Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Pakistan Arrests C.I.A. Informants Who Assisted Bin Laden Operation


And the link to the New York Times, "Pakistan Arrests C.I.A. Informants in Bin Laden Raid."
Over the past several weeks the Pakistani military has been distancing itself from American intelligence and counterterrorism operations against militant groups in Pakistan. This has angered many in Washington who believe that Bin Laden’s death has shaken Al Qaeda and that there is now an opportunity to further weaken the terrorist organization with more raids and armed drone strikes.

But in recent months, dating approximately to when a C.I.A. contractor killed two Pakistanis on a street in the eastern city of Lahore in January, American officials said that Pakistani spies from the Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence, known as the ISI, have been generally unwilling to carry out surveillance operations for the C.I.A. The Pakistanis have also resisted granting visas allowing American intelligence officers to operate in Pakistan, and have threatened to put greater restrictions on the drone flights.
And follow the links for the whole thing.

Michele Bachmann Enters Presidential Race

At Bloomberg, "Tea Party Favorite Bachmann Enters Republican Presidential Race."

And New York Times, "Bachmann Announces Presidential Candidacy."

Michele Bachmann Steals the Show at New Hampshire Presidential Debate

Andrew McCarthy took the words right out of my mouth, "Re: Bachmann Smart, Media Dumb":

I second Stanley’s analysis. I also saw Michele in person for the first time at David Horowitz’s retreat, and I was amazed at her combination of command and charisma. She spoke at great length about a wide variety of topics and took questions from the very engaged audience — without notes, with clarity and depth, and with a nice mix of humor and charm. She’s got a good lawyer’s mind for getting from A to B to C without losing the big picture, and she has the rare ability to grasp wonky details without sounding like a wonk.
I didn't have "a long chat" with Bachmann, as McCarthy says he did at the post, but as I said at the time, her talk at the Horowitz retreat sounded like a stump speech. I'm really happy for her, and pleased that she's getting a huge boost. She was a real winner last night.

See also Memeorandum.

I'll have more later.

How Many Male 'Lesbian' Bloggers Are Out There?

Radical anti-American lesbian feminism is on the rocks, but you knew that. The twist is that even radical anti-American lesbian feminists need fake radical anti-American lesbian feminists to keep the flame from being extinguished.

At Washington Post, "‘Paula Brooks,’ editor of ‘Lez Get Real,’ also a man."

And don't miss Jonah Golberg, "The 'Gay Girl in Damascus' hoax is worse than a lie. It's propaganda" (via Instapundit).

Liberty Belle B-17 Crash

At LAT, "Restored WWII bomber crashes."

GOP Presidential Debate in New Hampshire (VIDEO)

Bachmann hit a home run, and Romney did well too. See National Journal, "EXCLUSIVE: Political Insiders Give Debate Nod to Romney, Bachmann" (via Memeorandum). Bachmann looked extremely well prepared and on point, and her announcement that she filed papers for a presidential run was a PR coup. I'll update with more information and links to additional commentary throughout the day.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Obama Calls for Weiner's Resignation

At New York Times, "Obama Suggests That Weiner Step Down."

Also at NBC News, "Obama: 'I would resign' in Weiner's situation" (via Memorandum).

I'll post a video clip tomorrow, if I can find it.

Romney Set to Face Challenge From Right

It's a big front-page story at the Wall Street Journal.

It's gated, but click through at Google for the text sample.

Turns out that Romney's signature claim to free-enterprise fame --- his turnaround of the the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics --- in fact relied heavily on federal subsidies. And apparently tea party activists have made the federal backing for the Olympics an issue in recent campaigns:
The Salt Lake Games got more federal cash than any previous U.S. Olympics. A review of lobbying records shows the Games hired 16 lobbyists from five firms for nearly $4 million. Mr. Romney was at the center of the effort, according to federal, local and Olympics officials. Among other things, Washington helped pay for a wider Interstate 15, a light-rail system in Salt Lake City and University of Utah housing.

Many projects were approved before Mr. Romney's arrival, but he was instrumental in securing much of the funding, say officials involved. "We were both working it pretty hard," said Deedee Corradini, Salt Lake City's then-Democratic mayor.

Federal backing for the Games tripped former Republican Utah Rep. Merrill Cook when he ran for the U.S. Senate last year. Tea-party activists blasted his Olympics work. He lost in the GOP primary, as did sitting Republican Sen. Robert Bennett, who was also involved in the lobbying. Sen. Bennett said he didn't expect the Olympics to be an issue. "It's too old. It can't be held against him," he said.

Mr. Cook wasn't so sure: "Having run a very successful Olympics, being credited with all that may not go over very well with the Tea Party crowd."
More at those links above.

I'm not so sure federal backing for the Olympics is the biggest issue with which to hammer Romney. Seems like the case could be made for the Olympics as a sort of public good, and public/private partnerships in professional and world class athletics aren't at all unusual. But we'll see how it all plays out.

RELATE: That's the new Romney web ad at top, via William Jacobson, "All In All We're Just Another Bump In The Road."

Also, at Gallup, "Romney Support Up; Widens Advantage in 2012 Preferences" (via Memeorandum).

Dakota Thunder

See Rapid City Journal, "Air show brings out young and old alike."

Congressman Weiner House Gym Photos Could Be Ethics Breach

A follow up to my report, "Anthony Weiner Lewd Photos at House Members' Gym!"

The TMZ photos are here.

But check New York Post, "New Weiner photos taken in House gym could be an ethics breach."

And on ABC News, "Good Morning America"


There's a new photo of Huma Abedin at London's Daily Mail, "What is there to think about? After days of humiliation for his pregnant wife, Weiner FINALLY considers stepping down as shocking new lewd pictures emerge."

Protesters Demand Weiner's Resignation Outside His Office

At New York Daily News, "Protesters enraged by Anthony Weiner's sexting antics demand his resignation." Also, at NY1 News, "Queens Voters Rally For, Against Weiner's Resignation." Added: At New York Times, "Despite Plan to Enter Rehab, Weiner Still Faces Calls to Resign."

See also Marooned in Marin, "Weiner Now Considering Resigning, His Staff Rumored To Be Looking For The Door."

The Media's Role in Weinergate 2011

A Tony Katz joint, at PJTV:

I'm going to dissent from the notion that Weinergate is the turning point for new media. Folks probably said Rathergate was the turning point 7 years ago. I do think this is a well-earned gotcha moment for conservatives, and the ramifications of the scandal will be felt all the way through next year's general election. Fascinating, all around.

Jeff Jarvis: 'I Was Wrong About Anthony Weiner'

I called this guy "a bleedin' idiot" last week, so it's only fair to give credit where credit's due.

At Huffington Post, "My Weiner Confession: I Was Wrong":
I just want to get this on the record and off my (fully clothed) chest: I was wrong about Anthony Weiner.

I'd said nothing about the whole hoo-ha because I didn't think it was worth the attention. Then I got a call from Howard Kurtz' Reliable Sources to come on last Sunday and talk about it. My wife said, Why are you doing that? I said, I'll be on the right side. As always, she was right. On the show, I said that media were using this as an opportunity for sophomoric jokes and that the fuss over a penis was a symptom of American Puritanism. What's the worst that happened here? I asked: So what if he had a stupid picture on his phone and accidentally tweeted it, so long as he wasn't sexually harassing anyone? But that's not the worst that happened.

Weiner lied. That is the story. That's what haters said in email to me after the CNN segment. They were right.
There's more at the link above, but that's the gist of it. And that's quite a lot. It takes maturity and responsibility to admit when you're wrong, qualities that Charles Johnson clearly lacks. Folks are still waiting for the rest of the left's huge Weiner supporters to come clean. Progressives got beat up on this. Defending this behavior is itself indefensible.

Note: That's the rare link to Little Green Footballs. I don't usually do the delinking thing all that much. It's mostly Charles Johnson and RACIST REPSAC = CASPER. I link Lawyers, Guns and Murder all the time, or at least I had been, but I'm having some legal issues with one of the bloggers over there, so I've been holding back. It's not Dave Brockington, however. That dude's attacking critics of Anthony Weiner as "moral fascists," which is really too much. Goes with the territory at LGM, and I'll have more about it later. Let's just say that folks like that haven't a thread of the integrity of Jeff Jarvis.

Left Coast Rebel Meets Andrew Breitbart!

That's Tim Daniel, who joined me last Thursday in Newport for the Breitbart event, "More on Andrew Breitbart in Newport Beach, California":
He's a super-talented speaker, lots of comedy, great storyteller, and above all I witnessed Breitbart's fierce advocacy for the voiceless masses of middle America, those that feel that the Leftist-Media-Industrial-Complex is just a deceitful, evil, all-powerful, information-controlling extension of our coercive, destructive Leviathan government. Speaking to us is what Breitbart does and does better than anyone else.

I'm still looking for the full video. The talk was one of Breitbart's best ever, and he's never disappointing.

Charles Johnson in His Bunker: LGF Has Become a Joke

The Lizard King's downfall is too good not to share, via Diary of Daedalus:

Plus, commentary at Blazing Cat Fur.

'It seems that nature called and Starnes was playing with his gun while on the throne...'

You gotta read this, at The Truth About Guns: "Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Detective Bret Starnes" (via Instapundit).

The Internet Lets It All Hang Out

See Gordon Crovitz, at Wall Street Journal. A great piece.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Rule 5 'Breastaurants' Update!

I posted on this previously, but the topic is getting some big attention. At London's Daily Mail, "BREASTaurants! Hooters-style eateries are set to become fastest-growing restaurants."

And here goes a little roundup, which I've I haven't done for some time. A shout out to Dan Collins, who I promised a little linkage. And The Other McCain, of course.

And check out Midnight Blue, "20 Hottest Conservative Women In The New Media (2011 Edition)."

Okay, for the babes ...

Leading off is Pirate's Cove with his latest Sunday roundup, "Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup."

Plus, Theo Spark, "Bedtime Totty..."

And don't miss Bob Belvedere's fabulous entry: " Rule 5 Saturday."

Also: Astute Bloggers, Blazing Cat Fur, Bob Belvedere, CSPT, Dan Collins, , Gator Doug, Irish Cicero, Left Coast Rebel, Mind-Numbed Robot, Legal Insurrection, Lonely Conservative, PA Pundits International, PACNW Righty, Pirate's Cove, Proof Positive, Saberpoint, Snooper, WyBlog, The Western Experience, and Zion's Trumpet.

Plus, don't forget American Perspective, Maggie's Notebook and Zilla of the Resistance.

And adding Marathon Pundit and Marooned in Marin.

Let me know if I missed your blog!

Added: From Randy's Roundtable, "Thursday Nite Tart: Laura Dundovic."

Howard Kurtz Slams Dana Milbank on Weinergate Scandal: 'You're Just Annoyed Breitbart Got Credit...'

An interesting segment, especially Amy Holmes, who clearly gets what's going on. Not so with WaPo's Dana Milbank, but he's a typical beltway hack, so no surprise there:


Weiner is Political Dead Man Walking: 'Now, Let's Refocus'

That's Dan Collins, writing an interesting essay, "A Little Whining."

He's got an offer out to bloggers to cross-post their stuff on Joan Walsh, who really deserves to be beaten up over this (speaking metaphorically, of course).

But read it over there.

Canada's Hamas Flotilla

Called the Tahrir, the Canadian Boat to Gaza, of the Freedom Flotilla II.

Also known as the "Sea Hitler" by another name.

Background from Matt Gurney, at National Post, "The return of the NDP's anti-Israel fringe":

It was just over a year ago that Israeli forces went aboard the Mavi Marmara and six other ships that had set sail from Turkey. The vessels were filled with anti-Israel activists and aimed to deliver supplies to Gaza in defiance of Israel's arms blockade of the Hamas-controlled territory. Those aboard the ships were hoping to provoke an Israeli response and, unfortunately, they succeeded. While most of the ships were boarded peacefully, Israeli troops -armed only with light weapons, as they expected no resistance -were attacked when they boarded the Mavi Marmara. The situation escalated rapidly and, having failed to use the appropriate degree of force at the outset, Israeli troops had to use too much at the end. Nine activists were killed and Israel and its blockade were roundly criticized.

A year later, Canadian anti-Israel activists are hoping lightning strikes twice and are planning to sail a vessel from our shores to the Gaza Strip, despite the continuing Israeli military embargo. By forcing a confrontation with the Israelis, they hope to bring yet more international scorn down upon the Jewish state. They have a long list of supporters, including the usual suspects -but also one name that is a bit surprising: Alex Atamanenko, the freshly re-elected NDP MP for B.C. Southern Interior.

Mr. Atamanenko, first elected in 2006, has been quite public with his support of the Gazan cause before. He was quick to condemn Israel for the original flotilla incident. He also criticized its military operations against Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip in 2008 and 2009. His endorsement of the Canadian Boat to Gaza is therefore logically consistent, if nothing else.
More at that link above. The NDP is the New Democratic Party, a national socialist party that is currently the official opposition party in the Canadian House of Commnons.

See also Gurney at FrontPage Magazine, "The Canadian Left Backs Upcoming Gaza Flotilla."

President Obama Silent on Anthony Weiner Resignation

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and DNC Chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz have both called on Weiner to resign. And now House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer is calling for Weiner's resignation. No word yet on President Obama. Perhaps he's busy with his own wieners:


Anthony Weiner Lewd Photos at House Members' Gym!

I linked Robert Stacy McCain already, but this bears noting. The House Gym is a government facility, and the release of new photos reveals another Anthony Weiner lie. See the Queens Courier:
After admitting his actions were inappropriate, Congressmember Anthony Weiner now faces an ethics committee investigation and mounting pressure to step down.

Nancy Pelosi, the House of Representatives Democratic leader, called for an investigation to determine whether any House rules were violated.

The first rule in the House’s code of conduct states a member “shall behave at all times in a manner that shall reflect creditably on the House.”

During Monday’s statement, the congressmember said no government resources – phones, computers, email – were used and no laws were violated – but that may not be enough to save his seat.
No, not enough at all. Because Weiner implicates government by taking it to the House gym.

The photos are at TMZ, "Anthony Weiner at the House Members' Gym." Also at Politico, "More Anthony Weiner photos surface online" (via Memeorandum).

Cartoon Roundup

At Flopping Aces, "Sunday Funnies," and Theo Spark's, "Cartoon Round Up..."

Here's Chris Muir's Sunday "Day by Day":

Chris Muir

Pawlenty Defends Economic Plan on Fox News Sunday

With Chris Wallace:

PREVIOUSLY: "Tim Pawlenty's Economic Speech at University of Chicago, June 7, 2011."

Gabrielle Giffords Recovery Pictures Released

At WSJ, "Photos Show a Smiling Rep. Giffords."

She's still having difficulty speaking, which raises questions about her return to office. God bless her. Her survival and recovery truly is God's will.

Anthony Weiner X-Rated Scandal Update: Beltway Distraction Edition

Here's today's "Meet the Press" panel, which features a couple of minutes on Weinergate. Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed is calling for Weiner's resignation, so the party can move on, because Democrats "are doing so well on the MediCare conversation." That starts at about 1:00 minute, but the whole clip is worth a listen. WSJ's Kim Strassel's one of my favorite journalists. Not only a brilliant political observer, she's a conservative in a sea of Obama-enabling progressives.


Meanwhile, Robert Stacy McCain is all over the latest Weinergate developments, and he's got more on today's "Meet the Press." See, "VIDEO: Wasserman-Schultz Discusses Weiner Scandal on ‘Meet the Press’." Also, "Report: Weiner Sent Woman Photos of Himself Posing in Congressional Gym," and "VIDEO: ‘Tipping Point’ for Weiner?"

L.A. Times: California GOP Must Reinvent Itself to Survive

See, "To Survive, State GOP Must Reinvent Itself":
With the unveiling of the state's new political boundaries last week, California Republicans are contemplating their very survival: Without a course correction, they could be headed for the wilderness.

Drawn for the first time by an independent commission instead of Sacramento insiders, the proposed new voting maps suggest the GOP could lose as many as five seats in Congress. Moreover, Democrats may be positioned to win two-thirds of the state Legislature, potentially robbing the minority party of its ability to block tax increases, the last vestige of its governing power in the state Capitol.

Between now and next year's elections, Republicans must scramble to reinvent themselves, recruit more moderate candidates and find common ground with more Californians if they are to be at all relevant in Golden State politics, according to independent experts and partisan analysts alike. Then voters in the considerable number of new swing districts that the maps show could opt to elect moderate Republicans just as easily as centrist Democrats.
There's more, but you get the drift.

It's almost comical. Here's the Los Angeles Times, still a respectable paper, but hopelessly left-wing, arguing that the state's GOP should be moving left, becoming more moderate than it already is. And that's after 7 years of Arnold Schwarzenegger, who did virtually nothing to repair the state's battered fiscal existence. And for decades we've had surging immigration, especially illegal immigration from Mexico and Latin America, that has formed a steady supply of future Democratic Party voters. And for what? Much of California is run down and governed like a Third World kleptocracy. Recall that I was briefly in a funk after last November's election. I spoke semi-seriously about relocating out of state. And I might be dropping the "semi" over the next few years as I approach retirement. Communists are everywhere. Moral bankruptcy and rampant corruption fill the schools, and unions are fiscally bankrupting that state. That's not to say there aren't lots of conservatives, but as the Times points out, they won't have much of a voice in government if trends continue. I'll have more on this. My sense is that right-wing activists have to keep doing what they're doing, and work on mobilizing newcomers to the state, and young people, to conservative values. And then encourage these people to hold the state's GOP accountable to limited government principles. There's no other way, really, short of pulling up the drawbridge to stem the tide of illegal immigration's revolving door and the permanent radical voting block that's consolidating. It's ridiculous.

RELATED: At New York Times, "Redistricting Offers Republicans Few Gains in 2012."

Tim Pawlenty's Economic Speech at University of Chicago, June 7, 2011

The complete text is at Wall Street Journal. And check the report at Los Angeles Times, "Tim Pawlenty slams Obama on economy."

He makes some radical proposals, a constitutional amendment to balance the budget and temporary emergency executive authority to freeze federal spending. He also offers a familiar list of economic proposals, like an aggressive flat tax and a restructuring of the tax system, eliminating a number of taxes, from capital gains to inheritance taxes. I listened to the whole thing, but check the text if you're short on time. He's a very gracious and polite man. I'm learning more about him, and he's hitting hard against the administration, calling out President Obama for his anti-Americanism and rejection of American exceptionalism. That's good to hear. I'm interested to see how Pawlenty does in the Iowa straw poll coming up, especially since Mitt Romney's not attending. He's also the former governor of Minnesota, so that will make for some interesting exchanges with Michele Bachmann (a congresswoman from Minnesota) if she enters the race, and I think she will.

50 Best L.A. Bands

Following-up on my reports on Skylar Grey and Dave Alvin, the Los Angeles Times Magazine also featured the 50 best band out of Los Angeles. They're listed in no particular order, so folks can quibble with the organization at the link.

I'll post more songs later, but been diggin' some Crosby, Stills and Nash of late, so here you go, a classic:

Charles Johnson's Literally Unhinged Weinergate Blogging

I posted once on the Lizard King's disastrous Weinergate blogging, but new developments warrant some linkage.

At The Other McCain, "Wrong, Wrong, Wrong: Belated Notice of Charles Johnson’s Total Beclownment."

And Nice Deb, "Charles Johnson Intentionally Leads People Astray With His Bogus Weinergate Coverage."

Technology and the Political Sex Scandal

Kate Zernike spins away the Weiner sex scandal, blaming technology, "Naked Hubris":
Certainly there are things particular to Washington that make sex scandals as predictable as swampy weather in July — and to politicians in general, especially lately, as the recent scandals involving Arnold Schwarzenegger (child out of wedlock) and John Edwards (child out of wedlock, and last week indicted for allegedly lying over his affair) have served to remind.

But technology keeps adding new and in many ways more seductive temptations to the mix. And this is happening at a time when, many argue, a more prying press corps, stricter public standards and greater partisanship have combined to make Washington oddly more puritanical than it once was. Hamilton, after all, had confessed his affair to investigators in Congress several years before he was actually exposed for it. But 15 years after the House of Representatives impeached President Bill Clinton, revealing lurid details of his sexual dalliances with a White House intern, most politicians now know that they can’t count on the press or their peers to stay silent about straying.
Yep, just another summer sex scandal in D.C. Move along. You wouldn't even be looking if bloggers hadn't intruded on the privileged ways and means of the official D.C. Democratic establishment.

Sitting Can be as Deadly as Smoking

Recent studies show prolonged sitting is bad for your health, and bloggers sit a lot, so this especially bad news. Gretchen Carlson had a segment on Fox News, but see also Ann Althouse: "'Linda had no idea her desk was so deadly, noting how 'sitting is probably killing me'.'"

Althouse bought a desk, which is part of the solution. I'm going to do some walking this week:

MediCare: Too Good to Last

From Charlie Cook, at National Journal:
“Social Security and Medicare Taxes and Benefits Over a Lifetime,” a study by C. Eugene Steuerle and Stephanie Rennane for the Urban Institute that was released in January, demonstrates quite vividly why senior citizens like Medicare so much. A single man earning the average wage, $43,100 in 2010 dollars, who retired in 2010 will pay an average of $55,000 in Medicare taxes over his lifetime and will receive $161,000 in Medicare benefits. A similarly situated woman will pay the same $55,000 in Medicare taxes but will get $181,000 in Medicare benefits (because women live longer than men). A one-earner couple in that situation, again paying $55,000 in Medicare taxes, would receive $342,000 in benefits. If you’re a Medicare recipient, why wouldn’t you think that the program as we know it is a great deal?

But, obviously, it’s not sustainable. With federal budget deficits soaring and worries about a national-debt crisis in our future rising, how is it possible to keep Medicare as we know it? If the federal government, over the long haul, isn’t in a position to make up the gap between what people are paying and the benefits they’re receiving, Medicare taxes have to go up, benefits have to be cut, or deductibles have to be raised on high-income retirees.
That's the key nugget, but read it all. Democrats are getting a free ride on this politically, despite the fact that the GOP's got the honest approach to policy. As usual.

RELATED: See also Andrew McCarthy, "Not Entitled."

Saturday, June 11, 2011

'State of Emergency' Rally, Los Angeles, May 13, 2011

I couldn't make it. I covered Noam Chomsky the weekend before, and then David Horowitz a couple of days after --- and we were at finals week, and I was finishing up all of my grading. But I would have loved to have made it. The place was swarming with communists. For weeks before my union leadership was flooding the campus e-mail system with announcements on bus transportation to Pershing Square. State administrative regulations were violated in this, but no one on my campus seems to care, as long as it's far left-wing agitation that's being promoted.

Anyway, Ringo was there, with an awesome photo-essay: "L.A. Teachers Unions "State of Emergency" Rally - Los Angeles, CA 5/13/2011."

And Reason.tv always features killer reports:

Malibu Organizes Shore Leave for Crew Members of USS John Paul Jones

I've mentioned numerous times my visit to the USS Abraham Lincoln in 1999. The aircraft carrier parked about a mile offshore from Santa Barbara harbor. It was anchored for four days. I saw a lot of guys dressed in their white uniforms cruising up and down State Street downtown. Local charter operators were hired to ferry tourists out to the ship. There were some sailors showing visitors around the lower deck, where aircraft are housed and maintained when not in use. But after that, I was allowed to cruise around on the flight deck. The carrier was facing west, into the sunset and I sat out on the edge of ship, just a few feet from the safety nets. It was a trip. A whole world unto itself, it seemed. And as I've noted, this was at the end of the 1990s, shortly after the U.S. airwar over Kosovo. American power was at a pinnacle and no one was talking about American decline.

Anyway, I'm reminded of that with this story at Los Angeles Times. The USS John Paul Jones is in Malibu and the organizers put together a "Navy Days" festival for sailors to spend time ashore. See, "Navy crew welcomed to Malibu for shore leave":
Surfers in Malibu are used to sharing the waves with paddleboards, sailboats and the occasional Russian billionaire's 390-foot yacht. On Friday they were startled to see a 505-foot Navy destroyer anchored off Surfrider Beach near the Malibu Pier.

The destroyer John Paul Jones was making the Navy's first-ever port call in Malibu and giving its 270-member crew shore leave there for the weekend.

The community-organized Navy Days is offering sailors free shuttle rides up and down the 26-mile-long city, beach volleyball and kayak excursions, and discounts at shops and restaurants Saturday and Sunday.

The crew and their families have been invited to a barbecue at Sharon Gee's family-owned Malibu ranch. Athletic facilities and an art museum at Pepperdine University will be open to crewmembers, and 10 university shuttle vans will offer sailors transportation to Sunday morning church services.

"Some crewmembers have signed up for museum tours at the Getty Villa," said City Councilman Jefferson "Zuma Jay" Wagner, who operates a Malibu surf shop. "This is not your same old Navy."
Locals planned the event for a year, and some said they don't expect another opportunity like this in their lifetimes. RTWT at the link.

Also, check this page for information on the USS John Paul Jones.

Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, Key Al Qaeda Operative in 1988 Embassy Bombings, Killed in Somalia

At Atlanta Journal Constitution:

NAIROBI, Kenya — The al-Qaida mastermind behind the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania was killed this week at a security checkpoint in Mogadishu by Somali forces who didn't immediately realize he was the most wanted man in East Africa, officials said Saturday.

The death of Fazul Abdullah Mohammed — a man who topped the FBI's most wanted list for nearly 13 years — is the third major strike in six weeks against the worldwide terror group that was headed by Osama bin Laden until his death last month.

Mohammed had a $5 million bounty on his head for allegedly planning the Aug. 7, 1998, embassy bombings. The blasts killed 224 people in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Most of the dead were Kenyans. Twelve Americans also died.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton — who was on a visit to Tanzania on Saturday as Somali officials confirmed Mohammed's death — called the killing a "significant blow to al-Qaida, its extremist allies, and its operations in East Africa.

"It is a just end for a terrorist who brought so much death and pain to so many innocents in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam and elsewhere — Tanzanians, Kenyans, Somalis, and our own embassy personnel," Clinton said.
More at that link above, although I think the same lessons apply now that applied after the Abbottabad raid: Targeted killings don't kill the Al Qaeda organization. Depending on whom you talk to, global jihad constitutes an amorphous, multi-faceted terror network, with many alliances of convenience and substantial ties to state actors, such as Pakistan. There's lots of work to do in that sense. See, for example, Jayshree Bajoria, "Pakistan's New Generation of Terrorists."

'Super 8'

My mom's visiting. We're heading out right now to take the boys to "Super 8."

Reviewed at the Los Angeles Times. And New York Times.

BONUS: At Pajamas Media, "Super 8: A Return to Vintage Spielberg?"

Anthony Weiner to Enter Treatment Center!

Well yeah.

But still, this ain't over until he sucks it up and announces his resignation.

At New York Times, "Weiner to Enter Treatment Center and Seek Leave From House." And Memeorandum.

Wall Street Journal Weekend Interview: Michele Bachmann, 'On the Beach, I Bring von Mises'

I think Bachmann gains the most by Romney's decision to skip the Iowa straw poll in Ames, but we'll see.

And from Stephen Moore's interview:


"If I'm in, I'll be all in," says Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, artfully dodging my question of whether she's running for president. Given that she just hired campaign strategist Ed Rollins, whose past clients include Ross Perot and Mike Huckabee, rumors abound. "We're getting close," she says, "and if I do run, like all my races, I will work like a maniac."

That's pretty much how she does everything, and it helps explain how the relatively junior congresswoman has become a tea party superstar—and uniquely adept at driving liberals bonkers.

After spending a good part of two days with her in Washington as she scurries from one appointment to another, I have no doubt that Ms. Bachmann will announce her presidential bid soon. And it would be a mistake to count her out: She's defied the prognosticators in nearly every race she's run since thrashing an 18-year incumbent in the Minnesota Senate by 20 points in 2000. Says Iowa Congressman Steve King, "No one has electrified Iowa crowds like Michelle has."

Ms. Bachmann is best known for her conservative activism on issues like abortion, but what I want to talk about today is economics. When I ask who she reads on the subject, she responds that she admires the late Milton Friedman as well as Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams. "I'm also an Art Laffer fiend—we're very close," she adds. "And [Ludwig] von Mises. I love von Mises," getting excited and rattling off some of his classics like "Human Action" and "Bureaucracy." "When I go on vacation and I lay on the beach, I bring von Mises."
RTWT at the link.

She needs to fire Ed Rollins before making a formal announcement. I doubt it's a good thing to be going negative on potential opponents before you've even thrown your hat in the ring. And Palin won't take that stuff sitting down. I like both of these women. My preference ordering is Palin first, Bachmann second. After that I'm still undecided. Thus whatever happens, should they both be candidates for the nomination, we could see some ugliness among two of the top tea party favorites. But that's politics.

RELATED: At Legal Insurrection, "Michele Bachmann Needs To Dump Ed Rollins Now."

Nancy Pelosi Calls for Weiner's Resignation!

At CNN, "Calls mount for Weiner's resignation:"

Three weighty Democratic voices -- including Nancy Pelosi -- on Saturday called for the resignation of embattled U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner, who has been under fire after admitting to inapporpriate communications with women online.

The House Minority Leader, and the chairmen of the Democratic National Committee and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in separate statements called for Weiner to step down.

The New York congressman has resisted calls to resign.
Via JammieWearingFool, "The End is Near: Pelosi Calls for Weiner's Resignation."

Anthony Weiner Transcripts: Lurid Sex Talk Revealed

At New York Post, "Weiner's exchanges between teacher, teen revealed" (via Memeorandum).
Weinergate took a lurid new direction with the disclosure yesterday that Rep. Anthony Weiner invited a "hot sexy baby" to an X-rated date via the Skype network, which provides text, talk and video chats.

Racy new e-mails -- sent just a month ago -- detail exchanges between Weiner and Traci Nobles, the 34-year-old Georgia teacher and cheerleading coach who has surfaced as his fifth sexting partner.

"i cant stop thinking about you. I'm touching myself as we speak. i want you inside of me. i need to see you mr. congressman. please don't disappoint me!" Nobles wrote on May 5, according to Radar Online.

Weiner, who had corresponded with the woman since August, replied the next day: "Please understand i am a very important man. I'm always busy but i promise i will make time for you soon! Don't the pictures I send keep you satisfied?"

The following day Weiner suggested they take it to another level:

"So i will make sure to keep some time open so we can have a cyber session via skype. Does that make my hot sexy baby happy?"

Hours after the e-mails were unearthed, Delaware cops descended on the home of a 17-year-old high school junior to ask her about online communications she had with Weiner.
The transcript is here.

And Zombie takes note that during the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal in 1998, MoveOn.org was created with the goal of "censuring and moving on" from the scandal. Well MoveOn was taken, so Zombie suggests SitOn.org:


Progressive American women! We need Anthony Weiner in top condition to help forge a progressive solution to our nation’s problems. And the only way he can concentrate is if he satisfies his strong sexual desires. So we encourage you all to sit on his raging erection whenever you get the chance.

To encourage this patriotic behavior, we now announce the formation of SitOn.org, a political “action” committee to help Rep. Weiner get some action.

How can you help? Sit on it!
Zombie says guys can help out too:
And if you’re a man, or don’t have a Facebook or Twitter account, then you do your part by placing these banners on your blog to encourage other attractive young progressives to sit on his “weiner”.
Indeed, progressives are already blogging about how much they love Anthony Weiner, like New York blogger Carl Salonen, who likes 'em "Young and Hung."

Crowd Cheers Anthony Weiner!

At New York Daily News, "Scandal-scarred Congressman Anthony Weiner took out his dirty laundry Saturday - and was roundly cheered by onlookers as he walked to his local dry cleaners." Also, at CNN, "New Yorkers weigh in on Rep. Weiner."

Sarah Palin's E-Mails

If anyone needs evidence that she remains the unchallenged GOP frontrunner, even though she's unannounced, just see the news: "News Outlets Pounce on Palin E-Mails."

Reliapundit has the winning headline, "PALIN PROVES SHE'S A REPUBLICAN: SENT 24,000 EMAILS, AND NOT ONE CROTCH SHOT."

Also, at Gateway Pundit, "LA Times Won’t Release Obama-Khalidi Tape But Posts 24,000 Sarah Palin Emails" (via Memeorandum). And it is pretty amazing. The Times has the archive posted, and here's the big story there this morning: "Sarah Palin's emails underscore polarizing effect."

Right. Had to be "polarizing."

See also Powerline, "ANOTHER EMBARRASSMENT FOR THE LEGACY MEDIA." And Legal Insurrection, "Behold The Mainstream Media Eating Its Own Anti-Palin Bile - A Running List of Headlines."

Andrew Breitbart Visits Newport Beach, Receives Standing Ovation

At The Daily Pilot, "Breitbart: 'Vindication running through my veins'":


NEWPORT BEACH — Andrew Breitbart, the right-wing blogger who broke the Rep. Anthony Weiner sexting scandal, strolled into the Newport Beach Golf Course's Tea Room restaurant Wednesday evening to a standing ovation.

There to promote his book, "Righteous Indignation: Excuse Me While I Save the World!", and Mike Munzing, who is running for a House seat next year, Breitbart played to the crowd and media waiting for him.

"[Weiner's] polls are probably going to go up because of his degeneracy," Breitbart said. "I don't like any of this kind of behavior" ...
More at the top link.

I'm looking but don't see a full video clip of Breitbart's talk. I wrote about it Thursday night, but here's J.T. Geehr, on Facebook:
It was so fun to just listen to him. He is hysterically funny and thoroughly delights in telling stories. Whenever he's being interviewed on tv, interviewers cut him off, so you don't really get to hear what he's like. He had just flown back from NY and had to be exhausted, but he was still charming and gut-bustingly funny. He is fearless!
Well said, but I'm gonna keep looking for a clip.

Meanwhile, there's some local network coverage, at CBS, "Andrew Breitbart Receives Hero’s Welcome In Newport Beach." And KTLA, "Blogger Who Exposed Congressman Weiner Speaks in SoCal."

Also, at O.C. Register, "'Weinergate' blogger: It's mischievous fun."

Stand Up for Israel

I get e-mails from the folks at San Diego Israel Coalition. In turn they send me information available from StandWithUs.

NewsBusted: 'Barack Obama's new reelection campaign strategy'

Via Theo Spark:

New Anti-Weiner Advertisement

This is just a glimpse of what's to come, er, ahead.

At Politico, "Stop Sexting and Spending":

The first ad mentioning Rep. Anthony Weiner’s scandal has hit the airwaves, calling on members of Congress to focus on cutting government spending and not on their tawdry sex lives.

“In a time of record debt, some in Congress are not taking the spending crisis seriously,” begins the video, produced Ending Spending, a 501(c)(4) run by Chicago Cubs owner Joe Ricketts.

Huffington Post Beats New York Times in Traffic

I read the New York Times just about everyday, although not for the "objective" analysis or anything. The paper still has phenomenal resources and tremendous talent, but you gotta keep 'em honest. And Huffington Post? Well, Pamela Geller calls 'em PuffHo, so there you go.

At Forbes, "Huffpo Tops NY Times in Traffic, But With a Huge Asterisk."

RELATED At Nieman Lab, "#Twittermakesyouloved: Jill Abramson’s now on Twitter." (Background at Glenn Reynolds.")

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Left's Media Apologists

Awesome letter to the editor, from Carl Schroeder, at STL Today, "Weiner scandal makes some people thankful for alternative news outlets."
Historically, the press served an extremely important function of holding our elected officials accountable. However, the modern day mainstream media has, for the most part, abdicated this role in order to be unabashed apologists for all things liberal.

Romney to Skip Iowa Straw Poll

At WSJ, "Romney to Skip Key Poll in Iowa":

Mitt Romney will skip a key early test for Republican presidential candidates by forgoing the Iowa straw poll in mid-August, a decision that could recast the contest in the nation's first presidential nominating state.

The Iowa straw poll, held in Ames, is one of the landmark events of the nominating contest. Mr. Romney's decision sends the clearest signal yet that he doesn't want to wade deeply into the social issues that carry particular weight with Iowa Republicans and instead intends to present himself to voters nationally as a successful businessman who can improve the economy.

Mr. Romney's campaign said he would still compete in Iowa's caucuses, now slated for February, 2012. But the former Massachusetts governor's absence from the Aug. 13 straw poll will likely diminish his chances, some Iowa officials say, while raising the odds that whoever wins the poll will be best positioned to claim the status as Mr. Romney's top rival for the nomination.
More at the link. I think it's a mistake. Romney's still going to compete in Iowa next year, so why the hesitance this early on? Better to go all in for the initial beauty contests, like this straw poll, and see how it plays. Romney invested heavily in Ames in 2007, and came out with a win. And he took second in the Iowa caucuses in 2008. Seems as if Romney thinks that social conservatives --- who dominate the GOP caucus electorate --- don't care about economic issues. But everybody cares about economic issues right now, so why miss the chance to make the case in the Hawkeye State?

On the other hand:
In the 2008 election cycle, Mr. McCain skipped the Ames poll and then placed a distant third in the caucuses before going on to win the nomination.
So who knows? Prediction is hard, especially about the future.

Anthony Weiner Sexting Underage Girl?

Well, the exact content of the tweets is unknown, but authorities are investigating, "Delaware Police Looking Into Weiner Tweets to a Minor." It's pretty outrageous, but we won't hear a word from Democrats and progressives. See, "Feckless feminists wimp out on Weinergate; Plus: Weiner’s lingering underage girl problem; Updated: 17-year-old gets cop visit; Pelosi doesn’t seem to care."

Also, at Big Government, "Police Investigating Alleged Online Communications Between Weiner and Underage Girl." (At Memeorandum.)

Added: Weiner confirms the reports: "Anthony Weiner admits contact with girl, 17."

Progressive Hypocrisy: Rachel Maddow on Anthony Weiner X-Rated Scandal


Maddow's comment about Congressman Weiner's "bad manners of Facebook" comes at the end of the discussion, but it's not the most egregious statement she made. Maddow, like other progressives down the line, standing up against calls for Weiner's resignation, argues that sending pictures of erect male organs around the web is just a matter of "more gossip than news":

This is not a matter of political hypocrisy. He never ran for office by saying, 'I Anthony Weiner have great sexual morality and other people have bad sexual morality and I'll legislate against them ...
She then goes off on making absurd comparisons to Republican David Vitter, and claims "no one in the Republican Party has called for him to resign ..." Actually, Republicans were the first to report the news of David Vitter's relationship with a prostitute, and conservatives denounced him. Indeed, in the Weiner case, Andrew Breitbart has repeatedly stated that this kind of behavior is unconscionable by Democrats and Republicans alike.

What we have here is a longstanding progressive double-standard. See Zombie, "Why the Hypocrisy Defense is political suicide for liberalism."

Progressive Hypocrisy

Read it all.

Moral relativism. Situational ethics. By any name, a bankruptcy of decency on the left.

RELATED: "Progressive Bloggers Are Anthony Weiner’s Biggest Defenders."

Progressive Bloggers Are Anthony Weiner’s Biggest Defenders

At Politico, "Anthony Weiner’s defenders: Bloggers on the left":



Defenders of embattled Rep. Anthony Weiner are increasingly hard to find, but one place where he still has vocal allies is the liberal blogosphere.

On the web, some left-leaning writers are strenuously arguing that the Democrat should ride out the scandal and live to fight another day as a key liberal attack dog on the national scene ...
More at the link, but check out some of the examples:
Matt Yglesias, a blogger for Think Progress, wrote Tuesday that the Weiner scandal hasn’t changed his view of the positive congressman who, he noted, has been in politics for nearly three decades, since starting out as an intern in the office of then-Rep. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.).

“The idea that we should regard this extensive record in the career to which Weiner has dedicated his entire adult life as somehow fake, and his after hours twittering as revealing his ‘real’ character just doesn’t make a ton of sense,” Yglesias said in a post that discussed Weiner’s admissions but not the fact that he lied about being hacked for more than a week.

Meanwhile, Andrew Sullivan, whose views can be tough to characterize as left or right, wrote soon after the press conference ended that he saw “little reason” for Weiner to resign. Maintaining online relationships with women who knew Weiner’s identity was “unwise, inappropriate, stupid,” Sullivan said. But, “[f]or a human being, it remains well within the bounds of, well, human.”

But with Weiner admitting his lies, Sullivan said, “[i]t would take a particularly pitiless person to pile on some more.”

Feminist writer Amanda Marcotte said Wednesday on one of The Nation’s blogs that while Weiner’s behavior might be relevant if she were considering whether to date him, it doesn’t impact his ability to serve in Congress. Stories about Weiner, she wrote, “should be relegated to the realm of ‘gossip,’ covered perhaps by the Gawker, and not ‘news’ and certainly not ‘scandal worth resigning over.’”

And he’s needed in Congress, Marcotte said.

“Weiner’s role right now is to be a bulldog for the left, to holler things that our overly cautious president is afraid to whisper. You need bulldogs, but some of the traits that come along with being a bulldog — carelessness and narcissism come to mind — work against you in a marriage,” she wrote. “I’m not ready to sacrifice people playing necessary roles just to make sure everyone’s as nice a husband as Barack Obama appears to be. And it’s definitely not our job to decide for Huma Abedin what kind of consequences her husband should face for betraying her.”

Marcotte isn’t alone in her view that Weiner should ride out the storm.
Keep reading. Joan Walsh is also mentioned. And recall that Walsh, in her recent essay, said that was she'd had enough (and wouldn't take about it if things changed) after some progressives suggested that if Huma was cool with it, then Weiner should stay in Congress.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Andrew Breitbart in the O.C.!

I watched Nickleodeon with my son while working on this report, so I didn't catch local news coverage of Andrew Breibart's visit tonight to the Newport Beach Golf Course. I'll look for a video later, but Breitbart spoke with a local media crew for 10 or 15 minutes before coming inside the clubhouse:



With my friend Megan Barth, one of the best conservative activists in the country:


I don't have a big write up. Breitbart was on Cloud 9 after this week's sensational developments in the Anthony Weiner scandal. Breitbart's already a hilarious public speaker, but this was literally once in a lifetime material, and he made the most of it. The jokes practically told themselves, and the crowd was enamored --- and completely honored to be in his presence. He basically gave a recap of his entire week, starting with the anecdote of his talk to a policy group on Monday before the Weiner press conference. It was a room full of wonks apparently, and he mentioned that he lives right across from the West Los Angeles Veterans Cemetery, and while some neighbors had designed their backyard fencing, etc., to block the view, Breitbart had his home remodeled so that one could see nothing but the cemetery from his windows. He said he's trying to fight the battle at home with as much commitment as our troops in the field. He sees parents not much older than himself visiting the grave sites and he's thankful for the freedoms for which these families have sacrificed. Afterwards, he was approached by an individual in attendance, who thanked Breitbart for all that he does, and said that Breitbart "should never feel unappreciated." Breitbart quipped about how this made his day, and he had yet to hold a press conference in place of Congressman Weiner!

The crowd was roaring. Anyway, it was Breitbart at his best.


Check Left Coast Rebel as well: "This Photo Was Worth It!"

Hillary Clinton Furious at Anthony Weiner's Betrayal of Wife Huma

Nice photo of Secretary Clinton and Ms. Abedin. At London's Daily Mail, "Hillary's fury over 'stupid' Weiner's cover-up and betrayal of Huma."

Gingrich Presidential Campaign Disintegrates

I'm not surprised at all.

From Chris Cillizza, "Gingrich presidential campaign implodes" (via Memeorandum):

Former House speaker Newt Gingrich’s presidential campaign imploded Thursday afternoon with his entire senior staff resigning en masse, according to multiple sources familiar with the moves.

“When the campaign and the candidate disagree on the path, they’ve got to part ways,” said Rick Tyler, a longtime Gingrich spokesman who was among those who left the campaign.

Tyler as well as Rob Johnson, Gingrich’s campaign manager, Dave Carney and Katon Dawson, senior strategists to the effort, media consultant Sam Dawson, Iowa strategist Craig Schoenfeld, South Carolina operative Walter Whetsell and Georgia-based adviser Scott Rials have all stepped aside. Much of Gingrich’s early state operation was also headed for the exits, according to a one senior campaign source.
Follow the link at top. Gingrich made the announcement on Facebook.

Andrew Breitbart Meetup

LCR has the details: "Andrew Breitbart at Mike Munzing's Conservative Happy Hour at the Newport Beach Golf Course."

If there was ever a good day for Breitbart meetup, well, this is perfect.

I'll have pictures and perhaps a some video later.

Meanwhile, see RadarOnline, "Rep. Anthony Weiner's Cyber Mistress Tipped Off Rachel Maddow To Sexting Scandal." I thought about a separate post just for this, but couldn't decide on a headline: "Rachel Maddow Sits on Weiner Lead." Nah, that just didn't sound quite right.

Anyway, more tonight.

Dave Alvin at L.A. Times Magazine

See "Troubadour of Troubled Times":

Over the course of roughly three decades, Alvin has compiled one of the great, if underappreciated, California songbooks, cataloging the people and places most overlook or choose to ignore.

His is not the confectionary California of endless summers and Hollywood glitter or the kooky capital of New Age seekers and sunbaked hedonists. Alvin sings of life on the margins and between the cracks, of farm workers and illegal immigrants, of meth heads and lost souls and places like Bellflower, Fontana, the High Sierra and the 605 Freeway.

He sings in a throaty rumble of love and loss and ghosts of things past. California natives, Alvin believes, suffer an odd kind of nostalgia that comes when talk of old times refers not to generations ago but a period only a few years back. “By the time you’re 20, you’re 40 in the sense of waking up in the morning and thinking, Let’s go see the orange groves. But they’re not there anymore,” he says. “They’re just gone.”

lvin, a fourth-generation Californian, born and raised in Downey, wrote one of his best songs, “Dry River,” about the cement channel running through his hometown. He recalls the time he bicycled to an orange grove near his home, only to find a field of stumps. The trees had been chopped down overnight to make way for apartments and commercial development.

Alvin, 55, has never been an overtly political singer, in the sense of writing protest songs or lending his name to a cause. But he is an acute observer of politics—especially California politics—and with the Golden State in seemingly perpetual crisis, with high unemployment, meat-cleaver budget cuts and a government paralyzed by partisanship, he suggests the state, as we know it, may be headed the way of those orange groves. Listen closely, and you might hear it in a song.

I grew up in the City of Orange, and walked to school through orange groves. You miss them when they're gone. There's still a few left, actually, but few and far between. This is Orange County, for crying out loud.

BONUS: Check Dave Alvin's website.

Gabrielle Giffords Struggling to Communicate

It's a miracle she's alive, but still, this is sad news for those who hoped and prayed for her return to public life. At LAT:
Gabrielle Giffords is nowhere close to returning to Congress. And there remains real doubt about whether she ever will.

That appears to be the bottom line of an article Thursday in the Arizona Republic that provides the most complete assessment yet of the wounded congresswoman’s current condition. Giffords was shot in the head by a gunman in Tucson in January. Now, six months later, she still struggles mightily to communicate, although her staff believes her comprehension skills are strong. And it remains unclear just how much damage her brain has suffered.

Asked for a blunt description of Giffords’ condition, her chief of staff, Pia Carusone, replied: "She's living. She's alive. But if she were to plateau today, and this was as far as she gets, it would not be nearly the quality of life she had before."

As to whether she resembles herself before the shooting, Carusone said, “There's no comparison. All that we can hope for is that she won't plateau today and that she'll keep going, and that when she does plateau, it will be at a place far away from here."

The news may be sobering, but it's not necessarily a surprise. The state of Giffords' health has been closely guarded information as early, hopeful accounts of her rapid physical and motor recovery yielded to more cautious -- and less frequent -- reports. She remains at a Houston rehabilitation facility while her staff manages her day-to-day congressional business.

Although her two trips to Florida to witness the launch of her husband’s space shuttle mission were hailed as significant milestones, she was kept from the public. No photo of her after the shooting has yet been released, but Carusone said that day is coming.

Kirsten Powers: 'I Did Believe Him'

It's an interesting angle to the story, and I like Kirsten Powers:

Previously: "Kirsten Powers Calls for Anthony Weiner's Resignation."

Sarah Palin: 'America is the Exceptional Nation'

A new SarahPAC video, via Theo Spark:

Recall that when I was a CPAC in February, I made it a point to walk the National Mall to commemorate Abraham Lincoln's birthday. I love this country's history. And I love that Sarah Palin celebrates it with such passion.

Joan Walsh: 'I Look Kind of Stupid'

Well yeah.

The video's at RCP.

And see also, The Blog Prof, "It's come to this: Liberal hack Ed Schultz lectures MSM on being in denial over Weinergate."

And Walsh has a revealing piece up at Salon, "A pregnancy changes everything." She calls for Weiner's resignation, but changes her mind if Huma stands by her man after all. You know, it's all about principles with progressives. Or, not actually.

Andrew Breitbart on 'In The Arena' with Eliot Spitzer

At LAT, "Eliot Spitzer says he sympathizes with Anthony Weiner."

And Breitbart speaks after 5 minutes, and it's riveting:

Admirers Became Weiner's Online Pursuits

At New York Times, "In Reckless Fashion, Rapid Online Pursuits of Political Admirers":
Gennette Cordova said she did not even think the photo was real.

It was nearly 9 p.m. on a Friday when Ms. Cordova, who was preparing to head out for the night with a friend, logged onto Twitter and discovered that Representative Anthony D. Weiner had sent her a suggestive photo of himself in gray boxer briefs.

“It didn’t make any sense,” Ms. Cordova, a 21-year-old college student in northwestern Washington State, said in her first extensive interview since Mr. Weiner confessed in a news conference Monday to sending her the photo. “I figured it must have been a fake.”

Ms. Cordova’s experience with Mr. Weiner appears to fit a pattern: in rapid and reckless fashion, he sought to transform informal online conversations about politics and partisanship into sexually charged exchanges, at times laced with racy language and explicit images.

Ms. Cordova, who had traded messages with Mr. Weiner, a New York Democrat, about their shared concern over his conservative critics, said she had never sent him anything provocative. Asked if she was taken aback by his decision to send the photo, she responded, “Oh gosh, yes.”

Ms. Cordova spoke to The New York Times as Mr. Weiner faced intensifying calls for his resignation because of his acknowledged online sexual communications with at least six women over the last three years. On Wednesday, House leaders began a concerted effort to persuade Mr. Weiner to step down, worried that the sensational coverage of his online sexual liaisons had created political chaos and was subjecting the Democratic Party to ridicule.
More at that link at top.

I thought he was going to resign on Monday, and the Wall Street Journal reported last night that Weiner was still trying to hang on. I just don't see how he can.

Carl Salonen Loves Anthony's Wiener!


I mean Carl Salonen loves Anthony Weiner. See: Why I Don't Hate On Weiner.

I'm going to have more on Carl Salonen in upcoming posts, so check back. And I'm talkin' don't f**king miss it! ASFL story of the summer!! No, I take that back. It's the ASFL series of the summer. I'm rolling out serial blockbuster posts for all the ASFLs at
LGM, Sadly No!, and more. This is Breitbart territory!

A Short History of Political Suicide

From John Steele Gordon, at Wall Street Journal:
Woodrow Wilson's most famous piece of political advice was "Never murder a man who's committing suicide." Rep. Anthony Weiner's critics might keep that in mind. The Twitter disaster has undoubtedly ended his hopes of being New York City's next mayor and may well cost him his seat in Congress.

But as a scandal it pales before Eliot Spitzer's descent into political infamy when he was identified as being "Client No. 9" in an upscale prostitution ring. Within a week there were T-shirts for sale proclaiming "I'm Client No. 8!" and he was forced to resign as governor of New York. As he drove to make his resignation announcement, his car was tracked by helicopters through the streets of Manhattan like O.J. Simpson's famous ride in a white SUV through Los Angeles.

Rep. Vito Fossella of Staten Island (is there something in New York's water?) was arrested for drunk driving in Alexandria, Va., in 2008 and among the revelations that flowed from it was the fact that he had a 3-year-old daughter with a mistress. He declined to run for re-election. Then there's former senator and vice presidential candidate John Edwards's love child, the cover-up of which has now gotten him indicted. Whatever the outcome of the case, his hopes of being president are a distant memory.
Well, you get the picture ...


(And there is something different about this one: Breitbart, and the epic comeuppance he's delivered to radical progressives, for starters.)

Ann Coulter on 'Piers Morgan Tonight'

More talk about her book. Are you reading it? Her same very dry wit fills the pages. I laughed out loud a couple of times: Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America.

There's a Part 2 and Part 3 as well.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Democrats Push Weiner to Resign

At WSJ, "Weiner Faces More Calls to Resign":
Prominent Democrats began calling for Rep. Anthony Weiner to resign as a new, more graphic image surfaced Wednesday to propel the sexting scandal engulfing the New York Democrat.

Separately, Huma Abedin, Mr. Weiner's wife, is in the early stages of a pregnancy, according to a New York Democrat who spoke on condition of anonymity. Ms. Abedin is a senior aide to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and left with her Wednesday on a trip to north Africa. A State Department spokesman had no comment.

A person close to Mr. Weiner said he still is determined to hold onto the seat he first won in 1998. But Democratic aides said that if he continues to resist calls to resign, the situation could reach a boiling point Monday when House members return to Washington.

The controversy has become a national embarrassment for Democratic leaders, who have come under fire from Republicans for not moving more aggressively to demand Mr. Weiner's departure. Senior Democratic leadership aides expect more colleagues to come forward in the next few days to call on Mr. Weiner to resign.
I should be surprised that Weiner still refuses to resign (I'm not), but read the whole thing. The congressman's office issued a statement whereby "tacitly" admitting that the picture is Weiner's. At some point I suspect I'll feel bad for the guy, but not yet. Right now I feel bad for his wife. I have all along. She looks absolutely beautiful. How could Anthony Weiner treat her so horribly?And now the baby on the way? Almost Greek tragedy territory. Although I hope not, for that would mean someone's going to die.

RELATED: A huge roundup at The Other McCain, "Weiner’s Secret Desire ... UPDATED: ‘X-Rated’ Photo Emerges; Weiner’s Wife Is Pregnant; More Democrats Now Calling for Resignation."

Kirsten Powers Calls for Anthony Weiner's Resignation

At Daily Beast (via Memorandum):
As more information trickles out about his online behavior with women, it has also become clear that he does not have the character to be in a position of leadership because of his misogynist view of women and predatory behavior.
More at the link. It's a very personal essay. Weiner is hurting a lot of people.

Ann Coulter Looks Fabulous!

On the back cover of her new book, Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America.

Started reading last night. It's great!

Ann Coulter

Huma Abedin Pregnant!

Man, that's a lot of news in one day.

At New York Times, "Weiner’s Wife Is Pregnant."

And previously, "Anthony Weiner X-Rated Photo Released!"

There's likely to be a flood of calls for Weiner's resignation now. And now more than ever, if only for his wife's privacy, and for the well-being of his unborn child, Weiner should quit Congress, get away from the hostile media glare, and start rebuilding his life. There is political rehabilitation after sordid sex scandals. (Just ask former San Francisco Mayor and current Calilfornia Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsome.)

Anthony Weiner X-Rated Photo Released!

I'm just now seeing this, at Memeorandum.

Of course, sleaze website Gawker has the explicit details: "Weiner’s Cock Shot Emerges." Following the links takes us to a tweet with the alleged photograph:


This is going viral.

Andrew Breitbart's statement is here: "Statement on Opie & Anthony’s Illicit Capture and Release of Photograph."

Aaron Worthing has more, "Breaking: The X-Rated Picture Has Been Leaked."

RELATED: Robert Stacy McCain hasn't posted on this yet. He must be taking a nap, or doing more research on Khloe Kardashian, who appeared on Fox & Friends baring her right nipple. I'm not posting that video, although not because ASFL Scott Eric Kaufman might object. The dick.

Added: More calls for Weiner's resignation, at ABC News, "Two Congressional Democrats Call for Rep. Weiner to Resign."