Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Obama Paid Too High a Price for #Bergdahl Release, Poll Finds

Yesterday, the ghoulish idiot Steve M. at No More Mister scoffed at polling data finding a plurality of 43 percent saying the Bergdahl trade was the "wrong thing to do." As with any survey, the real juice is in the questions and question wording. And when Americans have been asked to rank the prisoner swap in terms of threats to American forces in the field, the results have been devastating for the White House. Recall the Fox News poll from last week, for example, "Poll: 84 Percent Say #Bergdahl Deal Will Encourage Terrorist Groups to Seize More Soldiers."

And notice how No More Mister conveniently ignores the Pew poll findings he's blogging, on the responses from military families, which I wrote about last night, "Poll: Veteran Households Slam #Bergdahl Swap as 'Wrong Thing to Do...'" Veteran households, to say nothing of active duty military personnel, are increasingly unhappy with this commander-in-chief; and recent polls have shown that most Americans have family members who once served or are currently serving in the military, and the gap among young and old in this demographic is more likely to hurt the Democrat Party in upcoming elections, not least of which in November, where some analysts expect the Bergdahl debacle to disadvantage leftist candidates at the margins.

In any case, No More Mister just happens to be one more loony manifestations of the far-left regressive disconnect from the American mainstream on the disastrous Bergdahl treason-terror exchange.

And now we have more evidence of this out today, at CBS News, "How do Americans view the Bergdahl swap?":

Views differ by political party: most Republicans disapprove of the deal, while just over half of Democrats approve. Among those who have served in the military, 55 percent disapprove of the prisoner swap.

Most Americans -- 56 percent -- say the U.S. paid too high a price to secure Bergdahl's release. Among veterans, that figure rises to 65 percent.
At the video clip Major Garrett stresses the 56 percent finding of too high a price paid by the president.

And the Obama White House sure isn't dismissing the numbers as if the controversy is a faux scandal a la Fox News. Indeed, Obama's thrown Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel under the bus. See Ed Morrissey, at Hot Air, "New WH spin on Taliban 5 swap: Hey, it was Hagel’s call":
Old and busted: The Taliban 5 swap was a demonstration of authority by a Commander in Chief who isn't afraid to act and make the final decision. New hotness: Hey, Chuck Hagel had the final call on the swap! As criticism mounts on Barack Obama over the decision to release five high-ranking and dangerous Taliban commanders in exchange for an American soldier, the White House shifted gears last night in its first briefing to the House — and attempted to shift blame as well...
Also at Legal Insurrection, "Taliban-Bergdahl swap unpopular, so … blame Hagel." (Via Memeorandum.)