Thursday, August 11, 2016

Donald Trump's Meltdown

It's a media manufactured meltdown. It's their reality. And that's a problem, especially as Trump remains wedded to going without paid advertising. Earned media's going to earn him an epic loss in November. The press is bought. They're in the pocket of leftist globalist elite.

At Time, "Inside Donald Trump’s Meltdown":

Donald Trump's sinking polls, unending attacks and public blunders have the GOP reconsidering its strategy for November.

When Donald Trump mucks things up, the first person to let him know is usually Republican Party boss Reince Priebus. Almost every day, Trump picks up his cell phone to find Priebus on the line, urging him to quash some feud or clarify an incendiary remark.

The Wisconsin lawyer has been a dutiful sherpa to the Manhattan developer, guiding him through the dizzying altitude of the presidential race and lobbying the GOP to unite behind a figure who threatens its future.

But every bond has its breaking point. For this partnership, the moment nearly arrived in early August. Priebus was on vacation when he learned that Trump had declined to endorse Paul Ryan, the Speaker of the House and a close friend. The chairman had a frank message for the nominee, according to two Republican officials briefed on the call. Priebus told Trump that internal GOP polling suggested he was on track to lose the election. And if Trump didn’t turn around his campaign over the coming weeks, the Republican National Committee would consider redirecting party resources and machinery to House and Senate races.

Trump denies the exchange ever took place. “Reince Priebus is a terrific guy,” Trump told TIME. “He never said that.” Priebus could not be reached for comment. But whatever the exact words spoken on the phone, there is no doubt that the possibility Republicans will all but abandon Trump now haunts his struggling campaign.

Since his convention in Cleveland, Trump has done almost nothing right by traditional standards. He has picked fights with senior Republicans and Gold Star parents, invited Russian spies to meddle in U.S. democracy, appeared to joke about gun enthusiasts’ prematurely removing a U.S. President from office. He’s shuffled campaign messages like playing cards and left GOP elders fretting that he lacks the judgment to be Commander in Chief. During a dismal two-week stretch, he surrendered a narrow lead over Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and now trails by an average of 8 points in recent nationwide polls.

Trump has overcome rough patches before. But with fewer than 90 days until Nov. 8, he now faces a reckoning. There are daunting demographics to surmount. Allies complain of massive staff shortages in battleground states. And voters are skeptical of a billionaire reality star who seems to study the rules of campaigning only so he can break them.

Then there are the challenges entirely of Trump’s own making. More than three months after he effectively clinched the Republican nomination, he has yet to settle on a strategy to match the demands of a broader electorate. In an interview with TIME on Aug. 9, the improvisational candidate sounded torn between conflicting pieces of advice, unsure of how much to hold back and when to let loose. “I am now listening to people that are telling me to be easier, nicer, be softer. And you know, that’s O.K., and I’m doing that,” he says. “Personally, I don’t know if that’s what the country wants.”

Polls show that Trump has failed to grasp one of the essential truths about this extraordinary contest: in a race between the two most unpopular major-party nominees in modern history, it’s in each campaign’s interest to train the spotlight on the other. Clinton wants the race to be about Trump. Which is what the publicity-addled Republican wants too. And why not? It worked for him in the Republican primaries. “I got 14 million votes and won most of the states,” he boasts. “I’m liking the way I ran in the primaries better.”

But the general election will likely be decided by groups of voters who are rarely among the cheering throngs at his rallies. This is a fact that Trump is only now starting to confront. “I don’t know why we’re not leading by a lot,” he admitted to a crowd of thousands in Jacksonville, Fla., on Aug. 3. One reason is that he’s getting crushed by minority voting blocs that Republican strategists have suggested courting, such as blacks, Hispanics and young women.

Ask him about these struggles and the braggadocio fades to fatalism. “All I can do is tell the truth,” he says. “If that does it, that’s great. And if that doesn’t do it, that’s fine too.” Even the best salesman must bow to the realities of the marketplace.

The trouble started before Trump even left Cleveland. Twelve hours after accepting his party’s nomination, he arrived in a half-empty hotel ballroom for a victory lap. It was a chance to thank supporters and bask in the previous night’s afterglow. Free’s “All Right Now” echoed through the speakers. And then, as Priebus’ team watched live from their hotel a few blocks away, everything went wrong.

Two evenings before, Trump had crushed the last vestiges of Republican opposition, orchestrating an outburst of boos as Senator Ted Cruz of Texas delivered the ultimate snub: refusing to endorse his onetime rival. But for Trump, that victory wasn’t enough. Rather than mend fences, he told fans he didn’t want the GOP runner-up’s endorsement and might bankroll a super PAC to kill Cruz’s career. Apropos of nothing, he revived a dormant controversy involving an unflattering picture of the Texan’s wife, boudoir shots of Trump’s and a tiny super PAC that no longer exists. He once again linked Cruz’s father to the Kennedy assassination, a false conspiracy fed by a 50-year-old photo published in a supermarket tabloid. For good measure, Trump fired a parting shot at Ohio Governor John Kasich, another vanquished rival whose political machine could provide a boost in a critical swing state.

The riot of recrimination was a vivid reminder that some of Trump’s worst traits as a candidate–paper-thin skin, an absence of discipline, a bottomless capacity to nurse grudges–are not going away. Republicans waiting for the long-promised presidential pivot seemed like characters in a Beckett play, trapped in Trump’s theater of the absurd.

As Democrats hurled criticism during their convention, Trump tried to compete with press conferences. But his counterprogramming verged on the bizarre. In a striking breach of protocol, he urged Russia on July 27 to hack Clinton’s emails. “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said, essentially urging a geopolitical adversary to commit espionage against his opponent. Establishment-minded Republicans phoned one another. Was this really happening?

The next night, a Virginia lawyer named Khizr Khan stepped to the microphone in Philadelphia. The Pakistani émigré turned American citizen spoke of his son Humayun, a U.S. Army captain killed by a suicide bomber in Iraq in 2004. “If it was up to Donald Trump,” he thundered, his son “never would have been in America.” Brandishing a pocket-size copy of the Constitution, he addressed Trump directly: “You have sacrificed nothing and no one.”

The return volley was predictable. Trump seemed to question whether Khan’s wife Ghazala, who had stood silently alongside her husband, was barred from speaking because of her religion. “It’s Queens,” one Republican operative mused, invoking Trump’s birthplace. “If they hit you, you hit back.” A stirring moment became a multiday feud. And Trump lost. More than 70% of respondents in a Washington Post/ABC News poll said they disapproved of his handling of the dispute, including 59% of Republicans. The emergence of the Muslim parents, blistering Trump’s policies through the scrim of their own patriotism, was more than karmic irony. It was strategic success. A hook had been dangled by the Clinton campaign that he could not help but bite.

Trump goes with his gut, and when his instincts betray him, no one can rein him in. “No one puts words in his mouth, and nobody decides what he says other than him,” says longtime adviser Roger Stone. “Politics is nine-tenths discipline.”

For party officials, the Trump campaign has become like the sign inside factories: X days without an accident, with the tally regularly resetting to zero. “I think what he wants to do and what he does do are two different things,” says another senior GOP official...
Keep reading.

Donald Trump Calls Out Obama as the 'Founder of ISIS'

I can relate, heh.

Hopefully Trump will keep up the consistent and totally accurate messaging, lol.

Evelyn Taft's Clear Skies Forecast

And a warming forecast as well, as we head into triple-digit temperatures next week.

The lovely Ms. Evelyn has your weather, via CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

WATCH: Trump Tower Climber Was Donald Trump Supporter; Pre-Recorded 'Vote Trump' Video

Variety has the pre-recorded video, "Man Scales Trump Tower Using Suction Cups; Had Pre-Recorded Video Message: 'Get Out and Vote for Mr. Trump'."

And watch, via AP:

Also at ABC News, via Memeorandum, "Police Capture Man Climbing Trump Tower After Hours-Long Standoff."

Professor Stephen Walt, Anti-Zionist Israel-Hater, Denounces Donald Trump's 'Toxic' Foreign Policy (VIDEO)

You could have freakin' Jeremy Corbin's Labour Party Trotskyite anti-Semites proclaiming their foreign policy "realism," and Harvard's Stephen Walt wouldn't bat an eye.

But oh my goodness, Donald Trump starts pushing a non-interventionist approach to U.S. foreign affairs, and the hateful anti-Zionist author or "The Israel Lobby" declaims anything to do with the Manhattan mogul's allegedly "ignorant, offensive, and toxic" approach to American foreign policy.

You gotta love 2016!

At Foreign Policy, "Donald Trump: Keep Your Hands Off the Foreign-Policy Ideas I Believe In":

Apart from his other shortcomings, Donald Trump is giving a sensible approach to U.S. foreign policy a bad name. In recent years, a number of scholars and policy analysts have labored to articulate and explain why the United States would be better off with a foreign policy that was less interventionist, less costly, less hypocritical, less beholden to special interests, and above all more successful than the strategy of liberal hegemony pursued by the past three U.S. administrations.

This more restrained approach seeks to advance the U.S. national interest first and foremost. In other words, it maintains that the first goal of U.S. foreign policy is to make Americans safer and more prosperous. This alternative grand strategy would eschew ambitious attempts to remake the world in America’s image and would press key U.S. allies to take more responsibility for their own defense. The United States would not disengage from the world or retreat to Fortress America, but it would be much more selective in its use of military power and focus primarily on preventing potentially dangerous concentrations of power from emerging in Europe, Asia, or the Persian Gulf.

Unfortunately, because these ideas overlap with some (but by no means all) of Trump’s pronouncements on foreign policy, his increasingly incoherent, ignorant, and incompetent campaign threatens to tarnish this alternative in the minds of some observers. Assuming he loses — fingers crossed — the end result could perpetuate America’s present grand strategy despite its many shortcomings.

To give The Donald his due, he has thus far said three perfectly sensible and uncontroversial things about foreign policy. First, he has made it clear he believes the primary purpose of U.S. foreign policy is to advance U.S. interests. In other words, he thinks most states pursue their own interests first and foremost and the United States should do the same. Though most of the foreign-policy establishment claims to have loftier goals (i.e., spreading democracy, promoting human rights, halting proliferation, etc.), Trump’s emphasis on U.S. interests is hardly beyond the pale.

Second, he believes many U.S. allies are wealthy countries free-riding on American protection and failing to bear their rightful share of collective security burdens. He’s correct, and plenty of other U.S. leaders — including President Barack Obama and former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates — have said exactly the same thing on numerous occasions.

Third, Trump is skeptical of ambitious efforts to “nation build” in far-flung corners of the world, and he now claims to be opposed to dumb wars. It’s hard to argue with him on this point either, though let’s not forget that he supported the Iraq War in 2003 (and then denied that he had done so). Moreover, he sometimes sounds like he’d be willing to go to war at the drop of a hat. But a disinclination to enter more open-ended quagmires is hardly a controversial position at this point.

Reasonable people can disagree about these three assertions, but they are hardly bizarre or outside the boundaries of acceptable discussion. If Trump stuck with them and made them the centerpiece of his foreign-policy platform, the 2016 campaign might actually feature an instructive and long-overdue debate on the global role of the United States and the proper use of American power. Unfortunately, those three elements pretty much exhaust Trump’s wisdom on foreign affairs, and the rest of his views are a farrago of ignorant, offensive, and toxic beliefs that have no business anywhere near the Oval Office.

For starters, Trump’s views on international economics reflect a protectionist outlook that was discredited a couple of centuries ago. Tearing up the North American Free Trade Agreement or leaving the World Trade Organization would not restore American manufacturing or make the country “great” again; it would instead be a body blow to the United States and the world economy and could quite possibly trigger another global recession. Trump simply doesn’t seem to understand that trade is not a zero-sum game where one state “wins” and the rest “lose”; it’s not like one of his shady business deals, which have lined his own pockets and left lots of unhappy customers feeling bilked. Furthermore, Trump’s claim that he can single-handedly negotiate “great” deals to replace the existing global trading system just tells you that he doesn’t know how such deals are actually negotiated or how that order works.

On top of that, Trump’s thinly veiled racism and his penchant for insulting rivals are a recipe for diplomatic disaster. Seriously, how can someone who routinely demeans Hispanics and Muslims expect to conduct effective diplomacy with our neighbors in Latin America or with the entire Arab world?
There's more at the link.

But really?

Stephen Walt lecturing us on "veiled racism"? That is really rich.

To respond as plainly as possible here: Stephen Walt is a bad person who pushes evil anti-Israel tropes, and who hangs out with even worse people in real life.

I've documented this myself many times, but of course the facts are out there for anyone who dares to look.

Here's my post from 2011, "Harvard's Stephen Walt Speaks at Code Pink's Move Over AIPAC! Summit, May 21, 2011."

There's a long record of anti-Semitism at See, at FrontPage Magazine, "Moving On to Anti-Semitism." Also, at Moonbattery, "ADL Complains About's Anti-Semitism."

Plus, at Isra-Pundit, " = George Soros’ International Solidarity Movement:’s virulent hatred of Israel is entirely consistent with the agenda of George Soros, who blames Israel for causing most of the world’s anti-Semitism."

More recently, from Moe Lane, "Moveon.Org Rediscovers Its Anti-Semitic, Racist Roots: Endorses [Apologizes To] Racist Anti-Semite Charles Barron For NY-08. [UPDATED And Corrected.]."

And then there's Code Pink, whose Israel-hatred I've documented frequently. Here, "Vile Anti-Semitism at Code Pink Protest in Oakland," and "Eliminationist Anti-Semitism, Right Here at Home: [Code Pink] Al Quds Rally, DuPont Circle, Washington, D.C., September 3, 2010."

Still more, "Code Pink Activists Meet With Mahmoud Ahmadinejad."

Also, at Commentary, "Move Over AIPAC, Here Come the Geriatric Anti-Semites."

And of course, it's been 10 years now, but who can forget the debate over "The Israel Lobby"? Here's a quick reminder, from Eliot Cohen, at WaPo, "Yes, It's Anti-Semitic."

Also, at the Tablet, "Mainstreaming Hate: How media companies are using the Internet to make anti-Semitism respectable," and "Stephen Walt Is the George Kennan of the Obama Administration: Plenty of pundits have jockeyed to be the top voice on the Middle East, but only one person’s ideas dominate the conversation."

Say what you will about Donald Trump's movement (and a lot has been said about the "alt right" components of his support), if you're morally consistent, you speak out against all of it. Israel-hatred has no place in American politics, much less in this election.

The fact is, Trump's a firm defender of Israel and his own daughter, son-in-law, and grandson are Jewish.

Also, at Haaretz, "WATCH: Trump Defends Israel After 'Nasty' Question: 'Let me just tell you that Israel is a very, very important ally of the United States. And we are going to protect them 100%'."

#ThirdWorldGames: Green Water Spreads to Water Polo Pool

Following-up from last night, "#ThirdWorldGames: Olympics Diving Pool Turns Green, Mysteriously."

Now water polo players are complaining of burning eyes.

That's what you get for playing the Olympics in a Third World shithole.

At WSJ, "Rio 2016: The Green Water Spreads to Water Polo Pool":

RIO DE JANEIRO—The Rio Olympics’ green-water crisis claimed another victim: the water polo pool.

Officials scrambled to contain the new embarrassment, which shocked television viewers and spectators Tuesday when the pool hosting the women’s 10-meter synchronized diving finals turned a deep, bright green. Wednesday, even as officials insisted they had the problem under control, they acknowledged that the problem was also affecting the adjoining water polo pool, which also displayed a greenish tint.

“Yesterday mid-afternoon there was a sudden decrease in the alkalinity of the pool,” said Mario Andrada, spokesman for the Rio 2016 Organizing Committee. “Obviously, the people in charge of maintaining the pool and of checking could and should have done more intensive tests.”

Andrada said the pool color would get back to normal “very shortly.” However, he added, Wednesday’s rain in Rio was complicating things.

Several possible explanations emerged on Wednesday, though not all seemed to fit together.

FINA, swimming and diving’s world governing body, said the change occurred, because “the water tanks ran out of some of the chemicals used in the water treatment process. As a result the pH level of the water was outside the usual range, causing the discolouration.”

FINA also added that its sport medicine committee had deemed the water safe for competition...
Well, maybe not.

At WaPo, "Water polo players complain of burning eyes after Rio officials attempt to treat green pool water."

Johana Gomez and Marina Mendes (VIDEO)

Watch, at Playboy, "Foreign Affair: Johana Gomez and Marina Mendes Prove They Are the Sexiest Best Friends."

Malia Obama to Star in 'Up in Smoke' Reboot


This is pretty good.

The Obamas are killer role models, lol.

Khloe Kardashian Accused of Cultural Appropriation Over Instragram Photo

I mean, what the hell are "Bantu knots" anyway? Did anyone even worry about "Bantu knots" before she posted this to her Instagram page?

Of course not. We're enduring the endlessly idiotic "manufactured outrage" culture machine.

It's annoying.

At Heat Street, "Locked Out: Khloe Kardashian Accused of Cultural Appropriation for ‘Bantu’ Hairstyle."

Leftist Media Hacks Foment New 'Furor' Over Donald Trump's 'Second Amendment' Comments

Following-up, "Donald Trump Says 'Second Amendment People' Can Stop Hillary Clinton's Supreme Court Picks (VIDEO)," and "Katrina Pierson: The Leftist Media Regurgitates Democrat 'Gun Violence' Smears (VIDEO)."

Also, I compared today's local front-page news coverage here, "U.S. Women's Gymnastics Team Leaves Opponents in Tears #Rio2016."

So, I might as well post LAT's coverage. I mean, talk about regurgitating the leftist memes. *SMH*

Katrina Pierson: The Leftist Media Regurgitates Democrat 'Gun Violence' Smears (VIDEO)

My god, MSNBC's Kate Snow is like a freakin' attack dog here!

She used to be such a ditsy beach-blonde airhead "Good Morning America" reporter, lol.

Katrina Pierson fights back like a bulldog, though, keeping it on point, and slamming the collectivist media.


U.S. Women's Gymnastics Team Leaves Opponents in Tears #Rio2016

Today's O.C. Register front page was plastered with the U.S. women's Olympics team. Those galls are utterly dominant.

The L.A. Times' front page, on the other hand, was plastered with articles on Donald Trump's Second Amendment "gaffe," of course.

Gives you a good idea about journalistic priorities.

Here's a couple from the Register, "This U.S. women's gymnastics team leaves opponents in tears," and "What the U.S. women's team dominance means for the future of the sport."

Blake Lively Stripped Down to Bikini for 'The Shallows' Just 8-Months After Having a Baby

Ms. Blake is a fine woman.

She can slam the idiot media until the cows come home, heh.

At London's Daily Mail, "'You don't need to be Victoria's Secret-ready right away': Blake Lively slams post-baby body ideals as she strips down to a bikini for filming eight months after giving birth."

Yeah, f-off body-shamers!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

#ThirdWorldGames: Olympics Diving Pool Turns Green, Mysteriously

Yes, "mysteriously."

At the New York Times, "During Diving Event, Pool Transforms From Crystal Blue to Garishly Green":

RIO DE JANEIRO — An unsettling thing happened at the Olympic diving pool on Tuesday: the water inexplicably turned green, just in time for the women’s synchronized 10-meter platform diving competition.

Officials said they did not know what caused the trouble, exactly. But they declared the water had been tested and was not dangerous. It was an unsettling sight, appearing to become greener and murkier as the day went on, having been a lovely light blue on Monday.

The British diver Tom Daley, who won a bronze medal in the same pool the day before, posted a photograph on Twitter showing the contrast between the colors of the pools. “Ermmmm – what happened?” he said.

The adjoining pool at the aquatic center, used for synchronized swimming and water polo, remained its normal blue color, which made the extreme greenness of the diving pool all the more striking.

Meanwhile, diving practice went on as planned, and so did the women’s synchronized event. Competitors generally said that the swampiness of the water did not put them off their form, although they found it weird and puzzling.

“I’ve never dived in anything like it,” said Britain’s Tonia Couch, who finished fifth, along with Lois Coulson.

The situation overshadowed the news conference after the event, with reporters more interested in the state of the water than in the quality of the diving. Officials released a brief statement that did not address the main questions: what had happened, why had it happened so quickly, and why wasn’t there a simple explanation, given that this is the sort of thing that commonly happens to swimming pools?

“To ensure a high quality field of play is mandatory to the Rio 2016 organizing committee,” the statement said. “Water tests at Maria Lenk Aquatic Center diving pool were conducted and found to be no risk to the athletes’ health. We’re investigating what the cause of the situation was.”

The statement also said, “We’re pleased to say the competition was successfully completed.”

Officials at the news conference declined to take questions from the news media about the water.

Steve Henderson, who owns AAA Pool Service in Santa Rosa, Calif., said that although he was not an expert on Brazilian swimming pools, there were two likely causes: a sudden algae bloom, which could be eradicated by zapping the pool with extra chlorine overnight; or a chemical reaction between chlorine and a metal in the water, most likely manganese.

“If they have manganese in the water, you will get a reaction depending on level of chlorination,” Henderson said. He said that it was a normal occurrence, as even a slight imbalance can cause a violent color change, and not a cause of alarm.

Still, he said, he found it puzzling that officials at the Games did not have a better explanation...

Michael Phelps Takes Gold in 200 Butterfly for 24th Career Olympics Medal

Christine Brennan, at USA Today, has the story, "Why Michael Phelps' 200 fly Olympic gold is as sweet as it gets."

Well, that Mashable tweet pretty much sums it up:

Jackie Johnson's Comfortable Forecast

She's great!

At CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

Donald Trump Says 'Second Amendment People' Can Stop Hillary Clinton's Supreme Court Picks (VIDEO)

It wasn't anything resembling a threat.

It's 100 percent clear he's referring to "Second Amendment people" as an interest group that would mobilize against Hillary Clinton on Supreme Court nominations.

But if Trump makes an off-the-cuff remark, leftists will pounce, and media lapdogs will regurgitate the lies.

And so it happened again today. On this one, though, I expect a lot of regular folks to be angry at how the media's spinning it.

So, FWIW, at the Wall Street Journal, "Donald Trump Says ‘Second Amendment People’ Can Stop Hillary Clinton From Curbing Gun Rights":

WILMINGTON, N.C.— Donald Trump, confounding the hopes of Republicans who want him to run a more measured presidential campaign, touched off another firestorm Tuesday with an off-the-cuff remark that critics interpreted as inciting violence against Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.

His comments, before a packed basketball arena here, came a day after he delivered an economic-policy speech in a Detroit hotel ballroom that many Republicans saw as a disciplined reboot amid falling poll numbers—including those released Tuesday in new Wall Street Journal/NBC News/Marist polls.

Speaking at his rally here about how he claims Mrs. Clinton as president would undermine gun rights under the Second Amendment, Mr. Trump said, “If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks.” He then added: “Although the Second Amendment people—maybe there is, I don’t know.”

The Clinton campaign declared his remarks “dangerous,” charging that they amounted to a call for an attack against his opponent. The Trump team quickly said it was an awkwardly worded call to mobilize gun owners as a political force before the election.

The Secret Service, in a tweet Tuesday afternoon, said only that it was “aware of the comments” made earlier in the day.

The latest flare-up over Mr. Trump’s penchant for provocative remarks comes at a precarious time for the New York businessman’s presidential bid. His standing in battleground states is slipping and GOP defections are continuing. On Tuesday, Maine Sen. Susan Collins announced she wouldn’t support him.

“He makes it harder every day to continue to support him,” said Ryan Williams, a former aide to Mitt Romney’s presidential campaigns who now works for the New Hampshire GOP. “It’s almost like he wants people to denounce him. He’s basically asking for it at this point. Donald Trump saying something crazy is becoming a daily occurrence like the sun rising or the weather.”

Mrs. Clinton has opened an 11-point lead in Pennsylvania and is inching ahead in closer races in Ohio and Iowa, according to the Journal/NBC/Marist polls.

Mrs. Clinton leads Mr. Trump among registered voters by 48% to 37% in Pennsylvania, where the Republican nominee will hold a campaign rally in Erie on Friday.

She has improved her position in that state since a Journal/NBC/Marist poll last month, when she led 45% to 36%. In Ohio, Mrs. Clinton broke last month’s tie and pulled ahead 43% to 38%, according to the new state poll. And in Iowa, Mrs. Clinton was ahead 41% to 37%, an edge little-changed from a month ago...
Keep reading.

Siddique Mateen, Father of Orlando Nightclub Jihadist, Attends Hillary Clinton Rally in Kissimmee, Florida

Lots of folks blogging and tweeting on this, but let's go right to the original source.

At WPTV News, West Palm Beach, "Orlando shooter's father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee."

John Cavanagh and Jerry Mander, eds., Alternatives to Economic Globalization [BUMPED]

Here's some additional contrarian literature, considering today's economic news.

At Amazon, John Cavanagh and Jerry Mander, eds., Alternatives to Economic Globalization: A Better World is Possible.

And ICYMI, Ian Fletcher, Free Trade Doesn't Work: What Should Replace It and Why.

Dressing Up for Dinner

At Town & Country, "How Jackie Kennedy Is Responsible for the End of Restaurant Dress Codes" (via Maggie's Farm).

While we were out to eat last night I saw a group of three at the next table, and the dude — who had like a 1980s "new romantic" haircut (or early 1990s grunge cut), with those ear-stretcher plug-expander thingies on his earlobes — was kicking all the way back, placing his feet on the vacant chair straight across from him.

The first thing I thought was how my dad would have freaked out if he ever saw me do anything like at that at a restaurant, much less at home. He'd have rapped me over my knuckles with the back of his dinner knife!

British Anchor Helen Skelton Posts 'Outfit of the Day' to Instagram

At the Sun U.K., "BBC presenter Helen Skelton send pulses racing in her skimpy outfit: HEL-UVA OUTFIT - Rio 2016: BBC host Helen Skelton sends viewers into meltdown with risque outfit on Olympic swimming duty."

And London's Daily Mail, "Never mind about the swimming, check out my #outfitoftheday: BBC presenter Helen Skelton Instagrams her dresses as she swaps into VERY racy orange party number."

Here's her Instagram page.

Also on Twitter here.

Michael Phelps Game Face

We did have the Olympics on last night, after getting home from dinner at B.J.'s Pizza in Tustin.

Michael Phelps is hella disciplined.


Steve Forbes: Sensible Government Policy Promotes the Normal 'Churn' of the Economy (VIDEO)

At Prager University:

Sizzling Ana de Armas GQ Photo Shoot (VIDEO)

Watch, "Ana de Armas Gets Silly Behind the Scenes of Her GQ Photo Shoot."

And at GQ, "Meet Ana de Armas, the Cuban-Born Actress Taking Over Hollywood."

Lucy Pinder 2017 Calendar Photos

I'll be darned if Ms. Lucy hasn't put on a little weight.


Daredevil Robbie Knievel Jumps Over 18 Corvettes (VIDEO)


Make America Great Again!

Watch, via CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

More, at the Dallas Morning News, "Watch from Robbie Knievel's bike as he jumps 18 Corvettes."

No Conspiracy: The Polls Aren't Skewed

I checked the sampling on a few of the big double-digit polls last week, and for the life of me, I didn't see much bias toward the Democrats. If anything, I expected to see more Democrats, around 35 percent, in the distributions. (Republicans should be in the high 20 percent, to be representative.)

And that's exactly what Harry Enten's arguing at 538.

I remember in 2012 when everyone thought that Romney was going to win Ohio. Gallup especially got everybody all fired up in the last few days before the election, with Romney going up to 51 percent nationally just days before the election in their presidential tracker. They're not even doing daily tracking polls for 2016, it turns out. They got burned so bad.

So, I'm just waiting to see what's going to happen. The best comment I've seen in the last week was from Lisa Boothe on Fox News the other day, when she said that Trump needed to go up with paid advertising to be able to get his message out, over the leftist media pro-Democrat spin. Frankly, for me that's the most important thing at this point in the race. If Team Trump thinks they're going to win this by earned media alone, they're delusional. If I was Trump I'd sell some real estate, or whatever, and make a $1 billion investment in my own campaign. He says he's got the money. He should put his money where his mouth is.

In any case, seen earlier on Twitter. It's worth a read:

Here Are the Anti-Israel Tweets from Ibtihaj Muhammed

Ibtihaj Muhammed.

She's a terrorist as far as I'm concerned. Shame on the U.S. for letting this woman even go to the games, much less represent America.

At Truth Revolt, "Here are the Anti-Israel Tweets from Hijab-Wearing Olympian."

Ibtihaj Muhammed photo Screen-Shot-2016-08-08-at-7_30_05-PM_zps7cp45b7l.png

How Rukmini Callimachi Uses Social Media to Get Inside the Minds of Islamic State

Rukmini's way cool.

At Wired:

Donald Trump Supporters Are Heirs to 'Reagan Democrats'

Well, they'll be called "Trump Democrats" if enough leftists switch over and vote the GOP ticket in November.

But see Heat Street, "Here’s Why Donald Trump is Ronald Reagan’s Heir."

Schlitterbahn Water Park Update: 10-Year-Old Caleb Schwab 'Decapitated' by Attraction's 'Safety' Netting

Well, I guess we know what happened now.

Here's my previous entry, "10-Year-Old Caleb Schwab Killed at Schlitterbahn Water Park in Kansas City (UPDATED)."


Just read it all at the link.

Apparently, the boy's brother witnessed the incident. I can't even...

Hillary Clinton 'Inching Up' in Los Angeles Times Presidential Election 'Daybreak' Poll

I've been checking this poll daily, especially with the wild double-digit polls released in the last week.

Clinton's indeed inching up, but the Times' poll still has Clinton's lead over Trump with the margin of error, 45.1/43.4.

At LAT, "Clinton continues to inch up in tracking poll":
More than a week after the end of her nominating convention, Hillary Clinton continues to slowly gain ground in the USC Dornsife/L.A. Times "Daybreak" tracking poll of the election.

Since July 28, the Democratic nominee has gained 5 percentage points in the survey and leads Donald Trump, the Republican nominee, 45%-44%. Trump has lost just over 4 percentage points in the same period.

Clinton's lead, which is well within the survey's margin of error, is smaller than in many other polls released in the last week. That's in part because of the design of the Daybreak poll, which is structured in a way that makes it less susceptible to big swings one way or the other than standard surveys.
It's a "rolling average" over seven-days.

You're not going to get wild results, like that McClatchey poll that had Clinton up 15 points the other day. Ridiculous.

Still, it bears repeating that Donald Trump's main goal is to stay on message. I thought his economics speech yesterday was fantastic.

Deal of the Day: Omron 10 Series Wireless Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor

At Amazon, Omron 10 Series Wireless Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor with Cuff that fits Standard and Large Arms (BP786N) with Bluetooth Smart Connectivity.

Also, Amazon Hot New Releases, Updated Hourly.

And KIND Bars, Dark Chocolate Nuts & Sea Salt, Gluten Free, 1.4 Ounce Bars, 12 Count.

Plus, Savings in Outdoor Gear and Apparel.

More, from Phil Valentine, The Conservative's Handbook: Defining the Right Position on Issues from A to Z.

BONUS: Lanny Ebenstein, Chicagonomics: The Evolution of Chicago Free Market Economics.

Evelyn Taft's Weather Forecast

My oldest son was up at the Outside Lands 2016 Music Festival in San Francisco over the weekend, and he said daytime temperatures were in the 50s. I'm like WTF?!!

Yep, his lady friend's lips were turning blue, apparently. They didn't take jackets with them, and just had a couple of extra layers of light clothing to keep warm.

Remind me not to vacation in San Francisco in the summer. Lame.

I guess the Lana Del Rey concert was cool though, heh.

In any case, here's the lovely Evelyn Taft for the local weather, which has been mild.

Forest Falls Mother of 3, Kills Bear to Protect Kids, Gets Attacked by Social Media Mob on Facebook

Tree-hugging leftists care more about animal rights that human rights, that is the human right to life.

And authorities had already given the woman a permit to kill the bear after the animal had entered her home. She literally was hopelessly trying to shoo the bear out of her own kitchen.

But the leftist social media mob don't care.

At LAT, "Woman who had bear killed says she was trying to protect her kids":
Julie Faith Strauja tried everything she could conceive of — a water hose, pepper spray, loud yells — to chase off a bear after it repeatedly barged into her home in the San Bernardino Mountains, terrifying her and her three young children.

She locked up her trash after the bear got into her garage last month and was alarmed when she arrived home with her children, ages 5, 6 and 9, on July 29 to discover the bear inside her kitchen. She called 911. And when a game warden came to her A-frame cabin in the small community of Forest Falls and found damage and fur on the windows, she issued a permit to kill the animal.

The bear returned later that night, entering through a bathroom window. The next day, Strauja called a friend who is a hunter to keep watch. When the bear charged toward the house again sometime before 2 a.m. on July 31, he shot and killed the creature.

Since then, Strauja, 34, said she has faced an intense backlash from some residents of Forest Falls, about 75 miles east of Los Angeles, as well as harsh criticism and threats on social media...
Keep reading.

Leftists posted her home address online.

Because compassion!

Paul Ryan Defends His Wisconsin House Seat Against Paul Nehlen Today

Wisconsin votes today in a weird mid-August primary.

At the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, "Ann Coulter rallies Paul Nehlen supporters."

Also, "Polls suggest Paul Ryan insulated from Donald Trump."

Related, "Voter ID law is in place for primary":
Madison — Two judges have trimmed back the state’s voter ID law in recent weeks, but those going to the polls Tuesday will still need to show identification to cast ballots.

That’s because the judges said their rulings wouldn’t take effect until after the primary. So, voters will have to show ID at the polls Tuesday but not necessarily in the Nov. 8 presidential election, when turnout will be much higher.

Here’s what you need to know about Tuesday’s primary...
We need voter ID in California, heh.

But keep reading.

Monday, August 8, 2016

10-Year-Old Caleb Schwab Killed at Schlitterbahn Water Park in Kansas City (UPDATED)

Well, there's just a tad more information out today than there was yesterday.

One person claims she saw the boy's "crumpled shorts or bathing suit" at the bottom of the water slide, as well as "blood on the white descending flume" of the structure.

If true, that rules out that the poor kid fell off the top of the structure, getting killed slamming to the ground.

Also, guests ride down the slide in rafts that require at least 400 pounds of passenger weight (apparently to keep the fucking thing from flying out of control off the damned thing.

But if the boy Caleb wasn't riding with two large adults, it's not possible that his raft met the weight requirements. May he flew out or was dragged down the slide?

In any case, at the Kansas City Star, "Questions swirl as grief falls over family of Caleb Schwab, 10-year-old killed at Schlitterbahn."

That slide doesn't look so safe, that's for sure.

UPDATED and BUMPED: At AP, "Police: Kansas boy suffered fatal neck injury on waterslide."

Pat Caddell: 'Never in My Life Have I Seen a News Organization Do Something So Dishonest...'

He's talking about Reuters, which changed its polling methodology so that Hillary would be tops in its presidential horse-race surveys.

At Breitbart, "Pat Caddell on 'Cooked' Reuters Poll: 'Never in My Life Have I Seen a News Organization Do Something So Dishonest'."

I think Reuters is eating its shit methodology now. After falling behind by 8 points in a post-Democrat convention Reuters poll, the organization's most recent survey has Trump now within the margin of error. See, "Clinton's lead over Trump narrows to less than three points: Reuters/Ipsos poll."

Andrea Tantaros Says She Made 'Sexual-Harassment Claims Against Roger Ailes'

Well, that explains things then.

At New York Magazine, "Fox News Host Andrea Tantaros Says She Was Taken Off the Air After Making Sexual-Harassment Claims Against Roger Ailes."

Andrea Tantaros photo CodHmotVYAAh9Zt_zpsj3tfb2xa.jpg

Previously, "Fox News Pulls 'Outnumbered' Star Andrea Tantaros Over 'Contract Issues'."

Donald Trump's 'Tax Revolution'

At the New York Post:

Beach Trip with Playboy's Miss August 2016 Valerie van der Graaf (VIDEO)

Watch, "Take a Sexy Trip to the Beach With Our Newest Playmate, Valerie van der Graaf."

Plus, some photos, "Miss August 2016 Valerie van der Graaf's Playboy..."

She's on Instagram.

This young lady was being described as "the next Kate Upton" back in 2014.

Flashback, at SI, "Swim Daily, Valerie Van Der Graaf Outtakes."

Sistine Stallone, Sylvester Stallone's Daughter, Ready to Fly the Nest

At London's Daily Mail, "Sylvester Stallone's teen daughter is all grown up and ready to fly the nest."

"The 18-year-old is pursuing a career in modeling which may take her to New York City."

She's on the cover of Town & Country fashion and architecture magazine.

"Sistine shares the cover with fellow 'swans' Princess Olympia of Greece and Ella Richards, granddaughter of the Rolling Stones' Keith Richards."

Well, good luck to her.

Her brother, Sage, died in 2012. I'm glad the Stallone family is looking happy and well.

U.S. Men's Gymnasts Want Olympics Competition to Be Topless

News articles are saying "shirtless" competition, but that's a gendered description.

It'd be non-sexist to say 'topless' competition, since obviously if men are "objectified" the objectifiers are going be women (primarily, since I'm sure a lot of homosexual men wouldn't mind male topless competition).

If you're seeing all these hot social media and TV celebrities taking off their shirts (tops) on Instagram and Twitter, no one's calling them "shirtless" selfies. Nope. "Topless" hotties are going to generate way better search results for the leftist hacks at Google, lol.

In any case, some Rule 5 for the ladies.

At WSJ, "U.S. Male Gymnasts Want to Be Objectified":

When the United States men’s gymnastics team came to the site of the Olympics earlier this year for a reconnaissance training camp, the American athletes did what anyone in Brazil with a carefully sculpted body would do. They went to the beach, stripped to their Speedos and whipped out a selfie stick. The soaring peaks of Sugarloaf Mountain in the background have never looked so meek.

What happened next was exactly the reaction the U.S. team imagined. The Internet went gaga for the ensuing Instagrams.

That wasn’t an accident. It’s one of the ways they think they can get attention in a country that showers glory upon gold-medal-winning women gymnasts while ignoring America’s less-successful men’s team.

So the men’s team has been brainstorming ways to market their sport better. They would like to be objectified.

“Maybe compete with our shirts off,” said U.S. star Sam Mikulak, the four-time, reigning all-around national champion. “People make fun of us for wearing tights. But if they saw how yoked we are maybe that would make a difference.”

The Rio Games’ women’s team final Tuesday is the marquee Olympic gymnastics event for American audiences—yet again. It’s a near-lock that Team USA will win the gold medal, the women will be immortalized with a catchy superlative like the “Fierce Five” and Simone Biles will be anointed Olympic royalty, to be remembered forever.

But first comes the men’s team final Monday. Don’t laugh. America’s men’s team actually did far better than expected during Saturday’s qualifying round, finishing second behind China.

After months of experts predicting that the men’s team final would come down to a race between China and Japan, the U.S. actually enters Monday’s competition as a frontrunner. The last medal for America’s men’s team was a bronze that came in Beijing in 2008.

But there’s a feeling on the men’s team that even if they won gold, they wouldn’t enjoy the stardom that America confers upon its top female gymnasts...
See? It's sexism all around!

Boy, there's no escaping those media double standards.

If leftists didn't have double standards they'd have no standards at all!

Still more.

Out August 23rd: Ann Coulter, In Trump We Trust

ICYMI, at Amazon, Ann Coulter, In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome!

Nervous Breakdown Election?

Actually, nah.

I think folks are perfectly lucid about things, but just now at Drudge.

He's linking CBS News Dallas, "Woman’s Home Vandalized Because of ‘Trump’ Signs."

Also, at CBS News Pittsburgh, "Trump Voter Shot After Bar Political Debate Turns Violent."

Heh, good times.

Drudge Nervous Breakdown photo CpWso_JUAAAxJYB_zpshwrqsxcg.jpg

Bumped Into Robert Spencer and Michael Finch at the Angels Game Last Week

We were out in the parking lot. I had to do a double-take when I saw Robert in his Athletics jersey. He's normally wearing a suit, heh.

Michael Finch is the president of the David Horowitz Freedom Center, and a really nice man.

Donald Trump Slams Hillary Clinton in Economic Policy Speech (VIDEO)

Via AP:

Iran Executes Nuclear Scientist Who Hillary Clinton Had Discussed in Communications on Her Illegal Home-Brewed Private Email Server

This story was at the Los Angeles Times earlier, "Spy saga comes to a close as Iran executes a nuclear scientist accused of giving info to the U.S."

And now at Blazing Cat Fur, "Clinton’s private server held emails about nuclear ‘spy’ executed in Iran: Aides discussed scientist ‘friend’ and his decision to return home after defecting to the U.S. for $5m."

A New Teaching Guide for Combating Anti-Zionist Extremism

Actually, you shouldn't need a "guide to combating anti-Zionist extremism," but I suppose some professors wanting to fight the despicable leftists might need a primer to do so.

From Professor Miriam Elman, at Legal Insurrection, "VIDEO: Combating Anti-Zionist Antisemitism."

Samantha Hoopes Bae Watch (VIDEO)

Via Sports Illustrated:

PREVIOUSLY: "Samantha Hoopes Summer of Swim Beach Body Workout (VIDEO)."

Thanks to the Reader Who Bought Heather Mac Donald's The War on Cops [BUMPED]

It's a great book.

I love how it's packed with statistics, which come on handy when you're beating back the leftist liars and their lying cop-hating narrative.

Thanks for the reader who picked up a copy! And thanks to all of my readers who've been shopping through my Amazon links.

It helps out with my book budget.

So keep shopping, heh.

Here, The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe.

ADDED: Trump's also talking about law and order in his economic speech right now.

Here's Robert J. Gordon, The Rise and Fall of American Growth

More on economics, considering Trump's big speech on the economy right now.

At Amazon, The Rise and Fall of American Growth: The U.S. Standard of Living since the Civil War.

Reupping Ian Fletcher's, Free Trade Doesn't Work

Donald Trump's speaking right now on economic policy. He was saying "free has big benefits," while at the same time talking about how he was going to bring "trillions of dollars" back home, heh.

Good times.

Here's Fletcher's book, at Amazon, Free Trade Doesn't Work: What Should Replace It and Why."

Trump Nation Losing Faith?


But I don't think there was any question. It's what's going to happen to independent and so-called swing voters?

But see LAT, "Are all those Trump controversies raising doubts in Trump Nation? Not really":
Donald Trump has dominated the airwaves for much of the 2016 presidential campaign, but the Republican presidential nominee has faltered in recent polls.

His campaign has been dogged by a series of controversies, including Trump’s sparring with the family of a Muslim soldier killed in Iraq, his invitation to Russian hackers to look into Hillary Clinton’s emails, and his initial hesitancy in endorsing House Speaker Paul D. Ryan.

Are those issues causing second thoughts among his most ardent supporters? Earlier this year, we profiled several voters around the country — a personal trainer in Virginia, a retired car salesman in Las Vegas and a Latina immigrant in Texas, among others. All had become, for different reasons, enthusiastic citizens of Trump Nation.

What’s behind Trump’s slipping poll numbers? Have the latest controversies caused these voters to reconsider? We checked back with some of them, and the answer is: not really. The things that made Trump appealing to them to begin with — his willingness to take on the status quo, his calls for building American strength and clamping down on immigration — still hold true, they said...
Keep reading.

Two 'Super Scoopers' Arrive in Van Nuys to Help Fight Seasonal Wildfires (VIDEO)

At CBS News 2 Los Angeles.

This is cool:

Belgium Launches Terror Investigation as Islamic State Claims Machete Attack

Following-up from Saturday, "Machete Suspect Screams 'Allahu Akbar' in Latest Belgian Jihad Attack (VIDEO)."

At WSJ, "Belgium Launches Terror Probe as ISIS Claims Machete Attack":
BRUSSELS — Belgian authorities have opened a terrorism probe following a weekend machete attack on two police officers in the city of Charleroi, the latest assault in what has become a relentless summer-long barrage.

The assailant, who was fatally shot during the attack, was identified Sunday by the authorities as a 33-year-old Algerian man who had been living in Belgium illegally since 2012.

Authorities didn’t disclose any indications of accomplices or large-scale planning behind Saturday’s attack, which left one of the officers with serious injuries to her face and neck. The assailant wasn’t carrying explosives or any other weapon, and while he was known to authorities because of his illegal status in the country, he wasn’t known to have any terror links, federal authorities said. They released his initials, K.B., but not his name.

Islamic State’s news agency Amaq claimed the attack was carried out by one of the group’s “soldiers” in response to strikes by the U.S.-led coalition fighting against it in Iraq and Syria.

Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel said federal prosecutors had opened a probe into “attempted terrorist murders,” assigning an investigative judge specialized in terrorism cases.

“The terrorist track is the possibility which is under analysis at this point,” Mr. Michel said, adding that at this early stage it was important to be “extremely prudent” in drawing any conclusions.

The slashing was the most recent in a string of attacks claimed by the Sunni Muslim extremist group that have left scores dead, in what Mr. Michel described as a “new reality” in Europe.

In addition to orchestrating large-scale attacks, directed at least in part from abroad, Islamic State has also encouraged sympathizers to carry out lone-wolf attacks targeting civilians, which authorities have acknowledged are much harder to prevent. In some cases, authorities haven’t been able to corroborate claims of responsibility by the group.

Some of the more recent attacks linked to Islamic State in Europe have been carried out away from the more heavily guarded capitals—including the July 14 attack in Nice, in southern France; the July 24 suicide bombing in Ansbach, Germany, and the July 26 killing of a French priest in Normandy...

Belgium's national elections are scheduled for 2019. Still a ways off, and thus plenty of time for Islamic invaders to launch further rounds of jihad attacks.

Brussels is the capital of European jihad. It's out of control.

How Brazil's Lula Conned the World — #ThirdWorldGames

From Mary Anastasia O'Grady, at WSJ:
The 2016 Olympic Games kicked off in Rio de Janeiro on the weekend without major incidents. That seemed a near miracle after weeks of grim reports about shoddy construction, an unprepared security detail and monstrous traffic jams. Whether the athletes, visitors and Cariocas (as Rio residents are known) can get through the next two weeks without a catastrophe remains an open question.

It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Then again, when Rio won the competition in 2009 to host these games, Brazil wasn’t forecast to look like it does today—with a budget deficit equal to some 8% of gross domestic product, inflation near 10%, two years of economic contraction and a cesspool of corruption scandals.

In 2009, President Lula da Silva of the Workers’ Party (PT) had been at the helm for more than six years and was somewhat of a world rock star. His hip rhetoric denigrated the economic liberalism of the 1990s while hyping a new and improved brand of socialism with a samba twist.

Much of the region bought Lula’s 2.0 version of big government. Concerns about the return of left-wing Latin populism and its potential damage to entrepreneurship and economic growth were met with assurances that this time would be different.

Lula was a man of the left but he wasn’t Hugo Chávez, conventional wisdom explained. A November 2009 Economist magazine cover story was titled “Brazil takes off.” It cited a forecast by the consulting firm PwC that by 2025 São Paulo would be the world’s fifth-wealthiest city. Most of punditry agreed: Brazil was on course to take its rightful place as a world economic superpower.

Lula stepped down after two terms in 2011, handing power to his PT successor, President Dilma Rousseff. The 2016 Olympics were supposed to showcase the socialist paradise he had cultivated: an urban utopia mixing affordable housing, national industrial champions and orderly public-transportation networks to provide a tranquil—and environmentally approved—living experience.

Instead, at the Olympic Village, just weeks before the opening, sinks fell off the walls and there were various other plumbing disasters. The Australian national team fled from its quarters upon arrival because it found, among other things, exposed electrical wires next to indoor puddles of water. Guanabara Bay, the venue for open-water swimming and sailing races, is a giant petri dish of bacteria. A new metro line that was supposed to take visitors to the games ends eight miles short of its promised destination.

The Rio security company that was hired to screen spectators was fired 10 days ago for noncompliance with its contract. Organizers scrambled last week to hire and train a replacement team.

The world seems stunned. It shouldn’t be. Rio is a microcosm of Lula’s Brazil, where bureaucracy runs things from the top down and human beings are an afterthought. The only thing missing in this Rio analogy—so far—is the corruption that flourished at the federal level during 14 years of PT government...
Still more.

Germany Jihadists Directed by Islamic State Network in Saudi Arabia

At CNBC, "German attackers directed by Isis contacts in Saudi":
The two refugees who launched terror attacks in Germany last month were in contact with suspected members of the militant group Isis, including one with a Saudi phone number, according to reports in the German media on Saturday.

Records of internet communication now in the hands of German investigators show both men, the Afghan teenager Riaz Khan Ahmadzai, and Mohammed Daleel, a 27-year-old Syrian, were advised and directed by Isis, which provided tips on ensuring the maximum number of casualties.

Ahmadzai was shot dead by police after going on the rampage with an axe and a knife near the Bavarian town of Würzburg on July 18, wounding five people, while Daleel died after blowing himself up outside a wine bar in Ansbach, also in Bavaria, six days later, injuring 15 people.

Germany is still reeling from the attacks, the first committed by Muslim refugees who were part of the big wave of migrants that has entered the country over the past few years.

They have become a problem for Angela Merkel, Germany's long-serving chancellor, whose popularity has taken a big knock in the wake of the attacks...
Still more.

Remember, these are the same attackers who leftists declared had nothing to do with Islam. And even when it's clear, from the get go, that they do have something to do with Islam, those facts are always scrubbed.

See, "Syrian Migrant Denied Asylum Died When Bomb in His Backpack Exploded Mysteriously in Ansbach, Germany."

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Trump and Clinton Swap Voters in Ohio

From Cathleen Decker, at LAT, "In complicated Ohio, Trump and Clinton swap voters as they vie for a key state":
No state this year does Republican dysfunction like Ohio.

The popular Republican Gov. John Kasich stiffed Donald Trump at the home-state convention and now regularly dismisses him on Twitter. Trump has threatened to retaliate by raising money to squash Kasich’s future ambitions.

The state’s Republican Sen. Rob Portman, running for re-election, has stuck with his endorsement of the party’s nominee but has yet to appear in public with him. Instead, Portman has upbraided Trump repeatedly, and his campaign recently sent aides to search for potential supporters at Hillary Clinton rallies.

All that would be merely familial squabbling if not for Ohio’s frequent role as the decider in presidential contests. It is a must-win state for Trump; a loss here would almost certainly deny him the presidency and secure the White House for Clinton.

It is also a high-profile test of the contours of the national campaign, as both Trump and Clinton have a good chance here of stealing from the other party’s usual voters.

Clinton is going after Republican-leaning suburbanites put off by Trump’s demeanor and is trying to persuade blue-collar white voters that Trump is a hypocrite on trade and business issues.

Trump has set his sights on those blue-collar Democrats with a campaign heavy on expressions of grievance for decades of manufacturing declines. He’s also courting Republicans eager for change after two Democratic White House terms.

“Both campaigns are probably spending time watching some of their traditional voters run away and watching others run to them,” said Doug Preisse, a Columbus-based Kasich confidant who heads the Republican Party in Franklin County, which includes Columbus.

The most recent public polling has the race dead even in the state — but that survey was conducted weeks ago, during the Republican convention. Even Republicans suggest that Clinton has likely pulled ahead here, as she has in nearby industrial states and nationally since the end of her convention.

But few expect Ohio to deviate in November from its recent record of close contests.

“It’s winnable for both candidates. The question is who has the superior ground game and strategy,” said David Paleologos, director of the Suffolk University Political Research Center, whose July poll had Clinton and Trump deadlocked at 44% each. “It’s going to be fought in hand-to-hand combat in a lot of these counties.”

If so, Trump could be hard-pressed. Organizationally, Clinton has the upper hand. Her team barely left after the March primary; the candidate and her running mate, Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, have been regular visitors.

Clinton is building on multiple winning streaks: former President Bill Clinton’s wins here in the 1990s, President Obama’s two general election wins, and her own primary victories in 2008 and this spring.

Her team has hundreds of workers in the state, and in her visit here Sunday, Clinton advertised more openings for organizers. The campaign is canvassing supporters and registering voters in communities across the state this weekend.

Trump’s campaign has been slower to form, a danger in a state where early ballots can be cast starting Oct. 12 — just a little more than two months away. The campaign’s new state director began work on June 23, well after Clinton’s chief strategist set up shop; only last week he was moving into an office in Columbus...
Keep reading.

Vote Yes! Keep the Rangers!

I'm not a big fan of public financing of professional sports stadiums. I think the fans get burned in the end.

But see the Fort Worth Star-Telegram‎, "PAC set to kick off campaign for $1 billion Rangers ballpark Sunday."

Photos Reveal Hillary Clinton Needs Help Climbing Stairs

It's at American Mirror, "SHOCK PHOTO: Multiple staffers help unstable Hillary up stairs."

That got Drudged, heh.

Good for over 8,000 comments.

ADDED: Instalanched too, "HILLARY’S HEALTH STATUS IS IFFY: Drudge is on it, too. Check out the photos and her difficult trip up the stairs. When will the media question Hillary’s health status? Hey, back off, man. She has Media Privilege. (And this is an example of it.).

Drudge Hillary Stairs photo CpTsS-IVUAEiCS__zpsl8hjk2bg.jpg

The Produnova Vault

This is interesting.

It's called the "vault of death."


And there's more about India's Dipa Karmakar here, "Assignment Asia: Conquering the 'vault of death'."

Donald Trump Campaign Reboot

He just needs to be disciplined, although not too much so, or he'll lose his signature appeal.

Mostly, though, he needs to stay focused on the key issues, hammering on the economy and Hillary Clinton-Democrat Party corruption.

But see the Wall Street Journal, "Donald Trump Tries a Campaign Reboot":
Donald Trump is trying to quickly reset his presidential campaign to address worsening poll numbers and growing isolation from influential members of the Republican Party.

At weekend rallies, the GOP nominee read from a hand-held script and offered endorsements for the re-elections of a trio of Capitol Hill Republicans whom he had toyed with rebuffing. On Monday, he will head to Detroit to deliver an economic policy address that is expected to draw contrasts with Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

Many in Mr. Trump’s party have been clamoring for weeks to see these kinds of adjustments. If he is to persuade Republican skeptics to buy back into his campaign, just weeks before the crucial post-Labor Day stage, the unorthodox, first-time candidate now must show he can make the changes stick.

Part of the issue for the New York businessman is that he has run his campaign much like his family business, with his grown children as his top counselors and surrogates. That has meant he hasn’t developed a strong connective tissue to party stalwarts and activists that can sustain a candidate through difficult times.

Reports of Republicans leaving the party, lining up behind Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson or even backing Mrs. Clinton gained momentum last week, after the nominee’ criticized the parents of a U.S. soldier killed in Iraq.

“The friendly fire within the Republican Party over the last week has been extremely counterproductive,” said veteran GOP strategist Dave Carney, who isn’t involved in the Trump campaign but says he will vote for him. “In modern presidential politics, this election is an outlier in terms of deterioration of support.”

Mr. Trump hopes for a reboot with his Detroit speech, which will talk about “the tepid economy under Obama and Clinton, versus the kind of growth economy that Mr. Trump wants to build,” Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort said Sunday on Fox News.

“We’re comfortable we’ll get the agenda and the narrative of the campaign back on where it belongs,” Mr. Manafort added.

Mr. Trump in his speech is expected to give broad strokes about his economic plan, particularly to underscore his support for tax cuts. He is also likely to reiterate his plan to create a single top business tax rate that would apply to corporations and to businesses that pay taxes through their owners’ individual returns.

The candidate isn’t likely to offer a detailed revision of his previously announced plan for big tax cuts. Advisers have been working on an overhaul of that plan to address criticism it would rapidly expand the federal deficit, but that revision isn’t yet ready, advisers said.

Mr. Trump has shown an ability to survive rough patches, and he and his running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, have stressed party unity in recent days. At a rally in New Hampshire Saturday night, Mr. Trump largely stuck to lines of attack against Mrs. Clinton that bind most Republicans together.

Still, House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin and Sen. Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire, both of whom are facing election challenges, didn’t appear on stage with their party’s nominee during weekend rallies in their respective states...

Concessions at the Coliseum for Los Angeles Rams

Via Lindsay Thiry:

Sunday Cartoons

At Flopping Aces, "Sunday Cartoons."

Branco Cartoons photo Iran-Cash-600-CI_zpsmtxuoicr.jpg

And at Theo Spark's, "Cartoon Roundup..."

Cartoon Credit: A.F. Branco, "Iranian Stimulus Package."

Studs Terkel, Hard Times

I picked up an old copy of this yesterday.

It turns out it's still in print.

A great read.

At Amazon, Studs Terkel, Hard Times: An Oral History of the Great Depression.

Dutch Cyclist Annemiek van Vleuten in Intensive Care After Monster Crash in Women's Road Race at Rio 2016 (VIDEO)

Watch, at NBC Sports, "Dutch cyclist Annemiek van Vleuten suffers a horrific crash while in the lead and nearing the end of the road race on Sunday."

And at the Mirror U.K., "Annemiek van Vleuten in intensive care with three spinal fractures after horror crash."

Deal of the Day: LED Flashlight Outdoor Handheld Zoomable Flash Torch with 5 Light Modes

At Amazon, LED Flashlight, Juslink 900 Lumens CREE XML T6 Tactical Flashlight Outdoor Handheld Zoomable Flash Torch with 5 Light Modes , Ultra Bright, Adjustable Focus, Water Resistant Metal Flash Light.

Also, iSunMoon Outdoor Solar Powered LED Gutter Light Fence Roof Gutter Garden Yard Wall Lamp.

And, Mary Katharine Ham, End of Discussion: How the Left's Outrage Industry Shuts Down Debate, Manipulates Voters, and Makes America Less Free (and Fun).

Bruce Levine, The Fall of the House of Dixie: The Civil War and the Social Revolution That Transformed the South.

Still more, from Leon Litwack, Been in the Storm So Long: The Aftermath of Slavery.

Clint Romesha, Red Platoon: A True Story of American Valor.

And John Nagl, Knife Fights: A Memoir of Modern War in Theory and Practice.

BONUS: Dexter Filkins, The Forever War.

More Trending Headphones [BUMPED]

At Amazon, Philips SHQ1200/28 ActionFit Sports In-Ear Headphones.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

WATCH: New Donald Trump Video Mocks Hillary Clinton as Malfunctioning Robot

It's good.

At Instapundit, "HEH: Trump video mocks Clinton as short-circuiting robot."

Tim Lincecum Designated for Assignment


I called it last night, "Was That Tim Lincecum's Last Game?"

And indeed it was.

Jeff Fletcher reports, at the O.C. Register, "End of the line? Angels cut Tim Lincecum, ask him to go to minors":

SEATTLE – Tim Lincecum’s comeback attempt with the Angels -- one phase of it anyway -- is over.

The Angels designated Lincecum for assignment on Saturday, a day after his ninth start ballooned his ERA to 9.16.

“He hasn’t progressed from his first couple starts,” Manager Mike Scioscia said. “He’s regressed a little bit. It’s a matter of understanding his mechanics, getting his release point more consistent. That’s really impossible to work out at the major league level.”

Presumably Lincecum will clear waivers and then he will have the option of accepting the Angels assignment to Triple-A or becoming a free agent.

“We hope he’ll go to Triple-A and work on it and see how it progresses,” Scioscia said.

Lincecum left the ballpark Saturday before reporters had the chance to talk to him, but Scioscia said that he handled the news well.

“It’s hard news to take, but Tim understands it,” Scioscia said. “He’s pragmatic. He understands the work he needs to do. Hopefully he’ll accept this challenge and use the opportunity to become a better pitcher.”

Lincecum, 32, has spent much of the past five years trying to revive his career. A two-time Cy Young winner, Lincecum has struggled since 2012, with much of his trouble because of a hip injury that altered his delivery and led to surgery last year.

The Angels signed Lincecum in May – after watching him pitch in a showcase event in Arizona – and gave him a few weeks to get ready in the minors.

His June 18 debut in an Angels uniform was encouraging. He gave up one run in six innings in a victory over the Oakland A’s.

Since then, though, he has failed to finish six innings in any of his last eight starts. He has allowed at least three runs in each start...
I haven't blogged Angels baseball as much this summer as I did last year (the Angels were heavily in the hunt then). But if you're following me on Twitter you'd have seen my comments on Lincecum. I was really pleased with his initial comeback outing in Oakland. Of course, everyone had high hopes. But good things never materialized and last night it all fell apart. I bet Scioscia was getting a lot of heat about it, and he finally made the call to cut the dude loose. It's gotta be humiliating for a former Cy Young winner, but what are you going to do? I agree with Scioscia: He needs to go back down to Triple A and grind it out for a while. Maybe he'll get another chance to play in the majors. He's only 32-years-old.

But keep reading.