Saturday, June 27, 2015

Homosexual Marriage Ruling Starts New Religious Freedom War

At IBD, "Same-Sex Marriage Ruling Starts New Religious Freedom War":

Observant Christians — and adherents of other faiths — are reeling from the Supreme Court's declaration of a constitutional right to same-sex marriage and preparing for an unprecedented struggle for their right to express their beliefs and live their lives accordingly, as new battles will now be waged unless and until a future Supreme Court reverses course.

The Constitution says nothing about marriage or abortion. Yet in 1973 the Supreme Court declared a constitutional right to abortion, resulting in decades of relentless political and legal conflicts.

Now the Court has held that the Constitution likewise forbids the 50 states from defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. But many people of faith disagree, and the First Amendment promises that they have the right to do so. Devout Christians are already enmeshed in legal battles over this issue.

Navy chaplain Wes Modder, sportscaster Craig James and others have lost jobs or are losing their jobs because they hold Christian beliefs on sex and marriage.

Business owners face more than losing their businesses, as Washington florist Barronelle Stutzman could lose her home and life's savings, and Colorado baker Jack Phillips risks jail time if he continues refusing to bake cakes celebrating gay marriage. There are others, and the list grows monthly.
Keep reading.

Homosexual Flag Goes Up Over Civic Center, City of Long Beach, California

Following up from yesterday, "Homosexual Flag Goes Up Over County Government Center in Santa Clara, California."

From the Twitter feed of homosexual Mayor of Long Beach, Robert Garcia:

Stonewall Homosexuals Celebrate Supreme Court Same-Sex Marriage Ruling

Well, homosexual rainbows are breaking out all over.

At CBS News New York:

#BlackLivesMatter Activists Whine That Homosexual Marriage Overshadows Their Movement

When all is said and done, homosexuals are higher up the hierarchy of the oppressed.

At Twitchy, "Does the #BlackLivesMatter movement have a problem with today’s focus on gay marriage? Sure looks like it!"

Yes. Only.

Friday, June 26, 2015

The Only Way to Guarantee 'Peak Leftism' Is to Fight Leftism and Destroy It

A masterful piece from William Kristol, at the Weekly Standard, "‘Peak Leftism’?":
It’s the summer of 2015, and the left is on the march. Or perhaps one should say—since the left presumably dislikes the militarist connotations of the term “march”—that the left is swarming. And in its mindless swarming and mob-like frenzy, nearly every hideous aspect of contemporary leftism is on display.

We see a French Revolution-like tendency to move with the speed of light from a reasonable and perhaps overdue change (taking down the Confederate flag over state buildings) to an all-out determination to expunge from our history any recognition or respect for that which doesn’t fully comport with contemporary progressive sentiment. The left’s point, of course, is not to clarify and sharpen appreciation for our distinctive history; the point is to discredit that history.

And the point is not to advance arguments and criticize alternative views; it is to deny the legitimacy of opposing arguments and to demonize opponents and purge them from the public square.

We see a pitiful aversion to standing up to barbarism abroad and a desperate willingness to accommodate and appease. This requires an amazing ability to shut one’s eyes to reality, and an extraordinary refusal to make tough decisions and assume real responsibilities. As Harvey Mansfield put it in the 1970s, “From having been the aggressive doctrine of vigorous, spirited men, liberalism has become hardly more than a trembling in the presence of illiberalism. .  .  . Who today is called a liberal for strength and confidence in defense of liberty?”

We see a wanton willingness on the part of leftist elites to use sophistic arguments to override democratic self-government when the people might not endorse the outcome (say, “marriage equality”) that the left has decided “progress” requires. We see a desperate desire to find a secular substitute for religious belief in the embrace of abstract doctrines (“global warming”) that are appropriately renamed (“climate change”) when the facts complicate matters. And we see a cavalier willingness to impose costs on others less fortunate and less well-protected for the sake of the left’s moral self-regard (by, for example, pledging to end “the era of mass incarceration,” also known as the era of crime reduction).

But as Alexander Hamilton (another recent object of the left’s perpetual discomfort with human achievement) wrote in Federalist 70: “There can be no need .  .  . to multiply arguments or examples on this head.” All the trends and tendencies, the pathologies and perversities that have made the modern left so corrosive of national spirit, so corrupting of self-government, so damaging to Western civilization, are on display front and center in today’s America. As the title of a brilliant article by Kevin D. Williamson in National Review puts it, “We Have Officially Reached Peak Leftism.” ...

The only way to ensure leftism has peaked, and to ensure that it doesn’t drag us further down into the abyss, is to fight it and defeat it. We either overcome peak leftism, or we’re doomed.
I've snipped some of it, so go read it all.

After Sundown, Democrats Light Up White House in Rainbow Colors to Celebrate Homosexual Ruling! (VIDEO)

We have gone officially mad.

Watch: "VIDEO - White House Lit in Rainbow Colors to Celebrate New Chapter in Same Sex Rights - 6/26/15."

New Hamas Flotilla Sets Out to Break Israel's Blockade of Gaza (VIDEO)

They're terrorists.

At Telegraph UK, "Activists set sail for Gaza aboard 'Freedom Flotilla'."

And at Bare Naked Islam, "LOCK & LOAD! Another flo’terror’tilla from Europe will attempt to break the Israeli security barrier that prevents weapons and bombs from reaching Gaza."

Fighting Fatalism After the End of America As We Know It

From Jon Gabriel, at Ricochet, "Fighting Fatalism":

Despite the multiple crises, our betters are screeching about utter nonsense. Whether a flag should be displayed in an iPhone game, whether people can choose their race and gender, if old ladies should be publicly flayed or just put out of business for not baking a cake.

Eventually the electorate will come to its senses — I mean, they have to, right? As Glenn Reynolds often says, “what cannot continue, won’t.” But what cataclysm will it take to shake us out of our navel-gazing, microaggressed, Brawndo-swilling stupor?

An even worse financial collapse than in 2008 with no borrowed money left to rescue the banks? A deadlier act of war than 9-11? And if either happens, God forbid, will Americans just use the moment to blame each other in even uglier terms?

My ultimate hope, as a Christian, is knowing that God is in control. Being a student of history, I know that cultures have endured far worse calamities than our comfortable decline. But I want to know how you keep your hopes up. Fatalism will never win hearts and minds, let alone elections, so do you have advice on keeping political setbacks from dragging you into despond?

Added: From Ed Driscoll, at Instapundit, "IS THIS WEEK THE RIGHT’S VALLEY FORGE? From Rick Moran at the PJ Tatler."

Team U.S.A. Star Alex Morgan Comes Out for Homosexual Marriage

Women's World Cup quarterfinals play is on right now.

Meanwhile, Alex Morgan tweeted her support for the Supreme Court's homosexual marriage ruling:

She's also got some coverage at Sports Illustrated today, plus flashback to her body paint in 2012:

Veep Joseph Biden Congratulates President Obama on #SSM Ruling: 'This is a big f*cking deal' (PHOTOS)

See all the celebratory photos from White House photographer Pete Souza, at Medium, "Behind the Lens: When the President Heard the News of the Supreme Court Decision on the Affordable Care Act." (Via Memeorandum.)

Joe Biden photo 1-Njf-Sve4Pd5DozECXSEvxQ_zpsryppcf3p.jpeg

Elizabeth Warren Wears Feather Boa to Celebrate Homosexual Marriage Ruling in Massachusetts

Well, it's a "boa" at the tweet, but c'mon. Is there any other kind?

From Jacklyn Friedman:

Outrage as Giant Penis in Norway Goes Around 'Ejaculating' Glitter at People (VIDEO)

It's for "safe sex." But it's Norway. It's safe man-on-man butt sex as much as anything else.

Coming to America.

Watch: "Outrage as giant penis creeps up on people and sprays them for safe sex campaign."

More: "Giant glitter-spraying penis stars in Norwegian sex education advert."

Franklin Graham: Prepare for Persecution of Christians After Homosexual Marriage Ruling (VIDEO)


And S.E. Cupp discounts this.

Franklin Graham: "Our nation has a spiritual problem."


CNN Contributor S.E. Cupp Gets Emotional Discussing Homosexual Marriage Ruling (VIDEO)

She's a good lady.

The problem is that it's not just about "marriage equality." The left is currently tearing the country down.

What's the GOP going to do about that?

The Media's Vile Attacks on Conservative Assimilationists

From Michelle Malkin:
I have had enough of smug liberal elites wrapped in their “Celebrate Diversity” banners tearing down minority conservatives.

Look in the mirror, media and academia bigots. Your own reflexive racism and divisive rhetoric are poisoning public discourse.

There’s nothing “progressive” about attacking the children and grandchildren of immigrants who proudly embrace an American identity.
We are not “self-hating.” You just hate what we believe.

The most recent grenade tossed by the jack-booted Enforcers of Ethnic Authenticity came from The Washington Post this week. The Beltway fish-wrapper hyped a 2,100-word investigation of GOP Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal with a condescending quote from Professor G. Pearson Cross, who sneered: “There’s not much Indian left in Bobby Jindal.”

Has pallid Professor Cross invented an ambient diagnostic test to measure sufficiently acceptable levels of ethnicity?

The Post quoted a grand total of one disgruntled Democratic donor who railed against Jindal for “forgetting” his “heritage” and his “roots.” But that was more than enough for the apartheid-lite adherents to heed the dog whistle immediately. The Post’s splashy attack on Jindal’s assimilationist ethic spawned a vile Twitter hashtag game: #BobbyJindalIsSoWhite.

Left-wing racists mocked his skin color, his kids and his decision to change his name from “Piyush” to “Bobby.” A New York Times digital editor, Shreeya Sinha, gleefully linked to a BBC compilation of “The best of #BobbyJindalisSoWhite.” NBC News gloated over tweets from liberal Indian-Americans who mocked the accomplished governor, Rhodes scholar and father of three as a “Jindian.”

It’s the same old, same old from radical academics and reporters who spurned assimilation as a common goal long ago. As I’ve long observed, the media-ivory tower complex’s fidelity lies with bilingualism (a euphemism for native language maintenance over English-first instruction), ethnic militancy, extreme multiculturalism and a borderless continent.

If we conservatives “of color” refuse to promote the welfare state, unfettered abortion, affirmative action and massive immigration, we are guilty of “selling out.”

Conversely, if I point out that my skin is far darker than that of the TV progressives of pallor who presume to know more than me about what it’s like to experience prejudice, I’m accused of exploiting my ethnicity.

We’re coconuts, bananas and Oreos (brown, yellow or black on the outside and “white” on the inside).

We’re accused of “thinking” and “acting” white if we quote the Constitution, shoot, hunt, oppose high taxes, homeschool, take personal responsibility or demand that government leave us alone...

My skin's far darker too, which is why I'm accused of exploiting my ethnicity.

It also explains why leftists have long attempted to take me down, here and here.

Homosexual Flag Goes Up Over County Government Center in Santa Clara, California

We're all homosexuals now.

Interesting how the homosexual flag is going up as the Confederate flag is coming down. I don't care about the racist Confederate flag, but it sure tells you something about the direction of the country.


ADDED: It's going to be raised at government buildings all over the country. I'll update if I see more tweets:

Just Waking Up and Saw This Huge Homosexual Marriage Roundup on Memeorandum Earlier

I was up scrolling through the news on my iPhone at 7:00am and the SCOTUS homosexual marriage ruling had just dropped. Memeorandum hadn't caught up with the news but had a beautiful roundup on all the ObamaCare commentary.


I have my hard copy of the Los Angeles Times, with the lead story from Noam Levey, "Analysis Obamacare appears to be about as established as a law can be in divided U.S."

So, it's a big news day today. There was an ISIS beheading in France that won't get the coverage it deserves in the U.S. with all the other news. But read around and access alternative sites. The ideological war has reached full battle pitch, and conservatives are on the defensive but not yet defeated. Join the fray friends. Truth and decency are themselves under siege.

Roxane Gay, Associate Professor of English at Purdue University, 'Can't Forgive Dylann Roof'

Remember when the suspect Dylann Roof was arraigned and he stood behind the one-way window inside the police department and the victims families forgave him?

Yes, and the response to that was astonishing. People saw that moment as an ultimate example of Christian kindness and Southern honor.

Leftists, on the other hand, denounced the forgiveness, most prominently bad folks on Twitter like Deray and Ta-Nehisi Coates.

And now you can add this leftist douchebag Roxane Gay, who's an Associate Professor of English at Purdue.

At the New York Times, "Why I Can’t Forgive Dylann Roof":

Forgiveness does not come easily to me. I am fine with this failing. I am particularly unwilling to forgive those who show no remorse, who don’t demonstrate any interest in reconciliation. I do not believe there has been enough time since this terrorist attack for anyone to forgive. The bodies of the dead are still being buried....

Over the weekend, newspapers across the country shared headlines of forgiveness from the families of the nine slain. The dominant media narrative vigorously embraced that notion of forgiveness, seeming to believe that if we forgive we have somehow found a way to make sense of the incomprehensible.

We are reminded of the power of whiteness. Predictably, alongside the forgiveness story, the media has tried to humanize this terrorist. They have tried to understand Dylann Roof’s hatred because surely, there must be an explanation for so heinous an act. At the gunman’s bond hearing, the judge, who was once reprimanded for using the N-word from the bench, talked about how not only were the nine slain and their families victims, but so were the relatives of the terrorist. There are no limits to the power of whiteness when it comes to calls for mercy.

The call for forgiveness is a painfully familiar refrain when black people suffer. White people embrace narratives about forgiveness so they can pretend the world is a fairer place than it actually is, and that racism is merely a vestige of a painful past instead of this indelible part of our present.

Black people forgive because we need to survive. We have to forgive time and time again while racism or white silence in the face of racism continues to thrive. We have had to forgive slavery, segregation, Jim Crow laws, lynching, inequity in every realm, mass incarceration, voter disenfranchisement, inadequate representation in popular culture, microaggressions and more. We forgive and forgive and forgive and those who trespass against us continue to trespass against us.

Mr. Roof’s racism was blunt and raggedly formed. It was bred by a culture in which we constantly have to shout “Black lives matter!” because there is so much evidence to the contrary. This terrorist was raised in this culture. He made racist jokes with his friends. He shared his plans with his roommate. It’s much easier to introduce forgiveness into the conversation than to sit with that reality and consider all who are complicit.

What white people are really asking for when they demand forgiveness from a traumatized community is absolution. They want absolution from the racism that infects us all even though forgiveness cannot reconcile America’s racist sins. They want absolution from their silence in the face of all manner of racism, great and small. They want to believe it is possible to heal from such profound and malingering trauma because to face the openness of the wounds racism has created in our society is too much. I, for one, am done forgiving.
"All who are complicit." Hmm, would that be all white people who are complicit?

Jeez, kinda not hard to understand why folks are talking about the coming race war in America. Leftists are bringing it.

There is no mass movement to replicate the insane racist hatred of Dylann Roof, or at least not in the mainstream of America, including white America.

There is a movement of ideological hatred of white people, and that's entirely on the political left. Roxane Gay hates whites. Dylann Roof simply confirmed her ideological hatred.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

North Charleston Police Sergeant Fired for Wearing Confederate Flag Boxer Shorts

Wow, man.

This is getting totally hardcore. It's a freakin' crackdown!

 photo 69c2ff9c-6497-4ff0-827d-ce9622f5f5a3_zpscuqfeguz.jpg
At the Charleston Post & Courier, "North Charleston officer fired for posing in rebel flag underwear":
A North Charleston police officer has been fired because he posted a photo of himself wearing Confederate flag boxer shorts.

Shannon Dildine, who was a sergeant and with the force since 1996, was sent a letter Wednesday from Police Chief Eddie Driggers detailing why the department let him go.

He was terminated because it was determined that the posting would make him incapable of effectively serving as a North Charleston officer.

“On Tuesday ... the City learned that you posted on Facebook a photograph in which you were wearing only a pair of boxer shorts emblazoned with the image of the Confederate flag,” Driggers wrote. “Your posting in this manner led to you being publicly identified as a North Charleston Police officer and associated both you and the Department with an image that symbolizes hate and oppression to a significant portion of the citizens we are sworn to serve.”

Further, Driggers said, Dildine could compromise any criminal cases involving minorities because a defense attorney could use the photo call to into question his motivation in making an arrest.
Well, the dude posted it to Facebook --- not sure if that was the best idea, considering.

Confederate Flags Pulled from Shelves at the Gettysburg National Military Park Museum and Visitor Center

Boy, that's a whole lotta history getting erased.

Leftist's are having a real run with this, man. I can guarantee you that they'll overreach and foment a backlash. Folks don't always tell pollsters everything, especially on questions of race.

At the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, "Stand-alone Confederate flags pulled from Gettysburg Visitor Center store."

Donald Trump Under Fire for 'Mexican Rapist' Comment, Doubles Down (VIDEO)

At Memeorandum, "Miss USA host quits, calls Trump a ‘clown’," and "Trump Dumped! Univision Drops Miss USA Pageant Over Mexican Immigrant Remarks."

Well, he ain't too worried about alienating deep-pocket donors. He's got his own deep pockets!

Jewish Groups Laud Congress for Including Anti-BDS Measure in Trade Bill

At Jewish Political News.

Plus, William Jacobson had a must-read post on this, at Legal Insurrection, "Anti-Israel profs helped deal BDS its biggest blow yet."

Hateful, murderous ghouls. Leftists.

Simple, Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

Simple, Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

Violent Anti-Uber Protests in France: Leftist Courtney Love Whines, 'Where Are the Police?'

It's in Paris, Lyon, Toulouse --- all over, heh.

At the Los Angeles Times, "Anti-Uber protests turn violent in France."

Also at London's Daily Mail, "French Uber protesters smash up Courtney Love's cab 'and take driver hostage'."

Yeah, Courtney Love's a freakin' far-left prog. And she's whining about "where are the police?"

Turns out she's always had a special fondness for the police, especially when they help her skate on potential murder charges. See WND, "COURTNEY LOVE AND THE SEATTLE COPS: Was Cobain murder investigation compromised by relationships?"

Apple Pulls Civil War Games from App Store Because of Confederate Flag

At Truth Revolt, "BREAKING: Apple Pulls All Civil War Games Over Confederate Flag Controversy."

And at Touch Arcade, "Apple Removes All American Civil War Games From the App Store Because of the Confederate Flag."

Ken Burns' "Civil War" photo civilwargames_zpsjrf0mznr.jpg
UPDATE: It's looking like Apple has pulled everything from the App Store that features a Confederate flag, regardless of context. The reasoning Apple is sending developers is "...because it includes images of the confederate flag used in offensive and mean-spirited ways." We just spoke with Andrew from HexWar Games, who have released many historical strategy games. He insists, "We're in no way sympathetic to the use of the flag in an offensive way, we used it purely because historically that was the flag that was used at the time."

HexWar Games plans on attempting to re-submit their games using the lesser-known 1861 version of the Confederate flag. But, who knows if that will even be approved. No one is sure yet if Apple is banning all mention of the Confederacy, or just the specific image of the flag which has since become such a hot button issue in the USA...
Lots more at the link.

The reason this is a huge story is because of Apple's near-monopoly on structuring the popular culture, and debates about the popular culture. I like Apple products. My family uses Apple products and we're not tech geeks by any means. It's a good company. They're just a leftist company and they tremendous market power, and hence cultural influence.

Bar Refaeli Billboards Sending Cars Crashing Off the Road in Tel Aviv

Well, I can see why!

At Free Beacon, "Israeli Model Pics Sending Cars Off the Road in Tel Aviv."

And following the links, to the Times of Israel, "‘Eye-catching ads endanger drivers’":
Study along Tel Aviv’s main highway finds accident rates rise when huge billboards are on display.
Well, yeah. She's a dangerous babe, lol

Bar Refaeli photo F091122GY02-635x357_zpsxfhjpfhh.jpg

FLASHBACK, "Babe Blogging: Bar Refaeli Sports Illustrated Video," and "Bar Refaeli Nude Underwear Advertisement."

Thanks to the Reader Who Bought John McManus's The Dead and Those About to Die


One of my readers picked up a copy of John McManus's book through my Amazon affiliate links! The reader also bought a few other books on the Normandy invasion and the wars in Europe.

I haven't been posting links as frequently since school let out, but don't feel shy about hitting the Amazon widget at the side bar if I'm lax in getting my book links posted. Thanks to everybody who's shopped!

Here's McManus's book, The Dead and Those About to Die: D-Day: The Big Red One at Omaha Beach.

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Obama Has a Good Week

He has.


WASHINGTON — Twin victories for President Barack Obama this week on health care and trade cement a cornerstone of his legacy and give a rare jolt to a second-term White House that has struggled to advance its agenda.

The Supreme Court’s decision Thursday to uphold a key provision of Mr. Obama’s signature domestic achievement, the Affordable Care Act, coupled with Congress voting Wednesday to give him broad authority to negotiate new trade deals, go to the heart of his presidency.

“This is actually gigantic,” said Anita Dunn, one of Mr. Obama’s former top advisers. “They’ve had a very good week.”

Mr. Obama on Thursday also won a surprise favorable ruling from the high court allowing minorities to continue using a civil-rights era statute in housing discrimination lawsuits.

A Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage as early as Friday could also prove favorable for Mr. Obama. He has since 2012 voiced his support for gay marriage. The court, potentially, could find a constitutional right to same-sex marriage, in essence legalizing the practice nationwide.

But this week also could mark a turning point in Mr. Obama’s presidency, as he now faces the remaining 18 months in office with few, if any, additional big wins on the horizon.

The president’s next major agenda item—the conclusion of diplomatic talks with Iran—is unlikely to yield such a clear-cut victory. If Mr. Obama secures a final deal with Iran to curtail its nuclear program in exchange for lifting economic sanctions, a firestorm of complaint and scrutiny from Congress and certain U.S. allies will follow.

The White House also faces a series of battles with the Republican-led Congress on fiscal issues, including highway funding, infrastructure spending and taxes. Republicans, meanwhile, vowed to continue to challenge the Affordable Care Act, even though Mr. Obama said Thursday’s Supreme Court decision ensures that the law “is here to stay.”

“The politicians who forced Obamacare on the American people now have a choice: Crow about Obamacare’s latest wobble toward the edge, or work with us to address the continuing negative impact of a 2,000-page law that continues to make life miserable for too many of the same people it purported to help,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) said in a statement.

Mr. Obama, in remarks Thursday in the Rose Garden at the White House, said that the law is working but also that he was open to consulting with lawmakers to improve health care...

America Demonized as 'Racist Nation', Enabled by Compliant and Hateful Left-Wing Media

It's not just "white privilege" now, it's white supremacy, spewed wall-to-wall by leftists and Democrats, and distributed all over the world by a despicable, biased, and hateful far-left media establishment.

From the O'Reilly Factor. And stay with this until the end. O'Reilly gets pissed off and literally declares war on the radical left. He's going to hold these people "to account." Freakin' rights.

United Against Nuclear Iran Advertisement at CNN

This clip just ran during Wolf Blitzer's show on CNN, from United Against Nuclear Iran:

It's a terrible deal. See the New York Times, "IIran's Supreme Leader, Khamenei, Seems to Pull Back on Nuclear Talks":
TEHRAN — With exactly a week left before the deadline for a final agreement to limit Iran’s nuclear program, the country’s supreme leader appeared to undercut several of the central agreements his negotiators have already reached with the West.

In a speech broadcast live on Iran state television, the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, demanded that most sanctions be lifted before Tehran has dismantled part of its nuclear infrastructure and before international inspectors verify that the country is beginning to meet its commitments. He also ruled out any freeze on Iran’s sensitive nuclear enrichment for as long as a decade, as a preliminary understanding announced in April stipulates, and he repeated his refusal to allow inspections of Iranian military sites...
It's an awful agreement that, if implemented, would devastate U.S. national security interests.

Also at Toronto's National Post, "A nuclear deal with Iran no longer makes sense":
Iran is a theocratic state ruled by an unaccountable religious elite that operates behind an opaque wall largely impenetrable to outsiders. Reports have recently circulated in Iranian media indicating that the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has undergone a series of operations for prostate cancer and may have only months to live. The situation is said to have unleashed a fierce power struggle over his successor, as opposing camps jostle for ultimate control. The fact the reports cannot be firmly verified underlines just how little certainty the West has in dealings with Tehran, and how much guesswork is involved in assessing its reliability, even at the highest international levels.

As if to confirm the unease, Iran’s parliament passed a bill on Tuesday banning access for United Nations inspectors to its military sites and nuclear scientists. Such access is essential to the proposed accord — only by an intense, unfettered ability to monitor its activities could Western powers be certain Iran was keeping its promises. Under the bill, UN experts would be allowed to carry out limited inspections under an existing agreement, but entry would be denied to military, security and non-nuclear sites, as would access to documents and scientists. At the same time, it demanded that all sanctions be lifted immediately, rather than raised gradually in tandem with evidence Tehran had met its commitments.

The bill still must be approved by the unelected Guardian Council headed by Khamenei. Any deal reached before the deadline next Tuesday could thus quickly be challenged by a new council of unknown outlook and aspirations. It would be a deal in the dark, with a shifting leadership obscured by a curtain of doubt and ambiguity...

After Charleston Shootings, Poll Highlights Race Dilemma for Republicans

This is interesting, at Reuters.

How Confederate Flag Controversy Shows We've Gone Nuts as a Culture

From John Ziegler, at Mediaite.

Steven Pinker on Taboos, Political Correctness, and Dissent

From guest blogger Greg Lukianoff, at Instapundit, "CAN’T SLEEP? WANT SOME VIDEO INFOTAINMENT? Then check out this FIRE interview with Steven Pinker on taboos, political correctness, and dissent":

Communist Laurie 'Red' Penny Kicked Off Facebook for Using Fake Name

She's a freak anyway.

At the Independent UK, "A journalist who used a pseudonym to avoid rape and death threats has been kicked off Facebook."

Katy Perry Nearly Nude for New Moschino Ad

At London's Daily Mail, "Stripping down in style! Katy Perry bares her killer body in latest Moschino fashion campaign images - but she doesn't skip out on the accessories."

Citing Slave-Owner Descendant Ben Affleck, PBS Suspends ‘Finding Your Roots’

Well, the disgraced leftist slave-owner's descendant Affleck brings down a PBS franchise.

Way to go, you "special" privileged hack.

At the New York Times, "Citing Ben Affleck's 'Improper Influence,' PBS Suspends 'Finding Your Roots'":
PBS said on Wednesday that it was postponing a future season of “Finding Your Roots” after an investigation revealed that the actor Ben Affleck pressured producers into leaving out details about an ancestor of his who owned slaves.

PBS will not run the show’s third season until staffing changes are made, including hiring a fact checker, it said.

The show, which is hosted by the Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr., traces family histories of celebrities and public figures, and has run for two seasons. The concern about Mr. Affleck’s relative surfaced in the WikiLeaks cache of hacked Sony emails after Mr. Gates asked a Sony executive for advice about a “megastar” who wanted to omit a detail about a slave-owning ancestor.

“We’ve never had anyone ever try to censor or edit what we found,” Mr. Gates wrote to a Sony executive, Michael Lynton, in July 2014. Mr. Gates added that this would violate PBS rules, and “once we open the door to censorship, we lose control of the brand.”...
PREVIOUSLY: "Harvard's Henry Louis Gates Under Fire at NPR for Coddling Ben Affleck on Slave Ancestry."

Illegal Immigrant Transgender Woman Demands Immediate Release of Transgendered Aliens Held in ICE Detention Centers!


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Harvard's Henry Louis Gates Under Fire at NPR for Coddling Ben Affleck on Slave Ancestry

From guest-blogger Ann Althouse, at Instapundit, "PBS ACCUSES HENRY LOUIS GATES JR. OF “IMPROPER JUDGMENT”."

The link's busted [it was busted but it's fixed now], but she's pointing to this piece at London's Daily Mail, "Harvard professor who covered up Ben Affleck's slave roots could be dropped from PBS after he is slammed by broadcaster for 'breaching standards'." (Also at Memeorandum.)

Gates is being made the scapegoat here, if you recall. The entire network is implicated, since Affleck can't stand that he's got slave-owning ancestry and he raised a ruckus about getting those portions of the documentary edited out of the broadcast. See, "Hollywood Leftist Ben Affleck Had Inconvenient Truth About Slave-Owning Ancestor Scrubbed from PBS 'Finding Your Roots' Segment."

Fanatical Leftist 'America Haters' Trying to Destroy the 'American Compact' (VIDEO)

An excellent talking points meme at yesterday's O'Reilly Factor, summarized at NewsBusters, "O’Reilly Blasts ‘America Haters’ for Trying to Undo ‘the American Compact’."

General Lee From 'Dukes of Hazzard' Losing Confederate Flag

There's literally a national frenzy taking over. We're zombified right now, and the left's bloodlust and vengeance is insatiable.

Charlotte McKinney Photo Shoot for Galore Magazine

Heh, she's pretty awesome.

The South's Ideological Aggression: Property Rights in Slavery and the Outbreak of the Civil War

 ICYMI, "Response to Stogie at Saberpoint and 'Why the Civil War Was Not About Slavery...'"

The last round of interactions on Professor Livingston has fizzled out, and Stogie has tucked tail, not responding to further comments.

Indeed, he's pretty much announced his own personal secession. See "I am a Confederate," and "Survival in a Post-American World."

So, on to the next iteration, if Stogie's up for it. As I've argued, Professor Livingston's piece was mostly a smokescreen, filled with red herrings, designed to deflect attention away from the origins of the Civil War in Old South's white supremacist planter regime. The war was indeed about slavery. The Northern states had abolished slavery and sought to restrict its spread to the territories. The Kansas-Nebraska Act, and especially the Dred Scott decision, destroyed any accommodation that existed regulating the instituion. As Southerners pressed their ideological agenda for slavery, particularly the meme of states' rights, the ultimate irreconcilable differences boiled to a head.

Slavery was the basis for the outbreak of the war.

See Professor James Huston, at the Journal of Southern History, "Property Rights in Slavery and the Coming of the Civil War":
This article proposes an economic explanation for the Civil War --- an explanation based on the existence of a dual system of property rights. The thesis is that southern secession grew out of the irreconcilability of the two regimes of property rights: one in the South that recognized property in humans and one in the North that did not. As long as the United States was fragmented into small market areas these two regimes did not conflict; but the transportation revolution stitched market areas together, and no longer could the effects of slavery be confined to the South. Northerners recognized that, by means of a national market, the effects of the southern labor system could be transmitted to the North, depress the wages of free laborers, and thereby upset its economy. Northerners thereby felt compelled to constrict the effects of slavery. By the same token, southerners, who had placed vast amounts of wealth in slaves, opposed any restrictions on property rights and promptly demanded northern recognition of southern rights regarding slavery --- thereby expanding property rights in slaves from the local to the national arena. Northerners perceived this demand as ideological aggression, and it was the basis for their fears of the nationalization of slavery. Southerners were not going to allow any attack upon the property rights that gave them wealth and income; northerners could not allow southerners to win the battle over property rights because it would cause a fundamental recasting of northern society.
I'll link this over at Saberpoint. Perhaps Stogie will pause his hunkering down for a bit and engage in a new round of discussion.

And be sure to read Professor Huston's piece in its entirety.

Removing Confederate Flag is Just the Start — The Left Will Demand Reparations for Slavery

Yep, from the radical left's point of view, the political end of the Confederate Flag is the beginning of the final assault on American conservatism. The left's hatred and bloodlust is insatiable.

Reparations for slavery. That's the next frontier in the debate, and then once that's done, the final demonization of traditional values. You're getting your "Hope and Change." Stand in the way, and expect the knock in the night. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn is turning as we speak.

From Jill Lawrence, at U.S. News and World Report, "Getting Rid of the Confederate Flag Is the Easy Part – Hard Work Remains":

It's not what anyone wants to hear, but compassion and prayers and even rejecting the Confederate flag – as South Carolina appears poised to do -- are the simplest tasks facing America after Charleston.

Rarely is there a tragedy that fuses so many troubling and inflammatory elements. Race and racism, guns and mental illness, religion and terrorism, slavery and the Civil War, all in a terrible roiling stew. Confronting all of that will be divisive and expensive, especially if we do what we should and offer reparations for slavery.

As a first response, compassion and prayers are commendable, as is appreciation of the grace and forgiveness shown by relatives of the victims in the Mother Emanuel AME church shooting. Saddleback Church Pastor Rick Warren has more ideas in that vein: Be peacemakers and healers, stand for justice, "model integration in our churches." Those are constructive suggestions for everyone.

But there's no way to address our fundamental problems without diving deep into politics. That starts with the flag, which only now is being called out by many for what it is: a symbol of slavery and a breakaway self-proclaimed nation built on a pernicious belief in white superiority....

Exiling that flag is, in the end, symbolic. There are at least four more steps we need that go well beyond that. I've arranged them in the order that I consider least to most controversial.

First, we need to track and treat mental illness to a much greater degree than we do. This will involve more spending and more support for people who suspect a friend or relative might pose a danger. One immediate opportunity to increase access to mental health care is for Texas, Florida and other holdout states to adopt the Medicaid expansion in the Affordable Care Act.

We also need to track domestic terrorism, including groups based on hatred of blacks and other minorities...

These are political realities. The shooter was enamored of the Confederate flag. Earl Holt, leader of the council the shooter admired, has contributed money to many Republicans and their political action committees, including 2012 presidential nominee Mitt Romney and 2016 candidates Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Rick Santorum.

The GOP might also want to ponder this: According to Sylvia Johnson, whose cousin died in the Charleston attack and who spoke with one of the survivors, the shooter told his victims: "I have to do it. You rape our women, and you're taking over our country. And you have to go." How different is that from what Donald Trump said of Mexicans in his announcement speech? "They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists ... It's gotta stop, and it's gotta stop fast."

The sooner Republicans explicitly reject the flag, Holt's money and Trump's rhetoric, the better.

Broadly popular gun safety measures such as comprehensive background checks present the next level of challenge....

Finally, and most controversially, we should consider reparations...
Read the whole thing at the link, but as you can see, the left won't stop with the flag. And without a doubt, tearing it down is the right thing to do, but conservatives must beat back the left, mercilessly so. The left's allegations of racism won't stop, and demands for gun control won't either. Conservatives have the high ground now coming out of Nikki Haley's announcement and leftists can't stand it. They have to seize the day and raise the standard of moral clarity before it's too late.

Confederate Flag Sales Surge

Folks should be able to fly the flag privately, and wear Confederate paraphernalia all they want.

At this point, it's massive resistance against the radical left's massive hate campaign.

I'm sure Stogie'll be pleased.

At the New York Times, "As Retailers Move to Halt Confederate Flag Sales, Some Buyers Stock Up":

Entering a debate that has played out for years mostly in the political realm, many of the nation’s largest retailers abruptly decided this week to stop selling merchandise tied to the Confederate battle flag.

One by one, beginning with Walmart on Monday night, companies including Sears/Kmart, eBay, Amazon, Etsy and Google Shopping disavowed, sometimes in strong moral terms, merchandise that has been sold quietly for decades.

“We have decided to prohibit Confederate flags and many items containing this image because we believe it has become a contemporary symbol of divisiveness and racism,” eBay said in a statement, echoing the sentiments of others in the aftermath of the fatal shooting last week of nine black parishioners in a South Carolina church and the arrest of a white suspect.

The killings have renewed a focus on the Confederate flag, which had been displayed in a photograph of the accused gunman. Large segments of the public have demanded that it be removed from its perch at the State House grounds in Columbia. On Tuesday, as the flag continued to be held up as a symbol of hatred and slavery, South Carolina lawmakers were considering whether to have it taken down....

Yet even as companies were vowing to discontinue the items, sales of them were soaring. Confederate flags jumped to the top of Amazon’s Patio, Lawn & Garden category, with purchases of some items spiking by more than 5,000 percent.

By midafternoon Tuesday, the Dixie Flag Company in San Antonio had sold 25 Confederate flags in 24 hours, according to the company’s president, Pete Van de Putte. Usually, the company has no more than three orders a week for the flags and sometimes only three in a month, he said.

The reasons for the purchases varied significantly. One customer at a small Georgia shop told the owner she wanted to line her front yard with Confederate flags. Mr. Van de Putte said a black man had come into Dixie Flags on Monday with his young daughter seeking to buy the biggest Confederate flag in the store. He said he was buying it to burn it.

While large retailers were feeling public pressure to pull the items from their shelves and websites, a number of smaller companies refused to stop selling Confederate-related merchandise, no matter how controversial...
Better stock up while supplies last. You never what the left will try to shut down next.

That said, I prefer the California Bear Flag.

More at Pajamas, "Confederate Battle Flag Sales Through the Roof."

What GOP Candidates Need to Speak to, Now

From Hugh Hewitt, at Town Hall:
"This is not about guns. This is about evil. Here at home, and evil abroad."

No GOP candidate for president has yet used those words but I hope some and perhaps all of them will before a week or more passes. I do not fault any of them as they have waited on Governor Haley to make her declaration about the flag of the Confederacy that flies on the grounds of the South Carolina state house. Governor Haley's actions and words Monday were powerful because they were not the consequence of demands made on her by her colleagues from other states, but because she, as the leader of a sovereign state, acted to do the right thing. In a federal system, this is the correct order of things, and the GOP candidates who waited on Governor Haley demonstrated the very sort of presidential leadership we should hope for come 2017 --one that recognizes the governors and their states as partners in a federal system, not errand-runners of a New Rome.

Now, though, the would-be presidents ought to heed Michael Gerson's advice delivered on "Face the Nation" Sunday.

When I was asked to be on Sunday's FTN panel, I had gladly accepted because the new host John Dickerson is a pro admired throughout media and especially because I have just put out a new book about Hillary Clinton and the GOP field, The Queen: The Epic Ambition of Hillary and the Coming of a Second "Clinton Era". I of course hadn't anticipated being part of a discussion on a national tragedy, one of the worst events of our country's life since 9/11.

I was smart enough to attend Mass Sunday morning at The Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle before FTN taped, and so had the benefit of prayer and of hearing a tremendous sermon that helped prepare me for the discussion that was ably led by Dickerson and in which I, Gwen Ifill, David Ignatius and Michael Gerson participated.

Gwen Ifill had also been to church that morning -- Metropolitan AME in D.C. -- and had also heard a sermon preached on the portion of the fourth chapter of the Gospel of Mark that follows a few lines after those which the martyrs of Emmanuel AME had been studying Wednesday night. The lines my priest and her pastor dwelt on, Mark 4: 35-41, are about Jesus calming the storm and rebuking the apostles for not having faith and for being afraid. The GOP candidates ought to be thinking about calming words now, and about rebuking fear and inspiring hope.

In the course of our conversation Sunday, The Post's Michael Gerson urged the GOP field to step up and into the conversation about violence and race in America, and I completely agree. They ought to be thinking about being very clear that the discussion of guns is not the right discussion, and that various proposals of gun control are not responsive to the two-sided crisis of violence we face -- violence in our streets and homes and the looming threat of terrorism which is again peaking as the Islamic State and its allies launch a thousand appeals for wanton killing in the name of their fanatical beliefs. Even as they speak about the events that stretch from the killing of Trayvon Martin through the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson and other events through to the carnage of last week, they have to keep reminding people that terrorists want nothing more than an American body count far in excess of what happened last week, and that they are positioning themselves to gain that objective.

Philip Rucker of the Washington Post wrote yesterday that Mrs. Clinton has declared "We have to face hard truths about race, violence, guns and division." Of course she has done nothing of the sort, choosing instead to issue a string of cliches and a broadside at Donald Trump -- to which he responded on my show yesterday.

But that Mrs. Clinton is trying to politicize the event should not deter Republican leaders from stepping up to meet Gerson's challenge...

States Rush to Banish the Confederate Flag

This is going to be viewed as a huge victory for the radical left.

At WaPo, "Once politically sacrosanct, Confederate flag moves toward an end":

After decades of bitter debate over whether the Confederate battle flag is a proud symbol of regional heritage or a shameful emblem of this nation’s most grievous sins, the argument may finally be moving toward an end.

South Carolina is leading the way for other states, as it considers removing the flag from its capitol grounds in the wake of a horrific racial hate crime.

The historical poignancy is heavy and resonant, given that the killings last week of nine African Americans took place in a church basement just a few miles from where the first shots of the Civil War were exchanged in 1861. Photos that have since surfaced of the accused killer, Dylann Roof, show him posing with the Confederate flag.

The banner was long considered politically sacrosanct in the South, at least among conservative whites. It now appears that a rush is on to banish it, along with other images that evoke the Confederacy and sow racial divisiveness.

“It’s a baby step of progress, but we had to step through the blood of nine dead people,” said former College of Charleston president Alex Sanders, a longtime critic of the flag.

On Tuesday, Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) said his state will quit issuing license plates with the insignia and replace those already on the road. Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam and North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory, both Republicans, also said they want to get rid of such license plates in their states.

And in Mississippi, the top Republican in the state House of Representatives, Philip Gunn, has called for the Confederate battle cross to be removed from the upper left corner of his state’s flag. As recently as 2001, Mississippi voters weighed in by more than 2 to 1 to retain the rebel badge as the dominant feature of their flag.

Meanwhile, businesses are moving quickly to remove the symbol from their inventory. In the space of less than 24 hours, retailing giants Wal-Mart, Sears, eBay and all announced that they would no longer sell Confederate-themed merchandise. Valley Forge Flag, a leading flagmaker, said it will cease to make the banner...
Other flagmakers will step up to meet the demand, but now more than ever brandishing this flag is going to foment a harsh backlash. Folks like my old friend Stogie at Saberpoint are going to be digging in for their final stand.

Continue reading, in any case.

Cubs Fan Holding His Baby Catches Foul Ball, Interference Called


Adrian Gonzales had a sure out.

At the Chicago Tribune, "Cubs fan nabs foul while bottle-feeding his infant son."

Also at MLB, "Video: Dodgers challenge ball in play."

Denise Milani Rule 5 Flashback

Haven't seen this babe in awhile.

Flashback: "Midweek Diversions Roundup."

(A number of those are dead links. That was five years ago, eons in blog years.)

Ms. Milani's on Twitter.

Bonus: At the Other McCain, "Rule 5 Sunday: Pipe Dreams," and Theo Spark's, "Is That an HB Pencil?"

Denise Milani photo denise_milani_look_black_6_big_zpsqazj0dr4.jpg

Demi Moore Bikini Pics

She looks great.

At London's Daily Mail, "She's Flawless! Demi Moore, 52, flaunts her AMAZING bikini body posing in tiny two-piece for Instagram snap with daughters Tallulah and Scout."

The Left's Liberal Fascism

Via Serr8d on Twitter.

And buy the book, Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Change.

Curvy Kelly Brook

She's so lovely.

'Sodomite Suppression Act' Struck Down in Sacramento County Superior Court

It's a good thing.

What a nasty proposal and demonic idea.

At LAT, "Judge strikes down proposed 'Sodomite Suppression Act' calling for killing of gays."

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Pakistan Heatwave Leaves Hundreds Dead as Government Cuts Electrical Power

This is an astonishing loss of life.

At the BBC, "Pakistan heatwave: Death toll crosses 700 people in Sindh":
There is anger among local residents at the authorities because power cuts have restricted the use of air-conditioning units and fans, correspondents say.

Matters have been made worse by the widespread abstention from water during daylight hours during the fasting month of Ramadan.
Wouldn't want to get Allah pissed off or anything, and no doubt the government's cutting power to appease the gods of global warming.


More at Euronews, "Anger at Karachi power cuts as hundreds die in Pakistan heatwave."

Hillary Clinton Urges Retailers to Remove #Confederate Flag Merchandise

Convenient, that.

Especially since eBay was proffering the Hillary Clinton 2008 Confederate flag buttons.

And she used to be on Wal-Mart's corporate board, as a director even? Wonders never cease.

At the Los Angeles Times, "More retailers should remove Confederate flag products, Hillary Clinton says":
Hillary Rodham Clinton on Tuesday praised Wal-Mart and other retailers for refusing to sell products bearing the Confederate flag, as she pushed for a broader conversation about modern-day, institutionalized racism and policies to address it.

Speaking at a black church near Ferguson, Mo., Clinton, who once served on the Wal-Mart board, urged “all sellers” to follow the lead set by the Arkansas-based retailer, as well as eBay, Amazon and Sears. Those companies have announced plans to purge their inventories of the Confederate symbol in the wake of the massacre in a Charleston, S.C., church.

Clinton also praised South Carolina leaders for steps toward removing the flag from the statehouse grounds. Republican Gov. Nikki Haley and other state leaders have recognized the Confederate banner "as a symbol of our nation’s racist past that has no place in our present or our future,” Clinton said to cheers. “It shouldn’t fly there, it shouldn’t fly anywhere.”

The remarks represented Clinton's second extended discussion of racism in America since the shooting in a historically black church left nine black churchgoers dead last week.

As the leading Democratic contender for the presidency, Clinton has jumped into the national conversation that has followed the shooting. It has given her an opportunity to burnish her standing among her party’s liberal core, including African American voters, and to strike a strong contrast with Republicans.

The U.S. and South Carolina flags are seen flying at half-staff behind the Confederate flag, which is erected at a war memorial on the South Carolina Capitol grounds. Controversy over displaying the Confederate flag, which some say is a symbol of white supremacy and hatred, has ensued after the Charleston, S.C., shooting.

On Tuesday, she took her campaign to Florissant, Mo., less than four miles from the spot where Michael Brown, a black 18-year-old, was shot last August by a white police officer, fueling the recent national debate over race and inequities in the justice system.

"All lives matter," Clinton declared, picking up on the rallying cry -- "black lives matter" -- of the movement that grew out of the protests in Ferguson, Mo.
All lives matter?

That's racist. I expect she'll get a pass for that, though, seeing how she's scooping up Democrat voter with all this pandering.

eBay to Ban Sale of Confederate Flag Merchandise


Well, eBay had all the Clinton Confederate flags, so faster than you can say Dixie! eBay pulled the goods off their site.

And it's not just eBay. See, "Walmart, Amazon, Sears, eBay to stop selling Confederate flag merchandise."

Dashcam Video of Dylann Roof Arrest

I can't believe anyone would think this controversial, but the cops celebrated on arresting the f-ker.

Via Memeorandum.

New Response at Saberpoint! Stogie Got Game!

Word brah, the old Stogie's got game!

See his classic left-wing "fisking" here: "A Point by Point Rebuttal of Donald Douglas on 'Why the Civil War Was Not About Slavery'."

And my response:
Stogie: Pounding your chest and harrumphing about how you're "winning" the argument is hardly convincing, and actually kind of pathetic.

I don't think you know what a straw man is. This so-called "myth" you talk about isn't part of the mainstream history and standard interpretations of the antebellum institution of slavery, especially conservative interpretations. You're clearing grasping. Further, I don't think you know what federalism is, and you completely ignore my discussion of congressional action on slavery since 1800. You ignore it because it doesn't fit your narrative of the innocent South and the evil North. Just because you hate federalism, and especially the doctrine of national supremacy emerging out of McCulloch, that doesn't mean you can blow off such central historical moments in American political development. In that you're like Livingston, who completely decontextualizes the issues and distorts and lies about what Lincoln believed and actually said.

Plus, it's a false premise that "Congress did nothing" to end slavery. Congress continued to regulate slavery right through the 1850s. Remember, as you say, the North was racist just like the South. Abolition wasn't the burning issue for anyone. What was burning is the balance of power in Congress, and the desire of folks like Lincoln to keep slavery out of the North --- because of political questions of power. They did this, of course, because they simultaneously believed Jeffersonian notions of inalienable rights. Racist ideologies among Northerners do nothing to change that fact. Livingston's argument is lame. It's like name-calling. You're doing the same thing, and it's childish. Both you and Livingston distort Lincoln's views on slavery and you ignore his actual words. That's what leftists do. You're both Gramscian and Derridean in constructing false narratives that bear no resemblance to reality. I quoted Lincoln's own words and contextualized them the way Lincoln himself did in his 1862 address to Congress. Just because you don't like it isn't a justification to be dishonest about not only what he said, but about my analysis as well.

Livingston indeed does discuss "presentist ideological agendas." Talking about Senator James DeWolff of Rhode Island, Livingston writes that "it is difficult for us to­day to read the expression anti-slavery without importing our own 21st centu­ry moral sensibilities into it." That is presentist epistemology, and those who employ it are taking history out of context (see historian Gordon Wood, "History in Context": Unfortunately, Livingston's piece employs the very same kind of presentism to decontextualize the development of slavery in antebellum America. He does this throughout his discussion of moral philosophies. Are you sure you've read this article carefully, Stogie, or is your response just more boilerplate "Lincoln is evil" ideology lifted from the radical libertarian fever swamps?

Well, Stogie, the piece certainly is an "ideological screed," as I've shown throughout my essay, but since you share that ideology, you're forced to desperately defend it. Indeed, despite your furtive attempts to rebut Livingston's lies and decontexualization, you simply declare victory, and write that my comments "are those of someone losing an argument, and knows it." Actually, I don't know it. I'm only going on to say what I think of Livingston's writing, and I don't think well of it. He's a hack historian with an ideological ax to grind.

And by the way, my so called "ad hominem" arguments are not in fact the key arguments against this hack. I noted that I'd append a "bloggy" section simply because there's so much low hanging fruit. You yourself have slammed Lew Rockwell numerous times, so it's no surprise you'd blow off Livingston's fringe connections as "irrelevant." I think you're a good man, and I know you're better that that from reading this blog for 8 years.

In any case, thanks for the discussion. I'm learning a lot, as always!
More to come, especially if Stogie's still got game!

PREVIOUSLY: ICYMI, "Response to Stogie at Saberpoint and 'Why the Civil War Was Not About Slavery...'"

President Obama on 'WTF with Marc Maron': 'I know what I'm doing and I'm fearless...'

Obama's comments came on Marc Maron's show, "WTF Podcast - Episode 613 - President Barack Obama."


And at the New York Times, "Making a Point, Obama Invokes a Painful Slur."

Look, he's fearless and he can spout the hateful "n-word" with no political recriminations.

Hillary Clinton 2008 Campaign Confederate Flag Merchandise on eBay

Here's the debate we should be having.

When will Hillary Clinton and the Democrats renounce their ties to the racist symbolism of Jim Crow, domestic terrorism, and the Confederate Battle Flag?

Added: Here's another button, via the Evil Blogger Lady: