Monday, January 11, 2016

'Fast Times' Actor Has Courted Controversy

I'll always remember Sean Penn as "Jeff Spicoli," no matter what that dude does.

Here's more on him, at WSJ, "Sean Penn’s Interview With El Chapo Latest in Long History of Controversial Meetings":
Sean Penn shot to fame playing a high-school stoner who wanted to do anything but engage with the world.

Now, more than 30 years after his breakthrough role in “Fast Times at Ridgemont High,” the two-time Oscar winner is as well known for his off-screen political activism as he is for his intense on-screen performances.

Mr. Penn’s meeting with Mexican drug lord Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, revealed on Saturday, is the latest example of the 55-year-old actor inviting controversy by making high-profile visits with figures who are at odds with the U.S. government.

Mr. Penn’s interview with the drug kingpin follows the actor’s style of reporting—sparing no detail about the arrangements getting there or his emotional impressions of the man before him. “In what would be a seven-hour sit-down, I saw him without that smile only in brief flashes. As has been said of many notorious men, he has an indisputable charisma,” wrote Mr. Penn.

Over the past 20 years, Mr. Penn, with a mix of outrage and irreverence, has traveled to countries about to be attacked by the U.S., pledged support to Communist leaders who decry America and criticized the U.S. government for its handling of domestic affairs.

The “El Chapo” meeting, recounted by Mr. Penn in an article for Rolling Stone magazine, isn’t the first time the actor has taken on a provocative assignment for a publication.

In 2008, Mr. Penn recounted his meetings with Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez and Cuban president Raúl Castro for The Nation magazine.

Mr. Penn’s dispatches read like a travelogue sprinkled with diplomatic purpose; he writes of having mechanical difficulties on the plane ride there and then of asking Mr. Castro if he’d be willing to meet with President Obama.

A spokeswoman for Mr. Penn said Sunday the actor wasn’t commenting at this time...
A classic Hollywood useful idiot.

Still more, FWIW.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Emma Quangel Doxed: Hardline Communist @EMQuangel on Twitter Outed as Taryn Fivek, Public Information Officer at International Organization for Migration

I've known for a few weeks that Emma Quangel was really Taryn Fivek. A reader emailed me with the following information:
Her parents are Clark Fivek and Marcia Ladendorff.

Her mom, Marcia Ladendorff, was one of CNN's first anchors when the cable network launched.  She was also the top anchor at WTLV-12 First Coast News in Jacksonville, before semi-retiring as a professor and media personality working at the University of North Florida.  Her dad owns a company.

The parents are divorced and BOTH are likely multi-millionaires who live very comfortable lives.

Communist Taryn Fivek (aka Emma Quangel) is an American-born, pampered TRUST FUND BABY.

Her dad, a successful businessman who lives in the upscale suburban town of Ponte Vedra Beach, FL clearly doesn't appreciate Taryn's conversion to communism:
Of course, the reader sent corresponding links and I Googled a little myself and it all checked out. And that was that. She was still tweeting at the time, and I've had enough of the Internet flame wars to last me for awhile. Besides, she wasn't mean or anything.

In any case, she was definitely hardline communist and was pretty familiar with a lot of the literature, as evidenced by her blog, Manyfesto. Both the blog and her Twitter page have been taken down.

It turns out that BuzzFeed doxed her after she sent out a batch of rather deranged tweets denying news of the recent starvation in Syria. See, "An Aid Worker is Being Accused of Owning a Twitter Account That Denies People Are Starving in Syria."

Remember, according to someone like this, Third World dictators like Bashir al-Assad can never be culpable for the poverty, misery, and obliteration of their own people. It's always the West's fault. That's one of the reasons I blogged about this woman a few times. Her Twitter feed was a veritable treasure trove of the most deranged Stalinist ravings you'd find. See, "Far-Left 'Anti-Racist' Says the United States Should be 'Eradicated'," and "Emma Quangel, Feminist Who Outed Dylann Roof Manifesto, is Militant Communist Who Wants U.S. 'Eradicated'."

There was some chatter on Twitter directed at me this last couple of days, no doubt from folks who found my posts on Google.

Go back and check out that BuzzFeed piece. This woman was getting progressively worse as her online activism gained traction. And it turns out another far-left activist, Molly Crabapple, doxed Quangel on Twitter:

Frankly, Quangel wasn't all that good at being anonymous. The Manyfesto blog actually linked to her LinkedIn account, now deleted as well.

Still more on Twitter:

And she worked for a U.N.-aligned NGO. Let that sink in for a minute.

Germany on the Brink

Ross Douthat doesn't disappoint with this commentary, at the New York Times:
If you believe that an aging, secularized, heretofore-mostly-homogeneous society is likely to peacefully absorb a migration of that size and scale of cultural difference, then you have a bright future as a spokesman for the current German government.

You’re also a fool. Such a transformation promises increasing polarization among natives and new arrivals alike. It threatens not just a spike in terrorism but a rebirth of 1930s-style political violence. The still-imaginary France Michel Houellebecq conjured up in his novel “Submission,” in which nativists and Islamists brawl in the streets, would have a very good chance of being realized in the German future...

Hat Tip: Instapundit.

#GoldenGlobes and Popular Culture

Larry Elder summed up our popular culture at the start of tonight's Golden Globes awards show:
Are there any roles left for men who are not gay, transsexual, transgender, transvestite, cross dressers, bi-sexual or unsure? #GoldenGlobes.

Kohl’s Stores Considers Going Private or Breaking Up

Well, this is interesting.

I shop Kohl's a lot, as does my wife.

At WSJ, "Kohl’s Weighs Next Steps as Woes Mount":
Department stores have been under siege for decades, but lately their fortunes have hit a new low that could spark a wave of deal making that could sweep up companies such as Kohl’s Corp.

Shoppers are flocking to newer types of stores that sell similar brands at deep discounts and buying more online, leaving behind cavernous stores that are difficult to fill productively. Investors, too, are abandoning the companies. Shares of major department-store chains fell nearly 37% last year, while the overall S&P 500 Index fell just 0.7%.

The troubles are prompting some soul searching at these decades-old businesses. With sales shrinking, Sears Holdings Corp. has been selling off stores to raise cash. Macy’s Inc. is talking with real-estate developers to take over space in its flagship locations and other stores.

Kohl’s, a national department-store chain with roughly 1,200 stores, is debating whether to pursue more drastic action, such as taking itself private or breaking up the company, according to a person familiar with the situation.

Once among the fastest-growing retailers, the Menomonee Falls, Wisc.-based retailer has stumbled in recent years. Despite improvements that include recent sales gains at existing stores, its shares are down 40% from their high of $79.07 on April 2. It ended Friday with a market value of $9 billion, or roughly half its expected annual sales for the current fiscal year.

Concerned that its depressed share price could make it a target for activist investors, directors are considering whether to hire an investment bank to advise it on alternatives that could include a sale to a private-equity firm, the person familiar with the situation said.

The discussions are preliminary and directors might opt not to explore such a strategy. Kohl’s top executives are open to the strategic review and the board is expected to discuss the company’s multiple options further this week,  the person continued. A sale to a private-equity firm is an idea that management has rejected in the past despite interest from such firms, people familiar with the situation said. Kohl’s declined to comment...
Hmm... Wouldn't want activist investors to launch a power grab, heh.


Fire Consumes Jerusalem Offices of Far-Left Anti-Israel Group B’Tselem (VIDEO

Well, if it truly was a right-wing arson attack then that's terrible.

Israel's far-right is screwing up these days. Sheesh. (See, "Israel's Homegrown Enemies.")

At the Jerusalem Post, "Arson suspected in fire at offices of left-wing NGO B'Tselem."

And at the radical +972, "Amid right-wing attacks, suspected arson at B'Tselem offices":
Headquarters of Israel’s oldest human rights organization sustain heavy damage. Spokesperson says if fire turns out to be arson, ‘it must be seen in the context of the wave of government incitement and smear campaigns against Israel’s human rights groups, and B’Tselem in particular.’
There's video here, "Suspected arson at B'Tselem offices in Jerusalem."

I blogged about this awful group previously. Still, I wouldn't wish an arson fire on them.

Here, "B'Tselem: The World's Most Destructive Anti-Israel Organization."

Oregon Rep. Cliff Bentz (R) Visits Bundy Millitiamen at #Malheur National Wildlife Reserve (VIDEO)

Following-up from previously, "Pacific Patriot Network Opposes #Malheur Occupation, Issues Call for Peaceful Resolution of Standoff (VIDEO)."

Now, at the Portland Oregonian, "Oregon standoff: Roseburg state legislator ignores local warnings, visits protesters."

Heh, the dude took a posse of officials with him, which I don't think was a bad idea. Better to talk it out than shoot it out.

Emmy Rossum at the #GoldenGlobes

She's sweet.

Here's That Wild Martavis Bryant Flip Catch Touchdown (VIDEO)

I almost posted this yesterday.

It was miraculous.

Watch, via the NFL, "Martavis Bryant is Out of His Flipping Mind for This TD."

Kristen Soltis Anderson on How Candidates Try to Reach Millennials Through Social Media (VIDEO)

She has a book out I've been meaning to get, The Selfie Vote: Where Millennials Are Leading America (And How Republicans Can Keep Up).

And here she is, on Fox News, "Candidates try to win over millennials through social media."

Mexican Actress Kate del Castillo Brokered Interview Deal for Sean Penn

Well, the tabloids had to go and find the clickbait celebrity angle.

And London's Daily Mail, "El Chapo's moll: How trusted Mexican actress Kate del Castillo brokered deal for Sean Penn to interview cartel boss... But ultimately proved his femme fatale."

And at LAT:

Beth Baumann Likes the Packers!


Just now on Twitter:

And Ms. Beth a little while ago, lol:

This girl got game!

Emily Ratajkowski Posts Bikini Selfies as She Vacations in Thailand

On Twitter:

Hat Tip: London's Daily Mail, "Island girl Emily Ratajkowski goes topless with lei and strikes model poses in bikini as she vacations at Thai beach resort."

Lena Dunham to Campaign for Hillary Clinton in Iowa

Maybe she'll take her clothes off.

At USA Today, "Lena Dunham to campaign for Hillary Clinton in Iowa."

And at Twitchy, "Lena Dunham tears up thinking of ‘horrific gendered attacks’ against Hillary Clinton."

Oh brother.

Lena Dunham

Cruz Leads Trump in Iowa 28-to-24 Percent, Latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News Poll Finds

The Wall Street Journal's write-up is behind the paywall (see Memeorandum).

But Marist, who did the survey, has a summary at their homepage, "Cruz and Trump Vie in IA, Trump NH Favorite… Clinton and Sanders Competitive":
With just weeks to go until the Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary, Texas Senator Ted Cruz, 28%, edges businessman Donald Trump, 24%, among likely Republican caucus-goers in Iowa including those who are undecided yet leaning toward a candidate. Florida Senator Marco Rubio, 13%, and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, 11%, are vying for the “third ticket” out of Iowa. In New Hampshire, Trump, 30%, outdistances Rubio, 14%, and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, 12%, among likely Republican primary voters statewide including those who are undecided yet leaning toward a candidate. Texas Senator Ted Cruz, 10%, Ohio Governor John Kasich, 9%, and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, 9%, follow.
Keep reading.

Jeb and Kasich are both at 9 percent, which is almost three points lower for each when compared to the NH1 poll also out this week, "NH1 News Poll Shows Jeb Bush Battling John Kasich for 2nd Place; Donald Trump Holds Lead at 31.7 Percent."

In both polls, though, Donald Trump is far and away the Granite State frontrunner.

In any case, more at NBC News, "Poll: Neck-and-Neck 2016 Races in Iowa, New Hampshire." Hillary's up 48-45 percent in Iowa, which is within the margin of error (and should be freaking out the Clinton campaign, either way.)

Sunday Cartoons

At Flopping Aces, "Sunday Funnies."

Fundamental Transformation photo Keep-your-guns-600-LA_zpskcfeyfxj.jpg

Also at Reaganite Republican, "Reaganite's SUNDAY FUNNIES," and Theo Spark's, "Cartoon Round Up..."

Cartoon Credit: Legal Insurrection, "Branco Cartoon – Obama Cares."

Judge Jeanine Pirro Slams Philadelphia Democrat Mayor Jim Kenney! (VIDEO)

Well, this Democrat scum's comments were criminal.

Here, "Philly Mayor Jim Kenney Says Jihadist Police Ambush Shooting 'Had Nothing to Do With Islam' (VIDEO)."

Judge Jeanine hammers this PC POS:

Arthur Laffer Predicts Republicans Will Win the White House in Landslide

Yes, but did he do it on the back of cocktail napkin?

At the Hill:

Majorities Say Obama Has Failed on Every Measure

I noticed this when I was scrolling through the raw internals yesterday.

See, "Donald Trump Beats Hillary Clinton in General Election Match-Up, 47-44 Percent (VIDEO)."

More at Fox News:

Kristen Keogh's Got Your Sunday Forecast

Well, it's not -6 ºF, like it is in Minnesota for the start of the NFC Wild Card round, heh.

At ABC News 10 San Diego:

Conservative Ideology and the #Malheur Wildlife Reserve Occupation (VIDEO)

From Alan Feuer, at the New York Times, "The Ideological Roots of the Oregon Standoff":

IT is tempting to dismiss the antigovernment gunmen who took control of an animal refuge in Oregon on Jan. 2 as fanatics working at the fringes of American politics. But if the methods used by the rancher Ammon Bundy to seize the federal property were radical, the ideological roots of the operation were somewhat more mainstream.

By storming the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge and vowing to return it — by force of arms, if necessary — to the people of Harney County, Mr. Bundy and his men were echoing the teachings, if not the tactics, of the Wise Use movement: a conservative land-use doctrine that has been a part of the national discourse for nearly 30 years.

A successor to the Sagebrush Rebellion of the 1970s (itself a successor to the anti-national parks Boomers project of the early 1900s), Wise Use answers the question of who should own the West by granting moral primacy to natural resource companies and to logging and ranching families like the Bundys, some of which have worked the land since the pioneer expansion.

Though composed of many activists and scores of organizations, Wise Use found its voice in the late 1980s when a timber industry adviser named Ron Arnold published “The Wise Use Agenda.” The manifesto offered an expansive plan to gut environmental regulation, increase private ownership of public land and compel the federal government to open its holdings to mining, oil and logging companies and to the unrestricted use of off-road vehicles.

Mr. Arnold adopted the phrase “wise use” from Gifford Pinchot, the first head of the United States Forest Service (who said that “conservation is the wise use of resources”). In 1988 he held a conference, bringing together the likes of Exxon and the National Cattlemen’s Association, with the goal of seeding the West with grass-roots groups that could wrest control of federal land and give a local flavor to his Reaganite aims.

“Arnold sent organizers into distressed rural communities to set up front groups with environmentally friendly sounding names that whipped up hostility against the government,” said Tarso Ramos, the executive director of Political Research Associates, a research group that studies right-wing movements. What resulted, Mr. Ramos said, was a “coalition of natural-resource companies, property developers and conservative activists working with a network of community organizations.”

This coalition achieved success in pushing its agenda. By the early 1990s, politicians friendly to the Wise Use cause had introduced or passed legislation in nearly 30 states giving local governments and citizens expanded powers to lay claim to federal land. Among those politicians was Representative Helen Chenoweth-Hage, an Idaho Republican, who became notorious for mocking the Endangered Species Act by holding what she called “endangered salmon bakes.” There was also Gale A. Norton, the interior secretary under President George W. Bush, who once worked as a lawyer for the Mountain States Legal Foundation, which has billed itself as “the litigation arm of Wise Use.”

“The Wise Use crowd got very close to the centers of power,” Mr. Ramos said...
Still more.

Previous Malheur blogging is here.

Is Ted Cruz a 'Natural Born Citizen'? (VIDEO)

Personally, I think this whole Ted Cruz birther issue is just stupid.

In just a couple of days the MSM's spent more time on it than on Obama's eligibility, at least from the point of view of critical vs. sympathetic analysis. (Nothing shall derail the political momentum of Democrat candidates.)

Breitbart dredged up Cruz's mom's birth certificate, so that's not in question, while Obama never actually released his long-form birth certificate, only a printout of "certification of live birth" from the county government offices there in Hawaii. (A real birth certificate includes medical information, full legal name at time of birth, doctors' signatures and all that --- none of which was included on the county printout.)

Here's the Bretibart piece, via Memeorandum, "Exclusive: Birth Certificate for Ted Cruz's Mother." I have no idea if it's actually authenticated, but I haven't seen anyone claiming Cruz's mom wasn't born in the U.S. Or at least not yet.

Professor Thomas Lee, of Fordham Law School, provides a high-brow scholarly analysis, at the Los Angeles Times, "Is Ted Cruz a 'natural born Citizen'? Not if you're a constitutional originalist."

Perhaps, but then the Supreme Court makes the final decision on these issues. I expect the law's settled enough nowadays to show that one American-citizen parent is enough to constitute presidential eligibility for the children.

More video at CNN, "Sen. Ted Cruz on State of the Union: Part 1," and "Sen. Ted Cruz on State of the Union: Part 2."

Video of 'Heavily Armed Security Detail' at the #Malheur National Wildlife Refuge

The Idaho "3 Percenters" and the Pacific Patriots Network are pretty much one and the same, with the latter being the umbrella organization for the diverse local militias.

Following-up from this early this morning, "Pacific Patriot Network Opposes #Malheur Occupation, Issues Call for Peaceful Resolution of Standoff (VIDEO)." (Linked by Ed Driscoll at Instapundit. Thanks!)

And here's the dramatic video from KOIN News 6 in Portland:

Ted Cruz and Donald Trump Take Different Paths to Iowa Voters

Cruz camps out. Trump swoops in.

At the Los Angeles Times:
Donald Trump launched his TV advertising just after New Year's with his familiar swagger: He was so far ahead in the polls that it might be a waste, he said, but he felt guilty for not spending his money.

The reality was more sobering.

After six months of branding opponents and critics as losers, Trump faces the threat of becoming one himself in Iowa, the first state to hold a Republican presidential nominating contest. The ads are a crucial part of Trump's strategy to keep Ted Cruz from beating him in the Iowa caucuses on Feb. 1.

Cruz's appeals to evangelicals, tea party followers and other conservatives have made the Texas senator the current favorite in Iowa, though the New York billionaire remains a solid front-runner in the rest of the country.

Cruz's surge in Iowa is jeopardizing Trump's quest to "run the table" by winning every GOP primary and caucus nationwide.

The two are taking sharply contrasting approaches to Iowa. Trump has darted in for occasional rallies before huge crowds, relying on TV news coverage to reach Iowans. He typically spends a few hours in the state, then returns to New York in his private jet. Trump's rallies Saturday afternoon in Ottumwa and Clear Lake came after an 11-day absence from Iowa.

Cruz has devoted far more time and resources to the state, following the playbook of previous Iowa caucus winners Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum...

Los Angeles Homeless Woman 'died without a tent, rain-soaked and wrapped in a wet blanket on a piece of plastic...'

Now this is just sad.

Apparently the police can't force people off the street, even if they're not in their right mind. The woman was offered shelter from homeless advocates and she refused.

At LAT, "Homeless woman died of exposure on skid row sidewalk during El Niño storm."

ADDED: L.A.'s a Democrat city. Just think about that for a minute.

Mass Muslim Immigration Will Bring Islam's Problems Here

From David French, at National Review:
To hear the Left tell it, the debate over mass Muslim immigration — especially from conflict zones — is a simple contest between compassionate tolerance and cowardly xenophobia. They claim their opponents are cowards because the percentage of refugees or immigrants who are terrorists is very small (your bathtub is more dangerous than a Muslim immigrant), and they’re xenophobes because they have no understanding or appreciation for the blessings and benefits of diversity. Conservatives are all fear and no heart.

According to the rules of this debate, there are but two kinds of Muslim immigrants — the tiny few terrorists and the overwhelmingly deserving, suffering majority. Question this narrative, or call attention to the vast cultural gaps between the refugees and the Western nations they’re fleeing to, and you’re a racist. After all, our cultural elite understands the Muslim world better than you do. They went to Harvard with Muslims, and the Muslims they know have great accents, cool customs, and — most importantly — tales of imperialist oppression that turn the leftist heart to mush. What’s not to love?

The recent events in Cologne and other German and Austrian cities represent a necessary, reality-based corrective to this absurd binary thinking...
Well, that's for sure.

Still more.

And previously, "Cologne's Muslim Rape Gangs Spark Bitter Debate on Refugees in Germany (VIDEO)."

For Republicans, Mounting Fears of Lasting Split

Yeah, yeah.

Isn't it always the Republicans risking a "lasting split"?

I tweeted the New York Times:

Also at Memeorandum.

NH1 News Poll Shows Jeb Bush Battling John Kasich for 2nd Place; Donald Trump Holds Lead at 31.7 Percent

At the Conservative Treehouse, "New Hampshire Poll – Trump Dominates, Bush Distant Second – Trump Holds Massive Support Among Women…"

And at NH1, "New NH1 News Poll: Donald Trump leads in NH but Jeb Bush battles John Kasich for 2nd":
CONCORD - A new NH1 News poll in New Hampshire indicates Donald Trump remains well out in front of the rest of the Republican presidential field. But the survey stands out by suggesting that former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Ohio Gov. John Kasich are battling for second.

And the automated telephone survey, released Friday, indicates a divide between undeclared voters and registered Republicans when it comes to support for Trump, the front runner in virtually all polls since last summer. And the survey point to a gender gap, with Trump surprising holding larger lead among female voter than their male counterparts.

The survey, conducted Thursday by REACH Communications, questioned 1,000 Republicans and independents likely to vote in the Feb. 9 GOP primary in the Granite State.

Among the overall sample, Trump grabs 31.7% support. Bush is at 11.9%, with Kasich at 11.8% and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie at 11%. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas is backed by 9.7% of those questioned, with Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida at 8.9%. Taking into account the overall poll's 3.1% sampling error, all four candidates are basically all knotted up.

Following further behind are businesswoman Carly Fiorina (4.6%), famed neurosurgeon Ben Carson (3.8%), Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky (3%), former Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania (2.6%), and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (1%).

Among registered Republicans, Trump stands at 26.2%. But his support surges to 35.6% among undeclared voters likely to vote in the GOP primary...
Trump's support surges to 35.6 percent among undeclared voters who might vote in the Republican primary.

I thought Jeb was done by now, but he's apparently camped out in the Granite State and has probably shaken a lot of hands.


Things are going to shake out quickly after New Hampshire. Super Tuesday's March 1st. That's going to be the big day!

No Powerball Winner, So Jackpot Expected to Hit $1.3 Billion

That's pretty staggering.

At the Los Angeles Times, "No winning Powerball tickets sold; jackpot hits $1.3 billion."

'El Chapo' Met with Actor Sean Penn Months Before Recapture, Rolling Stone Magazine Says (VIDEO)

The Los Angeles Times reports.

Also at Rolling Stone, via Memeorandum, "El Chapo Speaks."

More at Fausta's, "Mexico: Sean Penn, El Chapo, friends?"

And watch, at CBS News 2 New York:

Germany's 'Right-Wing Extremists' Reinvent Themselves as Grassroots Activists

It's always right-wing political groups who're branded as "extremists."

Far left-wing Stalinists are "liberals," to hear the idiots in the mainstream press.

At the Wall Street Journal, "Tapping Fears Over Migrants, Germany’s Far Right Expands Influence":

BERLIN—For years, Klaus Armstroff, head of an obscure German far-right party that calls for sweeping nationalizations, the death penalty and the return of lost pre-World War II territories, struggled to market his ideas. Now he can hardly keep up with demand for his “propaganda material.”

“People call us who have nothing to do with our party. But they order material to wake up their neighbors,” said Mr. Armstroff, who founded the party, called The Third Way, in 2013. Chancellor Angela Merkel, he said, “is playing into our hands.”

Public angst about the government’s decision to open the country’s doors to hundreds of thousands of migrants and the absence of a counterproposal from Germany’s mainstream parties have energized a far-right scene that, until recently, had appeared on the verge of political extinction....

Ballhausen, in the eastern German state of Thuringia, is one of many towns and villages where far-right activists have harnessed anxiety about the migrants to push their agenda, as Dorothea Schröder, a 59-year-old social worker, found out recently.

When Ms. Schröder and her local church decided to help refugees this autumn, she first turned to neighbors in Ballhausen for support. But it wasn’t forthcoming. After she and the local parish announced that they would host a migrant family in a house owned by the church, Ms. Schröder and her few supporters found stickers from The Third Way opposing refugees on mailboxes and doors. The village’s bus stops are currently daubed with a swastika and the runes of the Nazi Waffen-SS unit.

Known far-right activists turned up at a meeting on the issue that the church organized last month. The gathering soon descended into a shouting match, and police had to intervene to restore order.

“Some said the migrants should all drown in the Mediterranean, they should all be put into mines and be buried, or that they should fight in Syria and help to rebuild their country just as the Germans did after 1945,” Ms. Schröder said.

The NPD, the most well-known of Germany’s few, small extreme-right parties, had limited electoral success regionally in the past decade but has since become marginalized. Now, local politicians say, its former and current leaders are often among the organizers of the anti-migrant and anti-Muslim protests that have popped up across the country this year, particularly in the former communist east. And police said they suspected neo-Nazi activists of coordinating a rising wave of attacks against refugee shelters, which have quadrupled to more than 800 this year from 2014.

Pacific Patriot Network Opposes #Malheur Occupation, Issues Call for Peaceful Resolution of Standoff (VIDEO)

Following-up from earlier, "Tensions Flare as New Heavily Armed 'Security Detail' Appears at #Malheur National Wildlife Reserve (VIDEO)."

We've got some interesting new developments.

The Pacific Patriot Network (PPP), a so-called "umbrella group" for local militias, is putting pressure on the Bundy militiamen to wind down the occupation. Their leaders met with law enforcement authorities and spoke out for a "deescalation" at a press conference yesterday afternoon. At the video below is Joseph Rice, one of the founders of the PPP.

The group issued an "articles of resolution," apparently delivered to the FBI, seen at their website, "Proposal for Resolution of the Peaceful Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge by Citizens for Constitutional Freedom":

Before the Board of County Commissioners for Harney County State of Oregon

Proposal for Resolution of the Peaceful Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge by Citizens for Constitutional Freedom

First Request

The Harney County Board of Commissioners and Sheriff have been presented with a Redress of Grievance by the Committee of Safety, detailing out concern’s of the citizens. Harney County Administration has stated they wish to work with the Committee of Safety, yet have failed to respond nor answer the Committee’s Redress of Grievance.


Citizens for Constitutional Freedom request the Harney County Government address all stated grievances in writing, demonstrating they intend to work with the newly formed Committee of Safety addressing matters of county citizens concern.

Second Request

Two witness have come forward and provided recorded eye witness accounts of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), using drip torches, lighting fire along the boundary of the Hammond Ranch. One BLM crew started at the south end of the ranch and the second BLM crew started on the east side of the ranch creating a horseshoe of fire around the Hammond ranch. The Hammond’s responded with lighting back burns to prevent fire spread onto their ranch protecting their private property. The witness was interview[ed] by Assistant United States Attorney (AUSA) Frank Papagni, Jr. AUSA Papagni never called on this witness, nor in pre trial discovery reported to the defense the existence of these witnesses.


Citizens for Constitutional Freedom request the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) conduct a criminal investigation into prosecutorial misconduct for unlawfully withholding eyewitness testimony which would have aided in the Hammond’s defense. The withholding of evidence and action’s by U.S. Attorney Amanda Marshal has further lead to the violation of the Hammond’s 5th Amendment and 8th Amendment Constitutional Rights.

Third Request

The Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, publicly owned land, is currently undermanagement by the United States Fish & Wildlife Service, a Federal Government agency. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 of the United States Constitution clearly states what land the Federal Government may own, with permission of the State. Article 6, Section 2, Clause 2 define the United States Constitution as the supreme law of the land.


Citizens for Constitutional Freedom request Harney County Government petition and give notice to the Federal Government for the transfer and unconditional return to local control of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge as allowed by Article 4, Section 3, Clause 2. Harney County Government in equal Partnership with the Burns Paiute Tribe will manage and administer this publicly owned land to the values and vision of the local community.

NOW, THEREFORE, based on the foregoing, Citizens for Constitutional Freedom put forth these requests, to be individually address in written format and entered into the official record, to bring resolution to the peaceful occupation of publicly owned land currently identified as the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. Upon deliver and posting of documents in the official record, Citizens for Constitutional Freedom will vacate the aforementioned land within 24 hours.

Signed this 8th day of January in the year of 2016.
I see nothing so far to indicate that the "Citizens for Constitutional Freedom" (the Bundy militiamen) are prepared to accept the PPP articles as a basis for a resolution to the crisis.

More at the Portland Oregonian, "Arrival of rifle-toting 'Patriots' breaks relative calm at Oregon standoff compound."

And at Oregon Public Broadcasting, "New Armed Group Enters Harney County, Meets With Sheriff."

Also at Memeorandum.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Amber Lee's Sunday Forecast

Chances of scattered showers, but mostly folks are amazed at the periodic clear skies.

Calm before the storm, really!

Via CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

Cologne's Muslim Rape Gangs Spark Bitter Debate on Refugees in Germany (VIDEO)

Here's the headline at the Telegraph UK's front page, "Anti-Islam protest as Merkel warns Germany will deport migrant sex attackers and police admit 'majority' of suspects were refugees."

Heh, sexual savagery in Germany is fomenting a major backlash.

Here's Der Spiegel, "Chaos and Violence: How New Year's Eve in Cologne Has Changed Germany" (via Memeorandum):
New Year's Eve in Cologne rapidly descended into a chaotic free-for-all involving sexual assault and theft, most of it apparently committed by foreigners. It has launched a bitter debate over immigration and refugees in Germany -- one that could change the country.

A lot happened on New Year's Eve in Cologne, much of it contradictory, much of it real, much of it imagined. Some was happenstance, some was exaggerated and much of it was horrifying. In its entirety, the events of Cologne on New Year's Eve and in the days that followed adhered to a script that many had feared would come true even before it actually did. The fears of both immigration supporters and virulent xenophobes came true. The fears of Pegida people and refugee helpers; the fears of unknown women and of Chancellor Angela Merkel. Even Donald Trump, the brash Republican presidential candidate in the US, felt it necessary to comment. Germany, he trumpeted, "is going through massive attacks to its people by the migrants allowed to enter the country."

For some, the events finally bring to light what they have always been saying: that too many foreigners in the country bring too many problems along with them. For the others, that which happened is what they have been afraid of from the very beginning: that ugly images of ugly behavior by migrants would endanger what has been a generally positive mood in Germany with respect to the refugees.
As inexact and unclear as the facts from Cologne may be, they carry a clear message: Difficult days are ahead. And they beg a couple of clear questions: Is Germany really sure that it can handle the influx of refugees? And: Does Germany really have the courage and the desire to become the country in Europe with the greatest number of immigrants?

The first week of 2016 was a hectic one. Tempers flared and hysteria spread. It should be noted that an attack would have triggered similar national emotions, or the murder of a child in a park or any other crime that touched on our deepest fears and serviced our long-held stereotypes -- any crime in which a foreigner was involved. On New Year's Eve in Cologne, it was -- according to numerous witness reports -- drunk young men from North Africa who formed gangs to go after defenseless individuals. They humiliated and robbed -- and they sexually assaulted women.

Their behavior, and the subsequent discussion of their behavior in the halls of political power in Berlin, in the media and on the Internet, could easily trigger a radical shift in Germany's refugee and immigration policies. The pressure built up by the images and stories from Cologne make it virtually impossible to continue on as before. That, too, is a paradox: The pressure would be no less intense even if not a single one of the refugees and migrants who arrived in 2015 were among the perpetrators...
You gotta love how Spiegel's all trying to be even handed. The fact is conservatives predicted these very outcomes from the beginning. For the left, they think the conservative reaction confirms their warning of "fascism." In the end, it's the voters who get to decide. Angela Merkel's gonna find out she made a huge mistake. Epic.

But keep reading.

Pittsburgh Steelers Defeat Cinnicinati Bengals, 18-16, in Wild Wild-Card Win (VIDEO)

This was a yawner of a game, and then the spectacular turnarounds at the end.

Just wow.

At LAT, "Steelers escape with wild-card win, 18-16, as Bengals lose control":

A knockout hit by Cincinnati linebacker Vontaze Burfict wound up knocking the Bengals out of the playoffs -- yet again.

Thanks to Burfict's headhunting hit to the helmet of Pittsburgh receiver Antonio Brown -- followed by an unsportsmanlike call on the Bengals after the play -- the Steelers pulled off an 18-16 victory in a wildcard game, clinching with a 39-yard field goal by Chris Boswell.

The rain-soaked crowd, delirious just minutes earlier, watched in devastated disbelief. Orange crushed.

Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger, who had to be carted to the locker room late in the game with a right shoulder injury (the result of another Burfict hit), came back to direct the final scoring drive.

Pittsburgh moves on to play a divisional game at Denver next weekend.

For the Bengals, more heartache...
Keep reading.

Donald Trump Beats Hillary Clinton in General Election Match-Up, 47-44 Percent (VIDEO)

Shoot, Trump, Cruz, and Rubio all beat Hillary in head-to-head match-ups. Rubio beats her 50-41 percent. Trump's lead is within the margin of error, but folks can quit saying Hillary would beat him in the general. (And the GOP establishment should stop worrying and start boosting him.)

At Memeorandum, "Fox News Poll: Trump, Cruz top GOP race nationally." And, "Poll: Trump Beats Hillary in General Election Match-Up."

Also, at Gateway Pundit, "FOX News Poll: Trump Gains 20 Points on Hillary Since June – Now Leads Her by 3."

The raw internals are here, "Fox News Poll: National presidential race, Obama ratings."

And watch, from Fox & Friends, "Latest Rankings - Brand New Fox News Poll Released."

Tensions Flare as New Heavily Armed 'Security Detail' Appears at #Malheur National Wildlife Reserve (VIDEO)

The FBI is bulking up its presence in the area, including setting up a staging area at the Burns airport.

And now a new group has arrived on the scene, members of the Pacific Patriot Network, who are heavily armed. They weren't welcomed by Ammon Bundy and were asked to leave.

As I said last night, it's getting testy up there. (See, "Armed Idaho Militia Arrives to 'Secure Perimeter' at #Malheur, Prevent 'Waco-Style Situation' [VIDEO].")

And now, at the Portland Oregonian, "Heavily armed 'security detail' shows up at Oregon standoff encampment":

Armed members of the Pacific Patriot Network are leaving the occupied Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

Joseph Rice, a spokesman for the network, told reporters that his group presented occupation leader Ammon Bundy and other protesters with "articles of resolution."

He didn't say what was in the document, but noted that his group wants to move the sides to an end to the standoff.

Then network members got into most of the cars and trucks they'd parked nearby and started heading out of the reserve.

Rice didn't address whether his group would return, saying only: "We are moving on to present them (the articles of resolution) to other government agencies."

The network is maintaining a neutral stance in the dispute, he said...

Life in Prison for Woman Who Killed Her Kids After Losing Custody Battle

She's a black bitch.

Democrat family values.

At the Los Angeles Times, "Woman who killed her children after losing custody gets life in prison."

Kansas City Chiefs Score Early and Often in Blowout Win Over Houston Texans (VIDEO)

This was stunning performance. Absolutely dominating from the first play.

At LAT, "Chiefs score early and often in dominating shutout of Texans":

Knile Davis had a 106-yard kickoff return and the Kansas City defense forced five turnovers to cruise to their first playoff win since 1994, a 30-0 wild-card victory over the Houston Texans on Saturday.

On the opening kickoff, Davis got three good blocks around the 10-yard line and then simply outran the rest of the defenders for the second-longest kickoff return TD in postseason history.

The defense took over after that, harassing Brian Hoyer into a fumble and three of his career-high four interceptions before halftime to help the Chiefs (12-5) take a 13-0 lead at halftime...

Also at USA Today, "Kansas City Chiefs steamroll Texas in AFC wild-card game; WR Maclin injured."

Ted Cruz Holds 27 Point Lead in Latest Fox News Iowa Primary Poll (VIDEO)

Jennifer Jacobs, one of the top political reporters at the Des Moines Register, was on Special Report the other day and noted that Ted Cruz is running a phenomenal ground operation. And with his high poll numbers, it sure looks like he's the shoo-in at this point. Remember, Donald Trump is testing the theory that he can mobilize fence-sitters and people who don't normally turn out for the caucuses. It's very participatory in Iowa. You've got to mobilize people, and apparently Trump's not doing the kind of outreach at his rallies that you would normally expect from a campaign with a strong ground game.

Now, what if, hypothetically, Cruz wins Iowa and then heads into New Hampshire to knock Trump out of first place in the polls days before the election? Oh boy, this is going to be an excruciating primary season.

Watch, via Fox News:

More, via Memeorandum, "Fox News Poll: Cruz, Trump remain top GOP picks in Iowa."

Edward Archer, Philadelphia Jihad Shooter, Traveled to Egypt and Saudi Arabia

Following-up from yesterday, "GRAPHIC: Video Captures Moment Jihadist Opened Fire on Philadelphia Police Officer in Name of Islam."

At the Wall Street Journal, "Suspect in Philadelphia Police Shooting Had Visited Egypt and Saudi Arabia":
The man arrested for allegedly shooting a Philadelphia police officer three times in a late-night ambush traveled to Saudi Arabia in late 2011 and to Egypt in 2012, according to a person familiar with the matter.

Investigators are still trying to determine if the 30-year-old man, Edward Archer, had any connections to foreign terror suspects and whether his overseas travel is of any significance to the investigation of policeman’s shooting, the person added.

The Philadelphia Police Department is leading the investigation, with assistance from the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The person familiar with the situation said Mr. Archer traveled to Saudi Arabia for a couple of weeks in October-November of 2011. The following year, he spent several months in Egypt. It wasn’t immediately clear why he traveled to those countries.

Police officials on Friday said Mr. Archer told detectives he was inspired by the Islamic State extremist group. Police Commissioner Richard Ross, however, had said that day that he didn’t know if the suspect had any connection to the group or acted alone.

Meanwhile, prosecutors on Saturday said Mr. Archer was charged with attempted murder. He is being held without bail, the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office said. A preliminary hearing is set for Jan. 25, according to online court records.

In addition to the attempted murder count, Mr. Archer also faces charges of aggravated assault, aggravated assault on a police officer and several gun-related offenses...
Keep reading.

Sarah Stephens Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Casting Call (VIDEO)

The new swimsuit issue should be out the first week of February.

Do You Suffer from Islamist Denial Syndrome?

From Doug Ross, at Director Blue:

Dow Industrials Tumbled More Than 1,000 Points This Week (VIDEO)

That sounds like a correction to me.

At WSJ, "Bad Week for U.S. Stocks Dims Outlook":

The Dow industrials tumbled more than 1,000 points this week, marking the worst first five days of any year, as volatility across the globe rattled investors.

Traders said they are bracing for further big swings in the weeks to come.

The Dow fell 1% Friday after starting the day in positive territory amid a strong U.S. jobs report and an uneventful session in China’s markets overnight. But shares slumped in afternoon trading as investors became unwilling to enter the weekend exposed to the risk of further losses.

In all, U.S. stocks lost $1.36 trillion in value this past week. The unusually severe drop highlighted the precarious position of markets caught between relatively high valuations—attributable in part to years of easy money from central banks—and a new round of uncertainty about the fundamental underpinnings of key parts of the global economy.

“The conundrum is there are parts of the world that are doing fine...and we have pockets that aren’t doing so well,” said Lawrence Kemp, head of BlackRock’s Fundamental Large Cap Growth team. “Given what’s going on in China and the rest of the world, the U.S. economy could grow a little more slowly.”
Keep reading.

Cologne PEGIDA Rally Turns Violent (VIDEO)

Watch, at Ruptly, "Germany: PEGIDA hit with water-cannon, tear-gas, and police-power in Cologne."

And at Reuters, "Anti-migrant protest turns violent as German welcome cools."

More, at Breitbart London:

West Miami Elderly Couple Receives New Puppy After Pet Chihuahua Was Killed by Pack of Dogs (VIDEO)

The couple was hospitalized after being absolutely heartbroken at the death of their chihuahua.

At CBS News 4 Miami:

Delta Gamma University of Miami Sorority Recruitment Video

Watch, "Delta Gamma University of Miami - 2016."

Hat Tip: London's Daily Mail, "University of Miami pledges promised four years of rooftop pool parties and sunset sailing in sorority recruitment video from the bikini-clad sisters of Delta Gamma."

Treasons of the Democrats

From David Horowitz, at FrontPage Magazine:
The Bolshevik leader Leon Trotsky once described Stalinism as “the perfect theory for glueing up the brain.” What he meant to dramatize was the fact that a regime as monstrous as Stalin’s, which murdered 40 million people and enslaved many times more, was nonetheless able to persuade progressives and “social justice” advocates all over the world to act as its supporters and defenders. These enlightened enablers of Stalin’s crimes included leading intellectuals of the day, even Nobel Prize winners in the sciences and the arts like Frederic Joliot-Curie and Andre Gide. Brilliant as they were, they were blind to the realities of the Stalinist regime and therefore of the virtues of the societies they lived in.

What glued up their brains was the belief that a brave new world of social justice – a world governed by progressive principles - existed in embryo in Soviet Russia, and had to be defended by any means necessary. As a result of this illusion, they put their talents and prestige at the service of the totalitarian enemies of democracy, acting, in Trotsky’s words, as “frontier guards” for the Stalinist empire. They continued their efforts even after the Soviets conquered Eastern Europe, acquired nuclear weapons and initiated a “cold war” with the West. To the progressives seduced by Stalinism, democratic America represented a greater evil than the barbaric police states of the Soviet bloc. Even half a century later a progressive culture still refers to the formative phase of the Cold War as years of a “Red Scare” – as though the fifth column of American progressives whose loyalties were to the Soviet enemy, whose members included Soviet spies, was not a matter of serious concern, and as though a nuclear-armed, rapacious Soviet empire did not pose a credible threat.

How were these delusions of otherwise intelligent and well-intentioned people possible? How were otherwise informed individuals able to deny the obvious and support the most brutal and oppressive dictatorship in history? How did they come to view a relatively humane, decent, democratic society like the United States as evil, while regarding the barbarous communist regime as its victim? The answer lies in the identification of Marxism with the promise of social justice and the institution of progressive values, which will take place in a magical socialist future. Defense of the progressive idea trumped recognition of the reactionary fact.

Once the Stalin regime was identified with the imaginary progressive future, everything followed – its status as a persecuted victim, and its adversary’s role as a reactionary force standing in the way of the noble aspiration. Every fault of the Stalin regime, every crime it committed if not denied by progressives was attributed to the nefarious actions of its enemies, most glaringly the United States. Once a promise of redemption is juxtaposed to an imperfect real world actor, all of these responses become virtually inevitable. Hence the glueing of the brain.

The Soviet Union is gone, and history has moved on. But the Stalinist dynamic endures as the heritage of a post-Communist left, which remains wedded to fantasies of an impossibly beautiful future that bring it into collision with the flawed American present. This left is now the dominant force in the Democratic Party. Its extreme disconnect from real world realities is encapsulated in its support for the transparently racist movement called Black Lives Matter, which attacks law enforcement and defends street predators, excusing their crimes with the alibi that “white supremacists” create the circumstances that make them commit criminal acts. This extremist movement has the “strong support” of the entire spectrum of the “progressive” left (including 46% of the Democratic Party, according to a Wall Street Journal/NBC news poll).

Black Lives Matter is a movement built on the fiction that police have declared an open season on innocent blacks. According to progressive fictions, police are the agents of a “white supremacist society” – a claim alone that should make one wary of the sanity of those who advance it. Facts belie the very basis of the claim that there is open hunting season on African Americans. African American males, accounting for 6% of the population are responsible for more than 40% of violent crimes. But a Washington Post report on all 980 police shootings of 2015 reveals that only 4% of fatal police shootings involved white officers and black victims, while in three-quarters of the incidents, cops were either under attack themselves or defending civilians,” in other words,” as Michael Walsh observed in the NY Post, they were “doing their jobs.”

One such job done by Officer Darren Wilson in the suburb city of Ferguson, Missouri, became the launching point for the Black Lives Matter movement and its malicious claim that innocent blacks were being wantonly gunned down by racist police...
Still more.

Ferguson Riots photo tumblr_nflrjd6Kmr1s4t1cno1_1280_zps6537dd3d.jpg

Germans Reconsider Welcoming Refugees After New Year's Assaults (VIDEO)

Well, at some point they're going to hold an election over there in Germany, and the collectivist establishment's going to be shocked -- shocked! -- at the strength of the purported "far-right" parties, whatever those are in Germany. Any gesture of support for traditional values is basically prohibited, since leftists will attack you as a Nazi and have you arrested. Yes, they do that in Germany. Don't be joking around with any "Sieg Heils" or you might spend the night in the slammer, to say the least.

At the Los Angeles Times:

Germany's acceptance of more than a million refugees fleeing Syria and other troubled spots last year is undergoing intense scrutiny after an outburst of reported assaults on women in at least five cities on New Year's Eve.

By Friday, nearly 300 women in Cologne, Hamburg, Stuttgart, Duesseldorf and Frankfurt had filed complaints with police saying they were groped, molested or robbed by unruly mobs of up to 1,000 young men when New Year's Eve street-party celebrations turned into wanton violence, officials said.

A spokesman for the interior ministry in Berlin said officials have questioned 31 men in their investigation of the assaults, including 18 refugees registered as seeking asylum. Among those identified were nine Algerians, eight Moroccans, five Iranians, four Syrians, one Iraqi, one Serb and one American as well as two German citizens. Two have been arrested in Cologne, where 170 complaints have been filed, according to media reports.

The assaults — and a slow trickle of information from authorities in Cologne, Hamburg and Stuttgart acknowledging that the suspects included newly arrived refugees — unsettled some Germans and appeared to at least temporarily damage public support for giving shelter to so many refugees. For many Germans, there has been a growing sense that the country of 82 million is losing control of its borders and city centers after 1.1 million people from the Middle East, Africa and Asia arrived in the last 12 months.

Even German Chancellor Angela Merkel, a supporter of an open policy toward refugees, said in a speech late Friday that some of the assailants in Cologne deserved to be kicked out of the country and that she is now open to changing laws to make it easier to send people who commit crimes elsewhere to serve their prison time...
Chancellor Merkel? You mean, Time's Person of the Year?

She's just as bad as all the other bureaucratic barnacles handing Europe over to the Islamic barbarians. It's probably too late. But Germany's got elections coming up in 2017, so we'll see. We'll see if these people come to their senses before it's too late, if it's not too late already.

Still more.

Dakota Meyer Has Filed Court Papers Asking for Joint Legal and Physical Custody, and Child Support, for Sailor Grace, His Daughter with Bristol Palin

Another weird story.

And here I thought they were going to be married.

At London's Daily Mail, "EXCLUSIVE: Who's the daddy? Dakota Meyer's custody battle with Bristol Palin escalates as he's forced to take PATERNITY TEST amid questions of baby's actual birth date."

There was the controversy last year over his previous marriage, so perhaps the paternity test and court filing relates.

I don't know, but Victory Girls posted on this at the time, "Yes, Chicks on the Right, Dakota Meyer IS Legally Divorced From His First Wife."

Can a Divided Nation Wage War?

From the always thoughtful Jonathan Tobin, at Commentary:
There’s no longer any doubt that the war against ISIS will involve some American forces operating on the ground in Iraq and Syria. If U.S. troops are going to be put in harm’s way in a battle against terrorists determined to bring destruction to the entire Middle East and the West, they ought to be there with the full backing of the government. That means Congress must vote to authorize the president to wage a war that is ultimately one on which the safety of the homeland depends. But while few can be found to oppose a fight against ISIS, there is a genuine split in both parties about whether the nation ought to fully commit itself to another war in the Middle East...
Keep reading.

A bare majority opposed ground troops in Syria and Iraq in that Field Poll this week, although the responses were totally partisan.

Either way, it's not likely we'll see major ground contingents over there any time soon, which means Islamic State's going to be going strong for awhile yet. And of course, they'll inspire more attacks on the homeland as long as they continue to exist overseas.

Juanita Broaddrick: Bill Clinton Raped Me

Bernie Sanders weighs in on the Clinton sex scandals, at Politico, "Sanders: Bill Clinton's behavior 'totally disgraceful and unacceptable'."

Sanders "took a jab" are Republicans for focusing on the lying and corruption of the Clintons, and not the "serious issues" facing the country.

Yeah, because sexual assault's not serious. Well, it's serious if conservatives do it, not leftists. They get a pass.

Just ask Juanita Broaddrick, on Twitter:

Illegal Immigration Anti-Enforcement Protesters in New York City (VIDEO)

At Gothamist, "Eight Protesters Arrested at Pro-Immigration Demonstration In Manhattan."

That's a real inclusive message: "Fuck I.C.E."

WATCH: Here's That Crazy Video of the Waves Crashing Over a Storm Spectator as He Holds on for Dear Life

All the national news channels were showing parts of this clip.

The man is crazy!

Watch, at CBS News 5 San Francisco, "Huge Waves Churned Up by Storms Hammer Coast."

In Your Heart, You Know He's Right: Trump and Muslim Immigration

From Roger Simon, at Pajamas Media:
Interspersed with news of the mass sexual harassment and rape of women in Cologne by "asylum seekers" from Syria and their other resident Muslim colleagues and the near assassination of a cop in Philadelphia by a man who, according to that city's police commissioner, "...believed that the police defend laws that are contrary to the teachings of the Quran" comes a Pew study informing us that Islam will be the second-largest religion of the USA before 2040.

Excuse me if I'm not amused. Or should I say... trigger warning: Islamophobia?

Actually, the would-be cop killer/ISIS member in white Isla-drag (fortunately he did not achieve his goal) was correct in his evaluation.  Our police do defend laws contrary to the Quran, such as monogamy, equal rights for women, separation of church and state, etc., etc. -- and that's exactly the point.

The doctrines of Islam are virtually entirely inconsistent with the founding principles of our county. And yet, per Pew, we are not-so-gradually being inundated with its adherents. Unchecked, the character of the USA will change, possibly to the extent of being unrecognizable,  I doubt this is what the majority of Americans want.  But it is happening nevertheless -- and we have a living, breathing illustration of the results just across the Pond. (Illustrative of how self-immolating European elites have become was the advice the female mayor of Cologne gave women of her city for dealing with the sexual assaults -- they should stand further away.)
Keep reading.

Ethan Couch's Mother Appears in Court for Arraignment Hearing (VIDEO)

Following-up from yesterday, "'Affluenza' Teen's Mom Arrives in Texas (VIDEO)."

Now, watch, at Fox News 4 Dallas, "$1 million bond for Tonya Couch."

And at the Dallas Morning News, "Affidavit: Tonya Couch withdrew $30,000, told Ethan’s father he would never see them again, before fleeing to Mexico."

Looks like she was getting ready to chill for awhile down there in Mexico.

Sheriff David Clarke: 'We're under attack here in the United States...' (VIDEO)

This dude's a freakin' patriot, and the Sheriff of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin!

From last night, on Fox Business Channel:

Lake Tahoe Snow Report (VIDEO)

Following-up from yesterday, "It's Going to Be a Great Weekend for Snow Sports in California! (VIDEO)."

Here's Tamara Berg, for KCRA News 3 Sacramento:

Friday, January 8, 2016

Jackie Johnson's Weekend Forecast

Well, there's still some storm activity working its way down from Northern California, but shouldn't affect us too much down this way.

Should be a nice weekend, although chilly.

At CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

6 Questions That May Decide the 2016 Election

From Ronald Brownstein, at National Journal, "Some important unknown answers loom large over an already contentious and historic presidential campaign":
Every­one already knows the struggle for con­trol of the White House will be the biggest do­mest­ic story of 2016. The cam­paign has already gen­er­ated re­cord tele­vi­sion rat­ings and vol­can­ic erup­tions of vit­ri­ol. By Novem­ber, it is likely to be­come the most ex­pens­ive polit­ic­al race ever. Already, it is un­like any cam­paign Amer­ic­ans have seen be­fore. But, as the song says, some fun­da­ment­al things ap­ply.

Pres­id­en­tial elec­tions are shaped by the col­li­sion of long-term na­tion­al trends and short-term polit­ic­al tac­tics. This year will be no ex­cep­tion. Some of the key ques­tions that will de­term­ine which party takes the pres­id­ency will be settled with­in the polit­ic­al sys­tem it­self; oth­ers will turn on events bey­ond the cam­paign. For me, six ques­tions, drawn from both cat­egor­ies, seem most likely to de­cide the out­come...
Well, for me, I expect national security to be perhaps the decisive issue of the campaign, and could very well decide the election.

But continue reading Brownstein.

David Bowie Releases 27th Album 'Blackstar' on His 69th Birthday (VIDEO)

Happy birthday to David Bowie.

Interesting that he released "Lazarus" as one of the top singles from the new album, Blackstar.

Here's the review, at Telegraph UK, "David Bowie, Blackstar, review: 'extraordinary'."

And at London's Daily Telegraph, "At 69, birthday boy Bowie's funky, fun and fabulous: ADRIAN THRILLS says latest album Blackstar tears up the rulebook again."

Lazarus indeed.

More, at Vogue, "David Bowie’s Birthday Suit Is the Ultimate in British Gent Style."

Milo Yiannopoulos Unverified by Twitter

Actually, this story is just downright weird.


Heh, and follow "Nero."

High Surf Pounds Ventura Coastline and Pier (VIDEO)

It's been an amazing week for California.

Watch, via ABC News 3 Santa Barbara:

Conformity in the Academy


There's an interesting new book out, from Professor Joanna Williams, Academic Freedom in an Age of Conformity: Confronting the Fear of Knowledge.

Hat Tip: Greg Lukianoff, at Instapundit.

It's Going to Be a Great Weekend for Snow Sports in California! (VIDEO)

The High Sierras have gotten 100 inches of snow. And the weather was so gnarly that no one could make it up to Mammoth Mountain, so locals had the slopes to themselves.

Now, the storms have cleared out for a bit, and ski and snowboard enthusiasts are looking to have one of the best weekends for snow sports in years, if not in decades.

Local mountains, the San Gabriels and the San Bernardinos, have a few feet of fresh snow.

There's still some dangerous conditions up there, and some power outages. So, folks should use abundant caution.

Here's CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

Armed Idaho Militia Arrives to 'Secure Perimeter' at #Malheur, Prevent 'Waco-Style Situation' (VIDEO)

The group's called "3% of Idaho," and sports a rather ominous website.

Things are getting pretty testy up there in Burns, Oregon. Leftists are calling for the arrest of the Bundy militiamen. I'll have more on that later.

Meanwhile, here's the Portland Oregonian, "Oregon standoff: Idaho group arrives to 'secure perimeter, prevent Waco-style situation'":

BURNS — Members of a group from outside Oregon arrived on Friday at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge to "secure a perimeter" around the compound and prevent "a Waco-style situation."

The arrival of the "3% of Idaho" was the latest development in the situation outside Burns, where an armed occupation of the refuge by an Ammon Bundy-led militant group entered its seventh day.

"They just keep an eye on everything that is going on" to make sure "nothing stupid happens," Bundy said Friday afternoon outside refuge headquarters.

"If they weren't here," Bundy said, referring to the Idaho group, "I'd worry" about a Waco-style siege by federal officials.

The group's website says it stands for "freedom, liberty and the Constitution. We will combat all those who are corrupt." The website displays the motto, "When Tyranny Becomes Law, Rebellion Becomes Duty!"

Brandon Curtiss, the president of the 3% of Idaho, would not reveal in a phone interview how many people his group was sending, although a handful of them had already arrived at the bird sanctuary. Some had what appeared to be handguns on their hips. Curtiss said he was on his way to the refuge.

He also declined to reveal specifically whether the group would circle the refuge headquarters or form some other sort of perimeter.

Curtiss and Chris McIntire, another group spokesman, called the situation a "double-edged sword" – the perimeter is meant to protect the occupiers from an outside attack but also to protect the Harney County community from those who arrive in solidarity with Bundy's cause but may be prone to violence, they said. The Idaho group is here to keep the situation "peaceful" and reassure the community that it isn't in danger, they said.

McIntire said the majority of the group's members would be heading for Eastern Oregon on Friday.
More at the link.

And remember, the state's Democrat governor stepped-up the anti-militia rhetoric yesterday, "Oregon Governor Kate Brown Orders #Malheur Occupiers to 'Decamp Immediately'."

Philly Mayor Jim Kenney Says Jihadist Police Ambush Shooting 'Had Nothing to Do With Islam' (VIDEO)

Oh my gosh, this is playing out perfectly to script!

A declared jihadist launching an ambush execution attack against a policeman had nothing to do with the religion of Islam! It's a religion of peace!

Following-up from previously, "GRAPHIC: Video Captures Moment Jihadist Opened Fire on Philadephia Police Officer in Name of Islam."

Watch, via Associated Press, "Philly Mayor Downplays Islam in Police Shooting."

Also at Twitchy, "‘PC delusional’: Philadelphia mayor claims cop shooting ‘had nothing to do with any faith’."

BONUS: Via Jammie Wearing Fool, "Man in Muslim Garb Tries to Execute Philadelphia Police Officer; Officials Not Sure if Religion a Factor; Update: Ordered by ISIS."

GRAPHIC: Video Captures Moment Jihadist Opened Fire on Philadelphia Police Officer in Name of Islam

Boy, this is one hella story, especially being one day after Barack Hussein's town hall on national gun violence, gun violence that has nothing to do with Islam.

Word has it that the suspect used a stolen weapon. I'll update on that with more shortly.

Following-up from previously, "Philadelphia Jihadist Ambushed Policeman in the Name of Islamic State (VIDEO)."

Here's the raw video, via AP:

Philadelphia Jihadist Ambushed Policeman in the Name of Islamic State (VIDEO)

So, has CAIR made a statement yet that the shooter doesn't represent Islam?

We're almost to the point of a jihadist attack a day. Either that, or an arrest and an attack per day, considering yesterday's arrests in California, Texas, and Minnesota.

This guy pledged to Islamic State.

At CBS News 3 Philadelphia, via Memeorandum, "Cops: Suspect Says He Shot Officer In Name of Islam."

And watch, "Sources: Suspect Confesses to Shooting Officer, Says He Did It In Name of Islam."

More from Pamela Geller, "Philadelphia MUSLIM SHOOTS COP 13 times, execution “IN THE NAME OF ISLAM”."