Monday, October 6, 2014

Royals Sweep Angels in ALDS

I should have more about this over the next couple of days, but for now, man, what a disappointment.

And that's to take nothing away from Kansas City. Those boys are on fire.

Weaponizing Ebola for Democrat Party Political Warfare

At Legal Insurrection, "Dems seek to weaponize Ebola politically."
Weaponize photo Ebola-Obama-Campaign-Logo-w-url-620x428_zpsf9039059.png

Spectacular GoPro® Great White Shark Photo from South Africa

Great work from Amanda Brewer!

Sharyl Attkisson: 'The Media Waits for the Administration to Dictate the Agenda and Coverage'


At Breitbart.

Reminder: Democrats Are the Party of White Supremacy and Political Terrorism Against Black Americans

A great tweet!

Obama Official Praises Mosque of Oklahoma Beheader Alton Nolen

Beanfrompa tweets:

'Never let it be said that the president doesn't adapt to a changing situation on the ground...'

From Doug Ross, "Photographic Proof That President Obama is Finally Taking the Ebola Threat Seriously."

Lily Aldridge


This woman is in demand!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Officials at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Won't Discuss Thomas Eric Duncan's Treatment

Well, it doesn't sound like it's going toO well for Mr. Duncan.

He's not getting experimental treatment, which seemed to do wonders for the Americans who were rushed back to the U.S. a few weeks back. So far officials are saying that the drugs "either are not available or could worsen his condition in the short term."

Yeah. Right.

At Dallas Morning News, "Ebola containment ‘going well’ in Dallas despite new monitoring glitch."

PREVIOUSLY: "Report: Thomas Duncan Has Died; First U.S. Ebola Patient, Lied About Exposure to Disease - UPDATED!!"

VIDEO: New Jersey Boy Dies from Enterovirus, First Fatality in Growing Infectious Threat

Man, infectious diseases might be the leading election issue one month from now, the way things are going.

At Reuters, "New Jersey boy's death is first linked directly to enterovirus."

Vigil Planned for Five Teenagers Killed in Fiery Irvine Crash

A really sad story, at the Los Angeles Times this morning, "Five killed, one seriously injured in Irvine freeway crash."

Also, "Teens killed in Irvine freeway crash recalled as 'good boys,' athletes," and "Two girls killed in Irvine crash identified by friends and family."

The driver, identified as 16-year-old Bradley Morales, did not have a driver's license.

Reminds me of the Newport Beach crash that killed five students at my son's high school, about a year ago.

CBS News has the report on the planned vigil:

WaPo's Got It Going On!

From David Carr, at NYT (via Mediagazer), "Washington Post Regains Its Place at the Table."

Indigenous People Day!

Coming to a local public school district near you!

At Blazing Cat Fur, "Seattle school board replaces Columbus Day with Indigenous People Day."

And at Twitchy:

Angels Fan Beaten in Parking Lot After Friday Night's Playoff Game

ANAHEIM, Calif. (KABC) -- An Angels fan is in critical condition after being severely beaten in the parking lot of Angel Stadium after Friday night's playoff game.

Two witnesses, only identified as Sandra and her 15-year-old daughter, Morgan, spoke to Eyewitness News on Saturday about what they saw.

Both are diehard Angels fans. But they say they will never forget the brutal beating.

The vicious assault happened around 10:30 p.m. in the preferred parking lot outside Angel Stadium.

Sandra and Morgan said the victim and his cousin were leaving the game when the 43 year old was suddenly attacked from behind without warning.

"This man started running towards another, and just started beating this guy. He had two punches, the guy went down, he was out cold, and then he started beating his face really bad on the pavement," Sandra said.

The beating terrified Morgan.

"He continued to punch him while he was on the ground, and that's what got me a little bit upset and a little bit scared. When he had ran a few steps away and came back, I started to get even more worried. Is he going to come after me and my mom, or go to anyone around, a witness?" she said.

As the suspect ran off with two other men, Sandra and Morgan rushed to help the victim.

BREAKING: BooMan, a.k.a Martin Longman, Has Not Died!

Well, no further word on Thomas Duncan yet, although I can report that BooMan, a.k.a Martin Longman, of the Booman Tribune, has not died.

It's been totally hush-hush over there regarding Martin's condition. Steve M. has been totally discreet with the information coming out of the Booman household. But here's Martin's comments at the blog the other day:
Hello folks.

As of about 12:30 I got my computer back and an internet connection.

So far, I've made a first-pass plow through my email and looked at what's been going on on the front-page.

I still have to wade through my Washington Monthly stuff, my Facebook and my Twitter.  Then I have to catch up on the news.

I had a bit of a health scare on the 17th and checked myself into the hospital.  I needed some R & R but I don't have any serious health issues.  I need to take better care of myself and be more careful about what I put in my body.  Beyond that, I don't really want to get into the details.

I'm sorry that I gave you all a bit of a scare, but I was pretty scared, too, and this is the price I pay for not being anonymous.

I'd like to thank everyone including especially Steve for stepping up to the plate and keeping this place humming.  How wonderful to see an old soul mate like Man Eegee come out of the woodwork to help us out!  That really brought a smile to my face. I love you, Manny.

And for everyone else who contributed, I can't thank you enough.  I truly know who my friends are.

It may take me a little bit to get back in the swing of things because I've been in a media blackout since the 17th, but I be back at full speed soon.

Thanks to everyone who reached out with concern.
So, what do we make of it? My guess is that Martin went on an epic drug and alcohol binge, probably involving cocaine and various amphetamines. He checked himself into the hospital after reaching the stage where you want to jump over the railings because you can't come down. So, yeah he does "need to take better care" of himself. Again, just guessing, but no doubt if the truth were to get out it'd be pretty embarrassing.

Also, while scrolling through the updates on Martin, Steve D., a.k.a No More Mister, revealed that he's 58-years-old and bisexual. However, he's married and has remained faithful to his wife. Why it was necessary to reveal that much personal information was not stated, but with leftists identity and victimology are crucial, so Steve D. no doubt had to get his authenticity bona fides out there into the arena.

But let's face it: Either way these idiots are all messed up and consequently you can rest assured that no one takes seriously the crap they post at their blogs.

Frankly, I was just checking in on Martin to get some lulz on his "Democrats are going to hold onto the Senate" hallucinations, heh.

No doubt we'll still be seeing some of those, so all is not lost.

CORRECTION: I confused "Steven D." with "Steve M." A thousand pardons! See, "My Bad! By Bad! Steve M. at No More Mister Is Not Bisexual — NTTAWWT!!"

Report: Thomas Duncan Has Died; First U.S. Ebola Patient, Lied About Exposure to Disease - UPDATED!!

UPDATE OCTOBER 8: All the big media outlets are now reporting that Duncan has died. See: "Dallas Ebola Patient Thomas Duncan Has Died --- For Real This Time!"


This is being reported at Arutz Sheva, "First US Ebola Patient Dies":
Thomas A. Duncan, who became ill with Ebola after arriving from West Africa in Dallas two weeks ago, succumbed to the virus today (Sunday), reports Reuters. Duncan was fighting for his life at a Dallas hospital on today after his condition worsened to critical, according to the director of the US Centers for Disease Control.

The Dallas hospital that admitted him did not recognize the deadly disease at first and sent him home, only for him to return two days later by ambulance.
Reuters has not posted the latest news to its website. Here's what's up there now, "Ebola patient in Dallas 'fighting for his life' says CDC head."

The Obama-enabling press is going to delay full reporting on this story, to protect the Democrat Party from the massive backlash against its craven political capitulation to the epidemic.

Duncan lied to get into the country.

Expect updates.


Heh, everybody's in a tizzy over this post. So, to be clear: There is no confirmation of Duncan's death beyond the Arutz Sheva report. Caleb Howe tweeted that so far the report of Duncan's death is a rumor:

More later.

From the thread at Godlike Productions. Ain't it the truth:

Dallas Homeless Shelters 'Don't Have An Ebola Plan'


At Breitbart Texas.

Smokin' Sunday Roundup of the Roundups — And Some #Rule5 Too!

Let's get this party started with Pirate's Cove, "Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup," and "If All You See……is a wonderful tree sucking up all the carbon pollution from Other People’s fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist."

 photo 60b9e181-5752-4ff8-bfa5-5196db26e663_zps392fa58d.jpg
At the Other McCain, "Don’t Do It, Ben Affleck!"

And at Dana Pico's, "Rule 5 Blogging: Basic Training and an #Ebola Rant."

Also at Conservative Hideout, "70% Of Obama’s Illegals Are No-Shows for ICE Appointments."

At Lonely Con, "Why Did The White House Have The Koch Brothers’ Tax Information?"

Biff Spackle, at Director Blue, "BRUTAL: The Plot Against the Middle Class."

From Regular Right Guy, "Labor Participation Hits 36-Year Low."

And Da Tech Guy, "The Super PAC war on Marilinda Garcia."

Now at iOWNTHEWORLD, "Cockamamie “Experimental” Vermont College Honors Cop Killer With Commencement Speech."

Also from Drunken Stepfather, "STEPLINKS OF THE DAY."

At the Mad Jewess, "Don't Talk to Me About Bad Things."

And from Proof Positive, "Hot Cheerleaders: 2-2 Niners vs. 2-2 Chiefs," and "*Best of the Web*."

Randy's Roundtable, "Hot Cheerleaders: The Texans visit the Cowboys today..."

Gator Doug has "The Daley Gator Babe."

And at Egotastic!, "Alyssa Barbara Canadian Hot Nipple Pokes in Sextastic Posing."

At Maggie's Farm, "Saturday morning links."

And from Blackmailers Don't Shoot, "Rule 5 Monday with Anna Kendrick."

More at Playboy, "FRISKY FRIDAY WINNERS: 10-03-14."

At 90 Miles From Tyranny, "Morning Mistress."

At Knuckledraggin', "Yay!!! Squishy boob hug!!!"

More from the Last Tradition, "Rule 5 Sunday – Mayoli Sena."

The Hostages, "Big Boob Friday."

At Classy Bro, "Bursting Out Tuesday Will Make Your Week Better."

Zoo Today, "This week, Rachel Williams and ZOO present... Awesome In Undies!"

Odie's, "Gone Fishing ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style."

Double Trouble Two, "Random Hottie's .... ;-)."

Goodstuff's, "GOODSTUFFs BLOGGING MAGAZINE (158th Issue): Kate Mara, the all American girl, hosts this metablog."

In a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World has the "Friday Pinup."

BONUS: At Soylent Siberia, "MORNING CUPCAKES."

America is Stuck on Open-Borders Stupid

From Michelle Malkin, "Can we end the crazy diversity visa lottery yet?":
Ebola has reached our shores from Africa. Dozens of children are reportedly suffering paralysis from a deadly virus with unknown origins. Medical providers across the country have warned of a looming public health crisis as communicable diseases spread unmonitored and uncontrolled. Other countries are cracking down. But America is stuck on open-borders stupid.

The Diversity Visa (DV) program, to take just one glaring example of government insanity, is still going.

On October 1, the State Department opened the annual DV random lottery to applicants from around the world. Yes, it’s completely random like a Powerball drawing. Up to 55,000 lucky winners will snag permanent residency visas (green cards), which put them on the path to American citizenship ahead of millions of other foreigners patiently waiting to come to this country.

The green card lotto winners’ spouses and unmarried children under 21 all get golden tickets into the country, too, no matter where they were born.

Illegal aliens are eligible if a legal family member wins the jackpot. Applicants don’t even need a high school education. No outstanding abilities, training or job skills are necessary. A handful of countries are excluded if they no longer qualify as “underrepresented.” But if you come from a terror-sponsoring or terror-friendly nation — such as Iran, Syria, Sudan, North Korea and more than a dozen officially designated terror enablers on the State Department’s list — no worries. Thousands from these breeding grounds for jihad will walk through our front doors.

This is what happens when bipartisan panderers in Washington get their way. The visa lottery was championed by left-wing social engineer Sen. Ted Kennedy and signed into law by President George H. W. Bush in 1990 to admit more “underrepresented” immigrant minorities into the U.S. Although originally intended to give a leg up to Irish illegal aliens who had overstayed their visas, most of the winners now hail from non-Western terror hot spots and hostile territories.

You know who else will get in? Untold numbers of “diversity” petitioners from Liberia, Sierra Leone and other West African countries where the Ebola virus is epidemic. If you think the feds will ensure that foreign visa-seekers with communicable diseases stay out, think again. The State Department now allows applicants with HIV to apply and enter. Those who suffer from tuberculosis, leprosy or other afflictions “of public health significance” can apply for waivers.

Reports indicate that before his departure from Liberia to Texas last week, Ebola carrier Thomas Duncan lied at the airport about being in contact with someone exposed to the disease. So far, the White House refuses to impose any travel restrictions from West Africa. It’s also not clear whether the U.S. has re-screened West Africans who won last year’s DV game and are flying into the country now...

Homosexual Rights Could Reshape Legacy of Supreme Court

I fully expect the Court to announce a national right to homosexual marriage. The justices had a chance last year to push back against the left's depraved homosexual agenda and caved. The ruling on California's Proposition 8 case was especially craven. I have no confidence that the Court will stand up for traditional values. Indeed, homosexual marriage has jumped the shark as far as I'm concerned. The left prevailed, by any means necessary. I do expect that the culture will shift back in favor of traditionalism (as is already happening, as per the Pew poll out recently on religion in public life), so it's way too early to rule out a comeback for decency and morality.

As I've said all along, the history of the abortion movement provides a classic case of common sense prevailing over the left's horrific culture of death. Given enough time, homosexuality will further destroy the foundations of the progressive consensus on same-sex licentiousness and decay. Common sense will prevail in time, especially should diseases such as HIV, now enormously overrepresented among young minority barebacking homosexuals, break out into an epidemic afflicting more and more of the general population.

But all of this takes times. We'll see how it goes.

Meanwhile, at WaPo, "As Supreme Court term begins, prospect of a gay-marriage ruling looms large":
The 10th edition of the Supreme Court under Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. begins work Monday with the prospect of a monumental ruling for gay rights that could serve as a surprising legacy of an otherwise increasingly conservative court.

Whether the justices will decide that the Constitution protects the right of same-sex couples to marry dominates expectations of the coming term; such a ruling would impart landmark status on a docket that so far lacks a blockbuster case.

And some say it would be a defining moment for a closely divided court that bears the chief justice’s name but is most heavily influenced by the justice in the middle: Anthony M. Kennedy, who has written the court’s most important decisions affording protection to gay Americans.

“If the court establishes a right to same-sex marriage . . . [it] will go down in history as one that was on the frontiers of establishing rights for gays and lesbians,” said David A. Strauss, a constitutional-law scholar at the University of Chicago.

“The rough idea would be that the Roberts court would be to the rights of gays and lesbians what the Warren court was on race issues.”
Keep reading.

Why Do We Assume That Asylum Seekers Have a Right to Resettlement in a First World Country?

"We" don't.

The left turns everything into a RACE and SOCIAL JUSTICE issue because our system is driven by all politics all the time, and the left's motivations are never based on humanitarianism but raw political power.


Lyvette Crespo May Have Murdered Her Husband as Revenge for His Alleged Extramarital Affairs

Look, this lady's alleging that she's a victim of domestic abuse so she can get away with murder. I doubted her story from the get go. Remember, the family had financial squabbles as well. She was constantly pestering her husband about money. I mean, who was the abuse victim here? Sheesh.

And now there's allegations of extramarital affairs, as well as claims that Lyvette Crespo sent threats to her slain husband's alleged lovers via text message.

I hope she's charged with murder.

At LAT, "Detectives look at Bell Gardens mayor's reported extramarital affairs."

And at CBS Los Angeles, "Only On 2: Were Explosive Text Messages Sent From Slain Mayor’s Wife to His Alleged Mistress?"

'It is a narcissistic delusion for liberals to believe that somehow we have caused Muslims to hate us when, in point of fact, the Koran and other Islamic scriptures command them to hate us...'

From Robert Stacy McCain, "They Want to Kill Us All":
We cannot negotiate with this hate. We cannot compromise with this hate. No policy of ours will permit us to co-exist in peace with this hate. We cannot choose peace when Islam chooses war, and we cannot hope that “tactical air strikes” will suffice to defeat their deadly hatred. The only option left to us is to give them war without limits, war without mercy, a determined, relentless and unceasing war that will not be satisfied with anything less than complete victory over these murdering Muslim monsters who want to kill us all.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

'There is no level of depravity to which they will not sink...'

British Prime Minister David Cameron, referring to Islamic State, not the Democrat Party.

Peter Kassig's Parents Issue Plea for Son's Life in Video

And we know, sadly, it'll be for naught. Their son will be murdered, ruthlessly and mercilessly.

And the hostage Kassig, who was a humanitarian aid worker, converted to Islam and changed his name to Abdul-Rahman --- a lot of good that's going to do him.

At USA Today, "Parents of ISIL hostage issue video plea for son's life."

VIDEO: Dodgers-Cards Benches Clear After Yasiel Puig Hit by Pitch in 3rd Inning of #NLDS Game 1

A rough outing for the Dodgers yesterday.

At LAT, "Clayton Kershaw shanks it again for Dodgers in 10-9 loss to Cardinals."

And at USA Today, "Yasiel Puig hit by Adam Wainwright, benches clear."

Parenting as a Gen Xer: We’re the First Generation of Parents in the Age of iEverything

An interesting, if somewhat pathetic, piece, from Allison Slater Tate, at WaPo:
The truth is, my generation of parents are pioneers here, like it or not. We’re the last of the Mohicans. We can try as hard as we want to push back and to carve space into our children’s lives for treehouses and puzzles and Waldorf-style dolls, but in the end, our children will grow up with the whole world at their fingertips, courtesy of a touch screen, and they will have to learn how to find the balance between their cyber and real worlds. It is scary. I don’t think I even believe there is a “right way” to parent with technology. But acknowledging that what we are doing is unprecedented – that no study yet knows exactly what this iChildhood will look like when our children are full grown people – feels like an exhale of sorts.

Daily Kos: The Real Killer Isn't Ebola — It's Republicans Who Block Medicaid Expansion

Tom Johnson, at NewsBusters, who reads this bilge so you don't have to:
In a Thursday post, Daily Kos writer Jon Perr alleged that Republicans’ refusal to expand Medicaid in twenty-five states “might be the greatest act of political spite in modern American history” and claimed, citing research published earlier this year, that it could lead to more than 17,000 “needless deaths” annually.

Perr contrasted conservatives’ cavalier attitude toward that statistic with the “virulent strain of right-wing outrage” over Ebola and asserted that Americans can strengthen their health-care system by voting Democratic in next month's elections, thereby “kill[ing] the GOPer virus dead in its tracks.”
As the election nears, the left's extremism is ramping up exponentially. They're going to get crushed, and it's hurting already.

Jean-Claude 'Baby Doc' Duvalier Dead at 63

One of the most revolting dictators of my lifetime.

At the New York Times, "Jean-Claude Duvalier, ‘Baby Doc’ of Haiti, Dies at 63":
Jean-Claude Duvalier, a former president of Haiti known as Baby Doc who ruled the country with a bloody brutality and then shocked the country anew with a sudden return from a 25-year exile in 2011, died on Saturday.

Mr. Duvalier, 63, died of a heart attack at his home, his lawyer told The Associated Press. President Michel J. Martelly announced the death on Twitter.

Mr. Duvalier continued to defend what human rights workers called one of the most oppressive governments in the Western Hemisphere, following in the footsteps of his father, François, known as Papa Doc, who also died suddenly, in 1971. The son was 19 when he assumed the post “president for life,” as he and his father called it, becoming the youngest head of state at the time.

He never apologized for atrocities, including brutal crackdowns on opponents at the hands of the feared Tonton Macoutes, a civilian militia that left a thousand people, if not more, dead, disappeared or illegally detained in harsh prisons.

Indeed, he defended himself as victims of his government pursued cases in Haitian courts on charges of corruption and human rights abuses. Mr. Duvalier had appeared in court and calmly denied any wrongdoing and even asserted the country was better off when he ruled.

“Were there deaths and summary executions under your government?” a judge asked him at a hearing in March 2013.

“Deaths exist in all countries,” Mr. Duvalier replied almost inaudibly. “I didn’t intervene in the activities of the police.”

He regularly dined in restaurants in Port-au-Prince, Haiti’s capital, and attended events at the invitation of Mr. Martelly, whose administration has included relatives and allies of people associated with Mr. Duvalier.

This year, his old political party announced that it would field candidates in elections and opened an office, though analysts were not sure if it was a serious move or a thumb in the eye of the rival he loathed and who succeeded him, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, another formerly exiled president who also returned and still is a political force.

Mr. Duvalier fled the country in 1986, as political repression and worsening economic conditions set off violent unrest in what was then and still is the hemisphere’s poorest country. He asked France for asylum and the United States for the plane that would take him there, an American official said at the time.

His departure set the stage for democratic, though tumultuous, elections. Human rights groups have said that he looted Haiti’s treasury of millions of dollars and has largely lived off ill-gotten gains ever since.

His presence in the country, and the fact that he will now escape trial, appalled victims and human rights workers.

“On Duvalier’s death I’m thinking of the look in my mother’s eyes when she talks about her brother Joel who was disappeared by that dictator,” Patrick Gaspard, a Haitian-American who is the American ambassador to South Africa, said on Twitter. “News of the passing of Duvalier makes me honor my father and generations of Haitians who resisted that vicious dictatorship.”

You CANNOT Be Serious?!! The Left's Islamic State Trutherism

“It takes five people to stage an event like this — two to be ‘parents’ — two to pose for in a ninja outfit….and one to contact the media that does not bother checking who ANY of these other four people are.” --- Far-left whackjob Naomi Wolf, on Facebook.
See Ed Driscoll, "Out: Far Left 9/11 Truthers. In: Far Left ISIS Truthers."

Via Instapundit, who writes:
Sad to think that Naomi Wolf was a top adviser to Al Gore. We really dodged a bullet in 2000.
Man, did we ever!

'I'm sick and tired of minorities running our country!'

Says Charlotte Lucas, a co-founder, with her husband, of Lucas Oil Products.

At WRTV-6 Indianapolis‎, "Charlotte Lucas' Facebook rant about 'minorities' raises eyebrows."

And here's the drama, at AATTP, "Lucas Oil Vice President Unleashes Horrific Facebook Rant About ‘Minorities’ (Video)."

So, opining on Facebook that you're tired of godless minorities ramming their values (and repulsive food) down your throat is "horrific."

Oh the humanity!

High-Altitude Acrobatic Skydiving

Via Mudville Gazette:

Uh Oh: Texas Hospital Changes Account on Ebola Patient

It's amazing how politicized this infectious threat has become.

Seems to me that if the Obama administration truly cared about the health and safety of the American people, we'd have quarantined these infected individuals immediately and banned all flights from Liberia and other countries at the center of this abominable plague.

But no. The anti-American Obama-Dems don't want to seal the borders at all, lest that place in danger their immigration amnesty pathology.

This is how low the Democrats have taken this country. And you can truly understand then the public hatred of the president and his party. They're going to be crushed in the midterm elections, just barely over a month away.

In any case, at the Wall Street Journal, "Texas Hospital Changes Ebola Patient Account: Dallas Hospital Says Duncan’s Travel History Available to Doctors and Nurses":
DALLAS—A day after saying that doctors didn’t receive a Liberian patient’s travel history due to an electronics records glitch, the Dallas hospital that initially failed to admit the first person diagnosed with Ebola in the U.S. has changed its version of events, stating that information that he had come from Africa was in fact available to doctors.

Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas said in a terse clarification late Friday evening that Thomas Eric Duncan ’s travel history was available to physicians as well as nurses in its electronic health records when Mr. Duncan first arrived at the hospital’s emergency room on the night of Sept. 25, complaining that he felt ill.

That was a marked change from a statement sent out by the hospital late Thursday evening, which said that the hospital had “identified a flaw in the way the physician and nursing portions of our electronic health records interacted in this specific case,” which had prevented the physicians from seeing the information nurses collected from Mr. Duncan that he had recently arrived from Africa.

Doctors sent Mr. Duncan home with a prescription for antibiotics when he initially visited the hospital. He was only admitted to the hospital three days later, on Sept. 28, when he returned via ambulance after his symptoms had worsened. He was formally diagnosed with Ebola two days after that, on Sept. 30.

By that time, Mr. Duncan had come into close contact with emergency medical technicians, and five children he had been around had attended Dallas public schools Monday and Tuesday. One child also attended a middle school on Wednesday, school officials have said.

The hospital provided no further information about what took place during Mr. Duncan’s initial visit, raising questions about whether the facility had been on the lookout for potential cases of Ebola following warnings from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC had earlier cautioned hospitals that the outbreak of Ebola in West Africa, which has killed more than 3,000 people according to the World Health Organization, had increased the likelihood that patients from impacted countries would come to the U.S., and that early recognition of potential Ebola cases in America was critical.

Plus, a roundup at Instapundit, "REMAIN CALM! ALL IS WELL! U.S. Officials Urge Calm in Face of Ebola Concerns."

Bwahaha! Hate-Addled Stalker Walter James Casper Cheers Blogger's Automated Anti-Splogger Take-Down of American Power!

After almost seven years of uninterrupted blogging, American Power was taken offline due to an erroneous flagging by Blogger's automated anti-splogger software system. Indeed, there was some major Google glitch last night while I was watching the Angels game. I had to go through extra security just to log onto my Chromebook (the login function asked for a phone number to text me an additional password). And it turns out that the blog was affected too. American Power was taken down.

Bob Belvedere tweeted:

No big deal, actually. I didn't feel much like blogging anyway after the Eric Hosmer crushed that 11th inning home run. I hit the sack.

So, I was out cold at 5:33 this morning when Blogger sent this email:
Hello, We have received your appeal regarding your blog Upon further review we have determined that your blog was mistakenly marked as a TOS violator by our automated system and, as such, we have reinstated your blog. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused in the meantime and thank you for your patience as we completed our review process. Thank you for understanding. Sincerely, The Blogger Team.
I got up and checked my iPhone and American Power was already loaded in the phone's browser. I got some coffee at 7/11 and got back to my normal blogging routine --- to the bitter consternation of my obsessed hate-addled stalking troll Walter James Casper III, who tweeted:

The sick f-ker Repsac checks my blog multiple times per day, while denying his sick obsessive program of stalking and harassment.

Reppy's been consumed by ideological hatred --- and a deep psychotic personal animus against yours truly --- since 2008, when the dirtbag loser first started stalking me, in the comments at Biobrain's blog.

Oh well, perhaps Reppy will someday, at long last, seek out the psychiatric help he so badly needs.

Meanwhile, his decidedly odd cheering of Blogger's automated splog-flagging system reveals just how far Reppy's descended into the nihilist pit of deranged, demonological hatred.

Eric Hosmer Crushes Homer in 11th Inning, Crushing #Angels Home-Field Hopes

Hosmer's been on fire. He pounded that extra-innings triple off the wall against the A's, crushing Oakland's wild card hopes. And now he's crushed the Angels' hopes, as the Royals can clinch a trip to the American League championship on Sunday.

At the New York Post, "Royals show no signs of slowing down, beat Angels again."

Friday, October 3, 2014

The Real Reason Winning the Senate Matters

From Charles Krauthammer, at WaPo:
You can win midterm elections without a positive agenda. You can’t win presidential elections that way. It is therefore vitally important for Republicans to win the Senate in 2014. Here’s why.

In midterms, it’s all right to be the party of no. The 2010 election, for example, was a referendum on the liberal overreach of the first two Obama years. Result? A Democratic “shellacking,” said President Obama. The massive stimulus, (the failed) cap-and-trade and Obamacare created a major backlash that cost Obama the House and, with it, the rest of his ideological agenda. It’s been blocked ever since.

That’s the power of no. And Republicans should not apologize for it. The role of the opposition is to oppose. With the welfare state having reached the outer limits of its competency and solvency, it is in desperate need of restructuring and reform. With an ideologically ambitious president committed instead to expanding entitlements, regulation and government itself, principle alone would compel the conservative party to say “stop.”

“Stop” was more than enough in 2010. With the president in decline and his presidency falling apart, it will be enough in 2014. Those complaining that Republicans haven’t come up with a national agenda are forgetting that we don’t have a parliamentary system. We don’t have an organized hierarchical opposition with a shadow prime minister and shadow Cabinet. We’ve got 500-odd local political entrepreneurs running under the same Republican banner but offering distinctly independent takes on its philosophy.

The 1994 Contract With America is, of course, the exception. But that required unique leadership and circumstances. We do not have that now.

Nor do we need to. Republicans are today on track to take back the Senate.

Why is this important? It’s not an end in itself. Nor will it change the trajectory of Obama’s presidency. His agenda died on Nov. 2, 2010, when he lost the House. It won’t be any deader on Nov. 4, 2014, if he loses the Senate.

But regaining the Senate would finally give the GOP the opportunity, going into 2016, to demonstrate its capacity to govern...
Keep reading.

We're seeing more and more reports bullish on a GOP takeover of the Senate. The election's just over a month away. Lookin' good.

So, I Was Able to Find Fox Sports 1 for the #NLDS

I couldn't find it at first, which would have been a bummer, especially since the Dodgers had been blocked out of basic cable all season.

I checked the Fox Sports website, "Find FOX Sports 1 on your TV."

And see LAT, "TV schedule for rest of Dodgers-Cardinals division series announced."

GRAPHIC: Islamic State Beheads British Hostage Alan Henning

The bloke was doomed.

At Bare Naked Islam, "BREAKING! British citizen Alan Henning beheaded by the Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria (WARNING: Graphic)."

And from SITE Intel Group, "Islamic State Beheads Alan Henning in Video (Public and Edited)." And at the Times of Israel, "Islamic State beheads British hostage Henning."

Emily Ratajkowski Hot in Cosmopolitan Magazine November 2014

At Egotastic, "Emily Ratajkowski Hotness Hits the Big Time in Cosmo."

BONUS: "Emily Ratajkowski Cleavetastic Melons in the Big Apple."

Obama Puts Failed Democrat Policies 'On the Ballot'

And flailing Dems are not pleased, lol.

At WaPo, "And just like that, Obama’s ‘policies are on the ballot’ comment is campaign ad fodder," and Legal Insurrection, "2014 Dem Nightmare Come True: Obama puts his policies “on the ballot”."

Travel Bans from Liberia Are Racist!

Political correctness gets people killed.

At Twitchy, "PC on parade: Katie Pavlich’s call for restrictions on flights from Africa called ‘racist position’."

Classic: Leftist Loon in Irvine Drives Toyota Prius with Smorgasbord of Obama-Cult 'Progressive' Bumper Stickers

This dolt needs to update her array of bumper stickers. I mean, "Obama 2012" is pretty dated, to say nothing of "marriage equality," an Orwellian perversion of the language that is nevertheless passé in 2014.

And Troy Davis? That's so 2011. And lame. The dude was in fact a poster boy for the death penalty.

Meh. If you're driving a Prius it's de rigueur to sport the regressive bumper sticker array. Freakin' morons.

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A classic brain-dead leftist, in any case. The kind seen frequently at Legal Insurrection, heh.

Angels Don't Meet Expectations in Game 1 of Division Series — #ALDS

A nicely toned commentary from Bill Dwyre, at the Los Angeles Times:

The game was tighter than the cork on a bottle of wine. The Angels wore out the Rally Monkey. Also the 45,321 fans.

It also wore out people's patience. The game took 4 hours 5 minutes and was a prime example of why retiring Commissioner Bud Selig wants things done to make games move along faster. This one gave him a template.
Pretty shocking opener, actually.

PREVIOUSLY: "#Angels Drop First Game to #Royals in #ALDS."

Two Louisiana Teachers Accused of Group Sex with Student

Tell women not to rape

At the New Orleans Times-Picayune, "Destrehan High School teachers accused of group sex with student at Kenner apartment."

Thursday, October 2, 2014

#Angels Drop First Game to #Royals in #ALDS

The Angels are off to a rough start against the Royals, who are frankly on fire.

Too many missed opportunities.

Missing U.S. Marine Corps Aircrew Member Lost at Sea

At Pat Dollard's, "Missing U.S. Marine Corps Aircrew Member Lost at Sea." And Stars & Stripes, "Search over: Missing Marine aircrew member declared lost at sea."

And see the New Orleans Times-Picayune, "Search of Arabian Sea ends for Marine who jumped from ailing Osprey, paper reports":
A Marine who leapt into the Arabia Sea from a MV-22 Osprey after the aircraft lost power is presumed dead, the Navy Times newspaper reported Thursday. The Navy called off the search earlier Thursday, a day after the Marine and another crewman jumped from the tilt-rotor aircraft.

The second Marine was recovered shortly after jumping and was reported in stable condition aboard the USS Makin Island, the amphibious assault ship from which the Osprey had launched before losing power. The pilot was able to gain control of the aircraft and return to the ship, the Navy Times reported...

This Season's #Angels Team Draws Comparisons to 2002 World Series Champions

At LAT, "Angels may have turned back the clock":
It first struck Tim Salmon in early July, when the Angels steamrollered the Texas Rangers in a four-game sweep. It became more apparent July 18, when the Angels traded for proven closer Huston Street, turning a much-improved bullpen into a dominant one.

It was solidified in early September, when the Angels' offense went off, averaging almost nine runs a game during a 10-game win streak that sealed the American League West title.

"This team is really reminiscent of our 2002 team," said Salmon, the right fielder on the club that mashed its way to the World Series championship that October. "They're putting up a lot of runs, and they're getting great pitching from their bullpen. Hopefully, the postseason for them goes like it did for us."

The Angels open the AL division series against the Kansas City Royals on Thursday, and despite their major league-best 98-64 record, they may have the thinnest and least-imposing rotation of the eight playoff participants.

Game 1 starter Jered Weaver is a veteran right-hander who consistently pitches into the seventh inning and gives the Angels a chance to win.

But left-handers C.J. Wilson and Hector Santiago were erratic in September, their occasional brilliance offset by some early blowouts, and right-hander Matt Shoemaker will be trying to pitch through a potentially painful rib-cage strain.

The Angels survived — even thrived — after losing their best pitcher, Garrett Richards, to a knee injury Aug. 20. The loss of the right-hander could sting more in October, as the Angels match up against some shut-down starters.

But the Angels don't have to look far for proof you can win a World Series without dominant starting pitching. Their blueprint for success is a virtual carbon copy of the 2002 team's: Get a lead or stay even through five innings, hand the ball to the bullpen and enjoy the ride.

And if the starter struggles? Then pummel the opposing pitcher.

"You can bet it's going to be a race to the fifth inning for [Manager Mike] Scioscia unless he's got Weav out there," said Troy Percival, the closer on the 2002 club. "When you have the bullpen the Angels have, it becomes a five-inning game. It's similar to when we were rolling in 2002. We could cover four innings every day on a playoff run."

In the Mail: Henry Kissinger, World Order

The publisher sent this out.

A magisterial book, at Amazon.

Facebook to Revise 'Real Name' Policy to Accommodate Homosexuals, Drag Kings, Drag Queens and Members of the LGBT Community

Darn tootin'

Facebook needs to get with the program.

At the Verve, "Facebook clarifies real name policy amid LGBT protests: Drag queens will be able to post under their stage names, the company says."

The Case Against Qatar

From Elizabeth Dickinson, at Foreign Policy.

Climate Change Has Jumped the Shark

A great piece.

From Steven Hayward, at Forbes.

Bwahaha! Walter James Casper Tweets Batshit Crazy Mahablog's Deranged Ravings on Oklahoma Beheader

Poor Reppy.

The guy's got no self-control with that retweet button. Man, sometimes you gotta rein in the impulses to share, lest you look even more of a loon than you normally do. I mean, Mahablog? That lady Barbara O'Brien is clinical.

"Borderline personality disorder"? Jeebus!

Meanwhile, at NBC, "Oklahoma Beheading Suspect Denied Bond, Asks for Muslim Lawyer."

Yes, the suspect asked for a "Muslim lawyer," despite the left's unhinged claims that the beheading wasn't religiously motivated.

Freakin' morons.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Nestlé Fitness Breast Cam Captures Stolen Glances All Day Long

At the Mighty, "This Woman Wore a Hidden Camera in Her Bra for the Best Reason."

Also at NYDN, "WATCH: London woman's 'Bra Cam' catches men, women sneaking a peek."

Bell Gardens Mayor Had Squabbled with His Wife Over Finances

The wife, Lyvette Crespo, says she shot her husband because he was beating their son. But the L.A. Times reports that there was squabbling in the household over finances, and Mayor Crespo's brother sounds like he's not buying the wife's story.

Here, "Bell Gardens mayor's wife shot him to stop him from beating son, sources say":
Authorities have not released a possible motive for the shooting, but Daniel Crespo's brother, William, told KTLA-TV that the couple had been arguing over finances Tuesday.

William Crespo recalled his brother telling him: "'She’s over here fighting that I spend too much money.'"

He also described his brother as being "really tired" after having worked days and nights.

"She won't let him sleep," William Crespo said of his brother's wife, Levette.

Daniel Crespo, 45, was elected to the City Council in 2001. Aside from his duties as mayor, he worked as a Los Angeles County probation officer for more than a decade, according to the city.
PREVIOUSLY: "Mayor of Bell Gardens Daniel Crespo Shot and Killed by Wife."

Embattled U.S. Secret Service Director Julia Pierson Resigns

The lapses at the Secret Service are absolutely astonishing. Director Pierson's resignation should be just the first in a major shakeup across the responsible agencies, including DHS.

At the Washington Post, "Julia Pierson resigns as Secret Service director."

Kansas City Royals Advance to ALDS

That Eric Hosmer triple in the 12th was the turning point. Man, what a game!

I was hoping for an all-California ALDS, north-south style, but the Angels will face off against the Royals instead of the A's starting tomorrow.

More at the New York Post, "Royals comeback caps epic playoff opener."

The United States of Ebola!

Coming to America, at WaPo, "First U.S. case of Ebola diagnosed in Texas after man who came from Liberia falls ill."

And at CBS This Morning, "CDC director on threat of a potential U.S. outbreak."

Governor Jerry Brown Signs Plastic Bag Ban Into Law

This won't "protect the environment."

All it does is inconvenience consumers and make idiot environmentalists feel good about themselves.

Have your canvas, bacteria-encrusted reusable bags ready at all times.

At LAT, "Gov. Brown signs phase-out of single-use plastic bags in stores."

Before long we'll all be eating green shoots and granola. And liking it!

More at CBS This Morning, "California becomes first state to prohibit plastic bags."

Monday, September 29, 2014

Maria Fernandes, 32-Year-Old Dunkin' Donuts Worker, Touted as Symbol of America's Low-Wage Workers

Remember the left's "The Pity Party"?

Here's a case study (or yet another case study in the left's pity party shakedown socialist scam).

At the New York Times, "For a Worker With Little Time Between 3 Jobs, a Nap Has Fatal Consequences":
“She would give anyone anything she could.” — Glen Carter, 33.

Maybe she poured you a cup of hot coffee, right before you rushed off to catch your afternoon train. Maybe you noticed her huddled over an empty table in the station, dozing in the lonesome hours between one shift and another.

Her name was Maria Fernandes. She was 32 years old. And long before her face flashed across the evening news, she worked amid the throngs of passengers in the heart of Newark’s Pennsylvania Station, serving pumpkin lattes and toasted bagels, and dreaming of life somewhere else.

She dreamed of the bustling streets of Los Angeles and the leafy towns of Pennsylvania. She dreamed of working two jobs, not three. She dreamed of sleeping, really sleeping, for six or seven hours at a stretch.

But dreams rarely pay the rent. So Ms. Fernandes worked three jobs, at three Dunkin’ Donuts stores in northern New Jersey, shuttling from Newark to Linden to Harrison and back. She often slept in her car — two hours here, three hours there — and usually kept the engine running, ready in an instant to start all over again.

The last day of her life was no different. She got off work at 6 a.m. on Monday, Aug. 25, and climbed into her 2001 Kia Sportage, officials from the Elizabeth Police Department said. She was dreaming again, this time about taking a break to celebrate a milestone with friends. But first, she told her boyfriend, Mr. Carter, during a brief cellphone conversation, she was going to take a nap.

She pulled into the parking lot of a Wawa convenience store, reclined in the driver’s seat and closed her eyes. The store’s surveillance camera videotaped her arrival at 6:27 a.m.

Detectives would pore over those tapes after her body was found later that day. It was the last image that anyone would see of her alive.

“She liked her jobs; she never complained.” — Jessenia Barra, 28.

In death, Ms. Fernandes has been held up as a symbol of the hardships facing our nation’s army of low-wage workers. Her friends say she earned little more than $8.25 an hour — New Jersey’s minimum wage — and passed her days and nights in a blur of iced coffees and toasted breakfast sandwiches, coffee rolls and glazed jelly doughnuts.

You might remember her dark eyes and that smile when she handed your change across the counter. She worked afternoons in Newark, overnights in Linden and weekends in Harrison.

In a statement, Michelle King, a spokeswoman for Dunkin’ Brands, said that Ms. Fernandes’s managers described her as a “model” employee. (Ms. King said she could not say how much Ms. Fernandes earned or describe the specific hours she worked, saying that only the three franchisees that directly employed Ms. Fernandes had that information. Ms. King declined to provide contact information for those franchisees.)
Keep reading.

Her death was ruled an accident. We could have 100 percent economic equality, and this woman still could have died in an accident like this.

Ferguson Remains a City on the Brink

The never-ending soap opera of racial recrimination in the heartland.

At the Los Angeles Times, "A tense Ferguson fears the worst is yet to come":

Beauty Town has an elaborate video surveillance system that displays 16 angles of the store, but the cameras are better at capturing crime than at preventing it.

The beauty shop has been looted multiple times since a white Ferguson police officer shot an unarmed black man Aug. 9. Last week, during another round of unrest on West Florissant Avenue, a group of young men broke the front windows and raided the shelves and cash register.

Owner Shawn Kim thinks 99% of the people who live around his shop are good people.

For the rest, he’s bought a gun. Just in case.

If the grand jury fails to indict the officer who killed Michael Brown, almost everyone here thinks things will get worse.

“They’re not going to be looting next time,” said Kevin Seltzer, 30, who lives at an apartment complex near where Brown, 18, was shot. “They’re going to burn the city down.”

Far from finding peace after a round of summer protests and riots, Ferguson remains a city on the brink, its nearly every step troubled. The last week has been especially fraught.
Keep reading.

Pro-Democracy Protests Shake Hong Kong

At WSJ, "Roads Were Blocked and Some Schools and Offices Were Closed Monday Morning."

Sasha Pain Joins Ferguson Protests

Boy those Ruptly folks must really be up on the latest in XXX viewing.

Here, "USA: Porn star Sasha Pain joins Ferguson protests."

Alton Nolen: Victim of Racial and Religious Intolerance

Heh, at the People's Cube, "Alton Nolen: religious black man gunned down by white racist."

Alton Nolen: Victim of Racial and Religious Intolerance photo 31910-01_zps2f17c349.jpg

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Poll: Three in Four Americans Don't Trust Obama's 'No Ground Troops' Pledge in Fight Against #ISIS

Well, no surprise.

It's all lies all the time from this White House. Indeed, if and when Obama does commit ground troops he'll try to weasel his way out of the "no ground troops" pledge he's made numerous times (remember how he weaseled on his "red line" on Syria's chemical weapons use?). We've seen him do it dozens of times. Just wait for it, the freakin' dirtbag.

At the new Wall Street Journal/NBC News/Annenberg survey, at WSJ, "Poll Shows Americans Expect U.S. to Send Troops to Fight Islamic State":

Obama Iraq photo 14992507568_40c9257277_z_zpsae2c3d26.jpg
Nearly three-quarters of Americans don’t believe President Barack Obama’s assertion that the country won’t use ground troops to fight the militant group Islamic State in Iraq or Syria, the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News/Annenberg survey finds.

The poll shows a substantial lack of trust in Mr. Obama’s repeated assertions that American military efforts will be limited to airstrikes and other efforts that don’t include ground troops. Some 72% of registered voters surveyed said U.S. ground troops eventually will be deployed against Islamic State’s fighters. Only 20% said they believe the U.S. won’t end up using military ground forces.

The Obama administration has cautioned that the battle against Islamic State won’t be won quickly. It has said it will proceed with an international coalition and that the U.S. won’t  commit ground troops to combat.

“I want to be clear: The American forces that have been deployed to Iraq do not and won’t have a combat mission,” Mr. Obama said Sept. 17. “As your commander in chief, I won’t commit you and the rest of our armed forces to fighting another ground war in Iraq.”
Ironically, if he'd just tell the truth he'd have the support of the American people for his anti-terror policy. As it is fully 45 percent of Americans now support ground troops "if military officials determined it was the 'best way to defeat the ISIS army'." Imagine how high that number would go if Obama evinced some real presidential leadership on these issues.

Still more at the link.

Brace yourself for more Obama-Democrat lies in the meanwhile.

PHOTO CREDIT: The White House Flickr page, "President Barack Obama meets with his national security advisors concerning the situation in Iraq, in the Situation Room of the White House, Sunday, July 27, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)."

The 'B-Word' Embargo

Well, most assailants are people of color, and of course plenty of them are black, but to mention the race of the perp is racism!

Mad Jewess Woman, Expose Liberals and a few others never hesitate to publicize the race of these criminals, mainly because everyone else refuses to.

And now here comes Jazz Shaw, at Hot Air, as if this is something new, "The media embargo on “the B word”."

It's not like there's a shortage of examples, or anything.

At the Other McCain, for instance, "Arrest in Hannah Graham Case."

George Clooney Marries Amal Alamuddin

Well, I've enjoyed George Clooney is some of his films, but man, he had to go and marry this BDS shill.

Background at Washington Free Beacon, "George Clooney’s Anti-Israel Fiancée Appointed to U.N. Gaza Probe."

And at the Times of Israel, "Actor Clooney weds human rights lawyer."

Mavi Marmara 'Peace Activist' Killed in U.S. Airstrike in Syria


Karmic justice, at Israel Matzav, "'Peaceful' Mavi Marmara activist killed fighting for al-Qaeda in Syria."

Sabine Jemeljanova 2015 Calendar

Hey, pre-order here, if that's your thing, lol.

She's lovely, especially without makeup.

FLASHBACK: "Sabine Jemeljanova #Rule5."

Monrovia's Vinyl Technology Inc. Fires 240 Illegals After ICE Crackdown: Open-Borders Shills Decry 'No Justice, No Humanity'

You know, maybe Vinyl Technology Inc. shouldn't have employed hundreds of illegals? Or, maybe the border jumpers shouldn't have broken U.S. laws through illegal immigration?

But no. It's a racist "silent raid" to enforce U.S. immigration laws. Man, so pathetic.

At the Los Angeles Times, "Monrovia defense workers say they were forced out after ICE audit":
When Raymundo Lazaro showed up for a shift last week at Vinyl Technology Inc., a Monrovia defense contractor that has employed him for the last 18 years, his boss took him aside.

Lazaro, an immigrant from Mexico who came to the country illegally 23 years ago, was told he didn’t have paperwork showing he was authorized to work in the United States. Fix it immediately, Lazaro said the boss told him, or sign a letter of resignation.

Lazaro, who had been using falsified employment eligibility documents, had no choice but to quit. “I did my best every single day,” he said Thursday. “And like that they called me in and gave me the boom.”

He is one of 240 immigrant workers at the company who have been pressured to sign resignation letters in recent weeks amid a federal audit of the company’s hiring practices, according to former employees of the company and the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles, an immigrant advocacy group.

At a news conference Thursday at CHIRLA's headquarters, the workers called on the federal government to stop such investigations into workers' eligibility while President Obama weighs major changes to federal immigration policy.Obama promised in June to take executive action on immigration that many hope will allow millions of people in the country illegally to stay in the United States and legally work.

The president recently announced he will not take any such action until after the November election."There’s no mercy, no justice, no humanity in the implementation of our broken immigration laws,” said Xiomara Corpeno, CHIRLA's director of community education and outreach, who described the federal investigations of companies as "silent raids."Since Obama came to office in 2009, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has changed its approach to cracking down on companies that employ workers lacking authorization. Gone are the dramatic early-morning raids on factories and warehouses that were a hallmark of the presidency of George W. Bush, when armed agents routinely detained hundreds of workers, many of whom were eventually deported.

Now the agency conducts quiet audits of employees' I-9 documents at companies believed to have hired unauthorized workers, with the emphasis on the employer's violations, not the immigrant's.

Arrests of workers have fallen as the amount of fines the agency has collected from employers has risen.

Overall, the number of workplace investigations initiated by ICE fell dramatically in the last year, from 3,903 in the 2013 fiscal year to just 1,963 in the 2014 fiscal year, which ends next month.

The decrease can be attributed to budget cuts at the agency, according to an ICE official who was not authorized to speak publicly on the matter and spoke on the condition of anonymity.

Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, which advocates for stricter enforcement of immigration laws, said ICE is being too soft on immigrants here without permission and the companies that employ them.

"Audits are an important, but you need to also have work-site arrests," he said, adding that companies that employ unauthorized workers take jobs away from Americans.

"There’s an enormous supply of American workers who are not only unemployed but who have dropped out of the labor market all together," Krikorian said. "The idea that there’s not enough bodies to do the work here is laughable."

David Weinberger, Too Big to Know: Rethinking Knowledge Now That the Facts Aren't the Facts, Experts Are Everywhere, and the Smartest Person in the Room Is the Room

I attended the iFalcon Student Success Conference at Cerritos College the Friday before last, and organizers gave away copies of David Weinberger's Too Big to Know.

A great read. Grab a copy on Amazon.

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Derek Jeter Hits RBI Single for His Last at Bat

An infield single, at Fenway Park, broadcast on TBS.

And at the New York Times, "With His Words and Deeds, Derek Jeter Never Entered Foul Territory."

'The war on terror is not over...'

Bob Schieffer continues to sound like someone with old-fashioned common sense, and he's generally a lefty, heh.

France's Cultural Protectionism Blocks Netflix's Global Reach

At the Los Angeles Times, "Netflix struggles to win over skeptics in film-loving France":
As Netflix has spread its video streaming services around the globe, the company's been met with curiosity, skepticism and, at times, indifference.

But none of the Silicon Valley giant's adventures abroad generated the mix of fear and anxiety that it has stirred in film-loving France before its launch this month.

In a country of proud cinephiles, Netflix has been bashed by national politicians, vilified by cultural leaders and brushed off by potential broadcast partners who have instead beefed up their own competitive video offerings. These groups worry that Netflix will undermine the complex system created by broadcasters and the government to protect a French film industry that is central to the country's identity, and a significant part of its economy.

As the headline in Le Monde put it on the eve of Netflix's launch in France: "Let the Carnage Begin."

Aware of how it is being perceived, Netflix spent months wooing the French, both in public and behind the scenes. The stakes for the company are high.

Netflix is increasingly dependent on international markets for growth, analysts note, and France is one of the largest countries left to conquer. Yet appealing to local consumers is costly, and the company is promising big investments to acquire and produce local content. To ease cultural fears, executives have tried to make the case that the company will expand consumer choice and film production.

For now, though, the French are skeptical.

"We want to say welcome to Netflix," said Dante Desarthe, co-chairman of France's Guild of Authors, Directors and Producers. "But we want them to be respectful of the rules we have created here in France to protect our cinema."