Thursday, December 6, 2018

Brandon Hobson, Where the Dead Sit Talking

At Amazon, Brandon Hobson, Where the Dead Sit Talking.

Former President George W. Bush Overcome by Emotion During His Eulogy for His Father, George H.W. Bush (VIDEO)

I know a lot of conservatives dislike George W. Bush, but I love him. I wish I could meet him. He's my favorite president. I love Trump too, but there was the dignity of George W. while in office, and his dogged perseverance on the Iraq war I'll never forget.

And this is a wonderful eulogy.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Alexis Ren as Never Before (VIDEO)

She's a luscious little tart, dang.

At Sports Illustrated Swimsuit:

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

UPDATE: Not Cancelled! Meghan Murphy Cancels Vancouver Appearance

UPDATE: The Other McCain has a blog post with the correct information, "Buzzword Alert: ‘Neoliberalism’."

The cancellation was a hoax.

And Global News Morning's piece below has been updated, "Meghan Murphy’s gender identity talk at Vancouver Public Library not cancelled."


See, "Controversial feminist speaker Meghan Murphy cancels Vancouver Public Library appearance."

"Trans activists" shut her down.

Progressive Denmark, the Scandinavian Wet Dream of Leftist 'Democratic Socialists' the World Over, Will Warehouse 'Unwanted' Refugees on Remote Pestilential Island

Seriously, the 2015 international refugees crisis has turned Europe upside down. Now those dang fascist Danes have produced a plan to house their virus-ridden unwanted refugees on some godforsaken island. You couldn't invent this in your most dystopian novel.

At the New York Times, "Denmark Plans to Isolate Unwanted Migrants on a Small Island":

COPENHAGEN — Denmark plans to house the country’s most unwelcome foreigners in a most unwelcoming place: a tiny, hard-to-reach island that now holds the laboratories, stables and crematory of a center for researching contagious animal diseases.

As if to make the message clearer, one of the two ferries that serve the island is called the Virus.

“They are unwanted in Denmark, and they will feel that,” the immigration minister, Inger Stojberg, wrote on Facebook.

On Friday, the center-right government and the right-wing Danish People’s Party announced an agreement to house as many as 100 people on Lindholm Island — foreigners who have been convicted of crimes but who cannot be returned to their home countries. Many would be rejected asylum seekers.

The 17-acre island, in an inlet of the Baltic Sea, lies about two miles from the nearest shore, and ferry service is infrequent. Foreigners will be required to report at the island center daily, and face imprisonment if they do not.

“We’re going to minimize the number of ferry departures as much as at all possible,” Martin Henriksen, a spokesman for the Danish People’s Party on immigration, told TV 2. “We’re going to make it as cumbersome and expensive as possible.”

The deal allocates about $115 million over four years for immigrant facilities on the island, which are scheduled to open in 2021.

The finance minister, Kristian Jensen, who led the negotiations, said the island was not a prison, but added that anyone placed there would have to sleep there.

Louise Holck, deputy executive director of The Danish Institute for Human Rights, said her organization would watch the situation “very closely” for possible violations of Denmark’s international obligations...
Oh, like the U.N.' s1951 Convention on the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol? Well, doesn't sound like Denmark's too worried about non-compliance or anything, but who am I to critique? (*Eye-roll.*)

Still more.

The Case for Spending More to Help Israel (VIDEO)

This is excellent.

It's U.S. Gen Chuck Wald, for Prager University.

Bari Weiss and Eve Peyser

They scheduled a meet-up to see if they could get along in real life.

At NYT, "Can You Like the Person You Love to Hate?"

BARI WEISS: Everything sucks. That’s the overwhelming feeling I get when I spend too much time on Twitter. It makes me feel anxious and angry and amped up. And that’s on a day when I’m not even trending as a Very Bad Person.

This fall I read Jaron Lanier’s book “Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now.” He helped me see that these feelings were the inevitable result of being manipulated by this behavioral modification machine.

I didn’t delete my account — yet! I know! I am full of shame! — but I did change the way I use it (no looking at my mentions; far less tweeting; aiming to highlight the work of people I like rather than criticize the work of those I don’t). It also made me think about how I saw other Twitter users, like Vice’s Eve Peyser. She was clever and often funny — and I disagreed with her about just about everything. Sometimes she jabbed at me. I watched her posts with a suspicious side-eye.

But I wondered: If we had met at a dinner party rather than on Twitter, would we have liked each other? Was social media, as Mr. Lanier’s book suggested, creating a sense of intense conflict where there might be intense conversation? Did we actually dislike each other, or was Twitter just making us think we did?

This is the story of how we went from being enemies to friends.

EVE PEYSER: In the woke world of New York digital media, the worst person in the world is Donald Trump, but you, Bari Weiss, are a close second. You’re the perfect target for media leftists because you look like you’d be one of us, but in fact, you have contrarian views on subjects like Israel and #MeToo.

Hating you was the natural position for me to adopt. After all, I’m a social democrat who eagerly voted for Bernie Sanders in the 2016 primaries and has contemplated purchasing a “Free Palestine” T-shirt.

So I proceeded as one does these days: tsk-tsking various columns of yours, occasionally snarking about you on Twitter, and ascribing to the belief that The New York Times’s decision to hire you was most likely bad for America and the future of liberal democracy.

But I always had this nagging feeling that the Bari Weiss cyber outrage was overblown. Then, we became friends, and every tender thought I’d had about you was confirmed...
I doubt anything remotely like this would happen to me in real life. One exception: My students. I cut them slack because they're young, and of course I try to teach down the middle ---- on the one hand, and on the other hand ---- except for those times I just come out and show a Prager University video, or something, and I don't even tell them it's a conservative production. Students have to figure it out. Sometimes I even criticize President Trump from the left, and it confuses them, lol.

But keep reading.

Innocence and Wonder

So lovable and adorable.

Simpler Times

I found another "American Power" guy on Twitter, lol.

Heather Mac Donald Interview (VIDEO)

On Fox News, on "Life, Liberty & Levin."

And check out Mac Donald's book, at Amazon, Heather Mac Donald, The Diversity Delusion: How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine Our Culture.

Fantastic Iggy Azalea

At I Like Breasts, "NSFW – Iggy Azalea."

Robin Holzken in Wet Sand (VIDEO)

At Sports Illustrated Swimsuit:

Monday, December 3, 2018

Leftists Use Death of Former President George H.W. Bush to Bash President Trump (VIDEO)

First, check out AoSHQ, "The View's Joy Behar Flips Out on Meghan McCain For Saying that Tributes to G.W.H. Bush Ought to be Genuine Tributes to Him, and Not Barely-Disguised Attacks on Trump," which block quotes Kurt Schlichter's latest at Town Hall, "The Only Good Republican Is a Dead Republican."

And watch the awesome Ms. Laura, at Fox News:

Penthouse Magazine Culture Warriors

I don't see the link to the actual article, but I'll post it if I find it.

Meanwhile, on Twitter:

Gigi Hadid Transforms Into Debbie Harry

At W Magazine.


Sunday, December 2, 2018

Shop Deals

Thanks for the support everyone. Your purchases through my Amazon links are greatly appreciated, and as you can tell, I continue to have a lot of fun with book blogging.

Thanks again.

At Amazon, Today's Deals. Save on our top deals every day.

And see, Bosch 12-Volt Max Brushless 3/8-Inch Drill/Driver Kit PS32-02 with 2 Lithium-Ion Batteries, 12V Charger and Carrying Case.

Also, DeWALT Portable 4 Gallon Wet/Dry Vac.

More, Columbia River Knife & Tool: CRKT M16-10KSF EDC Folding Pocket Knife: Special Forces Everyday Carry, Black Serrated Edge Blade, Tanto, Frame Lock, Dual Hilt, Stainless Steel Handle, Reversible Pocket Clip.

Here, Ingersoll-Rand 231HA-2 1/2-Inch Impact Wrench with 2-Inch Extended Anvil.

Plus, Work Sharp Knife & Tool Sharpener Ken Onion Edition - Precision Sharpening from 15° to 30°, Premium Flexible Abrasive Belts, Variable Speed Motor, Multi-Positioning Sharpening Module.

Still more, Lasko 755320 Ceramic Space Heater with Digital Display and Remote Control - Features Built-in Timer and Oscillation.

BONUS: Guy Debord, Society of the Spectacle.

Jennifer Delacruz's Sunday Forecast

Today's weather, and forecasts into the week, from the fabulous Ms. Jennifer, for ABC News 10 San Diego:

Paris Riots

These are called the "yellow jacket" riots, because French citizens are required to keep reflectorized vests in their vehicles, and the jackets are universally available, apparently.

At the Guardian U.K., "Paris riots: PM to meet protest groups after worst unrest in decade: Shops and cars set alight after peaceful gilets jaunes protest turns violent":

The French president, Emmanuel Macron, has instructed his prime minister to hold talks with protest groups after anti-government demonstrations led to the worst violence in central Paris in a decade, with more than 100 people injured as cars and buildings were set alight.

Macron is facing his biggest crisis since taking office 18 months ago after the violence erupted on Saturday following weeks of street protests that began against fuel taxes and have turned into an anti-government movement.

The Élysée and key ministers appeared to rule out imposing any kind of state of emergency after thousands of masked protesters from the gilets jaunes – named for their fluorescent yellow jackets – fought running battles with riot police, torched cars, set fire to banks and houses and burned makeshift barricades.

Macron, who had said he would “never accept violence”, instructed the prime minister, Édouard Philippe, to meet what he has called legitimate protest groups and opposition politicians this week in an effort to calm tensions and stop “professional” rioters from infiltrating street demonstrations.

The Paris prosecutor Remy Heitz said 378 people were in custody, including 33 under the age of 18. He said many of those arrested in battles with police were men aged between 30 and 40, often from regions far from Paris, who had “come to fight police while claiming to be part of the gilets jaunes movement”.

The interior minister, Christophe Castaner, and his head of staff will be questioned by a senate committee on Tuesday over how thousands of protesters were able to play cat and mouse with police through central Paris for hours.

Macron flew back from the G20 summit in Argentina on Sunday and went straight to inspect damage at the Arc de Triomphe. Graffiti all over the base of the 19-century monument read: “We’ve chopped off heads for less than this” and: “Topple the Bourgeoisie.” Scores of used teargas canisters filled the gutters.

Near the Champs Élysées there were splashes of paint on buildings after protesters had paint-bombed police. Used bottles of eye-drops on the ground indicated that some protesters – many of whom wore ski-masks and breathing equipment – stood their ground despite the teargas fired from rows of police behind shields.

Along the Avenue Kléber near the Arc de Triomphe on Sunday morning, passersby peered at scorched pavements where the burnt-out carcasses of cars had been towed away, and where a private residence had been set alight. Graffiti read: “Babylon is burning.”

The far-right leader Marine Le Pen and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, head of the leftwing party La France Insoumise, both called on Macron to dissolve parliament and hold elections.

The violence started on Saturday in broad daylight on the edges of a peaceful demonstration by the gilets jaunes movement, which began two weeks ago in protest at rising fuel prices and a new green fuel tax.

After three successive Saturday citizens’ marches in Paris organised on social media, the security forces seemed at a loss to stop the rioting, with groups of masked men spilling into nearby streets, ripping up benches and traffic lights and hurling bits of paving stones from roadworks...

Hailey Clauson Gets Creative (VIDEO)

At Sports Illustrated Swimsuit:

Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

At Amazon, Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for Everyone and No One (Penguin Classics).

Albert Camus, The Stranger

At Amazon, Albert Camus, The Stranger.

Sunday Cartoons

At Flopping Aces, "Sunday Funnies."

And at Theo's, "Cartoon Roundup..."

And at Legal Insurrection, "Branco Cartoon – Yes They Can."

John Barth, Giles Goat-Boy


Picking up from yesterday earlier, "David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest."

I wasn't planning on a "postmodern literature" jag, but Thomas Pynchon's got me going. I have Infinite Jest on order, and this is my Barth copy below.

At Amazon, John Barth, Giles Goat-Boy.

Insane Kelly Brook

Via Taxi Driver:

Richard Powers, The Overstory

At Amazon, an amazing book, Richard Powers, The Overstory: A Novel.

Friday, November 30, 2018

The Enduring Miracle of the U.S. Constitution

Charles Krauthammer's posthumous book is coming out on December 4th.

At Amazon, The Point of It All: A Lifetime of Great Loves and Endeavors.

And at the Washington Post, "This column is excerpted from Charles Krauthammer’s forthcoming posthumous book, “The Point of It All.” The book and column were edited by his son, Daniel Krauthammer":

In October 1981, when Egyptian President Anwar Sadat was assassinated, the networks ran over to Cairo and began covering the events all day and all night. The only thing I remember of all that coverage was a news anchor bringing in a Middle East expert and saying, “We’ve just looked at the Egyptian constitution, and our researchers tell us that the next in line for the presidency is the speaker of the parliament.” The Middle East expert burst out laughing. “Nobody in Egypt has read the constitution in 30 years,” he said. “No one knows it exists. And no one cares what’s in it.” Then he prompted, “Who’s the leader of the military?” The anchor answered, “Hosni Mubarak,” and the expert said, “He’s your next president.”

Two things struck me about that. First, how naive we are about what constitutions are and what they mean around the world. And the second thing, the reason for the first, is how much reverence we have — in the United States and very few other countries — for this document.

Many things are miraculous about the U.S. Constitution. The first is that, somehow, on this edge of the civilized world two and a half centuries ago, there could have been a collection of such political geniuses as to have actually written it.

The second miracle is the substance of it — the way that the founders, drawing from Locke and Montesquieu and the Greeks, created an extraordinary political apparatus that to this day still works and that has worked with incredible success for nearly a quarter of a millennium.

But the third miracle, and the one that I think we appreciate the least, is the fact of the reverence that we have for it. This reverence is so deeply ingrained that we don’t even see it; we just think it’s in the air that we breathe. But it is extraordinarily rare. It exists in only a handful of countries. For almost all of the world, it is completely alien.

Consider the oath of office that we take for granted. Whenever we bestow upon anyone the authority to wield the power of the state over free citizens, we make them swear to protect not the people, not the nation, not the flag, but the Constitution of the United States. A piece of paper. Of course, it stands for the pillars of the American experiment itself: the ideas, the structures, the philosophy that define a limited government with enumerated powers, whose mission is to preserve liberty and individual rights.

This is a gift — that we intrinsically have this sense of reverence for the Constitution. And it’s important to remember that it is a gift from the past. It is not something that we can in any way credit to ourselves. If anything, recent generations have allowed that kind of reverence to diminish, to bleed away over the decades, as we try — as it were — to adapt constitutionalism to modernity.

What’s so remarkable is that constitutions are highly reactionary documents. The very essence of a constitution is to constrain the enthusiasms of a future that one cannot even see. In America, constitutionalism demands that even the most distant progeny swear allegiance to a past embodied in a document written in the late 1780s. If “tradition . . . is the democracy of the dead,” as G.K. Chesterton had it, then constitutionalism — which is ancient wisdom rendered into legal code — is the tyranny of the dead, the ultimate reach of the past into the future.

And in America, it succeeded...

Shop Today

At Amazon, Today's Deals. Save on our top deals every day.

And especially, Oasser Air Compressor Electric Inflator Portable Hand Held Pump with Digital LCD Rechargeable Li-ion 12V 130PSI P2.

Plus, MICTUNING 32" 180W 3B239C Curved LED Light Bar Off Road Driving Fog Work Light for Jeep SUV and More.

Also, Mexican Blanket Authentic Falsa Thick Soft: Woven Acrylic Yoga Serape or as Beach Throw, Picnic, Camping, Travel, Hiking, Adventure, Pillow, Blankets in Pink, Mint, Sand, Mandarin, Gray, Sky Blue.

More, Madison Park - Palmer 7 Piece Comforter Set - Natural - Queen - Pieced Microsuede - Includes 1 Comforter, 3 Decorative Pillows, 1 Bed Skirt, 2 Shams.

Still more, Disney Moana 'The Wave' 3 Piece Twin Sheet Set.

And, Lasko CD09250 Ceramic Portable Space Heater with Adjustable Thermostat - Perfect For the Home or Home Office.

BONUS: Sarah Bakewell, At the Existentialist Café: Freedom, Being, and Apricot Cocktails with Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, Albert Camus, Martin Heidegger, Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Others.

How Many Times Can You Justify the Murder of Jews before CNN Fires You?

At FrontPage Magazine, "Marc Lamont Hill’s Years of Anti-Semitism Finally Catch Up to Him."

Vita Sidorkina Nails the Perfect Shot (VIDEO)

At Sports Illustrated Swimsuit:

Katie Pavlich: James Comey Negotiating His Subpoena is 'Absurd' (VIDEO)

I just love Ms. Katie.

She's so smart and beautiful.


Road Rage

I had two road rage incidents this week. Two women rolled down their windows and cursed me out, one on Wednesday on the way home from work and one on Thursday morning on the way to work.

The first woman was in the merging lane to the Culver Drive off ramp in Irvine (there's construction, so the merging side is next to the regular four southbound freeway lanes). I thought she was slowing to get on the freeway, not off. The lane was moving slowly so when I rolled up next to her she started honking her horn like crazy. I had the right of way and continued rolling forward, and once she merged in behind me she continued to beep her horn like a maniac and then followed me, to chase me down as I made my way over to the University Park library. As I went to park my car, she pulled up to the side and blocked my u-turn, and called me a "fucking asshole." I didn't say anything and proceeded to park. She rolled up to me again as I was getting out of my car and continued to berate me, saying, "You're so rude. You knew exactly what you were doing." She's right. I did. I was following my right of way and ignoring her hysterical horn honking. I think she was having a bad day. She drove off after that without further incident.

Yesterday morning, at like 6:40am, as I was getting off the 405 north in Long Beach, onto Lakewood Boulevard where it travels through the tunnel under the Long Beach Airport, I notice a car speeding like the devil attempting to make a dangerous pass ahead, where the light was red. I actually sped up, so not to be caught and cut off by this lady. She pulled up next to me, attempting to pull ahead and drove me into the right hand lane, which would be to turn right at Spring Street. She then rolls down her window and flips me off, saying "Fuck you!" Again, I just looked at her. She continued to berate me and I told her she was speeding. She said some other things which I don't recall, but instead of returning the profanity I just repeated to her "You're not a good person" about five times. When the light turned green, I put my hand out the window and merged back onto Lakewood Boulevard north, driving normally. And wouldn't you know it, here comes the road rage lady going about 90 miles an hour to squeeze by me and the cars just ahead.

I should be a more careful driver I guess. And I should ignore entitled women blaring their horns or driving at excessive speed like bats out of hell. I normally drive at the speed limit on the way to and from work, because there's a lot of highway patrol cars, and I don't want to get cited.

In any case, live and learn. I need to take it less personal and be even nicer than I am. We all could be nicer. And both of these women this week had some serious psychological issues, so playing road rage with folks like that could be dangerous and obviously not worth it.

In any case, at the Chicago Tribune, "As road rage rises, experts give reasons for behavior, tips for staying cool":
The guy who is blowing his horn and purposely trying to cut you off in traffic could be someone with intermittent explosive disorder, who can blow up at minor provocations, according to psychologists.

He could be someone who has an overdeveloped sense of individual rights, with a rigid, territorial style of thinking. Or he could just be tired and ending a bad day in bad traffic.

Whatever is motivating the lunatic in traffic, psychologists agree with traffic safety experts that the best way to cope with the increasingly deadly problem of road rage is to get out of the way.

"Let them go away. Don't cut them off. Don't make eye contact," said Mark Reinecke, professor and chief psychologist at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. "Don't make any gestures and roll down the windows or yell at them."

"If somebody does something, don't do it back," said Illinois State Police Master Sgt. Mike Link. "Go on about your business."

That's something to think about as the heavily traveled Memorial Day weekend winds up.

Road rage causes a relatively small, but increasing percentage of fatalities on U.S. roadways, linked to 467 fatal crashes in 2015 or 1.3 percent, up from 80 or 0.2 percent in 2006, an increase of almost 500 percent in 10 years, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

The number of road rage incidents that involve firearms also appears to be rising. Last month, The Trace, a nonprofit news organization focused on gun violence, found that cases of road rage involving a firearm more than doubled to 620 in 2016 from 247 in 2014, with 136 people killed in those three years. The count included cases of motorists brandishing or firing a weapon at another driver or passenger....

People most likely to engage in road rage tend to fall into a few categories, according to experts.

According to Michael Hakimi, clinical psychologist with Loyola Medicine, one type is a person with an actual mental problem, such as a narcissist, someone who always feels entitled; a sociopath, someone who has no remorse or guilt and no regard for the rights of others; someone with a borderline personality; or someone with intermittent explosive disorder.

Another kind of road rager is someone who has a heightened sense that his or her personal rights are being violated, which ties into a cultural norm in the United States, Hakimi said.

"People feel they're so entitled to their rights that their rights should be protected under any circumstances," Hakimi said.

Hakimi said that a driver may have the distorted view that it is his or her job to teach other drivers a lesson.

Those who engage in road rage tend to think in a rigid, self-righteous manner and lack both empathy and a sense that they need to share the road, said Russell Brethauer, a psychologist who spoke on the subject at the Wisconsin Bike Summit this month. They do this whether they actually know traffic laws, and trying to tell them the law tends to be counterproductive, Brethauer noted.

An avid cyclist, Brethauer recalled how a truck driver once purposely went onto the shoulder ahead of him and sprayed him with gravel. Brethauer gave the one-finger salute and yelled that the man had broken the law. The trucker became so enraged that he got out of his vehicle at a red light and came at Brethauer with an axe handle.

"He yells, 'I broke the law, huh?' He's changing all colors of red and purple," Brethauer recalled. Fortunately, the light changed, and the man decided to get back in his truck.

Bad behavior may also be encouraged by the anonymity of a vehicle, which is similar to the anonymity offered by social media, Hakimi said. Someone in a car or an online chat forum may behave much differently than they would in a social setting, where there are immediate consequences for antisocial actions, he said.

"Whenever we have anonymous situations, people are prone to act aggressively," Hakimi said.

Males and younger drivers ages 19-39 are significantly more likely to engage in aggressive behavior, according to an AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety study last year. The study found that male drivers are more than three times as likely as female drivers to have gotten out of a vehicle to confront another driver or rammed another vehicle on purpose.

Curiously, a 2008 study from Colorado State University found that drivers prone to road rage tend to have more bumper stickers or other personal markers like vanity license plates on their cars — it does not matter if the stickers say "Jesus loves you" or "Save the rainforests."

"It identifies them as individuals to a larger world," said Reinecke.

Fatigue, drinking, being under stress and bad traffic also can contribute to road rage, Reinecke said. He said he suspects that the increasing volume of cars on the road could be contributing to an increase in incidents.

Though some personality types may be more prone to aggression, most drivers are prone to get angry in traffic sometimes. The AAA study found that nearly 80 percent of drivers had expressed significant anger, aggression or road rage at least once in the past year, with 51 percent of drivers reporting they had tailgated on purpose, and 12 percent saying they had deliberately cut off another vehicle.

Keeping the rage down

So how do you avoid maniac drivers who want to ram your car, or worse yet, fire a gun through your window? The first way to stay safe is to be a good, alert driver, and not make other people upset, according to safety experts.

"If people aren't obeying common courtesies, it can enrage other drivers and make them frustrated," said Deborah Hersman, president and CEO of the Itasca-based National Safety Council.

Being a good driver includes not using your phone or being otherwise distracted, not using your high beams if you're behind someone or if a car is coming in the opposite direction, and using your turn signal if you are turning or changing lanes, Hersman said.

Everyone makes mistakes sometimes, and even if you did nothing wrong, you can run into a raging motorist convinced that you did. The best reaction in this case is to not react, Hakimi said.

"If somebody wants to pass you and is driving crazy and giving you the finger, do not react — just get out of the way," Hakimi said. "They're going to be getting into trouble somewhere down the line." He said a driver should never think it is his job to teach another person how to drive...

Iskra Lawrence Bikini

At Drunken Stepfather, "Iskra Lawrence Big Girl Big Bikini of the Day."

Bella Thorne Chocolate Video

See, at WWTDD, "Open Wide For Bella Thorne’s Sexual Chocolate."

BONUS: "Bella Thorne Finally Reveals All."

Busty Olivia Holt Bikini Photos

At Hollywood Tuna, "Olivia Holt."

Jen Selter Tight Bikini Booty in Mykonos

Here, "Jen Selter's Bikini Bod in Mykonos -- Greek Goddess."

Kara Del Toro Busting Out of Too-Tiny String Bikini

At Egotastic, "Kara Del Toro is One of the Best InstaModels."

Demi Rose Black Pantie Upskirt

At Taxi Driver.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

'You Dropped a Bomb on Me'

From yesterday's drive-time, at 93.1 Jack FM Los Angeles, the Gap Band.

The station's definitely eclectic. (*Eye-roll.*)

I Ran
A Flock Of Seagulls
Janie's Got A Gun
The Lumineers
Don't Do Me Like That
Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
Take On Me
Smells Like Teen Spirit
You Dropped A Bomb On Me
The Gap Band
Gimme All Your Lovin'
ZZ Top
It's Time
Imagine Dragons
White Wedding
Billy Idol
Paradise City
Guns N' Roses
Love My Way
The Psychedelic Furs

When Did Sports Become so Political? (VIDEO)

Here's Clay Travis, for Prager University:

Michelle Malkin on Tijuana Border Invasion (VIDEO)

Michelle's always excellent on the immigration issue.

She's got a seminal book from 2002, at Amazon, Invasion: How America Still Welcomes Terrorists Criminals & Other Foreign Menaces to Our Shores.

And on Judge Jeannine's the other night:

Migrants in Tijuana Regret the Caravan

Heh, Trump's policies are working.

At the Daily Beast, "Migrants in Tijuana Regret the Caravan: ‘I’m Done With the United States’."
After being gassed by the U.S. and held in a camp by Mexico, hope is running out for some who left Honduras with dreams of a better life in America.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Danielle Gersh's Storm Thursday Forecast

She's looking fabulous.

And it's going to be rainy tomorrow, it looks like.

Bundle up folks, and keep dry.

At CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

Millennial Poll: America is Racist

Well, what else is new?

The Ugly Departure of Max Boot

I really don't care about Max Boot.

I think I blogged about him when he first said he was abandoning the GOP after Trump was nominated. He was over tthe top then, but he's gotten worse, much worse, apparently.

From Jonah Goldberg, at National Review, "Max Boot Decides Conservatism Was Corrupt from the Start."

A really acute and sad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Read it all at the link.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

You'd Think the Leftist Media Had an Agenda or Something?

At AoSHQ, "The Media Prints Only One Picture."


Shameless. Absolutely shameless. (*Eye-roll.*)

Glenn Reynolds Protests Twitter's Targeting of Conservatives

He suspended his own account, because he's truly pissed off at Twitter's thought-police Orwellian totalitarianism. It's destructive and sickening.

At Instapundit, "TWITTER’S GONE CRAZY BANNING PEOPLE ON THE RIGHT, so I’ve deactivated my Twitter account."

And he writes in an update:
I’ve never liked Twitter even though I’ve used it. I was a late adopter, and with good reason. It’s the crystal meth of social media — addictive and destructive, yet simultaneously unsatisfying. When I’m off it I’m happier than when I’m on it. That it’s also being run by crappy SJW types who break their promises, to users, shareholders, and the government, of free speech is just the final reason. Why should I provide free content to people I don’t like, who hate me? I’m currently working on a book on social media, and I keep coming back to the point that Twitter is far and away the most socially destructive of the various platforms. So I decided to suspend them, as they are suspending others...
Previously: "Jessie Kelly Banned."

MSNBC Reporter Gadi Schwartz Busts Narrative on 'Mostly' Women and Children in Migrant Caravan (VIDEO)

At the Conservative Treehouse, "Whoopsie – MSNBC Accidentally Airs Ground Report Showing Vast Majority of Caravan are Military Aged Males…"

Monday, November 26, 2018

Jennifer Delacruz's Monday Forecast

I'm late posting the lovely Ms. Jennifer, but better late than never.

At ABC News 10 San Diego:

Cyber Monday

I'm a bit late posting my links, but it's a workday for me, and I've been trying to post some regular content as well.

More promotions later. Meanwhile, you can check out all the Cyber Monday sales at my Amazon associate's links.

See, Cyber Monday Deals.

And especially, LG Gram Thin and Light Laptop - 15.6" Full HD IPS Display, Intel Core i7 (8th Gen), 16GB RAM, 256GB SSD, 2.4lbs, (15Z975-U.AAS7U1).

Thanks for your support!

Jessie Kelly Banned

From Twitter, for no reason whatsoever, apparently.

At the Other McCain, "Twitter Bans Iraq Veteran Jesse Kelly; Glenn Reynolds Quits Platform in Protest."

I actually was not following Mr. Kelly, but I love the piece he posted at the Federalist, "Twitter Banned Me for Literally No Reason, But in the End They’ll Lose":
We have become a nation of sensitive losers who care about words. We care about how things “make us feel.” The exception these days is the man who just wants to put his talent and his thoughts in the marketplace of ideas and see if people will buy it.

That man is rare today, but it was not always so. The American man used to be one who threw his family in a covered wagon and headed West into the wilderness. The American man used to be one who found out the Japanese had attacked men he didn’t know in a state he’d never visited so he ran down to the recruiting office to enlist in the Marines. That American man still exists, but he’s an endangered species.

The American spirit of free speech has been replaced by people who want uncomfortable speech censored. Nowhere is this more apparent than the social media world.

As I have said before, social media is not a small thing. It is no longer three nerds with pocket protectors huddled in their dorm rooms dreaming about a day when a woman acknowledges their existence. Social media has surpassed the telephone. It is the means of networking and communicating with others: 2.5 billion people use Facebook and Twitter.

That is not a fringe thing that is going away. It has now become the way humans interact with each other. It is completely run by Silicon Valley leftists who know the power they hold. And they are using that power.

But power is a funny thing. Power, no matter how ominous it may seem at the time, is always finite. It doesn’t last forever. If there is one thing history has taught us, it’s that silencing voices will always be a temporary solution.

Kendall Jenner Trolls Siblings for Thanksgiving: 'All my siblings posting their babies and shit and i'm just like...'

She's definitely the hottest chick going right now, man.

At Instagram (click through).

And at London's Daily Mail:

Brooke Candy's Tattoos


Oren Cass, The Once and Future Worker


At Amazon, Oren Cass, The Once and Future Worker: A Vision for the Renewal of Work in America.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Leading Canadian Feminist Meghan Murphy Banned by Twitter for Speaking Out on Trans Ideology

I've interacted with Ms. Meghan a few times. Been following all year, and have been especially fascinated by her deep and shockingly incisive feminist analysis of the transgender cult.

She's been locked out of Twitter umpteen times and now her personal feed has been permanently suspended.

I'm not on other social media platforms (except Facebook, which I literally rarely check, like once a month if that), so for Twitter to continue its extremely rapid decline is depressing. I imagine soon I'll be spending less time on it, but for now I still like it as an entry point and rapid news feed for politics. That it's become the main platform for political correctness and thought control is now beyond dispute.

Jonathan Kay has one of the most thoughtful threads on Twitter's Ms. Meghan ban:

And check the ever-excellent Robert Stacy McCain, at the Other McCain, "Jonathan Yaniv Is Not a Woman and #IStandWithMeghanMurphy."

And at the Daily Wire, "Progressive Feminist Suspended From Twitter After Criticizing the Transgender Movement":
Daily Wire: Has this experience with Twitter changed your perspective regarding online political life?

Meghan Murphy: It’s blowing my mind how much power trans activists have. I’m not able to make my arguments. What they’re doing is ensuring I can’t talk about this stuff at all on Twitter.

It’s not, “you can’t say offensive things,” or “hateful things,” or “you can’t be mean,” because what I’m saying isn’t hateful or mean or offensive in my opinion. I’m trying to show that this ideology is incoherent and irrational. I’m trying to get them to explain their own arguments and defend their own claims.

If I can’t articulate my position, or ask questions – like “how can a man become a woman?” — then I can’t engage in these conversations at all.

The fact that there’s no accountability is crazy. Twitter doesn’t respond to my appeals; they just send me these form responses that don’t actually explain their policies or explain why I can’t say what I’m saying.

DW: Is there anything you want people to know regarding this situation that hasn’t been touched on?

MURPHY: Like I said before, the amount of power that trans activists have over public debate is incredible and kind of scary. It’s just a few people. There are a few people who have connections to Twitter or work for Twitter who are either trans themselves or allied with this movement who are just dictating these rules.

With the stuff that I’m saying, I have more supporters than detractors — not only online, but in the world. Most people in the world don’t believe it’s possible for a male to become female. Most people think this ideology is ridiculous. A lot of people are afraid to say so, and others are just regular people who aren’t aware this debate is going on.

This minority of people, who have an incredible amount of power, are claiming to be the most marginalized people on the planet. You can’t really be that marginalized when you’re controlling the entire conversation, and changing legislation and policy faster than anyone else has been able to do.
Ms. Meghan's response is up at her website, Feminist Current:

Jennifer Delacruz's Cyber Sunday Weather

The lovely Ms. Jennifer is back, at ABC News 10 San Diego:

Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt, The Coddling of the American Mind


At Amazon, Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt, The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure.

Jean M. Twenge, iGen


At Amazon, Jean M. Twenge, iGen: Why Today's Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy – and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood – and What That Means for the Rest of Us.

A highly readable and entertaining first look at how today’s members of iGen—the children, teens, and young adults born in the mid-1990s and later—are vastly different from their Millennial predecessors, and from any other generation, from the renowned psychologist and author of Generation Me.

With generational divides wider than ever, parents, educators, and employers have an urgent need to understand today’s rising generation of teens and young adults. Born in the mid-1990s to the mid-2000s and later, iGen is the first generation to spend their entire adolescence in the age of the smartphone. With social media and texting replacing other activities, iGen spends less time with their friends in person—perhaps why they are experiencing unprecedented levels of anxiety, depression, and loneliness.

But technology is not the only thing that makes iGen distinct from every generation before them; they are also different in how they spend their time, how they behave, and in their attitudes toward religion, sexuality, and politics. They socialize in completely new ways, reject once sacred social taboos, and want different things from their lives and careers. More than previous generations, they are obsessed with safety, focused on tolerance, and have no patience for inequality. iGen is also growing up more slowly than previous generations: eighteen-year-olds look and act like fifteen-year-olds used to.

As this new group of young people grows into adulthood, we all need to understand them: Friends and family need to look out for them; businesses must figure out how to recruit them and sell to them; colleges and universities must know how to educate and guide them. And members of iGen also need to understand themselves as they communicate with their elders and explain their views to their older peers. Because where iGen goes, so goes our nation—and the world.

Bridget Phetasy Posts 'Tasteful Nudes' at Patreon for Money, and Responds to Her 'Haters' With Topless Photo on Twitter

Hey, that's one way to make money, I guess.

But what constitutes "tasteful nudes"?

See for yourself, here.

And here's the photo as well.

And she tweeting quite a bit in response to her "haters."

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Cyber Weekend Sales

At Amazon, Deals of the Day.

And especially, Bounty Hunter TK4 Tracker IV Metal Detector.

Also, Pelican 1650 Case With Foam (Black).

More, Bose QuietComfort 35 (Series II) Wireless Headphones, Noise Cancelling, with Alexa voice control - Black.

Here, uKeg 128 oz Pressurized Growler for Craft Beer - Stainless Steel.

And, Sound and Sleep MINI High Fidelity Sleep Sound Machine with AC and Battery Power, Real Non-Looping Nature Sounds, Fan Sounds and White Noise.

Plus, LG Electronics 55SK8000PUA 55-Inch 4K Ultra HD Smart LED TV (2018 Model).

Still more, Sherwood DANISH DELIGHTS Butter Cookies, In a Nice Gifting Tin, box (340g).

More here, Black Rifle Coffee Company Complete Mission Fuel Kit, Coffee Rounds for Single Serve Brewing Machines (96 Count) Coffee Pods Cups.

BONUS: Roberto Bolaño, 2666.

Beautiful Kaya

She's a hot patriot woman.

A dream woman patriot!

Peter Maas, Serpico

I watched this film last night on cable. It's excellent. And I especially love Al Pacino. I don't know (nor care) if he's a leftist: he's just so good on film.

At Amazon, Peter Maas, Serpico.

Heartwarming Video of When Dying Chimpanzee Recognizes Life-Long Friend

This is so wonderful.

Thomas Pynchon, Against the Day


At Amazon, Thomas Pynchon, Against the Day: A Novel.

You Gotta Love It: California Gun Owners Buy Ammunition on #BlackFriday (VIDEO)

Getting ahead of the new state legislation, which takes effect January 1st.

This guy Walt Fetgatter, interviewed at the piece, speaks for millions of Californians. Our rights are being violated. People are fleeing the state. In addition to gun control, taxes are way too high (and all kinds of "climate change" emissions regulations are killing businesses statewide).

At ABC News 10 San Diego: