Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Comedy Central Backs Daily Show's Trevor Noah After Questionable Tweets

This dude's a real piece of work.


I doubt Comedy Central's going to be able to stay with this f-ker too much longer. He's definitely racist and radioactive.

And see Jon Gabriel, at Ricochet, "‘Daily Show’ Names New Host, Outrrrage Ensues."

Also at Twitchy, "New ‘Daily Show’ host Trevor Noah deletes tweet responding to controversy surrounding his hiring [screenshot]." Man, the dude must have been up all night hitting that delete key, lol!

Still more at NewsBusters, "New Daily Show Host Joked U.S. Worse Than Apartheid South Africa."

Plus, from the idiots at Salon, "Trevor Noah in our crazy birther age: Right-wing rage at “The Daily Show” is about to get very, very ugly."

Yes, because to be rightfully upset with voluminous misogyny and anti-Semitism is so "right-wing."

Jodie Gasson in Brilliant Yellow

At Egotastic!, "Jodie Gasson Yellow Bikini Striptease."

The New Intolerance

I just don't care to debate these homosexual rights issues so much these days. The left, frankly, is winning. The turning point was the Windsor decision a couple of years ago. The crowning moment will be this June when the high court announces a constitutional right to same-sex marriage. It is what it is.

Unfortunately, with all that comes power to the radical left to discriminate against people of faith. The real hatred and intolerance in America today is found on the extremist secular, Marxist collectivist left. Homosexual rights, especially the homosexual right to same sex marriage, is the nail in the coffin for traditional marriage.

At the Wall Street Journal, "Indiana isn’t targeting gays. Liberals are targeting religion":
In the increasingly bitter battle between religious liberty and the liberal political agenda, religion is losing. Witness the media and political wrath raining down upon Indiana because the state dared to pass an allegedly anti-gay Religious Freedom Restoration Act. The question fair-minded Americans should ask before casting the first stone is who is really being intolerant.

The Indiana law is a version of the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) that passed 97-3 in the Senate and that Bill Clinton signed in 1993. Both the federal and Indiana laws require courts to administer a balancing test when reviewing cases that implicate the free exercise of religion.

To wit: Individuals must show that their religious liberty has been “substantially burdened,” and the government must demonstrate its actions represent the least restrictive means to achieve a “compelling” state interest. Indiana’s law adds a provision that offers a potential religious defense in private disputes, but then four federal appellate circuits have also interpreted the federal statute to apply to private disputes.

The federal RFRA followed the Supreme Court’s Employment Division v. Smith ruling in 1990 that abandoned its 30-year precedent of reviewing religious liberty cases under strict scrutiny. Congress responded with RFRA, which merely reasserted longstanding First Amendment protections.

In 1997 the Supreme Court limited RFRA’s scope to federal actions. So 19 states including such cultural backwaters as Connecticut, Rhode Island and Illinois followed with copy-cat legislation, and Indiana is the 20th. Courts in 11 states have extended equally vigorous protections.

Indiana was an outlier before the new law because neither its laws nor courts unambiguously protected religious liberty. Amish horse-drawn buggies could be required to abide by local traffic regulations. Churches could be prohibited from feeding the homeless under local sanitation codes. The state Attorney General even ruled Indiana Wesleyan University, a Christian college which hires on the basis of religion, ineligible for state workforce training grants.

In February, 16 prominent First Amendment scholars, some of whom support same-sex marriage, backed Indiana’s legislation. “General protection for religious liberty is important precisely because it is impossible to legislate in advance for all the ways in which government might burden the free exercise of religion,” they explained.

That hasn’t stopped the cultural great and good from claiming Indiana added the religious defense in private disputes as a way to target gays. If this is Indiana’s purpose, and there’s no evidence it is, this is unlikely to work.

The claim is that this would empower, say, florists or wedding photographers to refuse to work a gay wedding on religious grounds. But under the RFRA test, such a commercial vendor would still have to prove that his religious convictions were substantially burdened.

And he would also come up against the reality that most courts have found that the government has a compelling interest in enforcing antidiscrimination laws. In all these states for two decades, no court we’re aware of has granted such a religious accommodation to an antidiscrimination law. Restaurants and hotels that refused to host gay marriage parties would have a particularly high burden in overcoming public accommodation laws.

In any event, such disputes are rare to nonexistent, a tribute to the increasing tolerance of American society toward gays, lesbians, the transgendered, you name it.

The paradox is that even as America has become more tolerant of gays, many activists and liberals have become ever-more intolerant of anyone who might hold more traditional cultural or religious views...
Yes, that's the paradox, isn't it?


And see Memeorandum.

Buy Books

Okay, I'm off for my long teaching Tuesday at the college.

Shop around at Amazon for some books. May I suggest Victor Davis Hanson, The Savior Generals: How Five Great Commanders Saved Wars That Were Lost - From Ancient Greece to Iraq.

Plus, Shop Amazon's Easter Shop.

More blogging tonight.

As China Expands Its Navy, the U.S. Grows Wary

This is interesting.

We were just talking about China's naval build-up in my World Politics class yesterday.

At WSJ, "Washington is divided over whether Beijing should be viewed as naval partner or potential adversary":
China’s navy chief, Adm. Wu Shengli, strolled the Harvard University campus in a tweed blazer and slacks during a visit to the U.S. last fall, joking with students and quizzing school officials about enrolling some of his officers.

A few days earlier, he became the first Chinese navy chief to attend a 113-nation naval forum in Rhode Island, where he hailed U.S.-China military ties and discussed working together on global maritime challenges.

Shortly after his U.S. visit, Adm. Wu took another trip—this time to the Spratly Islands, an archipelago in the South China Sea where his country appears to be building a network of artificial island fortresses in contested waters. It was his first known visit to facilities U.S. officials fear could be used to enforce Chinese control of nearly all the South China Sea, one of the world’s busiest shipping routes.

As Adm. Wu seeks closer exchanges with the U.S. in his quest to build a modern global navy, Washington faces the dilemma of dealing with China as both a partner and a potential adversary challenging U.S. naval dominance in Asia. “I would say that he doesn’t want to build a navy that’s equivalent to the U.S.,” said Adm. Gary Roughead, the retired U.S. Chief of Naval Operations. “He wants to build a navy that surpasses the U.S.”

Adm. Wu, navy chief since 2006, is one of the architects of China’s maritime expansion, sending ships and submarines deep into the Indian and Pacific oceans, launching China’s first aircraft carrier and overseeing operations to assert control of waters claimed by Vietnam, the Philippines and other nations.

He also has become China’s point man for cinching closer U.S. military ties, a priority of Chinese President Xi Jinping. Adm. Wu met his counterpart, U.S. Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan Greenert, four times over the past two years, forging guidelines on how Chinese and U.S. vessels can safely interact.

Adm. Wu now wants deeper exchanges, including help developing aircraft carrier operations and improving education for his naval officers. He says such exchanges would allow China to better work alongside the U.S. to maintain global security, according to people who have spoken with him.

Adm. Greenert and other senior U.S. Navy officials also advocate closer engagement to encourage China to embrace international norms. Some in the Pentagon and Congress, however, worry Adm. Wu’s real mission is absorbing American know-how to advance territorial gains and boost China’s ability to thwart U.S. intervention.

Adm. Wu has been described by the U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence, or ONI, as the “most vocal and successful advocate for a greatly expanded mission” for the Chinese navy since Adm. Liu Huaqing, who first proposed turning China into a sea power in the 1980s.

He is also a so-called princeling, as offspring of senior Communist Party figures are known, and said by defense officials to have strong backing from President Xi—another princeling—who has put sea power at the core of his vision for China. That may explain why Adm. Wu, 69 years old, has kept his post so long. He said during his U.S. visit he expected to retain the job until 2017.

The conflicting views of Adm. Wu mirror a deeper debate over whether China and the U.S. can reconcile their competing strategic interests in Asia and forge a genuinely cooperative military relationship in the 21st Century...
Hmm... I think the U.S. oughta be careful about not giving away the store.


RELATED: At War is Boring, "China’s Third Aircraft Carrier Could Be Nuclear."

Monday, March 30, 2015

Eloi Vasquez, UC Berkeley Soccer Player Killed on I-10, Left USC Frat Party 'Drunk and Confused'

He was hit by a car running across the freeway.

If universities would deal with the underage alcohol crisis (rather than the manufactured rape crisis) we'd be truly on the way to saving an untold number of lives.

At the Los Angeles Times, "Missing UC Berkeley soccer player was struck, killed on 10 Freeway."

And at London's Daily Mail, "UC Berkeley soccer star who went missing after leaving frat party 'drunk and confused' was actually KILLED by a car two days ago."

Oxnard Woman Allegedly Wielding Knife Shot Dead by Police, Leftists Cry Racism!

Check the hashtag "#MeaganHockaday" and you'll find all the usual bullshit about "#BlackLivesMatter."

And notice the supreme irony in the "racism" allegations against the Oxnard Police Department, whose chief is Jeri Williams, a black woman who's been with the force since 2001.

See the video at KEYT-TV Santa Barbara, "Woman Shot and Killed By Oxnard Police Officer."

Hot Gallery of Sexy Busty Girls

Actually, this is more for you to start your week.

At Toasted, "End Your Week With Some Sexy Busty Girls: 38 Images."

Hat Tip: Linkiest.

Stolen Tips, Dine and Dash, Counterfeit Money: O.C. Restaurant Workers Confront Crime on Front Lines

This is mind-boggling.

Sure glad I don't have to deal with it, but then, I'm sad that these folks do.

At the O.C. Register, "Pilfered tips, dine and dash, fake cash: It's tough out on the restaurant front lines":
For workers on the front lines of Orange County’s bustling hospitality industry, things can get downright inhospitable. Even dangerous.

Kerry Soderstrom, a former waitress at a bar in downtown Huntington Beach, recalls the trio – two men and a woman in their 20s – who caught her eye one night. She had a feeling they were getting ready to skip out on their $50 food and booze bill.

Sure enough, when Soderstrom was busy helping another customer, they bolted. She gave chase and confronted them in a darkened parking garage.

“I felt panic and an instant need to catch them to avoid having to be held personally responsible for their bill with the bar,” said Soderstrom, who now works at an investment bank. “At the time I really didn’t consider the danger of actually pursuing them into the parking structure, which looking back now it could have been very dangerous.”

That turned out to be the case a week ago for a 28-year-old waitress at the Mexico Lindo restaurant in Anaheim. When she confronted four people who left without paying, they ran over her legs with their car and fled, according to Orange County Sheriff’s Department deputies.

Rowshaid Pellum, 24, of Cerritos, along with Santeea Ralph, 23; Markeisha Williams, 18; and Shyteice Miles, 19, all of Long Beach, have been arrested in connection with the incident.

Also last week, Francisco Cardenas, 26, pleaded guilty to felony assault and misdemeanor petty theft for attacking a 55-year-old retired police officer after trying to grab a tip jar at a Starbucks in Huntington Beach.

Dine-and-dash crime isn’t that common in Orange County, service workers say. But when it happens, police and other officials say, wait staff should avoid heroics and report the theft to police.

“They should never chase after someone else,” said Russ Bendel, president of the Orange County Restaurant Association and owner of the Vine restaurant in San Clemente. “It’s better to bite the bullet.”

The problem, though, is that though it’s illegal for restaurant operators to withhold tips from servers to cover dine-and-dash bills, the practice is still fairly common, said Maria Myotte, a spokeswoman for Restaurant Opportunities Centers United, which represents 13,000 hospitality workers nationwide.

“A lot of servers get negative paychecks,” she said. “The environment is such that it’s their personal responsibility for that money.”

Tip jars have become ubiquitous at checkout counters, making easy targets for thieves looking to grab some quick cash.

In the case of the attempted Starbucks theft on March 7, Scott Fahey was placing money in the tip jar at a walk-up window at Brookhurst and Adams Avenue in Huntington Beach when Cardenas rode up on a bicycle and tried to grab the container.

Fahey, 55, refused to release the jar, which held three $1 bills and change. He said Cardenas punched him and bashed him in the head with a metal sign. Cardenas fled when Fahey reached for his Glock 26 and warned Cardenas he would shoot...
It's bad all over, dang.

Keep reading.

4-Year Old Girl Sneaks Out, Grabs the Bus, for Late-Night Slushie


At MyFox 11 Los Angeles, "4-Year-Old Girl Sneaks Out at 3 A.M. to Get Late-Night Slushie."

Late-night? Actually, it's early morning, but I'll go with it at the headline, lol.

George Stephanopoulos' Gotcha Interview with Indiana Governor Mike Pence

Leftists are gleeful with Stephanopoulos' gotcha questions, but Gov. Pence handles the interview with aplomb.

Watch: "Indiana Gov. Mike Pence Says Religious Freedom Law 'Absolutely Not' a Mistake."

Jamie Foxx Accused of Transphobia After Bruce Jenner Joke at #iHeartRadioMusciAwards


You just cannot joke about this stuff. Man, they'll come down on you like a ton of communist bricks!

At San Francisco Chronicle, "Jamie Foxx Joke About Bruce Jenner at #iHeartRadioMusicAwards Draws Ire."

Foxx took "another jab at the former Olympian, saying, 'Look, I'm just busting your balls while I still can'."

Queen Elizabeth to Dissolve Parliament — It's the Twelfth Time She's Done It

Interesting bit of comparative politics. There's very little power in the British monarchy, but the ability to dissolve parliament remains a significant one, much more than a formality.

At Sky News, "Not Just Theatre: Queen to Dissolve Parliament."

Ayaan Hirsi Ali — From Selma to Tunis: When Will We March Against the Segregation of Our Own Time?

From Ms. Hirsi Ali, at Huffington Post:

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Sunday Cartoons

At Flopping Aces, "Sunday Funnies."

Branco Cartoons photo Missing-Leader600-LI_zps5vcchhrt.jpg

And at Paco Enterprises, "Sunday Funnies," and Reaganite Republican, "Reaganite's SUNDAY FUNNIES."

More at Theo's, "Cartoon Roundup..."

Cartoon Credit: Legal Insurrection, "Branco Cartoon – Leader of the Tee World."

The Revolutionary Communist Roots of #BlackLivesMatter

Radical leftists are cheering the shooting of the decorated Boston police officer, "Leftists Celebrate on Twitter Over Boston Cop Shooting."

One of the radicals linked there is Lamont Lilly, a member of the revolutionary communist organization Fight Imperialism, Stand Together (FIST). Lilly's tweets advocate anti-capitalist violence, "no justice, no peace." See, for example, "Fuck peace. We want justice," and "Anti-Racist. Anti-Capitalist. Anti-Sexist. Anti-Imperialist. Simply means you're PRO-HUMAN!"

And the FIST publication, Red Flag, advocates the systematic murder of law enforcement officers of the "capitalist police state." See, "How Will We Defeat the Police State."

And here's this from another article there, entitled "What Do Communists Stand For? Smashing the Low Wage Capitalist State":
Socialism Did Not Fail: And no it hasn't been a big failure everywhere its ever been tried. The Soviet Union, the first attempt to build socialism, went from being an impoverished agrarian country, to being an industrial power house. It doubled the life expectancy of the people. It produced more steel and tractors than any other society. It provided electricity, running water, housing, and medical care to everyone within its borders. The Soviet Union defeated the Nazis and Hitler. The Soviet Union was the first country to enter outer space.

The Soviet Union collapsed in the 1980s, when it was privatizing things. It collapsed when it was introducing capitalist market reforms, and moving away from socialism, led by leaders who repudiated the revolutionary ideology of Marxism-Leninism.
It goes on like that, even going so far as to praise Cuba and North Korea as spectacular successes of the communist model. Whatever. Reality is always upside down in the left's collectivist worldview, and that's from the Obama White House down to the #BlackLivesMatter activists killing cops in the streets. I've written about this before, so by now it's abundantly clear what this movement's all about, although the treasonous, leftist MSM refuses to report the truth. See, "List of Demands from 'Black Lives Matter'."

FIST photo blm_zpsrpd0ex7i.jpg

Eric Foner, Columbia University Professor and Communist Apologist, Calls for 'Third Reconstruction'

According to Discover the Networks, "Eric Foner was an anti-American 1960s radical, and as a historian is an apologist for American Communism."

Ain't it the truth.

Well it turns out Professor Foner's got a piece up at the New York Times (where else?) calling for a "Third Reconstruction."

See, "Why Reconstruction Matters."

And at the Nation, "Toward a Third Reconstruction."

The "Second Reconstruction" was allegedly during the civil rights movement, when the federal government exerted enormous power over the states to protect black rights, from public accommodations to voting --- to protect blacks from the Democrats and the Ku Klux Klan. (Y'all of course know about the first Reconstruction, when Republicans protected blacks from the Democrats and the Ku Klux Klan.) Well, far-left socialist regressives want to take us back to those bleak times again. Racist Democrat Party times. I imagine leftists want to bring back lynching too.

Bennie Simmons photo Lynching_of_Bennie_Simmons_zpspdmpzci1.jpg

Via Memeorandum.

PHOTO: "The Lynching of Bennie Simmons," at Wikimedia Commons.

Suspect Angelo West Identified in 'Point Blank' Assassination Attempt on Decorated Boston Cop (VIDEO)

At Twitchy, "‘Nearly assassination-style’: Boston police shooting suspect identified as ‘career criminal’ Angelo West, age 41."

The black mofo suspect wasn't about to go back behind bars.

See Kevin Cullen, at the Boston Globe, "Three strikes and he was out on streets again":

Angelo West wasn’t going back to prison.

That’s what this was about. Pure and simple.

When members of the Boston police gang unit stopped the car he was driving on Humboldt Avenue on Friday evening, he knew that the .357 Magnum he was carrying was a ticket back to Cedar Junction in Walpole, and he wasn’t going out like that.

So he came out of the car, without a word, put his gun to the face of John Moynihan, and pulled the trigger. Then he ran off, turning back to fire at Moynihan’s colleagues.

Did he really think he would get away?

Who knows. Luckily, police officers are much better shots than habitual felons like West and he died as he would have had them die.

There was an extraordinary scene as police officers combed the area for spent shell casings and other evidence as Moynihan underwent surgery at Boston Medical Center. Some people got in their faces, calling them pigs, screaming about another black man shot to death by police.

Given the facts in this case, and that, according to Police Commissioner Bill Evans, the entire fatal encounter, showing West put the gun to Moynihan’s face without provocation, is caught on camera, you’d think the people screaming at the cops might have waited, oh, I don’t know, maybe a few hours, before concluding that Angelo West is the next Michael Brown, the next Eric Garner, the next Tamir Rice.

But he isn’t. Angelo West is somebody who routinely armed himself with guns and previously had fired a shot that nearly killed a cop. His death on Humboldt Ave. was more the inevitable conclusion to a violent, lawless life than it is the latest example of police being too quick to fire on young black men...

And here's video of depraved leftists taunting police, "VIDEO - Protesters Caught on Video Taunting Police After Boston Cop Remains in Coma from Shooting."

Behold today's cop-killing left. #BlackLivesMatter only if they're used to kill police.

ANSWER L.A. Protest 'Shuts Down' Marine Recruitment Center That Was Closed on Saturdays

This was last weekend, but I just saw this hilarious tweet from the communist idiot Ryan Endicott:

Only one small problem here. According to CBS News Los Angeles, who checked with local Marine officials, none of the nearby recruiting offices "were open" on Saturday. See, "Dozens of Anti-War Protesters March Through Hollywood."

But hey, it's all about the narrative with the ghoulish far-left communists, heh.

Air Canada Flight 624 Crashes in Halifax

It's almost like I don't wanna fly anymore, all these accidents lately. Sheesh.

At Toronto's National Post, "Air Canada flight 624 crash lands during blizzard in Halifax, sending at least 23 to hospital":
Dominic Stettler, 31, of Wolfville, N.S., said people on board the plane responded with level heads.

“I think we hit a power cable, there was a lot of sparks,” he said. “We hit the ground, we came up and then we slid on the runway for quite a long time. We just kicked the doors out and jumped onto the wing and then ran because we just wanted to get away from the airplane in case of explosions or anything.”

Stettler said people were helping each other after they got off the plane.

“A woman offered me her jacket because I was shivering and pulled me into a tight warm hug and we just sat there for a while. It was kind of special actually,” he said.
Plus, at RT, "Air Canada flight 624 crash lands at Halifax Airport, loses wing, passengers safe," and Ruptly, "We ran because fuel was pouring out of plane - Air Canada passenger."