Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Progressive Arsonists on the March

From Matthew Vadum, at FrontPage Magazine:

Left-wing politicians and racial-grievance profiteers across America are now fanning the flames of racial discord, demanding that George Zimmerman endure a politically correct show trial at the federal level despite his acquittal.

Members of the professional Left can barely conceal their glee that Zimmerman was found not guilty of second-degree murder in the death of Trayvon Martin. This means they get to retain Zimmerman as a villain they can use to foment racial hatred, cause future civil disturbances, raise money through direct mail solicitations, and get out the vote for race-baiting Democrats.

Zimmerman was acquitted by a 6-member all-female jury late Saturday. A leader of the neighborhood watch program in crime-ridden Sanford, Fla., he encountered unarmed Trayvon Martin on Feb. 26, 2012. A physical confrontation followed in which Zimmerman, a Latino, shot Martin, a 17-year-old black youth, to death. Zimmerman claimed he needed to use deadly force to save his own life.

President Obama decided that the Zimmerman verdict was an opportune moment to press for gun control. “We should ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence that claims too many lives across this country on a daily basis,” he said after the verdict. “We should ask ourselves, as individuals and as a society, how we can prevent future tragedies like this. As citizens, that’s a job for all of us. That’s the way to honor Trayvon Martin.”

Fishing for votes, Obama injected himself and racial politics into the Zimmerman case during the election cycle last year when he volunteered, “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.” Now he’s pretending he had nothing to do with all the race-based antagonism that he stirred up.

Left-wing thought leaders across the fruited plan are doing their best to exacerbate and exploit the potentially explosive racial tensions created by Obama’s meddling and the media’s saturation coverage of the Zimmerman case.

Racial arsonist extraordinaire Al Sharpton, whose race-baiting rants have gotten people killed, blasted the verdict as an “atrocity” and “a slap in the face to those that believe in justice in this country.” Fellow MSNBC personality Chris Hayes simply tweeted, “Goddamit.”

Sharpton played a major role in turning a local crime story into a national media obsession. He is now demanding the federal government lay civil rights charges against Zimmerman.

Jesse Jackson Sr. said on MSNBC yesterday that Zimmerman’s acquittal amounted to a “tremendous miscarriage of justice.” He berated the jury, noting that there were no men on it. “Trayvon was a black boy — there was no man, no black on the jury,” he said, adding, “so at least the idea of a jury of your peers was a stretch all the while.”

Jackson is obviously no lawyer. In America the Constitution guarantees the accused, not the victim, an impartial jury. A common notion taught in civics classes is that a jury is supposed to contain the peers of the accused, not the victim.

Last year Jackson said Martin’s death could be treated as a tragedy or it could spur a new movement. “How do we go from a moment to a movement that creates fundamental change?” Jackson told a church congregation. “If it’s a moment, we go home. If it’s a movement, we go to war.”

On CNN disgraced former Obama green jobs czar Van Jones, a self-described “rowdy black nationalist” and “communist,” wondered aloud, “Do I now have to dress my kid in a tuxedo so that he can go buy Skittles?” Incidentally, CNN has rewarded Jones’s radicalism and 9/11 trutherism by giving him a co-host spot on the upcoming revival of the show “Crossfire.”

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) told “Meet the Press” Sunday that he welcomed federal prosecution of Zimmerman. “I think the Justice Department is going to take a look at this. You know, this isn’t over with and I think that’s good. That’s our system. It’s gotten better, not worse.”

Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.), co-chairman of the neo-communist Congressional Progressive Caucus, said the verdict would inspire copycats. “You empower individual citizens to basically take the law into their own hands.”

Rep. Chaka Fattah (D-Pa.), also a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, lamented that the defendant should have been convicted of something: “What the jury is saying is, ‘Here’s George Zimmerman back, here’s his gun back and what he did was perfectly fine. And he’s coming to a neighborhood near you.”
F-king communists.

Damn. These people are destroying the country, starting with the president on down, to AG Holder, and the leftist Democrat-Occupy-Anarchist alliance et al.

The fruits are everywhere on the streets, the mf's.

Beyonce, Halle Berry and the 'Cracker' Celebrity Industry — Radical Chic for #Trayvon Martin

At Cambrian Dissenters:
Millions of red blooded male hearts were sent fluttering when Halle Berry emerged from the surf sporting her orange bikini and eventually falling for the dubious charms of James Bond in the blockbuster movie Die Another Day.

Millions more teenagers and delayed adolescents rush out to buy the latest tickets and promoted merchandise for performer Beyoncé Knowles. One would think that the these two mega rich superstars, and the rest of the celebrity crowd, would use their global fame to positively influence impressionable young minds.

Unfortunately they choose not to, instead they identify themselves with the trendy African American 'victims of slavery' culture which is being promoted by race baiting politicians such as Jesse Jackson, 'Reverend' Al Sharpton et al. including their current half 'cracker' President. This is despite the fact that they are all far removed from all things African or slave.
Well, they're left-wing idiots, tools of the racial-grievance shakedown industry, despite their filthy millions in riches, most drained from the pockets of the "evil" racist white crackers. More at USA Today, "Celebs react to George Zimmerman verdict."

But RTWT at that top link.

RELATED: At Twitchy, "Deleted tweet: Kirstie Alley says all white people are murderers, or something." Plus, scroll around over there for the lulz.

Police Use 'Flash Bang Grenades' on Totally 'Peaceful Protesters' in Oakland, or Something

Yes, because you always need to deploy flash bang grenades to subdue the Mahatma Gandhi-style protesters we're seeing, right? At KGO-TV San Francisco:

PREVIOUSLY: "Los Angeles Vows to Crack Down on Lawless Rioters," and "Idiot Leftists Define Race Riots Down."

Los Angeles Vows to Crack Down on Lawless Rioters

Because, it's all "peaceful" protesters misunderstanding the meaning of "riots," or something.

Police don't "crack down" on protesters, since people have rights. We're having violent unrest, race riots, but ohhh! Don't say that word or, wait! Look over there! No "mass" riots, or anything. BWAHAHA!!

From Blankstein:

And earlier, "Idiot Leftists Define Race Riots Down."

Leftists are scum communist dirtbags whose entire lives are about pushing revolutionary disinformation campaigns to destroy the public order. Language is the means of success for these criminals, for if nothing is a "race riot" then you can burn down the entire f-king while our fool-for-public-officials cave to the despicable political correctness.

It's time to pop some faces, mf's.

Idiot Leftists Define Race Riots Down

We've been in the midst of days of race riots following the Zimmerman verdict. Here's the definition of riots at Dictionary.com:
ri·ot  [rahy-uht]
a noisy, violent public disorder caused by a group or crowd of persons, as by a crowd protesting against another group, a government policy, etc., in the streets.
Law. a disturbance of the public peace by three or more persons acting together in a disrupting and tumultuous manner in carrying out their private purposes.
violent or wild disorder or confusion.
a brilliant display: a riot of color.
something or someone hilariously funny: You were a riot at the party.
Of course, idiot leftist commentators are intent on defining rioting down. So let's stipulate: No, we're nowhere near the Los Angeles riots of 1992, and of course the unrest at that time seemed more of a genuine civil rights nature reminiscent of the 1960s. But it's clear we're having race riots that have gone far beyond anything people would normally describe as "protests." But regressive leftists are so invested in winning political points against the "reviled" right-bloggers that they'd rather deny the truth than admit they're both stupid and wrong. As I've been reporting for the last three days it's been rioting every night since the verdict. These are not "peaceful" protests by any means. Police and journalists are being attacked, property is being vandalized, citizens are being beaten and robbed, and stores are being rushed and looted by mostly black criminals.

Pamela Geller nails it with the scare quotes at her post, "TRAYVON MARTIN 'PROTESTERS' RIP DOWN FENCE - JUMP ON CARS, LOOT STORES":

Here's more video via YouTube, "July 15, 16 Los Angeles Crenshaw Small Rioting , Trayvon Martin Zimmerman Not Guilty":

More, "Riots in Crenshaw":

More, "Wild Crenshaw Riot Live Footage! Trayvon Martin Protesters":


More, "Crenshaw Zimmerman Protest Riot":

No doubt we'll have many more riot uploads in the days ahead, and that's just Los Angeles. Meanwhile, here's the idiot David Weigel, "Who's Disappointed About the Lack of Mass Zimmerman Verdict Riots?" And the fool's Twitter response here.

Actually, I wish we weren't having riots. By now it's the idiot leftists who're "disappointed." Both Los Angeles and Oakland have had massive riots, but that doesn't fit the meme of the "peaceful" law abiding blacks who prove that conservative commentators are totally "racist" for even raising the possibility of unrest.

Bottom line: Leftists are such bird-brained morons it's not even funny. But you have to report and record their lies, otherwise they'll continue to distort the truth and rape the record of history. These are vile, evil people. Don't ever back down to the progressive propaganda. Expose these f-kers for the disgusting deception. It's all of a piece, diabolical, wicked, and depraved.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Los Angeles Crenshaw Boulevard — Violent #TrayvonMartin Protesters Confront LAPD

It's not about Zimmerman.

It's about thug violence and general anti-American anarchy.

I-880 in Oakland — 100s of #TrayvonMartin Criminals Bring More Violence

Here we go again.

The Left's Pathetic Temper Tantrum Over the #Zimmerman Verdict

This excellent. Rush is so calm and descriptive, clearly explaining that the left's been getting pretty much everything it wants nowadays, with the homosexual marriage rulings being the most recent example. Leftists didn't like that 7 million voters approved Prop. 8 in California, so they just overturned it, with corrupt strong-arm tactics. So they get used to it. But when a jury of six residents down there in Sanford refused to swallow the left's big lie of "racism" in the death of Trayvon Martin, they're in shock, throwing hissy fits in disbelief that the jury didn't swallow the wall of institutional racism propaganda.

And then, toward the end of the audio clip here below, Rush cites Robert Stacy McCain's article this morning at the American Spectator, "How a Miami School Crime Cover-Up Policy Led to Trayvon Martin’s Death." They've got a screen-cap of the piece at the transcript, "The Left Throws a Temper Tantrum Over the Zimmerman Verdict."

Needless to say this is a significant accomplishment for Robert, getting this important bit of reporting into the national news stream. See the reports on this, and the CWCD, at the Other McCain, "Miami-Dade Schools Could Have Saved Travyon Martin’s Life by Arresting Him," and "Mega-Dittos, @RushLimbaugh! Credit Where Credit Is Due and More Questions."

Dave Matthews-Concert Goer Picks Up Dave Matthews Hitchhiking to His Own Concert

A great story, any rock fan's coincidental dream come true.

At London's Daily Mail, "We're with the band: Couple on the way to Dave Matthews concert pick up hitchhiker - only to discover that he IS Dave Matthews."

Michelle Malkin Slams Eric Holder's 'Department of Social Justice'

Michelle hammers the administration's selective enforcement of the laws, and Obama-Holder's "left-eyed" view of human tragedy.

On this morning's Fox & and Friends:

Also, at WaPo, "Eric Holder says he shares concerns about Trayvon Martin case."

Los Angeles Braces for New Round of Violent #TrayvonMartin Protests

Via Twitter:

I'll be keeping up with the action throughout the night.

New York Times Slurs America as 'A Country Plagued by Racism...'

Compare the New York Times' editorial on the verdict to the Wall Street Journal's. It's a huge gap in outlook, and seriously enormous consequences flow from which version prevails in the competition for truth in American politics. If the Times' version wins --- and the Zimmerman verdict is only a brief respite from this kind of relentless attack on truth --- then precarious days are ahead for freedom fighters of honesty, decency and justice.

 See, "Trayvon Martin’s Legacy":
It may not be possible to consider the case of George Zimmerman, who was acquitted Saturday of all charges in the killing of Trayvon Martin, as anything but a sad commentary on the state of race relations and the battle over gun rights in America today.

Certainly it is about race — ask any black man, up to and including President Obama, and he will tell you at least a few stories that sound eerily like what happened that rainy winter night in Sanford, Fla.

While Mr. Zimmerman’s conviction might have provided an emotional catharsis, we would still be a country plagued by racism, which persists in ever more insidious forms despite the Supreme Court’s sanguine assessment that “things have changed dramatically,” as it said in last month’s ruling striking down the heart of the Voting Rights Act. (The Justice Department is right to continue its investigation into whether Mr. Zimmerman may still be prosecuted under federal civil rights laws.)
And remember, the entire leftist program was beaten up badly by six honest jurists who just refused to be sucked into the regressive left's racial recrimination scam. But how long do we hold out as a nation against the forces of black shakedown socialism, with President Hussein rattling the beggars' cup? It's not looking good, folks. Keep fighting for justice. Rank and file patriots are all that's between truth and tyranny.

Who Ruined the Humanities?

From Lee Siegel, at WSJ:
When people wax plaintive about the fate of the humanities, they talk, in particular, about the slow extinction of English majors. Never mind that the preponderance of English majors go into other fields, such as law or advertising, and that students who don't major in English can still take literature courses. In the current alarming view, large numbers of people devoting four years mostly to studying novels, poems and plays are all that stand between us and sociocultural nightfall.

The remarkably insignificant fact that, a half-century ago, 14% of the undergraduate population majored in the humanities (mostly in literature, but also in art, philosophy, history, classics and religion) as opposed to 7% today has given rise to grave reflections on the nature and purpose of an education in the liberal arts.

Such ruminations always come to the same conclusion: We are told that the lack of a formal education, mostly in literature, leads to numerous pernicious personal conditions, such as the inability to think critically, to write clearly, to empathize with other people, to be curious about other people and places, to engage with great literature after graduation, to recognize truth, beauty and goodness.

These solemn anxieties are grand, lofty, civic-minded, admirably virtuous and virtuously admirable. They are also a sentimental fantasy...
Continue reading.

A lovable essay!

'Kept in line with truncheons, rifle butts and truncheons…'

Laura Nelson's tweet from the rioting in Hollywood reminds me of Discharge, "State Violence, State Control":

Kept in line with truncheons

Rifle butts and truncheons

This is state control, this is state control

State control, state control, this is state control

Beaten up behind closed doors

Cracked and bruised ribs, bloody mouth

Cracked and bruised skull, bloody mouth

State control, state control, this is state control...

Who Needs a Fork?

Not Jenny McCarthy, that's for sure.

Oakland #TrayvonMartin Protesters Turn Violent, Attack Journalists and Police

Because, you know, right-bloggers were just making this shit up, or whatever, assholes.

At KGO-TV ABC 7 San Francisco, with video:

And from Natalie Neysa Alund:

Left-wing scum, before your very eyes. And the idiot online leftists scoffed at the violence. The assholes. They're complicit.

And see, "#TrayvonMartin Partisans Burn the American Flag at Oakland #Zimmerman Protest."

Glenn Greenwald Warns #Snowden Files Could Become 'Worst Nightmare' for the U.S.

Greenwald denies he was threatening the U.S. government, "About the Reuters article."

And see Politico, "Glenn Greenwald: Edward Snowden has NSA ‘blueprints’" (via Memeorandum).

Vengeance for #TrayvonMartin

These idiots need to take a basic visual design class.

Other than that, I don't doubt their determination.

Via Michael Cabanatuan on Twitter.

Trayvon Vengeance photo BPLYpwzCcAAiwK9_zps5da00011.jpg

PREVIOUSLY: "#TrayvonMartin Partisans Burn the American Flag at Oakland #Zimmerman Protest."

'F-k Zimmerman i got the 30 and I'm coming for that nigga...'


#TrayvonMartin Would Still Be Alive — If He Hadn't Been Such a 'Nigga' Thug in the First Place

Dan Riehl nails it on Twitter.

And see Doug Ross, "Trayvon Martin, Burglary Tools, and PCP-style Drug Cocktails."

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Anarchy in the U.S.A.

This certainly seems appropriate:

Cool vintage clip, by the way.

Criminal #TrayvonMartin Protesters Block Interstate 10 in Los Angeles

You know, because the right-bloggers were wrong about rioting, or something.

At the Los Angeles Times, "Trayvon Martin protesters block freeway, clash with LAPD."


A "citywide tactical alert." Because there ain't no Zimmerman verdict "mass" riots or anything.

More, Occupy LA tweets photos of the police presence, because peace!

More shots from earlier, via LAT's Matt Pierce:


#TrayvonMartin Partisans Burn the American Flag at Oakland #Zimmerman Protest

This is from John Alston at ABC 7 San Francisco, this evening:

And here's his earlier tweets, chronologically from earlier this evening:

This is a direct result of the left's anti-Zimmerman racial demonization campaign, and President Hussein's inflammation of racial tensions, "President Obama's Statement on George #Zimmerman Not Guilty Verdict."

#HoodiesUp #NoJustice — 'Every F-king Cop Is a F-king Target...'

At Munz's Place, "Portland 'Justice for Trayvon' Rally: 'Every F-ing Cop Is a F-ing Target'."

And here's the comment from the revolutionary International Socialist Organization, "A racist killer is acquitted":
FOR MILLIONS of people in the U.S., the shock of learning about Trayvon's murder in February 2012 will still be fresh in their memory.

Martin was doing nothing more than walking through an unfamiliar neighborhood after a trip to the convenience store. But, like young African American men around the country, he was guilty of walking while Black. And so there was nothing to protect him from being identified as a threat--preemptively branded a criminal, to be stopped, questioned, searched, arrested...or worse.

It took weeks for the story of Martin's killing to emerge--after those who learned the facts of the case spread the word on the Internet, and people in Florida and around the country began holding protests. A series of galvanizing demonstrations took place in Florida, along with expressions of solidarity far and wide. The words "I am Trayvon Martin" were repeated in city after city.

As SocialistWorker.org wrote at the time, the killing:
proves that racism is alive and well in 2012, while the first African American president sits in the White House. The widespread shock and anger over what happened to Trayvon--and the beginnings of protest around the case--tell us something else, too: That large numbers of people are outraged by racist injustice in this and other forms.
The basic fact that Martin had been racially profiled and stalked before his death couldn't have been clearer. For example, on tapes of 911 calls eventually released by police under pressure, Zimmerman declared, "This guy looks like he's up to no good, or he's on drugs or something." Zimmerman explicitly defied the operator's instruction not to follow Martin.

To obscure those simple facts, Trayvon Martin was put on trial--in the media after his death, and then by defense lawyers during Zimmerman's trial.

For example, the defense team claimed that Zimmerman--who at the time of the murder outweighed Martin by more than 100 pounds--was attacked without provocation and feared for his life, rather the other way around. Judge Debra Nelson allowed defense lawyers to present results from a toxicology report showing that Martin had small amounts of marijuana in his system on the night he died. The lawyers and their champions in the right-wing media also attempted to claim that Martin had a history of violence--based on a video on Martin's cell phone showing two men fighting, neither of whom was Trayvon nor anyone he knew or was connected to.

The bigotry didn't stop with the verdict, either. At a press conference after the not-guilty decision, Zimmerman's co-attorney Mark O'Mara declared that his client was the real victim--and never would have been charged if he was African American "because those people who decided that they were going to make him the scapegoat would not have."

By contrast, prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda seemed perfectly content with the verdict, stating that the jury system is "not perfect, but it's the best of the world. And we respect the jury's verdict." Critics of the prosecutors say they made a series of mistakes and missteps throughout the trial....

Protests were already underway in cities around the country as this article was being written. There will be more in the days to come, and anyone horrified by Trayvon's murder a year ago and by the acquittal of his killer on Saturday night should participate and raise their voices.

That's in the days to come -- Trayvon Martin's killer should be held to account. And in the weeks and months that follow, we need to channel anger at this latest example of justice denied into an increased determination to confront the system that let it happen. We need to build the broader challenge to a world where a young Black man's life is in danger because he was walking where someone thought he shouldn't be--and where the political and judicial establishment protect the racists, rather than the victims of racist murder.
I've highlighted the thinly veiled promise of revolutionary street justice against Zimmerman.

This communist boilerplate is virtually identical to what comes out of the bilge ducts at MSNBC nightly. It's the far-left revolutionary dregs against the rest of us folks trying to go about our lives in peace and human decency.

Progressives will kill you. Assholes like Trayvon Martin will ground and pound you into the sidewalk and President Hussein and the Democrat-Socialists in Congress continue their devil's work to deprive you of your basic constitutional right to self-defense.

The shock on the faces of the MSNBC dirtbags last night revealed a deep-seated anger. Their hatred is becoming ever more unhinged. It's pretty mind-boggling.

Get ready to stand a post against the f-kers.

@MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry: 'It's Okay to Kill an Unarmed African American Child Who Has Committed No Crime...'

When you're this f-king obsessed with race it's no surprise that your comments on something like this are completely incoherent. In one breath she says the verdict was completely justified given the evidence at trial and in the next she says it's open season an African American children. This, frankly, is why MSNBC's ratings are in the gutter. And it's increasingly clear now that NBC will be facing a lawsuit from Zimmerman for the epic lies, smears, race-baiting and revenge-mongering the network as perpetuated against the defendant.

I watched this segment last night after the verdict was announced. I was actually on CNN but Twitter was lighting up with reports about Al Sharpton bawling about racism, blah, blah, and I switched over in time for Angela Corey's own disgusting press conference. After that, anchor Chris Jansing opened up the panel and you saw this most melodramatic leftist racism imaginable. These people are scum:

Push for #Zimmerman Federal Civil Rights Charges Risks Double Jeopardy

The Wall Street Journal nails it with this editorial, "The Zimmerman Verdict":

Trayvon Martin Verdict photo 5a5d068a-e47e-4543-9edc-9e74aeb9f5e3_zps109dd289.jpg
An American criminal defendant is presumed to be innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, and that's the standard to keep in mind when considering the jury's not guilty verdict Saturday for George Zimmerman in the murder of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.

The case has been fraught with racial politics from the start, but inside the Sanford, Florida courtroom, the jurors had to wrestle with the standard that is a hallmark of American justice. No one but Mr. Zimmerman knows what happened that early evening in 2012 when he followed Martin, an unfamiliar young, African-American male visiting the neighborhood. A scuffle ensued, Zimmerman shot Martin in what he says was self-defense, and prosecutors never produced an eyewitness or even much evidence to disprove Mr. Zimmerman.

The verdict compounds the tragedy for the Martin family, but no one can claim that their son was not represented in court. The state threw everything it had at Mr. Zimmerman. Gov. Rick Scott replaced local prosecutors with a special team from Jacksonville, the judge often ruled favorably for the prosecution, including the addition of the lesser manslaughter charge (in addition to second-degree murder) at the end of the trial.

Still the state could not prove its case to the satisfaction of the six jurors, all women, for whom the easiest decision in terms of public approval would have been to convict. No less than President Obama had commented on the local case after Mr. Zimmerman was not originally charged by local authorities.

"If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon," Mr. Obama said. He was echoed by hundreds of politicians and commentators who wanted to put racial profiling on trial as much as they did Mr. Zimmerman. But a criminal trial is not a legislature, or a venue to debate social policy.

Benjamin Jealous of the NAACP is already lobbying Attorney General Eric Holder to indict Mr. Zimmerman on federal civil-rights charges. To do so and win a conviction would require proof that Mr. Zimmerman was motivated by racial animus when the record shows little more than a reference by Mr. Zimmerman to "punks" in a comment to a police dispatcher.

Millions of Americans would see such federal charges as an example of double jeopardy, and a politicized prosecution to boot.
More at the link.

And check on the action at Memeorandum, where the idiot regressives are all over the talk of federal prosecution of Zimmerman.

PHOTO CREDIT: The Los Angeles Times.

#Zimmerman Riots Rule 5 Break

It's been pretty hilarious with all the left's whining about "no rioting" following the Zimmerman verdict.

The race-baiting left is epic fail, and President Hussein is the freakin' worst.

 photo BTJ7_zpsc4d43b33.jpg
I'll have more later on that later. Meanwhile, here's some Sunday babe blogging.

So, check Pirate's Cove, "Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup," and "If All You See……is a horrible carbon pollution infused beer bottle, you might just be a Warmist."

Plus, at Wirecutter's, "Supper is served."

Also, from Ron Russell, "Busty Babes and ..."

And from Proof Positive, "Women of PETA XXXV."

At Izismile, "This Average Girl Is Not Average Looking Anymore" (via Linkiest).

Plus, from Drunken Stepfather, "KATE UPTON IN A BIKINI OF THE DAY."

And Soylent has "Your Afternoon Generic Ginger."

Dana Pico has more, "Rule 5 Blogging: The IDF Again!"

At Reaganite, "ACHTUNG! 'Miss Germany 2013' Caroline Noeding - ist 'Die Schönste Frau Deutschlands'~."

And at Gator Doug's, "DaleyGatorDaleyBabe Saven Mi."

Check Egotastic! as well, "Thank God It’s Funbags! Hayley-Marie Coppin Scrubs Her Kitchen Clean and Naughty."

As always, if I missed your Rule 5 entry, drop it in the comments and I'll update.

More, from Bob Belvedere, "Rule 5 News: Judy Tyler, R.I.P."

New Black Panther Party Called for George #Zimmerman Death in Prison

Hey, incitement to death for George Zimmerman.

Keepin' it classy, leftists.

At the Daily Caller, "New Black Panther hopes Zimmerman is killed in prison [VIDEO]":

SANFORD, Fla. – At least one member of the New Black Panther party hopes George Zimmerman is found guilty and murdered in prison.

“Anything less than death for George Zimmerman is not justice,” Kojo Kayrallah told The Daily Caller Friday afternoon. Kayrallah, who identified himself as the Chief of Staff for the state of Florida said he and his group were here in Sanford seeking “justice for Trayvon.”

When asked if death in prison was satisfactory, Kayrallah said “praise be to God.”

The New Black Panther Party protested in front of Seminole County Courthouse along with several other groups on Friday as the six-person jury began deliberating Zimmerman’s fate. He can be convicted of either second-degree murder or manslaughter for the shooting death of Martin.

Brother James Muhammad also spoke to The Daily Caller saying “we’re not advocating any acts of violence against anyone in prison or out of prison.” But he added that there’s “always that possibility” that a “child killer” would face that fate of death behind bars.
Also at Breitbart, "New Black Panther Vows: 'Black Man Will Exact Justice on Zimmerman'."

Boy, they've got those Gandi lessons down cold.

Reporter Claudia Peschiutta Hit by Bean Bag Round in Nonexistent L.A. #Zimmerman Rioting Last Night — BWAHAHAHA!!

OMG, I can't stop the lulz!

The lying leftist losers are claiming there was no rioting last night following the Zimmerman verdict, but I guess they forgot to check with Los Angeles reporter Claudia Peschiutta, who was on the scene when LAPD riot patrols, surrounded by vicious rioting criminals, cleared the streets with non-lethal rounds.

Bwahaha! So peaceful. And hey, look over there! No riots!

Actually, I reported on L.A.'s rioting earlier --- but hey look over there! No "mass" riots! Bwahaha!!

Bwahaha! Idiot Leftists Push Hilarious Meme of No 'Mass' Riots!

OMG, this is freakin' hilarious!

Leftists were out in force yesterday denying there'd be rioting after the Zimmerman verdict. The hopelessly left-wing tool Dave Weigel sums up the fail with an entry at Slate, "The Night Without a Riot." But the regressive retard had to modify a bit when tweeting it out, for the lulz!

Hey, no "mass" riots. Look over there!

On the contrary, we had some mf big rioting in Oakland last night, and Occupy claimed "thousands" were on the streets in Los Angeles, but for a massive police presence we'd have seen more mf devastating black shakedown anarchy and destruction. I guess the New York Daily News didn't get the left's disinformation memo.

And check Twitchy, "‘Kill pigs’: Anti-cop vandals in Oakland riot, smash windows, burn flags over Zimmerman verdict [photos,video]."


New York's Teams Have Fewer True Stars in All-Star Game Since the 1930s.

Or, so says USA Today, "New York: All-Star city with few real stars":
NEW YORK — This city loves stars — on Broadway, on Wall Street and on the diamond. But as baseball's best prepare to gather for Tuesday's All-Star Game, New York's teams have fewer true stars to call their own than in any of the eight previous All-Star games played here since the game's inception in the 1930s.
Big Apple Stars photo photo-15_zps2473f3d2.jpg

President Obama's Statement on George #Zimmerman Not Guilty Verdict

And it's all about Trayvon.

The country's biggest loser just couldn't resist fanning the flames of additional racial strife.

At the White House homies' page, "Statement by the President":
The death of Trayvon Martin was a tragedy. Not just for his family, or for any one community, but for America. I know this case has elicited strong passions. And in the wake of the verdict, I know those passions may be running even higher. But we are a nation of laws, and a jury has spoken. I now ask every American to respect the call for calm reflection from two parents who lost their young son. And as we do, we should ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to widen the circle of compassion and understanding in our own communities. We should ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence that claims too many lives across this country on a daily basis. We should ask ourselves, as individuals and as a society, how we can prevent future tragedies like this. As citizens, that’s a job for all of us. That’s the way to honor Trayvon Martin.
Yeah, yeah. We shall overcome, mf.

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Sunday Cartoons

Here's a generic link to Flopping Aces, since the "Sunday Funnies" aren't up yet.

Also at Randy's Rountable, "Friday Nite Funnies," and Reaganite Republican, "Reaganite's SUNDAY FUNNIES."

And see Legal Insurrection, "Branco Cartoon – Fanning the Flames."

More Riots Planned After #Zimmerman Acquittal

ABC 7 Bay Area reports, "More protests planned in Oakland, SF after Zimmerman acquittal."

San Diego protests are planned as well, to say nothing of more rioting in Los Angeles.

Photographer Ahmed Assem Videotapes Moment of His Own Death During Clashes in Cairo

Man, this is intense, at NYT, "Parents Mourn Photographer Killed in Cairo."

Riot Police Break-Up Violent Los Angeles Protests Following #Zimmerman Verdict

Occupy Los Angeles claimed to have thousands of rioters on the streets following the verdict.

And more violence is planned for this afternoon, "Trayvon Martin protest planned Sunday in South L.A."


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Obama is Biggest MF Loser in #Zimmerman Acquittal

From Roger Simon, at Pajamas Media, "Obama Big Loser in Zimmerman Trial" (at Memeorandum):

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Forget the over-zealous prosecutors and the repellent state attorney Angela Corey (who should be immediately disbarred or, my wife said sarcastically, elevated to director of Homeland Security) and even the unfortunate Trayvon Martin family (although it is certainly hard to forget them — they have our profound sympathies), the true loser at the Zimmerman trial was Barack Obama.

By injecting himself in a minor Florida criminal case by implying Martin could be his son, the president of the United States — a onetime law lecturer, of all things — disgraced himself and his office, made a mockery of our legal system and exacerbated racial tensions in our country, making them worse than they have been in years. This is the work of a reactionary, someone who consciously/unconsciously wants to push our nation back to the 1950s.

It is also the work of a narcissist who thinks of himself first, of his image, not of black, white or any other kind of people. It’s no accident that race relations in our country have gone backwards during his stewardship.

Congratulations to the jury for not acceding to this tremendous pressure and delivering the only conceivable honest verdict. This case should never have been brought to trial. It was, quite literally, the first American Stalinist “show trial.” There was, virtually, no evidence to convict George Zimmerman. It was a great day for justice that this travesty was finally brought to a halt.

We all know Al Sharpton, the execrable race baiter of Tawana Brawley and Crown Heights, agitated publicly for this trial more than anyone else. But he most likely would not have succeeded had it not been for Obama’s tacit support. As far as I know this is unprecedented in our history (a president involving himself in a trial of this nature).

The media also followed Obama (as they always do) by enabling the demagogue Sharpton, as if he were a serious person. The media, as I wrote before, treated this case like pornography, something to be exploited, giving it all sorts of racial import it didn’t have. The New York Times, acting like true reactionaries of the Obama era (how can we use the word “liberal” with these people?), even went so far as to invent the term “white Hispanic” to fit the case. The National Enquirer couldn’t have done it better. (I take it back. The Enquirer behaves more ethically.)

The irony is that the people who suffer most from the media behaving in this manner are black people who are manipulated into acting as an interest group when they have no interest. They are literally victims of the media and of Obama.
Continue reading.

Actually, the administration is already foisting yet more racism on the country. At Jammie Wearing Fools, "Racial Arsonist Holder Pressured by Democrats, NAACP to File Charges Against Zimmerman."

The race riots have kicked off in Oakland, and the left is pushing for more. These people will stop at nothing to bring this country down.


#Zimmerman Verdict: State Never Proved Its Case, Legal Analysts Say

An analysis at the Miami Herald (via Instapundit):
SANFORD -- After five weeks of trial and 56 witnesses, few legal observers believed prosecutors came close to proving Sanford neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman committed second-degree murder when he shot and killed Trayvon Martin in February 2012.

So for many legal analysts, it was no surprise that jurors rejected even a lesser “compromise” verdict of manslaughter, acquitting Zimmerman outright of all criminal charges and deciding he acted in a reasonable way to protect his own life.

The acquittal was a stinging blow for prosecutors and their decision to file the second-degree murder charge against Zimmerman, who was not initially arrested by Sanford police after claiming self-defense. And it was a resounding embrace of the defense’s strategy during closing arguments not just to establish that prosecutors hadn’t proven Zimmerman guilty, but also to show he was “absolutely” innocent.

“Justifiable use of force is one of the most difficult areas of the law,” State Attorney Angela Corey acknowledged Saturday after Zimmerman’s acquittal. “Make no mistake, Trayvon Martin had every right to be on the premises as did George Zimmerman ... that’s what makes this case unique.”

Zimmerman defense attorney Don West ... called the prosecution’s case a “disgrace.”

“We proved that George Zimmerman was not guilty,” he said.
Continue reading.