Monday, October 8, 2012

Romney Closes 8-Point Gap in Latest Pew Research Poll

I saw the new Pew survey earlier today, and when I got home, as I walked in to turn on the television, I found Ashleigh Banfield on CNN discussing it, with the banner across the bottom of the screen, "Obama's Slide: Romney Leads 49-45 Among Likely Voters."

Here's the Pew report, "Romney's Strong Debate Performance Erases Obama's Lead: GOP Challenger Viewed as Candidate with New Ideas."

Obama held an 8-point lead in Pew's last survey in September, and I blogged it: "Pew Research Center Poll: Obama Up by Eight in New Nationwide Survey." As I noted at the post, "Pew's one of the better polling organizations. Very reputable."

Interestingly, that's not what the lefties are saying now that the numbers have their guy under water. Banfield reported that Team Obama was whining about the partisan breakdown at the poll, and Cornell Belcher, interviewed at the CNN segment, gave the most mealy-mouth excuses for O's collapse, going so far to claim that likely-voter sampling is "more of an art than science." It was completely ridiculous. I'll post that clip when it comes available later.

But to give an idea of how really bad the numbers are for the Democrats, compare Ed Kilgore's responses to both of the Pew surveys, at the Washington Monthly. Here's Kilgore on the September survey: "Really Bad News For Mitt From Pew." And here's his response today: "Pew’s Perfect Post-Debate Window." To be consistent, and credible, Kilgore should have written a post today entitled, "Really Bad News For Obama From Pew." Because the news is bad, really bad, and there's no way to spin it for the president. Especially not with some f-king retarded excuse about how Pew perfectly polled respondents in the four-day window since last Wednesday's debate. Hello. It wouldn't be an accurate post-debate poll without surveying respondents after the debate. Someone should crush this guy's skull with one of Obama's teleprompters. I can hardly believe the mendacity.

In any case, two weeks ago I was captioning my posts at the bottom with the disclaimer, "no sugarcoating." You'll get spin around here alright, but at least the spin here's reasonably rooted in reality. The latest surveys --- and remember Gallup today also shows Romney pulling even in the horse race --- don't mean that Obama's now about to lose. The polls are showing a genuinely tight race, with the built-in Obama-Media bias favoring the Democrats now excluded. Americans saw the real thing last week, and it wasn't pretty. Democrats literally wished that O had been able to used his teleprompter, and that's after years of mocking conservatives who had been mocking the president as TOTUS.

The shit has hit the fan. I can't recall as significant an effect from any one presidential debate in the last 25 years of watching these things. Perhaps there's been as big an impact from one or another, but this time the dramatic shift has been to see what was largely looking like a flailing, possibly hopeless, GOP campaign being transformed into a surging juggernaut of Republican confidence and grassroots enthusiasm. It's been an amazing week.

There are, of course, still three debates to go, the veeps debate Thursday night and two more presidential debates. The RNC has been lowering expectations for the Biden-Ryan debate, which I think is smart. There's some chatter on the right that Ryan's going to clean the gaffe-master's clock. And I hope he does. But the real game is with the remaining top-of-the-ticket debates on October 16 and October 22. The former will be a town hall style debate on both domestic and foreign issues; the latter will be in the traditional format and will focus exclusively on foreign policy. The administration's extremely vulnerable on foreign policy, which explains why the knives are out on the left today following Mitt's formidable foreign policy address today at the Virginia Military Institute in Lexington. Seriously. It's so bad that this morning's New York Times went with a preemptive strike on the front-page, looking to deflate Romney in world affairs: "Romney Remains Vague on Foreign Policy Details." That's all bullshit, naturally. Romney's been strong on foreign policy for years. He never stopped campaigning after 2008, released a campaign book in 2009, visited Europe and Israel recently, and has a detailed foreign policy page at his website. He's got some problems with his approach, as Barry Rubin points out quite well today regarding the speech, but the main thing is Romney's distinctive vision and refusal to apologize for American power. That's a core component of any realistic approach to foreign affairs, despite the harsh denial afflicting Romney's detractors on the left. There's going to be some fireworks in that debate on the 22nd. I'm especially eager to see how the president handles Romney's attacks on his administration's completely FUBAR response to the death of Ambassador Stevens in Libya.

I'll have more on this later...

Obama's Post-Debate Negativity Shows He's Got Nothing

As I was saying in my previous entry, the dude's got nothing.

And here's a clip with Amelia Chasse from this morning, slamming the administration's negativity, at the New Hampshire Journal, "Chasse on Fox & Friends: Obama’s post-debate negativity shows he has nothing to say" (via Instapundit).

More later...

Obama Ties-Up Traffic With Multiple Morning Fundraisers in Los Angeles

And these are $25,000 per plate fundraisers. Screw the little people who need to get to work.

The Los Angeles Times reports, "Traffic delays seen as Obama leaves L.A. after celebrity fundraisers":

Traffic delays are expected Monday morning as President Obama leaves Los Angeles after a series of fundraisers.

Street closures are planned in Beverly Hills and other Westside areas, including Avenue of the Stars between Santa Monica and Pico boulevards.

In a two-day swing, Obama raised millions of dollars during several fundraisers in the state, including two downtown L.A. events packed with celebrities.

As he took the stage Sunday night at the Nokia Theatre after a star-studded "30 Days to Victory" concert, the president praised the performers who entertained a crowd of 6,000, with a nod to "old school" Earth, Wind and Fire and "new school" Katy Perry.

"My understanding is it was an incredible show," said Obama, who whisked downtown only moments before he took the stage.

"They just perform flawlessly night after night. I can't always say the same," he joked, a reference to his performance in the recent presidential debate, which was criticized as lackluster.
I'm seeing updated news reports on the local networks. O snarled traffic, the prick.

And his campaign pitch is now, "You don't want Romney in there bringing back those policies that got us in this mess in the first place. So reelect me, a laggard, a lightweight, and a loser. I got nothing, but it least it ain't what the other guy's gonna do."

Meanwhile, here's the big news nationally, at Gallup, "Romney Narrows Vote Gap After Historic Debate Win." (Via Memeorandum.) Gallup's post-debate polling shows the race tied at 47 percent. And remember, people have been telling us all week that Romney lied, and that debates don't matter historically. This is just a blip in the road for the Obama steamroller.


More at Politico, "Battleground Tracking Poll: Dems less enthusiastic." (Via Memeorandum.)

Team Obama Plotting Comeback After Debate Debacle

ICYMI, William Jacobson had an essential post yesterday, "Preview of VP Debate."

And here's the spin at the New York Times, "With Biden Up Next to Debate, Obama’s Aides Plot Comeback":
WASHINGTON — President Obama’s campaign is working feverishly to restore its momentum after a lackluster debate performance last week, an effort that began with a conference call 10 minutes before the debate even ended and led to new advertisements, a rewritten stump speech, a carefully timed leak and a reversal of months-old strategy.

Perhaps most important as the president’s team struggles to put his campaign back on track is a renewed effort to win the three remaining debates, starting with Thursday’s face-off between Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and Representative Paul D. Ryan. Mr. Biden moved into a Delaware hotel on Sunday for three days of debate camp.

Under the tutelage of David Axelrod, the president’s chief strategist who is personally overseeing the preparations, Mr. Biden will be counseled on how to avoid Mr. Obama’s mistakes and even correct them with a more aggressive prosecution of the Republican ticket. Mr. Axelrod’s involvement highlights the stakes the Obama campaign places on the debate, and Mr. Biden has been reading “Young Guns,” the book co-written by Mr. Ryan, and practicing attack lines that Mr. Obama avoided.

The focus on Mr. Biden comes as the campaign tries to diagnose what went wrong in Denver and what to do about it. Advisers had seen two presidents during practice debates, one who had been listless and passive two nights before and another energetic and aggressive the next night. It turned out the former was the one who showed up in Denver. He kept looking down and was not using the lines they had practiced assailing Mitt Romney, who kept the president on the defensive and presented a forceful case against his re-election.

For Mr. Obama, it was arguably the lowest point in his campaign for a second term. The campaign’s own focus groups and research indicated that he lost. Mr. Obama did not fully realize as he walked off the stage just how badly it had gone, but aides said he resolved to step up his game. “He doesn’t brood — he acts,” Mr. Axelrod said. “Whatever the concerns were about yesterday, he wakes up the next day ready to take it on again.”
Paul Ryan will more than hold his own. Even Sarah Palin did well against Biden in 2008, so Thursday could hold some surprises. That said, Republicans are lowering expectations just in case. Biden's a long-time Washington insider. Personally, I doubt he'll flop like President Clusterf-k.

More at the link.

Mila Kunis Is the Sexiest Woman Alive

An excellent choice.

At Esquire.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Venezuelans Vote to Oust Reelect Socialist Hugo Chávez

Here's George Moneo at Babalú, "The beginning of the end?": "Exit polls have Chavez behind Capriles, 51.3% to 48.06%. In Spanish at"

And at Fausta's, "#Venezuela: The results – it’s Chavez."

And check the background report at the Wall Street Journal, "Venezuelans Turn Out to Pick a Leader: Tensions Run High in Polarized South American Nation, as Leftist Chávez Faces Toughest Election in His 14-Year Presidency."

Added: Here's Reuters, "Venezuela's Chavez re-elected to extend socialist rule":
Venezuela's socialist President Hugo Chavez won re-election on Sunday, quashing the opposition's best chance at unseating him in 14 years and cementing himself as a dominant figure in modern Latin American history.

The 58-year-old Chavez took 54.42 percent of the vote, with 90 percent of the ballots counted, to 44.97 percent for the young opposition candidate Henrique Capriles, official results showed.

Chavez's victory would extend his rule of the OPEC member state to two decades, though he is recovering from cancer and the possibility of a recurrence hangs over his political future.

Jubilant supporters poured onto the streets of Caracas to celebrate the victory of a man who has near-Messianic status among Venezuela's poor, and there was relief too among leftist allies around the region - from Cuba to Bolivia - who rely on his oil-financed generosity.

"I'm celebrating with a big heart," said Mary Reina, a 62-year-old Chavez supporter who lives in the hillside slum where the president cast his vote.

"Chavez is the hope of the people and of Latin America."

California Redemption Scam: Consumers Ripped-Off as State's Recycling Program Hit With $40 Million in Annual Fraud

I remember the first time I ever paid the "California Redemtion Value." It was back in 1989, in Fresno. I walked over to the Save Mart supermarket and bought some sodas, and I looked at the receipt and said, "what the...?" So I ask the cashier, "What is this, an extra tax"? He's says it's the new redemption value, "Do you vote"? As if that mattered. The state's environmental bureaucracy just squeezes this stuff by the electorate. Who knows when there's a new regulation? And they've been increasing the refund value to the point where it's almost 5 cents on a regular 12 ounce container. Unreal.

Of course, the promise of the "recycling" program is too good to be true. Redemption rates are in excess of 100 percent, with all kinds of scammers taking the state to the cleaners.

At the Los Angeles Times, "Recycling fraud costs state millions":
Just over 8.5 billion recyclable cans were sold in California last year. The number redeemed for a nickel under California's recycling law: 8.3 billion.

That's a return rate of nearly 100%.

That kind of success isn't just impressive, it's unbelievable. But the recycling rate for certain plastic containers was even higher: 104%.

California's generous recycling redemption program has led to rampant fraud. Crafty entrepreneurs are driving semi-trailers full of cans from Nevada or Arizona, which don't have deposit laws, across the border and transforming their cargo into truckfuls of nickels. In addition, recyclers inside the state are claiming redemptions for the same containers several times over, or for containers that never existed.

The illicit trade is draining the state's $1.1-billion recycling fund. Government officials recently estimated the fraud at $40 million a year, and an industry expert said it could exceed $200 million. It's one reason the strapped fund paid out $100 million more in expenses last year than it took in from deposits and other sources.

"The law says California has to make it easy to recycle … so anyone with a devious mind, it's so easy, they can just go right in," said Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy Dave Chapman, who has investigated fraud rings in recent months.

Under the state's 25-year-old recycling law, California charges consumers a deposit on most beverage containers sold within its borders. Anyone who brings empty containers back to one of about 2,300 privately run recycling centers can collect 5 cents for most cans and bottles and 10 cents for larger containers.

Only products sold in California are eligible. But a can is a can — and many recycling centers in California aren't that interested in where they come from.

Hence the influx from out of state. Last summer, the state Department of Food and Agriculture counted all vehicles driving into the state with used beverage containers through 16 border stations. The three-month tally was 3,500, including 505 rental trucks filled to capacity with cans.

Officials with the state Department of Justice said they have filed approximately 10 criminal cases this year against fraud rings bringing in cans from outside California.

Investigators looking into one case sometimes stumble across another.
More at the link.

The CRV is just one more unaccountable tax as far as I'm concerned. I pay it and grumble. Someone else is recouping the "deposits," and now there's evidence that it's criminals taking advantage of hard-working people. I blame the profligate state bureaucracy, a Democrat state bureaucracy.

Busty Elisabetta Canalis Almost Busts Out of Tight-Fitting Top While Out for Evening in Milan

Now that's some beautiful scenery.

At London's Daily Mail, "Wardrobe malfunction alert: Elisabetta Canalis almost reveals too much after she steps out in tight outfit."

'Rolling Stone'

From The Weeknd:

And at NME, "The Weeknd unveils 'Rolling Stone' video and writes open letter to fans - watch."

Unexpectedly! Gas Prices Rise Overnight to New Record

At the Los Angeles Times, "Gas prices in California rise to another new record."

And Bob Owens gets apocalyptic:

Obama's Agenda
The polimedia seems to be vastly underestimating (or at least, under reporting) that at least some of the conditions for widespread civic unrest are coming to a head in California. When people miss just a few meals, society quickly falls apart. How much more stress can the overburdened system handle before falling apart? I’d say that I hope we don’t have to find out, but with California’s unavoidable bankruptcy and insurmountable bureaucracy, it is more likely that we’re really just facing a matter of “when.”
The New York Times is even on this story, "Gas Prices Rise Again Overnight in California" (via Memeorandum).

BONUS: At American Thinker, "Obama's gasoline prices; a highly regressive tax."

IMAGE CREDIT: Director Blue, "Yes, you can get $1.84 gallon gas in Cincinnati! Just ask!"

Sunday Cartoons

At Flopping Aces, "Sunday Funnies."

William Warren

Also at Reaganite Republican, "Reaganite's Sunday Funnies," and Theo Spark, "Cartoon Round Up..."

More at Legal Insurrection, "Branco Cartoon – A Chainsaw We Can Believe In."

CARTOON CREDIT: William Warren.

BONUS: At LAT, "Awakened in Venezuela capital by reveille, voters head for polls."

BWAHAHA! Progressives Freak Out After Mary Matalin Calls Out 'NOBEL PRIZE-WINNING' Economist Paul Krugman

Check the links at Memeorandum, especially the stooge Heather Parton at Digby's. These people can't stand a GOP woman --- a strong woman, who progs are supposed to embrace --- slapping down the idiot NOBEL PRIZE-WINNING economist Paul Krugman as a dirty liar. And Krugman's facial expressions completely give up the game: he's been found out as the dishonest New York Times hack that he is. Watch it:

MATALIN: You have mischaracterized and you have lied about every position and every particular of the Ryan plan on Medicare, from the efficiency of Medicare administration, to calling it a voucher plan, so you’re hardly credible on calling somebody else a liar.
The full video is here: "Vice Presidential Debate 2012, Paul Ryan Vs Joe Biden; 'This Week' Roundtable." Matalin's dropping her head in disbelief listening to Krugman's bullshit bloviating.

Robert Gibbs Doubles Down on Obama's '$5 Trillion' Lies

At The Hill, "Gibbs: Mitt Romney delivered ‘dishonest’ debate performance."

At the caption at the video:
On ABC's "This Week" on October 7, Obama campaign senior adviser Robert Gibbs doubles down on false $5 trillion tax attack even after being confronted with his own campaign's admission the attack was false.
The Democrats are the biggest lying assholes. Like children, gawd. Just awful people.

New Romney Ad Hammers Obama's '$5 Trillion' Lies

At The Hill (via Memeorandum).

I love the supreme irony of lying liar Stephanie Cutter debunking President Obama's lying lies. They're both lying freakin' assholes.

Crooked Timber's Chris Bertram is 'Very Sad' That Communist Historian Eric Hobsbawm Has Died

Chris Bertram is professor of philosophy at University of Bristol, in Southwest England. He's an expert on Rousseau, apparently, and, from what I gather, a fan of Karl Marx as well, or some variation of Marxism. Most interestingly, he's a defender of Joseph Stalin, or at least the Stalinist model of Soviet Communism, from what appears in the comments at his post at Crooked Timber, "Eric Hobsbawm is dead."

Perhaps he's just being playful, but Bertram's sense of humor is rather Stalinist as well:
Jonathan, ajay …

Annoying as our commenters often are, I’m not persuaded that it would less bad to murder them if there were more people around.
But especially interesting is Bertram's response to A.N. Wilson indictment of Hobsbawm at London's Daily Mail, "He hated Britain and excused Stalin's genocide. But was hero of the BBC and the Guardian, Eric Hobsbawm a TRAITOR too?"

Read that, and then Bertram's comment here:
That Daily Mail piece is truly marvellous. One of the upsides of the death of someone like Hobsbawm is that all the real arseholes are given an opportunity to remind us all what arseholes they are, and A.N. Wilson is no exception. The DM, of course, was rather partial to the Third Reich.
He doesn't dispute the facts in evidence regarding the Communist Hobsbawm. He simply, rather childishly, calls Wilson an asshole and the Daily Mail a Nazi organ.

Of course, this is Crooked Timber, an extreme left-wing academic blog, with contributors such as the socialist crank political scientist Henry Farrell, who I've blogged about many times. (Farrell got all butt-hurt when Glenn Beck singled out violent socialist Frances Fox Piven in his broadcasts a couple of years back.)

In any case, recall the comments from Bret Stephens' essay previously, "Eric Hobsbawm and the Details of History."

Contemporary leftists embrace their extremists and totalitarians, from the Occupy Movement to dictators like Fidel Castro. And for some, even Joseph Stalin wasn't too extreme. You simply cannot find comparable affinity to far-right extremism among today's conservatives in American politics. And it says something that it's the right that the mainstream press has attacked remorselessly this last few years as essentially white supremacists and Klansmen, while we have a president who was trained by Communist Party members and who palled around with Weather Underground terrorists in the radical leftist marination of Chicago's community organizing thug politics. All of these points are facts. The left has no problem with socialism and Communist Party politics --- for progressives and Democrat Party hacks, there are no enemies on the left, as I've long argued at this blog. Indeed, one of the lasting implications of the Obama interregnum will be the degree to which the extreme left ideological fringe has been mainstreamed in current political life.

Ambassador Susan Rice Denies Lying About Libya Attacks

At the Washington Post, "UN Ambassador Susan Rice denies she was trying to mislead Congress about attack in Libya."

But see the Wall Street Journal, "Discord Skewed Benghazi Response: Divergent Views, Agency Infighting Slow White House Efforts to Address the Cause of Deadly Strike on Consulate in Libya":

WASHINGTON—New details are emerging of discord among federal agencies that has complicated the Obama administration's response to last month's deadly attack on the American consulate in Libya, creating intense political pressure for the White House just weeks ahead of the presidential election.

More than three weeks after the attack on Sept. 11, Federal Bureau of Investigation agents finally reached the scene in Benghazi on Thursday—amid an emerging picture of confusion and competing narratives within the administration and intelligence community about what happened there.

Shifting views within the intelligence community have further complicated the administration's ability to firm up its conclusions about the attack. White House officials were initially aware of intelligence reports that suggested a possible connection to al Qaeda, administration officials said.

But the Office of the Director of National Intelligence discounted those reports in its initial statements about the attack, and the White House stuck to those conclusions, making it appear, at least to the public, like it was behind the curve.

Critics of that response paint a picture of a White House preoccupied with the president's re-election campaign and determined to take the most cautious approach possible. White House officials strongly reject suggestions that politics were at play in its response to the crisis.

On Friday, the administration continued to face criticism that those initial statements were misleading, including comments on Sept. 16 by Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, that the attack was a spontaneous uprising prompted by an inflammatory video.

"Elements of the intelligence community apparently told the administration within hours of the attack that militants connected with al Qaeda were involved, yet Ambassador Rice claims her comments five days later reflected the 'best' and 'current' assessment of the intelligence community," Sen. John McCain (R., Ariz) said Friday. "Either the Obama administration is misleading Congress and the American people, or it is blaming the entire failure on the intelligence community."

Two weeks after the incident, which led to the first killing of a U.S. ambassador in a generation, the administration called it an organized attack by terrorists with links to al Qaeda affiliates or sympathizers.

After the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, the U.S. overhauled the way it collects and analyzes intelligence to ensure contrary views are considered and assessments from across the government properly aired.

Among the post-2001 changes was the creation of the DNI to oversee the 16 U.S. spy agencies. The office is responsible for collating agencies' intelligence and reaching a consensus view to present to the president.

The DNI contended with dueling positions after the Benghazi attack. Within 48 hours, some military and intelligence analysts started briefing lawmakers about what they saw as evidence suggesting al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, or AQIM, was involved in the assault.

These analysts pointed to intercepted conversations between militants involved in the attackon the U.S. Consulate and a nearby annex that was used for intelligence programs. The Central Intelligence Agency produced a similar document citing AQIM links.

Other officials, including those at the DNI and FBI, were more cautious about AQIM's involvement, calling the early information inconclusive. At least some of the communications were members of AQIM bragging about their roles after the attack, officials said. One official said such boastfulness is commonplace and isn't proof of involvement.

The DNI presented to the White House its view that the assault grew out of a spontaneous protest over the anti-Islamic video produced by a provocateur in California. DNI analysts then thought that "at best, al Qaeda sympathizers" were involved, playing down communications pointing to AQIM, according to a senior intelligence official.

White House officials were aware of the reports of AQIM communications from the start, according to administration officials, but they relied on the DNI's assessment. Officials said the White House treated those communications as classified.

Based on those early DNI assessments, intelligence agencies developed unclassified talking points, and provided them to members of Congress of both parties, among others. The White House said the information was developed at the request of lawmakers.

On Sept. 14, White House spokesman Jay Carney described the unrest that unfolded across the Middle East, including most notably at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, as a "response to a video that is offensive."

Amb. Rice used CIA talking points, which were updated on Sept. 15, when she was dispatched to appear on a round of news programs on Sunday, Sept. 16, officials said. Meanwhile, Republican lawmakers had been hearing the more aggressive interpretation from intelligence officials—and weighed in with their own assessments, charging the administration had failed to provide sufficient security and missed signs of the impending terrorist attack.

Intelligence that suggested possible al Qaeda involvement also surfaced in comments by other public officials and in news reports, but the administration didn't change its line.

"It's not a matter of the intelligence they were given," Rep. Mike Rogers (R., Mich.), House intelligence committee chairman, said of the administration. "It is a matter of how they interpreted the intelligence."
That's called plausible deniability. And that's always the White House line when information shows it's deceived the public. The Obama people are amateurs and clowns. They need to go and fast.

Obama's a Radical and Enemy of Israel

David Horowitz comments at Fox News:

Polls Show Big Gains for Romney in Swing States

At The Hill, "Polls show Romney making headway in swing states."

Part of the reason Romney's surging is because he's honest, unlike the president:

PREVIOUSLY: "Mitt Romney Debate Bounce."

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Wenzel Strategies Poll Has Romney Up 48-47 in Ohio

Now this is interesting, at Politico, "Citizens United poll claims tight race in Ohio" (via Memeorandum). And at Weasel Zippers, "Poll: Romney Making Big Gains In Ohio After Debate, Now In Statistical Tie With Obama…"

And here's the summary:
In the race for President, the public opinion bounce from his strong debate performance last week in Denver has washed over Ohio – Romney has moved ahead of Obama by a singlepoint, 48% to 47%, with 5% yet undecided. This survey includes a partisan sample of 38% Democrat, 37% Republican, and 25% independent voters.

Romney leads Obama among Ohio men, 50% to 44%. Among women, Obama leads by a 51% to 47% margin over Romney. Unlike Democrat Brown in the Senate race, Obama is winning northeastern Ohio, leading Romney there by a 52% to 44% margin. In central Ohio, including the state capital of Columbus – the largest city in the state – Romney leads by a 51% to 48% margin. Romney’s strongest part of the state is the reliably conservative southwest corner, including Cincinnati, where he leads Obama by a 54% to 39% margin.
I especially like that partisan breakdown.

Romney has to win Ohio or it's pretty much over.

Israel Shoots Down Drone That Entered Airspace (VIDEO)

At the Los Angeles Times, "Fighter jets shoot down drone over Israel":

JERUSALEM — Israel scrambled fighter jets to intercept a drone Saturday that crossed deep into Israeli airspace from the Mediterranean Sea, shooting the aircraft down over the country's southern desert, the military said.

The incident marked the first time in at least six years that a hostile aircraft has penetrated Israel's airspace, and Israeli officials said they were taking the incident seriously, raising the possibility of retaliatory action.

It was not immediately clear who launched the drone, but suspicion quickly fell on the Lebanese Islamic militant group Hezbollah. The Iranian-backed group is known to have sent drones into Israeli airspace on several previous occasions.

Tensions are running high between Iran and Israel over Tehran's nuclear program, which the West believes is cover for the development of atomic weapons. The Islamic Republic denies the allegations, and says its program is for peaceful purposes only. Israel has threatened to carry out a military strike against Iran's nuclear facilities to prevent Iran from acquiring such weapons.

Lt. Col. Avital Leibovich said Israeli ground systems detected the drone, which flew over the Gaza Strip but did not originate there, Saturday morning. They alerted the air force, which scrambled the jets to intercept the aircraft. She said Israel was still trying to determine where the drone took off from. Nobody was hurt in the incident.

California Gas Prices May Hit Record

I checked over at my local Chevron station, and gas is still $4.70 a gallon, as I mentioned previously.

But today's front-page at the Los Angeles Times has another report on the skyrocketing prices. See, "State gas prices near record":

Gas Prices
California drivers are reeling from days of sharp gasoline price increases that left the state within reach of its record high. Economists warn that a prolonged period of elevated gas costs could harm consumers as the holiday shopping season kicks in.

Analysts attributed the price surge to fuel traders' emotional reaction after a series of refinery outages and other problems, including a Northern California refinery fire, a Southern California refinery blackout, pipeline contamination and other events. Some service stations were charging more than $5 a gallon and others stopped buying new supplies out of fear that if the market turned they'd lose money.

"I haven't seen a series of incidents like this, and it has led to the worst panic-driven rise in gasoline prices that I have seen in 35 years," said Tom Kloza, chief oil analyst for the Oil Price Information Service.

Prices are likely to set records over the weekend, analysts said, but they held out hope that the pain could end soon as fuel production problems subside.

Unhappy motorists said they were caught off guard.

"I went to the Costco station in Pacoima to buy gas on Thursday and was shocked to find it closed," said Max Lang, 45, an engineer who lives in Stevenson Ranch. "I just don't get why it's happening."

Gwen Grace, a 37-year-old homemaker, searched Friday for a price cheaper than the $4.39 a gallon that the USA gas station in Santa Monica was charging. Other nearby stations wanted as much as $5.39, so she bought $20 worth for her Prius and hoped it would last until prices begin to drop.

"It's just depressing," Grace said.
Costco was set to reopen this afternoon, "Closed Costco gas stations to reopen by noon Saturday."

You can't really afford to go anywhere with prices this high. Demand might decline some over the next week,  so perhaps prices will ease. And California's reliably Democrat, so there's not likely to be much political fallout. But things can't keep going like this for too long, or you never know.

If Only He'd Had His Teleprompter!

The left's psychiatric breakdown has been off the charts this last few days (the Mile High altitude got to Obama, don't you know?). And you had to get a kick out of the deranged University of Wisconsin students arguing that O should have been able to use a teleprompter. See, "Obama Supporters Call for Moonbat Messiah to Be Allowed to Use Teleprompter During Debates."

I'm sure we'll have much more epic lulz over the next few weeks, but meanwhile, R.S. McCain's got a great post, "Epistemic Closure Redux: The Campaign, the Debate and the Jobs Report":

Obama Prompter
The Left’s reaction to Wednesday’s debate and Friday’s job report illustrates why the political conversation in America has become so hopelessly discordant. We are not arguing about two candidates or two parties, but two worldviews. Bad news for President Obama challenges the belief system of the Left; it is not enough for them merely to dispute facts, they must destroy the bearers of bad news — accuse them of deceit and ridicule them as fools.

IMAGE CREDIT: Stoaty Weasel.

Amit Freidman!

That last post on Sam Champion recalled some of my previous Amit Freidman blogging, for example, "Blogger Angry White Dude Announces That He Believes in the Sanctity of Marriage Between One Man and One Hot, Sexy Woman."

And besides, Amit's a lot better looking than Rubem Robierb. So there, you homofascist freaks!

Amit Friedman

GMA's Sam Champion Comes Out, Announces Engagement to Longtime Brazilian Fine-Arts Photographer Rubem Robierb

How gay.

Shoot, I had no idea Sam Champion was flaming. And that really spoils it! I have a hard enough time watching Good Morning America as it is!

See ABC News, "Sam Champion Engaged to Be Married."

Sam Champion

Well, congratulations to the happy couple. And check out that link to ABC News. Diane Sawyer and George Stephanopoulos can't contain themselves, they're so overcome with glee.

Actually, I'm reminded of the big gay marriage debate over the summer, and AWD's post, "HOMOSEXUAL RIGHTS ADVOCATES ARE RUDE, CRUDE, IN-YOUR-FACE BRUTES!":
Homosexuals do not face discrimination. They just don’t get everything they want. They have become offensive bullies who have little decency or concern for how offensive their actions are. In this way, they are little different from the terrorists in the Occupy movement. If homosexuals don’t get their way (34 states have rejected gay marriage), they throw little angry, decadent tantrums designed to shock and nauseate decent people.

Homofascists are their own worst enemy. The buycott of Chick fil A by millions of decent Americans was a huge success. The homosexual kiss-in protest was a total failure. The American people are rising up against the bullying tactics of this small, loud groups of perverts. Why? No, it’s not hate and it’s not fear. IT’S BECAUSE NORMAL PEOPLE DON’T ACT LIKE THAT!

Gwen Stefani Steps Out in Sleek Black Jumpsuit as She Celebrates 43rd Birthday

Man, all these women in their 40s looking absolutely gorgeous.

See London's Daily Mail, "Fabulous at 43! Gwen Stefani looks youthful in a black jumpsuit as she celebrates her birthday with family dinner."

2012 Victoria Secret Fashion Show Airs December 4th

It's become a huge cultural event.

The Victoria's Secret homepage is here.

Reality Crashing Down on Obama and the Obama-Cult Media

From Andrew Klavin, at City Journal, "A Fantasy Election, an Imaginary Man":

Even before his inauguration, Barack Obama was an imaginary man, the creation of his admirers. Think back to the 2008 Time magazine cover depicting him as FDR, the Newsweek cover of the same year on which he was shown casting Lincoln’s shadow, or the $1.4 million Nobel Peace Prize awarded to him “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples”—this in 2009, less than a year after he had taken office. It was not that Obama had done nothing to deserve these outsized comparisons and honors—it was not just that he had done nothing—it was that he seemed for all the world to be a blank screen on which such hysterical fantasies could too easily be projected, a two-dimensional paper doll just waiting to be dressed in leftist dreams.

This weird quality of emptiness incited the imaginations of his opponents as well. Among the more paranoid on the right, he’s been called several kinds of Manchurian Candidate: a radical disguised as a moderate, a Muslim disguised as a Christian, a foreigner disguised as an American, and so on. The idea was that his hollow identity was his own insidious creation, the result of sealed college records, votes of “present” in the Illinois state senate, and a supra-partisan persona carefully crafted after a scuttled lifetime of revolutionary ferocity.

To be sure, Obama has disowned the depth of his past associations with such fire-breathing America-haters as William Ayers (“A guy who lives in my neighborhood”) and Jeremiah Wright (“He was never my spiritual mentor”) with startling insouciance. And such previous Obamas as the race-baiting, black-talking demagogue of a 2007 video recently covered in full for the first time by The Daily Caller’s Tucker Carlson are not at all apparent in the Obama of the Oval Office or the campaign trail—whom he himself describes as a “non-threatening” statesman. But I think the real Obama has been more or less plain to see. Norman Podhoretz described him best in a 2011 Wall Street Journal op-ed: a typical product of the anti-American academic left, committed to transforming U.S. capitalism into a social-democratic system like Sweden’s.

The mystery Obama—the hollow receptacle of out-sized fantasies left and right—is not a creation of his own making, political chameleon though he may well be. It emanates instead from a journalistic community that no longer in any way fulfills its designated function, that no longer even attempts the fair presentation of facts and current events aimed at helping the American electorate make up its mind according to its own lights. Rather, left-wing outlets like the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post, Time, Newsweek, NBC News, ABC News, CBS News, and the like have now devoted themselves to fashioning an image of the world they think their audiences ought to believe in—that they may guide us toward voting as they think we should. They have fallen prey to that ideological corruption that sees lies as a kind of virtue, as a noble deception in service to a greater good.

Theirs are largely passive lies and lies of omission. The active frauds—NBC’s dishonest editing of videos to reflect a leftist worldview, ABC’s allowing Democratic operative George Stephanopoulos to masquerade as a newsman, the Los Angeles Times’ suppressing even the transcript of the video in their possession that shows candidate Barack Obama at a meeting with a PLO-supporting sheik—these are only egregious salients of the more consistent, underlying dishonesty. The real steady-state corruption is revealed in the way Obama scandals like Fast and Furious, Benghazi-gate, and the repeated breaking of federal campaign laws have been wildly underplayed, while George W. Bush’s non-scandals, like the naming of Valerie Plame and the firings of several U.S. attorneys at the start of his second term, were blown out of all proportion.

And it is revealed in Obama’s blankness, his make-believe greatness, and the suppression, ridicule, and dismissal of any evidence that he is not the man this powerful media faction once wanted so badly for him to be...

Romney Gets a Post-Debate Jolt

Well, Romney seems to be upsetting the Obama-Media's narrative.

At the Wall Street Journal, "Online Donations, Bigger Crowds Gives Campaign Hope; Team Obama Looks to Mute Any Gains":

ABINGDON, Va. — Mitt Romney's strong debate performance Wednesday night has generated $12 million in online contributions, his campaign said, as well as a surge in volunteers and bigger crowds at his events.

The challenge for Mr. Romney in the weeks ahead will be translating this jolt of energy into votes in a race that saw the Republican nominee enter the first debate trailing President Barack Obama in most of the states that will decide the election.

Republicans and Democrats say Mr. Romney's performance before a television audience of some 67 million people bought the GOP nominee a second look from swing voters and may help him improve an image battered by negative ads and his own missteps. The debate also gave Mr. Romney a chance to do something he couldn't in the primary: trumpet his record of working with Democrats and present himself as a practical deal maker who favors results over ideology.

One former Obama White House official said the debate "has caused people to take a second look at Romney."

It is too early to tell how much Mr. Romney moved the needle Wednesday night, and the early evidence is more anecdotal than empirical: Volunteers in Nevada lined up before campaign staff could open the doors on Thursday morning, the campaign said, and larger-than-usual groups showed up to work at field offices across the country. The campaign said it added more than 300,000 new Facebook friends.

The $12 million the campaign reports raising in less than 48 hours after the debate tops the amount Mr. Romney raised in the days after announcing Rep. Paul Ryan (R., Wis.) as his running mate and the Supreme Court's decision to uphold a major plank of the president's health-care law. Sixty percent of the money came from first-time donors, the campaign said.

Mr. Romney's debate performance triggered additional volunteers for the GOP's next national turnout drive on Saturday. The number of people who signed up to volunteer to make calls, knock on doors and sign up supporters for Mr. Romney has shot up by nearly 63% since Wednesday night, campaign officials said. The Republican National Committee, working in conjunction with the Romney campaign and its various state parties, expects to contact nearly two million voters on Saturday and roughly five million for the week.

Mr. Obama and his campaign have moved to diminish any bounce Mr. Romney may have gained from the debate, which produced wide agreement among people in both parties that Mr. Romney had bested a lackluster president. At a rally in Fairfax, Va., on Friday, the president mocked Mr. Romney for threatening in the debate to give a pink slip to Big Bird.
More at the link.

And isn't that amazing, how the left turned the campaign into a referendum on Big Bird. That, and the across-the-board attacks on Romney as a "liar," when the biggest lie at the debate was the Democrats' bogus "5 trillion tax cut"whopper. See, "Oops! Stephanie Cutter admits she and Obama are lying liars with ‘$5 trillion’ attack on Romney."

PREVIOUSLY: "Mitt Romney Debate Bounce."

Smokin' Jennie Garth in People Magazine Cover Shoot

I'm looking at my wife's People Magazine and Jenna Garth looks fabulous. And what do you know? A video from the photo shoot:

Mitt Romney Debate Bounce

This report from Nate Silver is especially good, because it's from Nate Silver.

Must have been hard for him to write: "Oct. 5: Day After Debate, Strong Swing State Polls for Romney" (at Memeorandum). Silver couldn't believe what he was reading:
Another online tracking poll, from Ipsos, suggested a strong trend for Mr. Romney...

The Ipsos polls are confusing because it has released polls covering various time intervals in the past few days, but they tell a potentially interesting story if you work through them carefully.

In a poll of about 500 voters that Ipsos conducted immediately after the debate, late Wednesday night and early Thursday morning, Mr. Obama still led by 5 points. However, Mr. Obama’s lead was just 2 points in a poll Ipsos released Friday, which included interviews from Monday night (before the debate) through Friday morning.

The inference I make from these Ipsos polls is that Mr. Romney must have polled very well in the most recent interviews it conducted, late Thursday and early Friday morning, quite possibly leading Mr. Obama, in order to have made up so much ground.
Yeah, he must have polled very well.

It's like the guy's writing a freshman political science term paper.

More at AosHQ, "BREAKING: Before/After Debate Poll Release."

Four Decades After Clashes, Boston Again Debates School Busing

Progressive social engineering run amok.

At the New York Times, "New Boston Busing Debate, 4 Decades After Clashes":

Boston Busing
BOSTON — Nearly four decades after this city was convulsed by violence over court-ordered busing to desegregate its public schools, Boston is working to reduce its reliance on busing in a school system that is now made up largely of minority students.

Although court-ordered busing ended more than two decades ago, and only 13 percent of students in the public schools today are white, the school district buses 64 percent of its students in kindergarten through eighth grade to schools outside their immediate neighborhoods. The city tried twice in the last decade to change the system and failed both times.

“Children are being bused now because they have been bused for 40 years and no one has had the political courage to dismantle it,” said Lawrence DiCara, a former Boston city councilor who supported busing in the 1970s and is writing a book about the city in that era. “Now, there are no white kids to be integrated. Everyone is being randomly bused. It doesn’t make sense.”

In January, Mayor Thomas M. Menino asked school officials to come up with “a radically different plan” under which students would be assigned to schools as close to home as possible.

Boston’s 57,000-student school district is divided into three sprawling geographic zones. A racially blind computerized algorithm assigns students to schools anywhere within their zone. Many students go so far that transportation alone costs the city $80.4 million a year — about 9.4 percent of the school system’s operating budget, almost twice the national average.

But expense is not the only concern. Children who live on the same block often go to different schools. In the violence-torn Bowdoin-Geneva neighborhood of Dorchester, school officials said, 1,912 students attend 102 schools out of 128 schools in the entire district. These include high school students, who are not limited by zone.

Under such a hodgepodge, the mayor and others argue, fewer people in a neighborhood are invested in the local school. And neither children nor parents develop the bonds that create a strong neighborhood and can improve other aspects of life, like public safety.
More at the link.

Eric Hobsbawm and the Details of History

From Bret Stephens, at the Wall Street Journal:

Eric Hobsbawm
In 1987, Jean-Marie Le Pen called the gas chambers of Nazi concentration camps "just a detail in the history of World War II." Explaining himself a few years later, the head of France's National Front said: "If you take a 1,000-page book on World War II, the concentration camps take up only two pages and the gas chambers 10 to 15 lines. This is what one calls a detail."

Such remarks cemented Mr. Le Pen's reputation as Europe's leading fascist. So what was one to make of the reception accorded the publication, in 1994, of "The Age of Extremes," by the Marxist historian Eric Hobsbawm?

The book—subtitled "a history of the world, 1914-1991"—was hailed as "bracing and magisterial" by the New York Times. "Facts roll off Hobsbawm's pages like thunderbolts," gushed the New Republic. But search the index, and the words "Holocaust" and "Auschwitz" never appear. Nazi concentration camps get about 10 or 15 lines. As for the Soviet gulags, Hobsbawm devoted exactly two paragraphs to them.

Hobsbawm, who died in London Monday at age 95, was no Holocaust denier. Nor was he ignorant of the human toll imposed by communism, the ideology to which he remained faithful nearly his whole life. He acknowledged that the victims of Stalin's tyranny "must be measured in eight rather than seven digits," adding that the numbers are "shameful and beyond palliation, let alone justification."

Yet Hobsbawm did justify them....

None of this should have been surprising coming from a man who, over the years, gave his political assent to everything from the Nazi-Soviet Pact to the Soviet invasion of Hungary. Asked by the BBC whether the achievement of a communist utopia would have justified "the loss of fifteen, twenty million people," he answered "Yes."

Yet what are we to make of the warmth with which Hobsbawm is now being eulogized? Only this: That the world is far from recognizing that the crimes of communism were no less monstrous than those of Nazism. In treating the gulag as a detail of his history, Hobsbawm proved himself to be the moral equivalent of Mr. Le Pen. And in treating Hobsbawm as a paragon among historians, his admirers prove they've learned nothing from history itself.

Leopard Kills Impala in Stunning YouTube Video

At London's Daily Mail, "The leopard that was hard to spot: Animal's stunning kill as impala runs straight towards camouflaged cat."

Friday, October 5, 2012

'List of Lies' — Daily Kos Handkerchief Truthers!

This is hilarious, "Did Mitt use crib notes for the debate?", and "Did Romney Cheat? - Vid - You Decide":
3:07 PM PT: Check out ericlewise and middleagedhousewife's screengrabs in the comments. Very interesting.

Via Memeorandum.

BONUS: From NewsBusters, "Ed Schultz on ‘Today’: Obama Thrown Off by ‘So Many Lies’ From ‘Corporate Shark’ Romney."

Man, these people need help.

Eastwood's Last Laugh: New Yorker Mocks President Obama With Empty Chair Cover


President Empty Chair gets hammered at the New Yorker, "COVER STORY: THE FIRST PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE."

And at Twitchy, "Brutal: New Yorker cover depicts Obama ‘Eastwooding’ at debate podium."

Empty Chair

Image Credit: London's Daily Mail, "Mitt Romney and the empty PODIUM: New Yorker magazine cover pokes fun at Obama's disaster debate (with apologies to Clint Eastwood)."

PREVIOUSLY: "In Debate, Empty Chair Draws a Blank on Second Term Agenda."

Black Teenager Punches, Knocks Out Bus Driver in Kansas City

It's not just a "teen." It's a "black teen." As long as society refuses to acknowledge black social pathology, there'll be increasing social disorganization and anarchy.


Romney Moves Into Leads in Florida, Virginia; Tied in Ohio

Check the findings for Friday, October 5th, at RealClearPolitics.

Forget the Jobs Numbers, Americans Impoverished by Soaring Gas Prices

Friday's contested unemployment numbers have been dominating the cable news shows and the headlines at Memeorandum, but more startling news on the West Coast is the surge in gasoline prices, now reaching record levels.

The Los Angeles Times reports, "Gas prices suddenly skyrocket in California":

Gas Prices
Skyrocketing gasoline prices caused some local service stations to shut off their pumps Thursday while others shocked customers with overnight price increases of 30 cents or more.

California's fuel industry isn't running out of gasoline — supplies are only 2.5% lower than this time last year — but recent refinery and pipeline mishaps sent wholesale prices to all-time highs this week. As a result, some station owners weren't buying fuel for fear they couldn't sell it. Those who did buy simply kicked prices higher and bet customers would understand.

"If this keeps up, I'll be looking at $5-a-gallon gas by next Thursday," said Ali Mazarei, who owns an Arco station in Riverside County. On Thursday, Mazarei was charging $4.52 for a gallon of regular gasoline, up from $4.27 on Wednesday and $4.21 on Tuesday.

"I really don't have any choice here, and I won't be making money at $4.52 a gallon," he said.

Some fuel stops had already crossed the $5 threshold.
More at the link.

And see Power Line, "CALIFORNIA GAS" (at Memeorandum):
Want to give the Obama campaign even more heartburn than it has now?  How about putting California in play?

Seems farfetched, but then people outside of California might not have noticed that gasoline pump prices jumped as much as 30 cents a gallon yesterday.  That’s how much pump prices jumped between lunch and late afternoon here on the central coast; the figure is lower in the major metropolitan areas apparently.  It is not inconceivable that there could be old-fashioned shortages and gas lines by the end of the month.  Some stations are shutting down or limiting sales already.  Paging Jimmy Carter!

The sharp price spike is attributed to tight refinery capacity problems in the state (as a couple of refineries are offline), which is true, but not exhaustive, as Churchill once explained in a different context.  As I explained in “Bureaucratic Gas” in The Weekly Standard a few months ago, California has its own special blend of gasoline for environmental reasons that are now largely obsolete.  This means that California can’t use the gasoline blends sold in Oregon, Nevada, or Arizona, which means that a refinery shortage here can’t be remedied by the usual means of bringing in more supply from somewhere else.

But President Obama could order the EPA to waive the gasoline regulations, and allow out-of-state gasoline to be transported and sold in California, delivering at least 10 to 20 cents a gallon of price relief, and perhaps much more.  Oh, that’s right: Obama wants higher gasoline prices, so don’t hold your breath.
And at Instapundit as well.

Regulations have kept gas prices at astronomical levels for years. And the problem's not just regulations, there are indeed some tightening in supplies. See iOWNTHEWORLD, "California Gas Stations Shut as Oil Refiners Ration Supplies":

Gasoline station owners in the Los Angeles area including Costco Wholesale Corp. (COST) are beginning to shut pumps as the state’s oil refiners started rationing supplies and spot prices surged to a record.

Valero Energy Corp. (VLO) stopped selling gasoline on the spot, or wholesale, market in Southern California and is allocating deliveries to customers. Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM) is also rationing fuel to U.S. West Coast terminal customers. Costco’s outlet in Simi Valley, 40 miles (64 kilometers) northwest of Los Angeles, ran out of regular gasoline yesterday and was selling premium fuel at the price of regular.

The gasoline shortage “feels like a hurricane to me, but it’s the West Coast,” Jeff Cole, Costco’s vice president of gasoline, said by telephone yesterday. “We’re obviously extremely disheartened that we are unable to do this, and we’re pulling fuel from all corners of California to fix this.”
I usually try to fill up my Odyssey van in Long Beach. Gas is less expensive there. I topped off the tank Monday with ARCO regular at $4.00 a gallon. That was about $60.00 to fill up, which usually holds me over for a week. But my wife went to fill up at Costco last night and the filling station was closed. She got gas this morning at the local Chevron in Irvine for $4.70 a gallon. When I drove today to Mission Viejo to meet my wife for lunch, I noticed gas prices at $4.80 a gallon at the local Shell station, pictured above.

Check that Instapundit link for a map of gas prices nationwide. The Pacific Northwest is in the mid-four dollar range, and prices in upper-New York state are pushing $5 a gallon as well.

The unemployment situation hasn't changed much. The indicators folks are citing today are volatile and economists suggest that jobless numbers could head back up over 8 percent in the months ahead. Most of the employment gains were for part-time workers returning to the market. It's not a robust recovery by any means.

On top of that then is surging inflationary pressures for drivers in high-cost gasoline markets (which hits small business especially hard, causing an inflation spiral locally). With gas at near $5 levels in California, voters can again see the implications of the blue state model of crushing environmental regulations, and that combines with the Obama administration's disastrous energy policies to impoverish more and more of this nation's citizens. Mitt Romney mentioned energy policies in his opening remarks in Wednesday night's debate. He'll be smart to reference the skyrocketing gas prices in California as elsewhere in the next debate. It's getting prohibitively expensive to drive a car. Nothing will put a bigger crimp on future economic growth than a stagnating energy sector. The current administration doesn't get it. It's up to Romney to bring that point home to the American people.

In Debate, Empty Chair Draws a Blank on Second Term Agenda

From Ronald Brownstein, at National Journal, "Where's Obama's Second-Term Agenda?":

Empty Chair Debate
DENVER—President Obama didn’t have many good moments in this week’s first presidential debate. But it was telling that the few came when he was raising objections to Mitt Romney’s tax, spending, and Medicare plans. The president had much less to say about his own ideas for the next four years.

In that way, the debate spotlighted the biggest hole in Obama’s reelection effort: the paucity of specifics he has offered about his second-term agenda. To a remarkable extent for an incumbent, Obama and his team have redirected this campaign into a referendum on the challenger—a reversal of roles that Romney has facilitated with a monthlong series of gaffes and missteps. (Until Wednesday night, pretty much nothing good had happened for Romney since the minute Clint Eastwood inexplicably lugged that chair onstage on the final evening of the Republican convention.)

But the 90-minute expanse of Wednesday night’s debate proved too long a stretch for Obama to keep the focus on Romney. And when the spotlight shifted back to the president—either his record or his plans—he often seemed diffuse, if not listless. As one undecided woman in a Las Vegas focus group of “Walmart moms” put it, the president seemed “defeated, a little bit.”

The debate is unlikely to solve all of Romney’s problems. He still faces a strong perception, especially in battleground states bombarded by Obama’s advertising, that he favors the rich over the middle class; that perception particularly appears to have taken root in Ohio, a state that Romney almost certainly needs to win. And although this debate didn’t highlight any of the issues that have caused the problems, Romney’s weakness among Hispanics and socially liberal upscale white women still requires him to win a dauntingly (though not impossibly) large percentage of all other white voters to overtake the president.

But the debate did two very important things for the challenger. First, it arrested the rush to judgment in much of the political community that Obama had effectively sealed the race. “This is exactly what Romney needed to stop everybody from declaring this race, and they were on the verge of it,” noted Floyd Ciruli, an independent Colorado pollster.

Second, the evening delivered a powerful reminder of Obama’s inherent vulnerabilities. All of Romney’s difficulties in recent weeks have provided ample testimony to his own challenges. But they have obscured the parallel reality that Obama is seeking reelection with elevated unemployment rates, low levels of growth, a massive federal deficit, and an approval rating that, while getting better, rarely peeks above 50 percent. This debate ensures that the campaign discussion, after weeks of being focused on Romney’s troubles, will now also highlight Obama’s weaknesses, and that itself is an important victory for Romney.

One of those vulnerabilities is Obama’s inability so far to enlighten voters about his second-term agenda. To the extent the president outlined goals during the debate, they were largely defensive. He wants to restore the tax rates for upper-income earners established under President Clinton, protect Medicare and Medicaid in their current form—and, above all, implement his health care plan. He didn’t talk nearly as much about what he might do in a second term to accelerate job growth. “You didn’t hear anything about how he is going to get the economy going,” jibed Stuart Stevens, Romney’s chief strategist, after the debate. Other than blocking the GOP’s initiatives, Obama didn’t seem to be burning to accomplish much of anything over the next four years.
He's a vapid empty-chair presidential imposter. And a losing loser who deserves to lose on November 6.

What an asshole Democrat faux-presidential hack.

IMAGE CREDIT: The People's Cube, "Chair to Pinch Hit for President in Second Debate."

RELATED: The Looking Spoon, "Clint Eastwood Empty Chair Meme Not So Goofy After All...Eh Liberals?"

Radical Cleric Abu Hamza to Be Extradited to U.S.

At BCF, "Hamza Gets The Hook!"

And Telegraph UK, "Abu Hamza: civil engineer who turned hate preacher against West":
Radical Muslim cleric Abu Hamza has finally lost his eight-year battle against extradition and will face a series of terror charges in the United States.
Radical Muslim cleric Abu Hamza has finally lost his eight-year battle against extradition and will face a series of terror charges in the United States.

Hamza, 54, who is missing his right hand and an eye, has celebrated the September 11 terror attacks, preached jihad to a young congregation, and landed the British taxpayer with a bill running into millions of pounds for detention and legal costs.

But Hamza will now be handed over to US authorities to face 11 counts of criminal conduct related to the taking of 16 hostages in Yemen in 1998, advocating violent jihad in Afghanistan in 2001 and conspiring to establish a jihad training camp in Bly, Oregon, between June 2000 and December 2001.

The Muslim cleric once appeared to embrace Western society.

He worked as a bouncer in a Soho nightclub and had a reputation for socialising and heavy drinking when he first came to Britain from Egypt 30 years ago.

Rutting Stag Stalks Man in London Park

This is amazing.

At London's Daily Mail, "Stuck in a rut! Man is caught on camera as an angry stag chases him up a tree in a London park."

Mitt Romney Hammers 'Unexpected' September Jobs Report

You gotta love the puffery and spin at the New York Times, "Jobs Report Brings Unexpected Good News for Obama." Unexpected!

But listen to Romney campaigning today in Virginia:

And check Sarah Hoyt at Instapundit: "THE WAGES OF OBAMACARE: Why part time unemployment is surging but not full time employment."

NewsBusters: 'Elizabeth Warren Practiced Law Without a License...'

Via Theo Spark:

Trickle Down Government

Not even the cooked employment numbers, nor the Big Bird political diversions, can shake off the dogged truth of the Obama administration's failed policies:

Via Legal Insurrection.

The Sickly Stagnant September Jobs Report

From James Pethokoukis at the American Enterprise Institute (via Memeorandum).

This is what I thought when I first heard the numbers:
4. The shrunken workforce remains shrunken. If the labor force participation rate was the same as when President Obama took office, the unemployment rate would be 10.7%. If the participation rate had just stayed steady since the start of the year, the unemployment rate would be 8.4% vs. 8.3%. Where’s the progress? Here is RDQ Economics:
Such a rapid decline in the unemployment rate would be consistent with 4%–5% real economic growth historically but much of the decline is accounted for by people dropping out of the labor force (over the last year the employment-population ratio has risen to only 58.7% from 58.4%). We believe part of the drop in the unemployment rate over the last two months is a statistical quirk (the household data show an increase in employment of 873,000 in September, which is completely implausible and likely a result of sampling volatility). Moreover, declining labor force participation over the last year (resulting in 1.1 million people disappearing from the labor force) accounts for much of the rest of the decline.
Read it all at the link. (A lot of the new jobs are part-time.)

And at Protein Wisdom, "Serendipity! Unemployment rate falls to 7.8% right before the election."

Yeah, I thought about that too.

PREVIOUSLY: "'Widespread Mistrust' — Who Goosed the Jobs Numbers?"

'Widespread Mistrust' — Who Goosed the Jobs Numbers?

Stuart Varney slams this morning's political jobs numbers:

And at the Los Angeles Times, "Jack Welch charges White House manipulated unemployment numbers."

And see Rep. Allen West on Facebook, "In regards to today's Jobs report---I agree with former GE CEO Jack Welch, Chicago style politics is at work here..." (via Memeorandum).

An Unhelpful Debate — For the Obama Cult!

At the Wall Street Journal, "The Obama Matrix":

Empty Chair Debate
Liberals and the media are attempting to explain President Obama's anemic debate performance by claiming that he was merely "rusty" and out of practice, or he doesn't watch enough MSNBC, or he was consumed by the burdens of the office. Maybe it was all those security briefings he's not attending between the fundraisers and political rallies.

This may be comforting to his supporters, but our reading is that something far different was on display Wednesday night. For the first time, the carefully crafted campaign illusions that the President has constructed were exposed. Mitt Romney had the audacity to describe Mr. Obama's record and his own agenda in ways that the American public has rarely heard. The Obama Matrix collapsed into bits on the Denver stage.

The most instructive exchange came early, after Mr. Obama had already denounced Mr. Romney's "central economic plan" for the third time. He repeated his lines from the stump about Mr. Romney's $5 trillion tax cut for millionaires and billionaires that "dumps those costs on middle-class Americans" and raises their taxes by $2,000.

Mr. Romney has no such plan. Mr. Obama simply made it up, with an assist from one of his former economists and others at a liberal Washington think tank. Mr. Romney said as much categorically. He then added that Mr. Obama would continue to make the accusation, on the theory that incantation could make it true, "but that is not the case, all right?" and "I will not, under any circumstances, raise taxes on middle-income families."

Mr. Obama was nonplused, perhaps because he had come to believe what he was saying in the bubble of his campaign rallies and unquestioned by the media. The best reply he could offer was that, "Well, for 18 months he's been running on this tax plan. And now, five weeks before the election, he's saying that his big, bold idea is 'never mind.'" But for 18 months it has been Mr. Obama who has campaigned against a mirage of his own imagining. No wonder he was stumped.

Then there was health care, when Mr. Obama claimed the Romney-Ryan Medicare reforms would force seniors to pay $6,000 a year and leave "folks like my grandmother at the mercy of the private insurance system."

But Mr. Romney didn't sound like a wild-eyed radical as he patiently described his own "premium support" ideas, which would simply require traditional Medicare to compete with the private market and let seniors "make their own choice." If government is better, he added, that's fine, but "my experience is the private sector typically is able to provide a better product at a lower cost."

The former Governor sounded reasonable and pragmatic, and some pundits are now claiming that he changed his platform or that he is trying to dump GOP "extremist" ballast. He didn't and he doesn't have any. He described his center-right reforms truthfully. The Obama cheerleaders were shocked that Mr. Romney's remarks didn't repeat the Obama-created caricature that they've spent months broadcasting as if it were gospel.

The other illusion that exploded Wednesday is the one Mr. Obama tells about his own Presidency. He always mentions the recession he inherited and the many great feats he will perform in his second term. What he rarely mentions are the last four years...
He can't mention the last four years, because he's kept none of his campaign promises on fixing the economy and he hasn't improved the lives of the American people.

But read the whole thing.

And then check this sad and truly disturbed editorial at the New York Times, "An Unhelpful Debate" (via Memeorandum). The editors are nearly as deluded as the Democrat campaign staffers attempting to spin a "strong" Obama debate performance Wednesday in Denver. The left has been hit hard. You don't recover from something like that very quickly, but it's excruciatingly painful to even watch these people groping their way back to reality. This whole thing has been like prying open the cult of this presidency to reveal a diseased rotting rump of a political movement attempting to wring reelection from the collapsing facade of those heady times of four years ago.

Photo Credit: The People's Cube.

Confessions of a Centerfold

Jenny McCarthy interviewed at ABC News:

'Mitt Romney will create 12 million new jobs, when President Obama couldn't...'

Via Althouse:

Barack Obama Has Attacked Religion 'Since Virtually the Moment He Took Office'

Via Blazing Cat Fur:

Oh, And One More Thing About the Democrats' $5 Trillion Tax Cut Lies...

At Ace of Spades HQ, "Remember That "$5 Trillion Tax Cut" Obama Was Blathering On About Last Night? Yeah, He Was Lying."

Hey, getting Stephanie Cutter to admit the boss is lying? Priceless.

PREVIOUSLY: "Stunned Leftists Look to 'Fact Checkers' to Rescue President Clusterf-k From Epic Debate Debacle."

'Debacle in Denver': Sean Hannity, Michelle Malkin Shred Democrats After Debate Disaster

Here's my earlier entry: "Stunned Leftists Look to 'Fact Checkers' to Rescue President Clusterf-k From Epic Debate Debacle."

And that seemed to be the consensus on Hannity's last night:

A second theme there is that the left will now look to exact revenge. The knives are out, as Chris Matthews famously revealed in his post-debate meltdown.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Stunned Leftists Look to 'Fact Checkers' to Rescue President Clusterf-k From Epic Debate Debacle

Some folks argued today that Mitt Romney's performance last night was perhaps the best ever in American political history. The left was utterly crushed at Dear Leader's unprecedented defeat at the hands of the Republican challenger. It's hard to be more demoralized, but then again, we've still got a foreign policy debate to come.

Meanwhile, to the rescue come the left's fact-checking brigades, which have gone on attack with completely lame reports on Mitt Romney as a "liar" and a "flip-flopper." Anne Sorock has the key entry on this, at Legal Insurrection, "A new cloak for media bias: the fact-check segment":

The media have fully deployed their defenses to protect President Obama after his dismal debate performance last night. So far two tactics have been employed, the first is the thinly veiled “fact check” attacks, while the other is calling Romney a bully for his take-charge performance.
The left's stupidity here is so heavy it almost hurts. See Big Government, "Fact Check: Top 5 Liberal Excuses for Obama Losing the First Presidential Debate to Romney." And Robert Samuelson, "The Democrats' $5 Trillion Tax Cut Myth."

And of course, the left's not fact-checking's Obama's lies. See the Weekly Standard, "ABC: Obama Falsely Claims He Has a Plan to Cut $4 Trillion from the Deficit."

Frankly, the stench of desperation has overtaken the radical left's fever swamps of Obama worship. President Clusterf-k was outed as a rank presidential imposter. The only argument worth credibility is that in the end the debate won't matter much at all. That may be true. But it's no consolation to those who are investing in a presidential incumbent who's clearly been spending way too much time reading from teleprompters in between making "eye candy" visits to his gal pals on "The View."

The vultures are circling over President Clusterf-k's campaign. He'll be lucky to make it out of October alive.

Markos Moulitsas Lamely Tries to Spin Barack Obama's Embarrassing Debate Debacle

I tweeted Markos Moulitsas during last night's debate:

He didn't reply, although he later posted some sorry-assed post-mortem at Daily Kos, "A loss, but not a game-changing one."

Actually, it was a "game changer." It's going to take a few days for that to sink in on the left, but if early polls are any indication, it's going to be a rough month for President Obama.

See Twitchy, "Game change? Even liberals admitting Obama against the ropes in first debate," and Jamie Weinstein at the Daily Caller, "Liberals throw hissy fit over Obama debate performance."

More later...

A Bad Night for Obama

From Victor Davis Hanson, at National Review (via RealClearPolitics):

A Bad Night for Obama
Two themes predominated this debate and will be addressed in the next two sessions: For so long Barack Obama has assumed that he will not face cross-examination from the media that he simply has little grasp of policy details, and in exasperation seems to look around for the accustomed helpful media crutch. But there is no such subsidy in a one-on-one debate, and only now it becomes clear just how the media for the last six years have enfeebled their favorite. And unlike 2008, there is now an Obama record to defend, rather than just repeating hope-and-change platitudes and vague generalities that have worked in the past. Romney is an effective debater and had a wealth of detail at his grasp that seemed to stun Obama, as if such a skilled opponent was not supposed to be part of the script. In essence, Obama looked tired, in the Nixonian mode, and he sounded like a petulant 1980 Jimmy Carter. After this debate is over, I expect the Obama team will go into full reset mode to re-prep the president for the next round. Tonight he either coasted or was not up to the task, and it showed, and he knew it — and if the same sub-par performance continues in the next two debates Obama will lose the election outright.
Continue reading.


Oh My! Sarah Palin Lays Into Barack Obama: 'He Didn't Have His Buddy the Teleprompter in Front of Him...'

At Gateway Pundit, "Sarah Palin Rips Obama for Not Having TelePrompter at Debate (Video)."

Chris Matthews Goes Ballistic on Obama in Post-Debate Meltdown

I linked Matthews' meltdown at my debate analysis last night, but it's worth posting on its own.

Via Anne Sorock, at Legal Insurrection, "MSNBC’s Matthews gives epic smackdown of Obama."

Check Memeorandum and RealClearPolitics for all the day's analysis and spin. And boy, the Dems will be spinning enough to make a Whirling Dervish dizzy.

Perilous Times

Via Theo Spark.

Pat Caddell on O'Reilly Factor: 'There's a Purposeful Conscious Effort to Suppress News That Might Hurt Obama'

Pat Caddell's been making argument frequently of late.

PREVIOUSLY: "The Audacity of Corruption."