Friday, June 7, 2013

Lying Liar Anthony Weiner’s Underage Girl Problem

At Michelle's:

Anthony's Underage Girls photo 23003-weiner_girls_pc_zps3aca2cbd.jpg
Touchy, touchy. Despite Team Anthony Weiner’s best efforts at political rehabilitation, there’s just no way to shore up his sorest scandal spot. As the New York Post reported this week, Weiner had a bit of a snit fit when a local Democratic official boldly slammed his sexting habits with underage girls.

Chris Owens, the Dems’ state committee member in northwest Brooklyn, called out the skeezy ex-congressman at a mayoral candidate forum. “I am outraged and disgusted by you,” Owens told Weiner. “Both by what you did and by the fact that you have the arrogance to run for mayor. I want to understand how you explain to us how you used a public facility to tweet offensive material to … minors you did not know, you then lied about it … and now you come back.” The hubristic horn-dog bared his teeth, got “snippy” and responded by snarling defensively that he’s “going to win this election and I’m going to govern this city really well.”

Don’t get ahead of yourself there, Tweety Boy. If more rank-and-file Democrats join Owens in focusing like a laser on Weiner’s underage-girl problem instead of soft-pedaling his “past issues” as “consensual” “online dalliances,” Icky-rus will fall again.
Continue reading.

And at the People's Cube, "Support Your Weiner In His Hour of Need!"