Sunday, July 14, 2013

@MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry: 'It's Okay to Kill an Unarmed African American Child Who Has Committed No Crime...'

When you're this f-king obsessed with race it's no surprise that your comments on something like this are completely incoherent. In one breath she says the verdict was completely justified given the evidence at trial and in the next she says it's open season an African American children. This, frankly, is why MSNBC's ratings are in the gutter. And it's increasingly clear now that NBC will be facing a lawsuit from Zimmerman for the epic lies, smears, race-baiting and revenge-mongering the network as perpetuated against the defendant.

I watched this segment last night after the verdict was announced. I was actually on CNN but Twitter was lighting up with reports about Al Sharpton bawling about racism, blah, blah, and I switched over in time for Angela Corey's own disgusting press conference. After that, anchor Chris Jansing opened up the panel and you saw this most melodramatic leftist racism imaginable. These people are scum: