Sunday, August 16, 2009

Conservatives: A Win on Public Option is One Battle on Road to Victory

Leftist Joe Sudbay is whining about how the White House, in "dropping" the public option, will "sacrifice good policy and principles for politics any day." Basically, another netroots radical takes issue with the administation for "blowing off" the party's socialist base.

Actually, I doubt the public option is indeed "off the table." The Politico has a report, "
White House Backs Away From Public Health Care Option." But check Gaius at Blue Crab Boulevard, who nails what's really happening at this stage in Democratic-socialist healthcare reform:

To my fellow bloggers on the right,

This is NOT a victory ....

At best, we have won a skirmish - IF this is not smoke being blown by the Democrats smoke-blower-in-chief. (I am not convinced we have won even that much just yet.) Yes we have made a serious dent in their schemes, but we are not even close to being out of the woods on this yet.

We have a long way to go on this. Remember that Pelosi has already required that reconciliation be used - meaning that only 51 votes are needed in the Senate. Remember that there is a lot more to hate in these various bills being touted by the Democrats than just the public option.

If they get anything at all, they are looking at this as the camel’s nose under the tent. They will increment and “improve” anything they can get passed until it is socialized medicine. That is the ultimate goal. That is what Clinton pushed and that, very, very clearly, is the message of this article.

This is not a victory. We have to keep focused and keep fighting. We have to.
More at the link.

David Gregory Compares Town Hall Citizens to Oklahoma City Bomber

The transcript is here.

NBC's David Gregory, on Meet the Press this morning, first asked Democratic tax-evader Tom Daschle if the town halls have "derailed healthcare reform." He then follows up Daschle by smearing citizen protesters as threatening violence against the government. Highlighting one protest sign with Thomas Jefferson's quote that "the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants," Gregory claims it's "become a motto for violence against the government ... Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City bomber, had that very quote on his shirt the day at the Murrah building when 168 people were killed":

Of course, there is no motto of violence against the administration or Congress. The question was posed to Senator Coburn, and while he clearly pwned both Senator Daschle and hardliner Rachel Maddow throughout the program, he needed to first totally repudiate Gregory's line of questioning. If you check the video, the references to the Nazi signs were those of the Lyndon LaRouche forces. That group has been thoroughly discredited as having nothing to do with the conservative tea party movement and the town hall protesters. Gregory's clips are rank misinformation, a shameful display of dishonesty on the part of both Gregory and Meet the Press.

At the video, the guy with the gun is William Kostric. He was carrying his gun legally. The Secret Service was fully aware of him at the time of the town hall and had placed him under surveillance. Kostric was later interviewed by Chris Matthews. He said that "I'm not advocating violence ... I'm advocating an informed society, an armed society, a polite society."

Gregory's leaving out context and deceiving viewers. See, "
MSNBC Joins Campaign of Anti-Gun Bigotry," and "MSNBC Spreads Fear and Prejudice Over Gun Owner at Obama Event."

Note that Senator Coburn absolutely dominated the larger health policy discussion, and Rachel Maddow came off as incredibly frustrated and completely underwater on details. See, "
Maddow Battles Dick Armey In "Meet The Press" Debut ." (Via Memeorandum.)

Kathleen Sebelius: Public Option 'Not Essential Element' of ObamaCare

The Rhetorican's got the news, "Public Option? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Public Option!"

I'm just inscreasingly astounded when listening to Democrats arguing that greater government control is going to "restore" competition to insurance markets. Here's John King's interview with Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius on this morning's "State of the Union":

Sebelius argues at one point that "it's good to have consumer choice ... to let people choose an option in the new marketplace .. and it's good to have competition for private insurers who will inherit a lot of new customers."

It's almost mindboggling to listen to this, Orwellian even. Governments do not promote competition in markets. Governments regulate markets. One of the biggest marketplace inefficiencies right now is that consumers cannot buy private insurance across state lines. As Michael Tanner has pointed out in his article, "
Obama Kills Health Competition":

Obama's plan ... will ultimately result in less competition, not more ... Though few realize it, it's illegal to purchase health insurance across state lines. This effectively creates insurance cartels in each state. Tear down this barrier to interstate commerce, and you'd instantly increase competition.


And note something else: The Democrats at taking one step back to allow two steps forward (a classic Leninist prinicple). Don't believe for a second that a public option is off the table. By demonizing insurance companies, the administration's hoping to deflect criticism of ObamaCare onto the "greedy insurance monopolies"

For more on that, see my piece yesterday, "Obama's Town Hall at Grand Junction, Colorado: 'Nobody's Holding Insurance Companies Accountable'."
Plus, CNN, "Sebelius: There will be competition with private insurers" (via Memeorandum).

New Drugs Save Lives: Killing Big Pharma Would Kill Patients - NOT Greedy Capitalists

Considering the increasingly inane blogging over there, I'm tempted to say that the dorks at Lawyer, Guns and Money must be swamped with back-to-school prep. The only problem is that these guys don't prep! Well, at least not Robert Farley, who likes to glance at book manuscripts while dribbling a few whiskey sours down his mug and then calling that a "book review."

Well, "Scholarly" Scott Lemieux's not much better, considering his recent post, "Points About the Indefensible American Health Care System That Need To Be Made More Often." And what are those point?

Fun fact the media never tells you: as a % of GDP, the US has greater public expenditures on health care than the UK does. Not total expenditures, we know that. Public expenditures. More big government health care in the US than the UK.

And then Little Scotty adds this flourish of demonization:

And even the grossly underfunded British system doesn't seem to produce demonstrably worse results than the American one with it extra-expensive layer of corporate looting.

Hey, that's it! Corporate looting! Get rid of that and we'll be home free!

Wrong. New drugs save lives.

Check out The Astute Bloggers for a smart corrective to these statist authoritarians, "BASIC FALLACIES AND LIES OF THE LIBERAL ARGUMENT THAT USA HEALTHCARE IS WORSE THAN EUROPE'S":

Liberals are essentially arguing that we spend more because a lot goes into the pockets of insurers and not to doctors and nurses or actual care.

This is a lie ....

And pharma companies spend BILLIONS developing a SINGLE drug and many do not pass muster. To pay for the research which leads to life-saving and life-extending medicine, they need a high return on the drugs which do pass muster.

Killing Big Pharma would NOT kill greedy capitalists; it would be committing GENOCIDE against people who need new drugs to be developed.

We do spend more because of the GREED OF LAWYERS: we have a runaway tort system which allows lawyers to get billions each year from lawsuits against our healthcare system operators. Defensive medicine is extra expensive.

Check out more good stuff from The Astute Bloggers!

Nazis for Me? How Soon They Forget Bush as Hitler

From Andrew McCarthy at National Review, "Nazis for Me, but Not for Thee: Why shouldn’t socialized medicine prompt comparisons to National Socialism?":

Nazi Germany is a useful historical example of socialism run amok. The genocide and terrorism ultimately practiced by the Nazis were horrible — that goes without saying. But National Socialism went on for a dozen years, it was the last stage in a progressive nationalization of German society, and there was a lot more to it than genocide and terrorism. It cannot be that because there was genocide and terrorism, the socialist aspects of National Socialism are outside the lines of acceptable political discourse. Given the immense popularity of Jonah Goldberg’s Liberal Fascism, one of the most important political books of the last quarter-century, it doesn’t look like Americans are as convinced as Mort Kondracke seems to be that these comparisons are verboten.

Morton Kondracke slammed Rush Limbaugh for comparing Democrats to the Nazis.

Of course, we just emerged from 8 years of "BusHitler" demonization, so it's a bit hard to swallow the left's outrage. See, "
The Left's Nazification of Bush." And Democratic Underground proudly boasts a huge roundup, " “Bushitler” (George W. Bush comparable to Adolf Hitler)."

Also, from Zombie, "
Bush as Hitler, Swastika-Mania: A Retrospective."

At recent rallies, town hall meetings and “tea parties,” a few protesters have shown up with signs comparing Obama to Hitler (i.e. depicting him with a Hitler mustache), or displaying swastikas in the context of implying that Obama and/or his administration are Nazi-like.

One would think that this would not be particularly newsworthy, but Democrats, the White House and their supporters are expressing outrage at this “horrifying” and “menacing” turn of events ....

Since I had a front-row seat between 2003 and 2008 at anti-Bush protests in the San Francisco Bay Area, where I saw literally THOUSANDS of Bush/Hitler comparisons and swastikas, I thought perhaps it would be useful to compile here in one place a small sampling of them — to prove beyond any doubt that Hitler and swastikas were referenced incessantly at basically every single protest during the Bush administration. Anyone who claims otherwise is lying, as is anyone who claims that people who bring swastikas to rallies are necessarily self-identifying as Nazis.
Related: I retired from Rule 5 blogging, but GSGF, my friend and young neocon, forwarded me the hotness!

What is Astroturfing?

From Jimmy at the Sundries Shack, "AstroTurfing: What It Is and What It Isn’t":
Let’s be clear. The protesters you’ve seen opposing Obamacare generally aren’t AstroTurfers. Indeed, there is no evidence at all that Obamacare protesters have done any AstroTurfing. The supposed gotcha memo that the left waved around like a bloody shirt a couple weeks ago (before Mary Katharine Ham showed their outrage was more fake than Lindsey Lohan’s lesbianism) wasn’t an AstroTurfing effort either. It was good-old grassroots activism, just like our President used to do, except the guy who wrote the memo wasn’t actually paid to be an activist. The Tea Party movement is a grassroots movement, even though they have some semblance of organization.
Great post. Read the whole thing, here.

Plus, at Gateway Pundit, "
Of Course. Obama Busses in Supporters at Grand Junction Rally Too."

And check the video at the
Peoples Press Collective. The ObamaBots, at the least, should make their own signs.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Meghan McCain Wants to Finish Off the GOP

I didn't know Meghan McCain was a genuine skank. Yeah, I'm up on Ms. McCain's wars with everybody who's somebody on the conservative right today, but I had no idea that her brand of "progressive GOP politics" includes posting tweets like this one:

And actually, I backed John McCain in 2008 (surprise!), so I normally wouldn't argue that he was out to kill the GOP.

No, I'm just spinning the title of this entry off the New York Post's piece from earlier today, "
Meghan McCain, Blonde Bomb Shell: John McCain Wounded the GOP; His Daughter Is Out to Finish the Job":
I liked Meghan McCain. In her faux hipster Urban Outfitter threads, she attempted to humanize her cantankerous, over-the-hill father during the presidential election with her "cute" bloggette. She recommended bands, shared playlists and posed cheekily in a controversial kaffiyeh that those crazy Columbia kids were wearing.

At this point, someone (maybe her mother?) suggested she should speak for the youngin' mavericks out there. She anointed herself head cheerleader on a one-woman squad, and went to work on her vision of a new Republican Party. A kinder, more gentle GOP where all everyone felt loved. In essence, one that would look more like an elephant in donkey's clothing.

The Daily Beast, Tina Brown's answer for those who thought the Huffington Post wasn't left-wing enough, gave her a weekly column and she was promptly booked on every Republican-hating show from "The View" to Bill Maher. Boy did she deliver -- a perfect underhand lob right over team liberal's home plate. With her bleached blond hair, heavy eyeliner and oodles of "umms" and "likes" she looked more like Lauren Conrad than Peggy Noonan.

Then came the blogs ... oh the blogs! Posts riddled with self-indulgent drivel and giggling suggestions on how bring more youth into the listless party fold. "Go Gay, GOP!" Each had one overarching theme: To win, the Republicans needed to be more like ... the Democrats.

"I don't know exactly what about me threatens them (Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter and Co.) so much, other than that people are listening to me," she writes in her latest cranium-inflating missive to the kids on the Internets. She brags that she has twice as many followers on Twitter as Malkin. "And trust me, Twitter is more of an indication of where young people are than books published." Books are so for old people!
Yeah, Twitter, where Meghan can brag about how she loves guys who're down with mofo!

More at the link.

I'm sending this post to Robert Stacy McCain (
The Other McCain) to see what kind of fisking he'll work up (if any) on Meghan's lastest splash in the news.

P.S. Folks know I have something of a bad-boy rep on the right, but boasting my mofo creds on Twitter isn't part of my repertoire!

Obama's Town Hall at Grand Junction, Colorado: 'Nobody's Holding Insurance Companies Accountable'

President Obama spoke at a health care town hall today in Grand Junction, Colorado. With this event the president has confirmed that the Democratic political calculus has shifted away from a "robust public option" to "vilifying insurance companies." The Denver Post has the text of Obama's opening remarks, including lines like this:

These are ordinary Americans, no different than anyone else, held hostage by health insurance companies that deny them coverage, or drop their coverage, or charge fees that they can't afford for care they desperately need.

It's wrong. It's hurting too many families and businesses. And we're going to fix it when we pass health insurance reform this year.


No one is holding the insurance companies accountable for these practices. But we will. We're going to ban arbitrary caps on benefits. And we'll place limits on how much you can be charged for out-of-pocket expenses. No one in America should go broke because they get sick.
This tack comes at precisely the same time that Democrats are backing off the "public option." According to the Politico (via Memeorandum)

After the toughest week yet for health reform, leading Democrats are warning that the party likely will have to accept major compromises to get a bill passed this year – perhaps even dropping a proposal to create a government-run plan that is almost an article of faith among some liberals ....

In two town halls so far, Obama has spent far more time talking up the need to reform the insurance system than making a full-throated pitch for the public insurance option.
Still, even though the "robust public option" is apparently off the table, the president's comments this week indicate that aggressive insurance regulation is likely, including an "insurance mandate" of public insurance to "compete" with private companies (different line, same baloney).

Here's President Obama disussing insurance "
options" in Grand Junction:

... if you like your health care plan, you can keep your health plan. If you like your doctor, you can keep seeing your doctor. I don't want government bureaucrats meddling in your health care - but the point is, I don't want insurance company bureaucrats meddling in your health care either. So if you're one of the nearly 46 million people who don't have health insurance, you will finally have quality, affordable options.
But note this comment from the Heritage Foundation:
Although he once opposed the idea, President Obama is now open to the imposition of an individual mandate that would require all Americans to have federally approved health insurance. This unprecedented federal directive not only takes away your individual freedom but could cost you as well. Lawmakers are considering a penalty or tax for those who don't buy government-approved health plans.
The fact is that President Obama still wants a public national healthcare program - ObamaCare - and he's making some tactical adjustments to his public relations campaign. No matter what happens, the Democrats will attack the private marketplace and will likely frustrate private competition and consumer choice. Thus, conservatives have to keep the pressure on all the way into September and beyond. Kill health reform altoghether, if the Democrats are going to be driving the legislation.

See also, CNN, "'Arbitrary' health care policies would end, Obama tells town hall," and the New York Times, "Obama Says Insurers Are Trying to Block Change."

ObamaCare and the History of Eugenics

Glenn Beck, on Wednesday, got worked up during his "One Thing" segment. He was discussing the history of eugenics and how health rationing in Weimer Germany rationalized the lives of people with deformed limbs, like the fellow in the picture below. Beck's daughter was born with cerebral palsy, and Beck got choked up when he said "her hand looks just like this." See, "The Horror of Eugenics Happened; What Can We Learn From That Mistake?":

Beck's careful, at the video, to reject the argument that the Democrats would implement a policy of eugenics. He's simply having viewers think about the political and economic history that brought those policies into place in the 20th century:

And wouldn't you know it, the radical left doesn't want people talking about this stuff. Yep, folks like "Color of Change" just want Beck to STFU, a position that's gotten pretty common among the Democrats of late. William Jacobson has more, "Ten Top Reasons I'm Happy About The Glenn Beck Boycott":

A group called Color of Change is putting pressure on advertisers to stop running ads on the Glenn Beck show on Fox News because Glenn Beck said mean things about Barack Obama. Apparently several advertisers, including Geico, Sargento Cheese, and others, have succumbed to the fear.
Read the whole thing (the boycott will fail, and will likely have negative reverberations against leftist attempts to squelch freedom of speech).

Dems' Socialist Health Plan Saps Obama's Political Capital

From Shannon Bream, "Obama's Push for Health Care Reform May Use Up His Political Capital":

Barack Obama promised on the campaign trail to change Washington if elected president, and he rode a wave of support based partly on that pledge all the way to the White House.

But change doesn't come cheap, and securing health care reform may wind up costing him much of that support -- known in Washington as political capital.

There already are signs that Obama's support is waning -- notably in his approval rating -- as he and Democratic leaders push to pass an overhaul of the nation's heath care system. And many of the people attending legislators' town hall events this month are voicing outrage and skepticism.

"That's really a big problem for a president that's persuasive but suddenly half the country says I just don't trust you," Stuart Rothenberg, a political analyst, told FOX News.
More at the link.

Image Credit: The Astute Bloggers, "

Our Country Deserves Better: 'Oppose ObamaCare'

From Our Country Deserves Better PAC, "Oppose ObamaCare":

The support link is here.

Disabled Woman Assaulted at Adam Schiff Town Hall: Kimberly King Speaks Out Against 'ACORN PRO-OBAMA THUGS'

Gateway Pundit provides the video, "Handicapped Woman Cries After Assault By Union Thugs at Town Hall (Video)":

There's more to the story: If you look at the start of the video, you'll see a "Sepulveda Boulevard" street sign, which is West Los Angeles. Protesters turned out yesterday for a demonstration at Senator Dianne Feinstein's Westwood Office at the intersection of Sepulveda and Santa Monica Boulevards. Check the page for the National Inflation Association. They've got loads of YouTube videos from the event. They've also got an accompanying article, "Violence at Town Hall Meetings Could Escalate" (another link is here):

We believe the violence erupting today at health care town hall meetings is only a sign of things to come. These meetings will likely get louder and more raucous in the upcoming weeks and if Obama moves forward with his plan to socialize health care in America, the violence could potentially escalate to an uncontrollable level.
It turns out that the woman in the video is Kimberly King.

She's got a report of an ObamaThug assault posted at a 9/12 Project message board, "
I'm a Disabled Woman - I Was Assaulted at a Health Care Town Hall by ZEALOTS!" Ms. King says a scuffle broke out as she was accosted by left-wing goons (edited):

As we all know things are getting nasty at these town halls and once it happens to you personally it shakes you to the core and the culprits are NOT the crazy right wing mob ... IT'S ACORN/PRO-OBAMA bused in THUGS DOING IT!! ....

I am disabled. I currently have a ruptured spinal wire from a spinal implant and will be having my SEVENTH surgery since 2001 within the next week. I also have multiple health problems including little use of my left arm from nerve damage and horrible problems walking since the wire ruptured. I am in such pain it's difficult to describe, but being there today was important.

We arrived at 4:30 pm and the Alhambra police positioned me right down front by the barricade next to the raised dais where the Congressman was to be situated. The town hall was actually to be held at 5pm but didn't begin until 7pm. At 5:30 I needed to go the restroom so my best friend went to help me (I'm in a neckbrace and using a walker) and my husband remained with our seats.

Upon returning a group of pro-reform women were standing in front of my seat waving their ready made ACORN designed signs. My husband tapped one of them on the shoulder and courteously asked her to move as his wife needed her seat. She ignored him. I said "excuse me" THREE times and she looked at me and said, "You can sit over there where the other handicaps are sitting." (Mind you this was in the hot sun on metal folding chairs and we had brought my own chair. That area was for handicapped and elderly constituents of Mr. Schiff's ...) I told her "I need my chair NOW!" as my arm was giving out and I was about to fall. My husband finally screamed "MOVE!" She and her coven screamed, "NO! WE DON'T HAVE TO MOVE ANYWHERE!" I had no choice but to shove her aside with my walker as I was about to fall and SHE STOMPED MY FOOT! I collapsed in the chair and screamed in pain. She and her friends started screaming "She's LYING! SHE'S LYING! SHE ASSAULTED HER!!"

Of course other onlookers immediately swept in and backed us having seen her interfere with me getting in my seat and saw her stomp my foot. Fortunately the kind policeman who placed us there came over and informed them I was the front of the line and to move. This harpie then started to mock me, laugh at my condition, even went so far to suggest I was faking, called me a effing bitch, this woman screamed at me so loudly just spewing hate that I was in tears: "You want everyone taken care of and you're so concerned about others well being but you were more than happy to let me fall on the concrete and then step on me! You are a liar! You are a hypocrite! Shame on you!" I screamed "GET AWAY FROM ME!" over the din of 3000 folks in attendance some guys in suits finally came over and said she would be ejected if she said anything else to me.
Typical report on how "compassionate" are the left-wing activists.

This is the first I've heard of Ms. King's story, but her incident is totally in line with what I reported earlier. See, "Astroturf at Adam Schiff Town Hall: ACORN, AARP, Organizing for America, SEIU, and Stalinist Apparatchiks for ObamaCare!"

Obama Health Care Address: Admitting Defeat, President Lashes Out Against 'Those Who Would Stand in the Way of Reform'

Here's President Obama's weeky address, focusing on ObamaCare:

At about 3:25 minutes, Obama claims that "those who would stand in the way of reform will say almost anything." That's pretty rich coming from the most dishonest president in history.

But crucially, the president is implicitly admitting he's lost the debate over his administration's plans for healthcare nationalization. We saw the shift in political framing yesterday: The gist of presidential rhetoric is moving away from the healthcare "system" to the "health insurance industry." Obama's trying to focus on the sob stories of the uninsured to build heartbreak sympathy for his colossal ObamaCare takeover. It's fundamentally phony.

Yesterday's Washington Post caught the dynamic, "
Obama Pushes Insurance Reforms
As He Hits the Road, President Finds Few Openings to Confront Critics of Plan

Shannon Bream and Griff Jenkins on ACORN Astroturfing at Arlen Specter Town Hall: 'A Referendum on Washington'

This updates my report from last night on the ACORN thugs who were bused into Arlen Specter town hall on Wednesday.

Check out Shannon Bream and Griff Jenkins at
the video. ACORN confirmed the group's Astroturfing to Fox News. At about 3:20 minutes, Jenkins argues that the town halls are "more a referendum on Washington than a discussion on about health care":

See also, "Inside ACORN's Presence at Penn. Town Hall."

Plus, Gateway Pundit, "Terrific!... Greta Interviews Couple Who Filmed ACORN Buses At Penn Town Hall."

Earl Ofari Hutchinson Smears Concerned Citizens as 'Fist Shaking Town Hall Shock Troops'

The New York Times laments the impotence of the Obama cadres, who have failed to match the genuine citizen outrage against ObamaCare. See, "Health Debate Fails to Ignite Obama’s Grass Roots."

But check out Earl Ofari Hutchinson's piece at Huffington Post, "
Why the Right is Winning Its War Against Obama":
Obama's worst mistake has been to misread the election results. Much is made that he got more white votes than John Kerry or Al Gore, revved up young whites, and totally exorcised race from the campaign. Obama's win supposedly was final proof that America had finally kicked the racial syndrome. This is the stuff of media talk and wishful thinking. Despite a GOP racked by sex and corruption scandals, an anemic presidential opponent, a laughingstock vice presidential candidate, a collapsed economy and an outgoing GOP president with a rating worse than Herbert Hoover's, McCain still crushed Obama by a twelve point spread among white voters.

The route was not just among old, Deep South unreconstructed or latent bigoted white male voters, but in virtually every voter demographic among whites, including a dead heat with Obama among a majority of younger white voters. This doesn't tell the whole story of the sharp racial divide Obama faces. A sizeable percentage of whites were disgusted enough with Bush's policies to stay home on Election Day, but not disgusted enough with him and his policies to vote for Obama. The Henry Louis Gate's affair and the right's town hall rabble rousing have made more whites wary of Obama's policies. Polls after the Gates outburst showed that a majority of whites condemned Obama for backing Gates and even more ominous expressed grave doubts about his policies. A painful reality is that the crushing majority of whites who oppose Obama or disavow his policies for racial, party, or ideological reasons or personal prejudices, are fast forming the backbone of the radical right's counter insurgency against him.

The radical right has gotten its way in the media with its fist shaking town hall shock troops. But the White House has given the counterinsurgency a generous boost with its fits and starts, and conciliation on health care, and waffling on a total rollback of Bush policies. Obama hasn't lost the war yet, but without a huge battlefield counterattack, defeat may not be far off.
Hutchinson provides more evidence that the left has ignited a "race war" to try to win the healthcare debate. See Matt Welch, "More Scenes From the Health Care Debate Race War."

More at

Senator Tom Coburn Town Hall: Obama 'Cannot Steal the Future From Its Grandchildren'

From KTUL-Tulsa, "Hundreds Attend Coburn Town Hall Meeting":

There was such a turnout for Thursday morning's town hall meeting with Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn in Muskogee that the meeting had to be moved from an auditorium into a larger area.

At least five hundred people showed up for the first of three town hall meetings for Coburn Thursday. Others are planned later this week and next week. Coburn is holding the meetings to discuss important issues for Oklahoma and the nation.

The meeting was to be held in the NSU-Muskogee auditorium, but there were so many people who showed up, the auditorium was emptied out and it was moved into the lobby, which is a larger area to accomodate them all.

He told the gathered crowd that he would cherish a debate on health care in the Senate and that the country cannot steal the future from its grandchildren. He also spoke to one man who indicated a Canadian health care system might be a better way to go because of the costs.

"I would dispute you on the facts," Coburn said. "The fact is that that two million Americans every year are alive and cured from cancer in this country because they DON'T have Canadian health care. We have a 30-percent better cure rate on almost every cancer than Canada does and the reason is that you may get diagnosed early but you get ability to get in line. And the average breast cancer patient in Canada today waits six months before they're in treatment. That's six months. Now, we don't want to get in a line. Access to care isn't getting in a line. There's no question it costs less in Canada, but there's no question that millions of people come to this country so that they will have life rather than lose life."

Coburn said there is little common sense in Washington and that "if the rest of Americans were as involved as the people in this room, we could fix America in one election."

Coburn urged the gathered crowd to quit hiring career politicians.
Recall that Coburn is a licensed physician specializing in family medicine and obstetrics.

Coburn is a sponsor of the
Patients’ Choice Act of 2009.

The bill is described as "strengthening the relationship between the patient and the doctor; using the forces of choice and competition rather than rationing and restrictions to contain costs; and ensuring universal, affordable health care for all Americans."

San Francisco Tea Party Blasts ObamaCare: 'It's Shovel Ready'

This is the scene, from PipeLine News, "Boisterous Tea Party Held In San Francisco":

Nearly 1,000 turned out this afternoon in the "Belly of the Liberal Beast," San Francisco, to protest Obama's healthcare plan and his attempt to impose a socialist model on the United States.

The participants gathered in Justin Herman Plaza, probably startling remnants of the noontime lunchers streaming back to their high-rise office buildings, as the Tea Partying crowd slowly swelled.

A strictly do-it-yourself event, there was none of the mass-produced signage usually present in large numbers at the more normal for this city, lefty street events. Also absent were the socialist and communist merchandise booths that were arrayed throughout all of San Francisco's anti-war confrontations.

Michael Krantz, at the Huffington Post, struggles to turn all these folks into Nazis, "Who Would Jesus Insure? Tea Party Dispatch From San Francisco."

But Michelle Malkin has the better line, "
Nancy Pelosi, Babs Boxer, and Dianne Feinstein cannot be happy campers."

Rasmussen Reports: 54 Percent Say No Healthcare Bill Better Than Congressional Plan

From Rasmussen, "54% Say Passing No Healthcare Reform Better Than Passing Congressional Plan":
Thirty-five percent (35%) of American voters say passage of the bill currently working its way through Congress would be better than not passing any health care reform legislation this year. However, a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that most voters (54%) say no health care reform passed by Congress this year would be the better option.
More at the link.

Another Staged Obama Town Hall in Montana

The Los Angeles Times reports a receptive crowd for today's town hall in Montan: "Obama's Seeking Out Skeptics of Healthcare Reform." But this guy at Fox4KC wasn't too thrilled (edited):

Packed with supporters except for a couple of "wild cards" allowed in ... it was obvious that they were mostly hand-picked supporters when Obama said "keep on knocking on doors, tell your neighbors, spread the facts." He wouldn't have said that to a room full of unknown quantities before he even fielded the first question. All this town hall did was to give him a soapbox ...

This is a man who is both morally and spiritually bankrupt.

That's what I took away from this staged town hall meeting.
Also, from the Wall Street Journal, "Insurance Salesman to Obama: Why Are You Vilifying Insurers?"

Plus, Obama's changing his message on the town halls. See Ben Smith, "Obama embraces the new "exception not the rule" strategy on town halls" (via Memeorandum).

Friday, August 14, 2009

Professor Caroline Heldman Clueless on Politics of Town Halls

I first saw Professor Caroline Heldman last year, on the O'Reilly Factor, in the weeks before the November election. According to her information page, she is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Occidental College. Professor Heldman co-edited a book on feminist electoral politics (Rethinking Madam President: Are We Ready for a Woman in the White House?). She also published an article at Ms. Magazine last year, "Out-of-Body Image: Women See Themselves Through Eyes of Others." Her 2005 curriculum vitae lists two other books, but they don't turn up on a Google search. Heldman holds a Ph.D. from Rutgers University. She took a Bachelor's in Business Administration from Washington State University in 1993.

I mention all of this to provide some background to Heldman's latest appearance on the O'Reilly Factor last night. At the video, O'Reilly talks to both Scott Rasmussen (of Rasmussen Reports) and Professor Heldman. The discussion follows the Talking Points segment. Rasmussen gives an accurate background analysis of what's happening with President Obama's public support on key issues, and particularly the recent surge in public opposition to ObamaCare.

Both O'Reilly and Rasmussen argue that the tea parties/town halls are having an effect on the Obama administration. Basically, as public support for the grassroots demonstrators has gone up, pubic backing for the ObamaCare fiasco has gone down. Heldman first shakes her head in agreement with Rasmussen, but when O'Reilly asks her, "as a political scientist," what she thinks is happening, Heldman argues that the protests are related to a "broader concern" with "the loss of healthcare." But actually, polls have showed that
roughly 8 out of 10 Americans are satisfied with the quality of their healthcare and their insurance coverage.

Then, when O'Reilly continues, saying Americans are very clear on ObamaCare ("they don't want it"), Heldman comes back with, "I disagree with you ... we need a piece of legislation first. And what's needed prior to producing legislation is democratic debate. And what's happening at these healthcare forums is folks are coming and shutting down debate. So I don't think people know much about healthcare ..."

Professor Heldman concludes with some spurious comparison to "healthcare lobbies" in 1993, which purportedly distorted the Clinton adminstration's reform program away from "the best interest" of the public. (I gather that would be single-payer nationalization.)

Watch the video. Heldman shows all kinds of exasperated body language to indicate her frustration with the way the discussion's going. But she's clearly wrong on facts, and most importantly, she's badly misinformed with what's happening today on the conservative street with regards to the town halls.

From my perspective, as a blogger and a teaching political scientist, this year's been one of the most incredible learning experiences on democratic participation in American life. Americans aren't buying the left-wing smears of tea-partyers as astroturfed mobs. USA Today's poll this week was particulary telling. The survey indicated, by 2-to-1 margin, a shift in public sympathy toward the town hall demonstrators. Fifty-one percent said the town halls are an example of "
democracy in action." Certainly Professor Heldman's entitled to her opinion, but as she's a political scientist, I'd expect her to have a more rigorous grasp of survey trends if she's going to be speaking on the topic as an expert.

Also, in a related development, Michelle Malkin reports that John L. Jackson, Jr., who holds the majesterial title of Richard Perry University Associate Professor of Communication and Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania, has attacked Malkin's book, Culture of Corruption, as a "hate crime: "That's the implicit message of this screed from the
Chronicle of Higher Education."

Jackson's piece is titled, "The Rising Stakes of Obamaphobia." And once again, we see the same lefist canards and ignorant characterizations of the protests. Jackson at one point argues that:

A relatively small group of like-minded people can have a disproportionate impact on our collective public stage, especially if they make effective use of new media technologies ....

Americans' current "run on guns" isn't just about a potential change in national policy around gun control and the right to bear arms. Some of it also seems to be predicated on an uptick in right-wing militias and their renewed calls for a "race war." Part of it is about a kind of "racial paranoia" linked to economic insecurities, a racial paranoia that pivots on a growing social movement around reactionary racial politicking.
It turns out that Professor Jackson has apparently made his academic mark with this kind of bull-hockey analysis. He's the author of Racial Paranoia: The Unintended Consequences of Political Correctness, yet another argument for the "hidden," "unseen" racism that's allegedly destroying our country.

It can't be said enough - and I attest to this as both an activist and an analyst - that the right's grassroots movement is really unprecedented in recent years. Folks in the left-wing media and the radical academy are doing themselves tremendous harm in misunderstanding what's really happening, and in disrespecting that which they don't understand.

It's bothersome, frankly. I wish I'd known back in 1992 what I know now about politics and ideology. I might have done some things differently in life. On the bright side, recent experiences in blogging and political activism are making me a better professor.

Lindsay Beyerstein Clueless on Politics of Town Halls

I just watched Griff Jenkins' latest Fox News report on the ACORN thugs who showed up at Senator Arlen Specter's town hall meeting on Wednesday. ACORN now confirms that they bused-in protesters to the event. The first video shows Jenkins' report on Greta last night. The second clip is video footage of conservatives chanting "Don't Come Back" as ACORN bailed out with the astroturfed thugs.

Amid all the evidence of fake Democratic ObamaCare protesters, hardline leftists continue to hatch freaky scenarios of manufactured "teabaggers" who are allegedly swarming Democratic town hall meetings.

Lindsay Beyerstein's got an announcement at her blog for a panel tomorrow at Netroots Nation, "
Investigative Techniques to Expose the Town Hall Mobs." A panel is scheduled for tomorrow: "Muckraking 101: Documents You Can Use."

In the comments at her post,
Lindsay responds to the notion that the town halls are nothing more than a "tribal thumping":

What makes you think the town hall mob phenomenon isn't serious? Here's what's happening: Pharmaceutical and insurance interests are hiring lobbyists and astroturfing communications companies to stoke public anger about healthcare reform and the Republican party is cheering them on. This is an incredibly irresponsible campaign.

The protesters have already crossed the line from boisterous free speech to outright intimidation and even violence. Several Democratic congress members have reported death threats by teabaggers, police confirmed that a teabagger shadowing an Arizona rep "dropped" a gun at a meet and greet last week, police had to step between Arlen Specter and a protester at a town hall this week, another Democratic congressman had his office vandalized with a swastika. A teabagger activist got his twitter account deleted for encouraging fellow town hall attendees to bring their guns and hurt "disruptive" SEIU and ACORN members "badly".

There are at least two big issues here. First, somebody could very well get killed. (Last week David Axelrod suddenly got a Secret Service detail without explanation at the same time as he started speaking out against the mobs.)

These aren't spontaneous uprisings, they are organized campaigns that use blind rage as a recruiting tool. The groups are telling people lies to rile them up, like that Obama is going to kill their grandmother and take Medicare away. These are talking points that respectable lobbyists won't repeat on CNN but they're happy to hand out fists of cash to support crazies to say it for them. The corporate and political interests backing these tactics need to be held accountable. They are playing with fire.

Second, this is a campaign to derail healthcare reform which is the touchstone of Obama's domestic agenda. I don't know what could be more serious than that.

Investigative reporting on the Iraq war isn't something we can teach effectively in an afternoon. Whereas, the structure of the public record is such that anyone can learn a lot about astroturf groups, lobbyists, and political donors.
Now, it's one thing to agree that conservative lobbying groups have provided major support to the tea parties, and Fox News is certainly a partisan booster (no more than CNN's former correspondent Susan Roesgen is for the left). But to deny the events are organic, and to try and spin these demonstrations as "organized campaigns that use blind rage as a recruiting tool" is exactly the kind of irresponsibility that Lindsay decries.

My advice for her is to read my reports, "
Astroturf at Adam Schiff Town Hall: ACORN, AARP, Organizing for America, SEIU, and Stalinist Apparatchiks for ObamaCare!", and 'Constituent Backlash Follows Adam Schiff Town Hall: 'Extraordinarily Corrupt Proceeding'; 'Rally for Universal Health Care'."

This is first hand reporting, but see also, Dana Loesch on a Democratic ObamaCare rally where no one showed up, "
Obamacare Rally Was a Ghost Town."

Plus, the Democrats are declaring a "race war" on conservatives. See Matt Welch, "
More Scenes From the Health Care Debate Race War."

I doubt these facts will come up tomorrow at Lindsay's "investigative" panel.

Related: JammieWearingFool, "Brooklyn Mobsters: 'You Are Bankrupting Our Country. You Guys are Crooks' " (via Memeorandum).

The Audacity of Dissent

From Gregory Gethard, at FrontPage Magazine:

Call them community organizers.

All across the country, Americans alarmed by the Obama administration’s proposed overhaul of health care have been coming together to vent their concerns in town-hall meetings and protests. Some are worried about the possible effects of ObamaCare on health care services, the cost of insurance, and the recovery of the economy; others are troubled by the intrusion of government into their lives.

Given his background, one might expect President Obama to take seriously this vigorous grassroots reaction to his policies. Instead, aided by Congressional Democrats, the White House has taken to painting this mass outpouring of civic discontent as a fringe phenomenon – driven by extremists, un-American in its aims, and requiring careful monitoring so that any “fishy” concerns and criticisms about the administration’s health care plans are reported to the proper (read: government) channels.

The town-hall critics won’t be so easily silenced. One of the primary reasons so many have flocked to these meetings concerns the cost of the reforms that the administration seeks. The Congressional Budget Office has estimated the cost of the Senate’s proposed health care bill at $1 trillion. With a price tag of that size, many are concerned about its potential to increase the ever-growing budget deficit, which the Obama administration itself says will approach $1.84 trillion by 2010. A deficit that big, many worry, could have dire ramifications for the economy.

On the minds of many, too, is the possibility that the administration will raise taxes on the middle class – even as it has denied all intentions of doing so. But the arithmetic of health care reform only serves to bolster suspicions of a looming tax hike. In order to pay for the plan, the government must raise $544 billion in taxes, which will supposedly come from those making $250,000 per year or more. But given that consumer spending still has yet to rebound, and that personal incomes are still falling, it’s hard to see how instituting $544 billion in new taxes will benefit the economy. And if the rich don’t generate the required revenue, the middle class will likely be forced to pick up the tab.

Cost is just one of the contentious questions surrounding ObamaCare. Others are concerned about the government intruding into their health care. The administration boasts that they are simply creating a government-sponsored health care plan that would compete with private insurers. But this presents many problems for the private insurers with which the government intends to compete. According to Texas Republican Congressman Lamar Smith, who wrote in the Christian Science Monitor:

Obama's claim that "if you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan" rings hollow. Government intervention in private markets has consequences. A public option wouldn't "level the playing field" – it would destroy it. After all, a government plan can afford to lose money indefinitely. Private plans don't have that luxury. Unable to match the government's market manipulation, they'd soon fold. Employers would drop private insurance, thereby decreasing choice and moving the country toward a single-payer system. Without private insurers making up the difference, government-controlled prices would reduce the supply of healthcare services and lead to further rationing.

Many are also concerned about so-called “death panels” in which a government bureaucrat could be placed in a position to determine if it would cost too much money to keep someone alive. While there is certainly some hysteria about this fear, the fact is that the government does intend to play a role during end-of-life scenarios. If some version of ObamaCare is passed, doctors may be given an incentive to go over end-of-life counseling with patients; to receive these funds, a doctor must adhere to a government-enforced list of questions during these sessions. ABC News chief medical editor, Dr. Timothy Johnson, supports these provisions, but he warns that they may cross a line, saying that this provision “maybe has too much the flavor of reporting back to big government or big brother."

With so much to dislike in the health care legislation, it’s easy to see why people have been turning out in droves to town hall meetings. And the numbers show that people are against it: a recent Rasmussen Reports survey found that 53% now oppose the plan, up nine points since the end of June. Re The backlash against health care reform is also reflected in the president’s slipping polling numbers. According to a Quinnipiac poll, 52 percent of people surveyed no longer support the way Obama is handling the health care issue. And he currently has a 50 percent approval rating, down 7 percent in a single month – largely, it seems, because of health care.

Unable to convince the public to support its reforms, the administration, with Congressional Democrats leading the charge, has turned on the growing opposition. While Obama has started to bend the facts in his public statements about health care, other Democrats are making disparaging remarks about the vocal opposition at town hall meetings. In a USA Today op-ed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer called the town-hall protests “un-American.”

More at the link.
Image Credit: The People's Cube.

Constituent Backlash Follows Adam Schiff Town Hall: 'Extraordinarily Corrupt Proceeding'; 'Rally for Universal Health Care'

There's a backlash afoot in the wake of Representative Adam Schiff's town hall even last Tuesday. My report on the event is here.

Here's a letter, from constituent John Nally, forwarded to me from the
Pasadena Tea Party:

My wife, Kathy, and I attended the event you sponsored, directed and controlled at the Alhambra Library Center yesterday. We knew that your views on health care reform did not agree with ours; but we never expected to witness such an extraordinarily corrupt proceeding as the one you produced.

In your pre-event promotional efforts, you named this event a "Town Hall Meeting". I have attended and participated in many Town Hall Meetings throughout my lifetime. Your event last night was not a Town Hall Meeting in any sense of the term. In fact, your event was nothing but a unilateral propaganda effort that was rife with false assertions, half-truths, and insulting rhetoric, aimed at your constituents who happen to oppose your position on the Obama plans for medical care reform.

It was clear that the panel you handpicked to dominate the proceedings was put there to "run out the clock" in order to minimize your exposure to questions from your constituents who do not agree with you.

Your few feeble attempts to answer questions revealed to us a personal and, therefore, professional weakness of which we were unaware up to this point. But we were truly shocked by your rhetoric: your half-truths, your outright lies, your denigrating and dismissive attitude and behavior in vaguely addressing those who disagree with your position. We were extremely disappointed in our Congressman.

You "selected" only one question from the hundreds of written questions that were dutifully submitted by your constituents to your staff earlier in the evening. A screening process at that level of meticulous scrutiny crosses over the line into paranoia.

It was obvious that you had planned all along to move the event from the advertised meeting room to the outside so that constituents could not use a microphone at a podium. Your cynical and manipulative tactics in this regard prevented all other constituents in attendance from hearing the questions directly, as and when they were asked.

You, instead, manipulated an honest opportunity to engage with your constituents in a democratic process, the hallmark of legitimate Town Hall Meetings, into a corrupt process of having all questions filtered and manipulated by one of your minions at the only microphone on the stage.

The image of you and your minions, on an elevated stage, controlling the only microphone, and filtering and paraphrasing, to suit your own agenda, all messages sent up to you from your constituents below, will remain in the minds of all who were there last night, all the way up to, and including, election day, November, 2010, i.e., an elected official, talking down to his constituents.

Frankly, your performance was an embarrassment to your constituents. It will be remembered and spoken of often, in the California 29th Congressional District, as a pivotal point in our District's inevitable (after your performance last night) return to representative democracy by your removal from office.

John J. Nally

Plus, here's an anonymous comment published at my post, "Astroturf at Adam Schiff Town Hall":

Adam Schiff turned this "townhall" into a rally FOR UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE. I was there with my husband, sister and brother and the OBAMA ACORN people were angry and would not let us speak. We started chanting "READ THE BILL" and some kid in a USC Keck Hall Doctor t-shirt (probably borrowed by a hard working pre-med student) got in my and my sisters face and told us to read the bill and to shut up. He then told me to take the bill out of my purse (what?) and start reading it. I told him I was NOT THE CONGRESSMAN - Adam Schiff was and it was my right to speak. He kept starring us down and making nasty comments to us the entire RALLY. IT WAS NOT A TOWNHALL. IT WAS TURNED INTO A RALLY. I BET SCHIFF got the word from the Whitehouse to not allow questions unless they were ACORN people. Very enlightening. Made us more angry and against this bogus bill than before I came. Adam Schiff was a total Pussy.

Sarah Palin: Statement on Obama's Health Care Plan

Chris Kelly, who is identified as a writer for Bill Maher's show, makes the most heinous smears in his essay at Huffington Post, "Sarah Palin Wins." Plus, Steve Benen keeps repeating the lies about conservative opposition to Ezekiel Emanuel's cost rationalization ideology, which is identified as the "Complete Lives System."

I've already debunked the left's BS, so let's give it up for
Sarah Palin herself, who continues to prove she's the dominant personality in American politics today:

I join millions of Americans in expressing appreciation for the Senate Finance Committee’s decision to remove the provision in the pending health care bill that authorizes end-of-life consultations (Section 1233 of HR 3200). It’s gratifying that the voice of the people is getting through to Congress; however, that provision was not the only disturbing detail in this legislation; it was just one of the more obvious ones.

As I noted in my statement last week, nationalized health care inevitably leads to rationing. There is simply no way to cover everyone and hold down the costs at the same time. The rationing system proposed by one of President Obama’s key health care advisors is particularly disturbing. I’m speaking of the “Complete Lives System” advocated by Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, the brother of the president’s chief of staff. President Obama has not yet stated any opposition to the “Complete Lives System,” a system which, if enacted, would refuse to allocate medical resources to the elderly, the infirm, and the disabled who have less economic potential. [1] Why the silence from the president on this aspect of his nationalization of health care? Does he agree with the “Complete Lives System”? If not, then why is Dr. Emanuel his policy advisor? What is he advising the president on? I just learned that Dr. Emanuel is now distancing himself from his own work and claiming that his “thinking has evolved” on the question of rationing care to benefit the strong and deny the weak. [2] How convenient that he disavowed his own work only after the nature of his scholarship was revealed to the public at large.

The president is busy assuring us that we can keep our private insurance plans, but common sense (and basic economics) tells us otherwise. The public option in the Democratic health care plan will crowd out private insurers, and that’s what it’s intended to do. A single payer health care plan has been President Obama’s agenda all along, though he is now claiming otherwise. Don’t take my word for it. Here’s what he said back in 2003:

“I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care plan.... A single payer health care plan – universal health care plan – that’s what I would like to see.” [3]

A single-payer health care plan might be what Obama would like to see, but is it what the rest of us would like to see? What does a single payer health care plan look like? We need look no further than other countries who have adopted such a plan. The picture isn’t pretty. [4] The only way they can control costs is to ration care. As I noted in my earlier statement quoting Thomas Sowell, government run health care won’t reduce the price of medical care; it will simply refuse to pay the price. The expensive innovative procedures that people from all over the world come to the United States for will not be available under a government plan that seeks to cover everyone by capping costs.

Our senior citizens are right to be wary of this health care bill. Medical care at the end of life accounts for 80 percent of all health care. When care is rationed, that is naturally where the cuts will be felt first. The “end-of-life” consultations authorized in Section 1233 of HR 3200 were an obvious and heavy handed attempt at pressuring people to reduce the financial burden on the system by minimizing their own care. Worst still, it actually provided a financial incentive to doctors to initiate these consultations. People are right to point out that such a provision doesn’t sound “purely voluntary.”
More at the link. Plus, check Memeorandum.

Ezekiel Emanuel Spared! Senate Finance to Drop ObamaCare Death Panels!

I caught this segment featuring Ann Coulter on Sean Hannity's the other night:
"Totally ironically, Zeke Emanuel is on my death list. Hold the applause. I’m going to be on the death panel."

Plus, Pirate's Cove, "No Such Thing As Death Panels Removed From Senate Version."

Also, Allahpundit, "Breaking: Finance Committee drops “death panel” provisions from Senate bill." (Via Memeorandum.)

Note how the New York Times does Obama's bidding in this piece, "False ‘Death Panel’ Rumor Has Some Familiar Roots."

Bonus: "Ronald Reagan Speaks Against Socialized Medicine."