Monday, June 10, 2013

Government Redefinition of Marriage is Not Inevitable

Well, you wouldn't know it from the latest L.A. Times poll, "58% of California voters now favor gay marriage."

There's video at the link. Dan Schnur, Director of the Jesse M. Unruh Institute of Politics at USC, indicates that the shift in support of homosexual marriage is both "generational" and "attitudinal."

Perhaps, although a lot remains to be seen, not the least of which is this month's Supreme Court ruling on Prop. 8 and DOMA.

Some polling finds the public seeing homosexual marriage as "inevitable," at Pew Research last week, for example. But the Heritage Foundation throws water on that meme. See, "On Marriage, Inevitability Is a Choice We Can Reject":
Marriage is founded on the anthropological truth that men and women are different and complementary, the biological fact that the union of a man and woman also creates new life, and the social reality that children need a mom and a dad.

For decades, social science has shown that children tend to do best when reared by their married mother and father. Government recognizes marriage because it is an institution that benefits society in a way that no other relationship does.

Marriage is society’s least restrictive means to ensure the well-being of future citizens. It protects children by incentivizing adults to commit to each other and take responsibility for their children.

All the polls in the world cannot undo the truth about marriage. But they can obscure the truth and make it less likely that men and women commit to each other permanently and exclusively. This in turn reduces the odds that children will know the love and care of their married mothers and fathers.

Whatever pollsters and pundits may tell us about “inevitability,” the only way to guarantee a political loss is to sit idly by. We should frame our message, strengthen coalitions, devise strategies, and bear witness.
Yes, bear witness, like this:
I think the Gaystapo’s weakness is simple: start talking about them.

Do the job the media won’t do, and start taking an interest in the lies that are spread in gay magazines, newspapers, and via social media. Start pointing out the “Gaystapo” leaders in your community who take to stages to make hateful speeches that rev crowds up against Christians and conservatives. Here in Chicago, the key Gaystapo figure is a man named Art Johnston who owns Sidetrack the Video Bar…and he constantly is holding some event in the bar that degenerates into a two-minutes-hate against religious people and conservatives. It’s all deliberate and is what Johnston and others in the Gaystapo call “activism”. Really, it’s just spreading hate and creating colorful “enemies” for gays to lash out at…so that they will then donate to Johnston’s Equality Illinois organization, which is just another tool of the institutional Left that makes itself sound more appealing by calling itself “Equality Illinois”. A better name for the thing would be “We Spread Hate But Aren’t Called Out On It Because We Are Gay”. I guess “Equality Illinois” fit more easily on bumper stickers.

The Gaystapo hate sunlight and they shrink and wither when they’re actually talked about. The thing is, so many conservatives and Christians avoid talking about anything gay that these guys are then left to do whatever they please unchallenged. That’s such a mistake. Frankly, the only reason these guys have so much power is because it’s all been ceded to them by conservatives who just don’t want to be caught discussing the gay community at all (for fear of being called homophobes if they do).

I think the best way to bring the Gaystapo down is to start holding them to their own rules…which ironically enough is one of the Alinsky Methods that the Gaystapo uses on conservatives all the time. Equality Illinois, for instance, claims it is for equality in Illinois for everyone. So, why do almost all Equality Illinois events held in Sidetrack the Video Bar include speeches and other stunts that rev the crowds up to shout hateful things about Christians and conservatives? Why does any Equality Illinois event include screaming and yelling about “getting” the “enemies of the gay community”? Shouldn’t an organization with such a lovey-dovey sounding name avoid hating anyone or labeling anyone on Earth “an enemy”?

Hypocrisy, I guess, is ultimately the Gaystapo’s Achilles’ heel...

I think the “gay community” does the world a very bad service by not taking a zero tolerance approach to things like NAMBLA because there remains the Daddy/Son fetish amongst some gay guys, where older men want to be with very young guys. A lot of these guys were molested when they were young…and when they get older they want to inflict this onto little boys to continue the cycle of abuse. Muslim men are actually really big into this because Islam encourages the abuse of young boys…and when those boys grow up they expect to be able to abuse boys sexually, too, since that’s what they did when they were little. It’s just beyond sick.

The Gaystapo prevents anyone from calling people out for horrific behavior, though. When it comes to sex, anything is supposed to be permissible in gay culture. The Gaystapo certainly gives the impression that “anything goes”…especially in bars that have “secret” rooms or private “play party” nights where admission is charged and things aren’t open to the public. Most of the leather bars in Chicago have these sorts of events…and a lot of times you have to know someone who is a member of that fetish club to get into the event.

It’s all sick. And the people involved in this are seriously messed up. These are the crazy uncles in the attic of the gay community…but unfortunately a lot of them seem to be very rich and influential because the Gaystapo lets them do as they please. i don’t know if you watch the tee-vee show “True Blood” on HBO, but last season the plot revolved around “The Vampire Authority” that was trying to mainstream and present a more normalized face for vampires to the world…and they were opposed by the Sanguinista faction of vampires, which wanted to be deviant and feed openly on humans and generally do all the things that people were scared vampires really liked to do.

In the gay community, you mostly see the mainstreamers…but you must know that the true deviants like the NAMBLA crowd still exist and no effort at all is made to stamp these guys out. They’re just kept in the basement or in the shadows, and the Gaystapo runs interference or creates distractions so you don’t think about what’s going on. There are secret fetish and sex clubs in Chicago like “The Hell Fire Club” or “Windy City Watersports” or whatever where all sorts of bizarre things go on…and bars like Jackhammer, Touche, and Cell Block have those secret rooms where different “clubs” hold their private events and get up to all sorts of things that would probably make your eyes melt out of your face if you read about them.

That’s all part of the “dark side of the rainbow” that no one’s supposed to talk about during “pride month” in June.

Just keep bearing witness to the hatred and horrors of this movement. It's just not normal.