Saturday, March 12, 2016

Breitbart Senior Editor Joel Pollak Told Staffers to Stop Defending Michelle Fields (VIDEO)

When I first started checking out this story, I tweeted, "Video or it didn't happen."

I still haven't seen what you'd call "conclusive" video evidence that Fields was assaulted --- and there's been all kinds of conflicting reports claiming to have such evidence, although nothing I've seen is definitive either way.

Sadly, Ms. Fields doesn't come off as a persuasive victim. She appears "clingy" and "whiny." In other words, she's not a sympathetic individual, especially considering the hateful "purity" wars we're having right now over Ted Cruz vs. Donald Trump.

I haven't been on Twitter that much lately. It's been too ugly.

In any case, see BuzzFeed, "Breitbart Editor Ordered Staffers to Stop Defending Michelle Fields." (Via Memeorandum.)

Pollack ordered:
“EVERYONE. STOP tweeting about the story. Stop speculating about the story. Stop answering queries about the story. Stop retweeting other people's comments about the story. You were given explicit instructions. If you have new information please DM me.”
Plus, watch Ms. Fields' interview with Megyn Kelly on Fox News from a couple of nights ago, "Trump campaign manager accused of assaulting reporter."

Friday, March 11, 2016

Deal of the Day: Omron Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor

At Amazon, Omron 7 Series UltraSilent Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor.

Also, today only, Save on Select Harry Bosch Novels by Michael Connelly.

Plus, from Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead.

BONUS: From Arthur Brooks, The Conservative Heart: How to Build a Fairer, Happier, and More Prosperous America.

GOP Majority Voters in Primary are Wayyyyyy Beneath Cruz, So Says Cruz

From Sarah Palin, on Facebook (via Memeorandum):
Calling GOP frontrunner supporters "low information" disengaged voters, Ted Cruz's insinuation reeks of all the reasons America knows "the status quo has got to go." The arrogance of career politicians is something at which the rest of us chuckle, but Cruz's latest dig strays from humorous into downright nasty. Cruz is right, though - independent, America-first, commonsense conservatives supporting Donald Trump ARE "low information" when it comes to having any information on Cruz's ability to expand the conservative movement, beat Hillary Clinton, unify and lead the nation...

Plus, from Terresa Monroe-Hamilton, at Right Wing News, "Trump Supporter, Sarah Palin Just RESPONDED To The Cruz Attacks – And WHOA!":
Let’s address this, shall we? In the end, I may wind up voting for Trump simply to keep Hillary out. But I will never, ever have any use for Sarah Palin ever again. She has lied about Ted Cruz and slandered him relentlessly in order to protect Trump, who I suspect is paying her handsomely to do so. The full quote from Cruz is, “Donald does well with voters who have relatively low information, who are not that engaged and who are angry and they see him as an angry voice. Where we are beating him is when voters’ get more engaged and they get more informed.” Tell me how that is not true. If you look at the issues and you believe in the Constitution, that is exactly right. Trump’s supporters are running on anger and vengeance, not the issues...
Keep reading.

Violence at Donald Trump Campaign Events (VIDEO)

Watch, at ABC News, "Trump Under Fire for Violence at Campaign Events."

And from Sam Stein, at PuffHo (via Memeorandum), "Donald Trump Encourages Violence At His Rallies. His Fans Are Listening."

Donald Trump Plays It Safe at GOP Debate in Miami (VIDEO)

From Dan Balz, at the Washington Post (via the O.C. Register), "Trump drops big shtick, speaks softly: Few fireworks as Trump plays it safe":

MIAMI – Through 12 Republican debates, there has been one consistent dynamic: Donald Trump has held center stage literally and figuratively. He is the alpha politician who has fended off multiple opponents with cutting insults, timely interruptions and only an occasional exploration of the substance of policy.

Trump shared a debate stage Thursday night with his three remaining rivals: Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, and he found a different way to control the evening: by deflection and adaptability.

Ahead in the race for the nomination, he adopted a more restrained and subdued demeanor, even passing up opportunities to strike back when his opponents tried to engage him. It was a strategy common to any front-runner – play not to lose, avoid mistakes or eruptions, and force the opposition to change the dynamic.

For much of the evening, the four candidates carried on a generally civil discussion on the issues. They avoided the kinds of clashes that had created a downward spiral in their dialogue over the three previous debates.

Thursday’s encounter in particular seemed a direct reaction to the universal criticism of their debate a week ago, a forum that took the GOP campaign into the gutter. But in the more subdued environment, Trump was challenged anew to move beyond generalities, and he still struggled to explain where he really stands on a range of issues, from education and trade policy to Social Security and the federal budget deficit to dealing with ISIS and Iran.

That Trump has certain skills as a candidate is without question. He can dominate a debate or a news cycle with relative ease. His ability to keep opponents at bay and off balance has been stellar. But there is much more to being president than that, which is why there are so many doubts about him among the electorate at large. What the debates have shown is that Trump’s lack of depth on issues continues to be a key part of the story of his quest for the presidency.

Trump arrived at Thursday’s debate at the University of Miami nearing what could be a key turning point in the Republican campaign. By Tuesday night, after a round of primaries in big states, he either will be seen in full command of the nomination process – virtually unstoppable – or facing competition that could carry on all the way to the floor of the GOP convention in July in Cleveland with no certain outcome...
Keep reading.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

P-22 Mountain Lion Suspected of Killing Koala at Los Angeles Zoo

If this story holds up, I doubt this poor koala's going to be the last animal killed at the zoo.

The mountain lion knows where to find dinner.

At the Los Angeles Times, "Griffith Park mountain lion P-22 suspected of killing koala at L.A. Zoo":
In the legal world, it’d be called circumstantial evidence.

On March 3, one of the Los Angeles Zoo’s koalas went missing. Down the road from its enclosure, a tuft of its hair was found. About 400 yards farther down, zookeepers made a grisly discovery: bloody marsupial parts.

Something must have been able to carry it that far, park employees figured. So they examined the park’s “trap cameras” — surveillance devices with motion sensors — in an effort to spot the culprit. Though the attack wasn’t recorded, they did find still photos of the likely perpetrator: P-22, Griffith Park’s famous mountain lion.

Zoo officials don’t know how the mountain lion is getting in and out of the park, but said it was spotted on cameras stationed around the zoo the night the koala was killed.

The zoo also released a black-and-white video taken by surveillance cameras place him near the scene the night before the koala was discovered missing.

“The evidence is circumstantial. We don’t have any video of it taking the koala. We can’t say 100%,” L.A. Zoo director John Lewis told The Times on Thursday.

About a month ago, cameras stationed around the park to record the behavior of smaller wild animals, like bobcats and coyotes, roaming the park at night showed P-22 also on the premises.

“It was kind of like ‘Whoa,’ ” Lewis said when they saw the 6-year-old puma on camera.

P-22 has been seen on camera a few other times since then, and once left the remains of a devoured raccoon in its wake. Sometime between the night of March 2 and the morning of March 3, the predator visited the koala enclosure, Lewis thinks.

That’s where it probably found Killarney, the oldest koala in the exhibit at 14 years old, on the ground, unprotected from the elevation the trees provide. Koalas live to be 12 to 15 years old, Lewis said.

“She was very individual,” Lewis said of the koala, which had no offspring and hailed from Australia. “At night, for whatever reason, it was typical for her to walk around. … The other koalas were up in the trees.”

There was no blood trail in the enclosure, and no fur to indicate a violent attack, he said. The koalas were kept in an open enclosure surrounded by an 8-foot high wall...

ADDED: There's a video report at ABC News 10 San Diego, "Famous mountain lion suspected in death of koala at LA Zoo."

Kindle Paperwhite on Sale

Take 20 percent off through Friday, at Amazon, $20 off Kindle Paperwhite - 6" High-Resolution Display (300 ppi) with Built-in Light, Wi-Fi - Includes Special Offers.

Also, from Steve Coll, Private Empire: ExxonMobil and American Power.

More, from Bing West, The March Up: Taking Baghdad with the United States Marines, and No True Glory: A Frontline Account of the Battle for Fallujah.

BONUS: From E.J. Dionne, Why the Right Went Wrong: Conservatism - From Goldwater to the Tea Party and Beyond.

And Don Watkins and Yaron Brook, Equal Is Unfair: America's Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality.

Donald Trump Leads John Kasich in Ohio, 41-to-35 Percent (VIDEO)

Now this is interesting.

Trump's already pulling out a huge lead in Florida, so it's going to be pretty amazing if these numbers hold up and he wins both the Buckeye and Sunshine states.

At CNN, "CNN/ORC Poll: Trump, Clinton leading in Florida, Ohio."

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Victoria's Secret Swim Special: Lily Aldridge (VIDEO)

It's coming up at 9:00pm on the West Coast, heh.

Here's Ms. Aldridge, at CBS This Morning:

Jackie Johnson's Warm Sunny Skies Forecast

I'll be at a teaching conference this weekend, at the Laguna Cliffs Marriott. The warm sunny skies aren't going to be too warm on the coasts, with temperatures in the low 60s.

Via CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

New Claudia Romani Bikini Pics in Miami


At Egotastic!, "Claudia Romani Strips Down to Thongtastic Bikini in Miami."

Previous Claudia Romani blogging here.

Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points: The Left's 'Fascist' Smear Against Donald Trump (VIDEO)

An outstanding commentary:

Frauke Petry Is Germany's Anti-Angela Merkel

Pretty interesting.

The Donald Trump comparisons are obligatory, with the implication of Nazism, of course.

Oh, keep in mind that the "far-right" is used as a smear. People like this aren't "far-right." They're mainstream populists that scare the bejesus out of idiot establishment hacks.

At NYT, "Germany’s Embrace of Migrants Spawns Rise of Far-Right Leader":
MANNHEIM, Germany — In the current tussle for the future of Germany, Frauke Petry is what you might call the anti-Angela Merkel.

Where Ms. Merkel, the chancellor, has welcomed refugees, Ms. Petry, a rising far-right leader, has said border guards might need to turn guns on anyone crossing a frontier illegally.

Where Ms. Merkel has urged tolerance, Ms. Petry has embraced the angry populism now running through Europe and the United States.

“The preachers of hatred” was how the news weekly Der Spiegel characterized the new German right on its cover last month, emblazoned with a portrait of the petite Ms. Petry.

But this brisk, garrulous 40-year-old is more than Ms. Merkel’s foil. She is a disruptive, new force on the German political scene.

She and her party, the Alternative for Germany, have ridden a wave of discontent over the chancellor’s embrace of more than one million refugees to their strongest poll ratings ever...
Keep reading.

Deal of the Day: 65% Off Boss Audio Speakers

At Amazon, BOSS AUDIO ATV25B Powersports Plug and Play Audio System with Weather Proof 6.5 Inch Component Speakers ,Bluetooth Audio Streaming, Built in 450 Watt Amplifier.

Plus, Save on Graco Car Seats.

And ICYMI, from Dana Loesch, Flyover Nation: You Can't Run a Country You've Never Been To.

Iran Fires Missiles Marked with 'Israel Must Be Wiped Out' (VIDEO)

Obama's nuclear peace partner.

Video via the Telegraph UK.

And at AP, "Iran fires 2 missiles marked with 'Israel must be wiped out'."

Samantha Hoopes Intimates Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2016 (VIDEO)

She's so sweet.

Watch, "Samantha Hoopes Intimates Swimsuit 2016."

BONUS: "Win a Date with SI Swimsuit model Samantha Hoopes."

The World Is Getting Worse, But This Time America Won't Save It

From Dennis Prager, via Blazing Cat Fur:
I cannot imagine any thinking person who does not believe the world is getting worse.

The number of slaughtered and the number of refugees from slaughter is immense and growing.

Islamic State now controls territories from Afghanistan to West Africa. Libya is in the process of being added to that list. And other sadistic Islamist movements hold additional territory.

According to Pew Research, approximately 10 percent of world Muslims have a favorable opinion of the Islamic State and terror against civilians.

That’s more than 100 million people...
Keep reading.

Ed Morrissey, Going Red

From Captain Ed, Going Red: The Two Million Voters Who Will Elect the Next President - and How Conservatives Can Win Them.

And from Jennifer Lawless and Richard Fox, Running from Office: Why Young Americans are Turned Off to Politics.

Also, from Kristen Soltis Anderson, The Selfie Vote: Where Millennials Are Leading America (And How Republicans Can Keep Up).

Donald Trump Takes Three of Four States in March 8th Primary Elections (VIDEO)

Video below via CBS News This Morning.

And a great summary of last night's events, at the Los Angeles Times, "Trump rolls on, winning 3 of 4 states; Cruz takes Idaho":

Another Tuesday, another series of victories and the prospect of Donald J. Trump as the Republican presidential nominee grows ever more likely.

By carrying Mississippi in the Deep South and Michigan in the upper Midwest, Trump has already demonstrated a broader appeal than either of the last two GOP standard-bearers — who both happen to be among his major detractors.

Not the withering criticism by Mitt Romney or John McCain, a widely disparaged debate performance nor a growing bombardment of negative ads were enough to slow a steam-rolling Trump, as he noted at a gloating news conference Tuesday night.

“I don’t think I’ve ever had so many horrible, horrible things said about me in one week … but that’s OK,” he told reporters at his Trump National Golf Club in Jupiter, Fla. “It shows you how brilliant the public is, because they knew they were lies.”

Later, he added sarcastically, “I want to thank the special interests and the lobbyists, because they obviously did something to drive these numbers.”

The spending is likely to continue unabated, as the results offered at least a sliver of hope to the stop-Trump forces.

Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz were in a close race for second in Michigan; Kasich hoped his respectable showing would give him a lift ahead of a must-win primary next Tuesday in his home state.

Cruz finished second in Mississippi, dissipating some of the momentum he picked up with two wins over the weekend, but he easily won the Idaho primary.

The last remaining challenger, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, placed a distant fourth in Mississippi and Michigan, third in Idaho, and was headed to a third- or fourth-place finish in Hawaii. He faces elimination next week if he fails to carry his home state. Polls there give Trump, a part-time resident, a big lead...
Still more at that top link.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Dana Loesch, Flyover Nation

It's out June 21st.

I'm looking forward to it. Dana's really nailed down the problem facing the political system.

At Amazon, Flyover Nation: You Can't Run a Country You've Never Been To.

Dana Loesch photo Cc5GjKXUcAAJDo3_zpslp2sdjnp.jpg

Desperate, Panicked GOP Insiders See 'Clearer Path' to Stopping Donald Trump

The Republican Party implosion continues.

It's not pretty.

At WaPo, "Seeing Trump as vulnerable, GOP elites now eye a contested convention":
PARK CITY, Utah — The presentation is an 11th-hour rebuttal to the fatalism permeating the Republican establishment: Slide by slide, state by state, it calculates how Donald Trump could be denied the nomination.

Marco Rubio wins Florida. John Kasich wins Ohio. Ted Cruz notches victories in the Midwest and Mountain West. And the results in California and other states are jumbled enough to leave Trump three dozen delegates short of the 1,237 required — forcing a contested convention in Cleveland in July.

The slide show, shared with The Washington Post by two operatives advising one of a handful of anti-Trump super PACs, encapsulates the newly emboldened view of many GOP leaders and donors. They see a clearer path to stopping Trump following his two losses and two narrower-than-expected wins on Saturday.

In private conversations in recent days at a Republican Governors Association retreat here in Park City and at a gathering of conservative policy minds and financiers in Sea Island, Ga., there was an emerging consensus that Trump is vulnerable and that a continued blitz of attacks could puncture the billionaire mogul’s support and leave him limping onto the convention floor.

But the slow-bleed strategy is risky and hinges on Trump losing Florida, Illinois and Ohio on March 15; wins in all three would set him on track to amass the majority of delegates. Even as some party figures see glimmers of hope that Trump could be overtaken, others believe any stop-Trump efforts could prove futile.

This moment of confusion for the Republican Party is made more uncertain by the absence of a clear alternative to Trump. Cruz, Rubio and Kasich each are collecting delegates and vowing to fight through the spring. Among GOP elites, the only agreed-upon mission is to minimize Trump’s share of the delegates to enable an opponent to mount a credible convention challenge...
I don't know about Illinois and Ohio, but in Florida, Marquito Rubio's pretty much toast. He's behind in the polls, and in some cases, by huge margins.

And later today, if Trump wins Michigan, it just gives him even more momentum heading into March 15th.

The GOP elites are freakin' deranged.

Keep reading.

150 Somali Workers Fired at Cargill Meat Solutions Plant in Fort Morgan, Colorado (VIDEO)


At NYT, "Prayer Dispute Between Somalis and Plant Reshapes a Colorado Town, Again."

They've now sued, claiming civil rights violations under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Pamela wrote on this in late-December, "Hundreds of Muslims Walk Off Jobs at Cargill Meat Plant, Demanding More Religious Prayer Accommodation":

At a Colorado meat packing plant, 190 Muslim workers have been fired after they walked off the job to protest not being given special breaks for Islamic prayer. Some of them returned to work, but most of them are staying away, as now the Hamas-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has stepped in to pressure the company, Cargill Meat Solutions in Fort Morgan, Colorado, to grant Muslim workers special privileges.

Read the chapter titled “Mosqueing the Workplace” in my book Stop the Islamization of America to better understand this de facto imposition of sharia in America. It works this way: every accommodation gives way to more demands. Everywhere American mores conflict with sharia, it is our mores that must give way.

Muslims impose their work times, their sharia on non-Muslim coworkers, and punish companies that refuse to submit. Litigation jihad is a huge industry, and American companies are being held hostage by Muslim workers...
Keep reading.

Maria Sharapova Admits She Tested Positive for Meldonium (VIDEO)

Meldonium? What in the heck is meldonium?

At the Guardian UK, "What is meldonium and why did Maria Sharapova take it?":
Meldonium is also known as mildronate, it increases exercise capacity in athletes and the Olympic figure skating champion Ekaterina Bobrova admitted to testing positive to the drug on Monday.

And see the Los Angeles Times, "Maria Sharapova unsure of punishment after failing drug test at Australian Open."

Sixty-One Percent of Israeli Jews Say Donald Trump is Friendly to Israel


This won't get a lot of MSM attention.

At Instapundit, "WAIT, I THOUGHT HE WAS HITLER? Poll: 61% of Israeli Jews Say Donald Trump Good for Israel."

Monday, March 7, 2016

Kelly Rohrbach Outtakes Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2016 (VIDEO)

She's having fun.

Watch, "Kelly Rohrbach's Hilarious (And Sexy) Outtakes Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2016."

Also at WWTDD, "Kelly Rohrbach Seems Worth Baywatching, Get It?"

Jackie Johnson's Thunderstorm Forecast

I tweeted Ms. Johnson this morning.

At the clip, she says she's been up since 6:00am.

What a storm!

Tomi Lahren: Leftist Media Smears Donald Trump with the KKK (VIDEO)

It's good, and she doesn't even support Trump.

Deal of the Day: Logitech Harmony Ultimate Remote with RF Control

At Amazon, 40 Percent Off - Logitech Harmony Ultimate Remote with Customizable Touch Screen and Closed Cabinet RF Control - Black (915-000201).

Also, from Max Hastings, Inferno: The World at War, 1939-1945, and Armageddon: The Battle for Germany, 1944-1945.

BONUS: From Hannah Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil.

Thousands of 'Refugees' Stranded in Greece (VIDEO)

At the New York Times, "European Union Plans Emergency Aid to Help Trapped Refugees."

They're bottle-necked, heh.

Also at NBC News, "Refugee Crisis: EU Leaders Meet on Migrants as Thousands Wait in Greece."

Plus, watch via Euronews:

Transgender Bathrooms: The Next Battleground for LGBT Rights

Hey, if this is the left's hill to die on, they're really gonna die on it!

Some lines you don't cross. Forcing families to integrate public restrooms with transgender activists is one of those lines.

At the Los Angeles Times, "The next battleground for LGBT rights."

Things won't go well for radical homosexual collectivists. Houston's city ordinance was just a glimpse of the future, and that's a multcultural city that had a lesbian mayor and elected Obama twice by massive margins.

Here, "Why Depraved Leftist Democrats Lost on Houston Transsexual Bathroom Ordinance (VIDEO)."

Flashback video, "Campaign for Houston - TV Spot 1."

Western Washington University Assembly for Power and Liberation — OUR DEMANDS

Heh, this is pretty hilarious!

At the Daily Beast, "The College That Wants to Ban ‘History’".

And read the petition, lol: "Student Assembly for Power and Liberation Demands (WWU)."

Talk about crazy people. *SMH*

Judge Jeanine Slams Mitt Romney and the Craven, Panicked GOP Elite (VIDEO)

This is fantastic!

From Saturday's Justice with Jeanine:

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Sunday Cartoons

Back at Flopping Aces, "Sunday Funnies."

A.F. Branco Cartoons photo GOP-Great-600-LI1-594x425_zpshzlhhx1h.jpg

And Theo Spark's, "Cartoon Roundup..."

Cartoon Credit: Legal Insurrection, "Branco Cartoon – Reality Check."

Miesha Tate Chokes Holly Holm Unconscious at UFC 196 (VIDEO)

I would've liked to watch it live, heh.

At USA Today, "Miesha Tate holds onto dream, opens world of possibility with defeat of Holly Holm."

Also at the Heavy, "WATCH: Miesha Tate Submits Holly Holm With Rear-Naked Choke."

And watch, "Holly Holm v. Miesha Tate (UFC 196) - Meisha WINS chokes out Holly."

Still more, at MMA Fighting, "UFC 196 results: Miesha Tate stuns Holly Holm with fifth-round submission":
LAS VEGAS -- Holly Holm seemed well on her way to retaining the UFC women's bantamweight championship on Saturday night.

Then Miesha Tate scored one of the most stunning finishes in mixed martial arts history.

Tate landed a swift takedown in the final two minutes of the fifth round at UFC 196 and landed a tight rear-naked choke. Holm tried to shake Tate off, and when she couldn't, went unconscious instead of tapping out.

Tate won the title at 3:30 of the final round at the MGM Grand Garden Arena for her fifth straight victory.

"I knew I had to finish the fight," said Tate (18-5). "I knew I had to be perfect in the fifth round."

Tate had very nearly finished the bout in the second round, dominating from bell to bell and securing a rear-naked choke in the final minute.

But Holm (10-1), who had won the opening round, regained control and won the third, fourth, and appeared to be winning the fifth. She stuffed every Tate takedown attempt in that time frame up until the final, fateful attempt.
Still more at MMA Mania, "UFC 196 results: Miesha Tate mounts incredible comeback, chokes Holly Holm unconscious to win Bantamweight belt late in final round."

Young Reporters, Steeped in Social Media, Accustomed to Digital Speed and Always-On World, Grab Spotlight on U.S. Campaign Trail

This is really fascinating, although, except for Time's Zeke Miller, it's all women.

And it's weird, because when I first really started following politics back in the early 1980s, it was the old-timers who were all the most prolific, and authoritative. That's when shows like "This Week with David Brinkley" were the rage. Even CNN was still catching on back then.

Nowadays, fresh out of college and you're reporting from the presidential campaign trail? Pretty amazing.

At NYT, "Millennial Reporters Grab the Campaign-Trail Spotlight":

When the last presidential race was in its early stages, Katie Glueck was a senior at Northwestern University. Now covering the Ted Cruz campaign for Politico, Ms. Glueck, 26, belongs to a select group of millennial reporters who have a front-row seat to the greatest political show on earth.

While youth is a virtue for those covering the turbulent 2016 campaign, it has been known to get in the way now and then. Caitlin Huey-Burns, 28, who covers primaries and caucuses for the website RealClear Politics, said, “I often get asked by voters if I’m writing for the school paper.”

Rosie Gray, 26, who covers the campaign for BuzzFeed, said that her age is only occasionally a factor. “Honestly, the times I feel the most young is when I’m talking to a voter on the trail and I sound like a pipsqueak saying, ‘Excuse me, ma’am, can I ask you a question?’” she said. “A lot of that had to do with how you present yourself and how you act. You can either act like a young little thing or not.”

And she disputed the notion that her age is much of an issue. “I’m not that young,” she said. “I’m 26. Thirty is staring me down the barrel of a gun.”

But Maralee Schwartz, a former longtime political editor at The Washington Post, said that the rise of these correspondents is new indeed.

“They’ve become much more prominent,” Ms. Schwartz said, adding that 2012 “was the first year that you saw how many younger reporters were on the trail. One veteran reporter called me from the bus, stunned, saying: ‘I am the oldest person here. One of them brought brownies.’ They may lack experience, but they can keep pace with the changes and demands and responsibilities of the web.”


Unlike some of their more experienced colleagues, the reporters under 30 also seem to accept the notion that they are always on the clock, that keeping up a running patter with news-hungry audiences via Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat is as much part of the job as filing a 550-word dispatch.

“There are points where I have to remind myself, ‘You haven’t tweeted all day,’ because it is an important part of building our brands and sharing our work, and that doesn’t come to me naturally,” said MJ Lee, a 29-year-old politics reporter for CNN. “But there’s no going back.

“You have no excuse,” continued Ms. Lee, who is married to Alexander Burns, who covers politics for The New York Times. “You have to be up-to-date on everything, because you can be. You have your iPhone and you have Twitter. Why aren’t you up-to-date on the latest thing that happened two minutes ago? When I get on a plane and it’s a small plane and there’s no Wi-Fi, I get uncomfortable.”

Ms. Lee, a 2009 Georgetown University graduate who majored in government and Chinese, said: “Yesterday, we went to dinner, and for some reason I stopped getting email on my phone. And that made me really nervous. And it was maybe 17 minutes.”

The energy required to maintain a constant online presence is just part of the challenge. To write or broadcast anything connected with politics in 2016 is to be exposed to instant backlash. Even a deeply reported and elegantly written campaign story is likely to draw malicious attack.
Well, I'm getting a kick out of the "always-on" digital culture reference, although I hate it, since to me it implies that these young cub reporters don't really know anything. They don't have a personal wealth of political knowledge, and should they come up short, well, there's always Wikipedia.

But then, I'm online much of the time myself, reading the news, and blogging. So, I can't gripe too much about that without being hypocritical.

So, it's all good.


Marco Rubio Is Toast

If Rubio can't win his home state of Florida, it's all over.

The polls are a little mixed so far. A new survey out yesterday from Our Principals PAC (an anti-Trump operation) had Rubio just 5 points behind Trump, 35-30 percent. See the Miami Herald, "Poll for anti-Donald Trump group finds narrowing Republican presidential race in Florida."

But Quinnipiac had Trump up 44-28 over Rubio among likely Republican primary voters the other day. See, "Trump Trumps Rubio Among Florida Republicans, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; Leadership Is Important Factor In Race."

But hey, Rubio's doing his best Baghdad Bob impersonation. At NBC News, via Memeorandum, "Rubio on Losses: ‘The Map Only Gets Better for Us’."

And see Politico, "Battered Rubio vows race ‘only gets better for us’: Rivals call on the Florida senator to drop out after he took a shellacking on Saturday night":

Marco Rubio Loser photo Cc3c3nHUsAAMX4I_zpswhk8wkkw.jpg

The Florida senator, badly trailing Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, lost every state and even failed to pick up delegates in some of the contests.

Despite the dismal news, Rubio offered a rosy picture of the race going forward, especially in the winner-take-all Florida primary.

“We’re going to win Florida, and you’ll find out on March 15 how confident we are,” Rubio said, in Spanish, to supporters in San Juan, Puerto Rico, which holds its primary on Sunday. “Tonight we will have more delegates than we did last night,” Rubio promised. “This map only gets better for us.”

Cruz’s campaign, however, said it’s all but over for Rubio.

“It’s devastating. The Florida-or-bust strategy hasn’t worked in the past and it won’t work this time,” Cruz’s spokeswoman Catherine Frazier said. “Cruz continues to amass delegates as conservatives rally behind him and gets closer and closer to making this a two-man race between him and Trump.”

Trump eked out narrow wins in Kentucky and Louisiana Saturday night, while Cruz scored two big, surprise victories in Kansas and Maine. Rubio was left choking on their dust. He lost by double digits in Louisiana, Kentucky, Kansas, and in Maine, where he failed to even pick up a single delegate.Trump eked out narrow wins in Kentucky and Louisiana Saturday night, while Cruz scored two big, surprise victories in Kansas and Maine. Rubio was left choking on their dust. He lost by double digits in Louisiana, Kentucky, Kansas, and in Maine, where he failed to even pick up a single delegate.

Rubio spokesman Alex Conant said the Florida senator has been hurt by the heavy schedule of caucus contests and expressed hope that Rubio’s fortunes will improve with the primaries ahead. “So we feel really good about the map moving forward. And after we win the Florida primary, the map, the momentum and the money is going to be on our side,” Conant said. “At this point, nobody is on track to having the 1,237 delegates needed to secure the nomination. But after we win Florida, we are going to be on our way to doing so.”

Rubio so far has only won one state – Minnesota – and has only half of Cruz’s delegate count and one-third of Trump’s...
Keep reading.

Image Credit: Dr. Marty Fox.

The First Full Biography of Julia Ward Howe

This looks great, from Elaine Showalter, The Civil Wars of Julia Ward Howe: A Biography.

It's released on Tuesday, but you can pre-order.

Donald Trump Leads in CBS 'Battleground Tracker' Poll Ahead of Michigan Primary

At CBS News, via Memeorandum, "Battleground Tracker poll: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton lead in Michigan."

PREVIOUSLY: "Great Donald Trump Interview on 'Face the Nation' (VIDEO)."

Great Donald Trump Interview on 'Face the Nation' (VIDEO)

Watch, in two parts, "Donald Trump on torture: 'I will always abide by the law'," and "Trump on KKK: 'Hate groups are not for me'."

Great comments on fighting terrorism, especially --- another reason why I really like Trump.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Why Is Donald Trump So 'Yuge'?

At the Mad Jewess Woman's, "WHY Is #Trump So “Yuge”? Not Hard to Figure Out If You Were Raised Old School American."

And at CNN, ".@realDonaldTrump calls for @MarcoRubio to drop out, jokes @TedCruz won Maine bc it's close to Canada #SuperSaturday."

Introducing Amazon Tap

Out March 31st, but you can pre-order now.

Here, Shop Amazon Tap - Small. Loud. Smart.

Why I Left the Conservative Movement

This is an absolutely amazing essay.

My only quibble is with his over-reliance on his military service. Very few people have served in the military, but that doesn't mean that their political voice is less significant as those who have. Besides that, though, the guy pretty much nails it.

From John Kluge, at Richochet, "An Open Letter to the Conservative Media Explaining Why I Have Left the Movement":
I really do not care that Donald Trump is vulgar, combative, and uncivil and I would encourage you not to care as well. I would love to have our political discourse be what it was even thirty years ago and something better than what it is today. But the fact is the Democratic Party is never going to return to that and there isn’t anything anyone can do about it. Over the last 15 years, I have watched the then-chairman of the DNC say the idea that President Bush knew about 9-11 and let it happen was a “serious position held by many people,” watched the vice president tell a black audience that Republicans would return them to slavery if they could, watched Harry Reid say Mitt Romney was a tax cheat without any reason to believe it was true, and seen an endless amount of appalling behavior on the part of the Democrats which is too long to list here and which I am sure you are aware. And now you tell me that I should reject Trump because he is uncivil and mean to his opponents? Is that some kind of a joke? This is not the time for civility or to worry about it in our candidates.

Actually, one more thing: I also don't like this guy's paleoconservative talking points, which I think overlook some of the more firm (bellicose) statements Trump has made on national security.

But again, these are just quibbles. I think the overall thrust of his essay is brilliant, and it's thinking like this that's going to clarify the conservative movement going forward, and force the Republican Party to respect the interests of regular, rank-and-file voters.

Donald Trump and the Republican Party Identity Crisis

Following-up from earlier, "Rank and File Republicans Tell Party Elites to F--- Off (VIDEO)."


How much longer are we going to hear about this so-called crisis? I'm tired of it.

Donald Trump's expected to win the Louisiana primary today, and that'll send GOP elites even further into depression. (Check back for election updates throughout the night.)

At the Washington Post, "Trump throws the GOP into an identity crisis":
Only a year ago, Republicans were congratulating themselves on having the strongest field of presidential candidates in a generation — diverse, highly credentialed conservatives who might be the salvation of a party that had lost the popular vote in five of the past six elections.

But now, the question is how close the Grand Old Party will come to annihilating itself and what it stands for.

Donald Trump — dismissed by GOP elders for months as an entertaining fringe figure who would self-destruct — has staged a hostile takeover and rebranded the party in his own image. What is being left by the wayside is any sense of a Republican vision for the country or a set of shared principles that could carry the party forward.

A substance-free shout-fest billed as a presidential debate Thursday night marked a new low in a campaign that has seen more than its share of them.

The increasingly prohibitive front-runner and his three remaining opponents spent nearly the entire two hours hurling insults back and forth, with Trump at one point making a reference to the size of his genitalia.

“My party is committing suicide on national television,” tweeted Jamie Johnson, an Iowa political operative who had been an adviser to former Texas governor Rick Perry, one of the dozen Republicans whose presidential campaigns have been incinerated by the Trump phenomenon. The latest, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, formally dropped out Friday.

Also Friday, Trump clarified earlier statements that as president, he would order the U.S. military to waterboard militants and carry out other acts that violate international law.

In a statement, he said he understands “that the United States is bound by laws and treaties and I will not order our military or other officials to violate those laws and will seek their advice on such matters.”

In Thursday’s debate, moderator Bret Baier had asked Trump what he would do if service members refused to comply with his orders for exteme measures. The candidate replied, “If I say do it, they’re going to do it. That’s what leadership is all about.”

Trump’s musings on torture were among the many remarks that have alarmed establishment Republicans as worrisome and reckless...
Keep reading.

Tanya Mityushina Outtakes Sports Illustrated 2016 (VIDEO)

Following-up from last month, "Tanya Mityushina, Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Rookie (VIDEO)."

Via Sports Illustrated:

Deal of the Day: Computer/Gaming Glasses by Gunnar

At Amazon, Up to 60% Off These Gunnar Computer/Gaming Glasses.

And from Michelle Malkin, Sold Out: How High-Tech Billionaires & Bipartisan Beltway Crapweasels Are Screwing America's Best & Brightest Workers.

Also, Who Built That: Awe-Inspiring Stories of American Tinkerpreneurs.

BONUS: In Defense of Internment: The Case for Racial Profiling in World War II and the War on Terror.

Pat Conroy Has Died

I read "The Prince of Tides" after the book came out in movie version, and it was a spectacular novel.

Conroy was a premier writer.

At Fox News, "Pat Conroy, author of 'Prince of Tides,' dies at 70."

Michelle Malkin Speech at CPAC 2016 (VIDEO)

She's fantastic!

Watch the whole thing. It's a little over 15 minutes but it goes by before you know it, she's so mesmerizing.

Rank and File Republicans Tell Party Elites to F--- Off (VIDEO)

This is one of the biggest reasons I like Donald Trump --- he's taking it to the GOP elite, and said elite isn't handling it too well. Their utter contempt for everyday people really pisses me off. And so-called conservatives now attacking Trump supporters are on the wrong side.

At the New York Times, "Rank and File Republicans Tell Party Elites: We’re Sticking With Donald Trump" (via Memeorandum):

From Michigan to Louisiana to California on Friday, rank-and-file Republicans expressed mystification, dismissal and contempt regarding the instructions that their party’s most high-profile leaders were urgently handing down to them: Reject and defeat Donald J. Trump.

Their angry reactions, in the 24 hours since Mitt Romney and John McCain urged millions of voters to cooperate in a grand strategy to undermine Mr. Trump’s candidacy, have captured the seemingly inexorable force of a movement that still puzzles the Republican elite and now threatens to unravel the party they hold dear.

In interviews, even lifelong Republicans who cast a ballot for Mr. Romney four years ago rebelled against his message and plan. “I personally am disgusted by it — I think it’s disgraceful,” said Lola Butler, 71, a retiree from Mandeville, La., who voted for Mr. Romney in 2012. “You’re telling me who to vote for and who not to vote for? Please.”

“There’s nothing short of Trump shooting my daughter in the street and my grandchildren — there is nothing and nobody that’s going to dissuade me from voting for Trump,” Ms. Butler said.

A fellow Louisiana Republican, Mindy Nettles, 33, accused the party of “using Romney as a puppet” to protect itself from Mr. Trump because its leaders could not control him. “He has a mind of his own,” she said. “He can think.”

The furious campaign now underway to stop Mr. Trump and the equally forceful rebellion against it captured the essence of the party’s breakdown over the past several weeks: Its most prominent guardians, misunderstanding their own voters, antagonize them as they try to reason with them, driving them even more energetically to Mr. Trump’s side.

As Mr. Romney amplified his pleas on Friday, Mr. Trump snubbed a major meeting of Republican activists and leaders after rumblings that protesters were prepared to demonstrate against him there, in the latest sign of Mr. Trump’s break from the apparatus of the party whose nomination he is marching toward.

As polls showed Mr. Trump likely to capture the Louisiana primary on Saturday, the biggest prize among states holding contests this weekend, the party establishment in Washington seemed seized by anxiety and despair. At the Conservative Political Action Conference, a long-running gathering of traditional conservatives, attendees feared that they were witnessing an event that has not occurred in more than a century: the breaking apart of a major American political party.

They spoke ruefully of “fidelity” lost and “values” forgone. They conceded a strange new feeling of powerlessness in the face of Mr. Trump’s ascendance. And they mourned for a 162-year-old party that is starting to seem unrecognizable to them.

Robert Walker, a former Pennsylvania congressman, lamented that the nomination of Mr. Trump, with his profane style and ideological flexibility, “would rebrand the party in ways that would take us a long time to recover from.”

Rick Santorum, a former Republican presidential candidate, warned of the “Republican Party potentially being torn up,” and Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska groused about what would “actually make America great again.” (It was not Mr. Trump.)
Keep reading.

Behind The Tanlines, Zanzibar: Featuring Nina Agdal and Chrissy Teigen (VIDEO)

Watch, via Sports Illustrated, "Behind the Tanlines Zanzibar Part 1 Swimsuit 2016."

Nina Agdal's a dream-woman babe. Seriously.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Charles Evers, Brother of Slain Civil Rights Leader Medgar Evers, Endorses Donald Trump

Hmm... I think Mr. Evers is messing up the left's "racist bigot" narrative.

At the Jackson Clarion Ledger, "Brother of slain civil rights leader Medgar Evers endorses Trump" (via Memeorandum):
Civil rights activist Charles Evers has endorsed Donald Trump for president, touting what Evers refers to as the current Republican front-runner's business acumen.

"I believe in him first of all because he's a businessman. I think jobs are badly needed in Mississippi," he said.

Evers is the brother of slain civil rights leader Medgar Evers, who was assassinated in front of his Jackson home in 1963.

Asked about Trump's controversial remarks regarding immigration and an incident Tuesday in which 30 black students were reported to have been removed from the candidate's rally in Valdosta, Georgia, Evers responded, "I haven't seen any proof of him being a racist."

However he added, "all of us have some racism in us. Even me."

Evers referenced a proclamation by Gov. Phil Bryant declaring April "Confederate Heritage Month" and said that Trump has not taken similar actions.

According to Evers, the hiring practices of Trump's properties are reflective of him being "fair." Before launching his campaign, Trump was accused of discrimination. In 1973, the real estate mogul and his father were sued by the Department of Justice under the Fair Housing Act for allegedly implementing a system to block black applicants from renting Trump Management's Brooklyn; Queens; and Norfolk, Virginia, properties.

The case was settled with a consent decree.

Evers also addressed Trump's presidential announcement speech, during which the candidate made the following remarks:
“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
Evers said he doesn't feel the U.S. should be obligated to provide support for undocumented immigrants.

Evers added that he also respects Trump for his faith and that he plans to attend Monday's rally in Madison. Evers said that if he has the chance to speak with Trump he wants to pitch bringing a catfish processing plant to Mississippi...
 Now that's just common sense and pragmatism --- characteristics that radical leftists lack.


If Only Environmentalists Could Open Their Eyes to the 'Imminent Possibilties' of Nuclear Energy...

Nuclear energy is the ultimate "de-carbonized" source of ever-ready power, but far-left enviro-wackos hate it anyway.

After a while you realize environmentalism isn't really about protecting the environment, it's about leveraging far-left collectivist authoritarianism.

At Instapundit, "IF YOU DON’T SUPPORT NUCLEAR POWER, YOU DON’T REALLY CARE ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING. Nuclear Is the World’s Green Power 'Workhorse'."

Stop Threatening to Move to Canada!


This is pretty good, from Brian Lilley, at the Rebel Media (via Truth Revolt):

'Equal Is Unfair'

From Don Watkins and Yaron Brook, Equal Is Unfair: America's Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality.

Deal of the Day: Indoor/Outdoor Electric Griddler by Cuisinart

At Amazon, Over 65% Off This Cuisinart Indoor/Outdoor Electric Griddler.

And from Ann Coulter, ¡Adios, America! The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country Into a Third World Hellhole.

BONUS: From Donald Trump, Crippled America: How to Make America Great Again.

The GOP's Strategy of Fragmentation (VIDEO)

From Ronald Brownstein, at the Atlantic, "The Republican Party's Best Bet Against Trump":

More by necessity than design, some of the leading Republicans opposed to Donald Trump are completely reversing their thinking about how he might be stopped after his sweeping wins on Super Tuesday.

After Trump’s victories in seven of 11 states this week, some of his key Republican critics are moving from a long-shot bet on beating him through consolidation to an even riskier wager on denying him the nomination through fragmentation.

Before Tuesday, Republican leaders had almost universally bet on consolidation: clearing the field to unite behind one alternative to the front-runner. But after Trump captured states across the GOP’s geographic and demographic spectrum, those resisting him are now talking about a strategy of fragmentation: encouraging Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich, Trump’s principal remaining rivals, to informally divide the country and simultaneously challenge him on different battlefields.

The goal is to splinter the vote enough to prevent Trump from acquiring the 1,237 delegates he needs for a first ballot nomination at the GOP convention in Cleveland.  “I don’t think consolidation is the path forward; I think that was a December option,” says Stuart Stevens, the senior strategist for Mitt Romney in 2012 and a leading Trump critic. “I think people other than Donald Trump winning delegates is the answer, and that is better achieved not through consolidation.”

Katie Packer Gage, the executive director of Our Principles PAC, the leading conservative group targeting Trump, has now also concluded that fragmentation offers a better chance of stopping him than consolidation, if only because the latter is so unlikely. “Whatever [is] the best option might be irrelevant,” she says. “That might be the only option. There probably does have to be a multi-pronged effort to deny him the nomination.”

It would be tempting to call this a strategy of divide and conquer-except that would understate the position of weakness from which this discussion springs. “I would call it divide and survive,” Stevens says. “No one is going to be conquering.”

Among Republicans nervous about Trump, the talk of consolidation hasn’t stopped. But nothing about Tuesday’s results encouraged it. Instead it underscored the limits confronting each of the candidates chasing Trump, even as it demonstrated both the front-runner’s strengths and continuing challenges.

In most respects, Trump’s performance this week was dominant. Trump crossed the geographic and religious divide that stymied the past two GOP nominees, Mitt Romney and John McCain, by winning northern and border states with relatively fewer evangelicals that they carried (Vermont, Massachusetts, Virginia) but also taking the heavily evangelical Southern states they lost (Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee). And Trump continued to demonstrate enormous appeal for the party’s turbulent blue-collar wing, carrying at least 46 percent of non-college whites in Tennessee, Virginia, Georgia, Alabama, and Massachusetts.

But in other ways, Trump’s performance hinted at lingering resistance...

Well, we've got Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, and Nebraska caucuses on Saturday, as well as the Louisiana primary. On Tuesday, Idaho, Michigan, and Mississippi hold their primaries, and Hawaii holds its caucuses. We'll know how well this fragmentation strategy is working out real soon, and on March 15th Florida and Ohio hold their primaries, both of which are winner take all. If Kasich and Rubio lose, it's pretty much all over.

I'll have more, as always.

'You Will Be Made to Care'

The new book out from Erick Erickson and Bill Blankschaen, You Will Be Made to Care: The War on Faith, Family, and Your Freedom to Believe.

Mitt Romney 'Shuts Door' on Attempt to Steal GOP Nomination at the Convention

Following-up from earlier, "Mitt Romney Seeking to Suppress Donald Trump Delegate Count, Steal GOP Nomination at the Convention (VIDEO)."

And now, at the New York Times, "Mitt Romney Shuts Door on Vying for 2016 G.O.P. Nomination":
Mitt Romney put to rest speculation on Friday that he would be open to rescuing the Republican Party by wresting the presidential nomination away from Donald J. Trump at the convention this summer.

At his speech in Utah on Thursday, Mr. Romney tore down Mr. Trump but did not endorse another candidate. Some took that to mean he was hoping that none of the contenders would gather the delegates needed to be the nominee, leaving open the possibility that he could run for president.

But Mr. Romney said on Friday that he has no plans ride in on a white horse to be the party’s savior.

“The people who can save this party are Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio or John Kasich,” Mr. Romney said in an interview in New York with NBC’s “Today” show.

The former Massachusetts governor and 2012 Republican presidential nominee said that he anticipated that one of those three would emerge as an alternative to Mr. Trump in the next couple of weeks and that he would support that person.

Mr. Romney’s remarks about Mr. Trump came up during the Republican debate in Detroit on Thursday night, as Mr. Trump was repeatedly asked to address the criticism. He responded forcefully, calling Mr. Romney “a failed candidate” who “wants to be back in the game.”

But Mr. Romney, who was defeated by President Obama in 2012, insisted the game of presidential politics was over for him.

“There are no circumstances I can foresee where that would possibly happen,” Mr. Romney said of a last-minute run this year. “No reasonable scenario I can imagine.”
I don't believe this for a second. I expect Romney would jump at the chance, in a heartbeat, to be a party savior at the convention.

More, via Memeorandum, "Mitt Romney on TODAY Show: I'll do everything within ‘political bounds’ to stop Donald Trump."

Mitt Romney Seeking to Suppress Donald Trump Delegate Count, Steal GOP Nomination at the Convention (VIDEO)

Reince Priebus, speaking with Greta Van Susteren yesterday, made it sound like the GOP nomination process was running along as smooth as silk. He said the party'd back Trump if he won the nomination.

Elsewhere, major machinations are afoot to deny Donald Trump the nomination. It's pretty sinister, actually. And I've always liked Mitt Romney, but sheesh, the guy just can't let go. He lost in 2012, and badly. He should have just run in the primaries again this year if he's jonesin' so much for the Oval Office. His attacks on Trump just look petty. He didn't hit Obama as hard as he hit Trump yesterday, and that's just sad.

At CNN, "First on CNN: Team Romney explores blocking Trump at RNC":

Washington (CNN) - Mitt Romney has instructed his closest advisers to explore the possibility of stopping Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention, a source close to Romney's inner circle says.

The 2012 GOP nominee's advisers are examining what a fight at the convention might look like and what rules might need revising.

"It sounds like the plan is to lock the convention," said the source.

Romney is focused on suppressing Trump's delegate count to prevent him from accumulating the 1,237 delegates he needs to secure the nomination.

But implicit in Romney's request to his team to explore the possibility of a convention fight is his willingness to step in and carry the party's banner into the fall general election as the Republican nominee. Another name these sources mentioned was House Speaker Paul Ryan, Romney's running mate in 2012.

You don't have to read too far between the lines of the speech Romney gave Thursday at the University of Utah to see the imprint of this plan. He urged voters to support the candidate most likely to prevent Trump from racking up delegates in their states -- saying he'd back Florida Sen. Marco Rubio if he were voting in the Sunshine State, Gov. John Kasich if he were voting in Ohio, or Texas Sen. Ted Cruz in the states where he polls as Trump's strongest foe.

"If the other candidates can find common ground, I believe we can nominate a person who can win the general election and who will represent the values and policies of conservatism," Romney said.

According to the source, Romney does not expect Rubio, Cruz or Kasich to emerge as the single candidate that can accumulate 1,237 delegates and outright defeat Trump before the convention. So the only way to rob Trump of a victory would be to keep him from reaching that magic 1,237 number.

Most Republican states allocate their delegates proportionally, or in a hybrid format that gives delegates both to the statewide winner and at the congressional district level. This means rather than winnowing the competition down to a single Trump alternative, it could make more sense for all of the current candidates to stay in the race for a stop Trump movement, according to one source.

In addition, two senior Republican Party insiders told CNN that the convention scenario is now dominating a lot of conversation in GOP fundraising circles. To be sure, both of these sources are skeptical about Romney being able to execute this plan, but both believe that there is a real attempt underway to try to do this.

In the meantime, they said to look for Republicans like Romney to continue to cast doubt on Trump's business record and to keep pushing for him to release his tax returns...
Keep reading.

PREVIOUSLY: "Republican Party Establishment Declares War on Donald Trump."

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Stephen Bungay, The Most Dangerous Enemy

Check it out, at Amazon, The Most Dangerous Enemy: A History of the Battle of Britain.

And ICYMI, James Holland, The Rise of Germany, 1939-1941.

Amber Lee's Weekend Forecast

Cool and cloudy yesterday, and expected into the weekend.

Here's the lovely Ms. Amber, via CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

Andrea Tantaros Unloads on Mitt Romney (VIDEO)


I love Andrea Tantaros. She's the best woman on conservative television by far.

At Gateway Pundit, "BOOM! @AndreaTantaros UNLOADS on @MittRomney “TAKE IT AND SHOVE IT!” (VIDEO)."

And watch, on YouTube.

PREVIOUSLY: "Republican Party Establishment Declares War on Donald Trump."

Republican Party Establishment Declares War on Donald Trump

I was in the classroom all day today, but I saw the headlines.

I haven't watched the Mitt Romney's speech yet, but I will. At this point I think the GOPe's making a huge mistake. Millions of voters have already voted for Donald Trump. He's won 10 out of 15 of the primaries and caucuses held thus far. If you're looking to create a movement that demonizes the concerns of the average American "Joe Six-pack" voter, then the Republican Party's got your number. It's insane, frankly. You can't change the rules in the middle of the process. If you created the rules, you need to abide by them. I mean, c'mon, if the New York Times is blaring the headline of "Open Warfare" in the party, something's seriously out of whack. Frankly, it's the Democrats who're acting much more rationally at the moment, preparing, behind the scenes, to launch a major attack campaign against Trump under the expectation that he'll be the party's standard bearer. It's the GOPe that's still out to lunch.

It's mind-boggling.

See, at NYT, "Mitt Romney and John McCain Denounce Donald Trump as a Danger to Democracy":

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In an extraordinary public rebuke of Donald J. Trump’s campaign, Mitt Romney and John McCain, the last two Republican presidential nominees, denounced Mr. Trump in forceful terms on Thursday and warned that his election could put the United States and even its democratic political system in peril.

Offering himself as a bulwark against Mr. Trump’s march to the nomination, Mr. Romney laid out a precise and lengthy case against Mr. Trump, lacerating his business dealings, his erratic pronouncements on national security and demeaning treatment of women, minorities and the disabled.

Mr. Romney warned that Mr. Trump’s nomination would be calamitous for the Republican Party and, quoting John Adams, even suggested it could be suicidal for the country.

Evoking the specter of totalitarianism, he said Mr. Trump was amplifying a “brand of anger that has led other nations into the abyss.”

“His domestic policies would lead to recession,” Mr. Romney said. “His foreign policies would make America and the world less safe. He has neither the temperament nor the judgment to be president.”

Mr. McCain, once a rival of Mr. Romney’s, effectively linked arms with him soon after his address, saying that he shared Mr. Romney’s dismay about Mr. Trump’s ascent. Referring to a public letter released on Thursday by dozens of conservative national security leaders, who vowed never to support Mr. Trump, Mr. McCain echoed their concerns about Mr. Trump’s “uninformed and indeed dangerous statements on national security issues.”

The onslaught against Mr. Trump appeared aimed at sowing new doubts among voters about a man who has taken firm command of the Republican presidential race, and stiffening the resolve of mainstream Republicans to reject Mr. Trump.

But the timing of the assault, after Mr. Trump’s commanding electoral victories on Tuesday, may make it futile. And Mr. Romney’s history with Mr. Trump, which he ignored in his jeremiad on Thursday, could undercut the power of his warning: Mr. Romney eagerly sought and publicized his endorsement by Mr. Trump in 2012, even as Mr. Trump heckled and harassed President Obama with accusations that he was not born in the United States...
Keep reading.

Plus, at CNN, via Memeorandum, "First on CNN: Team Romney explores blocking Trump at RNC."

Lots more on this at the link.

Hillary Clinton and Surrogates to Run DEFCON3 Campaign Against 'Racist Bigot' Donald Trump

The Clinton machine is gearing up to the highest stages of political warfare to destroy Donald Trump in the general election campaign.

The New York Times reports, "Inside the Clinton Team's Plan to Defeat Donald Trump":
In the days after Donald J. Trump vanquished his Republican rivals in South Carolina and Nevada, prominent Democrats supporting Hillary Clinton arranged a series of meetings and conference calls to tackle a question many never thought they would ask: How do we defeat Mr. Trump in a general election?

Several Democrats argued that Mrs. Clinton, should she be her party’s nominee, would easily beat Mr. Trump. They were confident that his incendiary remarks about immigrants, women and Muslims would make him unacceptable to many Americans. They had faith that the growing electoral power of black, Hispanic and female voters would deliver a Clinton landslide if he were the Republican nominee.

But others, including former President Bill Clinton, dismissed those conclusions as denial. They said that Mr. Trump clearly had a keen sense of the electorate’s mood and that only a concerted campaign portraying him as dangerous and bigoted would win what both Clintons believe will be a close November election.

That strategy is beginning to take shape, with groups that support Mrs. Clinton preparing to script and test ads that would portray Mr. Trump as a misogynist and an enemy to the working class whose brash temper would put the nation and the world in grave danger. The plan is for those themes to be amplified later by two prominent surrogates: To fight Mr. Trump’s ability to sway the news cycle, Mr. Clinton would not hold back on the stump, and President Obama has told allies he would gleefully portray Mr. Trump as incapable of handling the duties of the Oval Office.

Democrats say they risk losing the presidency if they fail to take Mr. Trump seriously, much as Republicans have done in the primary campaign.

“He’s formidable, he understands voters’ anxieties, and he will be ruthless against Hillary Clinton,” said Gov. Dannel P. Malloy of Connecticut. “I’ve gone from denial — ‘I can’t believe anyone would listen to this guy’ — to admiration, in the sense that he’s figured out how to capture everyone’s angst, to real worry.”

During the first Republican debate last summer, Mrs. Clinton’s campaign manager, Robby Mook, shushed a room full of people at the campaign’s Brooklyn headquarters when Mr. Trump started to speak, almost giddily captivated by the wildness of his remarks. “Shh, I’ve got to get me some Trump,” he said.

Now, Mr. Mook and his colleagues regard Mr. Trump as a wily, determined and indefatigable opponent who seems to be speaking to broad economic anxieties among Americans and to the widely held belief that traditional politicians are incapable of addressing those problems. Publicly, the Clinton operation is letting the Republicans slug it out. But privately, it and other Democrats are poring over polling data to understand the roots of Mr. Trump’s populist appeal and building up troves of opposition research on his business career.

“The case against Trump will be prosecuted on two levels,” said Geoff Garin, a Democratic pollster and Mrs. Clinton’s chief strategist in 2008. “The first is temperament,” and whether he is suited to be commander in chief, Mr. Garin said, echoing conversations that have dominated Democratic circles recently. The second “will be based on whether he can really be relied on as a champion for anyone but himself.”

But the tactics the Clintons have used for years to take down opponents may fall short in a contest between the blunt and unpredictable Mr. Trump and the cautious and scripted Mrs. Clinton: a matchup that operatives on both sides predicted would be an epic, ugly clash between two vastly disparate politicians...
It's going to be a brutally close election, but the one thing we know now for sure, the Democrats aren't coming anywhere near the GOP in turnout for the primary elections. Trump even mentioned it during his press conference Tuesday night.

I'll have more on that. If folks thought both 2008 and 2012 were bad (for racist attacks by far-left Democrat Party extremists), they better brace for an even nastier campaign this year. It's going to be at nuclear war levels. Complete annihilation of the adversary, and all the Democrat surrogates, including the leftist MSM outlets, will be down for Donald Trump's complete and utter obliteration.


PREVIOUSLY: "Democrats Fear Dead-Serious Threat in Donald Trump Nomination."

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Democrats Fear Dead-Serious Threat in Donald Trump Nomination

They should fear it.

Trump will take the gloves off like no other candidate.

He'll destroy her, and good thing too.

At Politico, "Democrats to Clinton: Don't laugh off Trump threat: The populist billionaire could be a potent general election candidate, Democratic strategists warn":
It’s time to stop pointing and laughing at the Republican primary. For all the GOP front-runner’s flaws, many veteran Democrats are beginning to conclude, Donald Trump is a canny operator who just might end up in the White House if they’re not careful.

He appears to be cracking the code with white working-class voters who could help him put blue Rust Belt states in play against Hillary Clinton. He’s helping to fuel record turnout in GOP primaries and he’s mastered the media like no candidate in recent memory, with his constant feeding of catnip to cable TV and his 140-character missiles on Twitter.

“It’s fair to say there’s been a graveyard already out there of people underestimating him,” said Doug Sosnik, a former Bill Clinton White House adviser. “And I am old enough to remember the sort of Democratic intelligentsia that was hoping Ronald Reagan would be nominated by Republicans in 1980 because everyone knew he was a doddering old right winger who could never get elected president.”

“So there is some danger to underestimating his candidacy,” Sosnik said. "Having said that, I have enough confidence in the judgment of the American people to never elect someone like Donald Trump president of the United States."

Tracy Sefl, a Democratic consultant who was a senior adviser for Ready for Hillary, said Trump was the most dangerous Republican candidate to come out of the primary because he’s “unpredictable, shameless, unapologetic” — and utilizes a non-strategy strategy that has so far worked for him.

“He doesn’t do defense. He’s immune to any sort of fundamentals of campaigning. He’s just doing it his way,” she said.

It’s a mistake to dismiss Trump's appeal against Hillary Clinton, other Democrats have concluded, especially as he continues to roll up wins across the map on his march to the Republican nomination.

“I think Trump could beat her like a tied-up billy goat,” said Mudcat Saunders, a rural Democratic strategist who’s supporting Bernie Sanders. “There are many areas in key swing states like Virginia, North Carolina, Ohio, and Pennsylvania that look like Sherman went through and didn’t burn anything. Empty factories, empty buildings, few opportunities for young people. It’s sad. It should be no surprise to anybody that voters in those areas are gravitating to Trump.”

While most Democrats continue to view their party's front-runner as the favorite to win — including for the simple reason that they believe it’s easier for many voters to picture Clinton in charge of the nuclear codes — there’s still a nagging fear that Trump might prove more competitive in some areas than anyone could have imagined...
Keep reading.

Deal of the Day: Brother XM2701 Sewing Machine

At Amazon, Brother XM2701 Lightweight, Full-Featured Sewing Machine with 27 Stitches, 1-Step Auto-Size Buttonholer, 6 Sewing Feet, and Instructional DVD.

Plus, from Donald Trump, Trump: The Art of the Deal, and Crippled America: How to Make America Great Again.

Marriott Argues That Nude Peephole Video Helped Erin Andrews' Career (VIDEO)

At the Nashville Tennessean, "Defense suggests Erin Andrews videos helped career." Also, "Expert says 16.8 million saw Erin Andrews nude."

And watch, at ABC News, "Erin Andrews Trial - Defense Argues Nude Video Didn't Impact Career."

Plus, here's Andrews, in tears, during her testimony on Monday, via CNN:

The #NeverTrump Crowd Should Get a Life

Heh, former Pajamas Media chairman Roger Simon trolls the right's Trump Derangement loons.

Ted Cruz won three states, including his Texas home and a surprise victory in Oklahoma, Marco Rubio scored for the first time in Minnesota and came close in Virginia, and even John Kasich challenged in Vermont, but there is no question that Donald Trump was the big winner on Super Tuesday on the Republican side. He won seven of eleven states.

The most fascinating, and telling, race was ultra-liberal Massachusetts where Trump won nearly 50% of the vote, suggesting reports were correct that he was altering the electoral landscape, pulling in the long-lost Reagan Democrats, some of whom may have switched parties to vote for Donald. (GOP turnout was huge, dwarfing the Democrats practically everywhere.)

More importantly, it was a different Donald Trump we saw during his Super Tuesday press conference (cleverly not a standard issue “victory” speech) at his Palm Beach resort Mar-a-Lago. Nowhere to be seen was the “con man” excoriated non-stop by Rubio for the last week. Also not in evidence was the neo-Rodney Dangerfield/Don Rickles joker, spraying water to lampoon Rubio. This was a President Donald Trump standing before us, answering questions in a measured and crisp manner and with far more forthrightness than we have been used to with Obama. He even went so far as to reach out to Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell in a manner they may not have deserved, though he didn't mention Christie Whitman, who threatened to vote for Hillary Clinton if Donald was nominated...
Keep reading.

There's a lot of anger and derangement out there.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Donald Trump Dominates Republican Party Super Tuesday Races (VIDEO)

At the video, Trump asks the key question about GOPe resistance to his campaign, "If I'm going to win all of these states, with tremendous numbers ... I think, I think we're a democracy ... it's awfully hard to say that's not the person we want to lead the party, right?"

At the Washington Post, "Trump owns Super Tuesday, but Cruz and Rubio see glimmers of hope":

Donald Trump rode a powerful tide of voter fury to victories across the country on Tuesday, ending the campaign season’s most momentous day of balloting as the unrivaled favorite for the Republican presidential nomination.

The billionaire mogul’s Super Tuesday rout extended from New England to the Deep South, but he resoundingly lost the night’s crown jewel, Texas, to home-state Sen. Ted Cruz, who also defeated Trump in Oklahoma.

Tuesday’s results exposed some vulnerabilities for Trump: He lost late-deciding voters in many states by wide margins to rival Marco Rubio, a sign that the senator from Florida may have had some impact with his withering assault on Trump’s character. Ohio Gov. John Kasich also came close to beating Trump in Vermont.

In Virginia — one of the biggest of the 11 states holding primaries or caucuses and a critical general-election battleground — Trump’s win was also narrower than the latest polls had indicated. Rubio nearly pulled off an upset, though his boost from more highly educated voters in the suburbs of Northern Virginia and Richmond was not enough to offset Trump’s command of Southwest Virginia and rural areas.

Cruz’s twin victories breathed new life into his beleaguered campaign after a string of defeats forced him to mount an impassioned last stand in Texas. Meanwhile, Rubio won Minnesota’s caucuses, giving him his first victory of the campaign.

Still, Trump was dominant. On top of Virginia, he won decisively in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts and Tennessee. With each victory, he solidified a robust and ideologically diverse coalition of working- and middle-class Americans behind his rebellious call to overthrow the nation’s political order.

Trump claimed victory by holding a news conference in the opulent gold-and-white ballroom at Mar-a-Lago, the lavish wonderland he owns in tony Palm Beach, Fla.

Speaking in uncharacteristically measured tones beneath giant crystal chandeliers, Trump tried to assume the mantle of presumptive nominee. He sought to convince party insiders that he could win a general election against Democrat Hillary Clinton, labeling himself as a “common-sense conservative” and portraying her as a relic of Washington...

Marco Rubio Wins Minnesota Republican Caucuses

Heh, he finally won a state.


And watch, at Fox News, "Fox News projects Marco Rubio wins Minnesota."