Monday, July 19, 2010

NAACP Racism

The clip is pretty astounding, listening to this woman, Shirley Sherrod, USDA Georgia Director of Rural Development, confess she would be less likely to help a man --- a white man who needed help for his farm --- on account of his race. In fact, this makes me sick to my stomach. I'll let readers make what they want out of the rest of the entry, from Andrew Breitbart, "Video Proof: The NAACP Awards Racism–2010." (Via Memeorandum.) I'll simply note that this is a devastating indictment of what appears to be a professional woman in what appears to be a professional context (NAACP Freedom Fund dinner). Are we not a country whereby now we define people by the content of their character and not the color of their skin? What did a 21st century white farmer do to deserve this kind of disparate treatment? I could not live with myself if I said to myself "I can't help this student. She's a migrant daughter, and her parents are undocumented. I refuse to help her. I hate her for who she is." But that's exactly what Shirley Sherrod is doing. Blacks were sharecroppers, sure. Maybe this white man's parents and grandparents were contract farmers as well. The South is historically the poorest region in the country. I can't imagine some post-bellum landed gentry-man going to some USDA office looking for farm support, but for too many blacks in the country today, this guy needing help is a "cracker," so screw him. We be lookin' out for our own, ya'll!


Josephine said...

This is depressing. That woman is a nasty racist but she'll get a free pass because she isn't white and only white people can be blamed for racism.

Jan said...

This is just about one of the most disgusting things I've ever heard! Racism is racism. Period.

The old "we are victims" mentality is getting a little old, and I, for one, am sick of it.

I'm white, and I was born, and brought up, in the South. My stepfather was a sharecropper, working for what amounted to a few commodities, and about enough money for shoes for us kids when school started.

We all worked in the fields, planting, hoeing, and then picking cotton, along with all the other work that goes into surviving another day.

We didn't have any handouts, nor did we ask for any. And guess what? When my stepfather found a regular job, and we moved away, nobody gave us forty acres and a mule. None of us kids got a free education, paid for by taxpayers, and none of us ever got a job handed to us on a silver platter, because of the color of our skin, or because of anything that happened to our relatives a hundred years ago.

It's about time that we all were treated equally, and fairly, no matter what our skin color happens to be, nor how badly any of our ancestors may have been treated in the past.

It just feels like all the hope and change promised is only for chosen groups, and not for everyone.

For anyone thinking that I, myself, am racist, or disdain anyone who happens to be different from me, well, you couldn't be more wrong. It's just that I am so tired of all the stupidity.

I know what it feels like to be looked down on for no other reason than being poor, and I know what it's like being kowtowed to, just because I have a little more, now.

It's time for people to face reality. We are all the same, amd no one is better than anyone else, but we will never be able to get along, and accept one another, as long as we hang onto the hateful attitude so blatantly displayed in the video.

Dennis said...

I suspect that the NAACP, Obama and a number of Leftist hate groups may rue the day when they thought using the word "racist" was a good thing and had no political downside. The number of videos that will surface demonstrating these Leftist groups' racism will be released on the internet, media and other forms of information outlets.
Since a lot of Americans will not have seen the racism of the Leftist hate groups they will be aghast at it's virulence. The MSM has been very careful about limiting race coverage to actions by the supposed majority so most people can be forgiven if they are unaware of the racism exhibited by almost every Leftist group.
As one Latino video states, "You're too white to be an American. Go Back to Europe." I have stated before that the left will be "hoisted on their own petard." Racism by definition is a comfortable attitude for Leftists because so much of their ideology requites putting people into groups instead of dealing with them as individuals. It is the ultimate outcome of creating the "Us and Them" mentality and group think. It is almost impossible for people who see and treat others as individuals.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic. Out of 3+ MILLION federal bureaucrats, the ONE AND ONLY black racist has been identified and removed!

Yeah, right.