Sunday, June 17, 2012

Socialist Party Wins Majority in French Parliament

The New York Times reports, "President’s Socialist Party Wins Clear Majority in France."

And at Telegraph UK, "France election: Francois Hollande and Socialists head for absolute majority":
President François Hollande received a powerful mandate to champion growth in Europe and take on the German-led austerity drive last night as his Socialist Party headed for control of parliament with an absolute majority.
French prime minister Jean-Marc Ayrault welcomed the victory of his Socialist Party in legislative elections, saying:"The goal is to shift Europe towards growth and protect the euro zone from speculation. The task before us is immense".

After gaining control of the Senate and the presidency, the Socialists now wield more national power than ever before and the outcome means that Mr Hollande is unlikely to make major changes to his largely social democratic cabinet.

But the result of the election, marred by record low turnout of 44 per cent, is likely to mark the end of Mr Hollande's honeymoon period as he faces the economic realities of a debt-ridden Europe and domestic unemployment of 10 per cent, a 13-year high.

He clinched the presidential election in May in part by warning that his conservative rival Nicolas Sarkozy had erred towards too much belt-tightening and calling for more state-sponsored stimulus to boost growth.

But with Spanish banks just given a new bail-out and Greece's future in the euro in doubt, some commentators warn France could be next for market turmoil unless it makes deeper structural reforms.

Mr Hollande's first wake-up call could be the release of a public finance audit late June expected to show France must slow spending promises to meet its deficit goals.

His stance has put him on collision course with Germany in recent days, with Chancellor Angela Merkel pointing out that France risked further falling behind economically with his policies.
Well, it's going to be interesting, to say the least.

Check back for continuing coverage.