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Showing posts sorted by date for query W. James Casper. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Democrats Don't Have a Turnout Problem. They Have a Complete Repudiation of Radical Leftism Problem

One of the things that always cracks me up is the political cluelessness of hate-troll Walter James Casper III.

Get a load of this tweet the idiot posted last night:

The problem, of course, is that the Democrats aren't just facing a turnout or enthusiasm problem. The fact is the entire edifice of Obamaism has been found wanting and voters are saying take this far-left Democrat Party and shove it.

The repudiation of the Democrats today will be the repudiation of all that Walter James Casper stands for. He is reviled. Crush the bastard. Crush him and his degenerate party of race-baiting, women-hating, economic stagnation, and social decay.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Bwahaha! Hate-Addled Stalker Walter James Casper Cheers Blogger's Automated Anti-Splogger Take-Down of American Power!

After almost seven years of uninterrupted blogging, American Power was taken offline due to an erroneous flagging by Blogger's automated anti-splogger software system. Indeed, there was some major Google glitch last night while I was watching the Angels game. I had to go through extra security just to log onto my Chromebook (the login function asked for a phone number to text me an additional password). And it turns out that the blog was affected too. American Power was taken down.

Bob Belvedere tweeted:

No big deal, actually. I didn't feel much like blogging anyway after the Eric Hosmer crushed that 11th inning home run. I hit the sack.

So, I was out cold at 5:33 this morning when Blogger sent this email:
Hello, We have received your appeal regarding your blog Upon further review we have determined that your blog was mistakenly marked as a TOS violator by our automated system and, as such, we have reinstated your blog. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused in the meantime and thank you for your patience as we completed our review process. Thank you for understanding. Sincerely, The Blogger Team.
I got up and checked my iPhone and American Power was already loaded in the phone's browser. I got some coffee at 7/11 and got back to my normal blogging routine --- to the bitter consternation of my obsessed hate-addled stalking troll Walter James Casper III, who tweeted:

The sick f-ker Repsac checks my blog multiple times per day, while denying his sick obsessive program of stalking and harassment.

Reppy's been consumed by ideological hatred --- and a deep psychotic personal animus against yours truly --- since 2008, when the dirtbag loser first started stalking me, in the comments at Biobrain's blog.

Oh well, perhaps Reppy will someday, at long last, seek out the psychiatric help he so badly needs.

Meanwhile, his decidedly odd cheering of Blogger's automated splog-flagging system reveals just how far Reppy's descended into the nihilist pit of deranged, demonological hatred.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Bwahaha! Walter James Casper Tweets Batshit Crazy Mahablog's Deranged Ravings on Oklahoma Beheader

Poor Reppy.

The guy's got no self-control with that retweet button. Man, sometimes you gotta rein in the impulses to share, lest you look even more of a loon than you normally do. I mean, Mahablog? That lady Barbara O'Brien is clinical.

"Borderline personality disorder"? Jeebus!

Meanwhile, at NBC, "Oklahoma Beheading Suspect Denied Bond, Asks for Muslim Lawyer."

Yes, the suspect asked for a "Muslim lawyer," despite the left's unhinged claims that the beheading wasn't religiously motivated.

Freakin' morons.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

#OKBeheading Suspect Screamed 'Islamic Phrases' During Attack, Posted #ISIS Hand-Sign Photos to Facebook, But Repsac3 Smears 'Right Wingers' for 'Bigotry'

Following-up from yesterday, "Wait for It! Repsac3 on #OKBeheading: Attacking Islam Just Because the Suspect Tried to Convert Coworkers is Racist!!"

No surprise, but Walter James Casper III is doubling-down on his ideological hatred:

Problem is, it's not "jumping to conclusions" when mainstream media sources report that the suspect screamed Islamic exhortations before the beheading (most likely "Allāhu Akbar!"). I mean, seriously. The suspect was proselytizing, according to coworkers. His actions were clearly religiously motivated:

And at the suspect's Facebook page, photos posted there express solidarity with the Islamic State, and then some:

So, no. No one's "jumping to conclusions." It's patently obvious that he murdered in the name of Islam.

Actually, it's Repsac3 who's a proven bigot and a racist --- something I've documented here for a long time. Walter James Casper is an epic hater and liar. His own tweets are self-refuting and utterly depraved, outside the bounds of basic decency. Man.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Wait for It! Repsac3 on #OKBeheading: Attacking Islam Just Because the Suspect Tried to Convert Coworkers is Racist!!

Remember, according to Walter James Casper III, when American Muslims murder by beheading, it's never about Islam --- and to "rush" to the conclusion of honor killing or Islamic jihad is racist!!

Bwahaha! Recall the depraved Repsac3 a couple of weeks back:

And now idiot leftists are all over Twitter saying it's racist to "rush" to the conclusion that this is about Islam.

So, wait for it! PC-mongering Repsac3 will be attacking the "racist" right for "jumping" to conclusions "without the facts." Because racism lol!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Bwahaha! Lying Hate-Troll Now Says He Claimed Aasiya Hassan Murder Would Be Honor Killing All Along!

When all you've got are lies and allegations of "racism," naturally all you can do is respond desperately with more lies and pathetic allegations.

For quoting his very own unequivocal words, "In fact, you are telling a fairy story...," Walter James Casper calls me a liar and claims that he said Mrs. Hassan's murder by beheading would be an honor killing all along.

Now that's dishonesty.

The remark that "In fact, you are telling a fairy story..." is a stand-alone statement. Hate-troll Repsac's comment about "This may turn out to be an honor killing" was a throwaway line, a rhetorical sop. After denouncing me, claiming "you might just as well be telling a fairy story," Repsac can't be more clear: He's completely unequivocal with this statement, "In fact, you are telling a fairy story..."

When you state a fact there's no wiggle room. He denounced me and those who I cited at the blog as bigots and racists for spreading allegedly false "hatred" to smear Mo Hassan as some stereotypical Muslim.

Well, here's a harsh fact: Mo Hassan beheaded his wife in a ritual Islamic slaughter, a religious honor killing, and he was convicted at trial, and experts were proved right from the beginning.

Pathetic little Repsac's still playing the same old games he always does. He denies his own words, which are there for everyone to see. It's the old, "I'll let readers judge for themselves" ploy, attempting to cast doubt on the fact that lying Walter James Capser is indeed a liar.

What a dirtball, sleezebag and loser.

Typical, that's for sure.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

According to Repsac3, Accusing Any Muslim of Honor Killing, No Matter the Circumstances, Makes You Guilty of 'Bigotry'

Honor killings are by definition murders committed by Muslim fathers or husbands against their daughters or their wives. So, if a Muslim man beheads --- beheads! --- his wife after alleging that the wife had disrespected and dishonored him, as in the case of Mo Hassan, who murdered his wife Aasiya, then that person has committed a classic honor killing.

It's not hard. Or, it's not hard as long as you don't have an Islamo-enabling agenda in which you attack people as racist for identifying the obvious.

That is ideological hatred, and it's lies and dishonesty, which perfectly explains Walter James Casper when he tweets such malignantly stupid leftist codswallop:

Repsac's not only a liar, he's literally mentally deranged. By his logic no one could ever call out a Muslim murderer for honor killing without being attacked as a bigot and a racist. And so, poof!, by Repsac's logic, the crime of honor killing would simply disappear! Of course, that's why fanatical terror-enablers like Repsac (and CAIR) cry "bigotry!" until the end of days. Note that following the logic further makes Repsac an accomplice to Islamic murder, which certainly fits, because progressive ideology is all about coercion, violence and death.

"Bigot" (like "racism") is a term that has been drained of all meaning. It's simply a bludgeon used by leftists --- who've already lost the debate --- to silence their political enemies.

In 2009 Walter James Casper was wrong from the start. Those who he attacked as racist then --- and who he continues to falsely attack today for "bigotry" --- were right all along.

This pattern of progressive deception and lies is why Repsac was banned from this blog. He's an evil man, a genuine and proven racist and bigot himself, ideologically deranged, and burning with cancerous hatred.

A sad spectacle all around.

#ISIS Beheadings: Real Reason Behind the 'Don't Watch, Don't Share' Movement is the Protection of Obama

Readers will recall that I reject the self-censorship movement as cowardly appeasement.

But Dawn Perlmutter says it's even more, at FrontPage Magazine, "The Politics of Islamic Beheading":

After the Foley murder several news headlines announced that beheadings are back. Beheadings never went away. There are hundreds of both cartel and jihadist beheading videos easily accessible on the internet that are far worse than the Foley video. Many display torture, crucifixion, castration, flaying and dismemberment. Most of them involve threats to commit further violence if their requests are not met. One depicts jihadists playing soccer with human heads. Several display multiple beheadings with as many as 17 victims at a time.

One of the significant differences in the Foley and Sotloff beheading videos are that they openly and blatantly denigrate President Obama. The first portion of the Foley video displays news clips of the President authorizing military operations against the Islamic State. Jihad John, the executioner, directly calls out President Obama. “..any attempt by you, Obama, to deny the Muslims their rights of living in safety under the Islamic Caliphate will result in the bloodshed of your people.” “The life of this American citizen, [hostage Steven Joel Sotloff ] Obama, depends on your next decision.”

The 4 minute 40 second Foley beheading video only shows ten seconds of violent imagery at the end, 04:20 – 04:30, that depicts a knife to the neck, fades to black and then the decapitated body as proof of kill. Similarly, there is only a few seconds of violent imagery at the end of the Sotloff video. The few seconds of violence could easily be edited out of both films, however the message that clearly disrespects President Obama is the real reason the media has collectively decided to censor the video.
Disgusting, morally bankrupt left-wing political hackery.

More here.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Is the Boycott Movement Anti-Semitic?

Indeed it is, argues Professor Cary Nelson, at Inside Higher Ed.

BONUS: From Jonathan Marks, at Commentary, "“Scholarship and Politics Don’t Mix!” Say Those Who Mix Scholarship and Politics."

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Yes, Indeed, Let's Be Mindful of What 'the Left has already accomplished...'

Demonic hate-troll Walter James Casper tweets:

Oh, and we have "further to go"?

Right. We certainly wouldn't want to waste any time destroying the rest of the moral and strategic order that's taken decent society decades to build. The 1960's saw the rise of the most "destructive generation," and pity the next generations of Americans, who will live in greater danger and less prosperity than those who came before.

But according to vile Utopian assholes like Walter James Casper III, all of this is progress.

Let’s accept, arguendo, that the outgoing DIA chief is right, and that we are now in an era of danger similar to the mid-1930s. How did we get here? It’s worth looking back into the mists of time — an entire year, to Labor Day weekend 2013. What had not happened then? It’s quite a list, actually: the Chinese ADIZ, the Russian annexation of Crimea, the rise of ISIS, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the fall of Mosul, the end of Hungarian liberal democracy, the Central American refugee crisis, the Egyptian-UAE attacks on Libya, the extermination of Iraqi Christians, the Yazidi genocide, the scramble to revise NATO’s eastern-frontier defenses, the Kristallnacht-style pogroms in European cities, the reemergence of mainstream anti-Semitism, the third (or fourth, perhaps) American war in Iraq, racial riots in middle America, et cetera and ad nauseam.

All that was in the future just one year ago.

What is happening now is basically America’s version of “It’s a Wonderful Life.” The President of the United States — supported to an exceptional extent by an electorate both uncomprehending and untrusting of the outside world — is Clarence the Angel, and he’s showing us what the world would be like if we’d never been born, Unsurprisingly, Bedford Falls is now Pottersville, and it’s a terrible place. Unfortunately we do not get to revert to the tolerable if modest status quo at the end of the lesson: George Bailey will eventually have to shell the town and retake it street by street from Old Man Potter’s Spetsnaz.

But the larger point here is not what’s happening, because what’s happening is obvious. Things are falling apart. The point is how fast it’s come. It takes the blood and labor of generations to build a general peace, and that peace is sustained by two pillars: a common moral vision, and force majeure. We spent a quarter-century chipping away at the latter, and finally discarded the former, and now that peace is gone. All this was the work of decades.

Look back, again, to Labor Day weekend 2013, and understand one thing: its undoing was the work of mere months.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Why Does Walter James Casper III Deny Evil?

It's a rhetorical question.

I know why Repsac3 denies evil. To confront it you have to perceive the world in terms of right and wrong, just and unjust, good and bad.

Leftists universally refrain from this dichotomy because they must to invert morality to achieve the perverted political agenda. From homosexuality (good and virtuous) to the war against Islamic terrorism (criminal and imperialistic), the left cannot elevate moral righteousness without undermining its own agenda, which is to undermine all that's right and good.

Here's Jonah Goldberg on Twitter yesterday:

And here's Walter James Casper III on Twitter some time back.

There is evil in the world. If you don't confront it you are joining it. Repsac3 long ago went over to the dark side, which is why I will continue to expose his demonic political agenda and fight back against his stalking and harassment.

Same as it ever was.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Stalking Hate-Troll Walter James Casper III Spewing Hate and Disinformation on #Ferguson Shooting

Stalking troll Reppy was tweeting out the racist hate-tweets from Jamelle Bouie earlier today. And Twitchy was all over Bouie's depravity, "‘Brown deserved execution’? Slate journo thinks he’s got ‘right-wing Twitter’ pegged."

And now the depraved hate-troll is spewing disinformation on the convenience store robbery:

I'll update should racist Repsac issue a correction. It's the decent thing to to do, but then, Reppy's not decent.

UPDATE: Hate-troll Reppy has issued a new tweet reluctantly correcting his hateful disinformation, although he has not disavowed the widely repudiated Jamelle Bouie and his demonization of "right-wing Twitter." That's just like the despicable stalker Repsac. A terrible person. A hate-mongering anti-conservative bigot.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Thousands March Against Israel in Los Angeles: Racist Repsac3 Sees Conspiracy of 'Phony' Protest

Perhaps readers will feel sorry for him, as apparently Walter James Casper III is a dead man walking, with a debilitating heart condition, but it's just sad that he's losing his cognitive faculties as well.

Thousands turned out for the protest march I covered last weekend in Los Angeles. See the Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles, "Pro-Palestinian protest in Westwood draws thousands, causes Wilshire to shut down."

Never mind that, though. It turns out that near-death Repsac3, in his diminished capacity, is bizarrely warping reality in his ongoing demonization efforts and hate-mongering. It was a "phony" protest, or something:

Well, we know Repsac hates Israel and the Jews --- given his long history of tweeting support for the racist Occupy Wall Street movement, not to mention his tweets backing the Jew-hating BDS movment --- so his conspiracies are all of a piece. Right in line with this old man urging Muslims to stand up and blame the Jews for the September 11 attacks. Yep, this is what Reppy's all about::

Repsac3 started trolling me over six years ago, upset that I was paying no attention to him, and he's never given up. That is some obsession. His stalking hate-blog is now members-only, but he continues to troll my online presence relentlessly, and at this point it's actually clinical and perverted. The dude should give it up and take care of his health, enjoy whatever remainder of time he has on this good green earth.

And most of all, he should just disassociate with the racist anti-Israel protesters he's been reaching out to. Seriously, these are terrible people. Liars and racists. Too bad for Reppy, but it's come to this in his twilight.

Monday, August 4, 2014

'Cassandra Rules' Tweets Racist Slur Against Pro-Israel Demonstrator: 'Zionist piece of shit...'

Robert Stacy McCain went around with some trolls yesterday, and summed things up:

But Bossy Cracker gave me the heads up on "Cassandra," who's been tweeting (and deleting) me all weekend.

Here's a tweet "Cassandra" sent earlier, still up as of 8:50pm Sunday night:

Here's the vile racist tweet, "Zionist piece of shit...":

Easy to see why Repsac3's been reaching out to her:

Monday, July 28, 2014

Anti-Zionism is Anti-Semitism: A Global Contagion of Hatred Is Now Breaking; It's Fully Encapsulated by the Left

The global left right now is engaged it what is being called the most violent campaign of anti-Semitism since the 1930s.

I've been on top of these developments for weeks, as has Professor William Jacobson. See, "Anti-Semitism on open display in the name of anti-Zionism."

Meanwhile, that ghastly hate-driven troll Walter James Casper tweets a defense of the global left's anti-Semitism. As always with Repsac hate-troll, it's just "a few bad apples," as it always is when the left's hatred and ideological violence is on display.

Of course Repsac's a liar. Anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism. The global campaign is anti-Jew, because no other state is singled out for the same demonization and deligitimation as Israel. Apartheid exists literally across the Arab world, but only Israel is attacked as an "apartheid state." No other country in the world is subject to an ongoing genocidal campaign of extermination. If you're on the side of the global left, you're on the side of the left's hoped-for Holocaust.

It's anti-Semitism straight up, and Repsac3's down with it:

Monday, July 21, 2014

Walter James Casper 'Reaching Out' to Anti-Israel #ANSWER Communist 'CassandraRules'

Following up from my previous entry, "Los Angeles #Gaza Protesters Demand Extermination of Israel and Death to the Jews."

Just wanted to get on record how my racist, anti-Semitic hate-troll stalker is "reaching out" to the ANSWER communists I've been covering at the blog. Seriously. This dude is one messed up stalking troll:

She's not a good person, an America-bashing anti-Israel Jew-hater. Just Repsac's kind. Israel is no different from Nazi Germany. BDS much?

Bonus "Cassandra" tweeting an upside down American flag from the Anaheim anti-brutality protest:

And one of "Cassandra's" Anonymous pals, death-wishing Israeli Jews:

You can see why Repsac's "reaching out" to these demons. Sheesh.

Racist stalking hate-troll Walter James Casper III. One sick mofo, man.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Walter James Casper's Civility Bullshit Enables Hatred and Racism

Ann Althouse designated a full blogging tag to "civility bullshit," which any simpleton halfwit knows is the left's meme to shut down criticism and debate.

I shake my head at this, but as conservative as she may be, Dr. Gina Loudon does no favors by disclaiming how "civil" her segments are going to be. Debate (and disagreement) is in fact not "civil" by its very nature. People defend a position and get fired up, and sometimes tempers flare. But it's especially lame to indicate how civil you're going to be when engaging people who are objectively uncivil and decidedly vicious.

I elaborated the point earlier today, "#Murrieta Protesters @CassandraRules and @BeautifulChaosJ Spew Lies and Hatred, Not 'Civility'." The two Murrieta women had a posse of hate-breathing racists at the ready. Racist and foul-mouthed, these are the last kind of people to lend the benefit of the doubt.

I think "Cassandra" responded as soon as I tweeted the post, and I dutifully engaged her and her hateful followers for some time. And boy, she's got some vile, genuinely demonic followers: leftist anti-colonialists spouting anti-nation-state excuses for anti-Zionist Jew-hatred; Israel-bashers cravenly and stupidly claiming to hate Israel is not anti-Semitic; anarchists with "V for Vendetta" avatars spewing sick disgusting venom and anti-Semitism; and 9/11 truthers blaming Israel for September 11.

I had hundreds of tweets polluting my mentions. Here's just one example of the disgusting effluence:

And for the life of me, I could have sworn Walter James Casper tucked tail last January when Robert Stacy McCain administered the smackdown of a lifetime, "Portrait of a Stalker Troll: @Repsac3, Also Known as Walter James Casper III."

But I guess not. I reported the other day that he's once again stalking my blog, "Stalking Hate-Troll Repsac3: Still Stalking. Still Hatin'. Still Trolling."

And like he did with Tara Dublin and various others, hateful Repsac3 trolled my Twitter conversations today, spewing his civility bullshit:

As longtime readers recall oh so well, Walter James Casper's a despicable leftist troll, a vile scum-sucking racist, and a longtime Jew-hating OWS-backing anti-Semite. I thought he'd hit bottom, but he's like a pig in the slop. He's invigorated when boosting the most reprehensible people, whether it's KKK-style racists, far-left anti-Israel ghouls, and now Aztlán open-borders Nazis and their pro-"Palestinian" eliminationist supporters online.

As always, block, ban and report the f-ker. I've never encountered such obsessive evil in my life.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Holly Hobby Lobby Responds to Leftist Hatred: Walter James Casper III Spews More Leftist Hate

Repsac3, "Still Stalking. Still Hatin'. Still Trolling."

Haters gotta hate, trolls gotta troll, and stalkers gotta stalk.

Words Walter James Casper lives by, sadly for the idiot loser.

I was following Holly Fisher when she was tweeting about her baby's heart condition and the cruel effects of ObamaCare. She then started getting a lot of attention with her hip Hobby Lobby photo, and the left's hate just rained down after that. After her picture of the American flag, the Bible, and her rifle, leftists went full DEFCON on this sweet lady, and Walter James Casper responded with some faux denunciation of the prog demons, then spewed that whatever happens to her she "deserves" it. Casper's an evil man (a scourge chronicled here for years). He could have just respected the woman's right to speak her mind. He could have just denounced leftist hate and left it at that. But no, demonic Casper had to cast his hateful spell on the woman and her child, wishing bad omens on her, saying that she deserved the hate.

Casper's number is up. Folks have him pegged. He needs to watch his back. Word is folks are tired of the trolling. Mastic's on the map, if you know what I'm saying yo.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Stalking Hate-Troll Repsac3: Still Stalking. Still Hatin'. Still Trolling

Truly bizarre.

It's been since January since anyone's paid attention to Walter James Casper III, who Robert Stacy McCain eviscerated at the time, "Portrait of a Stalker Troll: @Repsac3, Also Known as Walter James Casper III."

And no one would now be paying the hate-addled racist any attention, except of course Casper's been trolling my Twitter convos like the creepy-ass racist cracker he is. What a genuinely sick bastard. Truly clinical.

Recall yesterday I had a couple of long exchanges with Professor Rebecca Martínez, blogged here: "Wave of Unaccompanied Alien Children Swamps the United States — #BorderInvasion." So I was just reviewing things, and I see that the stalking racist asshat Repsac was jumping into my conversation with Professor Martínez, with links and lame rebuttals to points I'd made. I know. I know. The lady was struggling as it is, but man, that is some creepy shit. Like a child who has no friends on the playground, who gets his butt kicked repeatedly, and bleats waahh waahh waahh when his stalk-obsession is getting just too much attention.

As Robert wrote in January:
The conflict between Casper and Professor Douglas is not about politics, nor is it about Professor Douglas.

That is to say, Casper’s espousal of left-wing political ideas is not the reason for his behavior, but simply a pretext, and if he weren’t harassing Professor Douglas, he’d be harassing some other target, selected more or less at random. There is, of course, a specific history to the conflict between them, but it is ultimately irrelevant. There are plenty of people every bit as left-wing as Casper who are not obsessive stalkers, and there are other conservative bloggers who might just as easily become targets for stalking, if ever they attracted the attention of such a grotesquely deformed personality as Casper. Walter James Casper III has spent years smearing and harassing Professor Douglas, trying to get him fired from his job. This could (and in fact, often does) happen to any blogger who has a day job.

To get an idea of the pathetic nature of Casper’s obsession, he has devoted an entire blog, called “American Nihilist,” to his anti-Douglas jihad. In the past six months, that stalker site has attracted an average of about 15 visitors a day. By contrast, Professor Douglas’s blog has averaged nearly 2,000 visitors daily.
Pathetic. Pathological too.

Tania Gail warned me years ago that Repsac was stalking her all over the Internet, and she was going to kick his ass if he got in her face. Because Reppy's a cowardly Internet troll who's been repudiated relentlessly for years. He's gonna come to a hard end one of these days. People have his number. He needs to back the f-k off.

Here's the hate-freak troll stalking my Twitter convo:

Interestingly, this Rebecca woman is just like racist Repsac3 --- closed-minded, conspiratorial and rabidly partisan to the exclusion of decency, morality and simple logic. My friend Plaidy on Twitter basically rolled her eyes at this sad little woman:

Yeah, people like this never do get it. (It'd be sad if they weren't truly terrible, terrible losers.) That's why racist Repsac trolls and stalks my every comment online. He gets some sick perversity turn-on by tweeting inane responses to people I'm engaging online. Demonic fatal attraction man. F-ker better watch it. Folks got his number, you know, boom! one of these days or something.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Bwahaha! Robert Stacy McCain Eviscerates Egghead Avatar Hate-Troll Walter James Casper III

I had no idea, but yesterday I slept in as I usually do, and it was probably early afternoon before I even checked my Twitter feed and my SiteMeter. And what do you know? Nothin' but hilarious lulz when I saw Robert Stacy McCain's epic smackdown of the reviled obsessive stalking hate-troll Walter James Casper III, a.k.a Repsac3.

See, "Portrait of a Stalker Troll: @Repsac3, Also Known as Walter James Casper III."

Even better has been the lulz on Twitter:

Now, this might deserve another post, but I'll append it here for now, but once again, with his psychotic ramblings in response to Robert Stacy McCain's glorious beatdown, demented troll Walter James Casper also reminded us that he's a pathological liar. (I should probably create a tag for "Demented Psycho Liars" just for Repsac, but as it turns out you hit the motherload searching the nav-bar for "James Casper Liar." Seriously, every other word that comes out of this guy's mouth's a f-king lie. And I hate liars, which is one of the main reasons I hate communists. They're disgusting liars, and in Repsac's case, a disgusting liar and communist, but that goes without saying. Here's just one for reference, "W. James Casper is a Coward, a Fraud, and a Liar.")

It turns out that the butt-hurt has been so bad that hate-addled Reppy's literally been online 24-7 obsessively attempting to shoot down all the hammering snark that's been ripping him apart all over the web. The thread at Robert Stacy McCain's is so funny you have to stop and hold your side! Repsac's so stupid. Folks have been DMing me with even more lulz slamming the asshole. Zilla was rolling at how Repsac "soiled himself" in the comments at the Other McCain. I'd feel sorry for him if he wasn't such a hate-filled psycho douchebag.

Nowhere are there better lulz than at "Hate-sac's" own dung-hole stalk-blog, American Nihilist. The repulsive and proven liar Carl Salonen, one of Repsac's key blog-stalking allies, wondered how "Speedo" (Robert Stacy McCain) "noticed [Donald's post] you if you hadn't said word boo to him or AssProf in months?" And on cue, hate-troll Casper lies through his sh*t-stained teeth in response, "In all the years that AssProf has been lashing out, this is the first time Speedo has ever deigned to take any obvious notice of Don's lil obsession." I admit even being surprised at how carelessly racist Repsac's willing to spew lies. It's actually breathtaking, especially since Repsac himself is so obsessive-compulsive he's actually recorded the times that Robert Stacy McCain has taken "obvious notice" of Casper's deranged stalking.

Here's the tweet from December 10, 2012:

And then on Casper's stalk-blog he psychotically records the moment on the very next day, "IRT: This Twitter post) - Tuesday, December 11, 2012, 6:00 AM - American Power: Epic Loser Walter James Casper III 'Isn't a Very Effective User' of Twitter..."

Clearly not only is Repsac a demented troll and pathological liar, he's not very smart. Why keep an objectively obsessive-compulsive record of every thing that your target's written about you online if you can't even be bright enough to cite those mentions in later iterations when you're trying to destroy your enemy? It's like the old saying goes, "Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive."

And if that's not enough, Walter James Casper is one of the key trolls who's responsible for the "troll rights theory" of stalking and harassment, and Robert Stacy McCain links to my report on Casper's stalking here, "Imaginary ‘Rights’ You Don’t Have, You Sad and Disgusting Troll, Bill Schmalfeldt."

Now I admit, these are gobsmackingly "obvious" examples of the numerous times that Robert Stacy McCain has taken notice of the repulsive Casper. Indeed, Robert doesn't like Casper at all it turns out, and has thrown down a warning in the comments:
Tell you what, Casper: You go nurse your hurts in your own dark corner of the Internet and don't give me another excuse to take notice of you. That's gonna be a win-win, see? Because I've got no shortage of weirdos to pay attention to, and you really don't want me on your case.
Now, if he were smart (he's not, of course, but bear with me), Walter James Casper would probably steer clear of Robert Stacy McCain, particularly regarding the comments. Because while I've recommended that hate-troll Casper be banned wherever he shows his horrifically ugly mug, Robert's not one to ban people outright. He likes his stalkers to leave attack trails and comments that end up providing enough rope for them to hang themselves. And with all that Robert's going through these days --- and I'm talking not just about the Kimberlin harassment and lawsuits, but also all the normal hard-left attacks that conservatives deal with from the psycho left on a daily basis --- I'd be the last person to push my luck with him when he lays down a clear warning to back the f-k off.

Years ago, a reader of my blog had resources from one of those background research sources that for a fee will provide personal information on people. The reader sent me a file on Repsac. I think it even included a photo of his home in Mastic, New York, which I gather is on Long Island (or that included a link to a photo online). If I recall it was an older one story home, apparently on a street corner, with a large-trunk tree on the front lawn. The place looked kinda run down. That's the basic description, if memory serves me. Not sure. There was a street address as well. There was other information too, about family members. I already know where Casper went to high school and (surprisingly, because he's so retarded) college. Some of this information is easily found just by a quick search for "Repsac3" on Google. But some is definitely proprietary. Basically, hate-addled Walter James Casper's ripe for a doxing. And not just a quick Internet search doxing. We're talking about a full professional investigation-style doxing. All this is speculation, but hey, stalkers do face consequences sometimes, and if anyone deserves the honors it's the universally reviled Repsac3. Frankly, what pisses people off is not only that Repsac's a despicable troll (truly evil, in fact), but that he maintains a stalking hate-blog along the lines of Breitbart Unmasked.

These are all just ruminations and speculation, but you never can be too careful.

In any case, I'll probably need some additional posting to catalog both the epic lulz and the endless lies. Here I'll just conclude with a couple of the objective truths from the commenters at the Other McCain:
Casper & Schamlfeldt: separated at birth? (And may God have mercy on any womb that birthed them...) -- Texlovera.
Get a life ... Your whole blog is about DOUG [Donald Douglas]. You're just a crazy moonbat. You must be bored out of your damned skull. Have you thought about getting some meds for this psychosis? -- Mad Jewess Woman.
Hell, even some folks I know on medication understand that ignoring is the best policy. Or at the very least understand that being a creepy stalker is not a good thing. Just sayin'. -- La Pucelle.
That's all for now, lol.