Friday, August 13, 2010

Obama Defends Plan for Mosque Near Ground Zero — 'Friends of Terror' Attend White House Ramadan Dinner

At Wall Street Journal (via Daily Caller):


WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama defended the plan to build a mosque near the site of the 2001 terror attacks in New York, telling Muslim guests at a Ramadan dinner at the White House that the nation's commitment to freedom of religion "must be unshakable.''

The White House has been wary of entering this debate, and I can't see how this is going to help Obama politically. Emotions are just too raw. It would take time, but folks might want to
go down the list of those attending the Ramadan dinner and figure out how much support Obama's got in the Islamist jihad community. I mean seriously. The very first name I checked (with no prior familiarity) is Ms. Dalia Mogahed, who is Director of the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies. But as Jihad Watch points out, "Obama's Muslim adviser Dalia Mogahed 'is herself an Islamic ideologue who supports Islamic Sharia'." And the link there is to Nonie Darwish, "Appeasing the Muslim Brotherhood." Also, checking another name, Mr. Salam Al Marayati of Muslim Public Affairs Council, it turns out that Al Marayati and his group are "Friends of Terror." That piece links to "Marayati Suggested Israel Carried Out 9/11 Attacks," which reads:
Salam Al-Marayati, head of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), which has praised the Hezbollah terrorist group —which is on the U.S. terrorist list— and publicly called for Israel’s destruction, has been invited to deliver a lecture at the State Department’s “Secretary’s Open Forum” on January 28, 2002.

Ironically, Marayati is scheduled to speak on “Rising Voices of Moderate Muslims”—even though his voice is the voice of a Muslim extremist, and his disgraceful attempt to blame Israel for the September 11 attacks was a bizarre effort to divert attention from the real perpetrators of these heinous acts, who were all Muslim extremists.
Well there you go, and that's just a couple of those in attendance at the White House Iftar dinner on Ramadan. And check Pamela's post, "Obama Backs 911 Ground Zero Mega Mosque at Ramadan Celebration":
Obama came out for the Islamic supremacist mosque at the hallowed ground of 911 attack. He has, in effect, sided with the Islamic jihadists and told the ummah (at an Iftar dinner on the third night of Ramadan, of course) that he believes in and supports a triumphal mosque on the cherished site of Islamic conquest.

If you had any doubt who Obama stood with on 911, there can be no doubt in our minds now
Warner Todd Huston offers an analysis of the speech. But by now the lid's totally blown off the scam. The administration has turned its back on defending this country from Islamic jihad.


UPDATE: Linked at Astute Bloggers, Left Coast Rebel, and NewsReal Blog.

World's Worst Blogger Advocates Lying in Policy Advocacy

Doug Ross calls him the "world's dumbest blogger." I like worst, actually, as in "The. World's. Worst. Blogger." But also the most dishonest. As Doug noted in March:
The modern, radical left Democrat Party, and its sycophants like Yglesias, are cynical, intellectually dishonest and completely, utterly at odds with our founding, the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.
Well, yeah, let's just stay with Yglesias, who is a goldmine of moral bankruptcy.

The Daily Caller's piece is up on Yglesias' call for intellectual dishonesty (lying) in policy advocacy: "
Liberal blogger Matt Yglesias advocates lying on Twitter." Read the whole thing. I'll just jump to the conclulsion:
In concluding his interview with The Daily Caller, Yglesias said “go fuck yourself” and hung up the phone.


Actually, I caught this debate in real time on Twitter this morning. Check Mark Hemingway's link, and this one especially.

Matthew Yglesias is blogging fail.

Americans Express Near-Record-Low Confidence in the Press

At Gallup, "In U.S., Confidence in Newspapers, TV News Remains a Rarity":

Americans continue to express near-record-low confidence in newspapers and television news -- with no more than 25% of Americans saying they have a "great deal" or "quite a lot" of confidence in either. These views have hardly budged since falling more than 10 percentage points from 2003-2007.

The findings are from Gallup's annual Confidence in Institutions survey, which found the military faring best and Congress faring worst of 16 institutions tested. Americans' confidence in newspapers and television news is on par with Americans' lackluster confidence in banks and slightly better than their dismal rating of Health Management Organizations and big business.

The decline in trust since 2003 is also evident in a 2009 Gallup poll that asked about confidence and trust in the "mass media" more broadly. While perceptions of media bias present a viable hypothesis, Americans have not over the same period grown any more likely to say the news media are too conservative or too liberal.

No matter the cause, it is clear the media as a whole are not gaining new fans as they struggle to serve and compete with growing demand for online news, social media, and mobile platforms.
Sorry Gallup. I blame left-wing press bias. It's almost criminal, frankly.

'Journolist' scandal shows decline of journalism."

Charles Krauthammer Demonization at Firedoglake

Jane Hamsher's Henchmen going after Charles Krauthammer.


Jane Hamsher

* "Krauthammer is a bigot? Who would’ve thunk it?"

* "Krauthammer Krauthummer’s picture is great, looks just like a creature out of Outer Limits with their heads all swollen with their brains. But in Krauthummers case his head is swollen with Bigotry/Bullshit!"

* "we reap what we sow.

instead of calling ignorant piece of shit fucks like krauthammer ignorant piece of shit fucks, we obfuscate and twiddle and twaddle and twitter … and sternly wag our fingers…

and they blather on with too much silence and too little scorn.

to hell with civility with people like this.


* "
Charles Krauthammer should be in prison."

* "
There is some guilt in Krauthammer’s family tree somewhere. He’s totally unhinged whenever he speaks of Muslims vs Jews. It’s more than the normal right wing apology tour."

* "
there is no comparison between Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the AL Qaeda attack on Twin Towers. Japan is a country, AlQaeda is a terrorist group it represents a few extremists and is not a reflection of the muslim community. Islam is a worldwide religion and in the US the right to practice one’s religion is in the constitution and is not debatable. The center needs to be built just like St. Patrick’s cathedral etc…"

* "
Krauthammer’s thinking is as twisted and crippled as his body, eh? Perhaps there is a god."

* "
I wish some prominent Jews would stop playing the victim card at the drop of a hat. It’s really getting old."

* "
This discussion tells me why we are becoming more and more ignored in today’s discourse.

There is a legitimate point of view that is different than ours. The placement of the cultural centeral is a political statement. If it were purely religious, they would take up the offer from Governor Patterson and put the site elsewhere in Manhattan.

If it were purely for reconcilement they would offer to live up to American mores, including a complete acceptance of our LGBT crowd and full and complete equality for women. And they would be a lot more outspoken about the prolems that Islam has caused.

It is spurposefl stick in the eye, and being against it is not simply a bigoted response

"[In response] You offer no sound reasoning, just rants.

It’s not a “political statement” — they don’t have to put it “elsewhere” because you say it’s offensive — and it’s not a “stick in the eye” just because you say it is.

The fact that you view it as such says more about you than about them.

The Catholic Church and Mormons and Orthodox Jews are also intolerant of LGBTs and don’t offer equality for women.

Should we ban them from Lower Manhattan as well? Should we tear down the Mosque at the Pentagon?

* "
This whole issue is ugly, nasty, racist, bigoted and intolerant, plus stupid. I think I’ve pretty much described any conservative who agrees with Krauthammer. Their attitudes are unconstitutional, btw.

I’m offended on behalf of my many friends and acquaintances who happen to be Muslims. It’s despicable to lump them all into one big grouping and assign some special blame to them.

I agree with a prior post. I’m getting tired of being “polite” about such bigoted crap. The whole argument is b.s. and petty and reflects the rightwing’s desire to pit “small” people against one another to distract the “small” people from the real issues of the day, which is that we’re being massively ripped off the by banksters on Wall ST, amongst other billionaires
Today's "professional left," on display.

Jew-Hating Mondoweiss Moderating for Anti-Semitic 'Trolls' at Anti-Israel Blog

Adam Horowitz and Philip Weiss demonize Israel at AlterNet, "Why the Deadly Attack on the Freedom Flotilla Was the Breakthrough That Made the World See Israel's Cruelty in Gaza."

The authors run the anti-Israel hate blog Mondoweiss, where the AlterNet piece is cross-posted: "The Mavi Marmara and the End of Israeli Impunity."

Philip Weiss met with Hamas terrorists last year, at an event co-sponsored by Code Pink and Norman Finkelstein. That gives a pretty good idea how far out these people are, enemies even.

Interesting though is the first entry I found while visiting, "
Updated Comments Policy":
We've hit a couple of impasses on comments policy at this site in the last two years. Now we're at another. As the site has grown more popular, we've gotten more enthusiastic debate, but also more invective, profanity, and racism and anti-Semitism, all of which drive off reasonable people. We bounced a couple of commenters in the last week, and we're going to be doing more policing in days to come.
"Drive off reasonable people"? I'm sure that's exceedingly infrequent at Mondoweiss. Recall Melanie Phillips comments on irrationality and the rising tide of global anti-Semitism:
Jew-hatred, as I prefer to call it, can surely never be eradicated. But the lies that currently fuel it — lies about Israel’s behavior, the history of the Middle East, and so on — should be publicly confronted and exploded. Similarly, the ways in which the blood libels about the Jews pouring out of the Arab and Muslim worlds are poisoning minds not just in that world but in the West should also be prominently discussed, along with the continuity between the Arab/Palestinian agenda and that of the Nazis, whose allies they once were.

One of the main problems is the silence of Israel on this mass derangement in the West, and its failure to challenge it forensically and systematically. This has left an intellectual vacuum into which bigotry flows. While the irrationality of Jew-hatred cannot be defeated by reason, there are many in Britain and the West who are not natural bigots but are actually people of high-minded conscience, who have merely been indoctrinated with falsehoods about Israel that are never publicly challenged. Some of those people, at least, can certainly be reached by addressing their ignorance.

Jimmy Carter Rated Worst American in Conservative Blog Poll

Kinda unscientific, but nevertheless accurate. The runner-up is Obambi, who would also fit nicely on the donkey's ass:

Jimmy Carter

23) Saul Alinsky (7)
23) Bill Clinton (7)
23) Hillary Clinton (7)
19) Michael Moore (7)
19) George Soros (8)
19) Alger Hiss (8)
19) Al Sharpton (8)
13) Al Gore (9)
13) Noam Chomsky (9)
13) Richard Nixon (9)
13) Jane Fonda (9)
13) Harry Reid (9)
13) Nancy Pelosi (9)
11) John Wilkes Booth (10)
11) Margaret Sanger (10)
9) Aldrich Ames (11)
9) Timothy McVeigh (11)
7) Ted Kennedy (14)
7) Lyndon Johnson (14)
5) Benedict Arnold (17)
5) Woodrow Wilson (17)
4) The Rosenbergs (19)
3) Franklin Delano Roosevelt (21)
2) Barack Obama (23)
1) Jimmy Carter (25)
Alternative rankings here.

I'd add some commie academics and bloggers, like Howard Zinn and Markos Moulitsas, although, yeah, no need to inflate the importance of dolts like that on the left. (I need to think of some others ...) And notice how John F. Kennedy doesn't make the cut. Something about the post-1964 Democrats that really brings out the neo-communism in American history.

'People Were Coming Down Burning'

At MAinfo, "September 11th Was NOT About 'Optics' as Kos Kook Says":

What a bunch of whiny, immature fools write over at the Daily Kos. They are upset because our memories of 9/11 get in the way of their progressive agenda. And by minimizing that happened that day, they hope to get beyond it. But they only succeed in exposing themselves for the foolish babies that they are. We learned lessons that day. We continue to grieve as a nation. And we will never, never forget.
I'll take that further: The Kos Kreeps are genuinely evil. (The Firedog Freaks are just as bad.) People were coming down burning. The thuds of their bodies slamming down churn anguish in your soul. No, we won't forget, and we won't stop fighting moral degeneracy, at home and abroad.

RELATED: Charles Krauthammer, "Sacrilege at Ground Zero." And all the deranged leftist responses at Memeorandum.

Today in History: Watts Riots, August 13, 1965


Don't know if it was Friday the 13th:
Aug. 13, 1965: National Guard troops secure a stretch of 103rd Street, dubbed Charcoal Alley, in Watts to help Los Angeles authorities restore order. The riots, sparked by the arrest of a black motorist for drunk driving, lasted for six days. After the violence, 34 people, 25 of them black, were dead and more than 1,000 were injured.


More at Wikipedia:
The riots began on August 11, 1965, in Watts, a neighborhood in Los Angeles, when Lee Minikus, a California Highway Patrol motorcycle officer, pulled over Marquette Frye, who Minikus believed was intoxicated because of his observed erratic driving. Frye failed to pass sobriety tests, including walking in a straight line and touching his nose, and was arrested soon after. Minikus refused to let Frye's brother, Ronald, drive the car home, and radioed for it to be impounded. As events escalated, a crowd of onlookers steadily grew from dozens to hundreds. The mob became violent, throwing rocks and other objects while shouting at the police officers. A struggle ensued shortly resulting in the arrest of Marquette and Ronald Frye, as well as their mother.

Burning buildings during the riots.Though the riots began in August, there had previously been a buildup of racial tension in the area. The riots that began on August 11 resulted from an amalgamation of such events in Watts, and the arrest of three Frye family members broke the tension as violence spilled onto the streets of Watts for four days.

Watts suffered from various forms and degrees of damage from the residents' looting and vandalism that seriously threatened the security of the city. Some participants chose to intensify the level of violence by starting physical fights with police, blocking the firemen of the Los Angeles Fire Department from their safety duties, or even beating white motorists. Others joined the riot by breaking into stores, stealing whatever they could, and some setting the stores themselves on fire.

LAPD Police Chief William Parker also fueled the radicalized tension that already threatened to combust, by publicly labeling the people he saw involved in the riots as "monkeys in the zoo". Overall, an estimated $40 million in damage was caused as almost 1,000 buildings were damaged or destroyed. Most of the physical damage was confined to white-owned businesses that were said to have caused resentment in the neighborhood due to perceived unfairness. Homes were not attacked, although some caught fire due to proximity to other fires.

Facing Ethics Charges, Rep. Waters Points Finger at Bush Administration


Fox News:
Embattled Rep. Maxine Waters on Friday blamed the Bush administration for her ethics problems -- saying she had to intervene with the Treasury Department on behalf of minority-owned banks seeking federal bailout funds -- including one tied to her husband -- because the Treasury Department wouldn't schedule its own appointments.

The California Democrat said in a Capitol Hill news conference -- an event rarely held during a congressional recess -- that she reached out to then-Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson in late 2008 when his department failed to respond to the National Bank Association's request for a meeting.

"The question at this point should not be why I called Secretary Paulson, but why I had to," she said. "The question at this point should be why a trade association representing over 100 minority banks could not get a meeting at the height of the crisis."
And at LAT, "'I have not violated any rules,' Waters says."

The States of Your Emotions (Your Moods and Passions) Are Like Rooms in a House

Seth Godin has some Friday morning thoughts:
Why check your email every twenty minutes? It’s not because it needs checking. It’s because the checking puts us into a state we seek out. Why yell at the parking attendant with such gusto? Teaching him a lesson isn’t the point--no, in that moment, it’s what we want to do, it’s a room we choose to hang out in. It could be something as prosaic as getting involved in a flame war online every day, or checking your feeds at midnight or taking a shot or two before dinner. It’s not something you have to do, it’s something you choose to do, because going there takes your emotions to a place you’ve gotten used to, a place where you feel comfortable, even if it makes you unhappy.

Jobs Picture Dims as Unemployment Claims Rise

At CNS News:


The employment picture is looking bleaker as applications for jobless benefits rose last week to the highest level in almost six months.

It's a sign that hiring is weak and employers are still cutting their staffs.

First-time claims for jobless benefits edged up by 2,000 to a seasonally adjusted 484,000, the Labor Department said Thursday. Analysts had expected a drop. That's the highest total since February.

Initial claims have now risen in three of the last four weeks and are close to their high point for the year of 490,000, reached in late January. The four-week average, which smooths volatility, soared by 14,250 to 473,500, also the highest since late February.

Analysts said that the unexpected rise in claims suggests hiring in August won't be much better than July. The economy added a net 12,000 jobs last month after excluding the loss of temporary census positions. That's not nearly enough to reduce the unemployment rate, which is currently 9.5 percent.
More at the link.

Union Jobs vs. Children's Lives: Which Side Are You On?

At Reason.TV:

Pics From Pechanga

The view from our hotel room, sixth floor, overlooking the Journey golf course:


And looking south, over the pool area at left:


Getting ready to party ...


The Pechanga staff didn't seem to mind people taking photographs during the show, but I didn't take my camera inside. Yesterday morning, I saw this sign as I headed out to the parking structure to load the car:

Billy Idol Concert

Heading back to find my wife, a shot from the casino:


Went ahead and cruised out to the front of the hotel. It looks spectacular at night:


Walking back through the casino (looking for my wife), a poster for The Beach Boys. That'd be hella fun:


And see my report from yesterday, "Billy Idol Rocks Pechanga!"

The Anti-Obama Democrats

From Kim Strassel:
Democrats in deep-red states who voted against health reform and higher spending may yet survive the midterm.

It's 81 days to the election. Expect many of them to be filled with the explanations Democrats are now serving up as to why Nov. 2 is likely to be a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day.

History is against us (they mourn); the party in power usually loses seats in midterms. The economy is horrible (they bewail); and that, of course, is George W. Bush's fault. America woke up on the wrong side of the Posturepedic (they lament); voters are in an anti-incumbent mood, and we've got a fistful of incumbents.

All true, to some pitiable degree. Conspicuously absent from this, however, is any mention of culpability. What if the big reason Democrats are wallowing is because of their votes for the Obama agenda? And what would things look like if they hadn't supported it? Happily, an (admittedly unscientific) experiment exists to offer some insight.

Troll through the voting rolls, and you'll find an exclusive club of three House Democrats running for re-election who voted against the more controversial pieces of the Obama agenda: the $862 billion stimulus, Mr. Obama's $3.5 trillion budget, cap and trade and, of course, ObamaCare. Troll through the polls today, and you'll find a near-exclusive club of three House Democrats who are beating every electoral expectation. Were history, incumbency and the economy the main factors this fall, Idaho's Walt Minnick, Alabama's Bobby Bright and Mississippi's Gene Taylor would be packing up. That they aren't is a resounding statement on a failed Obama vision.

Obama Black is Back 'Coon' Video Goes Viral

At Weasel Zippers, "Video: Obama Repeatedly Called a “N*gger” and “Coon” by Black Participants in 2009":

RELATED: "Real Racism Within the NAACP."

Revving Up Weekend Rule 5 — Best Book Collection Edition

I'm not sure how I missed Proof Positive in my weekly roundups previously, but that's some hot Friday night Rule 5 going on over there.

Looking forward to
the Linkmaster's entry, in any case. (And by the way, Pirate's Cove has been doing these roundups longer than anybody, and I've not been honoring the form over there.)

Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

But as always, check out MAinfo. for the feminine side of things.


And be sure to visit some of other friends of American Power:

* Another Black Conservative.

Astute Bloggers (Honorary).

Blazing Cat Fur.

Bob Belvedere.

* Cold Fury.

Classical Liberal.

Daley Gator.

Left Coast Rebel.

* Mind Numbed Robot.

Not a Sheep.

Paco Enterprises.

* Panhandle Perspective.

* Political Byline.


* Proof Positive.

* The Other McCain.

Reaganite Republican (Honorary).

Right Klik (Honorary).

Saberpoint (Honorary).

Serr8d (Honorary).

Snooper's Report (Honorary).


Theo Spark.


* Washington Rebel.


BONUS: Don't forget Instapundit.

And drop your link in the comments to be added to the weekly roundups!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Racism Roundup — Horrible RAAAAACIST Reaction to Jersey Shore Obama-Osama Fun Zone

Folks should check the comments at Gawker, "Horrible Obama-Smashing Carnival Game Wows Jersey Shore Patrons."

I swear, leftists are
the biggest racists. Where do people get this stuff?

my post the other day.

While I thought the Obama-Rama game disrespectful,
I noted that "at least it gives desperate lefties another chance to scream RAAAAACIST!!"

And right on cue, here's some of the responses, illustrated
with ugly Jim Crow racist illustrations, with applause from the usual suspects:
Another day, another post about prejudice and racism in America. Ah! just another normal day in post-racial America. Let me go back to drinking my tea and reading my newspaper. What else is new?

Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

Billy Idol Rocks Pechanga!

The thing I noticed most last night is how much fun Billy Idol was having. My wife and I have been going over what we liked about the concert (and neither of us can think of a single downside). We both agree the performance was even better than expected. (And Billy Idol looks fabulous.) I'm just struck by his pure lust for performing. Interesting that Vanessa Franko, at Inland Empire Press Enterprise, stressed the same thing at her review:
The reason the show worked so well is that Idol was obviously having fun, whether it was cracking jokes to his band (which included Billy Morrison, formerly of The Cult and Camp Freddy) or flashing a devilish smile and making faces at the crowd.
Check the slideshow at the link.


Billy Idol

Another reviewer, Yazmin Alvarez, speaks to the enthusiasm as well:
Idol’s performance at Pechanga was epic and engaging while remaining intimate due to his interaction with the crowd, singing duos with lucky ladies against the stage. Crowds even got keepsakes after autographed paper plates thrown like Frisbees were tossed out by Idol during songs.
The gig opened with Gen X material, which was somewhat surprising and totally cool. Here's the song list. "Ready Steady Go" was a perfect opening number:
"Ready Steady Go"
"Dancing With Myself"
"Love Is Strange"
"Flesh for Fantasy"
"Sweet Sixteen"
"Scarred for Life"
Interlude with Steve Stevens into "Eyes Without a Face"
"Kings and Queens of the Underground"
"L.A. Woman"
Steve Stevens interlude
"King Rocker" (From Idol's Gen X days)
"Running With the Boss Sound" (Another from Gen X)
"Blue Highway"
"Rebel Yell"
"White Wedding" (first half acoustic with just Idol and Stevens before the full band joined in)
"Mony Mony"
Of course, "White Wedding" on encore was no surprise, although the acoustic rendition was. I've embeded two clips that capture how the concert provided bookends on Idol's career, from the origins in Generation X to the mature rocker Billy Idol playing live last year:

And I gotta give a huge shout out to Pechanga Resort. The hotel's concert hall is intimate with great acoustics. The show ran like clockwork, with the band taking the stage just a few minutes after 8:00pm. My wife and I had a room at the hotel and the accommodations matched those at the best hotels I've enjoyed previously. The night was no worries all around. We had a bite to eat at the food court after picking up our tickets at will call. My wife played some slots before we entered the arena. I kept bourbon and ice up at the room and after the show I played some roulette and actually came out little ahead. We had a great breakfast at the cafe and made it home around 2:00 this afternoon. I'm keeping my eye open for additional concert tours at Pechanga. Clean facilities and a low key staff round out the environment. Best of all was seeing my wife letting her hair down, having a couple of Coronas and forgetting about the worries of work and parenthood.

The 'Salt' Identity

Interesting piece, from Luisita Lopez Torregrosa, at LAT:

[Angelina] Jolie, who made her action-hero mark as the leather-clad archaeologist Lara Croft in the box-office hit "Tomb Raider" movies, has turned the action up several notches as an icy-hot American operative accused of being a Russian sleeper agent. She had joked about wanting to play James Bond but may have gotten something better: a role originally written for Tom Cruise. Jolie transforms the testosterone-and-octane Salt into a more compelling and intriguing character than any of the action-hero boys could've done — yes, even more exciting than Jason Bourne, on whom Salt is pretty much modeled ....

Are these women the new models of millennial femininity? Do they sacrifice being "real" women — with boyfriends, husbands, kids — to fit a male fantasy ( Phillip Noyce's, the director of "Salt," and Larsson's, respectively)? Or are Salt and Salander the right ideal: brainy, independent, physically and emotionally tough, sexual but coldblooded? The movie critic Owen Gleiberman declared them "the new normal." But are they?

While a Tom Cruise action character could have a wife and kids, Evelyn Salt could not. Mothers define attachments; they aren't free to run for their lives. No mother would walk on a narrow ledge way above the ground or jump from a bridge railing onto a speeding truck below or wipe out a gang of Russian killers without breaking a sweat, mowing them down like a row of toy ducks at the country fair, after she watches them kill her husband with a shot to the head. Evelyn Salt had to be childless and a widow. Among reviewers and bloggers and commenters and my friends, women are split on this thing about Salt and Salander. Men swoon over Salt and back up Salander, but women are not so sure. Some adore Salander and, to a lesser extent, Salt. Some see them as weird, narcissistic and heartless, putting their careers — killing (mostly) bad people, saving the world — above the gentler pleasures of womanhood. And many women, while applauding Salt's guts and Salander's sang-froid, take it all in as just pulse-racing entertainment, a Saturday matinee fantasy.
Salander is Lisbeth Salander, who stars in "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo," directed by Stieg Larsson.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Billy Idol Tonight at Pechanga

Don't know if I'll post any more today. Gonna be with my wife tonight for Billy Idol in concert (and I'm gonna enjoy some bourbon while we're out).

Below: Billy Idol, Billy Morrison, and Steve Stevens in Zermatt, Switzerland (via


Back online later ...

Pamela Geller Beats New York M.T.A. on Mega Mosque Advertisement

At New York Times, "With Anti-Mosque Ad, M.T.A. Is Reminded of Its Limited Powers":


In 1904, New Yorkers nearly rioted when they learned that advertisements would be plastered on the tiled walls of the city’s gleaming new subway system. “Cheap and nasty,” one official scoffed.

Today, advertisements on buses and trains are so ubiquitous that the average straphanger is quite likely to forget that they are there at all: the injury lawyers and Dr. Zizmors are only a blurry backdrop to the daily voyage.

Until, that is, this week, when a debate over a provocative advertisement reinserted the Metropolitan Transportation Authority into a fierce public debate over what should be allowed in the transit system — and to what extent the authority has the right to decide that at all.

At issue was an advertisement submitted by a group opposed to the construction of a mosque and Islamic center near ground zero. The advertisement includes a photograph of the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001, one tower aflame, the other moments away from being struck by an airplane. A headline asks, “Why There?” And an arrow points to a rendering of the proposed mosque.

The authority’s advertising firm initially rejected the advertisement as unsuitable, repeatedly requesting changes to the photograph of the twin towers, according to a federal lawsuit filed last week by the advertisement’s sponsor, the American Freedom Defense Initiative, and its leader, the prominent right-wing blogger Pamela Geller, who argued that her right to free speech had been infringed.

On Monday, the authority relented, saying it would allow the advertisement to run in its original form. It is expected to appear next week on more than 20 city buses.
More at the link.

Free speech-basher CAIR is obviously not pleased.

See also, "
MTA Caves: Ground Zero Bus Campaign Will Run."

'Ground Zero Mosque is Radically Insensitive' — But the Developers 'Have Been Bridge-Builders', Blah, Blah...

No one should be surprised that the editorial board at the New York Times has been totally in the tank for a victory mosque a stone's throw (and plane parts) away from the hallowed ground of the WTC attack zone. And as Pamela Geller wrote yesterday, "New York Times Soils Itself Again with Ground Zero Bus Coverage."

So I'm intrigued that the paper is using the front-page to at least appear critical of the backers. I won't be as cynical as others, so readers can judge for themselves: "
For Mosque Sponsors, Early Missteps Fueled Storm." I will say that it's a pathetically squishy piece. The Times argues that Daisy Kahn and Imam Rauf are "bridged-builders." Clearly they are not, but at least the Times helps point out the utter mendacity of folks who thought it'd be cool to put up a victory mosque at the symbolic heart of America's fight against Islamist extremism. So, FWIW:


Joy Levitt, executive director of the Jewish Community Center on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, remembers her first conversation with Daisy Khan around 2005, years before Ms. Khan’s idea for a Muslim community center in Lower Manhattan morphed into a controversy about Sept. 11, Islam and freedom of religion.

“Strollers,” said Ms. Levitt, whom Ms. Khan had approached for advice on how to build an institution like the Jewish center — with a swimming pool, art classes and joint projects with other religious groups. Ms. Levitt, a rabbi, urged Ms. Khan to focus on practical matters like a decent wedding hall and stroller parking.

“You can use all these big words like diversity and pluralism,” Ms. Levitt recalled telling Ms. Khan, noting that with the population of toddlers booming in Manhattan, “I’m down in the lobby dealing with the 500 strollers.”

Clearly, the idea that Ms. Khan and her partners would one day be accused of building a victory monument to terrorism did not come up — an oversight with consequences. The organizers built support among some Jewish and Christian groups, and even among some families of 9/11 victims, but did little to engage with likely opponents. More strikingly, they did not seek the advice of established Muslim organizations experienced in volatile post-9/11 passions and politics.

The organizers — chiefly Ms. Khan; her husband, the imam of a mosque in the financial district; and a young real-estate investor born in New York — did not hire a public-relations firm until after the hostility exploded in May. They went ahead with their first public presentation of the project — a voluntary appearance at a community board meeting in Lower Manhattan — just after an American Muslim, Faisal Shahzad, was arrested for planting a car bomb in Times Square.

“It never occurred to us,” Ms. Khan said. “We have been bridge builders for years.”
I have my doubts about that (considering all the reporting I've done already, and not to mention the Imam's scheduled tour to Saudi Arabia on the State Department's dime). So what is it? An attempt to make Little Miss Daisy look the innocent? Either way, lax oversight or not, the Ground Zero Mega Mosque is a mistake. The development has done nothing but polarize America, and the terror-enabling left sees this as a chance to win some points while going down for the count in November. Most of all, we've got a year of tremendous historical significance coming up, and if somehow, some way, Bloomberg and his surrender-chorus succeed in getting this thing built, there's going to be political hell to pay.

I wish I was in New York.

Added: Terror-apologist Adam Serwer has a piece up taking NYT to task for descending into ...
... a kind of "liberal" media known-nothingism when it comes to how this became a controversy, suggesting that " a combination of arguable naïveté, public-relations missteps and a national political climate in which perhaps no preparation could have headed off controversy." This is a remarkable formula that manages to place the blame everywhere except where it belongs -- on a right-wing smear machine that went into overdrive in an effort to portray Rauf and Khan as terrorist sympathizers, an experience no one outside of contemporary partisan politics could have possibly been prepared for. The conservative media lied about the location of the project, they lied about Rauf's background, they lied about the project's funding, they lied about when the project would be built, and they lied about Rauf's political beliefs. And it would have been one thing if it had just been a small group of people lying, but they had an entire cable news station to lie for them, and politicians who were willing to amplify their smears. This controversy isn't about the "political climate." It's the fruit of a conscious, deliberate, and sustained effort.

It's like I said: This thing has become THE political event heading into the 9th anniversary of 9/11. The leftists are really getting extreme in their pushback, and Serwer's allegations of "lies" reveal a level of desperation I've not seen for some time, and that's saying something.

More at NewsReal, "Ground Zero Mosque Fraud Exposed."

Charlie Rangel — 'I'm Not Going Away'

Top video c/o Left Coast Rebel:

And according to Doug Feaver:
Rangel's speech -- a combination of defense, apology, refusal to resign and appeal for an early trial -- is seen by readers of both parties as good news for the GOP in its hopes of recapturing the House in the mid-term elections.
RELATED: Ruth Marcus, "Charles Rangel, Maxine Waters and the House culture of entitlement." And Doug Powers (at Michelle's), "Charles Rangel: I’m Not Going Away!"

And if folks are wondering about Adam Clayton Powell IV, who has promised to "take out" Rangel in the district's Democratic primary next month, well, check Business Week, "
Rangel Ethics Case Leaves Voters in New York’s Harlem Unfazed."

Three Things

Three surprising things you probably didn't know about Islam.

Nice Deb and Moonbattery (c/o Memeorandum):

Sarah Palin Calls Ted Stevens 'An Alaskan Hero'

From Matt Lewis. And you can hear it at the clip (at about 4:00 minutes):

Democrats Use Stevens Tragedy to Wish Death on Palin

It's pretty awful, but no surprise whatsoever. Full post at Conservatives for Palin:

This is just a small sampling of the sort of hatred that the left and the Democrats dished out towards Governor Palin and her family in response to the nation losing one of it's most well-known senators. It is to their shame that nobody on their side has displayed the sort of leadership it would take to get that kind of hatred under control within their ranks. I do believe they are spiraling into a very dark place because nobody told them to STOP! Knock it off! No, nobody on their side calls them out at all. It is accepted behavior therefore they have allowed that hate to fester and grow.

This is who these people are. These are not marginal freaks. This is the mainstream of the Democratic Party. I report this stuff all the time.

Blogging in Retreat

Perhaps. See the analysis at "Take This Blog and Shove It!":

Tech writers continue to tout social media as a transformative phenomenon in its infancy. That’s certainly true for such sites as Facebook, which boasts more than 500 million active users, or Flickr, which hosts some 4 billion photos. YouTube also shows no sign of slowing down. But those sites offer clear benefits to users, including the ability to easily stay in touch with friends, indulge in a game of Mob Wars, share baby pictures, or watch videos of fashion models falling down, in exchange for their time and efforts.

Many other elements of the user-generated revolution, meanwhile, are beginning to look sluggish. The practice of crowd sourcing, in particular, worked because the early Web inspired a kind of collective fever, one that made the slog of writing encyclopedia entries feel new, cool, fun. But with three out of four American households online, contributions to the hive mind can seem a bit passé, and Web participation, well, boring—kind of like writing encyclopedia entries for free.

Evidence of this ennui is everywhere. Amateur blogs, the original embodiment of Web democracy, are showing signs of decline. While professional bloggers are “a rising class,” according to Technorati, hobbyists are in retreat, and about 95 percent of blogs are launched and quickly abandoned. A recent Pew study found that blogging has withered as a pastime, with the number of 18- to 24-year-olds who identify themselves as bloggers declining by half between 2006 and 2009. A shift to Twitter—or microblogging, as it’s called—partly accounts for these numbers. But while Twitter carries more than 50 million tweets per day, its army of keystrokers may not be as large as it seems. As many as 90 percent of tweets come from 10 percent of users, according to a 2009 Harvard study. The others are primarily “lurkers”—people who don’t contribute but track the postings of others. Between 60 and 70 percent of people who sign up for the 140-character platform quit within a month, according to a recent Nielsen report.

Citizen journalism also has stabilized. Fewer than one in 10 Web users say they have created their own original news or opinion piece, according to Pew, and comment sections on blogs or mainstream media sites, which were supposed to turn the old one-way media model into a two-way street, are often too profane, hateful, or off-point to attract people. Only one in four Web users has left a comment—probably no more than wrote letters to the editor in decades past, says Brian Thornton, a University of North Florida professor who has studied the history of the letters page.

Image Credit: Doc Weasel. (NSFW)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

JetBlue Attendant 'Banging His Boyfriend When the Cops Showed Up'

This guy's getting a cheery write-up in People Magazine, "In His Own Words: JetBlue Flight Attendant Steven Slater's 20 Year-Career." And local news reports say he's out on bail, "Fed-Up Flight Attendant is Out of Jail." And Towleroad has the background, "JetBlue Flight Attendant Steven Slater Held on $2500 Bail."

But it's far left-wing Gawker that picks up on the oft-missed angle, "
Cranky Flight Attendant Was Banging His Boyfriend When the Cops Showed Up":

Yesterday we heard how the disgruntled flight attendant's altercation with a passenger (which was related to a suitcase and/or overhead bin bonking Slater on the head) culminated in him announcing over the plane intercom, "To the fucking asshole who told me to fuck off, it's been a good 28 years. I've had it. That's it," then grabbed two beers from the galley, activated the jet's inflatable slide, and bolted off the job. The content of Slater's rant remains in dispute: Some say he called the passenger a "motherfucker" instead of an "asshole," and others dispute who told whom to "fuck off." (And although he seemed to suggest he'd been working as a flight attendant for 28 years, he started working for the airlines 20 years ago.)

Either way, the word "fuck" occurred twice, and the act of fucking occurred once: As soon as the surly steward arrived at his beachfront home in the Rockaways, he jumped into bed with his boyfriend, and was mid-coitus when the police arrived to arrest him for reckless endangerment and trespassing. The New York Daily News reports the scene of the arrest:

He boasted to skeptical cops that he really did escape by chute with his carry-on luggage.

"Oh, yes, I did! I threw them down first and I went down after," he told cops, sources said.

He was grinning as police walked him in handcuffs to a squad car. "He left with a big smile on his face," said neighbor Curt Karkowski.

The New York Post adds that Slater told authorities he was HIV-positive. During his arrest Slater was photographed in a sage green t-shirt and madras shorts. Many outlets have noted that Slater's MySpace profile (which we raided yesterday) testifies to a history of "alcoholism and substance abuse." Did a life crisis predicate the haughty high-flier's mid-tarmac meltdown? ...

More details at the link.

Actually, seems like a nice guy. But I can't help thinking of the gay hookup culture, reported last night. (And while gays are in the spotlight with the Prop 8 ruling, out in the real world it's like they're showing up for a job interview drunk and cursing. Those applications get thrown in the trash.) And if you missed it, you might need a drink while you're reading Out Magazine's, "Has Manhunt Destroyed Gay Culture?"

Manhunt is rarely mentioned in newspapers or magazines. Occasionally it shows up in stories about public-health crises (of which more later). A little more often, reporters discover the Manhunt profiles of public figures, who are subsequently embarrassed, or worse. The mayor of Spokane, Wash., and the chairman of the school board in Richmond, Va., for instance, both lost their office after their Manhunt profiles were made public. Last year, a 24-year veteran of the Norwalk, Conn., police department was arrested for having sex with two 15-year-old boys and trying to arrange to meet a third -- all of whom he found on Manhunt. Nude pictures from profiles reputed to belong to Thomas Roberts, the former CNN anchor, and American Idol runner-up Clay Aiken, were circulated on blogs and mentioned in gossip columns. And yet Manhunt members still seem to think they can get away with anything there: The profile of one of the world’s most powerful entertainment executives includes full-length naked photos of him, clearly showing his face, having sex with another man. Another famous master of industry advertises on Manhunt as a hung top, with a headless version of a widely published portrait of himself. God only knows how many more ticking time bombs lie among the profiles.

But the most powerful secrets that live on Manhunt aren’t the ones we keep from the outside world. The most powerful secrets on Manhunt are the ones we keep from ourselves. Practically every gay man has his own version of this secret, which we learned to keep while growing up in the closet: the secret fear that, if we were truly known, we would never be loved.
And speaking of the gay hookup scene, I guess TBogg's felicitous readers are on the inside (with respect to Greg Gutfeld's Muslim gay bar initiative):
Closeted homocons won’t go there because there are too many people around with cell phone cameras, and in general gay bars have been closing across the nation, including in NYC, because it’s easier to hook up online. On the plus side, that means Greggie & “friends” will be throwing their money away.
It's always something kinky at freaknozzle TBogg's.

RELATED: See Heather Robinson, "
I Was an Eyewitness to Flight Attendant Steven Slater's Rant on Jet Blue #1052." (Via Memeorandum.)

Leftists Smear Andrew Breitbart With Goat Bestiality Video

At King Charles' Twitter page, "Breaking: Video Surfaces of Breitbart in Compromising Position with Goat":

I guess this is a variation on the "goat-f**king Republican" smear, at Daily Kos:
Andrew Breitbart is a scare mongering lying fuck, but he is an effective scare mongering lying fuck. Now if you all think this latest controversy about Andrew and Fox News is going to change what these folks do you are crazy. Standing up and calling them liars is not going to stop them or stop them from being effective. These folks play on the emotions of people. The emotion of fear, and they are good at it. Our side needs to remember that the truth and facts do not win you the hearts and minds of people, it is irrational emotional arguments that rule the day. We need to stir up our own shit and rile up people and cause all sorts of crazy to happen...

Or we need to stop rising up and getting all pissed at these morons and just marginalize them and stop taking anything they say seriously. We need our leaders to just ignore Fox News, no need to announce they are doing it, just do it. Ignore them, don't answer their questions, don't go on their shows, don't even send them press releases. Just stop dealing with them.

Next, choose one right wing nut as your enemy. Every good guy needs an enemy so choose one and fight with him and ignore the rest ...
Also, "Out-Of-Context Snippet Makes Andrew Breitbart."

Patricia Neal in 'The Fountainhead'

Patricia Neal died Sunday at her home in Martha's Vineyard. She was from my parents' era, but "The Fountainhead" is a classic for the ages, and I do believe I enjoyed that book more than "Atlas Shrugged."

LAT has the obit, "
Patricia Neal dies at 84." She had a difficult life.

Portia de Rossi Takes Her Hus — , Er, Wife's, Name

I'm missing something. Either that, or Portia de Rossi's gone badly off the radical feminist reservation:
If you take your husband's name, you must be dependent and incompetent. If you don't, of course, you're a ball-busting feminist — or that even more pitiable creature, someone without a husband at all. And, in most cases, you still have a name that came down to you patrilineally anyway. Luckily, there is one woman who's thrown off the chains of the nomenclature patriarchy and received only praise for it. I speak, of course, of Lady Gaga.

Gaga's an open-borders extremist so what does she know? Anyway, the screencap's to
The Daily Caller, which links to The Daily Mail, "Portia de Rossi to become Mrs DeGeneres as she takes Ellen's name."


These two make one high-profile Prop 8 couple, dontcha know? (They were married August 2008, months before the November election, in Beverly Hills). But I'm wondering if this is some statement on the consolidation of the post-feminist world. Things do change:
Taking your husband's surname, traditionally, makes you an auxiliary, an adjunct, the cute female sidekick, a spinoff, a derivative, Mrs. Him. But for some women now, it's an assumption, rather than a loss, of power -- shared power. "Instead of feeling like I 'belong' to my husband now that I have his last name, I feel like we are on equal footing, says Amy Owings, 34, a executive assistant in Overland Park, Kan. "We are both Owings, so now I claim him as much as he claims me."
Still, I'm out of the loop on lesbian culture. Is it a pathbreaking thing for gay women to adopt the dominant cultural identification of the patriarchical Mr. and Mrs. nomenclature? No doubt Catherine MacKinnon's steaming over this: "Feminism stresses the indistinguishability of prostitution, marriage, and sexual harassment."

RELATED: "Portia de Rossi: A Gay Staunch Feminist."

Heads Explode on Memeorandum

Via William Jacobson:


God, it's like a treasure-trove of leftist piranhas going after their own. I love Jane Hamsher's post, "Tribalism is the Last Refuge of Political Scoundrels, Including Robert Gibbs."
Spiro Agnew — sorry, Robert Gibbs — says “the professional left is not representative of the progressives who organized, campaigned, raised money and ultimately voted for Obama.” Well, the Obama in the White House is not representative of the Obama who organized, campaigned, raised money and ran for office, so I guess it’s a wash.
Read the whole thing. I don't think Jane will admit she campaigned (shilled) for a liar, a loser, a hypocrite, and a likely one-termer.

And at Daily Kos, our other commie blog bellwhether (and this is from Comrade Markos himself), "
If the White House thinks their problems are reserved among a handful of progressive critics, then I'm afraid, because it tells me they're really out of touch with the undercurrent of discontent faced by Democrats this year.
And from my favorite overrated left-wing analyst (now going to the overrated unofficial newspaper of record) Nate Silver, "As Liberals Lose Hope, the White House is Losing Its Cool":
One problem that Obama is having -- and not just on the left, although it might be most acute there -- is the dissonance between the grand, poetic narratives of the campaign trail and the prosaic and transactional day-to-day grind of governance.
Gee, you think, Nate?

Well, maybe
LGM's Scotty Lame-ieux's got the plan:
We need our own Ari Fleischer; even if he can’t be as accomplished a liar, at least he’d know to keep his focus on his actual enemies.
This president's a liar, Scott (even Snooki says so). The press secretary can't fix that. And thanks for confirming that, yes, sadly, we are enemies.

Billy Idol ‘Live and Loud’ at Pechanga

My wife and I will be there:

Only a few tickets remain for what promises to be a seriously rockin’ night when 80s rock rebel Billy Idol takes the stage at 8 p.m. on Aug. 11 and 13 at Pechanga Resort & Casino’s Showroom Theater.

Featuring longtime partner and guitarist Steve Stevens, fans can expect some new tunes, along with favorites like “Rebel Yell,” “Mony Mony,” “White Wedding” and “Dancing With Myself.”