Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Gory Details About Terrorist Teacher Kathy Boudin

That's Kathy Boudin at the clip below, via iOWNTHEWORLD, "Newly Hired NYU Employee, Murderer Kathy Boudin, Wishes Her Murdering Buddies Could Be There With Her."

And here's Lee Stranahan, at Big Government:

Katherine Boudin is an adjunct professor at Columbia University and has been named the Sheinberg Scholar-in-Residence at NYU Law School. She is also a communist, a Weather Underground radical, a terrorist, and a convicted felon.

Whatever you’ve heard about Boudin, the fully detailed reality is far worse. The story of Kathy Boudin’s crimes and her victims is bloody and ugly. Many details get left out or smoothed over, even by her critics. There’s a wider importance to Boudin’s story: it’s yet another example of how the left uses America’s most respected universities as both a breeding ground and a retirement home for radicals; a way to give violent ideologically driven criminals both legitimacy and a paycheck, often at taxpayers' expense.

These American terrorists and advocates of overthrow like Dr. Kathy Boudin are given a pass by academia and lauded in the arts because they promote communism, socialism and bloody revolution. As such, they are idolized by the left establishment, who view them as ideologically pure embodiments of their ideals, carnage be damned.
Continue reading.

And ICYMI, from earlier this morning, "The Daily Beast’s Disgraceful Interview With Bill Ayers."

U.S. Department of Transportation: Cellphone Laws Aren't Working

As we we're driving out to Temecula the other day, I kept noticing people talking on their cellphones. I mentioned it to my wife. Basically, the risk of being pulled over is far outweighed by the benefit of being able to use mobile phones. I doubt there's much of a moral calculation either, since folks probably think the laws are stupid.

In any case, at the Los Angeles Times, "Laws against driving and cellphone use aren't working, study finds."

Benji Backer, 15-Year-Old at Appleton North High School in Wisconsin, Harassed by Teachers for Conservative Views

Being around a public community college with a far-left teachers union and loads of socialists professors, I can tell you what young conservatives face if they dissent from the progressive party line.

An interview with Megyn Kelly. His worst teacher was in English, where he was being hassled week after week, apparently. English? These union hacks are pathetic. Here's his essay: "15 Year Old Wisconsin Conservative Meets Bullying From Teachers."

Also at the Green Bay Press Gazette, "Appleton teen claims teachers harassed him over politics."

Rebel Throws Explosive Down Barrel of Manned Syrian Army Tank

I never liked tanks.

They're always sitting ducks in war movies and this Syria confrontation doesn't turn out too well for Assad's forces. At the second half of the clip, via Pat Dollard.

Leftist Hypocrisy: Socialist Leaders Condemn Wealth But Still Get Rich

At IBD, "French Socialist Jerome Cahuzac Hides Swiss Account":
This hypocrisy is found in the U.S., as well.

We don't have a working socialist party in this country, but the "progressive" Democrats are doing quite well at holding up the standard. So we ask: Who among Democratic lawmakers and party leadership is in middle-class solidarity with the working man?

And which big mouth of the Hollywood left, who votes Democrat and pretends he or she believes in equality, actually exercises it?

They all inveigh against capitalism. And all have made it work for them in their personal lives.

They're hypocritical assholes, but you knew that.

And at Guardian UK, "France's former budget minister admits lying about secret offshore account":
Jérôme Cahuzac's sudden admission that he hid €600,000 (£510,000) offshore for more than two decades is the biggest scandal to hit Hollande's presidency.

The public admission by the man who led France's fight against tax evasion that he secretly defrauded the taxman and was "caught in a spiral of lies" is a huge embarrassment for Hollande, who promised that his government would be beyond reproach after the corruption allegations that dogged previous French administrations.

What Jobs Report? Hey Look, Gay Marriage!

From Walter Russell Mead:
If a Republican president got very busy on social issues at a time of economic stagnation and disappointment, there would be earnest hand-wringing of the “What’s Wrong with Kansas” variety about how American rubes were being diverted from their true economic interests by the skillful manipulation of emotionally charged social issues and identity politics. This would be taken as a sign of the cynicism of the ruling party and the clueless credulity of the hypnotized voters.

Fortunately, we aren’t going to have to listen to any of that depressing rhetoric now. Social issues are good and important; economic questions like jobs and incomes and growth are a distraction from the real business of the people.
Yes, if a Republican president... Isn't that the leitmotif of progressive politics during this administration?

The Daily Beast’s Disgraceful Interview With Bill Ayers

I saw the interview. "Fawning" comes to mind.

David Horowitz sets the record straight, at FrontPage Magazine:
Below is an email that David Horowitz sent to the editor of The Daily Beast in response to their recent interview with Bill Ayers.

When you interview a shallow, murderous liar like Billy Ayers, you should assign someone who is at least familiar with the basic facts. The Weather Underground was created in 1969, not after the Townhouse explosion which took place in 1970. The Underground was created with a formal “Declaration of War” against “Amerikka.” By their own account at the time (not in retrospect of course) Ayers and his friends were intending to start a race war in America, which is why they idolized Charles Manson. Their first political act was to destroy SDS (which they called “Offing the pig”). Not surprisingly, they had virtually no support in the anti-war left. Far from being innocent of attempting to kill others (you actually let Ayers imply that he had nothing to do with his friend Kathy Boudin’s plan to kill teenagers at Fort Dix), Ayers and his wife incited people to conduct a “war” against their own country, and famously urged others to “kill your parents.” They are still being investigated for the cold case murder of a policeman in Los Angeles who was killed by a Weatherman bomb.

Ayers tries to wrap the civil rights movement and the Vietnam War around his crimes to exculpate himself and your fact challenged interviewer lets him do it. But Ayers was conducting bombing runs long after American troops were withdrawn from Vietnam , and when Jimmy Carter was president, he and his wife provided material aid to their friend Kathy Boudin to carry out a bank robbery which left nine children without fathers. Ayers has no regrets about launching a war that left his former lover and two other of his comrades and friends dead, and that ended pathetically when it became apparent even to them that their brand of violent extremism had completely marginalized them not just in the American mainstream but in the left itself. Shame on you for giving a platform to this malevolent narcissist to glorify himself once again.

Syria: A Collection of Images

At the Big Picture:
The Associated Press recently re-transmitted a collection of images from the Syrian conflict. It remains an incredibly dangerous situation for working journalists who document the ongoing conflict and the conditions of those living in constant danger and with constant risk. Many continue to die for their beliefs, hoping that peace will come to their country eventually. The images that follow are storytelling, intimate and worth seeing again and again.

Obama Leads Effort to Map Human Brain

Via the People's Cube:

Also at USA Today, "Punchlines: Leno, Fallon on mapping the human brain."

Rule 5 Diversions

At Knuckledraggin My Life Away: "I KNOW!!!!!"

Melissa Cunningham for Zoo Magazine


15-Year-Old Sarah Merkle Interview With Gretchen Carlson on Fox & Friends

Maryland law bans the reentry to the state of guns owned by legitimate gun owners? Sounds unconstitutional. And the young lady's looking to get into Harvard on a shooting scholarship? Doesn't fit the left's ignorant yokel meme. Indeed, it's the leftists who're proving themselves a bunch of ignorant f-ks.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Call Child Protective Services: MSNBC's Krystal Ball Pimps Out Daughter in Depraved Homosexual Marriage Segment

Via William Jacobson, "Obligatory — Krystal Ball uses daughter as prop."

And see the comments at NewsBusters, "MSNBC Now Uses 4-Year-Old Daughter of Anchor to Push For Gay Marriage."

The child is 4-years-old. That's literally child abuse. As William writes:
Regardless of your position on gay marriage, it’s very disturbing to see a child used this way on television — but then again, it’s Krystal Ball and MSNBC, so almost nothing is surprising.

Another Syrian Rebel Dude Gets His Head Blown to Bits

At Blazing Cat Fur.

They're cracking me up in the comments: "Syrian Rambo Takes a Headshot."

'Hot, Throbbing Dykes to Watch Out For' Listed in Amazon's 'Must Read Lesbian Books for Teens'

So I'm over at Theo Spark's and he's got this post up, "What Liberals Read."

One of the titles is "Pre-Teen Lesbianism: Tips, Tactics, Tools."

And I'm thinking, okay, that's got to be a Photoshop, so I check Amazon for the title. And what comes up? Well, it's worse: "Hot, Throbbing Dykes to Watch Out for: Cartoons." Seriously. There's a whole section over there: "Must Read Lesbian Books for Teens."

Parenting these days. It's harder than you think.

President Obama Apologizes to California Attorney General Kamala Harris

I tweeted on this yesterday:
Okay, so O outs himself as a playa appreciating him some fine black booty. Who knew?
And now at the Los Angeles Times, "Obama apologizes for Kamala Harris remark; some cry sexism."

Kamala Harris photo tumblr_mkr3g0weCi1s2hn6eo1_500_zps21e2b661.jpg

And from Garance Franke-Ruta, at the Atlantic, "Why Obama's ‘Best-Looking Attorney General’ Comment Was a Gaffe." And Althouse responds, "'Women today operate" in "two worlds": "the system of beauty, and the system of power'."
I thought there were 2 systems, beauty and power. But beauty is a system of power. Franke-Ruta stumbles over her own jargon. The word "system" was already too much. What makes beauty or power a "system"? Back in the 1960s, we were always complaining about "the system." It's the system, man. So it's a word that sets off my bullshit detector. What does it mean to say "Beauty is a system of power, deeply rooted, preceding all others, richly rewarded"?
Via Memeorandum.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Site Meter Domain Name Expires — UPDATE: It's Working! Site Meter's Working Again! Hallelujah!

Doug Ross reports, "Epic fail by analytics company Sitemeter: forgets to renew domain name."

Site Meter's been sucking for awhile. Here's James Joyner from last summer, "Is SiteMeter Finally Dead?"

I think it's dead now. When it worked well, the service was the best for instant feedback on your visitors. But it's not the only service I use. Feedjit Live is more fun, especially during traffic surges. And eXTReMe Tracking is way more reliable.

I don't see a post from Althouse yet, but she's been a full subscriber at Site Meter for years. She'll no doubt  have some complaints posted soon enough, especially as Site Meter apparently threw in the towel without any formal notification to customers.

UPDATE: Site Meter's back. Amazingly, I've been offline throughout the interlude. Robert Stacy McCain reports, "Did SiteMeter Commit Suicide? - UPDATE: It’s Working Again, But Unfortunately, My Traffic Sucks."

And Ed Driscoll reflects on the service, "Sitemeter Suicide?":
Sitemeter must have rolling server repair issues, as my counter was out yesterday and — knock on Formica — appears to be back, but now others are experiencing issues today. Also, as with their mammoth outage last year, their technical support seems to have fallen into a black hole; while the product still works (most of the time), Sitemeter reps never respond, beyond an automated ticket, to outage issues. Needless to say, this is not good customer support.
Well, as I mentioned at the main post above, I use other stat-counters in addition to Site Meter, although when it's working, I go to Site Meter first. It's got a great layout and attractive display of information, and the information is delivered in real time. Enjoy.

Oops! Jeremy Irons on Homosexual Marriage: 'Could a Father Not Marry His Son?'

Well, shoot. Some folks keep drawing all these politically incorrect conclusions, and now Jeremy Irons? I'm impressed. He's libertarian, apparently.


Sure to give paroxysms to the depraved progressives.

Martin Luther King Jr. Was Assassinated 45 Years Ago Today

I read this piece earlier, on my iPhone during the drive home from Temecula. It's from 1968 at the New York Review:

In the march and at the funeral of Martin Luther King, the mood of the earlier Civil Rights days in Alabama and Mississippi returned—a reunion of the family at the grave. And no one could doubt that there had been a longing for the reunion among the white ministers and students, the liberals from the large cities. The “love”—locked arms, songs, comradeship—all of that was remembered with nostalgia and feeling, like Irish Revolutionaries remembering Easter Sunday. This love, if not actually refused, was seldom forthcoming in relations with new black militants, who were determined to break the dependency of the black people even on the cooperation, energy, and checkbooks of the guilty, longing, loving whiteys. Everything separated the old Civil Rights people from the new militants, even the use of language. The harsh, obscene style, the unforgiving stares, the insulting accusations and refusal to make distinctions between bad whites and good—this was humbling and perplexing. Many of the white people had created their very self-identity out of issues and distinctions. They felt cast off, ill at ease with the new street rhetoric of “self-defense” and “self-determination.”....

The murder of Martin Luther King was a national disgrace. This we said over and over and it would be cynical to hint at fraudulent feelings in the scramble for suitable acts of penance. Levittowns would henceforth not abide by local rulings, but would practice open housing; Walter Reuther offered $50,000 to the poor sanitation workers of Memphis, the Field Foundation gave a million to the Southern Christian Leadership movement; New England boarding schools offered scholarships to the King children; Congress acted on the open housing bill. Nevertheless, the mundane continued to nudge the eternal. In 125 cities there was burning and looting; smoke rose over Washington.
RELATED: From Joel Pollak, at Big Government, "The Left Has Been Undermining Dr. King's Legacy for Decades."

Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, Takes Disabled Parking Spot as Government Slashes Programs for the Disabled

Folks are outraged, at Mirror UK: "George Osborne parks in disabled bay: Tory Chancellor causes outrage by ignoring restrictions" (via Memeorandum).

Meh. Worst thing is giving the idiot progressives a ready target. Not smart, Osborne. (He claimed he didn't know he was in a handicapped spot.)

'You’re a pussy. I know and you know it. If you want to delete my comments, just do it. Don’t pretend it’s because you’re adhering to some hard and fast rule out of some sense of online integrity...'

From Jeff Goldstein on Twitter last night:

You violated his comment policy, dicentra. Somehow. And your comments have been removed, as have many of mine.

So here’s the exchange we’ve been having, posted here for posterity...

Click that link for idiot's post at "His Vorpal Sword." The dude's a screenwriter for porn films? Well, no wonder he deleted the comments. The dick's getting torn to shreds at Protein Wisdom.

Doug Robert Figueroa, Student Body President at Riverside Community College, Outed as Registered Sex Offender

Saw this last night on Twitter:

There's video at the link, and see the San Bernardino Press Enterprise, "RIVERSIDE: RCC student body president is registered sex offender."

More here: "California Sex Offender Archive Record For: Doug Robert Figueroa." Well, from here on out associated student government campaigns won't be complete without the requisite Google records searches. It's a shame too. This guy looks like a diligent radical left-wing apparatchik. Amazing. And those flyers went out anonymously. Somebody wasn't about to let this criminal get a pass by the campus mobs of political correctness.

Pro-Gun Laws Gain Ground

At the Wall Street Journal, "Since Newtown Massacre, More States Ease Regulations Than Bolster Them":

President Barack Obama made another push Wednesday to build support for gun-control laws in the wake of December's mass school shooting in Connecticut. But since then, states have passed more measures expanding rather than restricting the right to carry firearms.

Arkansas eliminated prohibitions on carrying firearms in churches and on college campuses. South Dakota authorized school boards to arm teachers. Tennessee passed a law allowing workers to bring guns to work and store them in their vehicles, even if their employer objects. Kentucky shortened the process for obtaining licenses to carry a concealed gun.

Those laws, along with the long odds for major federal gun-control legislation, show how the march toward expanded gun rights in recent years has hardly slowed since Mr. Obama pledged to use the "full force" of his office to tighten limits after 20 children and six adult staffers were killed at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn.

This year, five states have passed seven laws that strengthen gun restrictions, while 10 states have passed 17 laws that weaken them, according to the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, which tracks and promotes gun-control laws.

Gun-control advocates have scored some victories. In New York and Colorado, which was the site of a movie-theater shooting last July that left 12 dead, new laws require background checks for all firearm sales and limit the size of ammunition magazines. Connecticut lawmakers Wednesday were debating legislation to expand the state's ban on certain semiautomatic weapons and require background checks for all firearm sales, among other restrictions. Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy, a Democrat, has said he would sign such a measure.

Kristin Goss, a Duke University professor of public policy who supports gun-control legislation, said these measures are more sweeping than the gun-rights expansions in other states, which she called "technical and incremental."

Still, gun-control bills have faltered in Congress and other states, while pro-gun-rights bills move along elsewhere. On Tuesday, an Indiana House committee passed a bill that would require an armed staffer in every school.
Actually, those gun-control "victories" are already backfiring, at Instapundit, "FOR ANDREW CUOMO, A HASTY LAW IS IN TROUBLE ALREADY," and "HASTE MAKES WASTE — AND ANDREW CUOMO LOOKS STUPID: Cuomo’s 7-Bullet Limit to Be Suspended Indefinitely, Skelos Says."

Also out of Colorado, "Just days after Colorado Governor Hickenlooper signed them into law, new gun control measures are being declared by state sheriffs to be unenforceable due to ambiguities and constitutional concerns. And businesses are fleeing the state, at Denver Business Journal, "HiViz intends to follow Magpul's example, leave Colorado."

Yeah, those are some most excellent victories!

Yay idiot progs! Keep winning those gun control victories!

White Privilege Wristbands

This isn't like George Will. He's more of a high-brow wonky conservative, with ample Burkean sensibilities. He doesn't often deign to debunk the more common fare of the blogosphere, but  it turns out the left's program of totalitarian propaganda is too much even for Washington's establishment conservatives to ignore. See, "Schools Push Curriculum of Propaganda":
The real vocation of some people entrusted with delivering primary and secondary education is to validate this proposition: The three R’s — formerly reading, ’riting and ’rithmetic — now are racism, reproduction and recycling. Especially racism. Consider Wisconsin’s Department of Public Instruction. It evidently considers “instruction” synonymous with “propaganda,” which in the patois of progressivism is called “consciousness-raising.”

Wisconsin’s DPI, in collaboration with the Orwellian-named federal program VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America; the “volunteers” are paid), urged white students to wear white wristbands “as a reminder about your privilege, and as a personal commitment to explain why you wear the wristband.” A flyer that was on the DPI Web site and distributed at a DPI-VISTA training class urged whites to “put a note on your mirror or computer screen as a reminder to think about privilege,” to “make a daily list of the ways privilege played out” and to conduct an “internal dialogue” asking questions such as “How do I make myself comfortable with privilege?” and “What am I doing today to undo my privilege?”

After criticism erupted, the DPI removed the flyer from its Web site and posted a dishonest statement claiming that the wristbands were a hoax perpetrated by conservatives. But, again, the flyer DPI posted explicitly advocated the wristbands. And Wisconsin’s taxpayer-funded indoctrination continues, funded by more than Wisconsin taxpayers.

In Delavan-Darien High School’s “American Diversity” curriculum, students were urged to verify white privilege by visiting a Wal-Mart toy section and counting the white and black dolls. After objections, the school district is reconsidering this curriculum.

Such distractions from the study of calculus and literature are encouraged by CREATE Wisconsin (the acronym stands for Culturally Responsive Education for All: Training and Enhancement), which is funded with federal tax dollars from IDEA, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The disability being rectified here is, presumably, the handicap of insufficient guilt — arising from false consciousness — about white privilege.
There's more at the link.

And being Wisconsin, such indoctrination didn't escape the watchful eye of Ann Althouse, although it took George Will to nudge her toward blogging it: "George Will considers Wisconsin's Department of Public Propaganda."

A quick search turned up this graphic below from 2006, apparently recycled for Wisconsin's Department of Education. So much for originality. The progs don't require much thinking --- they just toe the party line, again, and again, and again! And hey, "Find a person of color who is willing to hold you accountable for addressing privilege." Yes, idiot progressive readers of American Power. I'm holding you racists accountable!

White Privilege photo coping_with_white_privilege_zpsd8b5b65e.png

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Spending the Night at Pechanga Resort & Casino in Temecula

My wife had a free night and we're all off this week for the holiday.

The rooms are luxurious:

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Our room faces north, overlooking Temecula's south side:

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'If you look at all of Amanda Marcotte's positions and writings, isn't it rather obvious she despises men and will always...'

Well, it's been a rough week for the old anti-Catholic hate-blogger Amanda Marcotte. James Taranto has been hammering her relentlessly, and now here comes AoSHQ, "Amanda Marcotte Feels the Need to Weigh In on the High-Schooler-Who-Asked-Kate-Upton-to-Prom Controversy."
Wait, did we just go from a silly video asking Kate Upton to prom to a rape/domsteic-violence-ending-in-murder-scenario?

We sure did. That's Our Amanda (TM)!

Heidi Klum Saved Her Son and Two Nannies From Drowning in Riptide Over the Weekend

At the Los Angeles Times, "Heidi Klum calls heroic ocean rescue 'what any mother would do'."

Also at WWTDD, "Heidi Klum Did Rescue a Nanny from Drowning!"

New Center for American Progress Study on 'Gun Violence' Includes Suicides as Indicator of 'Gun Violence'

Here's the CAP report, "STUDY: States With Loose Gun Laws Have Higher Rates of Gun Violence." (At Memeorandum.)

I don't normally click the crap from CAP, but the headline is precisely the opposite of statistics cited by firearms advocates, that crime is higher in locations with aggressive gun control laws. Or, conversely, "more guns = fewer murders."

But I clicked through anyway, and my first objection is that CAP doesn't define "gun violence." What kind of gun violence are we talking about? Is gun violence being committed by people who bought firearms legally? Or what? The piece doesn't say. But it does spout a bunch of scholarly jargon about "regression," "empirical evidence," and so forth, so it sounds really awesome!

And wouldn't you know it, but the New York Times picked up on the piece as TOTALLY AUTHORITATIVE MAN! See, "Report Links High Rates of Gun Violence to Weak State Regulations."

That endorsement pretty much proves CAP's suckage, although Tom Maguire went through the Times' piece with a fine-toothed comb, "Gun Magic, Or, More Fun With Numbers at the NY Times." Tom notes that "violent" states with the "loosest" gun control laws score high with suicides as a leading indicator, such as Montana. He writes:
It will be interesting to peruse the study when it hits the intertubes. The lead tells us that low control states score high on "numerous" indicators, such as "gun homicides and suicides, firearm deaths of children, and killings of law enforcement officers". Yet I think we will find states like Montana ranking high on just one factor. The suspense mounts!

Should suicides be counted in the overall gun violence statistics? I would boldly say "No", and "Maybe". If the topic is making mental health part of a robust background check system, and denying guns to people judged to be at risk of suicide, then yes, the suicide rate is relevant. And there is evidence that the suicidal impulse can be transitory, so lack of access to something quick and decisive like a gun can have an impact on the suicide rate (1, 2, 3).

But when Obama et al start talking about gun control in terms of assault weapons and limiting magazine capacity, I think it is fair to note that the link between those factors and suicide is not firmly (or even vaguely) established. Are we facing a national crisis of suicides by people who shoot themselves sixteen time and then bleed out? I missed that report.
More at the link.

The depraved gun-grabbing left will stop at nothing to push their un-American gun control agenda. It's truly evil. Seriously. Un-American and evil.

'I've Been to the Mountaintop' — Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Santitation Workers Speech Was 45 Years Ago Today

King spoke on April 3, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee. The Wikipedia entry is here. He was assassinated the next day. I showed this clip during my classes on civil rights a couple of weeks ago. One of my students, a conservative who is Vietnamese, told me that watching it almost brought her to tears.

PREVIOUSLY: "Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Easter Epistle."

Hey Idiot Progs, How's It Feel Getting Smoked on Gun Control by a 15-Year-Old Young Lady?

At Independent Review, "MUST SEE: 15-Year Old Girl Smokes Gun Control Arguments."

Topless Jihad Day

At Blazing Cat Fur, "Holy Smokes I Almost Forgot! Today Is Topless Jihad Day! Viva Titslamism! Free Amina!"

 photo femenTitslamism_zps0f636d99.jpg

Background at Vlad Tepes: "Tunisian muslims want woman severely punished who showed her breasts on Facebook."

ADDED: From Instapundit, "BARE BREASTS AGAINST ISLAMISM: Femen Stage “Topless Jihad.” (NSFW)."

Ben Howe Slams Tea Party Film at Reviled BuzzFeed

I saw this controversy yesterday on Twitter, where Jimmie Bise was refusing to even read Howe's essay at BuzzFeed.

See John Nolte, at Big Hollywood, "RedState's Ben Howe Rips Tea Party Film On Pages of BuzzFeed."

More from John Nolte, "An Open Offer to Ben Howe's Defenders."

Here's the BuzzFeed essay, "Another Terrible Conservative Movie."

Apple Preps iPhones

At the Wall Street Journal, "Apple to Begin iPhone Production This Quarter":
Apple Inc. plans to begin production of a refreshed iPhone similar in size and shape to its current one in the second quarter of the year, according to people familiar with the device's production, teeing up a possible summer launch for the next version of its flagship device.

At the same time, Apple continues to work with its manufacturing partners in Asia on a less expensive iPhone that could be launched as soon as the second half of this year, these people said. The four-inch device likely will use a different casing from the higher-end iPhone. Apple has been working on different color shells for the phone but its plans remain unclear.

An Apple spokeswoman declined to comment. The Wall Street Journal earlier reported that the company was working on a less expensive iPhone that could go on sale as soon as this year. Analysts have said they expect Apple to launch its next iPhone around the summer.

The two devices reflect new pressures on Apple. The Cupertino, Calif., company has long commanded unique premiums for the iPhone, but consumer demand for cheaper products is spiking. A flood of smartphone entrants and the rise of Samsung Electronics Co. have commoditized the market, squeezing margins and dividing profits among an array of devices.

"There isn't really any major differentiator between the players at this phase," said Neil Mawston, an analyst at research firm Strategy Analytics. He said to cope, Apple needs to take a page from Samsung and launch more products faster.

"The panacea is to transform the industry with a revolutionary design," Mr. Mawston said. Until then "you have to do the traditional business school implementations like manage costs and move quicker than rivals."
I'm really impressed with my iPhone. It'll be interesting to see how the product improves.

More at that top link.

This Is Columbia University

From David Horowitz, at National Review:
People who ask how it is possible that a convicted killer — a participant in a failed plot to blow up a social dance attended by 18-year-old draftees and their dates; a murderess who abetted the cold-blooded massacre of three law-enforcement officers, including the first African-American on the Nyack police force; a woman whose actions left nine children fatherless and who has shown no genuine remorse for that — should be hired as an adjunct professor at an elite school like Columbia University haven’t been paying attention to what’s happened to our educational system from kindergarten to the university level, which has long been under the academic thumb of a Left that is comfortable supporting Islamic supremacists and anti-American terrorists both at home and abroad. After all, it was at Columbia that, in the wake of 9/11, Professor Nicholas De Genova told 3,000 Columbia protesters against America’s war on terror that he wished for “a million Mogadishus” and that a peaceful world would have no place for America.

The prestige of Columbia derives from its scientific and professional divisions (Social Work and Education excepted), in which traditional standards drawn from the Enlightenment and the scientific revolution and including two sides to controversial questions are still observed. Over the past several decades, the liberal-arts divisions and the aforementioned professional schools have reverted to their religious origins, except that the doctrines being rammed down students’ throats without the benefit of opposing views are Marxist rather than Christian.
Continue reading.

Thumping: Bill O'Reilly Blows Up at Laura Ingraham

Over the top bluster. That's O'Reilly's schtick. And I think Ingraham's got a good point too. (Via Memeorandum.)

Mick and Mairead Philpott Guilty of Manslaughter in Deaths of Children

Also guilty was friend Paul Mosley. But the Philpotts were despicable welfare dependency cases.

At London's Daily Mail, "Vile product of Welfare UK: Man who bred 17 babies by five women to milk benefits system is guilty of killing six of them."

Philpott Welfare Product photo BG4BT3hCAAAjizG_zpse25e05c9.jpg


* "Michael Philpott is a perfect parable for our age, writes A.N. WILSON: His story shows the pervasiveness of evil born out of welfare dependency."

* "Group sex on a snooker table, dogging and a girlfriend who shared his marital home: The sordid sex life of 'manipulative' Mick Philpott and his wife Mairead."

And see Telegraph UK, "Lies behind death fire couple's mask of grief," and "Derby fire: Sex-obsessed Philpott lived tawdry lifestyle."

Shooters Were Dems

Via Twitter:

RELATED: At London's Daily Mail, "Revealed: The never-before-seen photo of Newtown killer Adam Lanza and the college records which show he refused to identify his own gender." I don't see anything on Lanza's party registration, but he was not a member of the NRA.

Dana Loesch Destroys Liberal Leslie Marshall on Hannity's Show

Ms. Marshall basically conceded the whole debate to Dana Loesch. I mean really. The left's got nothing on this. All they can do is pray for another Newtown, as some have been pointing out on Twitter. Think about that. All the left can do is hope that more babies will die, or else they won't get their confiscation program passed.

RELATED: At New York Business Journal, "Connecticut set to pass landmark gun law." And the Washington Post, "Obama planning to visit Connecticut Monday to step up pressure on Congress to pass gun control."

Project Veritas: 'Act Against Arms'

I need more information about this production, especially the line about the Project Veritas activist's daughter being shot and killed at 4 years old. That has to be true or the investigation's in bad faith. You can't lie to people to get them to sign a petition. Otherwise, it's yet another outstanding illustration of how fundamental hypocrisy is to the radical left's ideological program. Hypocrisy and lies. That's all the left has. People just need to see through it.

See: "Hypocrites in Hollywood Want Guns Confiscated, But Won’t Remove Them From Their Own Violent Films."

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

NIMBY Progressives: 'Green' Marin Rejects Affordable Housing for Immigrant Workers

Because doing good for social justice is a-okay, as long as there's no impact on the lefty do-gooders' bottom line.

No Immigrant Workers in Marin photo NoPlaceforImmigrantsinMarin_zps406b5ac5.jpg
At the Los Angeles Times, "Affordable housing is again a red flag in 'green' Marin County":
SAN RAFAEL, Calif. — After George Lucas abandoned plans to build a movie studio along a woodsy road in Marin County, he complained about the permitting process in a place so environmentally friendly that hybrid-car ownership is four times the state average.

His next move, some here say, was payback for what Lucas described in a written statement as the "bitterness and anger" expressed by his neighbors.

The creator of "Star Wars" and "Indiana Jones" is working with a local foundation that hopes to build hundreds of units of affordable housing on a former dairy farm called Grady Ranch, where his studio would have risen.

Now Marin County is squirming at that prospect — and it is not a pretty sight.

The issue of affordable housing in California's wealthiest county has always brought its "green" lifestyle and liberal social leanings into conflict. No Bay Area county has more protected open space — or fewer workers who can afford to live anywhere near their jobs.

At a recent planning commission hearing, where possible sites for subsidized housing were discussed, nearly all the heated testimony had some version of: "I'm all for affordable housing, but …"

Nine days later, protesters wearing "End Apartheid in Marin County" buttons demanded that officials do something to help low-income workers find housing in a place where the median home price is $650,000 and 60% of the workforce lives somewhere else.

The irony is not lost on Thomas Peters, president of the Marin Community Foundation, the philanthropy that is collaborating with the filmmaker to build along Lucas Valley Road. The region's environmentally conscious lifestyle, he said, is built on the long commutes of low-paid workers whose cars choke Highway 101 to the point that "you can literally see the CO2 rising."

"The community, to some degree, has been lulled by success in its 40-year-old determination to really protect the open spaces," Peters said. But "it is not sustainable to hold that kind of misperception that this is all beautiful and everything can stay as it is."

With the Golden Gate Bridge as its front door and Point Reyes National Seashore in the backyard, Marin County is blessed with some of California's most breathtaking vistas. Indeed, 84% of its land is protected as tideland, open space, parkland, agricultural preserves and watershed.

In an effort to address climate change and cut greenhouse gas emissions, the county in 2010 launched California's first so-called community choice energy program. Marin Clean Energy purchases power for its customers from renewable sources such as wind, solar and hydroelectric projects.

But Marin is near the back of the pack in the nine-county Bay Area region when it comes to absorbing predicted population growth — and is the most unwilling, said Ezra Rapport, executive director of the Assn. of Bay Area Governments.
We see story after story of leftist hypocrisy and moral bankruptcy. It's ridiculous. Extremely affluent and cloistered in environmental smugness, these people couldn't care less about immigrant workers or clean air, if ameliorating such would impair their lavish lifestyles.

These people are so pampered you'd think Occupy Wall Street would be having a field day over there. Sheesh. Makes you want to puke.

Continue reading.

Hayden Panettiere Rule 5

She looks great.

 photo BG3cZdfCQAA8vkO_zpsea339897.jpg
At London's Daily Mail, "'I was born to be a mother': Hayden Panettiere opens up about having children and her second chance at love with 'fiance' Wladimir Klitschko."

Lots of photos at that link.

Associated Press Bans 'illegal Immigrant'

At National Review, "AP Stylebook Drops ‘Illegal Immigrant’" (via Memeorandum).

Also at Twitchy, "Pathetic: Associated Press officially drops ‘illegal immigrant’ from Stylebook; Update: More media to follow?

Also, "#NewAPGuidelines: A stalker is now a hug-deficient person and other AP-acceptable terms."

Former Weather Underground Radical Kathy Boudin Now Teaches at Columbia University School of Social Work

She served 22 years in prison for her crimes, was paroled, and has a right to live and work in the general population. But this story's really about the outrageous moral inversions of left-wing radicalism, ensconced at America's universities especially. At the New York Post, "Outrage 101: Radical jailed in slay now Columbia prof."

And see Michelle Malkin, "Academia hearts the Weather Underground: Kathy Boudin at Columbia and NYU."

And see, "The Bloody Company Hollywood Keeps."

Michelle mentions the O’Grady-Brown Memorial Scholarship Fund at the clip.

And see AoSHQ, "Bizarre: Former Felony Murderer Is Now a Professor at Columbia;Meanwhile, Pediatric Neurosurgeon with No Criminal Record is a 'Monster'."

Judgment Day: Stockton Is Bankrupt

From Walter Russell Mead, at Via Media:
Stockton is already burdened with 18.7% unemployment and the highest foreclosure rate in the US, and now things are going to get much worse. These are the consequences of pursuing so many expensive public projects and endless employee benefits. The city’s leadership simply assumed that revenue would increase indefinitely. Now it’s all come tumbling down, and pensioners and the poor will suffer the worst of the fallout.

It’s hard to see how the state could be experiencing a “comeback” when multiple cities are declaring bankruptcy—San Bernardino is up next. This is just the beginning of Stockton’s legal and financial mess. The effect of today’s decision will be closely watched by unions and insolvent cities across the country.
Well, yeah it's hard to see a comeback. California state government is the ultimate fiscal black hole. See the Sacramento Bee, "State auditor: California's net worth at negative $127.2 billion."

And it's not getting better anytime soon, according to a weekend report at the Orange County Register, "California state government 'failing' on transparency."

For Latinos, 'Wetback' is Just Like 'Nigga' — It's Only Racist When White People Say It

I find the term repulsive, and the backlash against Rep. Don Young is well deserved. That said, if "wetback" is genuinely racist, then it shouldn't be acceptable for discourse among any demographic, not just when uttered by those of the hegemonic "racist" white oppressor class.

Behold the hypocrisy, at the Los Angeles Times, "For Latinos, a Spanish word loaded with meaning":
When Boyle Heights shop owner Arturo Macias hears fellow Latinos use the Spanish word for "wetback," he doesn't necessarily take offense.

Macias, who crossed illegally into the U.S. through Tijuana two decades ago, has heard the term "mojado" for much of his life and sees it less as an insult than a description of a common immigrant experience.

"As a country of immigrants," he says in Spanish, "in one way or another, we're all mojados."

Macias is very offended, however, when he hears a non-Latino say "wetback." That distinction befuddles his 20-year-old daughter Karina.

"It definitely is a term to divide people," she said. "You can't use it as a term of endearment at all, whether it's someone outside of your culture or not."

An Alaska's congressman's reference to "wetbacks" during a radio interview last week stirred an uproar and he was forced to apologize. In Latino communities, the episode highlighted how cultural reactions to the word have changed through generations.

Everyone seems to agree that the English version of the term is highly offensive to Latinos when others use it. But when Latinos use mojado — which literally means "wet" but is also used to describe illegal immigrants in the United States — it's different.

"My grandfather, for all practical purposes, was a mojado. They call each other mojados," veteran Latino activist Arnoldo Torres said. "It's about understanding the complexity. Of seven, eight, nine, generations of Latinos that have lived in the United States."

Torres was already dealing with the fallout of the word 30 years ago.

In 1983, Ernest Hollings, a South Carolina senator running for the Democratic presidential nomination, used the English term at a dinner during a campaign stop in Des Moines. Hollings apologized and met with a group of Latino leaders, including Torres, then the executive director of the League of United Latin American Citizens.

"We said, 'Look, this is why it's offensive.' We weren't looking for some astronomical apology," Torres said. "Our hope was very simple. If we're able to educate him, maybe he can tell others."

Each time the word resurfaces, it carries with it a long history and a nuanced reputation.

The English term, originally coined after Mexicans illegally entered the U.S. by swimming or wading across the Rio Grande, evolved to include a broader group of immigrants who entered into the country on foot or in cars. The Spanish translation espaldas mojadas, is typically shortened to just mojado or mojada, depending on the person's gender.

In 1954, as the U.S. economy sputtered to find its footing after the Korean War, the government launched the now-infamous Operation Wetback, a deportation drive that sent Mexicans back to Mexico in droves and roused complaints of racial profiling and fractured families.

During that decade, the term was still splashed across the pages of the country's major newspapers.
Yes, because you know it's okay when non-Latinos spew "wetbacks."

More at the link. And at Memeorandum.

'Because through the heart of every leftist runs the blood of totalitarianism, of confirmation bias, of rank bigotry and a mob’s lust for violence, for punishment, for blood, for inflicting suffering on those who dare oppose their designs...'

A brilliant essay from Jeff Goldstein, at Protein Wisdom, "As the country slides into liberal fascism, conservatives are being set up as the scapegoat":
Hold onto your gear and prepare yourselves. Register nothing. Resist them at every turn. Don’t cooperate. Refuse to compromise. Because it is coming. And if you don’t feel it, and prepare for it, more’s the pity.

Next-Generation WWII Atonement

A great piece, at Der Spiegel, "'Our Mothers, Our Fathers': ZDF TV Miniseries Reopens Wounds of German WWII Past":
A miniseries that aired in Germany this month has enthralled viewers with its emotional portrayal of the role that average people played in WWII. Stripped of moral pretension, it also establishes a new, multigenerational milestone in the country's culture of remembrance.

At the end, the famous zero hour, when the survivors meet again in the now-abandoned Berlin pub they used to frequent, tight-lipped, with empty faces and a dull look in their eyes, everything comes down to a single sentence. None of them can say it out loud. It would sound far too weighty in light of the historic nothingness they face in their reunion.

Instead, a voice-over delivers what is, in a sense, the moral of the story following the demise of Nazi Germany in May 1945, establishing both an end and a beginning: "Soon there will only be Germans, and not a single Nazi."

At this point, the SS major has burned his brown uniform and already sits in a neatly pressed suit at a desk for the occupying power, announcing matter-of-factly that his experience is needed. The others, the war-wounded, look as lost as strangers as they stand in the wreckage, without the slightest idea of what comes next.

But the viewers, with their knowledge of the historical facts, do know what comes next. They already knew what would happen when the five friends said their farewells in the summer of 1941 with the promise: "We'll see each other at Christmas." They are familiar with the deceptive nature of the euphoria that followed the first battles of encirclement and drove the German army, now sure of victory, into the broad expanses of Russian territory. They have learned that the SS paramilitary death squads known as Einsatzgruppen were raging behind the front, murdering large numbers of people, women and children included. They also know that the regular German army, the Wehrmacht, was also culpable, if only because it made these crimes against humanity possible in the first place.

Most of all, they know how quickly things went uphill for West Germany after Nazi capitulation. They are familiar with the German economic miracle as a form of compensation, with democracy and Western European unification under the protective cloak of the Allies. And then German partition, the Cold War and the war generation's long silence and efforts to repress the past, a generation that girded itself with the West German success story. And they know about the recurring shock waves of enlightenment, remembrance, shame, mourning and coming to terms with the past that have rolled across German society at regular intervals since the 1960s.
I'd like to see that.

Continue reading.

Outrage! Human Rights Campaign Censors Transgender Activist and Queer DREAMer at SCOTUS Gay Marriage Rally

And you'd think they'd be sensitive to marginalized minorities.

The jerks!

HRC is a racist, bigoted hegemonic anti-civil rights oppressor of transgendered, queer alien DREAMers!

At BuzzFeed, "With Apology, LGBT Rights Group Seeks to Avoid Reopening Old Wounds."

RELATED: At Queer Insurrection, "F**k You, HRC":
We don’t want tolerance, acceptance, and acknowledgement from straight people. We want real, systemic change because we, as queers, understand that the systemic crises of normativity, capitalism, and imperialism are linked to all forms of oppression. Sexism, racism, classism, able-ism, ageism, nationalism, homophobia—these are all interlinked and intertwined with each other because of our racist and classist education system, unequal access to jobs, recruitment of poor people of color in to the military, religious fundamentalism as a profit motive, corporate tyranny, the napoleon complex (police brutality), violence, threats of violence, and most of all, straight white males dominating the world economy through exploitation, lies, deceit, and an iron fist.

Don’t believe me? Ever been to a low-income neighborhood? Is it just a coincidence that the demographic is dominantly people of color? Are they lazy? Can you work 3 jobs and over 80 hours a week at minimum wage to feed a family of 4 and be lazy? Have you wondered why a majority of the top 100 richest people in the world are white males? Are all white males just hard working people, miles ahead of the rest? Have you wondered why a CEO makes a $4,000,000,000 bonus even when they fire 30% of their company and their stocks fail? Ever wonder why our prisons are filled with people of color who are then used for slave labor for companies like Dell computers? Ever wonder why women are raped and then blamed for their own raping because they were “promiscuous” or “asking for it”? Of course the gay and lesbian movement doesn’t. They just want acceptance. Tolerance. They just want straight people to like them so they can ignore the issues facing people below them on the social totem pole, even if it is within their own community (the sexually and gender-presenting deviant). They just want to get married, serve in the military, and have a (white) family.

The gay and lesbian movement is run by the rich, white, gay (and sometimes lesbian) community who are ignorant (and insensitive) to issues facing the majority of the marginalized communities, especially their own. Or maybe they’re just selfish, greedy assholes who don’t really care about the entire community but a tiny, elitist sliver of it. A queer teenager is four times likelier to commit suicide. In New York, 20-40% of homeless youth are LGBT identified who were kicked out of their homes after coming out (that’s over 150,000 high school kids and younger in New York alone). Lack of healthcare makes transitioning almost impossible for lower-income transgender individuals (it’s still legal to discriminate against transgender or gender variant people in the workplace, how are you supposed to obtain a high income job?). Oh but the gay and lesbian movement doesn’t fucking care, they just want a property tax cut so they can make even more absurd amounts of money for themselves and gain some sort of façade of legitimacy in the court of law. They want to see their loved ones in the hospital when thousands of queers and people of color are dying because of lack of health care and basic resources needed to survive. They want to increase hate crime legislation to lock up more people of color in to the prison industrial complex to increase their property values and “clean up the streets.” And we are all standing by, cheering these people on and celebrating victories of prop 8 and DADT at the expense of people of color, youth, working class people, sex workers, and transgender people (which HRC decides to blatantly exclude from most of their politics)?! What the fuck?

The gay and lesbian movement are the same people who are running the mainstream magazines, the ones who have sold your identity off to big corporations to exploit you in to a niche (profitable) market (oh the gays love their designer bags oh and loafers are so chic now, all the gays wear them), the ones who make you feel ashamed about your gender non-conformity by blasting you with images of what a male and female body should look like, the same people who make you feel uncomfortable and insecure in “queer-friendly” spaces because they are racist, classist, or non body-positive...
So true! That reminds me of Jasmyne Cannick, "No-on-8's white bias":
The first problem with Proposition 8 was the issue of marriage itself. The white gay community never successfully communicated to blacks why it should matter to us above everything else -- not just to me as a lesbian but to blacks generally. The way I see it, the white gay community is banging its head against the glass ceiling of a room called equality, believing that a breakthrough on marriage will bestow on it parity with heterosexuals. But the right to marry does nothing to address the problems faced by both black gays and black straights. Does someone who is homeless or suffering from HIV but has no healthcare, or newly out of prison and unemployed, really benefit from the right to marry someone of the same sex?

Maybe white gays could afford to be singularly focused, raising millions of dollars to fight for the luxury of same-sex marriage. But blacks were walking the streets of the projects and reaching out to small businesses, gang members, convicted felons and the spectrum of an entire community to ensure that we all were able to vote.
Go tell it on the mountain baby.

Down with HRC!

Gay Marriage, Child-Rearing, Rights and Government

From the letters to the editor, at the Wall Street Journal:
Regarding Prop 8 and DOMA:

There is nothing in the Constitution requiring any level of government to treat homosexuality on an equal footing with heterosexuality. Also, there is nothing that requires the federal government to recognize any class of marriage supported by the states—just look at polygamy and Utah history, for example.

Prop 8 itself was passed to address a blatant case of judicial activism in which California courts struck down a constitutional law passed by the people of California. The attempt to overturn it is more of the same.

The question is, do we live in a democracy, or do we live in a state where the will of the people can be reversed if a sufficient number of elites decide to do so?

Richard Sol
Los Angeles

If the people of California may not arbitrarily define marriage as a relationship between one man and one woman, then why may they arbitrarily define it as a relationship between two, and only two, people?

If I want to have several marriage partners at the same time, and if I want them all to have equal access to spousal benefits from my employer, how might we fashion a constitutional challenge to California's bigamy law?

Morgan Foster
PREVIOUSLY: "Leftists Could Push Polygamy After Same-Sex Marriage."

Here's Some Jodie Gasson Rule 5 via Twitter

Camp of the Saints posted some Jodie Gasson Rule 5 last weekend, and here she is on Twitter:

More on Twitter.

The Horrifying Chart I Recommend You Forward to Every Democrat Voter You Know

At Director Blue:
Obamacare really doesn't even fully kick in until January 1st 2014. Combined with "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" and untold new EPA regulations headed at energy companies, this administration appears bound and determined to crush entrepreneurship in the U.S.

Gird your loins.
Click through for the chart.

'Rainbow Journalism'

From Kevin Banet, at the Western Center for Journalism, "'Rainbow Journalism' Is The New Enemy of Children":
If you’re young, trendy and hip, and are strolling through downtown Minneapolis, you might grasp a copy of City Pages from the newstand. Its stories, appealing graphics, attractive restaurant ads and reviews of the local night club scene would seem to set you up for an upbeat weekend.

But look a little further, and you’ll uncover a fanatically-driven editorial policy that promotes sleeze and liberal causes. For example, “Savage Love” is a weekly sex advice column by the notorious sex activist Dan Savage. His recent advice includes using online resources to find a worker in the sex industry for a reader’s 22-year old mentally-ill brother. Ugh. The column is filled with trashy advice and crude language.

City Pages is part of a chain of 16 “alternative” free weekly papers around the country with a hefty combined circulation of 1.8 million. You wonder, an alternative to what? It’s an alternative to what is wholesome and true; City Pages promotes strip clubs, homosexuality, and condemns any moral message of Christianity. It scorns patriotism as well. One front-page display contained a mock-up photo of the Statue of Liberty with the words, “One nation under tacos.”
More at that top link, and see also, Accuracy in Media, "Gay Propaganda Campaign Takes Offensive Turn."

PREVIOUSLY: "Why Homosexuality Should Nauseate You."

'The Will of Allah' — Man Fatally Shot at Ohio Church After Easter Service

At 19 Action News, Cleveland, Ohio, "Shooter says "This is the will of Allah" after shooting":


Ashtabula Police have identified the suspect and victim from Sunday's church shooting at the Hiawatha Church of God and Christ in Ashtabula.

The incident happened around 1:15 p.m. outside the church.

According to police, Reshad Riddle waited for his father, Richard Riddle to exit the church after services were over Sunday before shooting him in the head.

Richard Riddle's mother witnessed the shooting although most of the congregation was still inside the church.

The church was packed because of the Easter holiday.

The pastor told 19 Action News that after the shooting, Reshad then went into the church and sat down.  An assistant pastor at the church quotes Reshad as saying, "The will of Allah, this is the will of God."
The news station has changed the headline at the piece, obviously worried about a backlash from the likes of  unindicted CAIR.


Freakin' progs.

Muslims and progs --- a genocidal combination.

Monday, April 1, 2013

'Folks, This is Classic, Classic Anti-Semitism' — Hanan Ashrawi's Passover Blood Libel

I saw this story days ago at Israel Matzav:
Folks, this is classic, classic anti-Semitism. Anyone who thinks these people are suddenly going to live in peace with Israelis when this is how they think is simply fooling himself.
The links take us to Elder of Ziyon, "Passover blood libel in Hanan Ashrawi's "Miftah" website."

And Elder of Ziyon has a thread at Memeorandum, "Miftah attacks me, refuses to condemn its blood libel":
Miftah has responded to my exposé of their anti-semitic article last week:
The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy, MIFTAH strongly denounces the smear campaign being carried out against it and, by association, its founder Dr. Hanan Ashrawi. The obscure pro-Israeli website “The Elder of Ziyon” has wrongly accused MIFTAH and Dr. Ashrawi of promoting Jewish blood libel during Passover through its publication of an Arabic-language article that briefly addressed the subject.

The disclaimer at the opening of the “News and Analysis” section clearly states that, “The views represented in [News and Analysis] are solely those of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of MIFTAH, but rather fulfill its mandate for open dialogue.” For the record, to avoid further misunderstanding, Al Zaru’s article has been taken down from MIFTAH’s website.

MIFTAH has and always will promote the principles of democracy and a peaceful solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Articles published in its name on both its Arabic and English websites are proof of this philosophy. Neither MIFTAH nor Dr. Ashrawi has ever been associated with anti-Jewish or anti-Semitic campaigns due to their philosophy of promoting accurate and credible information...
Keep reading.

Elder writes:
Fully half of the article talks about the blood libel. It didn't "briefly address the subject," as Miftah's ridiculous attack on me suggests - it was the linchpin of the entire article, asking how President Obama could possibly support Israel and have a Passover Seder at the White House in light of the "fact' that Jews drink Christian blood on Passover. In no way was it only "briefly mentioned." In no possible way was this an oversight
And here's more, "Why can't Hanan Ashrawi's Miftah apologize for publishing antisemitism?":
Any Western newspaper, organization or major website would have not only fallen over themselves to distance themselves from the Jew-hatred exhibited in Miftah, but they would have fired the writer and the editor on the spot.

Why didn't Miftah?

The only possible explanation is that Miftah does not truly consider this article to be offensive. They think that those pesky Jews are making a big deal out of nothing. They believe that Jews are bloodthirsty anyway (at least the Zionist variety) and to Miftah it is not a great leap to say that Jews must have been that way forever. The site has literally hundreds of articles accusing Israeli Jews of "ethnic cleansing" of Arabs, to give only a tiny example of lies that Miftah accepts and promotes as fact. A previous Miftah article states that "there are documented reports from Haiti that organs are being stolen by Israelis without international justice intervening to put an end to such criminal practices against innocent vulnerable people." When the editors of Miftah believe such things already, how much of a stretch is it to believe that Jews ritually murder non-Jews to drink their blood?

Miftah's response was that "its work speaks for itself." I hope every funder of Miftah takes that statement very, very seriously when deciding whether to continue to send money to an organization that is utterly unrepentant about publishing pure hate.

And if Miftah belatedly issues a vague statement condemning antisemitism (probably together with one condemning Israel), we now know that it is only doing it to protect its funding and not because it actually considers antisemitism to be abhorrent.

That train has already left the station.
MIFTAH has now issued an apology, blaming the publication of blood libel on "a junior staff member":
Date posted: 01/04/2013


The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy, MIFTAH would like to apologize for the recent and brief publication on our website of an article penned by Nawaf Al Zaru that discusses Jewish blood libel during Passover.

It has become clear to us after investigating this incident that the article was accidentally and incorrectly published by a junior staff member. The said staffer has been reprimanded and all our staff has been informed as to the disgusting and repulsive phenomena of blood libel or accusation, including its use against Jews. Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, as founder, has nothing to do with the day to day management at MIFTAH and was no way involved in this incident.

We express our sincerest regret for offense caused by the oversight that resulted in said publication. We are whole-heartedly committed to fighting racism, hatemongering, discrimination and persecution of any kind wherever it should exist, and especially in our own society.
More at Washington Free Beacon, "This Blood Libel Brought to You by the West" (at Memeorandum).

Oops! Small Firms Limited to Single Health Plan Under ObamaCare

Yes, because the law was supposed to increase competition and lower premiums, or something.

#DemocratEconomics. #Fail.

At the New York Times, "Choice of Plans Under Health Law Delayed for Small Firms" (at Memeorandum):

Rotten Egg photo cartoon-rotten-egg-alg-5001_zps6d40be94.jpg
WASHINGTON — Unable to meet tight deadlines in the new health care law, the Obama administration is delaying parts of a program intended to provide affordable health insurance to small businesses and their employees — a major selling point for the health care legislation.

The law calls for a new insurance marketplace specifically for small businesses, starting next year. But in most states, employers will not be able to get what Congress intended: the option to provide workers with a choice of health plans. They will instead be limited to a single plan.

This choice option, already available to many big businesses, was supposed to become available to small employers in January. But administration officials said they would delay it to 2015 in the 33 states where the federal government will be running insurance markets known as exchanges. And they will delay the requirement for other states as well.

The promise of affordable health insurance for small businesses was portrayed as a major advantage of the new health care law, mentioned often by White House officials and Democratic leaders in Congress as they fought opponents of the legislation.

Supporters of the health care law said they were disappointed by the turn of events.

The delay will “prolong and exacerbate health care costs that are crippling 29 million small businesses,” said Senator Mary L. Landrieu, Democrat of Louisiana and chairwoman of the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship.

In the weeks leading up to the passage of the health care legislation in 2010, Ms. Landrieu provided crucial support for the measure, after securing changes to help small businesses.

The administration cited “operational challenges” as a reason for the delay. As a result, it said, most small employers buying insurance through an exchange will offer just a single health plan to their workers next year.

Health insurance availability and cost are huge concerns for small businesses. They have less bargaining power than large companies and generally pay higher prices for insurance, if they can afford it at all.

"Operational challenges," like that lawsuit heading to the Supreme Court seeking to strike down the mandate tax as unconstitutional under the Origination Clause, Article I, Section 7 of the U.S. Constitution? Uh, yeah, that might be a challenge alright.

Thanks progs!

Freakin' Democrat idiots.

Tammi Rossman-Benjamin, UC Santa Cruz Hebrew Lecturer, Under Attack for Pointing Out Muslim Student Association's Ties to Hamas and Hezbollah

What's especially interesting about this is Professor Rossman-Benjamin spoke about MSA's terrorist ties at a private, (way) off campus talk at the Temple Ahavath Torah in Massachusetts, in June 2012.

BCF reports, "Prof Under Fire For Pointing Out Terror Links Of Muslim Student Association":
"Benjamin is shown describing students from the Muslim Students Association and Students for Justice in Palestine as often being foreign students arriving at American universities from Muslim countries where they are "fed on a diet of anti-Semitism."

She accuses these student groups of having strong ties to terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah, as well as the Muslim Brotherhood, and adds that they take part in international campaigns to demonize and illegitimize Israel.

"The MSA and SJP students have forcefully promoted their message on campus and in most cases there has been little resistance. As a result of the sheer quantity of MSA and SJP materials, an advanced anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian discourse has really dominated the campus square for over a decade, negatively affecting perceptions of literally hundreds of thousands of California University students," Rossman-Benjamin said."
The video is here.

Well, it's true, of course.

According to JPost:
"The MSA and SJP students have forcefully promoted their message on campus and in most cases there has been little resistance. As a result of the sheer quantity of MSA and SJP materials, an advanced anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian discourse has really dominated the campus square for over a decade, negatively affecting perceptions of literally hundreds of thousands of California University students," Rossman-Benjamin said.

Rossman-Benjamin co-founded the Amcha Initiative, an organization that aims to protect the "safety and well-being of Jewish college and university students" and to fight against anti-Jewish and anti-Israel discourse and behavior in classrooms and university-sponsored events.

An online petition by the Committee for Justice in Palestine at UCSC urges UCSC President Mark Yudof to condemn Rossman-Benjamin's "racist and defamatory claims."

In the petition, the group accuses the UCSC President's office of facilitating and promoting such remarks, saying that in an e-mail sent out to university students, Yudof adopted a "false narrative" presented to him in a letter written by Rossman-Benjamin, where she also makes claims tying the two student groups to Hamas and Hezbollah.

"The University of California and the Office of the President must take a clear stand against hate speech directed at marginalized communities, and distance itself from extremists like Tammi Benjamin and the Amcha Initiative that work to smear and silence student human rights campaigners," the group writes.

Because truth is "hate speech."

Freakin' terrorists.

The Great Destroyer — Obama Urkel!

At the Looking Spoon, "Obama Did Do This, No One Else Made It Happen."

Obama Urkel photo obama-urkel_zpsdc58b4aa.jpg

And see David Limbaugh, "Obama Is 'The Great Destroyer'."

The book is here: The Great Destroyer: Barack Obama's War on the Republic.

Yeah, and Progressives Support Muslims, Who Are Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Gun-Toting Religious Fanatics...

Because the progs are all about tolerance for the downtrodden, or something.

At Theo Spark:

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Obama Shoots 2 for 22 at Easter Basketball Game

And CBS News yanked the video from YouTube? Obama-compliant much?

At iOWNTHEWORLD, "CBS Demands That YouTube Take Down a Video of Obama Looking Like a Jerk on the Basketball Court."

'This Is Islamic Apartheid'


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Brilliant: Criminal Trying to Escape Runs Through Plate Glass in Australia

The guy's no doubt a progressive.

At Telegraph UK, "Australian bag thief runs through glass door during escape":
CCTV footage shows a bag thief in Perth running through a glass door as he attempts to escape a shopping centre.

No Fooling: Britain's Welfare Cuts Kick-In Today

Not an April Fool's joke.

At the Guardian UK, "The day Britain changes: welfare reforms and coalition cuts take effect."
A new world heaves into view this week with sweeping changes in the fields of welfare, justice, health and tax.
 photo BGt2KmbCEAAeqjk_zps78d0eac3.jpg

And the British progs are going batsh*t over the changes. Bunch of damned dependency freaks.

See Fraser Nelson, "Why are the left so angry about today’s welfare reform? Because it’s popular – and right." Also, from Ed West, "Opponents of welfare reform might win if they weren't so blinded by political correctness."

Leftists Could Push Polygamy After Same-Sex Marriage

Because once you abandon the one man, one woman standard, there is no bright line saying when to stop redefining marriage.

See William Jacobson, "“Polygamy would have to be permitted”":
Also, “it’s just bad faith to forbid the brother and sister on these putative health grounds”

The words in the title and subtitle were spoken by one of the leading thinkers and advocates in favor of gay marriage, University of Chicago Professor Martha Nussbaum, in a speech she gave at Cornell Law School in 2009 (video and discussion below).

I was reminded of those words after Dr. Benjamin Carson created a stir when, during a television interview...
More at the link.

And see John Nolte, "No Media Outrage After Sotomayor ‘Compares’ Homosexuality to Incest."

PREVIOUSLY: "Progressives Smear Dr. Benjamin Carson on Polygamy Comments Even Though Justice Sotomayor Raised Exact Same Concerns."

PLUS: "Anti-Marriage Extremist Walter James Casper III and the Unitarian Push for Polyamorous Sexual Licentiousness."

Justin Bieber Guitarist Dan Kantner Visits Auschwitz

At the Times of Israel, "'Believe' - Bieber’s guitarist tours Auschwitz."

The video's here.

That would be emotional.

Sunday, March 31, 2013