Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Jamaica Professor Brendan Bain Fired for Scientific Testimony on Dangers of Homosexual HIV/AIDS

Because homosexual rights activists are the most tolerant people in the world!

At Legal Insurrection, "Pioneering University HIV/AIDS researcher sacked over accurate but politically incorrect court testimony." (Via Blazing Cat Fur.)

A beefy post, read it all at that link. And here's video, "Protesters against firing of UWI professor after gay outrage."

Also at Common Descent, "In defence of Professor Brendan Bain of UWI Jamaica, Medical Doctor and Public Health expert fired by UWI (my alma mater . . . ) for giving a politically incorrect expert opinion on the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the Caribbean to the Belize Supreme Court..." And at WaPo, "Protest over Jamaica university firing AIDS doctor."

A Victory for European Democracy

A commentary from Nikolaus Blome, at Der Spiegel:
Although voter turnout was down in many places and right-wing populists scored significant gains, this weekend's European Parliament election was historically important. It has shifted the balance of power in Europe in favor of voters.

Elliot Rodger: Isolated Son Worried Parents — #IslaVistaShooting #UCSB

At the Wall Street Journal, "Late-Night Phone Calls, Online Posts Raised Concern Before California Rampage":
LOS ANGELES—To keep her shy son Elliot from being lonely, Chin Rodger steadfastly arranged play dates for the fifth-grader, even as other children his age made plans of their own, classmates and parents said. When Elliot grew more frustrated and isolated as he got older, his parents nursed him through bouts of tearful anguish during late-night phone calls, according to the son's writings.

The parents also arranged for counseling, according to investigators and family friends, and the son's writings. Recently, his mother bought him a black BMW BMW.XE +1.55% to help boost his confidence, a family friend said.

Chin and Peter Rodger, a British commercials director who also worked in film, divorced years ago but remained close to their 22-year-old son and fretted over the young man, including reaching out for help last month after seeing some of his disturbing online posts, according to investigators and family friends.  Even as generous and obliging parents aware of their son's suffering, they had no idea that Mr. Rodger was amassing weapons and laying out a plan to kill, said a family friend in an interview.

Investigators say Elliot Rodger killed six University of California, Santa Barbara, students in a spasm of violence Friday night that shattered the college town of Isla Vista, about 100 miles northwest of Los Angeles.
Mr. Rodger allegedly stabbed to death three men in his apartment—including two who were his roommates. The three were identified as Cheng Yuan Hong, 20, and George Chen, 19, both from San Jose, Calif., and 20-year-old Weihan Wang of Fremont, Calif....

Elliot's social isolation started from a young age, family friends said, noting that as a boy his mother, who is from Malaysia, took an active role in planning his social life. "She was trying to make sure that her son had friends," said Marianne Bordier, a teacher at Mr. Rodger's elementary school and parent of one of his classmates.

He took solace in playing online video games such as "World of Warcraft" at a local cybercafe and on computers and game consoles that his parents bought him, according to his writings and family friends.

In middle school and high school, he saw himself as suffering because he couldn't get the attention he desired from girls, Mr. Rodger wrote. The family knew he was frustrated with his lack of attention from women, but not that he harbored deeply misogynistic ideas that were laid bare in a 141-page document that Mr. Rodger sent to about 20 people just before he allegedly carried out the murders, according to Mr. Astaire.

"He wasn't aggressive," Mr. Astaire said. "He was more of a sensitive child. There was frustration more than aggression."

When high school and enrollment at a community college near his parents' homes in the suburbs of Los Angeles went poorly, his parents decided he should move to Santa Barbara to start a new life at a local community college, Mr. Rodger wrote. But he dropped out of classes at Santa Barbara City College after he didn't get the attention he sought from women, he wrote.

Santa Barbara City College officials said he attended classes on and off, and was no longer attending by the time of the shootings. School officials there said they have no record of disciplinary problems with him.

According to Mr. Rodger's circulated document, his parents last year took him to a psychiatrist, who prescribed Risperidone, an antipsychotic commonly used to treat the symptoms of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. But Mr. Rodger believed it was "the absolute wrong thing for me to take," and refused to take it, he wrote.
Continue reading.

Spain's Socialist Leader Resigns After Party Hammered in European Elections

At Toronto's Globe and Mail,"Euroskeptic election surge threatens governments across EU":

Spain’s Socialist opposition leader Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba said on Monday he was stepping down after the party had its worst-ever election result on Sunday with an upstart rival leftist group grabbing 8 per cent of the vote.  Recession-weary voters, unhappy with public-sector wage cuts, layoffs and corruption scandals also punished the ruling center-right People’s Party.

Together, the two parties that have dominated Spanish politics since the country returned to democracy in the 1970s, took less than 50 per cent of the vote. A brand new leftist party led by 35-year-old university professor Pablo Iglesias was the big winner, taking 8 per cent of the vote and five seats in the European Parliament.

The Socialists lost nine of their 23 seats in the European Parliament while the ruling centre-right People’s Party lost eight of its 24 seats. Together, the two parties that have dominated Spanish politics since the country returned to democracy in the 1970s, took less than 50 per cent of the vote.

“It’s clear that we haven’t regained voters’ confidence,” Mr. Rubalcaba said in a televised news conference. “There has to be new leadership that takes on change.”
More at the Chicago Tribune, "Spain's Socialist leader quits after party's worst-ever election."

And a new leftist party, "Podemos," took five out of Spain's 54 seats in the European Parliament. At the BBC, "Spain's 'we can' party proves it can."  Pablo Iglesias, the party leader, can be seen at the clip above.

PREVIOUSLY: "Established Parties Rocked by Anti-Europe Vote."

Monday, May 26, 2014

Elliot Rodger Was Able to Legally Buy Guns, Despite Mental Illness — #UCSB

Here's the outstanding front-page story at today's Los Angeles Times, "In Isla Vista, red flags came too late."

The piece has a lengthy discussion on the Rodger's gun-buying, and notes:
One night last summer, he went to a party and tried to shove women off a ledge where they had been sitting. Several men intervened and pushed him off the ledge instead, and he injured his ankle.

He was treated at a clinic for his injuries, and police showed up to interview him. In theory, this was an opening for formal, official intervention....

Around the same time, Rodger hatched his plan for what he called "slaughter" and began buying semiautomatic handguns. Again, here was an opportunity for official scrutiny — he was making the purchases legally, abiding by California's background check system and waiting periods.

But Rodger sailed through, because despite his troubles, it does not appear that he triggered any warnings — he had no criminal history; he had never explicitly threatened anyone or been deemed a risk to himself or others; he had never been ordered to submit to involuntary mental health treatment; he had no history of addiction.

Even a diagnosis of serious mental illness, in itself, would not have prevented Rodger from buying a gun under California law, said Lindsay Nichols, staff attorney with the advocacy group Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence.

If Rodger had issued a threat of violence against specific, identifiable victims to a psychiatrist, the psychiatrist would have been required to report it to law enforcement, and Rodger could have been banned from owning guns for five years. That did not happen, and there is no evidence that Rodger made such a threat — in fact, his writings suggest that he had worked studiously to hide his violent plan.

Adam Winkler, a UCLA law professor and expert on gun laws, said that in general, a diagnosis of mental illness doesn't affect a person's right to own a gun in California unless it has been adjudicated by a court or the person has voluntarily checked into a mental facility.

"It's just not a surprise that someone with mental health problems would still be able to get a gun," Winkler said.  Chuck Michel, one of the most prominent gun-rights attorneys in California, said there was nothing in Rodger's background that would have prevented him from being able to buy a gun.

"California's got pretty much every gun control law the gun control lobby wants, and it didn't stop this," he said.
And here's the second piece, from which the above is cribbed, "Isla Vista attacker's struggles didn't prevent gun buying."

Plus, at yesterday's far-left, gun-grabbing New York Times, "Even in a State With Restrictive Laws, Gunman Amassed Weapons and Ammunition."

So, even though California's the gun-grabber's heaven, the state's heavy restrictions failed to prevent the massacre. But it's not common sense or gun safety these people are about, it's about power, control and disarmament. Recall the Bloomberg-backed attack on Deborah Feyerick by Moms Demand Action:

More at Bearing Arms, "Isla Vista Massacre Proves That Strict Gun Control Laws Are Failures."

The Taliban Will Try to Assassinate Outed CIA Station Chief — #Afghanistan

Following-up on my earlier report, "Obama White House Outs CIA Station Chief in #Afghanistan."

Listen to former CIA operative Bob Baer at the second half of the clip.

The Obama White House is a cesspool of amateurs, hacks and f-king morons.

Antiwar Leftists Trash the Troops on #MemorialDay

Typical progs.

At Twitchy, "America’s heroes died for these vile ingrates."

And click through at this guy's Twitter background, which includes a Nelson Mandela quote slamming Israel's "apartheid" system.

Like I said, typical progs.

How America Treats Illegal Aliens vs. Veterans — #MemorialDay

From Michelle Malkin:
A government that fails to secure its borders is guilty of dereliction of duty. A government that fails to care for our men and women on the frontlines is guilty of malpractice. A government that puts the needs of illegal aliens above U.S. veterans for political gain should be prosecuted for criminal neglect bordering on treason.

Compare, contrast and weep....

America: medical and welfare welcome mat to the rest of the world, while leavings its best and bravest veterans to languish in hospital lounges, die waiting for appointments, and compete for jobs and educational opportunities against illegal border-crossers, document fakers, visa violators and deportation evaders. Shame on us.

Plus, "Memorial Day 2014: Land of the free because of the brave."

BONUS: From Jonathan Tobin, at Commentary, "Memorial Day: Let Us Finish the Work."

"These 'Jewish leaders' are morons..."

At Algemeiner, "Jewish Groups Concerned Over Far-Right Surge in European Union Parliamentary Elections."

When I saw this headline I thought, "Huh, it's the far-left that's the biggest threat to Jews in Europe today."

And what do you know? Here's the very first comment:
These “Jewish leaders” are morons that have ideological blinders on. Yes, Jobbik is a threat, and to some extent, the FN too (but not the UKIP – Farage is pro-Israel). But the real growth in Jew-hatred in Europe has long been due to the left, and not just the radical left, but the mainstream left – which after all, has the power to spread its Israel-bashing, Jew-hating lies due to the left’s control of media, the arts, the Universities, the EU bureaucracy and the NGOs. Sweden has become a neo-Nazi state due to Jew-hatred by its mainstream Socialists; the country has no far-right to speak of. Same with Norway, and sadly now Denmark as well.

FN will be no worse, and probably less bad, in this regard, than all those Communists, Socialists, Greens and Trotskyists who dominate the EU and European media and culture.
My earlier coverage is here and here.

Established Parties Rocked by Anti-Europe Vote

At the New York Times:

Official results released overnight showed that populist parties strongly opposed to the European Union also trounced establishment forces in Denmark and Greece and did well in Austria and Sweden. The results, a stark challenge to champions of greater European integration, left mainstream political leaders stunned.

The radical left-wing Syriza coalition in Greece beat the party of Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, while Golden Dawn, a neo-Nazi outfit that the Greek authorities have tried in vain to outlaw, also picked up seats, bringing Holocaust-deniers and belligerent xenophobes into the European Parliament.

With the political landscape redrawn across Europe, some politicians, notably Nick Clegg, the British deputy prime minister and leader of the Liberal Democrats, the junior coalition partner, faced calls from their own party members to quit. The Liberal Democrats finished fifth in Britain and lost nearly all their seats at the European Parliament.  In Spain, the two main parties failed for the first time to get a combined 50 percent of the votes. Such was the upheaval that Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, the leader of the Socialist Party, announced on Monday that he would step down after failing to capitalize on Spain’s economic woes and record unemployment to beat the governing Popular Party.

The Socialists apparently lost votes to other left-leaning parties, as well as to new groups led by Podemos, or We Can, a movement that was formed only a few months ago to oppose austerity cuts and demand fairer wage distribution.  Traditional parties sought to depict the ballot as a protest vote inspired by deep alienation among voters repelled by what they consider to be out-of-touch political elites at home and an arrogant European Union bureaucracy spreading its influence with no democratic mandate.

In Paris, the victory by the National Front, led by Marine Le Pen, prompted Manuel Valls, the French prime minister, to acknowledge: “It’s an earthquake.”  “We are in a crisis of confidence,” Mr. Valls added. “Our country has for a long time been in an identity crisis, a crisis about France’s place in Europe, Europe’s place in our country.”  President François Hollande of France called an emergency meeting of senior ministers after his Socialist Party finished a remote third.
My earlier coverage is here.

#YesAllWomen Exploits #IslaVistaShooting to Demonize Men

Over and over this weekend we've seen leftists and feminists argue that Elliot Rodger wasn't mentally ill. I'm simply blown away by these statements. For ghoulish progs the ravings of this literal madman were all about "misogyny" and (unbelievably) "white male privilege" (the suspect's mother is Malaysian-born).

Here's a comment I saw the first night at KEYT:
Actually, it's the definition of misogyny, entitlement, and male privilege. Do your research before you post things like this. People who are classified as mentally ill are actually less likely to commit violent acts because they often don't act out unless they are afraid. Elliot Rodger planned this entire massacre. There is video evidence. There is written, published evidence. He was a misogynist, a 'Men's Rights Activist', and a hateful, deranged man, but he didn't do this because of mental illness. He did this because he genuinely believed that women owed him their bodies and to refuse his sexual advances was a criminal act and an injustice.

This killing spree was committed literally because according to this man, women should not be allowed to make decisions on who they are attracted to. They should not be allowed to exist if they are not existing for the pleasure of men.  And if that doesn't scare you, something is really wrong.
The next commenter responded:
Please google narcissistic personality disorder.
Indeed, he was sick, as Louise Mensch noted when calling out feminists earlier:

On Twitter last night the domonic far-left trolls came out big time. Here's an exchange with a "Mad Scientist," for example, who was literally seething with leftist hatred. Film Ladd had already blocked him:

Twitchy commented on the feminist campaign, "‘Unless they’re conservative’: Feminist hashtag #YesAllWomen gets reality check from those standing ‘strong and free’."

And it was picked up at major MSM outlets, like the L.A. Times, "#YesAllWomen: Isla Vista attack puts a spotlight on gender violence," and at the Wall Street Journal, "California Shooting Sparks Massive Social Media Response From Women: Twitter Hashtag #YesAllWomen Generates More Than 500,000 Tweets by Sunday Afternoon."

A taste of the feminist misandry can be seen at the Boston Globe, "Everyone Needs to Read #Yesallwomen." And back at Twitchy, "‘Perfect example of male entitlement’: Pro-feminist supporters of #YesAllWomen angry about #YesAllPeople."

Professor Chris Ferguson, who is the Chairman of the Department of Psychology at Stetson University in Florida, had this yesterday at Time, "Misogyny Didn’t Turn Elliot Rodger Into a Killer":
Initial reports note that Rodger stabbed to death three roommates before beginning his shooting spree, but his anger appears to have been particularly directed at women. This has led some to speculate that cultural misogyny has contributed to this shooting. For instance, Jessica Valenti, writing in the Guardian, states that “Rodger, like most young American men, was taught that he was entitled to sex and female attention.” And Valenti isn’t the only writer to see cultural misogyny at the core of this shooting. Some reports suggest Rodger may have associated with “men’s rights” groups that view women as hostile....

Linking cultural misogyny to a specific mass shooting is more difficult, however. Although I understand Valenti’s point, I suspect cultural messages on the interaction between men and women are more complex than merely saying that men are taught to feel “entitled” to women’s attention. And although Rodger appears to have been particularly angry at women (and men who were successful with women as he was not), there’s little common thread among mass-homicide perpetrators to target women.

Rodger appears to have indeed been a misogynist, but this misogyny appears to have raged from within, a product of his anger, sexual frustrations and despondency rather than anything “taught” to him by society. Had he not been so focused on his own sexual inadequacies, his focus might simply have moved to mall-goers rather than sorority sisters.  We have an unfortunate trend when mass shootings occur to focus on idiosyncratic elements as potential causes. That is to say, we look for something unique about the shooter to explain why they may have done what they did. The January 2011 Tucson shooting by Jared Loughner was initially (and incorrectly) blamed by some on right-wing political demagoguery. A rare 2010 shooting by a woman, college professor Amy Bishop, led some to speculate on the traumatic experience of tenure denial. Video games are conveniently blamed when the shooter is young, then ignored when a shooter is older.

All of this serves to distract us from the commonalities between such shooters. With few exceptions, they are angry, resentful, mentally ill individuals. Certainly, we are right to worry about the stigmatization of the mentally ill, the vast majority of whom are nonviolent. But pretending no link exists at all with these crimes, if anything, prevents us from considering an overhaul to our mental-health system that could service all individuals in need, whether at any risk for violence or not.
Well, there is one commonality among all the shooters Ferguson cites: They were all far-left ideological fanatics.

But progressives don't want to deal the facts. The "cultural misogyny" program is the ideological underpinning of contemporary radical feminism. As Robert Stacy McCain pointed out last night in his discussion, "Toward Anarchy and Oblivion":

The Apostles of Equality and Progress, who have done everything in their power to destroy whatever vestiges of courtesy, decency, loyalty and honor remained in American society, now presume to disavow the Age of Hatred and Violence they have unleashed upon us. What Burke called the “barbarous philosophy” of the French Revolution — whereby “a king is but a man, a queen is but a woman; a woman is but an animal, and an animal not of the highest order” — has prevailed as he foretold, and the horrifying consequences are everywhere. Lesbian feminist Lisa Needham believes all men are Elliot Rodger:
[T]his might be mental illness, but it is an illness that is not unfamiliar to women who routinely and disproportionately are the victims of harassment, neglect, violence, and death at the hands of men. Rodger’s actions were an extreme manifestation of a cultural view that is not actually uncommon: that women “owe” men attention, that women who don’t put out are bitches, that women who do put out — for other guys, of course — are sluts, and all these women get what they “deserve” — violence from men.
Right. Women are victims “routinely” of “a cultural view that is not actually uncommon,” and a psycho creep who kills six people is just an “extreme manifestation” of this “not unfamiliar” illness....

Los Angeles Times headline: #YesAllWomen: Isla Vista attack puts a spotlight on gender violence — and never mind the fact that four of the six people Elliot Rodger killed in his murder rampage were men: Christopher Ross Michaels-Martinez, 20, Cheng Yuan Hong, 20, George Chen, 19, and Weihan Wang, 20. If the facts don’t fit the liberal narrative, liberals will just ignore the facts, and will bristle with indignation if you dare to point out the cognitive dissonance.

“You have to hand it to the liberals: they never miss an opportunity to convert tragedy into political gain,” and who can disagree?

Ginning up hatred is always “political gain” for liberals, and this is what the hashtag #YesAllWomen is about: Convincing women that men are their enemy. The standard Tweet format is for a woman to say that A Terrible Thing happened to her because of a man (or men in general) and #YesAllWomen – a slogan framed as a reply to “Not All Men,” which is a feminist pet peeve: Whenever they complain about men in general, someone is always certain to point out that the generalization is unfair...

Understood in this context, #YesAllWomen is a chip on the shoulder, daring anyone to claim not all men are responsible for violence against women — to frame rape and abuse as a collective victimization of women for which men are collectively to blame.

Obama White House Outs CIA Station Chief in #Afghanistan

F-king morons.

From Terri O'Brien, "Whoopsie! Obama Regime Outs CIA Chief in Afghanistan, WaPo Perpetuates Plame Lie."

And from Regular Right Guy, "Top CIA Op Outed in Obama Intel Briefing."

CNN has the video report here, "White House accidentally outs CIA official."

And at the Wall Street Journal, "White House Inadvertently Releases Name of CIA Chief in Afghanistan."

Danish People's Party Wins Nearly 27 Percent of Vote in European Parliament Elections

That's Morten Messerschmidt of the DDP at the clip.

And this is especially interesting for Denmark, which is the quintessential European social welfare state.

And at the Guardian UK, "Far-right takes victory in Danish European elections."

And at Telegraph UK, "EU election 2014: Danish eurosceptic People's Party wins - and calls for alliance with Cameron":

The eurosceptic wave that swept across the continent engulfed Denmark on Sunday night, as the anti-immigrant Danish People's Party topped the polls at the European election.

The DPP, which had campaigned to reclaim border controls and curb benefits to other EU citizens living in Denmark, won 26.7 per cent of the vote – and doubled its number of MEPs from two to four.

The result means that Ukip, France's Front National, and the DPP are the three biggest eurosceptic parties in the European Parliament. But the DPP - like Ukip - has repeatedly distanced itself from Marine Le Pen's FN – and on Sunday night announced that they were seeking an alliance with David Cameron's party.

"We want as much influence as possible in order to pull Europe in another direction, namely in the British direction," said Morten Messerschmidt, the leading DPP candidate. He said Mr Cameron and Mark Rutte, the Dutch prime minister, were potential partners.

PREVIOUSLY: "UKIP's Political Earthquake," and "National Front Smashes French Establishment in European Parliament Elections."

National Front Smashes French Establishment in European Parliament Elections

At the Guardian UK, "Front National wins European parliament elections in France."

And at Telegraph UK, "EU elections 2014: France's Hollande holds crisis talks on record far-Right win":

President François Hollande staged a crisis cabinet meeting at the Elysée Palace this morning as France reeled from the “earthquake” of seeing the far-Right Front National come first in European elections.

The deeply unpopular Mr Hollande scrambled his government to find ways to parry what is the French Socialist Party’s worst score since European elections were first held in 1979.

The president may make a televised statement reacting to the rout that saw Marine Le Pen’s FN come top in a nationwide vote for the first time in its 40-year history. Sunday’s election saw FN clinch almost 25 per cent of the vote, according to IFOP, quadrupling its 2009 score.

Miss Le Pen said it constituted a "massive rejection of the European Union" and a desire for “politics by the French, for the with the French". “They don’t want to be led anymore from outside, to submit to laws,” she insisted.

The FN finished well ahead of the opposition centre-Right UMP of Nicolas Sarkozy, on 20.8 per cent, and which remains deeply split over Europe and appears on course for another bloody leadership battle.

The ruling Socialists mustered less than 14 per cent with the centrist UDI-Modem on 9.9 per cent and the Greens on 8.9 per cent.

This suggests the FN will now have 24 seats in the European Parliament of the 74 allotted to France – up from three in 2009 – leaving the UMP with 20, the Socialists with 13, the centrists with seven and the Greens with six.

While other parties’ main message on Europe appeared ill-defined or even divided, "the Front National was able to mobilise the electorate thanks to a clear line on Europe and immigration”, Joël Gombin, an FN expert, told Le Nouvel Observateur.
Hmm, I wonder if these result have implication for the 2014 midterms back in the states? Perhaps there's a desire for "politics by the Americans, for the with the Americans."

PREVIOUSLY: "UKIP's Political Earthquake."

UKIP's Political Earthquake

At Blazing Cat Fur, "'The most extraordinary result in 100 years': Farage hails UKIP triumph as Labour and the Tories are humiliated."

And from Enza Ferreri, at Frontpage Magazine, "‘Earthquake’ in the U.K.":
“An earthquake” is how the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) described what happened Thursday May 22 when all Britain voted to elect its share of Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and various parts of the country voted to elect local councils.

While the results of the Euro Elections were not announced until Sunday to wait for the results of the whole European Union, where some countries voted later, the local election results were known immediately, and were pretty much as Nigel Farage, the UKIP leader, described them: an earthquake. In a country with a three-main-party system (Conservatives, Labour and Liberal Democrats), the UKIP became firmly established as the fourth party. It didn’t gain overall control of any local council, but that doesn’t tell the whole story.

Labour won 338 more councillors than it previously had, the Conservatives were down 231 councillors, the Liberal Democrats took a bashing losing 307, as many as 40 percent of their councillors, and UKIP went from two to an astonishing 163 councillors, turning from a fringe, tiny party into a serious contender for government.

But it was last night, at the European Elections, that UKIP got a real triumph. Not only did it top the polls with more votes than all other parties for the first time in its history, but its victory also marked the first time in which a nationally-held election has not been won by either the Conservative Party or the Labour Party since 1906.

This historical event upsets all the current paradigms of British politics. For a start, it makes it much more difficult to predict future election results, including the 2015 general elections for the British Parliament, the “real” polls that will decide who’s going to govern the UK.

A three-party system is easier to understand and forecast than a four-party one. Without UKIP, Labour might have been cast as the next British government, benefiting from the dissatisfaction from the supposed “cuts” and “austerity” measures that the present coalition of Tories and Lib Dems in government had to enforce to heal at least in part the ruinously irresponsible economy and welfare policies of the past Labour administration.  Something similar happened in other parts of Europe, hence the BBC’s headline, “Eurosceptic ‘earthquake’ rocks EU elections,” in reference to the parallel result of Marine Le Pen’s Front National which won a record victory in France.

Back in the UK, the Liberal Democrats were almost wiped out from the European Parliament, being left with just one MEP of the 11 they previously had. This is Catherine Zena Bearder, standing in the South East, the largest region in the UK, where my party, one-year-old Liberty GB, got 2494 votes.  These results show a clear shift in public opinion towards a decidedly anti-immigration, anti-European-Union stance.  The reaction of the (previously) three main parties and of the liberal media is interesting because it shows that they simply don’t get it.

They cling to justifications, rationalizations, excuses, pedantic nitpicking, like “it hasn’t been an earthquake because UKIP has no control of a single council” or “it’s just a temporary protest vote. They’ll come back to us.”
Also at London's Daily Mail, "'We're coming for YOU, Red Ed': Farage boasts there is no limit to UKIP's ambitions as he reveals plan to go after Miliband's Doncaster seat in the wake of Euro triumph."

#UCSB Victim's Father Richard Martinez Bewails Politicians After Sandy Hook - #IslaVistaShooting

Following-up from earlier, "Richard Martinez, Father of #UCSB Student Murdered in #IslaVista Rampage, Blames #NRA for Son's Death."

He's still in shock. Seriously. It's understandable but he looks like a pitiful fool. And it's a travesty that he's being exploited to push the bogus gun control narrative. No one wants to lose their son. I'd be devastated as well. Perhaps he'll become more reasonable as the healing begins. He won't be helped by ghoulish left-wing groups like Mom's Demand Action, that's for sure.

Seen a few minutes ago on Carol Costello's show. She's really pushing the gun control angle, despite the fact that the killer also used knives and his BMW to kill and maim his targets.

Did Police Miss Chance to Stop Elliott Rodger?

The million dollar question at this point.

See Daily Pundit, "Why Didn’t the Cops and Gun Laws Stop This Whackjob Mass Murderer?":
The usual suspects are going to be all over various aspects of this case, which screws with several of their narratives.  First, half of the murders were committed with a knife – an inconvenient fact for the “confiscate and ban guns and all will be safe” crowd, and second, the cops – the very people who are supposed to protect us from everything once we surrender our firearms – weren’t able to prevent this guy from doing what he did, even when they had multiple “warnings.”  (Of course, nobody warned the cops that this guy was planning on committing mass murder – how could they have?)

In actuality, this whole thing is a major and deadly argument against all the phony verities the gun grabbers preach, because it demonstrates that yes, it’s not the gun, it’s the guy using it (or using a knife):  If somebody wants to kill, they can find a weapon that will work.  Also, the cops cannot prevent violence.  Police are a reactive force and, even here, when seconds counted, the cops were minutes away...

And at London's Daily Mail, "Santa Barbara police face internal investigation as it's revealed cops had THREE bizarre encounters with Elliot Rodger over the last year but didn't arrest him after finding him 'polite'."

Also, at Newsday, "Cops who checked on Elliott Rodger didn't see YouTube videos," and at the Los Angeles Daily News, "Authorities walk fine line on mental health holds."

FWIW, more at Scallywag, "Are cops to blame for missing Elliot Rodger plot? Found him polite…"

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Elliot Rodger's Parents Rushed to #IslaVista During Murder Rampage — #UCSB

An amazing account, at the Los Angeles Times, "Frantic parents of shooting suspect raced to Isla Vista during rampage":
Chin Rodger got the call from her son Elliot’s therapist at 9:17 p.m. Friday – 13 minutes before authorities say he opened fire outside a sorority house.

"Have you gotten Elliot’s email?” he said. “I think you should see it.”

Chin opened the email, saw the first few lines of a 137-page screed Elliot wrote and instantly knew something was terribly wrong, said Simon Astaire, a family friend, who is a Hollywood talent agent and media advisor. He provided this account on behalf of the family in an interview with the Los Angeles Times.

Chin Rodger immediately checked Elliot’s YouTube channel, where he had posted bizarre videos about how alienated he felt, particularly from women. On top of the video queue was one called "Elliot Rodger’s Retribution."

“Well, this is my last video, it all has come to this,” he started, speaking coldly and confidently, not his usual timid tone. “Tomorrow is the day of retribution, the day in which I will have my revenge against humanity, against all of you.”

The 22-year-old student at Santa Barbara City College complained about how girls were not attracted to him, throwing themselves at “obnoxious men, instead of me, the supreme gentleman.”  After just over two minutes, he said: “On the day of retribution I am going to enter the hottest sorority house of UCSB and I will slaughter every single spoiled, stuck-up blond slut I see inside there.”

Chin Rodger frantically called her ex-husband Peter, a Hollywood director and photographer, who was dining with his wife and two friends.

They decided to race to Isla Vista, the college community outside Santa Barbara where Elliot lived.

Astaire said Chin called either 911 or the sheriff directly, and arranged to meet with authorities when they arrived. As they drove up the 101 Freeway, they heard news of a shooting in Isla Vista on the radio. Elliot is accused of killing six people before taking his own life.

Chin called Elliot’s therapist, who told her it was unrelated. He said Elliot promised retribution the following day, and his nature was to stick to such details. By the time Chin and her ex-husband reached the police station, officers confirmed it was their son, and that he and six others were dead by his hand. Astaire said he didn’t have the words to describe their emotions.

This was the second time in recent months that Elliot’s mother tried to intervene in his life. In April, she saw bizarre videos he had posted on YouTube, though not the menacing ones he posted shortly before the rampage, Astaire said.

She called his therapist, saying she was worried about his well-being. He called a mental health service and they referred it to police, according to Astaire. A half dozen officers showed up at his door on April 30.  “I heard a knock on my apartment door,” Rodger wrote in the diatribe he would later send out. “I opened it to see seven police officers asking for me.”

He wrote that “the biggest fear I had ever felt in my life overcame me.” ... 
Keep reading.

We'll be seeing lots more details come out soon, as I mentioned previously. Man, this is a major failure of mental health. Expect enormous legal and political repercussions going forward.

Charlotte Springer Diversion — #Rule5

Boy, it's been a busy weekend battling back the idiot progs, lol!

So, how's about a little babe blogging?

At Egotastic!, "Thank God It’s Funbags! Charlotte Springer Selfies Are Selfily Sextastic and Ridiculously Bouncy Perfect."

BONUS: More Rule 5 at Pirate's Cove, "Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup," and "If All You See……is a horrible fossil fueled vehicle causing desertification, you might just be a Warmist."

Also at Blackmailers Don't Shoot, "Jennifer Lawrence Targeted by Left Wing Speech Warriors," and "Emilia Clarke Unleashes Dragons on Hollywood Boulevard."

And at EBL, "Germans threaten to break up Google…Over Too Many Tasty Ta-Tas?" and "Paul Ehrlich is back with some tasty predictions! And Bonus Rule 5."

Now at Pitsnipes and Gripes, "Friggn' blogger still will not let me post pics, here is a draft of a yellow fever post I have been waiting for a fix to run thru the funnel..."

At Bob Belvedere's, "How About A Little Breather…", and "#NOAFW – Exclusive: Feminists Attempt To Brainwash Kate Upton."

Also from Daley Gator, "DALEYGATOR DALEYBABE ADELLA PASOS." And Subject to Change, "View From the Top."

That's all for now. I'll try to pick up the pace on the Rule 5 blogging, but these darned murderous progs are keeping me too busy!

Cowardly #MomsDemandAction Attacks CNN's Deborah Feyerick — #IslaVistaShooting

Here's the segment, which I was watching yesterday, "CNN Host Bans All Gun Control Talk After California Mass Shooting Then Gets Schooled by Panelists." (That's the headline cribbed from Raw Story's piece on this.)

Actually, Feyerick didn't get schooled. She was shaking her head at the idiot panelists trying to inject gun control into a debate on mental illness. Feyerick was having none of it, and good on her.

But now the depraved Bloomberg-backed Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America is attacking Feyerick in a cowardly Twitter attack campaign.

See herehere, and here.

And Dana Loesch is pushing back:

Be sure to follow Deborah:

Senate's Failed Gun Bill Would Not Have Stopped Santa Barbara Gunman — #UCSB

At Big Government.

Background at the Wall Street Journal, "Sen. Blumenthal Urges Reviving Gun Bill After California Shooting."

The Democrat gun control exploitation is not just stupid. It's evil.

Elliot Rodger bought his guns legally. But he had severe mental illness, and despite multiple warnings and "welfare checks," he fell through the cracks. Until a better system of psychiatric health is in place, more people will die from unstopped left-wing psychos.

But no matter (unsurprisingly), even the vile leftist Tom Boggioni is piling on the lies, "I was the NRA."

Emo-Prog Elliot Rodger Was Fan of #MSNBC's Far-Left Spin-Off Channel 'Young Turks'

Boy, the murderin' leftist fringe is having a terrible time dealing with Hollywood leftist Elliot Rodger's Isla Vista shooting rampage.

My entry yesterday is up to over 100 at the comments of pure desperation, "Spoiled Hollywood Leftist Elliot Rodger Mass Murder in Isla Vista at #UCSB."

Basically, and predictably, the left is jonesin' to portray Rodger as some extreme right-wing white supremacist tea party conserva-libertarian pick-up artist misogynist --- and not necessarily in that order. I mean seriously, leftists are fanatical and delusional about this. The fact is, as I pointed out yesterday, Rodger was marinated in classic Hollywood luxury leftism, and he'd developed the textbook case of clinical psychosis and narcissistic personality disorder. He was an entitled, hate-addled leftist through and through.

But it gets even deeper. It turns out that one of Rodger's favorite YouTube channels belongs to the radical former MSNBC host Cenk Uygur, whose "Young Turks" program broke off from MSNBC in a dispute over Uygur's criticism of the Obama administration from the far left. Basically, "Young Turks" is an MSNBC reject, a spin-off whose followers are "emo progressives" hostile to Democrat accommodation politics at the White House. That is, apparently Rodger, according to his YouTube favorites, didn't think the Obama Democrats were far-left radical enough!

See Gateway Pundit, "Another Leftist Killer ➙ Santa Barbara Shooter Elliot Rodger Was Fan “Young Turks” Channel":

Elliot Rodger photo Boabb6qIQAEaTdw_zps4039d1f6.jpg
Elliot Rodger posted a crazy video before his mass killing spree titled, “Elliot Rodger Retribution”.

And, Elliot Rodger was a fan of the far left “Young Turks” YouTube Channel.

The Young Turks was one of his favorited channels.

The Young Turk describes itself as “a young progressive or insurgent member of an institution.”

The host of the channel Cenk Uygur is a far left political activist and former MSNBC host.
Rodger's favorites are here. There are no right-wing "Fox News" channels listed.

The simple fact is that Elliot Rodger fits no conservative template, and was in fact a classic Hollywood luxury leftist suffering from a sick narcissistic sense of entitlement. The dude needed help, and bad.

More at Expose Liberals, "Elliot Rodger a big fan of far left Young Turks Youtube channel."

And at Twitchy, "Three myths about ‘right-wing lunatic virgin’ Elliot Rodger that the Left wants you to believe."

4th Victim Dies in Belgium Jewish Museum Massacre

At Pamela's, "Fourth Victim Dies in Jewish Museum Massacre; Police release CCTV of a suspect in the museum."

Also at Blazing Cat Fur, "Brussels gun attack in Jewish Museum - Police release CCTV footage of gunman."

And at JPost, "Netanyahu: Deadly Belgium attack result of anti-Israel incitement":

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned the shooting and killing of four people at the Jewish Museum in Brussels on Saturday.

He said he shares in the grief of the families of the victims. "This act of murder is the result of constant incitement against Jews and their state. Slander and lies against the State of Israel continue to be heard on European soil even as the crimes against humanity and acts of murder being perpetrated in our region are systematically ignored. Our response to this hypocrisy is to constantly state the truth, continue a relentless fight against terrorism and build up our strength," the Prime Minister said.

Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman blamed anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli incitement for inspiring the attack. Those who call for a boycott against Israel and those who act against Israel in international forums have contributed to this incitement, Liberman said.

“Recent anti-Semitic incidents in Kansas, Toulouse, and this evening in Brussels, should be a flashing warning signal to all those who cooperate with such incitement by rushing to condemn Israel and by comparing building a home for a Jewish family in the land of Israel with the cruel and murderous terrorist activity of anti-Semites,” Liberman said.

Justice Minister Tzipi Livni said Sunday that "every event against Jews in the world, such as the terror attack in Brussels, shocks us as Israelis - as it should."

Writing on her Facebook page, Livni said, "The essence of Israel's existence is to be a Jewish state in every sense of the word. But Israel is not just a safe place of refuge, we must also, in our values, represent the whole Jewish world."
Sadly, the predictable result of the global left's campaign on anti-Semitic, anti-Israel annihilationism.

Still more at Legal Insurrection.

Santa Barbara County Sheriff Bill Brown: Elliot Rodger 'Flew Under the Radar...'

It's not a very reassuring assessment, that's for sure.

Remember in the case of James Holmes at the University of Colorado, the suspect was under the care of a psychiatrist, a lot of good that did to prevent the massacre.

So here's this at the Los Angeles Times, "Sheriff defends earlier investigation of Isla Vista shooting suspect."

And watch the interview. Sheriff Brown repeatedly states that the suspect Rodger "convinced" deputies that he wasn't a threat to himself or others. Man, let's just say the system didn't work.

Murder in #IslaVista Mars #UCSB's Image

Longtime readers will recall that I took my Ph.D. from UCSB, and I lived in Santa Barbara for seven years. It's paradise. I worked at a downtown Chevron station when my wife and I first moved down there in 1992. European tourists stopping for gas would repeatedly say how lucky we were to have this beautiful view of the oceans and mountains, and the Mediterranean weather, every waking day. And of course, I couldn't disagree. I was so happy to be accepted for grad school in Santa Barbara. We were enchanted.

It was a more innocent time all around. My wife and I were engaged in 1992. We were married in 1994 and our first son was born in 1996. We were starting out as a couple. It was some of the best years of my life. I wish we could have stayed there, but of course I had to find a teaching position. Luckily my job search brought me back to Orange County, where I grew up. When I take my sons down to Laguna Beach I get the feeling of downtown Santa Barbara all over again. That's probably the closest comparison, but still not close enough. In 1992, the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors had a slow-growth majority. Big box retail outlets like Home Depot, and even Barnes and Noble, didn't come to the Isla Vista area until almost 2000, when I'd finished my program. With the Santa Ynez Mountains and the valleys beyond, you have idyllic pasture lands and recreation areas that remind you of rural 19th century California. It's something special up there.

In any case, the problems with UCSB's reputation aren't new. I'm sometimes ribbed about receiving my doctorate from a "party school," despite Santa Barbara being ranked among the top ten universities in the sciences, as well as a consistently top-50 ranked national university. The political science program was outstanding, far beyond my expectations, and continues to be ranked among the top in the nation, especially in terms of research output per faculty. But Isla Vista is a whole 'nother world. The Halloween parties are of national notoriety. Riots break out with periodic frequency (like just a month ago). And in 2001 another Hollywood leftist David Attias mowed down and killed four students.

The story of UCSB's marred reputation is a recurring one, picked up today at the Los Angeles Times, "Isla Vista's troubles belie UC Santa Barbara's academic strength":

UCSB photo Ucsbuniversitycenterandstorketower_zps287d306c.jpg

UC Santa Barbara had a notable double achievement in 2013. The beachside campus placed second in the world for impact in the sciences as scored by the Center for Science and Technology Studies at Leiden University in the Netherlands. Home to five Nobel laureates, it ranked below only MIT and topped such powerhouses as Stanford University, Harvard University and UC Berkeley.

The university also came out high on another list: the Princeton Review rankings of best party schools in the nation. UCSB again came in second, bested only by the University of Iowa.

That image was dramatically reinforced in April when the infamous Deltopia street party turned violent in Isla Vista, the densely populated student residential district adjacent to the campus. More than 100 were arrested, most of them young people from other places.

On Saturday, UCSB students and officials were in mourning and shock after a rampage in Isla Vista that left seven people dead, including the attacker, who was said to be a Santa Barbara City College student.

They also expressed concern that the university's strengthening academic reputation would be tarred by the tragedy — and by Isla Vista's past incidents of chaos and violence, including four deaths in 2001 when a student plowed his car into a crowd.

Nikka Kurland, a third-year economics major who is a student senator and lives in a sorority house close to the scene of the killings, said she and many other students were traumatized and wanted "to find solutions making Isla Vista a safer place."

When choosing a college to attend, Kurland said, UC Santa Barbara's party reputation made her hesitate a bit. But she was swayed by the school's strong economics program and the chance to get involved in many extracurricular activities.

"Yes, we play here, but we work much harder," Kurland said...
Keep reading.

Barack Obama's Retribution


Obama Pick-Up Artist photo ELLIOTROGEROBAMA1_zpsaf8e300e.jpg

More at Memeorandum.

Elliot Rodger Wasn't a Misogynist

He was a misanthropist and narcissistic postmodern leftist:

And he killed both men and women, but that's not the meme the left's disgusting exploitation ghouls are pushing, not least of all Jessica Valenti:


And previously, "Spoiled Hollywood Leftist Elliot Rodger Mass Murder in Isla Vista at #UCSB."

Wow. Teenager Does Wicked Michael Jackson 'Billie Jean' Dance Choreography

Via the Right Scoop.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

'My Twisted World': Excerpts from Elliot Rodger's 140-Page Murder Manifesto

Nice, especially if you'd rather not wade through that 140 pages, at the Blaze, "Six Absolutely Shocking Details from Suspected Santa Barbara Shooter’s 141-Page Manifesto."

Elliot Rodger Manifesto photo Screen-Shot-2014-05-24-at-80359-PM-514x620_zps33e0c543.jpg

And read it at the link, "Three Bodies Pulled from Elliot Rodger's Apartment in #IslaVista."

Richard Martinez, Father of #UCSB Student Murdered in #IslaVista Rampage, Blames #NRA for Son's Death

So sorry for this man's loss --- it's really heartbreaking --- but the NRA's not to blame.

At Twitchy, "‘Craven, irresponsible politicians and the NRA’ blamed for Santa Barbara mass shooting."

More at LAT, "Isla Vista shooting suspect targeted sorority, neighbors, strangers."

Much like James Holmes at Aurora, we'll see lots of medical information trickle out over the next few days and weeks on the suspect's psychiatric state. This guy was sick, bad, and should probably have been hospitalized. I'm watching CNN along with my wife, and she mentioned that one of the analysts there suggested that Rodger's parents might have been tired of dealing with their sick child and shipped him out of town to be out of their hair. I certainly wouldn't doubt it. Things look especially bad in that the family knew about the videos and the kid wasn't placed under the care of a psychiatrist. (He did have some treatment, but it clearly wasn't sufficient to prevent this kind of evil rampage.)

ADDED: From Weasel Zippers, "Father of Victim In Santa Barbara Killings Blames ‘Craven Irresponsible Politicians’ and “the NRA” for His Son’s Death":
Sigh, this father is overcome by grief, which media immediately exploit. Mr. Martinez, Elliot Rodger killed your son because he wanted to kill people. He is the responsible one for your son’s death.

Three Bodies Pulled from Elliot Rodger's Apartment in #IslaVista

Oh man, this is getting to be a major, major mass murder investigation.

At KEYT Santa Barbara, "Alleged Gunman's Apartment Now a Crime Scene: Three Bodies Pulled From The Capri Complex In Isla Vista":

The Santa Barbara County Coroner's team has established a crime scene at the apartment complex where suspected shooter Elliot Rodger claimed he lived, prior to Friday's mass murders in Isla Vista.

NewsChannel 3 witnessed forensics experts removing three bodies from the Capri apartment complex on the 6500 block of Seville Road Saturday afternoon.

There is no confirmation from authorities whether this latest discovery increases the number of people killed, which stands at seven, including the gunman.   The timing is significant based on a more than one hundred page manifesto Rodger allegedly published hours before the killings.

"On the day before the Day of Retribution, I will start the First Phase of my vengeance: Silently killing as many people as I can around Isla Vista by luring them into my apartment through some form of trickery."
I haven't read it yet, but here's the manifesto, "My Twisted World: The Story of Elliot Rodger."

ADDED: Read it here as well, at London's Daily Mail, "BREAKING NEWS: Three bodies removed from apartment of gunman in California shooting rampage as it's revealed the 22-year-old wrote about his plans to lure victims into his home in 140-page manifesto."

Elliot Rodger Stepmom Soumaya Akaaboune Appeared in Antiwar 'Green Zone' Opposite Far-Left Matt Damon

She also appeared in "Playing for Keeps" and "Lovelace." Typical leftist filmography.

Here's NewsBusters, "CBS's Smith Touts Anti-War Film 'Green Zone' as 'Bourne Meets Hurt Locker'."

Also at Fox News, "Critics Decry Matt Damon Movie 'The Green Zone,' Calling It 'Anti-American'," and Hot Air, "Surprise: Matt Damon anti-war movie an atomic bomb at the box office":

I admit that I haven’t seen it — and neither has anyone else, apparently — but the reviews from righty film critics were simply gruesome, with Kyle Smith moved by its smearmongering to call it “one of the most egregiously anti-American movies ever released by a major studio.”
Elliot Rodger was marinated in über Hollywood leftism. See London's Daily Mail, "'He was a very disturbed boy': British grandmother of Santa Barbara mass killer on boy who grew up with Hollywood royalty but posted chilling blogs vowing 'revenge' against the women who rejected him."

Disgusting leftists are desperately trying to slough off this evil prog on the right. It ain't working.

PREVIOUSLY: "Spoiled Hollywood Leftist Elliot Rodger Mass Murder in Isla Vista at #UCSB."

Also, "Elliot Rodger Facebook Photos Show Life of Hollywood Luxury"; "The So-Called 'Men's Rights Movement' is a Far-Left Progressive Project"; and "No More Mister Nice Blargh! — Prepping for 'Right Wing Reaction' to Leftist Elliot Rodger!"

No More Mister Nice Blargh! — Prepping for 'Right Wing Reaction' to Leftist Elliot Rodger!

No More Mister's record on this front isn't so hot, lol.

But full steam ahead in any case. Here's his post desperately attempting to deflect attention away from Elliot Rodger's sick leftist misogyny and hatred, "CALIFORNIA SPREE KILLINGS -- I'M BRACING MYSELF FOR THE RIGHT-WING REACTION."

So far all the idiot leftists can muster is that Rodger was some kind of "men's rights" activist, which is stupid, not to mention dishonest. I blogged it here, "The So-Called 'Men's Rights Movement' is a Far-Left Progressive Project."

And here's Kash Hill with a Twitter stream debunking the leftist idiocy and denialism:

A sick leftist afflicted by pathological entitlement. There's no progressive spin to cover for the guy's Hollywood privilege and far-left bona fides. But that won't stop dumbasses like No More Mister from trying.

The So-Called 'Men's Rights Movement' is a Far-Left Progressive Project

As I noted earlier, "The depraved Obama-protection media will be spinning this Elliot Rodger as some kinda of NRA-survivalist tea party conserva-libertarian, or something."

Well, that "or something" is the so-called "men's rights movement," which murderous leftists are attempting to spin as a bastion of "reactionary" conservatism.


In fact, this so-called "men's rights movement" is bathed in progressive, me-culture leftism in which the Hollywood luxury boy Elliot Rodger glommed onto like a baby to the teat.

See Amanda Marcotte, at Raw Story, "Why Progressive “Men’s Movements” Are Bound to Fail."

Linked there is the leftist Good Men Project, which boasts bona fide progressive credentials, and includes on the frontpage a photograph of Democrat Party propagandist Shepard Fairey:

Shepard Fairey photo PanelTomMattShep-680x1024_zps4d826cff.jpg

Some idiot feminists have sought to portray the "men's right's movement" as conservative, for example, Anne Theriault, at PuffHo, "Why the Men's Rights Movement Is Garbage":
MRAs believe that feminists are to blame for basically everything that's wrong with their lives. The Men's Rights Movement is a reactionary movement created specifically to counter feminism, and most (if not all) of their time and resources go towards silencing and marginalizing women.
Actually, it's a misogyny movement of sick privileged men who can't stand strong women, a textbook trait of far-left progressivism. Leftists want their women dependent on government handouts (Sandra Fluke) and protected by a legal regime of "equal pay" and affirmative action. Indeed, one of the most prominent men's right's groups, "A Voice for Men," is characterized as a "humanist" organization critical of traditional conservatism and founded by "human rights activist" Paul Elam. The group's motto is " Humanist Counter-Theory in the Age of Misandry."

Men attached to this movement are insecure pansy-assed losers. Here's a post at Pete Billing's blog that's all about humanism and moving past stultifying socially constructed gender roles, "Do We Need a Men’s Movement?"

Further, another prominent "men's rights" group, the National Coalition For Men (NCFM), positions the movement in nurturing, rights-talk foundationalism:
We have heard in some detail from the women’s movement how such sex-stereotyping has limited the potential of women. More recently, men have become increasingly aware that they too are assigned limiting roles which they are expected to fulfill regardless of their individual abilities, interests, physical/emotional constitutions or needs. Men have few or no effective choices in many critical areas of life. They face injustices under the law. And typically they have been handicapped by socially defined “shoulds” in expressing themselves in other than stereotypical ways.

Society has taught us, for example, that a “real” man is strong… courageous… knowledgeable… disciplined… level headed… competitive… successful… in control …unemotional… heterosexual… sexually aggressive… sexually competent… and silent-suffering. A man is also dependent on women for satisfying relationships, for child rearing and for routine home and health maintenance like housekeeping and cooking. All of this and more, society has taught us, constitutes a man’s role privilege or burden as the case may be.

Many men, however, are no longer comfortable with the traditional male role. Emotionally adrift, they are searching for a new identity; yet they find few viable alternatives to traditional masculine behavior (and even these few are narrow and limiting).
That program is distinctly opposed to traditional conservatism, which sees a prudent and socially regenerative function of traditional gender roles in society (think Edmund Burke).

Frankly, Elliot Rodger was a freak loser and Hollywood entitlement baby who failed to grow up to be a responsible adult. Here's an interesting discussion at We Hunted the Mammoth, "Video allegedly from mass killer in Santa Barbara: “If I can’t have you, girls, I’ll destroy you.” [TRIGGER WARNING]":
As the person who sent this video to me this morning noted, it sounds almost like a parody of the misogynistic beliefs and rhetoric that I write about on this blog. His language and his melodramatic tone both echo the writings of many of those young men who consider themselves “incels.” His anger is the same anger we see from the rejected men who lash out with insults and threats on OkCupid when their often crude advances are turned down. He reminds me of every so-called “nice guy” who is inwardly seething with resentment born of sexual entitlement denied. He even, at one point, calls himself a “gentleman.” He also calls himself an “alpha.”

It is clear that his  resentment at women was stoked by what I call the “new misogyny” and by steeping himself in at least one online community that reaffirmed his exaggerated, unwarranted sense of victimhood. So far we have evidence that he was a commenter at PUAhate, a site ostensibly designed to critique PUAs but which has degenerated into a haven for misogynistic “incels” and angry trolls. I suspect we will find that he was also a reader of, or  a commenter at, some of the other sites I critique on this blog.

For those of you who cannot make it through the video — I found it very hard to watch — here is a transcript of what he said.
Well, it was hard to watch, that's for sure. Rodger's mimicking "evil laughter" is literally unbelievable, impossibly gauche, but at the same time preternatural, considering the scale of genuine evil this man-child Hollywood leftist rained down.

Elliot Rodger Facebook Photos Show Life of Hollywood Luxury

Following up on my earlier report, "Spoiled Hollywood Leftist Elliot Rodger Mass Murder in Isla Vista at #UCSB."

And now at the Blaze, "13 Facebook Pictures Reveal the Luxurious Life of Suspected UCSB Campus Killer":
He attended a “Katy Perry private concert.”
Must be rough.

The murderer was living in the lap of leftist luxury.

His Facebook page is still up, with this entitlement profile photo:

Elliot Rodger photo 993453_10200251027157247_1882019989_n_zps3a2fc86e.jpg

More at Memeorandum.

And at the Santa Barbara Independent, "Seven Dead, Seven Injured in Isla Vista ‘Mass Murder’ Shooting."

Spoiled Hollywood Leftist Elliot Rodger Mass Murder in Isla Vista at #UCSB

Virtually to the one, psycho mass shooters have been flaming progressive leftists.

And now we have this born-in-privilege, BMW-driving Hollywood leftist Elliot Rodger, who went on a rampage late last night at UCSB.


More at Bearing Arms, "A MASS MURDERER MADE IN HOLLYWOOD: Spoiled, Rejected Son of Hunger Games Assistant Director Murders Six In BMW Drive-By Shooting Before Committing Suicide":
Curiously, American media outlets like the Chicago Tribune, NPR, CNN, and NBC LA have refused to name the suspect, even though he posted his rant justifying the mass murder before it took place on social media video sites YouTube and Liveleak.

This is incredibly bizarre behavior by a mainstream media that is very quick to speculate on the identity of suspects in high-profile crimes with even the flimsiest of evidence (for example, slandering Olympic Park hero Richard Jewell as the suspect in Eric Robert Rudolph’s 1996 Summer Olympics bombing, and claiming that the Sandy Hook shooting was carried out by Adam Lanza’s brother). Here, they seem to have circled the proverbial wagons around this son of Hollywood royalty in a protective measure.

Likewise, the Facebook pages and Twitter feeds of Michael Bloomberg-funded citizen control cult Moms Demand Action/Everytown for Gun Safety and the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) remain mute on the killings, when such crimes are generally exploited immediately for public relations purposes by these groups.


I hate being cynical, but it appears that the gun control groups and the mainstream media are more interested in protecting the image of their progressive Hollywood allies than they are telling the story of what happened last night.
You think?

You can watch his deranged leftist entitlement manifesto at the Blaze, "Extreme Caution: This Frightening YouTube Video May Be the Manifesto of Santa Barbara Mass Slayer."

Don't know if Rodger was a Democrat, but he was a classic spoiled-brat postmodern leftist.

Here's the MSM report at LAT, "7 dead in drive-by shootings near UC Santa Barbara."

The depraved Obama-protection media will be spinning this Elliot Rodger as some kinda of NRA-survivalist tea party conserva-libertarian, or something.

Sorry, but that ain't gonna fly. This guy had the Hollywood leftist silver spoon in his mouth since diapers. Cradled in privilege, he resorted to the only thing leftists know when they don't get what they want: murderous eliminationist violence.

PREVIOUSLY: Add Elliot Rodger to the list, ""Well, so another Leftist wacko snapped, huh? Oooops, here's some 'inconvenient truth' for you Leftist trolls..."

ADDED: From the Other McCain, "Hollywood Director’s Son Kills Six in Shooting Rampage Against ‘Sluts’":
At the root of the “Nice Guy” rationalization is a narcissistic blindness to his own shortcomings and a sense of entitlement to female companionship. He cannot admit (especially to himself) that his own resentments are actually motivated by envy, nor that his rage against women is a type of “sour grapes” rationalization: Frustrated desire expressed as rejection of those who reject him.
There isn’t really a political aspect to this kind of maladjustment although, as with every mass shooting, the Left is trying to play “pin the tail on the right wing,” and conservatives are pushing back..
Indeed, most of the time there's little that's really political about these mass shootings, and even when a political official is involved (Gabby Giffords) the mainstream press botches the story ghoulishly, pinning blame on fictional Republican "target maps" or what not. But because there are huge political implications, conservatives can't sit by idly and let the left's lies take over the popular imagination. These people are not just depraved. They're evil.