the arena of electoral office. “I have learned in the last four years or so, it doesn’t do any good to personally complain about the untruths told by the old media. I might as well save my breath…. Shoot, by now I should have been divorced how many times?  Under FBI investigation. Living in the Hamptons. It still is a great mystery who really is Trig Paxon Van Palin’s real mother.”

And follow all the action on Twitter.

Nik Wallenda Walks Over Niagara Falls

At the Los Angeles Times, "Nik Wallenda completes historic tightrope walk over Niagara Falls."

There's also a home taping here, and ABC's Nightline has a segment here.

Five-Year-Old Aelita Andre Holds Art Exhibit in New York

She's a prodigy.

See Telegraph UK, "Five-year-old girl unveils new art exhibition in New York."

Friday, June 15, 2012

New York 5th Grader Kameron Slade Now Allowed to Give Speech on Homosexual Marriage

Here's the report from last night, "NY1 Exclusive: School Prohibits Fifth-Grader From Giving Speech On Same-Sex Marriage."

And here's the update at DNAinfo, "Fifth Grader Allowed to Give Same-Sex Marriage Speech, Walcott says." Also at New York Post, "Walcott: student has right to read gay nups essay but not everyone has to hear it."

Schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott said a Queens fifth-grader barred from reading his essay on gay marriage in front of the entire school “has the right” to present it — but not everyone has to hear it.

Walcott refused to say whether he supports PS 195 principal Berryl Bailey’s controversial decision to bar 10-year-old Kameron Slade from giving a speech on the issue yesterday.

Only after media inquiries did the Department of Education say that Slade could read his essay in a makeshift assembly scheduled for Monday — but that parents could opt their kids out.

“It’s something that the principal felt that she needed to do more due diligence with her parent community because of the topic of the speech itself,” said Walcott. “This extra day will give her the ability to reach out to those parents to make them aware of the content of the speech — because we’re talking about an elementary school.”
And if you ever doubted that progressives couldn't give a shit about the welfare of children or the rights of parents to raise their kids as they see fit, check the commentary at The New Civil Rights Movement:
Public schools, like all institutions of learning, are supposed to teach facts and relevant topics. Same-sex marriage is not pornography. Same-sex marriage has been in the news in New York for the past few years, especially leading up to its legalization one year ago. Parents should take an interest in their children’s learning, and support the schools’ efforts to teach. Schools need to recognize that for students to learn about equality, they have to start teaching it.

Since when do parents get to decide what public school curriculums teach? If a majority of parents decide they want creationism to be taught instead of evolution, will that become part of a school’s curriculum? What about climate change? Or, the latest David Barton lies? Where does it end?
Public schools are funded by the "parents," so obviously the "parents" have a right to help decide what will be taught in those schools. And obviously, teaching about homosexuality --- or homosexual marriage --- isn't a question of "equality." Current laws prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and same-sex marriage is not a civil right. But the radical homosexual lobby is all about demonizing people who hold traditional values, so they'll viciously attack folks who might just be a little bit concerned that their 11 year-old kids might not be ready for such a sophisticated, confusing, and political-charged topic as this. But again, the radical gay from couldn't give a flying f-k. They just don't.

See more commentary at Memeorandum.

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer Slams Obama's Backdoor Amnesty as 'Blatant Political Pandering'

At Newsmax, "Brewer Blasts Obama's Surprise 'Backdoor Amnesty' Move."


* "Rep. Allen West Slams Obama's 'Rule of Edict or Executive Order'."
* "Progressives Go Batsh*t Crazy Over Neil Munro's Interruption: 'Destroying the Basic Decency of Our Democracy...'"
* "Angry Obama Lashes Out at Press Conference: 'I Didn't Ask for An Argument'."
* "Reporter Neil Munro Interrupts Obama During Immigration Speech (VIDEO)."
* "The Left's Democrat-Media-Complex Breaks Out With Huge Open Borders Push."

Rep. Allen West Slams Obama's 'Rule of Edict or Executive Order'

Once again, Congressman West hits a home run:
I think right now, this shows that we are getting away from a government that’s based upon consent of the American people, and we’re starting to live under a rule by edict or executive order...

REACTIONS at Memeorandum.


* "Progressives Go Batsh*t Crazy Over Neil Munro's Interruption: 'Destroying the Basic Decency of Our Democracy...'"
* "Angry Obama Lashes Out at Press Conference: 'I Didn't Ask for An Argument'."
* "Reporter Neil Munro Interrupts Obama During Immigration Speech (VIDEO)."
* "The Left's Democrat-Media-Complex Breaks Out With Huge Open Borders Push."

Progressives Go Batsh*t Crazy Over Neil Munro's Interruption: 'Destroying the Basic Decency of Our Democracy...'

The Daily Caller released a statement defending reporter Neil Munro.

And here's progressive commentator Sally Kohn's response on Twitter:

It's going to be a long night.

Here's shrieking left-wing harpy Joan Walsh at Salon, "Frat-boy conservatism in the Rose Garden."

And just one of many race cards being played, but TourĂ© (remember him?), at Newsbusters, "MSNBC’s TourĂ©: Obama Being Interrupted 'Cannot Be Disconnected From the Fact That He’s Black'."

I'll post that one later when it's up on YouTube, plus whatever else I find. What a day!


* "Angry Obama Lashes Out at Press Conference: 'I Didn't Ask for An Argument'."
* "Reporter Neil Munro Interrupts Obama During Immigration Speech (VIDEO)."
* "The Left's Democrat-Media-Complex Breaks Out With Huge Open Borders Push."

Angry Obama Lashes Out at Press Conference: 'I Didn't Ask for An Argument'

This is a huge story now at Memeorandum.

Glenn Reynolds rounds it up: "THE SUDDENLY-LESS-DEFERENTIAL PRESS: Daily Caller’s Neil Munro interrupts President Obama..."

And see Ed Driscoll: "ZOMG! Reporter Asks Dear Leader a Question!"

This last part of the talk with O lashing out at Neil Munro is something else:

More at Twitchy, "POTUS Interruptus: Pearl-clutching over reporter who interrupted Obama, MSNBC calls it racist."

And from Nice Deb, "Video: Obama Runs Back Into White House After Refusing to Take Questions After Amnesty Speech."

And back over at Memeorandum, it's immigration all the way down.

PREVIOUSLY: "Reporter Neil Munro Interrupts Obama During Immigration Speech (VIDEO)."

Reporter Neil Munro Interrupts Obama During Immigration Speech (VIDEO)

Here's the video:

The Guardian lived blogged: "Obama to end deportation for young undocumented migrants – politics live."

And at Twitchy, "Daily Caller’s Neil Munro interrupts President Obama; ‘is this right thing to do for American workers’."

The Left's Democrat-Media-Complex Breaks Out With Huge Open Borders Push

At CNN a little while ago, Fredricka Whitfield spoke with illegal immigrant and open borders activist Jose Antonio Vargas (video here). It turns out Vargas' story is the center-piece of this week's cover story at Time Magazine, "We Are Americans - Not Legal Not Leaving." Good timing, eh?
UPDATE: Shortly after Jose Antonio Vargas' story on the issue of the undocumented was published in TIME, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced that it would no longer deport young undocumented residents who qualify for the DREAM act. Those eligible will receive work permits.
And Vargas has an introductory piece, "Inside the World of the ‘Illegal’ Immigrant":

Time Magazine Immigration
A year ago this month, I wrote an essay for the New York Times “coming out” about my status as an undocumented immigrant — what many people call an “illegal.” I told of my journey of being sent from the Philippines to the U.S. at age 12 without knowing I didn’t have the right papers; graduating from college and working as a successful journalist; and relying on a support network of American citizens (my high school principal and superintendent among them) to get me through. But mine is just one story. So with the help of friends and supporters, I founded a campaign called Define American, to document the lives of the undocumented and harness the support of our allies around this very controversial and misunderstood issue.

There are an estimated 11.5 million people like me in this country, human beings with stories as varied as that of the U.S. itself yet who lack a legal claim to exist here. It’s an issue that touches people of all ethnicities and backgrounds: Latinos and Asians, blacks and whites. (And yes, undocumented immigrants come from all sorts of countries, like Israel, Nigeria and Germany.) It’s an issue that goes beyond election-year politics and transcends the limitations of our broken immigration system and the policies being written to address them.
Check the link for the rest of the article, and the links to Vargas' NYT commentary and his website.

The immigration system isn't "broken." The left refuses to enforce it. And now with the White House's announcement, the Obama administration is turning election 2010 into a referendum on the president's open borders policy --- and a bid to mobilize the Democrat Party's Latino voting demographic.

More throughout the day on this.

Michelle Malkin has a big report on developments: "Occupy Open Borders: Obama delivers 800,000 more illegal alien deportation waivers."

Graphic Abortion Photos Stir Outrage in China

Steven Ertelt has the report, "China Apologizes, Suspends Officials Over Forced Late-Term Abortion."

And from Independent UK, "Graphic abortion photos prompt outrage at China's one-child law: Shocking images highlight case of woman forced into termination at seven months":

China Policy
China insists the family planning policy is necessary because the country does not have the resources to deal with a population growing out of control. China is the world's most populous country, with a population of 1.3 billion. The government estimates that more than 400 million births have been prevented by the policy.

The policy is widely despised, and there is pressure to reverse it as China's population is ageing swiftly, prompting fears that there may not be enough young workers to sustain economic growth at current levels for much longer.

The penalty for breaking the rules on planned birth is the imposition of a fine and a loss of benefits such as free education and healthcare, but for many wealthy couples in China this is a price worth paying.

"This was very common in my hometown, even when the baby was close to term, women were forced to abort. Population control is fine, but what about those rich people who are allowed to have eight children," wrote one web commentator from Nanning, referring to a case in December last year when a wealthy couple in Guangdong had eight babies, including several born illegally to surrogates. "In 100 years, or even in 50 years, you will see how ridiculous population control is," a commentator from Ningbo said.
And be sure to read the comment thread from the report at Raw Story, where enlightened progressives are all over the place in denial of the horror and defense of the policy, for example:
You do know that a fetus and newborn baby have no sensations of suffering or satisfaction. Can you imagine the pollution levels in China or the price of oil if there were another 500 million Chinese?

New Mitt Romney Ad: 'Looks like a One-Term Proposition'

Via Instapundit, who has a roundup of reactions to Obama's speech yesterday:

President Barack Obama Has Disappointed in His First Term

From Der Spiegel, "The President of Disappointments: How Obama Has Failed to Deliver":
Barack Obama entered the White House as a savior. But he hasn't delivered. The ideological chasms in the US are as deep as they have ever been, with Republicans blocking the president at every turn. Who is responsible for his failure?
Cory Booker
The United States of America, where yet another mammoth presidential campaign is taking shape, makes up less than 5 percent of the world's population. Yet it consumes about 25 percent of the world's oil. It has close to $16 trillion (€12.8 trillion) in debt, its expenditures will exceed its revenues by $1.3 trillion in this fiscal year alone, and the war in Afghanistan is costing it $2 billion. Each week. Many in this country are demanding peace in Syria, even as Washington quietly fights a dirty drone war in Pakistan. Some 169 prisoners are still stewing in Guantanamo. In Washington, D.C., the divide between the two political camps is so deep that it resembles an abyss. Is the current president of the United States really named Barack Obama? Is the era of George W. Bush really over?

Obama's first term in office will end in just a few months time. The giant, many-faceted country, 27 times the size of Germany, needs a new plan -- a new project for the staggering global superpower. A president will be elected in November for 314 million citizens. A new president? Perhaps. It is conceivable that the first black president, Barack Obama, hailed as a savior when he came into office, will be replaced by the pale Mormon Mitt Romney, a Republican with somewhat dubious conservative credentials.

The office both men are vying for is the most difficult in the world. The US president's agenda is constantly jam packed with the weightiest and the most trivial of matters alike, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Sometimes major national projects and monumental global tasks are relegated to the periphery of that agenda, because domestic sports scandals or sexual improprieties capture the headlines, because lunatic pastors decide to burn Korans, or because new statistics are released showing that three-fourths of all Americans are overweight, more than 46 million live in poverty and gunshots kill more than 30,000 people a year, suicides included.

The fact that Kim Kardashian's marriage lasted only 72 days can have a longer-lasting impact on the news in America than any environmental policy initiative. High gasoline prices (in the US "high" means that a liter of gasoline costs the equivalent of €0.77, or less than half the price of gasoline in Germany) are so important to so many people that they could decide the election. The fact that 52 percent of Republicans in Mississippi believe that Obama is a Muslim, or that 46 percent of Americans believe that man was created precisely as is written in the Bible can make political debates extraordinarily tedious.

Obama has failed to unify the country, which is want the Der Speigel piece is hitting on. But the author is bemoaning the puported "excessive partisanship" of recent years, and while it's the GOP that's usually blamed, actually the truth shows otherwise. See Althouse: "'Barack Obama is the most partisan politician since Richard Nixon'."

ALSO AT Althouse: "About Cory Booker: 'He’s dead to us'."

IMAGE CREDIT: The People's Cube, "Getting One’s Mind Right With Mayor Cory Booker."

Greece Still Wants Free Lunch

At the Wall Street Journal, "Greece Votes Again" (via Google):

Nobody said the second time would be the charm. Greece's political parties failed to form a government after last month's parliamentary elections, and neither Greek citizens nor their creditors have any appetite for another inconclusive result after Sunday's runoff vote. But no number of polls will spell political stability for Greece unless Athens can show the credible commitment to reform that the Greek establishment has dodged for decades.

Not that too much in the way of reform is on offer at ballot boxes this weekend. The question after Sunday will be whether either of the two main parties can deliver Greece from the clientelism and corruption that bloat its government and leave its private economy moribund—even if they manage to form a government that can serve out the year.

Ahead of the election, the center-right New Democracy party looks to be leading the Coalition of the Radical Left—Syriza in the Greek abbreviation. But once again no party is likely to claim an absolute majority. Syriza was the sleeper story of last month's elections, winning second place with 16.8% of the vote; the party took less than 5% three years ago.

Syriza's ascent has given officials in Brussels and Berlin more than a few sleepless nights. Alexis Tsipras, the party's fiery 37-year-old leader, vows that he'll tear up the EU-IMF bailout agreement but keep Greece within the euro zone. If he becomes Prime Minister, has said he'd nationalize Greek banks, halt privatizations, reverse pension and wage cuts, and scrap the current pledge to fire 150,000 government workers.

But equally worrisome is the centrist parties' collapse into irrelevance. New Democracy chief Antonis Samaras has made the right noises about tax freezes and structural reforms, but if his party wins first place on Sunday it would likely have to form a coalition with Pasok, the socialist party that won third place in May. A joint government with Pasok and one of the smaller parties would be encumbered by coalition politics and peopled by many of the same officials who swelled Greece's public debt and turned "Greek accounting" into an international punchline.

Any government that is formed after Sunday will have to move carefully or face swift collapse. Mr. Tsipras thinks Angela Merkel is bluffing when she says she'll cancel Greece's funding if Athens cancels the bailout terms. He says the German Chancellor and other EU leaders are too committed to keeping Greece in the euro zone not to make concessions....

We hope the Greeks sort it all out, and that the Acropolis doesn't get destroyed in the process. But at one level the politics is a sideshow to the central lesson of Greece's crisis. For decades, and especially once they joined the euro zone, Greeks borrowed to consume beyond their means, and in 2009 the bill came due.

On Sunday Greeks try again to decide on the means of repayment: Mr. Samaras is offering to swallow the austerity medicine but seems fated to under-deliver on the restructuring that needs to accompany it. Mr. Tsipras is promising a free lunch. A Syriza victory Sunday would suggest that millions of Greeks still believe in no-cost dining.

That this is where Greece has come should give EU policy makers pause. Spanish banks are being bailed out and a deeper transfer union looms, but Greece shows that there are limits to what rescue money can achieve when it is poured into a broken political system.

The larger question raised by the current state of Greek politics is whether more transfers and more fiscal union can make Greece and the rest of Europe more like Germany. Or will they make European politics more like Greece's?
RELATED: At the Australian, "Greek leftist Alexis Tsipras slams 'Merkel's Europe' as election looms."

And at the Los Angeles Times, "Greece voters face tough choices at polls: The upcoming vote is seen as a referendum on Greece's Eurozone membership." And the New York Times, "Europe Braces for Greek Vote — and Maybe More."

Burma's Opposition Leader Aung San Suu Kyi Exhausted, Becomes Ill During Switzerland Press Conference

At the Australian, "Burmese opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi falls ill from exhaustion on Europe tour."

RELATED: At the Los Angeles Times, "Myanmar forces struggle to contain ethnic and religious violence," and the Wall Street Journal, "Myanmar Clashes Spur Web Use, Crackdown: Openness Poses Challenges for Military-Backed Government."

Oregon State Professor Nicholas Drapela Fired From Position as 'Senior Instructor' in the Department of Chemistry

My good friend Norman Gersman sent this along.

See Watts Up With That, "Climate skeptic instructor fired from Oregon State University."

And commentary at Hall of Record, "Oregon State University Fires Scientist For Being An Unbeliever."

RELATED: From a few days ago, at Volokh, "Peter Gleick’s Possible Involvement in Drafting Fake Heartland Document: Either Not Investigated or the Relevant Results Not Released."

See Steven Hayward earlier, at the Weekly Standard, "Why the Climate Skeptics Are Winning."

Remember, don't get cocky.