Not so much now.
At Politico:
MYRTLE BEACH, S.C.—Hours before Ted Cruz and Donald Trump were slated to appear here at a tea party gathering, Cruz unloaded on Trump, taunting him over his poll numbers and ratcheting up attacks on his conservative credibility.More.
“It seems Donald has a lot of nervous energy,” he told reporters earlier Saturday in Fort Mill, S.C. “It seems for whatever reason Donald doesn’t react well when he’s going down in the polls. I imagine he’s very dismayed by the latest Wall Street Journal-NBC poll that shows in a head-to-head…he’d lose to me. Knowing Donald, that’s got to drive him nuts.”
Those remarks were in response to a question about Trump’s Saturday morning tweetstorm, in which he skewered Cruz over his Canadian birthplace (though Cruz and many legal scholars say he qualifies as natural-born citizen) and his failure to properly disclose certain loans in his 2012 Senate race.
“In terms of a commander-in-chief, we ought to have someone who isn’t springing out of bed to tweet in frantic response to the latest polls,” Cruz said.
The Texas senator, who has dismissed Trump’s conservative credibility by accusing him of having “New York values,” unpacked that line in more depth, noting that Trump himself used the phrase in a 1999 interview in which he also described himself as supporting abortion rights and not ruling out partial birth abortion, among other more liberal positions.
“Donald’s explanation, not mine, is because he’s a New Yorker, he’s from New York,” Cruz said...
Also, previously, "Ted Cruz Slammed for Comments Attacking 'New York Values' (VIDEO)."