Sunday, March 4, 2012

What Republican War on Women?

This kind of stuff reminds me of when I first started blogging years ago. The left's polarizing extremes in argumentation make no sense. Okay, so Limbaugh called Fluke a slut. He was over the top, perhaps. But the fact remains that that Sandra Fluke's emergence is an attempt to shift the debate and change the story from the assault on religious liberty to an alleged war women. This is a fundamental axis of conflict in American politics, and obviously the Democrat-progressives would like to escalate this issue to distract from the Obama administrations debt bomb, failed stimulus, anemic job recovery, and its "war" on taxpayers.

Here's this from Jonathan Tobin, at Commentary, "Obama, Limbaugh and the Law Student":

Let’s specify that what Limbaugh said did nothing to advance the cause of civil debate on the issue. But those who decry the lack of civility in politics generally tend to limit their complaints to hyperbole uttered by people whose views they do not share. The same people who are voicing outrage at the hurt feelings of Ms. Fluke do not scruple at mocking or name calling when it comes to Sarah Palin, Rick Santorum or others whose beliefs on this or any other subject they believe to be antediluvian. The church and its adherents have been subjected to withering ridicule.

Moreover, though it has been lost amid the outcry against Limbaugh, he’s right to point out that, those who believe institutions ought to be compelled to fund free birth control are, in effect, demanding a subsidy for having sex. Of course, that is not the same thing as being a prostitute. Nor does it make anyone who wishes to take advantage of such a subsidy a “slut.” Such terms are abusive. But that is exactly why an entertainer like Limbaugh uses them much as Stewart and liberal comics employ similarly nasty terms to people they wish to deride. Need we really point out that comments made in the context of this sort of show is not the same thing as remarks recorded in the Congressional Record and should thus be judged by a slightly different standard?

Rush Limbaugh will survive this latest attempt to destroy him and may, in fact, benefit from being the subject of a White House barb. But conservatives and those who care about religious liberty should be dismayed by the way the left has been allowed to shield an ominous attempt to expand government power and subvert religious freedom behind a faux defense of women’s rights.

No one is trying to prevent Sandra Fluke or any other woman — or man — from doing whatever they want in the privacy of their own bedrooms. But what Fluke and President Obama are trying to do is to force religious institutions to pay for conduct their faith opposes. That, and not Rush Limbaugh’s scorn for Fluke’s birth control bill, remains the real issue at stake in this debate.

And don't forget, by the way, that the left's media industrial complex is pulling for the home team on this. See WaPo, for example, "Sandra Fluke says she expected criticism, not personal attacks, over contraception issue."