Saturday, June 29, 2013

Ground and Pound: #TrayvonMartin Was Waling on George Zimmerman MMA Style

Here's the comment from Patriot Lemonade on Twitter:
Witness puts #Trayvon on top of Zimmerman throwing MMA style Ground and Pound punches with #Zimmerman screaming for help. #ZimmermanTrial
And at Legal Insurrection, "ZIMMERMAN TRIAL BLOCKBUSTER — TRANSCRIPT — Eyewitness Good: Black guy in black hoodie on top punching down Mixed Martial Arts style":
The State seems to have suffered the most destructive of its own witnesses to date in calling Jonathan Good to the stand.Good was composed, coherent, and direct through his extensive testimony, the entirety of which was entirely consistent with the defense’s theory of lawful self-defense.

More at Legal Insurrection.

RELATED: "Tommy Christopher: ‘Cracker’ is a compliment, you guys!"

PREVIOUSLY: "#TrayvonMartin Supporters Keepin' it Classy on Twitter."