Friday, March 15, 2013

Here's What You're Missing at #CPAC2013

A very good Fox News segment, "'The Five' Takes on Day 1 of CPAC and Say Which GOP'ers Have Them Most Excited."

Here's #CPAC2013 on Twitter.

Plus, from Robert Stacy McCain, who's now Editor in Chief at Viral Read, "#CPAC2013: Andrew Breitbart Praised as ‘Warrior’."

Now as if you needed a reason not to attend this year, from Mark Krikorian on the immigration panel yesterday:

Background here.

Legal Insurrection has some blogging, "Hundreds of CPAC Attendees #StandWithRand." As does Lonely Conservative, "Video: Allen West Addresses CPAC."

I'll have more blogging from the Left Coast throughout the day...

The Geopolitics of 'Girls'

From Daniel Drezner, "How Lena Dunham explains the world."

And see London's Daily Mail on the skanky "Girls" star herself, "Why I wouldn't want a body like a Victoria's Secret model."

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Heated Exchange at Gun Control Hearing: 'I'm Not a Sixth-Grader...'

This is gold!

At the Hill, "Panel approves assault weapons ban; Cruz, Feinstein get heated."

And at the clip Wolf Blitzer interviews a whining Feinstein who blathers about how she "felt patronized." What a disgrace to the once-great State of California:

More from Bob Owens, "Assault weapons” are kind of like child pornography."

RELATED: "Dianne Feinstein Has Concealed Carry Permit."

Conflict in Syria Creates New Wave of British Jihadists


At Independent UK:
British Jihadists
The bloody uprising against Bashar al-Assad is creating a new wave of jihadists in Britain, with Syria now the main destination for militant Muslims wishing to fight abroad, The Independent has learnt.

Syria has replaced Pakistan and Somalia as the preferred front line where Islamist volunteers can experience immediate combat with relatively little official scrutiny, security agencies said.

The worrying development has been taking place as extremist groups, some with links to al-Qa’ida, have become the dominant force in the uprising against the Damascus regime.

More than 100 British Muslims are believed to have gone to fight in Syria with the numbers continuing to rise. The situation presents a unique problem for Western security and intelligence services. In Syria, unlike Pakistan and Somalia, they have to keep track of jihadists who are being backed by Britain and its allies.

The Syrian rebels are drawing recruits from a variety of national backgrounds in the UK. Only a handful of those who have returned from the fighting there have been arrested and all for a specific offence: their alleged role in the kidnapping of a British freelance photographer, John Cantlie, in Idlib province last summer. Others who have been taking part in the armed struggle against the Assad regime are not deemed to be doing anything illegal.

Mr Cantlie, along with a Dutch colleague, Jeroen Oerlemans, are believed to have been abducted by a group called al-Dawa al-Islamiyya, which encouraged British and other Western volunteers to join the struggle against the Assad regime. The hostages were rescued by moderate fighters.

Abo Mohamad al-Shami, the leader of al-Dawa al-Islamiyya, was executed five weeks later, supposedly by the Farouq Brigade, a unit of the Free Syrian Army, which had become alarmed at the activities of the extremists.

But since then the Islamists, and in particular one group, Jabhat al-Nusra – which proclaims links with al-Qa’ida and has bee prescribed by the US administration as a terrorist group – have grown in size and influence largely due to supplies of money and arms from backers in Qatar, Saudi Arabia and other states in the Gulf.
Continue reading.

Toronto District School Board Sends Police After Blazing Cat Fur!

An amazing development.

Read all about it at BCF: "TDSB sics police on sarcastic blogger."

The 'Gay Conservative' Oxymoron

A lot of folks on the right were perplexed with this yesterday, at Twitchy, for example, "Headdesk: Accuracy in Media writer claims, ‘There’s no such thing as a gay conservative’," and Vodka Pundit, "Gay Haters Gotta Hate."

But I've read the allegedly "hateful" piece, from Cliff Kincaid, and folks are misrepresenting what he writes (Bradley Manning is not argued to be conservative, for example, but as a member of "the homosexual movement"). See, "CPAC and the Conservatives":
The term “gay conservative” is being used by some news outlets in connection with the upcoming Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) and whether certain homosexual groups should be invited to appear. There is no such thing as a “gay conservative,” unless the term “conservative” has lost all meaning. But there is a homosexual movement that has its roots in Marxism and is characterized by anti-Americanism and hatred of Christian values.

Two of this movement’s members, Bradley Manning and Floyd Corkins, have recently been in the news. Manning betrayed his country in the WikiLeaks scandal, while Corkins has pleaded guilty to trying to kill conservative officials of the Christian Family Research Council in Washington, D.C.

Rather than debate whether “gay conservatives” exist or ought to have prominent speaking roles, CPAC should be sponsoring a panel on the dangers of the homosexual movement and why some of its members seem prone to violence, terror, and treason.
Continure reading.

It's a great piece, and dead-on 100 percent accurate.

And if all the folks outraged are defending GOProud, remember the group's chairman Chris Barron trashed top conservative Cleta Mitchell with what can only be described as a depraved left-wing attack. AoSHQ wrote about this recently, noting how he changed his mind on the controversy after he saw Barron's depravity. I can't find that link, although Erick Erickson sounded the alarm on this a couple of years ago.

The libertarian conservatives defending GOProud --- and attacking Kincaid --- are wrong. But the conservative movement's all messed up these days. And I don't care much about what happens at CPAC this year, in any case.

Pamela has more, "The Left on the Right."

Now Your Life's No Longer Empty...

Kansas, heard yesterday on The Sound L.A., during the last few minutes of my drive time, while picking up my son after school:

Train In Vain, The Clash at 5:30pm

Go Your Own Way, Fleetwood Mac at 5:26pm

Sympathy for the Devil, The Rolling Stones at 5:20pm

Back On the Chain Gang, Pretenders at 5:16pm

Carry On Wayward Son, Kansas at 5:10pm

California Bill Seeks Campus Credit for Online Study

I sent this out yesterday to my colleagues on the campus-wide email list, and it created quite a stir.

At NYT, "California Bill Would Force Colleges to Honor Online Classes."

California Is Doing Well? If You Say So...

From the letters to the editor at the Wall Street Journal:
Although not an Okie, I arrived in the Sacramento area as an uneducated 19-year-old in 1953. I was an airman second class (two stripes) who had finished ninth grade.

Because of the Air Force and the state of California, I received a GED, went to a junior college and received my electrical-engineering degree from San Jose State. California was in fact the land of milk and honey. Fees at SJS were less than $30 per semester. The state understood that if I made more money, it would receive more taxes. This all changed in 1975 when Jerry Brown became governor, and I beat feet.

George F. Fike
Buford, Ga.
And at that top link, don't miss the fantasy-land letter from Riley Robbins of the California Governor's Office.

Background here, "The Reverse-Joads of California."

A Bridge in the Climate Debate

Via Anthony Watts, "How to green the world’s deserts and reverse climate change."
This is a TED talk by Dr. Allan Savory in Los Angeles this past week, attended by our friend Dr. Matt Ridley, whose presentation we’ll look at another time. Sometimes, TED talks are little more that pie in the sky; this one is not. And, it not only offers a solution, it shows the solution in action and presents proof that it works. It makes more sense than anything I’ve seen in a long, long, time.

Fabulous Nigella Lawson Photos

I did catch the finale of "The Taste" on Tuesday, and Ms. Nigella looked phenomenal.

And here's more of the fabulous British dame, at London's Daily Mail, "Talk about attention-grabbing! Nigella Lawson stands out in multicoloured skintight dress as she launches new book in the U.S."

'Your Home Is Your Castle': Alabama Gun Owner Kills Home Intruder With One Shot

Well, it's not called the "castle doctrine" for nothing.

At Pat Dollard's.

More here: "New Details: Albertville Homeowner Shoots, Kills Intruder."

In Rare Move, Apple Goes on the Defensive Against Samsung

In a rare interview a day before Samsung Electronics Co.'s 005930.SE -1.38% launch of a new flagship smartphone, Apple marketing chief Phil Schiller on Wednesday played down the expected competition from the device. He also discussed how he believes products that run Google Inc.'s GOOG -0.28% Android software, such as Samsung's phone, are inferior to Apple's iPhone.

Mr. Schiller shared data on the iPhone's popularity and said Apple's own research shows that four times as many iPhone users switched from an Android phone than to an Android phone in the fourth quarter.

His remarks come as Apple has been gently suggesting similar messages in recent months as competitors such as Samsung have been gaining buzz—and market share.

Mr. Schiller, Apple's senior vice president of world-wide marketing, also said that Android users are often running old operating systems and that the fragmentation in the Android world was "plain and simple."

He added that "Android is often given as a free replacement for a feature phone and the experience isn't as good as an iPhone."

The executive said the Android devices suffer in part because different elements come from multiple companies, whereas Apple is responsible for all its mobile hardware and as well as its iOS operating system.

"When you take an Android device out of the box, you have to sign up to nine accounts with different vendors to get the experience iOS comes with," he said. "They don't work seamlessly together."
More at that top link, and at Bloomberg, "Samsung Targets Galaxy 4 at Apple’s Core IPhone Market."

RELATED: From Larry Page, at the Official Google Blog, "Update from the CEO."

Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance

This is truly amazing, via FrontPage Magazine, "The America That’s Gone":

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Elaine Chao Stars in McConnell Campaign Ad

At Roll Call, "Kentucky: McConnell Wife Elaine Chao Stars in His Campaign Ad."

BACKGROUND: "The Left's Racist Attack on Elaine Chao."

Argentina's Jorge Mario Bergoglio is Pope Francis I

I was laughing this morning when I checked my text messages. Right before starting my 11:10am class my wife writes, "White smoke. New pope."

It's a very interesting selection, supposedly a new direction for the Catholic Church.

At Telegraph UK, "Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio becomes 266th Pope: Pope Francis the humble, first pontiff from the Americas":
Blinking and looking as surprised as anyone, he stepped from behind the blood-red velvet curtains and acknowledged the rapturous cheers from the thousands thronging St Peter’s Square.
With the words “buona sera” — good evening — Jorge Mario Bergoglio, a 76-year-old Argentine, became the Roman Catholic Church’s 266th pope, the first from outside Europe in more than a millennium, the first from the Americas and the first Jesuit to ascend to the throne of St Peter.

He expressed wonder that his 114 brother cardinals had looked to “the end of the world” to find a successor to Benedict XVI. Cardinal Bergoglio was an unexpected choice — he had not featured in any of the front-runner lists that were drawn up by Vatican-watchers in the days before the election.

A stunned-looking Pope Francis I, dressed in white vestments and with a crucifix around his neck, shyly waved to the crowd of tens of thousands who shrugged off the rain and cold in the square below.

The appearance of white smoke from the Sistine Chapel chimney had earlier electrified Rome.

Within seconds, people were running up the avenue that leads from the River Tiber to St Peter’s Square.

“They’ve chosen, they’ve chosen,” a woman told her daughter as they hurried across rain-soaked cobbles, two small figures in a river of hundreds hurrying to the seat of the Roman Catholic Church.

Groups of young people sang and danced in front of television cameras and mobile phone networks crashed as tens of thousands of people called friends and relations.

They waved flags and shouted “Viva Il Papa” — without yet knowing who Il Papa was — as more people crammed into the square.
And from around the web, in no particular order:

* At Life News, "New Pope Francis called homosexual ‘marriage’ a ‘machination of the Father of Lies’."

* At the Los Angeles Times, "New pope: Latinos overjoyed with selection of Argentine."

* At the Wall Street Journal, "Official Text of Pope Francis’ First Speech to World."

* At the New Yorker, "We Have a New Pope: Cardinal Bergoglio Is Francis."

* At the Guardian UK, "Jorge Mario Bergoglio: from railway worker's son to Pope Francis."

* At Gateway Pundit, "Pope Francis Linked to Anti-Marxist ‘Comunione e Liberazione’ Organization."

* At National Review, "A Jesuit Named Francis!"

* At London's Daily Mail, "Did he fail to stand up to Argentina's brutal junta? Critics say Pope did little to help those who disappeared when country was under right-wing military rule."

* At the Economist, "The Vatican turns south: A modest opportunity."

* At the Canada Free Press, "Richard Viguerie: Election of Pope Francis Signals Strength of Traditional Catholic Moral Teachings."

* At the Washington Post, "Jorge Mario Bergoglio, now Pope Francis, known for simplicity and conservatism."

* At Der Spiegel, "White Smoke: Argentinian Bishop Becomes Pope Francis I."

* At the New York Times, "The New Pope: Bergoglio of Argentina."

Chicago Gun Violence Claims 6-Month-Old Jonylah Watkins

Boy, not the gun violence narrative the left likes to talk about.

At LAT, "Chicago baby, shot with father during a diaper change, dies." Also at NYT, "llinois: Baby Is Killed in Gang Violence in Chicago."

And see the Chicago Tribune especially, "Surgery team's 'incessant battle' to try to save baby not enough."


I Am Created Equal

I love this, at Twitchy, "New ad takes on Colo. gun-grabbers: ‘Don’t you dare tell me how to best defend myself’":
Politicians are not kings. Let me say that again. Politicians are not kings. They’re not superior to citizens and their job is not to tell us the food we can eat, the soda we can buy or how we can best defend ourselves. Who’s to tell me how many bullets are enough to defend me during a rape? One bullet, five bullets, ten bullets? How about as many as I need to stop the rape. These politicians, these bureaucrats, need to be reminded that we are all free to make our own decisions. We all have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And you know, if guns aren’t right for you, don’t own one. But don’t you dare tell me how to best defend myself. I’m Laura Carno, an ordinary Colorado citizen who believes in the Constitution. Join me at That’s This message paid for by
The audio's at the link.

Conservatives Marching to Oblivion

From Pamela Geller's latest, "Weekly WND Column: The Right: Marching to Oblivion":
And while I join others in applauding the largely symbolic effort of Rand Paul in filibustering against Obama’s CIA nominee, John Brennan, color me skeptical. The man spoke for 13 hours and never mentioned that Brennan supported jihad and called it a legitimate tenet of Islam. Thirteen hours on the war on the West and why targeting Americans is a bad idea and no word on the real enemy our nation faces? Talk about avoiding the 800-pound elephant in the room.

That’s what makes Brennan so dangerous; making him CIA director is like putting drones in the hands of the enemy. Remember that right after 9/11, jihadist cleric Anwar al-Awlaki was applauded as a moderate and lunched at the Pentagon. Remember also that Michelle Obama and John Kerry were about to give an award to Samira Ibrahim last week, until it came to light that she is a vicious Jew-hater who applauded 9/11.

And now the same government that makes disastrous mistakes like those is going to decide who gets hit by a drone on U.S. soil? The same government that thinks “right-wing extremists” are more of a threat than jihad terrorists? As CIA director, John Brennan is so dangerous because in his warped mind, who is the enemy? So while Rand Paul had the right idea, even a broken clock is right twice a day – and don’t get me started on his position on Israel.

Rand Paul does not speak for me. And at the end of the day, what was accomplished? Brennan was confirmed. Hagel was confirmed. Kerry was confirmed. And that’s just the tip of the destroyer in the White House’s agenda. He has jacked up our deficit to an unfathomable $16 trillion, enslaving our children and grandchildren to service an impossible debt, but if we dare to implement minuscule spending cuts, he punishes the American people (no more White House tours for you!) and those who protect us.

And while Rand Paul had the right idea, it was for all the wrong reasons. If an al-Awlaki type was drinking coffee in an American coffee shop (instead of one in Yemen) and we knew that he was going to give the operational OK (via cellphone or some other means) to a homicide bomber, what would you do? If Flight 93 had hit the Capitol building and another plane was on the way to the White House, would we have shot it down?

Now, according to Stars and Stripes magazine, the military is ending its tuition assistance program for troops. So Obama is saying that it is more important to spend $750 million (just approved) on jets and tanks for the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas than it is to provide education for those young men and women whom he would send in to fight the massive war against non-Muslims he is currently fomenting in the Middle East. Make no mistake that this is what is happening here.

Obama is the most profoundly immoral chief executive in the history of this nation. The enemy is in full control, and the right is DOA. As for Mitt Romney, he’s a very lovely guy, but he ran a 20th-century campaign. “Father Knows Best” was not going to defeat a vicious collectivist with a war chest rivaled only by that of Muhammad.

There’s a war raging, and the right thinks that if it doesn’t engage or doesn’t show up, then that war doesn’t exist. How irrational. If you don’t show up, you forfeit, and the right is forfeiting. Anytime someone takes a bold or brave stance against statism or collectivism, or against jihad and Shariah, they suffer withering attacks from both outside the movement and inside the movement.

I know this because I have been on the receiving end of internecine warfare on the right. I’m not at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) this year. Many on the right are afraid of my message. Essentially, what they’re afraid of is the fight.

Don’t get me wrong. We see many come out in a burst of light, a supernova: Allen West, Sarah Palin, and now Ted Cruz. But we also see the right abandon these same people when the left goes after them like the jackals and the vultures they are. Did the GOP establishment have Sarah Palin’s back?
Continue reading.

Democrats Hammer Obama on Unconstitutional Drone Policy

Look, let the Dems chew each other up over this. They deserve it for their rank hypocrisy and moral bankruptcy.

At Digital Journal, "Democrats ask Obama to give the 'full legal' basis for drones."

Obama Tyranny

Also at SF Gate, "Dems Barbara Lee and Mike Honda call out Obama on drone policy."

IMAGE CREDIT: Moonbattery.

'Homosexual Money'

A robo-call from the Chicago-based Family-PAC, targeting State Rep. Mike Smiddy, D-Hillsdale:
"Your state representative, Mike Smiddy, has received $6500 from Chicago homosexuals promoting same-sex marriage, according to state records. Same-sex marriage denies children the right to know who their real parent is. Now Smiddy is threatening to vote in favor of the same-sex marriage bill. Who is Smiddy representing? The Chicago homosexuals or your family? Tell Smiddy to vote no on same-sex marriage and return the homosexual money immediately."
The flaming leftists have their panties in a wad, screaming "bigotry!"

At Memeorandum, "State Rep. Says Robocalls About Taking ‘Homosexual Money’ Are Offensive."

Bunch of crybabies.

If you don't like being called homosexual don't be homosexual. Sheesh.

Celia Bigelow Confronts Democrat Congressman Jim Moran

I told you this lady's passionate!

At Fire Andrea Mitchell, "Virginia Democrat Rep. Jim Moran can’t answer Celia Bigelow question why he wants to legislate women into being victims (Video)."

And here's Bill O'Reilly smacking down Kirsten Powers, who's spouting some pretty leftists talking points on the gun choice issue --- and I just love Powers, but here she sounds tentative and defensive:

Also at Twitchy, "Second Amendment defenders descend on Rep. Jim Moran’s anti-gun ‘conversation’ [video]," and National Review, "Female Gun Owner Confronts Dem Jim Moran."

Leftists Exploit Zerlina Maxwell's 15-Minutes of Fame

Big MSNBC blowhard Ed Schultz is all outraged --- outraged! --- at the three horrible tweets Zerlini Maxwell received after her recent Hannity appearance. My earlier comments are here: "@ZerlinaMaxwell Should Never Be Threatened for Making Stupid Comments, But That's No Excuse for Stupidity."

And from the big blowhard's opening segment yesterday:

And here's feminist Jessica Valenti at the Nation, "Rape Is Not Inevitable: On Zerlina Maxwell, Men and Hope."

And Katrina vanden Heuvel, the publisher of that Marxist rag, is at the clip.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Left's Culture of Death

An essential commentary, from Bob Belvedere, "The Naked Face of Leftism: Death Mongers."

Genuine progressive ideology --- and by that I mean Marxist-infused social justice redistributionism and nihilist anti-morality --- is the contemporary evil of the modern political world. Make no mistake, Councillor Collin Brewer's comments, discussed at the post above, we're frankly depraved. But considering the left's abortion holocaust alone, as just one example, they were quite tame.

I'm personally horrified by much of what counts as "progressive" politics. It's taken me a long time to truly understand how deeply corrupted society is by the disease of leftism. I don't know how we turn things around, how we help young people realize that their interests are harmed by the Kool-Aid of radicalism, but whatever the answer, it's a program of civic renewal that should be the cause of any real conservative activist.

Folks should read Neo-Neocon's outstanding piece at PJ Media from a week or so back, "Why Do Some Liberals Become Conservatives?" Unlike other accounts of political transformation (change) from left to right --- and recall that Cinnamon Stillwell's, "The Making of a 9/11 Republican," remains the best --- Neo-Neocon (a.k.a. Jean Kaufman) offers an explanation based on cognitive consistency theory:
Rarely, if ever, are prospective changers actually seeking change. In fact their previous political positions on the left may be quite firmly and strongly held, and they would probably consider anyone quite mad who had the audacity to inform them of the transformation about to take place.

But although they may not be interested in change, change is interested in them. It usually begins with something external, some new information encountered seemingly by accident, something that starts to bug the person because it contradicts or doesn’t fit easily into his or her pre-existing framework. It’s like a buzzing fly that won’t quit and can’t be ignored. It causes discomfort, a sense of unease, and the disequilibrium that comes from the dilemma known as cognitive dissonance.

It’s such an unpleasant experience that people are usually eager to resolve it. How they do that is one point at which changers split off from non-changers. The latter group, if faced with that very same information, might just swat that fly — that is, in their discomfort at the knowledge that seems incongruous with their previous beliefs, they would either discredit the new information, minimize it, rationalize it, or shut it out entirely, thus ending the discomfort and the dilemma.

But those who ultimately end up as changers can’t seem to put it away that easily. For them, something once seen cannot be unseen. Perhaps they have a different habit of mind to begin with, one more accustomed to challenging its own beliefs and assumptions, one more uncomfortable with contradictions.
Keep reading.

That model theorizes something of an abrupt shift in ideology triggered by an event that jars an individual's sense of consistency. But that's not always how people change ideological positions. In contrast, for example, gradual change is consistent with the idea of politics as a life-long learning process. People become set in their ways. And hence, people become conservative in terms of doing things a "right" way. People might think they're "liberal" in their youth, but they realize they're quite traditional in a number of respects, especially regarding thrift, morality and personal enterprise. In my case, I thought I was "liberal" into my 30's. My dad especially was a New Deal Democrat and a black American who instilled the values of the civil rights movement in me and my sisters. But the Democrat Party of today bears little resemblance to the party of the middle 20th century. The notion of centrism here might apply, for while Democrats have always been concerned about using government to shift resources to those with less, the left today is an explicitly statist, far-left anti-capitalist tendency bereft of the moral epistemology of America's founding. The left today is at the least a movement toward (European-style) socialist democracy and more likely a movement toward a (Utopian) proletarian revolution through a re-engineering of society (i.e., popular entertainment and the mass media) and the corruption of the cultural institutions of the state (i.e., public education). I was always conservative in terms of personal responsibility, honesty, and hard work. When I realized that most people on the left didn't share those values I knew that I was no longer a Democrat. Most of all, the left's stab-in-the-back on the Iraq war sealed the deal and I became an activist for truth. Throw in becoming a parent and basically experiencing a religious awakening (in the personal sense of objective truth), I found out once and for all that everything I'd come to believe about "leftist morality" and being a "liberal" was stupid.

Progressives are evil. (Remember, "liberals" aren't liberal.) Nothing brought the truth home on that count more than blogging over this last 7 years. People know my battles with leftist ghouls and their program to destroy decent people on the right. The culture of death Bob writes about is seen in all of the manifestations of collectivist harassment, stalking, and lies. As I've said many times, leftists would actually murder their conservative opponents if they could get away with it. One of the main reasons conservatives should never cave on gun rights is some day they might need firearms to guard against the tyranny of a progressive majority that's captured the state. (It's not just state power that's a threat, but progressive majoritarian redistributionist state power.) Seriously. Patriots need to bear arms against socialists who want to deprive them of life, liberty and property through the corrupted power of the collectivist state. Nothing can stand in the way of this, from the left's ideological perspective, because it's truly totalitarian in its goal to eradicate all sources of resistance. Death then becomes part of the progressive agenda, as we've seen from Stalin to Pol Pot to Che Guevara. Liberals have no values --- they must make gods of men --- because their ungodly campaign of death and destruction demands it. There can be no other way for collectivists.

In any case, don't miss the all the good stuff over at TCOTs.

Rand Paul Moves the Ball on Foreign Policy

From Matt Welch, at Reason, "Toward a Libertarian Foreign Policy."

I spoke about Rand Paul's foreign policy speech to the Heritage Foundation earlier (available here). He's proposing basically a pro-Israel realism, which is very attractive after more than 10 years of war. I'm not a libertarian, however. I would support more forceful U.S. foreign policy on Syria and al-Qaeda in Africa. But again, Rand Paul is striking some very appealing positions, and he's someone I could support in 2016.

RELATED: ICYMI, an outstanding essay from AoSHQ, "McCain, Graham Need to End the Super-Hawk Crap If They Want Any Kind of Hawkishness In American Foreign Policy at All."

'Susie Q'

Yesterday morning's song lineup as I was dropping my kid off for school, at The Sound L.A.:

(Don't Fear) The Reaper, Blue Öyster Cult at 8:06am

Bennie and the Jets, Elton John at 8:01am

Suzie Q, Creedence Clearwater Revial at: 7:56am

White Wedding, Billy Idol at 7:52am

Roadhouse Blues, The Doors at 7:48am

CNN's Dana Bash Interview with Senator Rand Paul

I missed him explaining how his filibuster worked, via Senator Paul's YouTube page. This is an excellent discussion:

Paul Krugman Files for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Hoax

The Boston Globe got punked, although the left was all over Breitbart for posting on the story.

See, Twitchy, "Liberals rip for false report based on erroneous Boston Globe article."


Yeah, Barack Obama's a Freakin' Joke Alright

Michelle Fields lays into our joke of a president and the "apocalypse" of the sequester:

Celia Bigelow on ObamaCare

She's very passionate about politics:

And see the Washington Examiner, "Obamacare requirements will drive up premiums."

Monday, March 11, 2013

The Left's Campaign to Ban 'Page 3' of the Sun Newspaper

Robert Stacy McCain reports, "British Left’s War on ‘Page Three Girls’."

Read it all at the link.

Honestly, I doubt the ugly feminists will have much success — Page 3's a freakin' institution.

And more from the Sun, "Trending Ten."

Nate Thayer Tells Atlantic Magazine FU

You're gonna love this, "A Day in the Life of a Freelance Journalist — 2013":
Thanks Olga:

I am a professional journalist who has made my living by writing for 25 years and am not in the habit of giving my services for free to for profit media outlets so they can make money by using my work and efforts by removing my ability to pay my bills and feed my children. I know several people who write for the Atlantic who of course get paid. I appreciate your interest, but, while I respect the Atlantic, and have several friends who write for it, I have bills to pay and cannot expect to do so by giving my work away for free to a for profit company so they can make money off of my efforts. 1200 words by the end of the week would be fine, and I can assure you it would be well received, but not for free. Frankly, I will refrain from being insulted and am perplexed how one can expect to try to retain quality professional services without compensating for them. Let me know if you have perhaps mispoken.


Read the whole thing.

Smokin' Wife of Long Island Millionaire Gets Judge to Throw Out Prenuptual Agreement

In your morning New York tabloid news, at the Post, "Wife of millionaire LI real-estate mogul gets judge to rip up her prenup":
The beautiful wife of a millionaire Long Island real-estate mogul got a judge to rip up her prenup — a rare, precedent-setting decision that could influence countless marriages to wealthy people.

Elizabeth Petrakis, 39 — sometimes acting as her own lawyer — got a an appellate panel last month to toss the agreement she signed with Peter Petrakis, 41, four days before their lavish 1998 wedding.

The prenup stipulated that Peter, who parlayed a string of smoke shops into a $20 million commercial real-estate empire, would keep everything in his name if they split up.

But Elizabeth argued for seven years that Peter coerced her signature, threatening to call off the wedding even though her father had already paid $40,000 for the reception.

“He told me he would rip it up as soon as we had kids,” Elizabeth, who has since had twin sons and a daughter, told The Post at her Old Brookville mansion.

“But he never did. The reason this happened was I was an advocate for myself and I didn’t give up.’’

She called the document “a knife in my heart from Day One.’’

Colorado Democrat Attacks Rape Survivor Amanda Collins

Democrats are determined to demonize conservative women working to defend themselves against rape.

Here's yesterday's entry on the topic, ICYMI: "@ZerlinaMaxwell Should Never Be Threatened for Making Stupid Comments, But That's No Excuse for Stupidity."

And the controversy that brought about the latest debate, at Twitchy, "Rape survivor Amanda Collins hits back at anti-gun state Sen. Hudak: ‘You weren’t there’ [video]."

And Gretchen Carlson's interview with Ms. Collins a couple of days back:

Karzai Accuses U.S. of Collaborating With the Taliban

Our bumbling, stumbling Secretary of Defense denies the allegations at the clip.

But see the Wall Street Journal, "Karzai Inflames U.S. Tensions: Afghan President's Claim Taliban Kill 'in Service to America' Clouds Hagel Visit":

KABUL—America's fraught ties with Afghanistan suffered a jarring blow Sunday, when Afghan President Hamid Karzai said during a visit by the new U.S. defense secretary that the Taliban were killing Afghan civilians "in service to America."

The remarks, in a televised speech hours before Mr. Karzai's meeting with U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, capped a series of confrontations between the Afghan president and the U.S. over his demands to assert Afghan sovereignty and curtail American military operations.

Mr. Karzai met Mr. Hagel a day after suspected Taliban suicide bombers killed at least 18 people at the Ministry of Defense in Kabul and in the eastern province of Khost.

In his address, Mr. Karzai said the U.S. doesn't want to leave the country after the NATO coalition's mandate expires at the end of 2014 because it covets Afghan resources and is talking with Taliban leaders behind his back.

"Taliban are every day in talks with America, but in Kabul and Khost they set off bombs to show strength to America," Mr. Karzai said. "The bombs that went off in Kabul and Khost yesterday were not a show of power to America, but were in service to America…It was in the service of foreigners not withdrawing from Afghanistan."

U.S. Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford, who took command of coalition forces last month, called Mr. Karzai's charges "categorically false."

"We have fought too hard over the past 12 years, we have shed too much blood over the last 12 years, we have done too much to help the Afghan security forces grow over the last 12 years to ever think that violence or instability would ever be to our advantage," he said.

Mr. Karzai's remarks blindsided American officials who had hoped to use Mr. Hagel's two-day visit, his first overseas trip as defense secretary, to shore up fragile relations with the Afghan president as the U.S. ends its longest foreign war.
More at the link.

BONUS: At the Other McCain, "‘Green on Blue’: Two U.S. Special Forces Troops Killed in Afghanistan Attack" (via Memeorandum).

Democrats to Introduce First Budget in Four Years

At Roll Call, "First Budget in Four Years for Senate Democrats."

And here's Sen. Jeff Sessions, the ranking Republican on the Senate Budget Committee, delivering the GOP's weekly address on Saturday:

Really Good Liars Enjoy the Process of Deceiving Other People

Well, of course you can guess who immediately came to mind. Yep, that's right: Barack Obamocchio.

At Psychology Today, "Top 10 Secrets of Effective Liars":

Obama Liar
One of the reasons most people make bad liars is that they find lying a deeply unpleasant activity. Fear and guilt are evident in their facial expressions. They want to get the process over as quickly as possible, so they show relief when their interrogator changes the topic. That's a dead giveaway. Really good liars, on the other hand, actually enjoy the process of deceiving other people. "The best liars don't show any shame or remorse because they don't feel it," says Cohen. "They get a thrill out of actively misleading others. They're good at it, and they enjoy the challenge."
Via Instapundit.

Pro-Life: Jessica Simpson Talks Pregnancy on Kimmel

Via Jill Stanek:

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Reforming the Roman Catholic Church

All of a sudden today, for no particular reason, I found myself reading a lot of articles on the problems and prospects of the Catholic Church after Benedict XVI.

I particularly liked this piece at the Economist, "Pope, CEO: Management tips for the Catholic church."

Also interesting, from the communist perspective, at Truthout, "Will the next pope embrace liberation theology?"

And see also Walter Russell Mead, "Scandals Are Only One Half of the Catholic Story."

Also at Der Spiegel, "Zero Hour at the Vatican: A Bitter Struggle for Control of the Catholic Church," and the Los Angeles Times, "Roman Catholic Church feels Europe slipping from its hands."

More later. The big question is will the conclave go big with a new Pope from the global South. We'll see..

British Hostage Killed in Nigeria

It's not just Britain, although at the video is British Foreign Secretary William Hague.

See, "British hostage killed because kidnappers thought UK was launching rescue mission":
A British contractor executed in Nigeria may have died because his kidnappers mistakenly thought British military aircraft landing in the country to ferry troops to Mali were instead part of a rescue mission.
Brendan Vaughan was killed with six colleagues, from Italy, Greece and Lebanon, who were all taken hostage last month by gunmen from Ansaru, an offshoot of Nigeria’s al-Qaeda-allied militants, Boko Haram.

William Hague, the Foreign Secretary, on Sunday promised to work with Nigeria to “hold the perpetrators of this heinous crime to account”.

“It is with deep sadness that I must confirm that a British construction worker... is likely to have been killed at the hands of his captors, along with six other foreign nationals who we believe were also tragically murdered,” he said. “This was an act of cold-blooded murder, which I condemn in the strongest terms.”

Mr Vaughan was working for Setraco, a Lebanese road construction company with extensive operations across Nigeria, and was kidnapped from the firm’s compound in the town of Jama’ale in north-east Nigeria in February.

His kidnappers promised to execute all seven hostages if there was any attempt to rescue them.
Also at France 24, "Britain, Italy, Greece say hostages killed in Nigeria."

And at the Guardian UK, "Ansaru, the Islamist group behind foreign hostage killings in Nigeria."

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Backlash Following Funeral for Venezuela's Hugo Chavez

At Telegraph UK, "Iran's president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad criticised for hugging mother of Hugo Chavez":
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been accused of betraying Islam after he was pictured in an emotional embrace with the mother of Hugo Chavez at the late Venezuelan leader's funeral.
The Iranian president's domestic opponents reacted furiously after photos emerged of him giving Elena Frias de Chavez, 78, a consoling hug at last Friday's funeral in Caracas - at which he also kissed Mr Chavez's coffin.

Religious conservatives said the act insulted Iran's religious dignity and amounted to "haram" – a term used to describe a religiously forbidden act under Islamic rules.

Mohammad Taghi Rahbar, the Friday prayer leader of Iran's second city, Isfahan, told Mehr news agency that Mr Ahmadinejad had "lost control".

He added: "Shaking hands with a non-mahram (unrelated by family) woman, under any circumstances, whether young or old, is not allowed. Hugging or expressing emotions is improper for the dignity of the president of a country like the Islamic Republic of Iran."

Mohammad Dehghan, a member of the governing board of Iran's parliament, the Majles, said the episode exposed the true nature of the "deviant current", the term used by allies of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader, to describe Mr Ahmadinejad and his allies.
Well, that's an internal power struggle at work. From Iran's strategic point of view, kiss the coffin is tantamount to flipping America the bird, and no one in Tehran has a problem that.

And notice at the end of the clip above, Raul Castro was right there at the casket. No protest against the kiss from him. The Axis of Evil lives, bigger than ever.

Matt Yglesias Retweets New York Times Op-Ed Challenging Israel's Right to Exist

Well, it's not so much that he retweeted it, but that he really likes that bit quoted at the tweet.

The link to the article is at the tweet, but it's the same anti-Israel eliminationism folks have been dealing with for years. Here's this from the conclusion:
I conclude, then, that the very idea of a Jewish state is undemocratic, a violation of the self-determination rights of its non-Jewish citizens, and therefore morally problematic. But the harm doesn’t stop with the inherently undemocratic character of the state. For if an ethnic national state is established in a territory that contains a significant number of non-members of that ethnic group, it will inevitably face resistance from the land’s other inhabitants. This will force the ethnic nation controlling the state to resort to further undemocratic means to maintain their hegemony. Three strategies to deal with resistance are common: expulsion, occupation and institutional marginalization. Interestingly, all three strategies have been employed by the Zionist movement: expulsion in 1948 (and, to a lesser extent, in 1967), occupation of the territories conquered in 1967 and institution of a complex web of laws that prevent Israel’s Palestinian citizens from mounting an internal challenge to the Jewish character of the state...
There's still more at that tweet. It's not a compelling argument for a number of reasons, the most basic being that it's only Israel that's singled out for this kind of analysis of the state's democratic legitimacy. There are no other democracies in the Middle East, outside of Iraq and Egypt, only marginally so (as Egypt is now verging on single-party Islamic rule, and hence undemocratic).

The author, Joseph Levine, thus engages in the exact kind of anti-Semitism that he claims to be avoiding: singling out the Jewish state for disparate treatment, subjecting it to standards of legitimacy that none of Israel's Arab enemies have to face. But this is progressivism in action, and it's pretty interesting that Matthew Yglesias felt so strongly about the piece to tweet it with such a clearly avowed rejection of Israel's existential rights.

BONUS: The piece is picked up by Yglesias' buddies at the Socialist Worker, the communist rag of the revolutionary International Socialist Organization: "Saying no to Israel's 'right to exist'."

@ZerlinaMaxwell Should Never Be Threatened for Making Stupid Comments, But That's No Excuse for Stupidity

Oh mercy, John Marshall, the homo editor-in-chief at TPM, has his Calvin Kleins in a wad over the attacks-nobody's-even-heard-of against the lovely young progressive Zerlina Maxwell.

Look, stupid idiots who are clearly not conservative attacked her with vile, illiterate slurs such as, "Nigger! I hope you get raped and your throat slit. May be then you understand why white women have to be armed! DIE BITCH!" There are two more like this embedded at the post. And zOMG! The Interwebz is just terrible. That's RAAACISM!

Or, in Marshall's words, "Monstrous" (at Memeorandum):
This is a kind of blood-curdling story I just learned about this afternoon. Zerlina Maxwell is an acquaintance who I’ve watched from a distance as she builds a media career as a progressive pundit and activist — succeeding to an amazing degree while also getting a law degree. I met her for I think only the second time in person at my birthday party last weekend. I just found out that since an appearance on Hannity on Tuesday she’s basically been under an escalating online assault filled with racist epithets and threats of rape all for stating what I think is a fairly straightforward opinion on the intersecting issues of guns and rape.
Oh jeez yes, the world is coming to an end. Say Josh, you think you might spend a day reading Twitchy? I know you're a first generation blogger, but new social media is not hard. Try it. You'll see how this depraved kinda stuff makes the progressive left go 'round. And by the way, Ms. Zerlina's "straightforward opinion" is lame. She shouldn't be threatened for making stupid statements, but she should certainly hit "block and report" rather than cry like a freakin' little black baby whose mom's too busy with a crack pipe to pay her any attention. Duh.

Did you listen at the clip? Ms. Zerlina's been programmed by extreme left ideology toward seeking to socially re-engineer the entire world. Pro Tip: Men know rape is wrong. Just the same as men know murder is wrong. But some men (or women for that matter) don't care whether a criminal act is wrong. They will commit the crime anyway. That's why all the social engineering in the world won't protect a woman from the potential crime of rape. And thus, it's not politically incorrect to suggest that women arm themselves with guns against such attacks. It's common sense. The implication of the leftist position is to dis-empower women and make them perpetual victims. And for a black woman to be making such a case, given America's history of slavery and Jim Crow segregation, is downright shameful. Be that as it may, progressives and feminists occupy another world, an ideological world that is more likely to get them raped and killed regardless of the actions of some deranged Internet trolls tweeting on the web.

RELATED: Ms. Zerlina's post at Feministing, "Telling women to get a gun is not rape prevention."

Toronto District School Board Promoting Cross-Dressing to Preschoolers

Because everything's "normative" or something like that.

At Eye Crazy (via BCF).

Princess Boy

Sunday Cartoons

At Flopping Aces, "Sunday Funnies."

Idiot Chavez

Also at Reaganite Republican, "Reaganite's Sunday Funnies," and Theo Spark, "Cartoon Round Up..."

More at RCP, "Cartoons of the Week."

CARTOON CREDIT: William Warren.

I Was Just Thinking About Posting a Drone Video, and Here Come Althouse With "A 4-minute video by the Air Force Research Laboratory on 'micro aerial vehicles'..."

Actually, I was thinking along the lines of a Predator drone, but this is cool.

Via Ann's blog:

Sunday Rule 5 — Jennifer Nicole Lee

I missed my good friend Dana Pico in yesterday's Rule 5 roundup, but he's up this morning with a new entry, "Rule 5 Blogging: Basic Rifle Marksmanship with the Delta Dragons."

And here's Jennifer Nicole Lee while we're at it, at Egotastic!, "Jennifer Nicole Lee Bikini Pictures Shower Down and Towel Off." And at London's Daily Mail, "Strong is the new sexy! Jennifer Nicole Lee shows her perfect six-pack while working out in the Miami heat."


* "Oops! She Does it Again! Smokin' Jennifer Nicole Lee Bikini Malfunction in Las Vegas."

* "Yet Another Batch of Jennifer Nicole Lee Bikini Pics!"

* "Another Jennifer Nicole Lee Bikini Booty Slip!"

That lady loves her some booty slips!

Added: At Pirate' Cove, "Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup," and "If All You See……is a planet boiling fridge (ice maker and coolants are Bad), you might just be a Warmist."

Lena Dunham: Nudity on 'Girls' Not Meant to Shock

Here's Dunham in an interview on CBS News, "Lena Dunham on 'Girls': Nudity not meant to shock." Well, maybe "nudity" on "Girls" isn't meant to shock in general, but Lena Dunham nude is rude. Shockingly rude. She's a skanky wench. (Remember, I watched it, despite the vocal warnings of R.S. McCain.)
"We have this insane culture in which girls who don't, you know, look like "Gossip Girls" are put into, like, sweaters and nightgowns to sleep in..."
Actually, Ms. Dunham, you need to be put in sweaters and nightgowns. Eww, skank. Freakin' gross.

Jeb Bush's Rocky Political Reentry

Earlier this week, the New York Times slammed Bush's "rocky" entry into the 2016 presidential circus.

See: "Jeb Bush Enters Debate, and Possibly 2016 Race."

More at the Hill, "Jeb Bush: ‘I applaud the president’ for outreach to GOP lawmakers" (via Memeorandum).

Melissa Harris-Perry Rips Michael Bloomberg's Teen Pregnancy Campaign

Well, we wouldn't want to inhibit teen girls from getting pregnant, or anything. And get this part about blaming poverty on our "financial system that concentrates wealth at the top." No, it's never poor individual choices or a culture of poverty among the idiot Democrat constituencies.

And remember, Harris-Perry is a political scientist. Imagine this were a lecture class:

Africa's Catholic Clout

At the Los Angeles Times, "Conservative brand of Catholicism thrives in Africa":
KAMPALA, Uganda — On Sunday mornings, worshipers arrive two hours early to wait in line for one of 200 seats in the Missionaries of the Poor chapel. By the time Mass begins at 8 a.m., they have been joined by 2,000 more parishioners who sit outside in the sun.

Roman Catholic churches in Uganda are packed these days, the participants traditional-minded, their faith vibrant and strong.

Across Africa, the church reinforces the staunchly conservative values of a population that often attends services several times a week, for hours on end. Catholic leaders also provide homes and food for poor and disadvantaged people whom the state doesn't help, including orphans, abandoned children, the homeless and the disabled.

 Vatican officials announced Friday that cardinals from around the world would open a conclave Tuesday to choose a successor to Benedict XVI. Many wonder whether choosing an African would create a sense of excitement, drawing in new membership and reinvigorating the faith while ensuring that it stands firm on its conservative social mores. But as strong as it is in Africa, the Roman Catholic Church faces stiff competition here from Pentecostal preachers whose charismatic services are closer to African tradition.

Among the Africans mentioned as having a chance to be elected pope are Ghana's Cardinal Peter Turkson and Francis Arinze of Nigeria. Arinze, now 80, had been considered a strong possibility to succeed John Paul II in 2005.

In the last century, the Catholic Church grew faster in Africa than anywhere else, with 16% of the world's Catholics living on the continent, according to a Pew Research Center report.

The stark contrast between the church's growth in Africa and decline in Europe provides perhaps the greatest logic for an African pope. Vatican statistics published last year showed 800 priests being added in Africa while the number declined by 905 in Europe. Africa also showed the largest increase in Catholic seminary students, rising 14% from the previous year, compared with a 10% decline in Europe.
More at the link.

And Ed Morrissey's at the Vatican, "Breaking: Papal conclave to start on March 12th." And, "Re: Sistine Chapel walk through."

Astronaut Mark Kelly Proves That Spacemen Don't Always Come Down to Earth

Retired astronaut Mark Kelly, husband to former U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords, proves not only that spacemen don't always come back to earth, but that politics ain't as easy as it looks.

At Lonely Conservative, "After Testifying Against Assault Weapons Mark Kelly Bought an AR-15," and Weasel Zippers, "Ooopsie, Gun Control Proponent Caught Buying AR-15 and Pistol, Now Says He Wasn’t Going to Keep the AR-15."

Democrats are idiots, as I always say.

Leftist Israel-Haters Call for Intifada at AIPAC Convention

Via Weasel Zippers and Gateway Pundit:
On March 3, 2013, a group of “pro-peace” leftists and Pro-Palestinian activists organized by the radical CODEPINK organization held a rally outside of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s annual Policy Conference (AIPAC) in Washington DC. They called for killing Jews.

Long live the intifada… Intifada, intifada!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Harvard Hacked Staff Emails

Gawd, this is lame.

At NYT, "Harvard Hacked E-Mails in Search of Media Leaks."

And last month at Instapundit, "HIGHER EDUCATION UPDATE: Harvard Cheating Scandal Ends In Dozens of Forced Withdrawals. (And at the search, "Harvard cheating.")

Angry White Dude on #StandWithSpencer

I love it:

And ICYMI: "#StandWithSpencer — John Hawkins Attacks Counter-Jihad Patriot Robert Spencer."

Game of Drones

At the Looking Spoon, "HBO Could Make Obama's Drone Strikes Into This Hit Series."

Game of Drones

RELATED: From Senator Jim Webb, at the National Interest, "Congressional Abdication."

And also at the New York Times, "How a U.S. Citizen Came to Be in America's Cross Hairs," and "The Drone Question Obama Hasn't Answered." (At Memeorandum.)

Well, Here's Your Saturday Afternoon Rule 5

I was worried that I didn't have any Rule 5 material, but what do you know? Logging into Twitter brings up Ms. Chantell at my "who to follow" suggestions.

More here, "Chantell Dhir Strips Off After Winning Our ZOO Real Girls Competition!"

And now for some fellow babe bloggers:

See Animal Magnetism, "Rule 5 Sequestration Friday."

At Subject to Change, "Bikini Babe Caption Contest."

Also, at 90Miles From Tyranny, "Hot Pick of the Late Night," and "Lovely Ladies." Plus, one more "Hot Pick of the Late Night."

More at Randy's Roundtable, "Thursday Nite Tart - Klara Wester."

Some politics at EBL's, "The obligatory Ashley Judd senate race announcement Rule 5 post..." Also at Daley Gator, "Remember when Ashley Judd was hot, and not an annoying loud-mouthed Leftist?"

Still more, with a great roundup at Woodsterman's, "Rule 5 Woodsterman Style."

Also at Reaganite, "'Miss Kosovo 2012' is the Drop-Dead GORGEOUS Diana Avdiu." And at Diogenes' Middle Finger, "Fishnet Friday."

More from In a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, "Well, it's Friday again and I have not been droned by the dictator yet, so it's been a good week - Pin up babe."

And at Wirecutter's, "Curves."

See also Bob Belvedere, "Rule 5 News: 09 March 2013 A.D."

Plus, at Pirate's Cove, "If All You See……is snow created by massive heat, you might just be a Warmist (HOT!)."

At Theo's, "Bonus Totty..."

BONUS: Lot's more Rule 5 at The Other McCain, "Rule 5 Wednesday: Snowed Out At The Tax Mines." And from Proof Positive, "Best of the Web* Linkaround."

Ronda Rousey Armbar Domination

I missed this earlier, when I linked to Instapundit, "The Allure of the Catfight."

Here's the background on Rousey's domination, "Ronda Rousey controversy continues with victory."

And from last month, at USA Today, "Ronda Rousey retains title over Liz Carmouche at UFC 157." And, "Tate sees Zingano as steppingstone to Rousey rematch."

Just the Beginning

From Sen. Rand Paul, "My filibuster was just the beginning":

By the end of the night, I was tired and my voice was cracking. I ended by saying, “The cause here is one that I think is important enough to have gone through this procedure.” I talked about the idea of compromise, but said that “you don’t get half of the Fifth Amendment.” I argued that we need more extended debates. And finally, at 12:40 a.m., I yielded the floor.

On Thursday, the Senate confirmed John Brennanas director of the CIA. But this debate isn’t over.

The Senate has the power to restrain the executive branch — and my filibuster was the beginning of the fight to restore a healthy balance of powers. The president still needs to definitively say that the United States will not kill American noncombatants. The Constitution’s Fifth Amendment applies to all Americans; there are no exceptions.

The outpouring of support for my filibuster has been overwhelming and heartening. My office has fielded thousands of calls. Millions have followed this debate on TV, Twitter and Facebook. On Thursday, the White House produced another letter explaining its position on drone strikes. But the administration took too long, and parsed too many words and phrases, to instill confidence in its willingness or ability to protect our liberty.

I hope my efforts help spur a national debate about the limits of executive power and the scope of every American’s natural right to be free. “Due process” is not just a phrase that can be ignored at the whim of the president; it is a right that belongs to every citizen in this great nation.

I believe the support I received this past week shows that Americans are looking for someone to really stand up and fight for them. And I’m prepared to do just that.

IMAGE CREDIT: Becca Lower, "Hey Girl… It’s Rand Paul!"

Jumping the Sequester

ICYMI, Kim Strassel's awesome op-ed from yesterday's WSJ, "When the president canceled White House tours, he revealed his claims as ludicrous":

The phrase "jumping the shark" describes that gimmicky moment when something once considered significant is exposed as ludicrous. This is the week the White House jumped the sequester.

The precise moment came Tuesday, when the administration announced that it was canceling public tours of the White House, blaming budget cuts. The Sequesterer in Chief has insisted that cutting even $44 billion from this fiscal year will cause agonizing pain—airport security snarls, uninspected meat, uneducated children. Since none of those things has come to pass, the White House decided it needed an immediate and high-profile way of making its point. Ergo, it would deny the nation's school kids a chance to view a symbol of America.

The act was designed to spark outrage against Republicans, yet the sheer pettiness of it instead provided a moment of clarity. Americans might not understand the technicalities of sequester, but this was something else entirely. Was the president actually claiming there was not a single other government item—not one—that could be cut instead of the White House tours? Really?

The cancellations were an open invitation for the nation to dive into the gory depths of the federal budget—and re-emerge with a debate over waste and priorities. Over the past week, an entire cottage industry has sprung up of journalists, watchdog groups and average citizens reporting on the absurdities of federal spending. Republicans have lit up Twitter with examples of indefensible projects (#SequesterThis).

We've learned that the White House employs three calligraphers, who cumulatively earn $277,000 a year. The Environmental Protection Agency gave $141,000 to fund a Chinese study on swine manure. Part of a $325,000 National Science Foundation outlay went to building a robotic squirrel.

The government gave a $3,700 grant to build a miniature street in West Virginia—out of Legos. It shelled out $500,000 to support specialty shampoo products for cats and dogs. A San Diego outfit got $10,000 for trolley dancing. The feds last year held 894 conferences that each cost more than $100,000—$340 million altogether. But Mr. Obama is too broke to let American kids look around the White House.
Continue reading.

VIDEO CREDIT: iIOWNTHEWORLD, "Even NBC Sees Sequestration Bias."

Added: Sen. Tom Coburn also wrote on the sequester yesterday at WSJ, "The Drama Over, Time For Smart Budget Cuts."

A New Generation Takes Up the Torch

Here's the Tea Party Patriots' video, "A Movement On Fire at CPAC 2013."

Via Melissa Clouthier on Twitter:

I love that message, but young tea partiers must fight infiltration from the Islamists as well. And they must resist the temptation to sell out to the establishment.

PREVIOUSLY: "#StandWithSpencer — John Hawkins Attacks Counter-Jihad Patriot Robert Spencer."

Starkly Different Responses to Defeat of Proposed Los Angeles Sales Tax Hike

A follow-up to my post from yesterday, "South-Central Voters Went 60-100 Percent in Favor of Failed Los Angeles Sales Tax Hike on Tuesday's Ballot."

And remember, the local sales tax would have surged to 9.5 percent. An Angelino would be paying nearly an additional 10 percent to taxes for each taxable consumer purchase in Los Angeles.

At the Los Angeles Times, "L.A. tax-hike vote patterns tell a tale of two realities":
Those in higher-crime areas, who vote in lower numbers, supported the proposal almost to the same extent that more affluent voters rejected it. The hike was defeated.

Nearly every week, 70-year-old Barb Johnson hears word of a nearby robbery or car break-in in Vermont Knolls, her neighborhood of modest bungalows just west of the Harbor Freeway in South Los Angeles.

So it was alarming, she says, to learn this week that voters had rejected a proposed city sales tax increase that the mayor, the police chief and other civic leaders said was vital to shoring up the Los Angeles Police Department and improving emergency services.

"How are we supposed to keep our streets safe if there's no money?" the retired office manager asked.

Over the mountains, in the distant northwest San Fernando Valley suburb of West Hills, Orly Salem, 59, was unmoved by City Hall's plea. A construction company bookkeeper, Salem dismissed the proposed half-cent increase in the sales tax with a weary assessment: Enough is enough.

"Every time it's more, more, more," Salem said. "When I don't have money, I cut my expenses. Why can't they do the same?

A detailed Times analysis and interviews with those and other voters found starkly contrasting vote patterns and perceptions of the proposed sales tax hike across the nearly 469-square-mile expanse of the sprawling city.

In many South Los Angeles precincts, support for the tax increase was overwhelming, as high as 86%. The opposite was true across large swaths of the northwest San Fernando Valley, the Westside and San Pedro, where "no" totals ran as high as 83%. Overall, the measure was defeated with 55% of voters opposed, according to unofficial results.

The contours of the results — and the overall outcome — show the well-established voting dynamics in Los Angeles that will play a significant role in the current campaign to replace Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. More fiscally conservative, independent and Republican voters are concentrated in middle- and upper-income neighborhoods on northern, western and southern fringes of the city. And Tuesday they followed a historic pattern of going to the polls in larger numbers.
Yeah, that's pretty predictable.

The haves vs. the have nots, right? Or the big-government dependents vs. the anti-tax hike independents. Either way, this local divide says a lot about American politics. Mitt Romney's 47 percent comments were crude and politically incorrect. But they really captured the essence of the debate on the role of government in society today.

#StandWithSpencer — John Hawkins Attacks Counter-Jihad Patriot Robert Spencer


It wasn't a surprise. I saw the fight breaking out on Twitter the other day. Robert Spencer won CPAC's People's Choice Award this year, and apparently a condition for accepting the award was that, at the conference, Robert was prohibited from publicly criticizing Grover Norquist and Suhail Khan. Robert and John Hawkins dispute what was said in their discussion on accepting the award. Pamela has statements from both Robert and John at her post. It's heated. John ends his comments as follows:
I’m the one who talked to Robert Spencer and I’m the one who’s saying that I think demanding the right to throw a tantrum as a condition of accepting an award is unacceptable. All I can say beyond that is that I hope lying to get his 5 minutes of PR was worth burning people who’ve been supportive of him, because he is dead to me.
Those are fighting words. Strong words. iOWNTHEWORLD has more about them, "Stop Digging."

I'm friends with all the particpants to this conflict. And in particular, I am very close personal friends with Pamela Geller. I can't say I'm happy to take sides, because I think John Hawkins has been a great leader of the conservative blogosphere. And while I don't have enough information to determine whose version of the awards acceptance dispute is correct, I'll simply say that that's the minor detail here. The major detail is that John's on the wrong side altogether. CPAC is completely corrupted as a leadership organization. I can't understand how anyone would want to be affiliated with the group in an official capacity, because to do so would be to call into question one's conservative bona fides. That's the situation in which John Hawkins now finds himself. And believe me, I know, the attraction of CPAC is enormous. All the bright lights and big names. All the spectacle and pageantry of the big conference center. All the parties and beautiful women. And of course, all the opportunities for posing, brown nosing and money grubbing. That's enough to make you sick right there. But if that was all it's about I could still handle it. Everyone has their immediate material interests. But that's not what it's all about. It's about a battle over existential values. This is a battle over fundamental freedoms of which there can be no compromise. And this is a battle for the soul of CPAC that's been been raging for quite sometime now. It was raging when I was in attendance in 2011. Some folks might recall David Horowitz's keynote address sounding the tocsin against the Muslim Brotherhood's infiltration of the conservative movement. It's all well-documented. There's no conspiracy here. Either people decide to face facts or not. Listen beginning at 5:00 minutes, or at just before 7:00 when David calls out Suhail Khan by name, denouncing him as a traitor of the United States:

There's more background, with all the evidence, from Frank Gaffney, at FrontPage Magazine, "A Jihadist in the Heart of the Conservative Movement."

And see Pamela at FrontPage Magazine, "CPAC Shills for Islamic Terrorists."

Plus, Robert has this, "CPAC blog award update: John Hawkins of Right Wing News does damage control for Norquist and CPAC, throws Spencer under the bus."

Again, it's not fun to write this, because I've long respected John Hawkins. But people need to speak up. Sorry, but John, take it from me, you're not coming up roses on this. Not just because of the dispute over the award, as bad as that is, but because you're on the wrong side if it's true that you're shilling for Grover Norquist and Suhail Khan. It's time to rethink your goals as a conservative activist. You may still generate lots of money and traffic, but you'll have lost your soul.

Added: Blazing Cat Fur links. Thanks!

Anger Management to Buy Bullets in Florida

At Hot Air, "Florida lawmaker: Why not require everyone purchasing ammo to take anger management courses?"

And check out Scottie Nell Hughes on Twitter.

Dorian Electra

A interview with the lovely little libertarian. Smart and articulate:

And watch: "I'm in Love with Friedrich Hayek."