Sunday, July 14, 2013

Bwahaha! Idiot Leftists Push Hilarious Meme of No 'Mass' Riots!

OMG, this is freakin' hilarious!

Leftists were out in force yesterday denying there'd be rioting after the Zimmerman verdict. The hopelessly left-wing tool Dave Weigel sums up the fail with an entry at Slate, "The Night Without a Riot." But the regressive retard had to modify a bit when tweeting it out, for the lulz!

Hey, no "mass" riots. Look over there!

On the contrary, we had some mf big rioting in Oakland last night, and Occupy claimed "thousands" were on the streets in Los Angeles, but for a massive police presence we'd have seen more mf devastating black shakedown anarchy and destruction. I guess the New York Daily News didn't get the left's disinformation memo.

And check Twitchy, "‘Kill pigs’: Anti-cop vandals in Oakland riot, smash windows, burn flags over Zimmerman verdict [photos,video]."
