Monday, June 5, 2017

Hilary Rhoda Gets Oiled Up (VIDEO)

Via Sports Illustrated Swimsuit:

Sunday, June 4, 2017

London Bridge Jihad: 'Gunshots Heard' as Fresh Raids Carried Out in East London

At the Telegraph U.K., "Live - London Bridge attack latest: 'Gunshots heard' as police launch fresh raids in east London after Islamic State claim responsibility."

Norman Podhoretz, World War IV


At Amazon, Norman Podhoretz, World War IV: The Long Struggle Against Islamofascism.

'Instructing Londoners to run, hide, and tell is a dramatic departure from the can-do, stiff-upper-lip, globe-striding empire of a century ago...'

Following-up from yesterday, "Run. Hide. Tell."

From Jon Gabriel, at Ricochet, "In the Face of Terror, Londoners Told to 'Run, Hide, Tell'."

The People of London Fought Back


Sunday Cartoons

At Flopping Aces, "Sunday Funnies."

Also, at Theo's, "Cartoon Roundup..."

Cartoon Credit: Ben Garrison.

Reza Aslan Apologizes

Actually, if the guy wants to call President Trump a POS he should be able to. Me? I just won't (and don't) watch his show. I wouldn't try to get him fired.

But I guess folks have turned up the heat, according to Heat Street, "Reza Aslan’s CNN Show Could Be in Jeopardy After Trump ‘Piece of Sh*t’ Tweet."

I saw some of the outrage on Twitter. And now the idiot's just posted this:

Still Working on It: Richard Slotkin, Regeneration Through Violence

It's an awesome book, but a hefty slog. I've been breaking it up with some other books, but I'm almost through this one, and will be starting out on the next one in Slotkin's trilogy.

This is fine scholarship, to be savored and enjoyed.

See, Richard Slotkin's, Regeneration Through Violence: The Mythology of the American Frontier, 1600–1860.

Also, The Fatal Environment: The Myth of the Frontier in the Age of Industrialization, 1800–1890, and Gunfighter Nation: Myth of the Frontier in Twentieth-Century America.

Richard Slotkin photo 18893124_10213577476934263_8970157736533594901_n_zps0b4yc4mh.jpg

It's Time to Change Our Response to Islamic Extremism

Like I said at my earlier entry, nothing's gonna change.

If jihadists nuked London maybe?

Until then, it'll be more of the same. Political correctness drives policy, and leftists control the establishment, even with Theresa May in power.

In any case, here's the redoubtable Douglas Murray, at the Spectator U.K., "Blind, bovine hope will get us nowhere – it’s time to change our response to Islamic extremism":

Last Sunday, I appeared on the BBC’s Sunday Politics to discuss the aftermath of the Manchester attack. I said what I thought, and various Muslim groups promptly went bananas.

This was not caused by my suggestion that this country should finally crack-down on British officials who spend their retirements working as shills for the House of Saud. Nor by my ridiculing of that modern European tradition whereby someone blows us up and we respond by singing John Lennon songs (and now Oasis too). Rather they objected to my simple two-word suggestion that we could all do with ‘less Islam’.

In a short film preceding the studio discussion, I mentioned that countries like Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic have very little Islam and very little Islamic terror. By contrast, France has a great amount of Islam and a great amount of Islamic terror. To most people it would seem obvious – to co-opt the immortal words of Donatella Versace – that ‘more means more’. Because although many communities are capable of producing extremists, only Islamic communities produce Islamic extremists. Of course some people don’t want to accept this fact. Not least because informed choices might result. For instance, it might help us weigh up the ongoing cultural benefits of large-scale Islamic immigration versus the down-side of dozens of obliterated lives every now and then...
Keep reading.

Note: Murray's whole debate here is post-Manchester. Now we've had the London Bridge jihad, which goes only to prove his point. (And leftists will hate him all the more.)

Tommy Robinson on #LondonBridge Jihad (VIDEO)

At the Rebel:

Theresa May Won't Crack Down on Jihad (VIDEO)

We'll see speeches like this again and again, every time the jihadists attack. Nothing will change.

Melanie Phillips, Londonistan


Given today's events, it's a good time to re-post her book.

At Amazon, Londonistan.

Melanie Phillips photo 12193312_10208280582995225_5825211176443137157_n_zpss7csw80v.jpg

Andrew C. McCarthy, The Grand Jihad

At Amazon, Andrew C. McCarthy, The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Jennifer Delacruz's Marine Layer Forecast

Traditional June weather. Quite comfortable, but not as fun if you're heading to the beach.

Here's the fabulous Ms. Jennifer, for ABC News 10 San Diego:

ICYMI: W. August Mayer, Islamic Jihad, Cultural Marxism, and the Transformation of the West

I'm looking forward to reading this book.

At Amazon, W. August Mayer, Islamic Jihad, Cultural Marxism, and the Transformation of the West.

Rhian Sugden for Body in Mind

On Twitter, "Clickable SFW pics of fan favourite @Rhianmarie," and "Clickable NSFW pics of fan favourite @Rhianmarie."

Run. Hide. Tell.

London's Metropolitan Police tweeted recommendations for besieged Londoners: "Run. Hide. Tell."

Well, video shows people running alright. The whole country's running. Britain's running away from reality, and it's killing them.

Claire Berlinski, Menace in Europe

Suspects in London are still on the loose, according to the Daily Mail a little while ago.

I'll have more on the attack later, of course.

Meanwhile, at Amazon, Claire Berlinski, Menace in Europe: Why the Continent's Crisis Is America's, Too.

Polar Bears: The Poster Child for Climate Change

Leftists have convinced themselves that conservatives are in "denial" of climate change, hence stories about how President Trump believes it's a "hoax."

Of course, that's not it. The issue is whether human activity is causing climate change, because the climate's been changing for hundreds of millions of years, before humans used fossil fuels to power their survival.

The true science is on the side of the skeptics. Progressives are akin to a quasi-religious cult.

In any case, seen just now at the New York Times, and the related article at bottom:

New York Times Defends Decision to Identify Undercover CIA Agent


Of course they do.


And here it is, so casually reported:

Plain Truth About the Paris Climate Agreement

From Ramesh Ponnuru, at Bloomberg, "The Plain Truth About the Climate Accord."

Friday, June 2, 2017

Kathy Griffin Comedy Tour Cancelled

She has only herself to blame. Indeed, apparently the Uptown Theater cancellation came after she held her press conference today.

At TMZ, "Kathy Griffin Gets Ax from Last Theater in Comedy Tour."

Kathy Griffin photo 0602-kathy-griffin-canceled-tour-dates-3_zpshj0iqbhr.jpg

Hat Tip: Conservative Treehouse.

Michael Savage, Trump's War

At Amazon, Michael Savage, Trump's War: His Battle for America.

Leftist Hysteria After President Trump Withdraws U.S. from Paris Agreement

A great post, from Steven Hayward, at Power Line, "LET THE HYSTERIA BEGIN!"

New York Times: Trump's Paris Withdrawal is 'Win for Isolationists; Condemnation is Widespread...'

That's how the Old Gray Lady played it this morning, with its front-page coverage.

The left's reaction has been for the ages, no doubt.

Kathy Griffin's Trump Decapitation Wasn't a Joke (VIDEO)

Following-up, "Comedian Kathy Griffin Claims Her Career is Over: Donald Trump 'Ruined' Her Life."

Watch, at the Rebel, "Ezra Levant reports on Kathy Griffin's sick joke. The photo was planned, staffed, staged, published, and certainly wasn't an accident."

Comedian Kathy Griffin Claims Her Career is Over: Donald Trump 'Ruined' Her Life

Following-up, "WATCH: Kathy Griffin Press Conference (VIDEO)."

At Twitchy, "ICYMI ==> ‘He broke me’! Kathy Griffin cries that she’s the victim of ‘older white guy’ Donald Trump."

Demi Rose Steps Out in Crop Top in Ibiza

Following-up from last month, "Demi Rose Rule 5."

At London's Daily Mail, "Dirty Baby! Tyga's rumoured former fling Demi Rose looks bootylicious as she steps out in a slogan crop top in Ibiza... and sports Kylie Jenner's brother-in-law's Yeezy trainers."

WATCH: Kathy Griffin Press Conference (VIDEO)

At ABC News, "Kathy Griffin on Donald Trump photo scandal - FULL PRESS CONFERENCE."

(There's an even longer clip at ABC News 23 Bakersfield, "Kathy Griffin talks about the picture she posted of herself with President Donald Trump: Kathy Griffin is fighting back against the abuse and "death threats" she has received in light of controversial images released earlier this week that showed the comedian holding up a bloody head resembling that of President Donald Trump."

And at London's Daily Mail:

The Sad Long List of Hillary's Excuses

From Amanda Prestigiacomo, at the Daily Wire, "The Complete (And Ever Expanding) List Of Hillary's Excuses For Election Loss."


Thursday, June 1, 2017

New Deals. Every Day.


At Amazon, Today's Deals.

BONUS: Mollie Ziegler Hemingway, Trump vs. the Media.

Kathy Griffin Losing It

From Ben Garrison:

On Leaving the SJW Cult

From Keri Smith, "On Leaving the SJW Cult and Finding Myself":
I don’t yet know what to call this part of the left. Maajid Nawaz calls them the “Regressive Left.” Others call them SJWs (Social Justice Warriors) or the Alt-Left. The ideology is post-modernist cultural marxism, and it operates as a secular religion. Most are indoctrinated in liberal elite colleges, though many are being indoctrinated online these days. It has its own dogma and jargon, meant to make you feel like a good person, and used to lecture others on their ‘sin.’ “Check your privilege”- much like “mansplaining” and “gaslighting”- all at one time useful terms- have over time lost a lot of their meaning. These days I see them most frequently being abused as weaponized ad hominem attacks on a person’s immutable identity markers….a way to avoid making an argument, while simultaneously claiming an unearned moral highground in a discussion.

Let's Thank Kathy Griffin

This is an absolutely fantastic essay, from Melissa Mackenzie, at the American Spectator, "CNN’s Kathy Griffin and the Face of Tolerant Democrats":

Kathy Griffin should be thanked, at least, for being open about her aims. Her boldness gives the violent game away.

The CNN host, Griffin, these students, and the terrified administrations who enable them, represent power through force, intimidation, aggression, and murder.

Calm exchanges of ideas no longer happen, because one side believes their side is the righteous side. The same zeal that animated towns people to burn the witch, animates the true believers on the Left. The only way to save the sanctity of the community is by eliminating the apostates. More and more people are becoming apostates. The illiberal professors are dismayed to learn this the hard way.

Burn them.

Brand them.

Behead them.

Kathy Griffin should be thanked for making the covert, overt. Her image beautifully reveals the truth of the ideology espoused on the Left: submit or die.

Sound familiar?

John Putnam Demos, Entertaining Satan


At Amazon, John Putnam Demos, Entertaining Satan: Witchcraft and the Culture of Early New England.

Paranoid Paleoconservatives

This is pretty good.

From Jamie Palmer, at Quillette:

Amber Turner Bikini on the Beach in Marbella

At London's Daily Mail, "TOWIE's Amber Turner shows off sensationally slender figure in glitzy peach bikini as she hits the beach in Marbella."

"Towie" is "The Only Way Is Essex," a British soap opera.

Don't care, though. I mostly like the bikini beach photos, heh.

Also at Saw First, "Amber Turner on the Beach in Marbella."

'My hatred of Kathy Griffin isn't a hatred of her — it's a hatred of the vicious caste-based system which says she has more rights than Sean Hannity, and more rights than you, and more rights than me...'

It's Ace, but Kathy Griffin doesn't come up until near the end of this long essay on fighting fire with fire against the social justice left.

See, "Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum — Again: It is imperative we begin emulating the left in its tactics..."

'Intersectional Quantum Physics'

That's not really a thing.

But see the Other McCain, "Feminist Insanity at Taxpayer Expense: ‘Intersectional Quantum Physics’."

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Today's Deals


At Amazon, New Deals. Every Day. Shop Our Deal of the Day. Lightning Deals and More.

BONUS: Hannah Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil.

Lebanon Bans 'Wonder Woman'

Well, I guess the Lebanese are taking a page from the radical left's playbook right here at home. Leftists want to ban everything.

Gal Gadot's banned in the "Switzerland of the Middle East."

At the Los Angeles Times:

Charlotte McKinney Holiday Bikini


Benjamin A. Valentino, Final Solutions

At Amazon, Benjamin A. Valentino, Final Solutions: Mass Killing and Genocide in the 20th Century.

Corryn Mobley

She's really cool.

At Least 80 Killed in Massive Bombing in Kabul, Afghanistan

That's a lot of fatalities.

But OMG the Paris Agreement!

U.S. to Withdraw from Paris Climate Agreement

Some of the best news ever.

President Trump's Best Week in Office

Spread the counter-narrative people. President Trump is killing it.

Mark Zuckerberg Calls for Universal Basic Income


He should pay for it with his own money.

Old Milwaukee's New Pin-Up Beer Cans

I can't remember the last time I had an Old Milwaukee, heh.

Is it Going to Be New Year's Eve with Andersoon Cooper and Kathy Griffin?

It shouldn't be. Frankly, I'm surprised CNN hasn't fired her yet.

Here's Diana West with more, "Playing Beheadings for Laughs":
Even in this day of overexposure to the worst, the lowest, the ugliest, the most degrading, a severed head is still something else -- and it's still there. Even if Griffin were able to remove the bloody thing from the internet altogether (which she is not, given the explosion of copies all around), the image is still there, no matter how "sorry" Griffin is -- and I'm sure she is extremely sorry to be poised to lose, possibly, some very big, very mainstream gigs. It's there inside our own heads along with images of the real victims Griffin is also idiotically and toxically exploiting. Their real death's heads were also designed by other barbarians to shock and psychologically maim the living.

The question becomes, how alive are the rest of us -- starting at CNN?
UPDATE: She's fired.

Richard White, Railroaded


At Amazon, Richard White, Railroaded: The Transcontinentals and the Making of Modern America.

Why Things Won't Go Back to Normal for Failed Elites

From John Kass, at the Chicago Tribune:

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz: President Trump Creating 'Chaos' (VIDEO)

Progressive elites just don't get it.

At Truth Revolt, "Leaked Video: Starbucks' Howard Schultz Tells Workers Trump Creating 'Chaos' - Well this fosters a very inclusive corporate culture now doesn't it?"

Leftists Are Shocked

From Kurt Schlichter, at Town Hall, "Liberals Are Shocked to Find We’re Starting to Hate Them Right Back."

The Antifa Threat

Via Theo Spark.

Another Narrative: American Voters Saved the Country in 2016 (VIDEO)

Via RCP, "Limbaugh: American Voters Saved the Country in 2016."

Will Trump's Presidency Survive

Of course it'll survive.

This is just a leftist parlor game. Keeps progs happy, I guess.

From Elizabeth Drew, at the New York Review:

Carol S. Steiker and Jordan M. Steiker, Courting Death

At Amazon, Carol S. Steiker and Jordan M. Steiker, Courting Death: The Supreme Court and Capital Punishment.

Nina Agdal Shows Off One of the Tiniest Bikinis (VIDEO)

Well, if anyone can show off the tiniest bikinis, it's Ms. Nina.


Flaunt it while you got it, I always says.

Via Sports Illustrated:

Visiting a Robot Factory in Ohio

I for one welcome our new robot overlords, heh.

Millennials Flunking at Work Because They're Entitled and Disloyal

Special snowflakes.

At Heat Street.

The Campus Mob at Evergreen

Following-up from last week, "Professor Bret Weinstein Attacked by Leftist Mob at Evergreen State College (VIDEO)."

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

'All Ryerson social work grad Rebecca Katzman wanted was to do her third-year placement at one of two respected Toronto Jewish organizations with a track record of addressing social justice issues...'

UPDATED: See Professor Miriam Elman's piece, at Legal Insurrection, "Another Ryerson Univ BDS Scandal: Jewish Student Prohibited from Placement with pro-Israel Toronto Jewish Agencies."


Well, if you want to do work with a Jewish organization you'll be targeted with leftist hatred. Ms. Rebecca said she was unprepared for this.

At the Toronto Sun, "Jewish Ryerson student 'felt targeted' over placement request":

TORONTO - All Ryerson social work grad Rebecca Katzman wanted was to do her third-year placement at one of two respected Toronto Jewish organizations with a track record of addressing social justice issues.

The 22-year-old, who will graduate with her Bachelor of Social Work degree on June 8, said her desire to be placed at either the Prosserman Jewish Community Centre (JCC) or the United Jewish Appeal (UJA) was “sparked” by a combination of actions at Ryerson — among them the anti-Semitism she experienced on campus.

However, she wasn’t prepared in the slightest for what happened with her third-year placement coordinator in the faculty of social work, Heather Bain.

After making it clear to Bain about her preferred placement, Katzman said the field coordinator advised her in an e-mail in late August of 2015 she did not follow up with the JCC or UJA because their values appeared to be “in opposition” to the values of the School of Social Work.

Bain listed those values as the advancement of anti-oppression; anti-racism; anti-colonialism and decolonization; feminism; anti-capitalism; Queer and trans liberation struggles; issues in disability and madness (cct); among others (many of which are not listed on the school’s own website.)

“My understanding is both agencies have a strong anti-Palestinian lean,” Bain continued, suggesting that if Katzman agreed to bring a “critical awareness” (of Palestinian solidarity movements) to either agency she might reconsider.

While the two agencies where Katzman wanted to be placed are known to be pro-Israel, she said their websites do not indicate any anti-Palestinian policies in the slightest.

Katzman, who waited until she was ready to graduate to tell her story for fear of retaliation from the faculty, said she was devastated by Bain’s e-mail.

“I felt targeted as a Jewish student,” she said, noting she’s coming forward because she wants the university to investigate as well as a public apology.

When she challenged Bain about her contentions, the field placement officer responded on Aug. 25, 2015 that she consulted with Jewish colleagues who are part of “Jews Against Israeli Apartheid movements” before making her decision not to pursue those placements.

When Katzman — with the support of a pro-Israeli campus organization called Stand With Us (she was awarded a fellowship from them) — indicated in a Sept. 4 follow-up e-mail she’d booked a meeting with then-Ryerson president Sheldon Levy to address the matter, both Bain’s boss. Kristie Wright and Bain herself wrote back indicating “misinformed information” had been provided to her.

They also indicated that the school of social work does not require their partner agencies to “align with Palestinian solidarity movements” to be considered for placement.

Katzman confirmed in a recent interview that at no time did they offer to place her at either agency and she ended up completing her third-year placement at an organization serving kids with autism...
One more reason why I'm not a leftist.

Leftism is an ideology of hate, straight up.

Still more.

Gertrude Himmelfarb, Past and Present


At Amazon, Gertrude Himmelfarb, Past and Present: The Challenges of Modernity, from the Pre-Victorians to the Postmodernists.

Amber Lee's Partly Cloudy Forecast

Partly cloudy tomorrow, but warming up a little.

It's been wonderfully mild this last few days. Perfect for lounging around watching baseball, reading, and blogging.

Here's the lovely Ms. Amber, at CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

President Trump Memorial Day at Arlington National Cemetery

At Fox News Insider, "Gold Star Family Speaks Out After Meeting Trump at Arlington."

Also, "6-year-old Christian Jacobs Meets President Trump on Memorial Day."

Kathy Griffin Apologizes

Following-up, "'Comedien' Kathy Griffin Beheads 'President Trump'."

The pushback against this has been furious, from both the left and the right.

At USA Today, "'I went way too far': Kathy Griffin apologizes for Trump 'beheaded' photos."

More at Twitchy, "WATCH: Kathy Griffin begs for forgiveness in apology video. Do we believe her?," and "Squatty Potty, whose mascot is a pooping unicorn, cuts all ties with Kathy Griffin."

W. August Mayer, Islamic Jihad, Cultural Marxism, and the Transformation of the West


I've got this book on order.

Get yours at Amazon, W. August Mayer, Islamic Jihad, Cultural Marxism, and the Transformation of the West.

Victoria Justice Sizzling in Stunning New Shoot for Sorbet Magazine's June Issue

At London's Daily Mail, "Victoria Justice puts on a sizzling display as she poses for new magazine shoot."

'Comedian' Kathy Griffin Beheads 'President Trump'

If this were Obama being beheaded... Ahem.

See, Ed Driscoll, at Instapundit, "NEW CIVILITY WATCH: Annual CNN host* Kathy Griffin Beheads Donald Trump in Shocking Photo Shoot."

It's pretty graphic. Seriously, Ed posts a content warning at the entry.

And see the Washington Examiner, "Journalists condemn gruesome Kathy Griffin photoshoot with beheaded Trump," and "Donald Trump Jr. on 'disgusting' Kathy Griffin photo: 'This is the left today'."

American Defeat in Vietnam Was a Political Choice

An excellent video, from Victor Davis Hanson, at Prager University.

Hanson's new book, The Second World Wars: How the First Global Conflict Was Fought and Won, comes out in October.

Laura Carno, Government Ruins Nearly Everything


At Amazon, Laura Carno, Government Ruins Nearly Everything: Reclaiming Social Issues from Uncivil Servants.

'Toxic Masculinity'? In the Marines? You Can't Be Freakin' Serious?

I want to use the full f-word in the headline. It's much more effective at getting the point across, but I'm restrained by the examples of good people, who communicate effectively, without resorting to profanity. Or, in other words, I'm trying to maintain my civility.

But I swear (pardon the pun, heh), Vox is killing me here.

Our postmodern society has lost its mind of its come to the point where we can't equate masculinity with violent martial sensibility. What not, if at all, is warfare but for masculinity? Women who become soldiers and warriors become more masculine, do they not? I'm dumbfounded at this, but then, SNFU (society's now f***ed up).

See Vox, and thankfully, James Woods below:

Monday, May 29, 2017

Rick Atkinson's 'Liberation Trilogy'

This is really cool.

Atkinson's the author of the World War II histories, An Army at Dawn: The War in North Africa, 1942-1943; The Day of Battle: The War in Sicily and Italy, 1943-1944; and The Guns at Last Light: The War in Western Europe, 1944-1945.

You can purchase all three together, at Amazon, "The Liberation Trilogy" Boxed Set.

Thanks for your support!

Steven F. Hayward, Patriotism Is Not Enough

From Steven F. Hayward, at Amazon, Patriotism Is Not Enough: Harry Jaffa, Walter Berns, and the Arguments that Redefined American Conservatism.

'A Bridge Too Far'

My mom took me to see this flick when I was a kid.

It's available in DVD, at Amazon.

Danielle's Gersh's May Gray to June Gloom Forecast

Well, at least it's cool and pleasant.

It's been a wonderful holiday today. I watched "Band of Brothers" all day, and I've got the Braves at Angels on Fox Sports West right now.

Hope everyone's having a great Memorial Day.

Here's the fabulous Ms. Danielle:

Joan C. Williams, White Working Class


This is great!

At Amazon, Joan C. Williams, White Working Class: Overcoming Class Cluelessness in America.

Victoria Justice on the Beach in Mexico

At London's Daily Mail, "Caliente! Victoria Justice poses on the beach during Mexico getaway as she celebrates sister's 21st birthday."

ICYMI: Richard B. Frank, Guadalcanal

I posted this book back in December. My son gave it to me for Christmas. It's excellent.

At Amazon, Richard B. Frank, Guadalcanal: The Definitive Account of the Landmark Battle.

Time Rips Off Mad

Some stuff you just can't make up.

Halsey at the Billboard Music Awards (VIDEO)

I meant to post this the other day. Amazing.

At London's Daily Mail, "She's keeping cool! Halsey wears tan bralette amid soaring heat on carpet at Billboard Music Awards in Las Vegas."

Finding Florida

The Angels just finished up a 10-day road trip, hitting Tampa Bay and Miami on the last two legs. (They finished 4-6 for the trip.)

While at the Marlins, Fox Sports West showed the most spectacular views of Miami during the little snippets after the commercial breaks. It's so beautiful. I'm blown away. I want to go there as soon as I can.

And so, imagine my interest reading this piece at yesterday's New York Times travel section. I've never been to Florida. It wasn't all that high on my list for vacation spots, but Miami sure did move up the rankings after the Angels' three-day series.

Check it out:

Moment for the Fallen on #MemorialDay

Care of the U.S. Marines:

Unofficial Start of Summer

Via Sports Illustrated.

Heightened Security at Airports and Cities for Memorial Day Weekend (VIDEO)

Good thing.

Watch, at Fox News, "Heightened security across the country for Memorial Day: Airports and cities around the country have increased their security presence for Memorial Day weekend."

Navy Parachutist Died After 'Chute Malfunctioned Over Hudson River for Fleet Week (VIDEO)

No good.

Say a prayer. This sailor's not coming back.

At CBS News 2 New York:

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Danielle Gersh's Memorial Day Forecast

Coastal fog giving way to sunshine by the afternoon.

Looks like to be a wonderful holiday of remembrance.

Here's the lovely Ms. Danielle, for CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

Sunday Cartoons

At Flopping Aces, "Sunday Funnies."

Also, at Theo's, "Cartoon Roundup..."

Cartoon Credit: Ben Garrison.

Lais Ribeiro Smokin' Hot in Barely-There Bikini in Miami Beach (PHOTOS)

Amazing, heh.

At London's Daily Mail, "Beach babe! Victoria's Secret model Lais Ribeiro sends temperatures soaring."

Best Sellers in Heating and Air Conditioning

At Amazon, Best Sellers in Heating, Cooling & Air Quality.

I love those Honeywell fans.

BONUS: Richard Rothstein, The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America.

Whites Only? School Segregation Is Back

Actually, this article is highly misleading, in that its focus is on continued segregation in the South, in Alabama.

But urban areas around the country have been seeing intense "de facto" segregation for decades, in communities as often as not populated by progressive leftists. The article's a throw back to Jim Crow and white Southern conservatives, but that's not the driving force of national segregation trends today. Affluence is, and when push comes to shove, affluent leftists resist integration with poor minorities.

Either way, this is interesting.

At Newsweek, "Whites Only: School Segregation Is Back, From Birmingham to San Francisco."

Secretary of Defense James 'Mad Dog' Mattis: 'I Keep Other People Awake at Night...'


He's badass:

German Chancellor Angela Merkel Says Europe Must Take its Fate Into its Own Hands (VIDEO)

Following-up, "Angela Merkel's Germany No Longer a Reliable Alliance Partner."

Paint a little Hitler mustache on her. Pretty soon she'll be calling for "lebensraum."

Watch, "Europe can no longer rely on allies: Merkel."

Angela Merkel's Germany No Longer a Reliable Alliance Partner

Germany's getting pretty freakin' cocky.

If Trump pulls the U.S. out of NATO, Merkel's going to be down on her knees as soon as Moscow threatens German interests. The German people are pacifist. They'll fold in a crisis in a second. Remember, "America is from Mars, Europe is from Venus," even more so with the Trump administration.

Screw Merkel.

At Agence France-Presse:

Daniel J. Sharfstein, Thunder in the Mountains


At Amazon, Daniel J. Sharfstein, Thunder in the Mountains: Chief Joseph, Oliver Otis Howard, and the Nez Perce War.

Cathal Nolan, The Allure of Battle

At Amazon, Cathal Nolan, The Allure of Battle: A History of How Wars Have Been Won and Lost.

A Day for Honor, Reverence, Remembrance

At the O.C. Register:

Pat Condell Hoists One for Ramadan


He tweeted it again here.

Review of White World Order, Black Power Politics

Here's the book, White World Order, Black Power Politics: The Birth of American International Relations.

And at Foreign Affairs: