Monday, September 1, 2014

British Jihad Preacher Anjem Choudary on #CNN: 'There's Nothing Called a Radical or Moderate Form of Islam...'

Oops. Anjem Choudary not sticking to the accepted leftist talking points on Islam.

The idiot Brian Seltzer tries to get Choudary back on point, "Wait! Wait! You're warping the religion!"

Actually, he's not. Leftists are warping the religion. Anjem Choudary's telling the truth.

And of course, Choudary did a sound check "jokingly" blurting out "9/11, 7/7, 3/11" and so forth, the dates of the big attacks against the West, in New York and Washington, London and Madrid. Just a sound check, of course. Seltzer gets his big indignation on, but in the end remains as clueless as ever.

HAT TIP: Blazing Cat Fur, "A CNN host let a Muslim cleric speak freely. What he said about journalism, terrorism and sharia law in America left the host speechless."