Thursday, March 15, 2012

Tamara Holder: 'I Think MILF Is a Compliment of Sorts'

Actually, I had a student in class defend Maher (and by implication President Obama, whose PAC is taking that million bucks) by saying that he didn't have a problem with women being called sluts: "I don't have a problem with it."

Double standards really make progressive say and do awful things.

See Gateway Pundit, "Pathetic… Lib Pundit Defends Bill Maher: I Think MILF Is a Compliment of Sorts."

MILF is not a compliment. It's a slur that says you don't take a woman seriously, but only as a piece of meat. And for a progressive women to say this is really a compliment is patently brainless, to say nothing of tasteless. Andrea Tantaros' response is perfect, really. Tamara Holder is unbelievable.