Folks can read the good professor's timeline for all the tweets, here and here.
But by the time I tweeted this piece from the Economist, Professor Martínez was doing a fabulous Tara Dublin reprise. See, "Migration to the United States: Under-age and on the move":
RT @BeckyGMartinez Seriously wasted too much time on that today...oy!
— Donald Douglas (@AmPowerBlog) July 5, 2014
.@BeckyGMartinez In my experience hardened ideologues are the most closed-minded people you meet. You're one data-point toward confirmation.
— Donald Douglas (@AmPowerBlog) July 5, 2014
The best piece capping my debate with @BeckyGMartinez: "Migration to the United States: Under-age and on the move."
— Donald Douglas (@AmPowerBlog) July 5, 2014
Whereas the United States is allowed rapidly to send illegal Mexican child migrants back across the border, it is required to treat those from Central America differently. Under the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorisation Act of 2008, moreover, border agents cannot hold children for more than 72 hours. They must be given a court hearing before they are either deported or allowed to stay. Since there are around 5,000 immigration cases pending for every qualified judge, that can take years. While the child migrants wait, around 90% go to stay with a relative already in the United States, says the Migration Policy Institute (MPI), a think-tank.RTWT.
They may start school, make friends and perhaps learn to swing a baseball bat. Those who don’t have family in the United States are cared for by foster families or put into residential facilities, which are already full. In Lawrenceville, a 1,400-strong town in Virginia, the federal government is trying to convert a disused university campus into accommodation for 500 children.
The customers at Crazy Joe’s, a beer garden in the Texan border town of Mission, have seen the changes in migration close up. In previous years, migrants and smugglers were usually young men with backpacks, darting through the brush to the safety of a waiting car. “Those ones hide, and they run,” says Sarah Garcia, the owner. The new ones do the opposite. For the past three weeks, migrants have been turning up at Crazy Joe’s every other day. None of them was trying to avoid being spotted. A group of boys, all claiming to be 16 or 17 years old, asked Ms Garcia for directions to Austin, to Virginia, to New York. A family with a baby accepted some ibuprofen and nappies. Most of the new arrivals, Ms Garcia says, want her to call the Border Patrol.
People-smugglers have changed their behaviour, too. They used to charge $3,000 per adult for three attempts at crossing. As the chances of getting an adult across have fallen because of tighter controls, the odds of getting a child in (for the same $3,000 payment) have stayed the same. In some cases children have floated across the Rio Grande on rafts in full view of agents on the banks, says Doris Meissner of MPI.
It's a great piece, authoritative. But apparently not good enough for Professor Martínez, because there's no link to "research," or something.
Actually, the woman's an idiot who refuses to even process information that violates her Marxian collectivist, radical feminist women's studies postmodern ontology. In other words, she's a typical brain-dead academic leftist.