Monday, June 25, 2012

In the Mail: What the (Bleep) Just Happened?: The Happy Warrior's Guide to the Great American Comeback

The public relations folks at HarperCollins sent me a copy of Monica Crowley's new book, What the (Bleep) Just Happened?: The Happy Warrior's Guide to the Great American Comeback.

Monica Crowley
I'm in the middle of the first chapter right now and thoroughly enjoying it.  I wish I could block quote some of Crowley's discussion of Barack Obama. It's some of most incisive comments on this man, distilling years' worth of frustration with his candidacy and presidency. I'll see what I can do later to post some longer excerpts, in addition to a more complete review.

Meanwhile, Jamie Glazov has an interview at FrontPage Magazine, "What the (Bleep) Just Happened?: The Happy Warrior’s Guide to the Great American Comeback":
FP: Monica Crowley, welcome to Frontpage Interview. It is an honor and privilege to speak with you.

Crowley: Thanks for having me, Jamie.  It’s an honor for me to join you.  You guys do heroic work.

FP: Let’s begin with what inspired you to write this book and what it is about.

Crowley: I wrote this book for several reasons.  First, I surveyed all of the destruction and despair wrought by Team Obama and their fellow leftists and thought, “Are we supposed to just to accept this??  Just accept radically redistributionist economic policies, unprecedented spending, record-breaking deficits and debt, non-existent economic growth, socialized medicine, and American decline abroad?  Just lie back and take it?  Oh hell, no!”  I wrote this book to reinforce the notion that America CAN be saved from this assault—-and that she is WORTH SAVING. Obama may be doing his best to turn America the Exceptional into America the Also-Ran, but he didn’t count on us running a great defense.

Second, I wrote it because if you have only listened to the mainstream media, you have only received a small—and very distorted—part of the Obama-era picture.  I put together the entire Obama domestic policy record with the entire foreign policy record—and when you see all of the evidence amassed in one place, it’s devastating.  Part of the power of the book is seeing the sheer volume of leftist madness to which he’s subjected us.  Never before have we had a president so hellbent on redistributing ALL of our greatness, not just here at home, but abroad. I wanted to shine a light not just on the policies he’s implemented but on the very sophisticated leftist psychology he and his team have used to get it done.

I also made the book really funny, because in the age of Obama, if we don’t laugh, we cry, and there’s no crying in a book by Monica Crowley.

And finally and most importantly, I wanted to create a new template for America in the 21st century.  Obama did it from the left in 2008, and now it’s our turn.  I developed the concept of the Happy Warrior as a rallying cry for those of us who want to restore America to its great foundational principles: individual freedom, personal responsibility, fiscal restraint, and economic liberty.  President Reagan was the quintessential Happy Warrior, and no one loves, respects, and admires Reagan more than I do.  But Reagan served 30 years ago.  If we’re going to have any hope of getting America back on the rails, we’ve got to take his positive embrace of conservatism and bring it into the 21st century.  Like Reagan, we know we’re in a war for the future of America.  And like Reagan, we join the battle joyfully and with the full confidence that we can win the battle of ideas and bring America back.

This book is the fun, spirited, optimistic battle cry of the new Happy Warrior!

FP:  Tell us about that title!  How did you come up with it—-and what does the “Bleep” really stand for?

Crowley: I was going to call it Fifty Shades of Obama but then thought better of it.

One day last summer, I was having dinner with a good friend.  I told her that I wanted to write another book but wasn’t quite sure as to what its focus should be.  We then started talking about how epically weird the last few years under Obama have been.  Every day, we were getting hit with a new piece of insane leftist social engineering or some new policy to take down American power or prestige abroad—a rapid-fire assault I call “Barack-a-mole.”  Our enemies were getting olive branches, our allies were getting dissed, and millions of Americans were being moved into government dependency at home.  “What the (bleep) just happened?” I sighed.  She looked at me and said, “That’s your title.”  And so it came to be.  Of course, I used an actual unprintable word.  I thought I’d let each reader supply his or her own favorite profanity.

FP: Expand for us on the disasters that have occurred under Obama in your view—and why he has behaved as he has.

Crowley: Obama doesn’t run around wearing a Carrie Bradshaw-esque nameplate necklace that says, “Socialist.”  But his policies, actions, words, background, and associations speak louder than any ID necklace ever could.  As a technical matter, economic fascism (government control of the means of production without ownership) more accurately describes what Obama is carrying out than socialism (government ownership of those means of production), but “fascism” and “socialism” are highly charged words—and arguments over the labels often obfuscate the reality of the policies.  Obama has engaged in extreme government-directed redistributionism to undermine the free market, generate widespread dependency, and further centralize state power.

In the end, the term matters less than his policies and their effects.  This is a man who spent his formative years learning at the knees of assorted communists, from his mother and father to Frank Marshall Davis to the Marxist professors and sundry socialists he admitted he sought out while in school to the self-avowed Communists (Van Jones, “green jobs” czar), Mao admirers (Anita Dunn, communications director) and radical redistributionists (Cass Sunstein, regulatory czar) he appointed as president.  He spent a good deal of time mastering the art of Saul Alinsky’s tactics for advancing the socialist revolution.  In 2007, he said of his years learning Alinsky’s methods, “It was that education that was seared into my brain.  It was the best education I ever had, better than anything I got at Harvard Law School.”  Indeed.

FP:  You say he then made it to the big stage and governed strictly according to that redistributionist ideology in which he was so steeped.

Crowley: Without a doubt.  Obama never made a mystery of who he was or what he believed.  He employed those revolutionary tactics as a Chicago community organizer and then moved on to pull more formal levers of power.  Once he seized the brass ring in 2008, it was “Katie, bar the door.”  He immediately put the redistributionism of Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson on steroids: he spent trillions of dollars—particularly on “stimulus” and other spending projects which stimulated nothing but government, added an unprecedented $5 trillion to the national debt, and engaged in massive social engineering in every major part of the U.S. economy (the financial sector, the industrial base, the energy sector, and health care).

He moved to divide Americans based on class, race, and gender; after all, if Americans are pitted against each other, they are too distracted to focus on what he’s doing.  He has deliberately and quickly moved the United States toward a European-style social democratic state, despite the fact that those nations are currently imploding from decades of socialist redistributionism.  Obama’s intent is to expand government dependency in order to ultimately create a permanent Democrat voting majority.  Any other American president would’ve been flipping his lid over the kind of chronically high unemployment we’ve suffered.  Not Obama.  The more folks unemployed, the more dependency being created.  And if this were allowed to go on, supported by the redistributionist agenda, America would be truly altered.  (This is, by the way, what he meant when he spoke about “change.”)
But the book here. It's great!

Security Forces Brace for Violence After Muslim Brotherhood Wins Egypt's Presidency

At the Los Angeles Times, "Muslim Brotherhood candidate wins Egyptian presidential vote." And here's the key section on the threat of violence:

The California-educated conservative Islamist will, at least in the short term, seek to calm critics in the U.S., Europe and Arab states in the Persian Gulf. Morsi has called Israelis "vampires" but has pledged that the Brotherhood is committed to Egypt's 1979 peace treaty with Israel that has become a cornerstone of efforts to ease tensions in the Middle East. What is uncertain is whether he is inclined to emulate the progressive, entrepreneurial Islam of Turkey or tilt toward a less Western leaning theocracy-based government.

Egyptian security forces braced for possible violence after Morsi, a political prisoner under Mubarak, was declared the winner. Fears arose that Shafik loyalists, including those with links to internal intelligence services, would attack Brotherhood members celebrating across the country.

Shouts of "Morsi! Morsi!" echoed out of the square and along the Nile where Egyptian flags flew from car windows and men wept in joy and disbelief.

"Defeating Ahmed Shafik is a defeat of Mubarak's regime," tweeted Khaled Ali, a labor lawyer and former presidential candidate. "The revolution continues."

Shafik's announced 48.3% of the vote, however, showed that voters remained as divided as the two candidates. Coptic Christians and others worry that the Brotherhood and the ultraconservative Salafis want to gradually impose a strict interpretation of sharia, or Islamic law, on the nation. Thousands of Copts left Egypt after the parliamentary elections, and those remaining, who make up about 10% of the population, stand behind the army.
More at the link.

And don't miss Barry Rubin's analysis, "Egypt: A Muslim Brotherhood President Does Not Prove That We Are All ‘Chimps’.

Supreme Court Upholds Key Provision of Arizona's SB 1070

Progressives will highlight that 3 of 4 of the law's provisions were struck down. But the thing to emphasis is that it's really the key provision that was upheld by the court --- the authority for local law enforcement to determine the legal residency status of suspects in a lawful stop. That's what's been called "racial profiling" for these past few years. It's what progressives targeted for defeat at the Court. In that sense, no matter what the left says, this is a huge defeat for the open borders extremists in the Democrat Party and the radical netroots fever swamps.

See the Wall Street Journal, "Supreme Court Upholds Key Part of Arizona Law" (via Memeorandum). And at the Los Angeles Times, "Supreme Court strikes down key parts of Arizona immigration law."

WASHINGTON -- The Supreme Court said Monday that the federal government has the sole power to enforce the laws against illegal immigration, striking down three key provisions of Arizona's first-in-the nation crackdown on undocumented residents.

"Arizona may have understandable frustrations with the problems caused by illegal immigration,” said Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, writing for the majority, "but the state may not pursue policies that undermine federal law."

But the 5-3 decision was not a total loss for Arizona. The justices cleared the way for state officials to begin enforcing a provision that calls on police, when making lawful stops, to check the immigration status of people who may be in the country illegally. These status checks should not "result in prolonged detention," Kennedy said.

The decision may be a partial, symbolic victory for Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, but it is a much bigger win for President Obama. His administration had sued to block the Arizona law from taking effect, and it prevailed on three of the four provisions under dispute.

The high court struck down parts of Arizona's SB 1070 that made it a state crime for illegal immigrants to seek work and to not to carry immigration papers. The justices also blocked a provision that gave the police authority to arrest immigrants for crimes that may lead to deportation.
"Federal law makes a single sovereign responsible for maintaining a comprehensive and unified system to keep track of aliens within the nation's borders,” Kennedy wrote. If Arizona could arrest and hold immigrants for not carrying papers, "every state could give itself independent authority to prosecute federal registration violations."
William Jacobson argues that the Obama administration did better at the Court than expected, and with the residency verification provision upheld, we can expect more litigation. See: "Supreme Court upholds key immigration status check provision of Arizona law."

I'll have more on the reactions later. 

IDF War Porn

Totally cool:

Weasel Zippers has the Hebrew version, or at least I think that's Hebrew, LOL!

See: "Sunday Afternoon War Porn…"

The Rats Are Jumping Ship: Democrat Rep. Mike McIntyre Won't Endorse President Obama

Via Weasel Zippers, "NC Dem. Congressman Mike McIntyre Refuses to Endorse Obama…":

The rats are jumping. See also The Hill, "Sen. Manchin to skip Democratic convention":
Three prominent West Virginia Democrats said Monday that they would skip the party's national convention in Charlotte, N.C., this September over concerns that links to the party could hurt their re-election chances.
It's gotta be racism. There's no other possible explanation.

Toronto District School Board: Cross Dressing Guide For Elementary School Students

This is not a joke. Seriously. You can't make this stuff up.

At BCF, "TDSB Curriculum Guide Encourages Elementary School Boys to Be Cross Dressers."

Read it all at the link.

And then don't forget my earlier entry, "Los Angeles Times Pumps Up 'Difficulties' of 'Transgender Children' While Reporting That Clinical Treatment Is Based on 'Instinct and Observation' Rather Than Science."

Turkey Seeks NATO Action After Syria Shoots Down One of Its Warplanes

See the Wall Street Journal, "Turkey Promises 'Necessary Steps' After Syria Downs Jet."

And at Telegraph UK, "Nato to meet over Turkish plane 'being shot down' over Syria":
Nato has said it would meet to discuss member state Turkey's accusation that Syria shot down one of its warplanes in international airspace and not inside its own territory, as Damascus claims.

NATO said it would hold an emergency meeting on Tuesday following a request from Turkey that invoked Article Four of the alliance's founding treaty, which covers threats to member states' security.

Turkey has already acknowledged that its fighter jet might at some point have entered Syrian airspace. But after an initially cautious response, Ankara toughened its rhetoric on Sunday.

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu told Turkey's TRT television that at the time it was shot down, their plane was in international airspace, 13 nautical miles from Syria.

Syria had given no warning before opening fire, he added.

The fighter had been on an unarmed training mission to carry out a radar system test, and both pilots are still missing.
Looks like Turkeys torn between East and West, or the Middle East and the Western alliance.

The Left's Meltdown Continues: 'Balloon Juice' Screams 'F*ck You, New York Times' After Newspaper Publishes Campbell Brown's Epic Planned Parenthood Smackdown

This is really something else.

My theory is that most popular lefty blogs are popular simply because they notch up the vile attacks to the level of nitroglycerin. DougJ has a perfect example at Balloon Juice, "Si, Senor", reposted here in its entirety for the full effect:
I’d understand publishing this if there was some plausible way to paint Campbell Brown as a nonpartisan moderate or whatever, but there’s not. She’s Dan Senor’s fucking wife. If you want to call me sexist, I’d say the same thing if the Times published something like this from Todd Palin.
PLANNED PARENTHOOD has a large target on its back. At no time in the organization’s history has it faced such a concerted Congressional challenge to its agenda. But most worrisome is the organization’s shrinking number of defenders, and Planned Parenthood has only itself to blame. It has adopted a strategy driven by blind partisanship, electing to burn bridges instead of building them. That strategy is damaging, and possibly imperiling, its mission.
Fuck you, New York Times. You stay afloat because hippies like me pay for a subscription even though we could read you for free. And then you throw this shit in our faces as if it was the height of seriousness. Fuck you.
Well, yeah, that's just a little bit sexist, you think?

I mean, "Si, Senor," is basically "yes sir" in Spanish, and that implies that Campbell Brown doesn't have an independent thought of her own, that she's just regurgitating her husband's talking points. Recall that Dan Senor served during the Bush administration as the spokesman for the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq. Shoot, that's just gotta drive progressives batsh*t crazy, and thus explains how unhinged these people are that the New York Times would deign to give space to lefty journalist who's married to a hated neocon.

Campbell Brown

Brown's full essay is here: "Planned Parenthood’s Self-Destructive Behavior."

BONUS: This piece from Kathleen Geier notes that Dan Senor is an adviser to the Romney campaign, at the Washington Monthly, "Concern troll of the day: Campbell Brown."

PREVIOUSLY: "Campbell Brown to Barack Obama: Stop Condescending to Women."

Transformers Director Michael Bay Steps Out With Smokin' Hot Mystery Woman

No word on who this lady is, but as my dad used to say, she's built like a brick shithouse.

See London's Daily Mail, "His new leading lady? Transformers director Michael Bay steps out with a mystery brunette who can hardly contain her curves in a tiny pink dress."

'Levitated Mass'

I guess people like it, but personally, I was thinking that hauling that rock from the desert was a waste of resources. And you'd think the artsy-environmentalist types would have been the first to object. Maybe the idea of some lasting aesthetics was worth spewing tons of carbon "waste" into the atmosphere during the move.

I'm not one to complain, actually. But transporting that thing was one hella production.

In any case, see the Los Angeles Times, "What do museum-goers think of LACMA's 'Levitated Mass' sculpture?":

And see Christopher Knight, "Review: LACMA's new hunk 'Levitated Mass' has some substance."

'Seeking a Friend for the End of the World'

I thought the preview looked interesting, but Betsy Sharkey says it's a dud: "Review: 'Seeking a Friend for the End of the World' crashes":

The drama and romance of "Seeking a Friend for the End of the World," starring Steve Carell and Keira Knightley, starts imploding long before the massive asteroid hurtling toward Earth is due to deliver annihilation.

At least it's an ambitious misfire from the filmmaker, screenwriter Lorene Scafaria making a rocky directing debut. The movie ponders what people would do with their final days if the end were a fait accompli. Will anarchy reign or will humanity win out? Will Dodge (Carell) and Penny (Knightley), relative strangers living in the same apartment building, find each other, and love, before the planet and the asteroid collide? Or will they die alone? Lots of potential for a really tragic love story — from here to eternity, literally.

But by the time the answers come around, so much has gone wrong — with the film as well as the world — it's hard to care. Scafaria, who made such a splash with her cheeky screenplay adaptation of "Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist" in 2008, is simply over her head here.

The troubles begin with the casting choices. What must have seemed like a perfect fit in Carell — those doleful eyes and a slight smile — is not even close. This already restrained actor is completely shut down as Dodge, the resigned-to-his-fate man in the spotlight. For the versatile Knightley, usually so at home in whatever she's handed — from "Pride & Prejudice" to "Pirates of the Caribbean" — the fit has perhaps never been worse. As Penny, a funky artist type who collects vinyl records and dresses in thrift-store chic, she is either nodding off (there's some sort of loose explanation of the medical condition early on) or flailing around, and neither suits her.
Actually, that "fit" thingy did cross my mind. Perhaps Knightly might stick to pirate movies.

All Natural

Some babe blogging out of Britain, from Zoo Magazine.

Needless to say, this kind of stuff causes fits of apoplexy for the radical leftists.

Who gives a flying f-k, I say:

Florida Teenager Survives Harpoon Shot to the Head

I'm a few days late on this story, but the video shows paramedics wheeling the kid out with that harpoon sticking right out of his noggin.


And check the graphic report at the Los Angeles Times, "Teen with 3-foot fishing spear in skull poses dilemma for doctors."

Will You Vote the Values That Will Stand the Test of Fire?

This video's a knock-off of the Catholic Vote election ad from 2008, seen here. But Maggie Gallagher likes it, so here you go:

I can't stress how big social issues are this election. The White House has reproved the homosexual activists who, during a homosexual pride event at the White House last week, photographed themselves flipping off a portrait of President Reagan during the event.

Dan Riehl for the story, "Picture and Video: Gay Activist Invited to White House Gives Reagan Portrait the Finger," and "Gay Activist White House Guest Wrote to Obama, Plus "Count Me As One Who Hates!'."

I meant to put something up on this earlier, but it's been a busy weekend.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Colorado Wildfires Have Forced 11,000 Evacuations and Destroyed More Than 200 Homes

The New York Times reports, "11,000 Evacuated as Colorado Fire Grows."

And at the Los Angeles Times, "Colorado wildfires force thousands to evacuate":

Two wildfires ravaging Colorado have forced 11,000 evacuations and destroyed more than 200 homes.

The Waldo Canyon fire forced the complete evacuation of Manitou Springs over the weekend and evacuations from nearby Colorado Springs and a number of small communities along Highway 24, according to Rob Deyerberg, a spokesman for the firefighters battling the blaze.

"We're used to flooding and tornadoes, nothing like this," Amanda Rice of Rock Falls, Ill., told the Associated Press.

She left a Manitou Springs hotel late Saturday with her husband, four children and dog, according to the AP, and took her family to an evacuation center before she got an order to leave. Others were awakened by evacuation orders in the middle of the night.

"It was just this God-awful orange glow,” Rice said of the flames. “It was surreal. It honestly looked like hell was opening up.”
The Colorado Springs Gazette has huge coverage. See: "WALDO CANYON FIRE: Fire at 3,600 acres -- and growing."

And Michelle Malkin has been evacuated, "A personal note: Evacuated from Waldo Canyon Fire; Update: Sunset and smoke, 3,600 acres destroyed":
Our family is among the 11,000 residents of Colorado Springs and Manitou Springs who have been evacuated in the wake of the Waldo Canyon Fire. We’re homeless, but safe for now — though the kids are devastated we couldn’t get their parakeets, Keets and Tweety, out of the house before security/emergency personnel cleared out our neighborhood.

We are so thankful for our many friends here and especially the heroic firefighters, police, and disaster relief officials and volunteers who have worked tirelessly to contain the fire and protect our homes.
More at the link.

And at Twitchy, "Photos, evacuation updates flood Twitter as #WaldoCanyonFire spreads west of Colorado Springs," and "As #WaldoCanyonFire spreads, social media helps spread word, provide instant updates, potentially save lives; Update: Spreading the word on how to help."

White House 'Congratulates' Morsi on Winning Egyptian Presidential Election

Daniel Halper reports, at Weekly Standard:

White House spokesman Jay Carney issued the following statement in response to the Egyptian presidential election:

"The United States congratulates Dr. Mohamed Morsi on his victory in Egypt’s Presidential election, and we congratulate the Egyptian people for this milestone in their transition to democracy.

"We look forward to working together with President-elect Morsi and the government he forms, on the basis of mutual respect, to advance the many shared interests between Egypt and the United States.  We believe that it is important for President-elect Morsi to take steps at this historic time to advance national unity by reaching out to all parties and constituencies in consultations about the formation of a new government. We believe in the importance of the new Egyptian government upholding universal values, and respecting the rights of all Egyptian citizens – including women and religious minorities such as Coptic Christians.  Millions of Egyptians voted in the election, and President-elect Morsi and the new Egyptian government have both the legitimacy and responsibility of representing a diverse and courageous citizenry.

"The United States intends to work with all parties within Egypt to sustain our long-standing partnership as it consolidates its democracy.  We commend the Presidential Election Commission and the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) for their role in supporting a free and fair election, and look forward to the completion of a transition to a democratically-elected government.  We believe it is essential for the Egyptian government to continue to fulfill Egypt’s role as a pillar of regional peace, security and stability.  And we will stand with the Egyptian people as they pursue their aspirations for democracy, dignity, and opportunity, and fulfill the promise of their revolution."
I guess that's a prototypical formal statement of diplomatic recognition, but still, given this White House's utter amateurism on Egypt over the last 18 months, such breezy statements are literally frightening.

See Rep. Allen West, for example, "The Muslim B'Hood takeover in Egypt shows Arab Spring is radical Islamic nightmare" (via Memeorandum):
A year ago there were those of us who warned the Obama Administration of a Muslim Brotherhood takeover in Egypt. We were castigated as alarmists and loose cannons. Today our predictions have come to reality and the ominous specter reminding us of the Iranian revolution is evident. The Muslim Brotherhood claimed they would not run a presidential candidate. Clearly the Arab Spring is nothing more than a radical Islamic nightmare. Now we need to unequivocally reiterate our support to the Coptic Christians and Israel. What an incredible foreign policy faux pas by the second coming of President Jimmy Carter, the Obama Administration. I call upon President Barack Obama to cut off American foreign aid to Egypt, denounce the results of this election, repudiate the Muslim Brotherhood, and all radical Islamist political entities.
Boy, that's a tough set of recommendations!

I only dissent on the immediate withdrawal of foreign aid. We have leverage over Egypt's foreign policy through our foreign aid program, and perhaps the military will impress on the new government the importance of regional peace. That is, we have the carrot of cooperation over Cairo at the moment. We may have to use the stick of direct military support to Israel at a later date. Let's see how it goes.

Again, read Jonathan Tobin's piece from earlier today, which is about the right tone, I'd say: "U.S. Must Avoid Embrace of Morsi."

Paraguay President Fernando Lugo Ousted in Political 'Coup d'Etat'

Technically, it's not a coup, but some folks are still questioning the parliamentary removal of President Fernando Lugo.

See the Sidney Morning Herald, "Paraguay 'coup' prompts isolation threats."

And at Telegraph UK, "Paraguay's ousted leader Fernando Lugo denounces 'coup'":
Paraguay's ousted President Fernando Lugo has broken cover to accuse the country's Congress of carrying out a "parliamentary coup d'etat" to force him from power.

The New York Times also reports, "In Paraguay, Democracy’s All-Too-Speedy Trial."

But see Babalú, "Some good news from Latin America, for a change."

And don't miss Fausta, "Paraguay: Lugo will be spending more time with his families":
As previously posted, Fernando Lugo, the Catholic bishop who’s sired at least a dozen children by several women (at least one of which was underage at the time), has crowned his political career by getting himself impeached.
Well, that adds an interesting twist to the story. I'm sure Lugo and his dozen kids will great ample support from the Obama White House. 3, 2, 1...

From MEMRI: Egypt's Safwat Hagazy, 'Muslim Brotherhood Will Liberate Jerusalem'

Okay, this video from MEMRI is getting picked up in light of Mohammed Morsi's accession to the Egyptian presidency. See Weasel Zippers, "Egypt’s New Muslim Brotherhood President Calls For Jerusalem To Be Future Capital…"

Note that MEMRI's video was posted to YouTube in May, "Egyptian Cleric Safwat Higazi: Muslim Brotherhood Presidential Candidate Will Liberate Jerusalem."

And see Arutz Sheva from a couple of weeks back, "Muslim Cleric: Jerusalem to be Capital of Egypt Under Mursi Rule":
If Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohammed Mursi were to become president, Egypt’s capital would no longer be Cairo, but would be Jerusalem, a prominent Egyptian cleric said at a presidential campaign rally, which was aired by an Egyptian private television channel.

“Our capital shall not be Cairo, Mecca or Medina. It shall be Jerusalem with God’s will. Our chants shall be: ‘millions of martyrs will march towards Jerusalem,’” Safwat Hagazy said, according to the video aired by Egypt’s religious Annas TV.

The video, which went viral after being posted on YouTube, was translated into English by The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

“The United States of the Arabs will be restored on the hands of that man [Mursi] and his supporters. The capital of the [Muslim] Caliphate will be Jerusalem with God’s will,” Hegazy said, as the crowds cheered, waving Egyptian and Hamas flags.

“Tomorrow Mursi will liberate Gaza,” the crowds chanted.

“Yes, we will either pray in Jerusalem or we will be martyred there,” Hegazy said.

Hegazy’s speech came during a presidential campaign rally at the Egyptian Delta city of Mahalla, where Mursi attended along with the Muslim Brotherhood Supreme Guide Mohammed Badei and members of the group and its political wing the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), Al Arabiya reported.

Mursi will challenge Egypt’s former Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq in the upcoming runoff elections, scheduled to take place June 16 and 17. Shafiq, an air force general, was the country’s last prime minister before former president Hosni Mubarak was forced to step down by a popular uprising in February 2011.
More at the link.

And at Althouse, "Muslim Brotherhood candidate wins the Egyptian presidency."

Also at Memeorandum.

Muslim Brotherhood's Mohammed Morsi Declared Winner in Egypt's Presidential Election

Well, this is blog-worthy.

The main news stories are at the New York Times, "Morsi Is Winner of Egyptian Presidency," and Telegraph UK, "Muslim Brotherhood's Mohammed Morsi."

And from the blogs, at Atlas Shrugs, "MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD'S MURSI DECLARED EGYPT PRESIDENT," and Legal Insurrection, "Muslim Brotherhood candidate elected President of Egypt."

Plus, an analysis from Jonathan Tobin at Commentary, "U.S. Must Avoid Embrace of Morsi":

Many in the Obama administration may have heaved a sigh of relief this morning when Egypt’s election commission declared Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohammed Morsi the winner of the country’s presidential election. There were justifiable fears that the Egyptian military would complete the coup d’état it began when the country’s high court tossed the Islamist-controlled parliament out of office by stealing the presidential contest for its preferred candidate. By choosing to attempt to live with the Brotherhood rather than attempt to destroy it, the army may have avoided a bloody civil war that would have drowned Egypt in blood and destabilized the region even further.

But as much as Washington is relieved that the next stage of life in post-Mubarak Egypt will not be one in which the military rules alone, President Obama must resist the impulse to embrace Morsi or to behave in any manner that might lend support to the Brotherhood leader in the power struggle in Cairo that will undoubtedly ensue. As much as the United States should support the principle of democracy, Morsi and his party are no apostles of freedom. Though worries about the U.S. being tainted by association with a military that wishes to perpetuate authoritarian rule are well founded, the danger from a rising tide of Islamism in the wake of the Arab Spring is far more dangerous to American interests.
There's more at the link.

And Tobin links to Eli Lake's piece from earlier, which illustrates the naivety of this administration: "Member of Egyptian Terror Group Goes to Washington."

Plus, lots at Memeorandum.

Until Later Roundup...

I don't see too much I want to blog about this morning, so until later check the roundup at Pirate's Cove: "Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup."

And here's some Kelly Brook News, at London's Dail Mail, "You'd bet on her! Kelly Brook looks fabulous in florals and a flamboyant hat at Royal Ascot," and Celebrity Gossip, "Kelly Brook Talks Curvy Figure With LOOK."

And skip over to Althouse and Instapundit to cover all the bases.

For a bonus, Robert Stacy McCain's latest is here: "Neal Rauhauser’s Bizarre Suspicions, and Profiling the (Hypothetical) ‘UnSub’."

I'll have more later. I have to pick up my kids' cousins in Los Angeles today. They're down here visiting family and will be staying with us for a couple of days, on their own, until their mom (my kids' aunt) get here.

Until then...

Street Legal? Jessica Simpson Posts Smokin' Mommy Walking Baby 'Around the Block' Photo on Twitter

Simpson used to be a favorite for Rule 5 blogging. I think she's attempting a comeback.

See US Magazine, "New Mom Jessica Simpson Flaunts Major Cleavage During "Walk Around the Block."

And the direct link, "Jessica Simpson's Photo on Lockerz."

The Epic 'Fast and Furious' Clusterf-k

Lee Doren comments (via Nice Deb):

Since he keeps pointing down, here it is: Fast and Furious: Barack Obama's Bloodiest Scandal and the Shameless Cover-Up.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Prediction in Political Science is Doomed to Fail

If you study political science, and especially the more fundamental philosophies of social science that underlie professional political science research, you will learn that (for many) scientific prediction is the ultimate goal of political science scholarship. That's perhaps a more contentious thesis nowadays (with the surge in popularity of radical postmodernism), but in the first couple of decades after the behavioral revolution in the 1960s, the claim was rarely challenged except by those on the margins of the discipline. Folks can get a feel for the epistemological primacy of scientific prediction by skimming over the first few pages of Carl Hempel's, "The Functioning of General Laws in History" (1942).

After the end of the Cold War, international relations scholars underwent a foundational crisis in the field. No one --- not a single scholar of international politics in the political science profession (with the exception perhaps of Stephen Rock) --- had published a prediction of the end of the Cold War conflict between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. There were huge debates on this in the pages of scholarly journals for a few years, but one of the most important essays to come out at the time was from the historian John Lewis Gaddis. His essay, "International Relations Theory and the End of the Cold War," was a magisterial review of the literature that explained why each of the major paradigms was unsuccessful in predicting the biggest historical change since the end of World War II. (And see Chapter One of Gaddis 1997 book, We Now Know: Rethinking the Cold War.)

In any case, I'm remembering all of this upon reading Jacqueline Stevens' essay at the New York Times, "Political Scientists Are Lousy Forecasters." This paragraph is especially good:
Many of today’s peer-reviewed studies offer trivial confirmations of the obvious and policy documents filled with egregious, dangerous errors. My colleagues now point to research by the political scientists and N.S.F. grant recipients James D. Fearon and David D. Laitin that claims that civil wars result from weak states, and are not caused by ethnic grievances. Numerous scholars have, however, convincingly criticized Professors Fearon and Laitin’s work. In 2011 Lars-Erik Cederman, Nils B. Weidmann and Kristian Skrede Gleditsch wrote in the American Political Science Review that “rejecting ‘messy’ factors, like grievances and inequalities,” which are hard to quantify, “may lead to more elegant models that can be more easily tested, but the fact remains that some of the most intractable and damaging conflict processes in the contemporary world, including Sudan and the former Yugoslavia, are largely about political and economic injustice,” an observation that policy makers could glean from a subscription to this newspaper and that nonetheless is more astute than the insights offered by Professors Fearon and Laitin.
Critiques like this were kicking up pretty hard at the end of the 1990s, and things really came to a head with the "Perestroika Movement" in political science around 2000.

It's been a while now, and I'm not sure how deep an impact that movement's had, notwithstanding the launching of a new journal at the APSA geared toward methodological pluralism. And frankly, in a lot of respects, I don't care that much any more. The top scholars in my subfield of international politics have largely perverted the discipline with thinly veiled ideological commitments. I discussed this the other day in my essay on Kenneth Waltz: "A Nuclear-Armed Iran May Be the Best Path to Stability to the Middle East." And the kicker here is the Professor Stevens illustrated her own radical commitments in an commentary piece at the New York Times last month, "Citizenship to Go." Basically, state sovereignty over migration should be abolished. That is, borders don't matter --- get rid of them. So while Stevens' new essay argues that positivist political science, now under threat with the loss of National Science Foundation funding, has largely failed and is undeserving of continued government support, her alternative of government funding of "those who use history and theory to explain shifting political contexts, challenge our intuitions and help us see beyond daily newspaper headlines" would likely result in reams of research just like her own, research questioning the legitimacy of the national state and the hegemony of the U.S. in the international system.

The irony is that's much of the basic rational for stripping government for political science research in the first place. I gather Stevens isn't making that connection.

Bill Whittle's Afterburner: 'Follow the Ideology'

Theo Spark posts the clip.

But check the headline from Linkmaster Smith, "Can I Recall a More Pissed Off Whittle Than In This Fast & Furious Essay? No, I Cannot."

"Have you no shame," reporters and journalists?

Smokin' Rosie Jones Rule 5

I should probably throw some linkage around, which I haven't done in a while.

Check Pirate's Cove, "If All You See…is the sustainability of the world being threatened by catching a fish, you might just be a Warmist."

And see Reaganite, "RED HOT Conservative Chicks: Townhall Editor Katie Pavlich!" And Randy's Roundtable, "Thursday Nite Tart: Lisa Cazzulimi."

Plus, at Guns and Bikinis, "Great Bikini Pics a Rule 5 Offering." And Daley Gator, "DaleyGator DaleyBabe Misa Campo."

Bob Belvedere has a smoker! "A Little Hump Day Rule 5: Berit Birkeland."

BONUS: At Proof Positive, "Saturday Linkaround."

RELATED: At The Other McCain, "E-Mails Expose MSNBC Host’s Involvement in #StopRush Boycott." (I think Robert just wanted to post hottie Krystal Ball!)

If I missed you, add your links in the comments for the update!

'Debunking Rachel Maddow's Lies' Trending at 'Bad Blue' and 'Twitchy'

Cool, my Rachel Maddow smackdown is getting some traction!

See Bad Blue:


And Twitchy, "Self-imposed blinders shield media elite from Fast and Furious scandal."

Plus, getting some linkage. At Blazing Cat Fur, "MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Doubles Down on 'Fast and Furious Lies, Gets Schooled by Reason's Nick Gillespie."

And at Protein Wisdom, "“Is President Obama A Pathological Liar?”"

Looking for a Memeorandum link, but not yet, not yet.

And looking for some linkage at AoSHQ, Instapundit, The Other McCain, and Weasel Zippers.

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Doubles Down on 'Fast and Furious Lies, Gets Schooled by Reason's Nick Gillespie

Well, Maddow's epic left-wing crazy never stops.

See NewsBusters, "Reason's Nick Gillespie Schools Rachel Maddow and Bill Maher on Fast and Furious." There's a short clip at that link, but the whole show's been uploaded to YouTube. The "Fast and Furious" segment opens the panel discussion, at just after 17:00 minutes:

And here's my smack down from last night: "Debunking Rachel Maddow's Lies About 'Fast and Furious': MSNBC Hack Falsely Claims Scandal Just Like Shirley Sherrod 'Conspiracy'."

Jerry Sandusky Convicted on 45 Counts of Child Sexual Abuse

At the Los Angles Times, "Jerry Sandusky convicted of child sexual abuse":

BELLEFONTE, Pa. — Closing a chapter in a scandal that shocked the nation and tarnished a prestigious university, a jury convicted Jerry Sandusky on 45 counts of sexual abuse Friday night, believing the graphic testimony of young men over a defense team that portrayed the celebrated former Penn State assistant football coach as devoted mentor.

Moments after the verdict was read in the courtroom, Sandusky, 68, rose from his seat with tears in his eyes, one of his lawyers said. When his bail of $250,000 was revoked, Sandusky gave a small wave to his family and was led away in handcuffs to a waiting sheriff's car to be taken to the Centre County jail.

Jurors convicted Sandusky on all but three of 48 charges that he sexually abused 10 boys over a period of 15 years. He could be ordered to spend the rest of his life in prison when he is sentenced in three months.

"From the beginning, we knew what we were facing, so the surprise would have been the opposite," lead defense lawyer Joe Amendola told reporters on the steps of the courthouse, just miles away from the Penn State campus.

"Sandusky said nothing after the verdict was delivered," said Amendola, who promised an appeal. "I think Jerry was prepared for this."
And at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, "Guilty: Ex-Penn State coach Sandusky could spend the rest of his life in prison."

Plus, at Business Week, "Penn State May Have to Compensate Sandusky's Victims."

More news at Memeorandum and PennLive.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Debunking Rachel Maddow's Lies About 'Fast and Furious': MSNBC Hack Falsely Claims Scandal Just Like Shirley Sherrod 'Conspiracy'

Tim Graham reports at NewsBusters, "Maddow Begs Media to Ignore Fast and Furious: Just Another 'Paranoid Delusion' Like Sherrod Scandal":
In a ten-minute rant on her show Thursday night, Rachel Maddow tried to explain the long NBC and ABC blackout of “Fast and Furious” scandal news by somehow tying it to the Shirley Sherrod controversy. The American people should move along, since this scandal is only a “paranoid delusion” and shouldn’t be covered by anyone other than Fox News. It should be carefully quarantined.


Maddow began: “The great Fox News conspiracy about Shirley Sherrod, the racist, that nobody else was covering, was, in fact, a paranoid delusion of the conservative movement and the conservative media machine. And so now, we find ourselves, a couple years later, facing another test for the news media. Do you take the bait again? Do you follow the latest Fox News conspiracy theory?”

Actually, if there's a conspiracy, it's at Rachel Maddow's show, not Fox News. And I want to reiterate something I've said many times: Maddow truly is one of the most sinfully malicious hacks on cable TV --- and that's saying a lot, considering the competition on the left.

First, on the Shirley Sherrod "conspiracy," see William Jacobson, "Saturday Night Card Game (Repeat after me: “The Shirley Sherrod tape was not misleading”)." The tape wasn't misleading, so Maddow's typical left-wing claim of "conspiracy" is bogus.

Second, Maddow claims that "Fast and Furious" was all about conservatives screaming that the Obama administration was going to take away their guns. She calls it a "cockamamie conspiracy theory" and then highlights [Sipsey Street Irregulars blogger] Michael Vanderboegh from Alabama [as if he's some kind of prototypical right-wing loon]. Yeah, that's the Maddow model: the extreme-right is populated with birthers, militia-men, and gun rights cuckoos. All the rest is just a hoax. There is no "Fast and Furious" scandal. It was cooked up by the right to create fear that guns were going to be taken away.

The only problem? Well, it's the Democrats who claimed it was all about guns, U.S. guns and gun shops. These were the source of the Mexico drug cartel crisis, and the thousands of people murdered south of the border were victims of the "90 percent" of weapons that originated in America. Who said that? Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama, for starters.

According to Katie Pavlich, in her new book, Fast and Furious, the Obama administration claimed that "90 percent" of the guns in Mexico came from America. Pavlich highlights a 2009 Andrea Mitchell interview with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Asked what the U.S. was going to do about assault weapons being sold to Mexican drug cartels, short of new legislation banning high-power automatic weapons. Clinton said:
We're going to start tracing these guns, we're going to start cracking down on illegal gun sales, and we're going to go after the straw men and women who go in and buy these guns. ... We're going to use every tool at our disposal...
That exchange is at the clip, at 4:00 minutes:

And get this!

Rachel Maddow interviewed Andrea Mitchell on her own program just minutes after Mitchell conducted her interview with Secretary Clinton. Thus, Maddow knows with 100 percent certainty that the Obama administration initiated a gun-running program with the intent to slow gun traffic to Mexico, and ultimately to make the case before the Congress to ban these weapons:

And here's a CBS News interview with Homeland Security Secretary Janet "The System Worked" Napolitano, who talks about tracking guns going over the U.S. border into Mexico. The interview was conducted on the day President Obama arrived in Mexico for the summit:

And finally, here's Obama's press conference with Mexican President Phillipe Calderon. The president announced that "More than 90 percent of the guns recovered in Mexico come from the United States, many from gun shops that line our shared borders":

According to Pavlich, on p. 32 of Fast and Furious, the actual figure for U.S. guns traced to Mexico is 25 percent, not 90 percent. Pavlich cites Senator Chuck Grassley's report, "ATF Mexico Gun Statistics Flawed."

And Pavlich concludes that section on p. 32:
Regardless of the actual facts, it was clear the Obama administration was united in its enmity toward American gun shop owners. Close them down, as NRA President David Keane says, and you close down the Second Amendment. After all, he maintained, what good is the right to own firearms if there is no place to purchase them?
See also last night's bombshell report, "The Fast and Furious Coverup."

CORRECTION: My apologies to Michael Vanderboegh, who is a blogger at Sipsey Street Irregulars, not a no-name weirdo. Thanks to Jimmie Bise at Sundries Shack for the heads up.

The Lies of Scott Eric Kaufman — Leftist Hate-Blogger Sought to Silence Criticism With Libelous Campaign of Workplace Harassment

ICYMI, here's yesterday's entry: "Scott Eric Kaufman Hates Smokin' Hot Babes — And Negotiated Legal Agreements Too, Apparently." And here's the relevant post at Lawyers, Guns and Money: "Because really important news always involves bikinis."

Hopefully this will be the only update, but SEK continues to lie about everything that went down previously, so as usual, I need to get this out for the record. It's all lies. You have to fight the endless stream of malicious progressive lies.

Scott Erik Kaufman
SEK has posted a purported "order of operations" in response to commenters. This so-called order of operations is the basis for all of the libelous allegations that both he and Carl Salonen have made. Read the lies here. I'll state the facts:

1) I wrote in 2009 that I used to occasionally use an ACADEMIC BLOG POST as a lecture launcher in class. And IN THE PAST, I placed my blog's URL in the syllabus. But shortly thereafter I stopped making any reference to my blog in writing or in class, because people like Erik Kain had launched campaigns of workplace intimidation at my college.

2) In 2010, SEK began a series of attacks alleging that I had "festooned my virtual office" with pictures of "scantily-clad" women, and that created a hostile work environment for my female students. (This kind of stuff is an obsession, obviously.) By this time, after Erik Kain tried to get me fired, I had already met with my vice president of academic affairs. Blogging WASN'T A PROBLEM for my college, but I chose to no longer make reference to the blog in class. This is a matter of record. In February 2010, libel-blogger David Hillman launched his campaign of workplace harassment, alleging that I was "racist." At that time I had then met with the college's vice president of human resources, who handles civil rights and sexual harassment complaints. It turns out now that BLOGGING COULD BE A PROBLEM, not because any student complained, but because progressives with absolutely no business at the college filed false allegations of racism and sexism.

3) I kept blogging as usual, and in May 2010 I noticed the SEK was awarding points to students in his classes who used profanity in their work. This practice --- awarding class credit for profanity --- is highly inappropriate, in my opinion, and it's clearly not good teaching practice. SEK thought he could blow this off as if I'd caught him "cursing." See: "Busted!" Seeing that, I called bullshit in a follow-up: "Scott Eric Kaufman ASFL!!" As I noted at the entry:


Only the dolts at LGM would fall for Scott Eric Kaufman's witless dodge, "Busted!" 

And since Scott's a member in good standing of the left's Israel-bashing ASFL cadres, I'll spell it out for the idiots: It's not SEK's deployment of f**king profanity, but his AWARDING students college credit for vulgar language, which for the assignment in question replaced anything remotely requiring hard thinking. In other words, that's sh*tty instruction, if folks catch my drift."

4) Clearly alarmed, SEK decided to take action. Note that he'd previously claimed that he wasn't "actually petty enough" to file sexual harassment complaints (ain't that a laugh riot). But I had drawn blood pointing out his hypocrisy, and SEK apparently had plans to hit the job market for a full-time academic position. He planned on going balls out at the Modern Language Association's annual conference (and I use "balls out" loosely here) and he couldn't afford me blogging about him any longer. So what could he do to protect his job market prospects? He could launch a campaign of lies designed to intimidate and harass me at my workplace. SEK submitted his letter to my department chairman on June 3, 2011 --- exactly 10 days after he'd posted his stupid "Busted!" post. (And ICYMI, the letter of complaint is here.)

5) That's the factual record, not this bullshit "order of operations" SEK's been claiming. The f-ker attacked me because I had blogged the truth about him --- and THAT WAS THREATENING. The timing of his complaint to my college is no coincidence. And I thus ended up dealing with legal issues for the remainder of summer 2011, and of course entered into a (bogus) legal arrangement to stand down from blogging about him. But now it turns out that SEK was locked out of the academic job market --- he apparently can't find a full-time position in the current down-market --- so he's apparently decided to leave academe altogether, or he's at least abandoned any hope of become a tenure-track professor. That's why he's felt free to violate any purported legal agreement to stand down --- he's got no prospects on the tenure-track and any past agreements don't mean jack.

Now, recall that I've had about a half-dozen episodes of left-wing assholes contacting my college in a sustained effort to silence me with threats of loss of employment. That's why I'm extremely firm on my contention that the whole Brett Kimberlin controversy is indeed a partisan fight. And while I agree in principle that it's a matter of free speech, I contend that progressives hold entirely different conceptions of what the First Amendment should protect --- and from that follows Democrat-progressive policy commitments to repeal free speech provisions for conservative political advocacy. It's as simple as that. The Kimberlin affair is of a natural piece of the left's ideological commitments. Conservatives need to think clearly about this point.

And despite the claims of racist ringleader Walter James Casper (commenting at LGM), my battles with the left are intimately related to the attacks to which folks like Aaron Worthing and Robert McCain have been subjected. As Mandy Nagy wrote on Twitter last night:
Mandy wrote a blockbuster piece on the Kimberlin network in 2010: "Flashback: Progressives Embrace Convicted Terrorist." Since that time Mandy's life has been a never-ending nightmare of intimidation, harassment, and threats to her safety. And over the last year, Mandy's been a source of encouragement for me in standing my ground against the left, as has Robert Stacy McCain, who wrote about the left's attacks on Amy Alkon early last year: "Carl Salonen & the Left-Wing Trolls Who Smeared ‘Advice Goddess’ Amy Alkon."

I continue to blog the Kimberlin story, and contribute financially, because I personally know what it's like to have a target on your back. And most of all, I know from personal experience that the left will do anything to stop good people from speaking the truth. It's a simple matter concerning the freedom to blog, as Michelle Malkin has pointed out. Progressives are being beaten badly, online and at the ballot box. And violence and threats of violence and intimidation against conservatives are escalating by the day. But conservatives are rallying. As Ladd Ehlinger pointed out today, "The Best Defense is Offense." To see where that began, recall Aaron Worthing's post from May 17th: "Summary/Preview of my Post 'How Brett Kimberlin Tried to Frame Me for a Crime (And How You Can Help!)'."

For more information, see: "Bloggers Defense Team Goes After the Left's Criminal Harassment Network."

TOP PHOTO CREDIT: Ralph Nowell, SEK's father-in-law.

Bloggers Defense Team Goes After the Left's Criminal Harassment Network

This just in, from Ladd Ehlinger: "Dest Defense is Offense."

And following the links takes us to Bloggers Defense Team, "Defending Free Speech Against Lawfare And SWATting."
DB Capitol Strategies, in partnership with Right Solutions, a 501c3 public charity, is building a nationwide team of lawyers to defend the victims and taking the fight to Kimberlin. To win this battle in courtrooms around the country, we need your support. We’ve fired the first salvo in defense of Aaron Walker by filing a federal lawsuit against Kimberlin and seeking an injunction to prevent the state from arresting an American exercising his right to free speech. This is only the first step. We are committed to helping Aaron Walker and others expose Kimberlin and his well-funded allies in their efforts to silence their foes.

JOIN US in this fight!
There's a Paypal link at the post, which folks might want to make note of, as many are suspicious of the motives of Ali Akbar and the National Bloggers Club.

And check out Aaron Worthing as well:
The full post is here: "A Victory For the Free Expression Coming?"

RELATED: David Hogberg, at IBD, "Kimberlin vs. Walker: Walker Fights Back."

Politico Suspends Joe Williams Over Alleged 'Controversial' Comments About Mitt Romney

Actually, the part about feeling more comfortable around white people isn't very controversial. But Williams' tweets are genuinely disgusting. Williams set his Twitter feed to private, but Victoria Taft has the offensive tweets: "Why Is Politico Reporter Sending RACIST Tweets to Romney?"

And see John Nolte at Breitbart, "Politico Reporter Tweets Ann Romney Penis Joke."

Also at NewsBusters, "Politico Suspends Reporter Joe Williams for 'Controversial Comments' About Mitt Romney." (Via Memeorandum.)

The Fast and Furious Coverup

Here's the big entry from last night at The Right Scoop, "BOMBSHELL: Proof Obama and Holder knew about gun walking in 2009":

And see Rush Limbaugh from yesterday as well: "Holder Retracts Lie that Bush's Attorney General Knew About Gun Walking."

Update: The Right Scoop explains why this video got pulled here.

Moody's Investors Service Downgrades 15 Global Banks

At The Hill, "Moody's downgrades 15 of the world's biggest banks." (Via Instapundit.)

And check the San Francisco Chronicle: "Bank Investors Dismiss Moody's Cuts as Coming Years Too Late."

New York Times Blows Off Obama Fast and Furious Coverup as 'Pointless Fight'

Well, would you expect anything less from the editors of the Times?

See: "A Pointless Partisan Fight":

Mr. Issa has relished making this investigation a political fight. Last week, he seemed to bait Mr. Holder when he said in a statement, “the Obama administration has not asserted executive privilege or any other valid privilege,” so it could not refuse to produce the materials.

On Wednesday, for the first time since he was elected, President Obama invoked executive privilege on the disputed documents. Doing so now bars prosecution of Mr. Holder in federal court should the full House vote to hold him in contempt of Congress.

Executive privilege cannot and should not be allowed to shield the executive branch from regular, valuable Congressional oversight. There was no reason the House committee and the Justice Department could not work out a deal to produce the documents requested, or some form of them. Instead, they show again that every issue, large or small, can be turned into ammunition for political combat.
Actually, Obama's invocation of executive privilege is clearly an obstruction of justice.

Check Power Line on the likely explanation of White House evasion: "THOSE FAST AND FURIOUS DOCUMENTS MUST BE DYNAMITE."

#StopRush Turns on Itself

I've been watching this story and Twitter, and it's nasty.

Twitter Superstar Kelly Oxford

This lady shows how it's done, at the Los Angeles Times, "Twitter sensation Kelly Oxford hooks Hollywood":
From a snow-crested corner of Alberta, Canada, Kelly Oxford made her Hollywood screenwriting dream come true. She did it without leaving her close-knit family or giving up her free nationalized healthcare. She did it without toiling in Westside coffee shops or confronting painful rejections.

She did it 140 characters at a time.

Oxford, a suburban housewife and mother of three, is a Twitter superstar (@kellyoxford), with more than 350,000 followers. Oscar winners, late-night talk show hosts, even film critic Roger Ebert follow her on the social media service, eager to read wry observations about daily life and celebrity culture.

The worst part about having kids is that they magnify every single thing that's wrong with you. And they wake up early.

If you have a taxidermy marlin and you've never tried to joust someone with it, you're wasting everyone's time.

If the majority of your followers are idiots and you like wine, you're probably more like Jesus than you think.

Those are a few of the 2,900 tweets she's sent since she discovered the medium three years ago.

NBC hired Oxford to write a pilot last fall, Harper Collins will release her first book of essays ("Everything's Perfect When You're a Liar") next April, and in April she sold her first movie script to Warner Bros. It's about a pot-smoking young woman suddenly confronted with the prospect of motherhood.

Her success points to an appetite for humor from a female point of view. But unlike stars such as Tina Fey and Kristen Wiig, who honed their craft in the"Saturday Night Live" writers' room, Oxford found and shaped her comedic voice in online chat rooms and blogs and on Twitter.
Continue reading.

Update on Road Rage Freeway Brawl

See the Los Angeles Times, and scroll down at the post for previous updates: "'Road rage' freeway brawl: Victim arrested on warrant."

Fox & Friends Gets Results!

When you draw the ire of the nation's unofficial newspaper of record, you know you're over the target.

See NYT's thinly veiled attack piece: "‘Fox & Friends’ Finds Ratings and Controversy."

Bus Monitor Karen Klein Interview on Fox News

Lonely Conservatives has the full clip: "Video: Mean Kids Make Bus Monitor Cry."

And here's Steve Doocy's interview on Fox & Friends:

And at Storify, "Bullied Bus Monitor Karen Klein Sees the Best and Worst of Humanity in 24 Hours," and Dateline News: "Karen Klein Update: Online Donations Crosses $400,000 After Bullying Video Went Viral."

Sean Hannity Interviews Parents of Brian Terry, Slain Border Patrol Agent

Reliapundit has an abbreviated clip: "THE LATE BRIAN TERRY'S PARENTS TELL IT LIKE IT IS."

And here's the full interview:

RELATED: At Michelle's, "Latest Democrat who can’t remember murdered Border Patrol agent Brian Terry’s name."

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Scott Eric Kaufman Hates Smokin' Hot Babes — And Negotiated Legal Agreements Too, Apparently

"Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them."
— Matthew 7:20
Last year, when I was defending myself against Carl Salonen's sick campaign of workplace harassment, I was also defending against an almost identical campaign of allegations launched by progressive douchebag Scott Eric Kaufman at Lawyers, Guns and Money. I have blogged very little concerning Kaufman's allegations because my attorney negotiated an agreement between the parties not to contact each other, or in Kaufman's words, not to "engage each other online" in any way whatsoever. I thought that meant not blog about each other, but SEK complained to my attorney after I left a comment at his blog, Acephalous. He then claimed the rule meant no blogging, commenting, or anything at all related to each other. Well, maybe not after all. It turns out that SEK's got a new post at LGM, at the screencap, which clearly constitutes a willful abrogation of any previous legal arrangements (and SEK's own interpretation of those). See: "Because really important news always involves bikinis."

SEK Violates

SEK links four posts there:

* Instapundit's recent entry linking to me, "PROF. DONALD DOUGLAS covers the really important news."

* John Hawkins' latest contest results at RWN, "The 20 Hottest Conservative Women In the New Media (2012 Edition)."

*Wonkette's hit piece against John Hawkins, "Here Are the Hottest Conservative Men to Judge the 20 Hottest Conservative Women."

* And SEK's own earlier hit piece against me, one of the posts that led up to his campaign of allegations against me at my college, "Last word on The Donalde (until the next one)."

Here's the letter SEK sent to my department chair, on June 3, 2011:


One of the more interesting background details on this is that at one point SEK, in all of his attack blogging, claimed he wasn't "actually petty enough" to go after me at my job with allegations of sexual harassment like those above. See this comment, for example:
I was certainly threatening his job, just as as someone’s threatened mine in the past. I know, but can’t reveal, who wrote those anonymous letters to the chair of my former department because this person used the word “demonology” in a familiar way, and quite possibly quoted a post of a familiar someone, and used an easily identified address in an email sent from an IP address already identified with blah blah blah.

I’m not actually petty enough to go after his job, because I’m sure the chair of this person’s department — unlike the person who received this person’s emails, who was the chair of a department that wasn’t mine — but I’m sure this person’s chair has heard all these complaints before, from students and outsiders, and sincerely wishes this person was never granted tenure. I can’t prove that I’ve heard words to that effect … but keep in mind that I’m being advised by a lawyer about how to deal with this person’s actions, and he’s advising me write about this, and I quote, “in a way that makes it public knowledge, for the record, but without saying anything definitive.”
A screencap of that quote is here, for the record. And the original post is here.

Obviously, Scott Eric Kaufman is "petty enough" to do something despicable like that. And he's obviously so clinically obsessed with his politically correct jihad against babe blogging that he couldn't resist posting about me again --- after he announced a purported agreement to completely stand down from any interaction. What an idiot and an asshole.

Any such purported legal agreement is hereby null and void. Heretofore I had reluctantly held fast to the "stand down" arrangement, but that's no longer necessary, by no action of my own. (See the screencap of the traffic Kaufman's throwing me here.)

And for your reading pleasure, compare SEK's allegations to Carl Salonen's: "Carl Salonen Libelous Workplace Allegations of Child Pornography and Sexual Harassment at Long Beach City College."

Obama Job Approval Sinks to 43 Percent in Gallup's Daily Tracking

He's down 7 points in two weeks. It's probably not on account of Fast and Furious, but we can't preclude O's numbers dropping even further next week.

See: "Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval" (via Hot Air and Instapundit).

Fast and Furious