This just tickles the hell out of me.
Dear Leader's utter hypocrisy is causing crazy fits of apoplexy across the leftist fever swamps.
Instapundit posted this the other day, "
HEY, RUBE! Americans Are Outraged Because in Voting for Obama, They Thought They Were Rejecting Bush." (Be sure to click through to the Daily Kos post at the link; the comments are gold!)
And now I see some interesting nuggets about Josh Marshall on Twitter:
Yeah, I trolled through Marshall's Twitter feed. He's got two blog posts on Snowden, "
Wow. Just Wow," and "
What’s the Deal with Hong Kong?"
And he's getting called out by TPM regulars, "
One of Many Dissenting Voices":
A threshold has been crossed while the public slept. Some light is finally being shined on the practices of our security apparatus. Maybe now, as the memory of Bin Laden fades, we are entering the first time since 9/11 when we can have a reasonable public conversation about the privacy interests of our people and what must be sacrificed in order to preserve the rights we cherish. It kills me to see people I respect, opinion leaders like yourself, collectively shrug at the revelations of these last several days.
Well, "shrugging" is how partisan hacks like Marshall protect "The One."
But read the whole thing. The perturbed reader hammers Marshall for questioning "Snowden as a messenger" rather than focusing on "the materials he has provided..."
Yeah, well, those materials aren't going over so well for President Transparency. But don't blame me. I voted for the other guy --- both times!