Saturday, January 17, 2015

'American Sniper': A War on Terror Masterpiece


In director Clint Eastwood’s best films (“Gran Torino,” “Million Dollar Baby,” “Unforgiven,” “The Outlaw Josey Wales”), the multiple Oscar-winner is able to make us feel both the righteousness of justified violence and the heavy emotional price paid by those committing it. “American Sniper,” which is undoubtedly Eastwood’s best picture since “Million Dollar Baby” (2004), and might just be his best since “Unforgiven” (1992), faithfully constructs and respectfully deconstructs “The Legend”: Chris Kyle, the deadliest sniper in the history of the U.S. Military.

“American Sniper” opens during the worst days of Fallujah in Iraq. Kyle (Bradley Cooper) is the eye in the sky watching his fellow warriors through a sniper scope and protecting them when necessary with the kind of precision shooting that will quickly make him a legend (and target).

Through a door, an Iraqi woman emerges with a boy who can’t be older than 10. They walk towards a group of Marines. She hands the boy a large grenade. Kyle has been told by his superiors that what happens next is his call.

War is ugly and it’s not pretty watching our guys kick in doors. But there are bad guys behind those doors, and no matter how bad those guys might be, Eastwood makes sure the audience knows Americans don’t carry power drills or take lives out of any motive other than self-defense.

There is nothing even close to moral equivalence in “America Sniper,” only the truth: that there is no equivalence between the barbarians who target the innocent and the American heroes who target those who target the innocent...
Keep reading.

I saw the movie last night, at the 10:15pm showing in the IMAX theater at the Irvine Spectrum.

For me it was more like a documentary, and hence not my favorite war film. Indeed, it's not quite as harrowing as "Lone Survivor," although I wouldn't pick one over the other. It's just that with Chris Kyle in "American Survivor," you're getting an up-close-and-personal look at the onset and duration of PTSD. That Kyle was able to ride it out in all-American grunt style, and then help alleviate his pain by giving back to the disabled veterans' community, only suggests that the ultimate reckoning with his status as "Legend" of Iraq was inevitably delayed. We'll never know, for of course he was killed by a disturbed vet who he was trying to help by taking him out to the shooting range. The film handles that portion of his life with an extremely admirable minimalism. Indeed, I'd have to check, but there's a lot of authentic footage at the conclusion of the movie for Kyle's memorial procession, where the streets were lined with thankful citizens waving U.S. flags in commemoration.

The acting's superb. Bradley Cooper should probably win best actor, although he won't because feel-good patriotic movies don't go over with the correctness set in Hollywood. Or at least I don't expect it to. And Clint Eastwood's directing is indeed phenomenal. The battle scenes put you on the ground at the center of the action. While extremely realistic, there isn't a Stephen Spielberg-level of gory detail. It's more precision, neat bloodshed and death. Come to think of it, "Black Hawk Down" dwelt more on the visceral carnage of war more than this film did. But I like that about "American Sniper." In fact, the biggest letdown of the film is that we don't have more development of what's happening in country, in Iraq. I understand it's an autobiography, but the the chronological approach to Kyle's tours had me wondering how much longer the movie was going to play. I hate that. It's a signal to me that the pace is lagging.

Be that as it may, those who've served, or those who've worked with veterans and in doing PTSD charitable work, will be extremely pleased with this production. Dana Loesch had practically an out-of-boy experience seeing this, especially in that she saw the film at the premiere in Texas, surrounded with the principals and within the background of her experiences with military weapons training groups as so forth. Dana's take also expresses the necessary humility we should all have when watching films like this. Chris Kyle's patriotism and duty simply can't be faked. Unless you've placed you life on the line like that you're not going to fully "get it."

It helps, in my case, having a dad from the "Greatest Generation," and of course I study and teach military history and international relations. As I get older I feel the need to honor those who've put their lives on the line. It's only natural. The war on terror is nowhere near concluded. Our political leadership, especially President Obama, would like us to think it is. But the sad reality is it's not, and many more people are going to die, as victims of Islam's global jihad, and as those who've answered the call of duty to defend against it. "American Sniper" helps us understand the physical, emotional, and psychological costs of that war. As a society we'll deal with those costs more honestly and effectively after 2017, when the current administration leaves office. As it is we're in a break from reality that's mercilessly costing us, particularly in our will to stand up to evil and in our standing in the world as the last bastion and bulwark of freedom.

But these things will pass. And we'll have more stories of hardship and healing in a time of war. And for that we can thank heroes like Chris Kyle. And we can thank the storytellers who're willing to preserve that history and immortalize their experiences on film. There is indeed a silent majority of decency and resilience in this country, but these eternal American attributes atrophy without robust, unflinching, and shamelessly pro-American leadership. With luck the 2016 presidential campaign will help restore values and historical appreciation to our politics. And God willing, the country will elect a president committed to reversing the decline of the last 6 years (8 years by January 20th, 2017) and America can get back to being the "last best hope of Earth."

To Face Islamist Terror, We Must Face the Facts About Islam's History

From hot neoconservative Douglas Murray, at the Spectator UK, "'Religion of peace' is not a harmless platitude":
The West’s movement towards the truth is remarkably slow. We drag ourselves towards it painfully, inch by inch, after each bloody Islamist assault.

In France, Britain, Germany, America and nearly every other country in the world it remains government policy to say that any and all attacks carried out in the name of Mohammed have ‘nothing to do with Islam’. It was said by George W. Bush after 9/11, Tony Blair after 7/7 and Tony Abbott after the Sydney attack last month. It is what David Cameron said after two British extremists cut off the head of Drummer Lee Rigby in London, when ‘Jihadi John’ cut off the head of aid worker Alan Henning in the ‘Islamic State’ and when Islamic extremists attacked a Kenyan mall, separated the Muslims from the Christians and shot the latter in the head. And, of course, it is what President François Hollande said after the massacre of journalists and Jews in Paris last week.

All these leaders are wrong. In private, they and their senior advisers often concede that they are telling a lie. The most sympathetic explanation is that they are telling a ‘noble lie’, provoked by a fear that we — the general public — are a lynch mob in waiting. ‘Noble’ or not, this lie is a mistake. First, because the general public do not rely on politicians for their information and can perfectly well read articles and books about Islam for themselves. Secondly, because the lie helps no one understand the threat we face. Thirdly, because it takes any heat off Muslims to deal with the bad traditions in their own religion. And fourthly, because unless mainstream politicians address these matters then one day perhaps the public will overtake their politicians to a truly alarming extent.

If politicians are so worried about this secondary ‘backlash’ problem then they would do well to remind us not to blame the jihadists’ actions on our peaceful compatriots and then deal with the primary problem — radical Islam — in order that no secondary, reactionary problem will ever grow.

Yet today our political class fuels both cause and nascent effect. Because the truth is there for all to see. To claim that people who punish people by killing them for blaspheming Islam while shouting ‘Allah is greatest’ has ‘nothing to do with Islam’ is madness. Because the violence of the Islamists is, truthfully, only to do with Islam: the worst version of Islam, certainly, but Islam nonetheless...
Oh Douglas! Stop making so much sense!

Still more.

Rick Perry Lays Groundwork for Likely Presidential Bid

I like him.

He's one to keep an eye on.

At WSJ, "Perry Stakes Out Nuanced Immigration Stance Ahead of 2016: Outgoing Texas Governor Stands By His Support of Discounted Tuition for the Undocumented":
AUSTIN, Texas—As Gov. Rick Perry lays the groundwork for a likely presidential bid, he is standing by a Texas law that allows illegal immigrants to pay in-state tuition at public universities—a policy that drew opposition within his party in his previous campaign.

When Mr. Perry sought the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, he memorably suggested in a debate that those who opposed the Texas Dream Act don’t “have a heart.” Now, with the benefit of hindsight and months of preparation for a probable 2016 White House bid, the governor, who leaves office in the coming week, says he chose the wrong words but was right about the policy.

His stance suggests he will stake out a nuanced position on immigration in a future campaign at a time when many Texas Republicans are advocating a repeal of the in-state-tuition law, and as President Barack Obama ’s recent actions delaying deportations have stirred anger among GOP activists and lawmakers.

“I said they didn’t have a heart, and that was a really bad choice of words,” Mr. Perry, 64 years old, said during an interview at the governor’s mansion this past week. Of the Texas law, he said: “I still support it.”

Mr. Perry’s comments come as more than a dozen Republicans with eyes on the White House are taking steps toward launching 2016 campaigns. Mitt Romney , the 2012 GOP nominee, and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush have signaled strong interest in the race, potentially adding two formidable candidates to an already crowded roster.
Sounds wishy-washy. He obviously can't repudiate his own record, but it's going to hurt him in the primaries.

Keep reading.

Criticizing Islam? Meet the 'Honor Brigade'

Just wow.

See Asra Nomani, at the Washinton Post, "Meet the honor brigade, an organized campaign to silence debate on Islam."

Antiterror Raids in Europe Show 'War on Terror' Isn't Over

Once again, a great discussion with Judith Miller, at Fox News, "Europe raids show 'War on Terror' isn't over."

Friday, January 16, 2015

Everything Has Been Turned on Its Head

From Phyllis Chesler, at Arutz Sheva:
Last night, I lectured at a synagogue in Westchester. Afterwards, a man came up “to shake my hand.” He had asked me this exact question about Western survival and I had answered him partly based on the Arutz Sheva article I recently wrote on the question. Then he told me:

“Our son was supposed to be at the finish line at the Boston Marathon. Luckily, something prevented him from going but we spent the weeks afterwards calling up many of his Boston-area friends to see how they were. What will it take for Americans to wake up and to take Jihad seriously? If 9/11 and Ft Hood and the Boston Marathon Bombing did not do it, I am afraid to think of what will.”

A young college student said: “If I say any of the things you have just said, my friends would call me crazy.”

Said I: “So what? If you opt for popularity and conformity you will never develop the strength to stand up to evil or to tell the truth. Remember: Evil always prevails when the good people are afraid to stop it, lest they not only become pariahs--they may also lose their livelihoods and their lives.”

I thought she was going to faint.

When I was asked something about President Obama I cut right to the chase. However, in passing, I said that “of course he is considered a Muslim by the Ummah. He is the son of a Muslim father and by definition this is all that counts". Taking it a step further, Obama might also be seen as an apostate because he embraced Christianity or at least attended a black nationalist Christian church in Chicago.

Again, some people heard me say something else, namely, that I thought Obama is a secret Muslim and that this accounts for his pro-Islamic world policies and statements and his extraordinary “sensitivity” to Muslim feelings. Another college student said that if she said this to her friends they would say she was “crazy.”

Said I. “That’s nothing. Wait until they call you a Zionist and start harassing you in your dorm.”

What will it take for Europeans to wake up?

A colleague who lives in Germany read the piece and sent me the following email:

“Your suggestions about Europe have little chance of  happening. Many don't (blame) or call it Islam, including Hollande himself. Many blame the Israeli conflict with Palestine as a major cause. Europe and it's churches, intellectuals, etc., are more concerned about " islamophobia". Yesterday, 100, 000 marched against islamophobia in Germany, but did not bother with the rally in central Berlin in September against anti-Semitism, despite the fact that the rally was addressed by Merkel and president Gauck. They could only raise 4000, mostly Jews, from all over Germany."

The political will and honesty are simply not there! Germans now see themselves as victims of Hitler, Muslims also now see themselves as victims. Palestinians are victims...everything has been turned on its head...
Still more.

A great piece. And remember, political correctness will be the death of us.

New Class Conflict: Obama-Democrats in Bed with Wall Street Rich?

Joel Kotkin speaks with Glenn Reynolds at Pajamas Media's "InstaVision."

Watch: "Is Obama in Bed with Big Money on Wall Street?":
New Geography's Joel Kotkin talks to Glenn Reynolds about the Obama Administration's love-hate relationship with Wall Street. Kotkin reminds viewers that President Obama has always had a cozy relationship with the financial services industry, notwithstanding his negative rhetoric regarding banks and banking.
And buy Kotkin's book, The New Class Conflict.

Elizabeth Hurley Still Smokin'!

At Celebslam, "Still Freakln' Hot: Liz Hurley Poses for 2015 NBC/Universal Press Tour at the Langham Huntington Hotel in Pasadena."

Obama Seeks Federal Mandate on Paid Family Sick Leave

He's always mandating something, usually by unconstitutional executive action. So it'll be interesting to see if the GOP stands up against another federal mandate boondoggle.

At the cover of today's business section, at the Los Angeles Times, "Obama pushes paid sick/family leave for workers":

Paid Time Off photo photo_zps45410994.jpg
President Obama embarked on an effort Thursday to make paid family leave the new norm in America, using a strategy that garnered him some success last year in increasing the minimum wage for certain workers.

Obama signed an order to give up to six weeks of paid leave to all federal employees when a new child arrives and publicly called on Congress to pass a federal law guaranteeing seven days of paid sick leave for all Americans.

He also announced that Department of Labor money would be made available for states and cities that want to study implementing their own such policies.

Then, after a lunchtime meeting with coffee shop owners and working parents in Baltimore, Obama unveiled a pitch to corporate America: Paid family leave is good for companies' bottom lines.

"When they make that investment in their employees, there's a dividend," Obama told reporters at Charmington's cafe. "They end up being more profitable over the long term."

The president's approach to paid leave draws heavily on his experience over the last year with the minimum wage, a proposal he rolled out in the State of the Union address last January by asking Congress to raise workers' base pay to $10.10 an hour from $7.25. His first steps were to sign an executive order raising the wage for people working on federal contracts and to set off on a speaking tour to plug the idea.

Today, Obama has yet to persuade the Republican-led Congress to hike the wage. But the idea has picked up currency: 17 states and the District of Columbia have raised the requirement to increase the pay of an estimated 7 million workers.

One Obama aide called the momentum "heartening," and the president's team is embracing the strategy as one of the best tools at his disposal as advisors prepare to reuse it for paid leave.

Still, the newest sales pitch faces the same challenges as the one for minimum wage. Republicans scoff at the idea of imposing more costly requirements, especially on small businesses.

Americans already have "great freedom" when it comes to work, said Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), noting that workers have latitude to choose a career and negotiate for the benefits that matter most to them. American businesses operate with far fewer restrictions than the rest of the world, he said.

"One more government mandate, however well-intentioned, will only reduce those freedoms, making it harder for employees to find jobs, negotiate for the things they need and open and run businesses," he said.
Sounds good. But time will tell if these congressional RINOS hold the line against Obama's latest bid to cement is bankrupt socialist legacy.

Pamela Geller on Rick Amato Show: 'There Is No Other Choice' But to Defend Freedom and Fight Radical Islam

I was able to log onto Pamela Geller's Atlas Shrugs early this morning as I signed off from the Internet. I tweeted:

But the DDoS attacks are continuing and Pamela's blog has been taken down again. She's been putting the word out on social media, and requesting support to keep her work going. Bob Belevedere reports on that at TCOTs, "DDoS ATTACK ALERT: @PamelaGeller Needs Our Help."

And at the end of his interview with Pamela, Rick Amato asks if she worries for her safety amid "this current climate we're in." The question caught Pamela a little by surprise but not without a ready response: "Of course ... but the alternative is laying down and dying, and abridging my freedom..."

Watch: "Pamela Geller on One America News, Rick Amato Show: Jihad, Islam and the West's Denial."

The First-Ever CVS-Receipt Fashion Show

On Jimmy Kimmel Live, "CVS Receipt Fashion Show."

Yeah, this is a thing. From November, at ABC News Los Angeles, "MAN MOCKS RIDICULOUSLY LONG CVS RECEIPTS WITH HILARIOUS COSTUME."

'This transformation into a nanny-state, snitching culture has severe negative long-term repercussions for U.S. society, as well as the economy, if the trend isn't reversed...'

I'm not holding my breath on reversing things anytime soon. Best to just hold ground for now, and fight fire with fire. Make the nanny-state idiots live up to their own standards.

At Zero Hedge, "Maryland Parents Investigated for Neglect After Letting Their Kids Walk Home From School Alone."

More from ABC News, "'Free-Range' Parents Under Investigation for Child Neglect."

Veteran CNN Anchor Jim Clancy Fired After Anti-Semitic Twitter Exchange with Elder of Ziyon Blog

I saw this blowup the other day, and frankly it didn't make much sense. And whatever his differences, getting all anti-Semitic on Twitter certainly wasn't worth the price.

But hey, the establishment folks think they can do whatever they want when dealing with "just a blogger."

At Elder of Ziyon, "Elder gets results! Jim Clancy fired from CNN."

Also at Algemeiner, "Anchor Jim Clancy Leaves CNN Following Abusive Twitter Exchange With Pro-Israel Activists."

More at Twitchy, "‘Wonder if Al-Jazeera is hiring': Jim Clancy out at CNN after nutty anti-Israel tweets."

And at the click through, "Don't drink and tweet." Heh.

Bar Rafaeli Throwback for Sports Illustrated Swimsuit

The new swimsuit edition will be out in a couple of weeks, so Sports Illustrated posted this throwback to commemorate the good times.

F&R Auto Sales Shamefully Forces Pizza Delivery Man to Return Tip, Gets Ripped by Internet

Heh, this is pretty good.

Background at London's Daily Mail, "'The Internet has your back bro': Car dealership cruelly shames pizza delivery man by calling him back and taking away his tip and then posts the video - which backfires spectacularly."

And Jeanne Moos has fun with it at CNN:

How 'American Sniper' Leaped Over 'Selma'

By now you've no doubt heard of the "racist" snub of "Selma" in the Oscars nominations race. Hollywood obviously hasn't overcome.

Here's the headline at the Hollywood Reporter from yesterday, at Memeorandum, "Oscars: Acting Nominees All White."

I'm sure we'll be seeing affirmative action nominees in coming years.

Meanwhile, perhaps "Selma" wasn't that great a movie, with limited demographic appeal. Oh, that's racist! And Paramount Pictures botched its rollout of early-screening DVDs to academy members? Well, you won't be hearing much about that in race-mongering MSM denunciations of the "racist" film industry.

At the Los Angeles Times, "Oscars 2015: How 'American Sniper' leaped over 'Selma'":
"Selma" and "American Sniper" premiered at the AFI Fest on the same November night. Those standing in line outside the Egyptian Theatre for the 9 p.m. "Sniper" showing could hear the ovation from inside when "Selma" ended and the clapping continued long after writer-director Ava DuVernay, actors David Oyelowo and Common, and producers Oprah Winfrey, Dede Gardner and Jeremy Kleiner walked onstage for a post-screening Q&A.

It felt like a best picture powerhouse premiered that night. And it did. It just wasn't "Selma."

Clint Eastwood's "American Sniper," a tough-minded portrait of Chris Kyle, the real-life U.S. Navy SEAL who became the most lethal sniper in U.S. military history (160 confirmed kills over four tours in Iraq), received six Oscar nominations Thursday, including nods for picture, actor Bradley Cooper and screenwriter Jason Hall.

"Selma" received a best picture nomination too. But outside of a nomination for its original song, that was it for DuVernay's civil rights drama.

How did "Sniper" elbow its way past "Selma" and into the hearts of academy members? Demographics offer a partial explanation. A 2013 Los Angeles Times survey of Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences voters found the academy membership to be 93% white, 76% male with an average age of 63. In other words, this is the target audience for an Eastwood war movie, not necessarily the one for a historical drama made by a black woman that shows black people changing the course of American history.

Yes, just last year the academy gave its best picture prize to "12 Years a Slave" and an Oscar to its black director, Steve McQueen. And the academy has been making real attempts to add youth and color to its membership over the past three years, an effort that "will increase," academy President Cheryl Boone Isaacs reiterated Thursday morning.

So race may be a part of the story — but perhaps just a small part. "Selma" and "American Sniper" screened unfinished prints at AFI. But Eastwood's crew finished its post-production faster than DuVernay's did, enabling DVD screeners of "Sniper" to be sent to guild members, many of whom are also academy members. Paramount did not order the 150,000 DVDs necessary to blanket the guilds, and it cost "Selma" dearly. These groups vote early and feel entitled to view contending movies from the comfort of their homes. "Sniper" ended up scoring six guild nominations, including from the producers, directors and writers organizations. "Selma" landed only makeup and costumes.

"With the late arrival, they needed to make the DVDs a priority," one veteran awards consultant told me. "They didn't, and it cost them. They didn't have time to build momentum."

There's also the issue of another kind of timing, that of locking in with how American audiences want to feel about themselves — and their country — right now. "Selma" remembered the 1965 voting rights struggles led by the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and, in doing so, felt contemporary to the nationwide protests over the deaths of unarmed black men killed by white police offers. It's also relevant, as DuVernay has often noted, as recent laws have weakened the Voting Rights Act in many states. These are thorny issues, and they make many people uncomfortable.

DuVernay's movie found itself in the news, not for these reasons but for the accuracy with which it portrayed the relationship between King and President Lyndon B. Johnson. Joseph Califano, a former senior aide to Johnson, wrote a Washington Post op-ed column saying that "Selma was LBJ's idea" (a claim he later backtracked on) and that the movie should be "ruled out ... during the ensuing awards season."...
Still more.

Two Suspects Killed in Belgium Antiterror Raid

I turned on CNN early yesterday afternoon and everyone was all over this story.

Europe's Islamic jihad is totally messed up right now. And European governments are freaking out across the board.

At the Wall Street Journal, "Belgium Antiterror Raid Leaves Two Suspects Dead: Move Disrupts Imminent Terrorist Plot, Belgian Authorities Say":

BRUSSELS — Belgian police killed two people in a firefight on Thursday evening, disrupting what authorities called an imminent terrorist plot just a week after Islamist extremists set Europe on edge with massacres in Paris.

The plot was aimed at attacking the police, authorities said, and involved people who had returned from Syria, possibly fighting alongside terrorist groups there.

The police operations, which resulted in 10 raids, were the product of an investigation that began several weeks ago, before last week’s killings in Paris at the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and a kosher grocery, authorities said.

“This group was on the verge of committing a terrorist attack in Belgium,” said Thierry Werts, spokesman for the Belgian federal prosecutor’s office.

The authorities raised the nation’s terror alert and said police operations continued Thursday evening. A Belgian police spokesman said extra security measures were being taken. Police wielding machine guns were seen patrolling near Brussels’s main courthouse. The Belgian government convened an emergency meeting to discuss the security situation, officials said.

The raids come as a spate of terror attacks and failed plots linked to Islamist extremists have unsettled the Continent, often fueled by turmoil in the Middle East.

Last May, Belgium was involved in the first terrorist attack believed to have been conducted by a person who fought in Syria, when a Frenchman authorities say fought with Islamic State killed four people at the Jewish Museum of Belgium in Brussels.

The firefight on Thursday evening occurred in the eastern Belgian town of Verviers, the authorities said. The police also executed search warrants in Brussels and the Brussels suburb of Halle-Vilvoorde, targeting people who were believed to be involved in the plot.

When the police went to execute the search warrants in Verviers, they were met with automatic gunfire. They also arrested one person after the gunbattle. That person hasn’t been identified. No police were injured, authorities said.

Evidence uncovered later Thursday suggested the plot was sophisticated and ambitious. Belgian media reported that police found explosives in a house they searched in the Anderlecht neighborhood of Brussels, but that the occupants of the house couldn’t be located. Further police searches in a different part of Verviers turned up four Kalashnikovs, bomb-making materials and police clothing, Belgian daily La Libre reported.

Officials declined to discuss whether there was a connection between the plot and Amedy Coulibaly, the French Islamist who killed four people at the kosher grocery last week...

Swiss Franc Moves Set Markets Aquiver

This is interesting.

At the Wall Street Journal, "Swiss Move Roils Global Markets: SNB’s Surprise Scrapping of Euro Cap Triggers Turmoil Among Bonds and Currencies":
ZURICH—Switzerland’s central bank triggered turmoil in the markets Thursday when it unexpectedly scrapped its cap on the Swiss franc’s exchange rate against the euro, a move that unleashed new volatility in credit and currency markets around the world and further underscored growing concerns about global economic prospects.

Against the cloudy backdrop of collapsing oil prices, a sharply rising dollar, fresh doubts about the stability of the euro and mounting global concerns over deflationary pressures, the move by the Swiss authorities was the starkest sign yet of the pressure policy makers face in dealing with unusual financial conditions that threaten the world’s already fragile economic conditions.

Some of the fallout was felt early Friday in Asia as FXCM Inc., the biggest retail foreign exchange broker in Asia and the U.S., said it suffered “significant losses” that wiped out its equity.

The abandonment of the cap, which had essentially pinned the currency at 1.20 francs per euro for the past 3½ years, prompted a collapse of as much as 30% in the euro versus the franc—the biggest single-day move in a developed market traders could recall. Swiss stocks fell 8.7% as traders worried the stronger franc would hurt Switzerland’s exports, especially to Europe.

The currency move was accompanied by further cuts in interest rates by Swiss authorities, pushing some European government bond yields deeper into negative territory.

The Swiss National Bank became the first monetary authority to act ahead of the European Central Bank’s expected launch of a new bond-buying program to boost the currency area’s sagging economic prospects. The reaction shows the ECB’s bond-buying program is having a big impact on markets before it has even launched. ECB President Mario Draghi’s signals in recent months that it was coming have already pushed the euro down substantially. That would also likely be the main goal of bond purchases, since interest rates are already very low in most of Europe.

Jeremy Stein, a former governor of the U.S. Federal Reserve and now a professor at Harvard University, welcomed the likely ECB policy makers’ action next week, saying that while was unclear how it will benefit the eurozone, “they are doing absolutely the right thing.” But the SNB’s move also increases the market glare on the ECB’s action next Thursday, and potentially sets investors up for disappointment if the central bank doesn’t deliver a convincing package to fight off deflation.

Tim Adams, president of the Institute of International Finance, said given the market expectations for the ECB, not acting could spark a market firestorm. “I think markets would be incredibly disappointed if it doesn’t happen,” Mr. Adams, a former U.S. Treasury undersecretary of international affairs, said in a recent interview.

A big package or an open-ended commitment to buy more if needed could have the desired effects: an even weaker euro, a surge in risky asset prices like stocks, lower rates on European corporate bonds. But a small package or an approach that makes the public doubt the ECB’s commitment to follow through could leave investors underwhelmed and might even reverse some of the effects the trumpeting of QE has already created.

While the lower euro does make life harder for the eurozone’s neighbors, most policy makers would prefer a stronger eurozone economy to a weak one...
Basically, the Swiss had established a fixed exchange rate with the Euro in 2009, where it took 1.2 francs to buy a euro. By removing the fixed rate, markets caused the franc to appreciate against the euro by 30 percent, 0.9 francs to the euro. It thus takes more euros to buy francs, and it's more expensive for consumers to buy Swiss goods and for travelers to visit Switzerland (a terrible blow to the Swiss economy). All of this roiled financial markets, as exchange brokerage houses saw their equity balances wiped out.

More at the link.

And see the New YorkTimes, "Franc Soars After Swiss Drop a Cap on Its Value."

Sarah Palin: Obama's 'Being a Chicken' About the #ParisAttacks and Radical Islam

I love her.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Hackers Take Down Pamela Geller's 'Atlas Shrugs'

I just tried to log on to Pamela' site and got a huge error warning.

She's got an update on Twitter here. And via Twitter, the current message at the error page is here.

It's more than a DDoS attack.

Dana Loesch Review of 'American Sniper': 'I felt completely inadequate and in awe of the sacrifice...'

I'd hoped to see the movie tomorrow, but my son needs my van for work. So, I'll be heading out Saturday morning first thing. I can't wait. And according to Dana, it's going to be a transformational experience.

See, "American Sniper: Movie Review And Self Reflection":
Last night I had the distinct pleasure of being invited to the Dallas, Texas premier of one of the rare movies that Hollywood gets right. "American Sniper” is based on the life of Chris Kyle, for those of you who don't know Chris was a Navy SEAL and is known as "Legend" throughout the military world for being the deadliest sniper in US history with over 160 confirmed kills. I predict that because of the truthful, ethical and real way the subject matter was treated that it won't win a single Hollywood award even though technically it is a superior film and Cooper's performance is magnificent. The film follows his life from before his days in the U.S. Navy, through his BUD/S training, meeting his wife Taya, his first deployment to the Middle East shortly after they were married and his time doing his job as a frogman sniper. If you have read the biography you already know much of the film but unless you are a combat veteran you will probably find some of the visceral realness of this movie to be challenging.

I will try not give away any spoilers here as to specific scenes in the film but I will tell you that the movie is not appropriate for children or young teens (I will revisit the review after it has been out a few weeks to discuss scenes and themes). I try not to shield my children from too much, I'd rather use the opportunity to teach them a little about the situations that arise in violent films as long as it is within reason. That being said, my children will not be seeing this film for some time. Unlike most war films, this film depicts a reality in situations that really puts you as close to the painful decisions that you can emotionally get without actually having to do the job. I am struggling to find the words to describe the adrenaline rushes and dumps that Clint Eastwood has perfectly captured and timed in this movie so I will tell you how I felt immediately afterwards.

I felt completely inadequate and in awe of the sacrifice...
Keep reading.

'They're Back...': Hysterical Limits to Growth Nutjobs Revamp with New End-of-Times Earth's Boundary Forecast

We've seen this movie before.

Back in the 1970s, the radical left's "limits to growth" nutjobs began their apocalyptic warnings about the global environment's finite resources and the inevitable risk to the human race from the exponential growth of the world's population. Virtually every single warning offered then has been proved wrong, debunked, and mocked in righteous waves of pro-growth repudiation. (See Bjorn Lomborg, for example, "Environmental Alarmism, Then and Now: The Club of Rome’s Problem -- and Ours.")

But, obviously to the surprise of no one, they're back.

Here's the OMG SCARY headline at the New York Times, "Unprecedented Level of Human Harm to Sea Life Is Forecast." And not to be outdone, here's the Washington Post, "Scientists: Human activity has pushed Earth beyond four of nine ‘planetary boundaries’":

At the rate things are going, the Earth in the coming decades could cease to be a “safe operating space” for human beings. That is the conclusion of a new paper published Thursday in the journal Science by 18 researchers trying to gauge the breaking points in the natural world.

The paper contends that we have already crossed four “planetary boundaries.” They include the extinction rate; deforestation; the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere; and the flow of nitrogen and phosphorous (used on land as fertilizer) into the ocean.

“What the science has shown is that human activities — economic growth, technology, consumption – are destabilizing the global environment,” said Will Steffen, who holds appointments at the Australian National University and the Stockholm Resilience Center and is the lead author of the paper.

These are not future problems, but rather urgent matters, according to Steffen, who said that the economic boom since 1950 and the globalized economy have accelerated the transgression of the boundaries. No one knows exactly when push will come to shove, but he said the possible destabilization of the “Earth System” as a whole could occur in a time frame of “decades out to a century.”

The researchers focused on nine separate planetary boundaries first identified by scientists in a 2009 paper. These boundaries set theoretical limits on changes to the environment, and include ozone depletion, freshwater use, ocean acidification, atmospheric aerosol pollution and the introduction of exotic chemicals and modified organisms.

Beyond each planetary boundary is a “zone of uncertainty.” This zone is meant to acknowledge the inherent uncertainties in the calculations, and to offer decision-makers a bit of a buffer, so that they can potentially take action before it’s too late to make a difference. Beyond that zone of uncertainty is the unknown — planetary conditions unfamiliar to us.

“The boundary is not like the edge of the cliff,” said Ray Pierrehumbert, an expert on Earth systems at the University of Chicago. “They’re a little bit more like danger warnings, like high-temperature gauges on your car.”
In other words, these enviro-freakazoids have no idea when the global system will reach its "finite" breaking point. We're overheating, and the remedy's not just a cooling system flush, but the total abandonment of carbon-propelled automobiles, and then some.

The problem of course is that these hysterically bogus "environmental" theories tend to work their way into to public policy, to disastrous effect. We're at the point, for example, according to Forbes, where the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is recommending new federally-mandated "sustainable" food guidelines arguing:
“A diet higher in plant-based foods . . . and lower in animal-based foods, is more health promoting and is associated with less environmental impact than is the current U.S. diet.”
Oh brother.

As always, push back against these crazed leftist anti-human eugenicists with raw facts and data. We've fought this battle before and won. The left's global warming, er, climate change, shucksters will simply transmogrify their agenda into some new hysterical end-of-times doom scenario.

Amal Clooney — You're No Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

Funny, but I posted Lee Radziwill's biting criticism of Amal Clooney the other night, "Lee Radziwill Disses George and Amal Clooney."

However, I didn't link to Ms. Radiziwill dissing Ms. Clooney's gloves, "Dear #AmalClooney, This is how opera gloves are worn."

And thus it's interesting to see this at today's New York Times, "The Uproar Over Amal Clooney’s White Gloves":
At the Golden Globes on Sunday night, the fastidious Amal Clooney made what passed for red carpet history, turning the proceedings at the Beverly Hilton hotel into something resembling an affair of state. For better or worse, depending on which critic one consults, she pulled off that dubious feat by accenting her dramatic one-shoulder Dior haute couture dress with a pair of pristine opera gloves.

Incandescently white against her regal black gown, and scrunched below her elbow, those gloves — her own — brought down on her head a storm of controversy. Kathy Griffin, in her Monday morning debut on “Fashion Police,” fired off one of the first salvos: “She had on those gloves that remind me of, like, a porn scene, where the guy goes home and there’s the naughty dishwasher, and she only has the gloves.”

Ms. Griffin was just one in a chorus of critics taking potshots at Ms. Clooney for a fashion choice that, however respectfully intended, struck some as uppity, or at the least, unsuitable. “They make this look like her prom, or her debutante ball,” sniped a blogger who signed herself only as Jessica on a celebrity site. “If Amal A. Clooney is anything,” she posted, “it is not a blushing teen or fresh young debutante.”

So hotly debated was Ms. Clooney’s fashion statement that it rated its own Twitter account, @msclooneygloves. Elsewhere, tweeters singled out the offending armwear as pompous or pretentious, charging that she appears to think of herself as royalty. Another joshed, perhaps accurately, “Amal wore the gloves to protect the engagement and wedding rings from prying eyes.”

White gloves are not a look to try lightly, The Telegraph of London cautioned: “Too glitzy and you risk comparisons with Michael Jackson; too starched and you look like the Queen.”

Was it a breach of fashion etiquette that raised such consternation? Not likely, as Ms. Clooney had committed no obvious faux pas, her gloves perfectly suited to her floor-length black gown.

Or was it simply that those gloves, which according to the mischievous George Clooney, his wife had stitched up at home that very morning, didn’t seem to fit? Though there is nothing in the 1961 style primer “Gloves: Fashion and Etiquette” to suggest it, common sense would seem to dictate that opera gloves be stretched taut, pulled in an unbroken line from fingertips to elbows.

If Ms. Clooney made a blunder, it was merely that she opted for an old-school flourish that invited unfavorable comparisons to flawless style-world denizens like Jacqueline Kennedy, Grace Kelly and Audrey Hepburn, the latter flaunting her gloves with perfect élan in films like “Sabrina” and “Breakfast at Tiffany’s.”...

Paris Attacks: Photos at the Big Picture

From the Boston Globe, a spectacular photo-roundup.

Jewish Home Party's Yehudit Shilat: 'Homo-Lesbian Agenda is Suicide for the Collective...'

So I gather the left's depraved homosexual agenda hasn't quite gather critical mass in Israel.

Never heard of this lady before, but she certainly nails it.

At the Times of Israel, "Jewish Home candidate: Gay agenda ‘suicide’ for society":
Yehudit Shilat cited lower birth rates and late marriage to explain her stance on same-sex relationships.

Yehudit Shilat, expected to receive a realistic slot on the Jewish Home party’s upcoming Knesset election list, spoke out strongly against homosexuality during a 2013 radio interview, calling same-sex relationships “suicide for society.

Shalit cited late marriage and lower birth rates to explain her stance on same-sex relationships during the interview, Haaretz reported Thursday.

“Legislation that benefits homosexuals, that is, the pushing of a gay-lesbian agenda through legislation, creates a public discourse that changes the social climate… and makes gay and lesbian ideas a progressive and legitimate phenomenon,” she told Guy Zohar of Radio 103 FM.

Shilat, who serves as the director of Takana, a forum against sexual abuse, also expressed her disapproval of legalizing gay marriage in Israel during the interview.

“If we accept the creating this climate of homo-lesbian values, together with the phenomenon of staying single until later in life and marrying late and declining fertility rate — we cannot ignore that demographically. We are talking about the suicide of certain collectives,” Shilat continued.

Host Guy Zohar responded to his guest that homosexuality was not a choice. Shalit answered that the majority of people who identify as gay choose to live their life that way. Immediately, Zohar interrupted her and said he would not allow her statements on his show.

In a video produced by the Jewish Home party and the religious news site Kipa released ahead of the primaries earlier this month, Shilat reiterated her stance on same-sex relationships. “There is no such thing,” Shilat said when asked what she thought of gay marriage, without explaining her statement further.

Similarly, the majority of the Jewish Home party candidates profiled in the segment came out flatly against Israel recognizing same-sex marriages, saying it went against Jewish values or normative principles.

The video quickly elicited harsh criticism by the gay community and left-wing politicians, who blasted the party members for what they called ‘homophobic’ statements, and demanded an apology be issued.

Jewish Home party leader Naftali Bennett refused to apologize for the video, and said his party would not support same-sex marriage legislation in the Knesset, during an interview with Channel 10 News last week.
PREVIOUSLY: "Yes, Homosexuality's a Lifestyle Choice."

Bomb Scare at Long Beach City College Forces Evacuations, Cancellation of Classes

Well, we had a shootout at the Pacific Coast campus last year, so this is no surprise.

Kinda freaky, though, with all the recent jihad terrorism.

At the Long Beach Press-Telegram, "Long Beach college evacuated amid bomb probe."

It turns out a car was parked and abandoned on Carson Avenue, the central boulevard that dissects the campus. Building T, where I teach, is just a few feet from the street.

Why We're Losing to Radical Islam

From Newt Gingrich, at the Wall Street Journal, "Fourteen years after 9/11, we still lack a strategy. Congress should lead with hearings on the enemy and how to prevail":
The United States has been at war with radical Islamist terrorism for at least 35 years, starting with the November 1979 Iranian seizure of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and taking of 52 American hostages. President Jimmy Carter , in his State of the Union address two months later, declared the American captives “innocent victims of terrorism.”

For the next two decades, radical Islamist terrorism grew more powerful and more sophisticated. On Sept. 11, 2001, a remarkably sophisticated effort by Islamist terrorists killed nearly 3,000 Americans in New York City, Washington, D.C., and western Pennsylvania.

In response to the worst attack on U.S. soil since Pearl Harbor, President George W. Bush told a joint session of Congress: “Our war on terror begins with al Qaeda, but it does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated.”

We have clearly failed to meet that goal. After more than 13 years of war, with thousands of Americans dead, tens of thousands of Americans wounded, and several trillion dollars spent, the U.S. and its allies are losing the war with radical Islamism. The terrorists of Islamic State are ravaging Iraq and Syria, Boko Haram is widening its bloody swath through Nigeria, al Qaeda and its affiliates are killing with impunity in Somalia, Yemen and beyond, and the Taliban are resurgent in Afghanistan. The killings in Paris at Charlie Hebdo and at a kosher supermarket are only the most recent evidence of the widening menace of radical Islamism.

Confronted with the atrocities in Paris, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls told his people on Jan. 10 that they were at war: “It is a war against terrorism, against jihadism, against radical Islam, against everything that is aimed at breaking fraternity, freedom, solidarity.”

Yet France, like the U.S. government, doesn’t have a strategy for victory in this war. Ad hoc responses to attacks have failed to stop the growing threat. We remain vulnerable to a catastrophic attack (or series of smaller attacks) that would have dark and profound consequences for the American people and for freedom around the world.

The U.S. and its allies must now design a strategy to match a global movement of radical Islamists who sincerely want to destroy Western civilization...
Okay, additional hearing might be helpful, although it's not like we don't know what to do about global jihad. Personally, I'll take the Ralph Peters method, "Exterminate the Terrorists and 'Leave Behind Smoking Ruins and Crying Widows...' (VIDEO)."

Newbie Host Rosie Perez Quits as Far-Left Talkshow 'The View' Crashes and Burns, Facing Cancellation

It's been all downhill for that show since conservative hottie Elisabeth Hasselbeck quit to join Fox & Friends.

At London's Daily Mail, "Rosie Perez quits 'The View' as ABC considers abandoning the show amid plummeting ratings and behind-the-scenes skirmishes":
Rosie Perez will be leaving The View after less than a season, insiders revealed Wednesday.

Currently on a month-long leave to perform in Broadway's Fish in the Dark, the 50-year-old actress has said she will not return to the show, according to Variety.

Her departure comes at a reportedly tumultuous time for The View, which insiders said recently may not be back for a 19th season.

Perez was added to the show last minute and joined two other incoming hosts--Rosie O'Donnell and politico Nicolle Wallace.

The shakeup came amid plummeting ratings and after show creator Barbara Walters' retirement.

While ratings stabilized, sources told Variety that Perez never quite got the hang of the show's signature hard news/soft news chat format. The source said the stage and screen actress never quite got the hang of reading a teleprompter.

What's more, network insiders revealed to Daily Mail Online on Tuesday that the long-running talk show could end after this season, amid struggling ratings and infighting among the talk show hosts.

The show is suffering some of its lowest ratings ever with its new team of Whoopi Goldberg, Rosie O'Donnell, Nicolle Wallace and Rosie Perez.

Now under the umbrella of ABC News, the network is considering the possibility of ending the show and replacing it with an extended version of 'Good Morning America.'

'The brass at ABC feels like they've tried to do everything possible to breathe new life into this show,' said the insider. They moved it from ABC Entertainment Daytime to the ABC News division, that was having so much success with Good Morning America.

But in spite of the changes, nothing seems to be helping the sluggish ratings for the show.

'They're ready to abandon ship at this point,' the source told Daily Mail Online.

When contacted by Daily Mail Online, a show spokesperson denied any plan by ABC to end the show...

Chris Kyle's Widow Breaks Down on Fox News, Says Upcoming Film Is 'Authentic'

At Downtrend:

The widow of Chris Kyle, the hero depicted in American Sniper, appeared on Fox News last night. She said that the soon to be released film is “authentic.”

Just before she was interviewed by Martha MacCallum, the news program played a lengthy trailer of the upcoming movie about her late husband, Chris Kyle.

The trailer is powerful stuff to anyone with a heart. Unsurprisingly, it also moved Kyle’s widow, as she was seen holding back tears just after the trailer finished.

MSNBC Morons Hilariously Censor Images of #CharlieHebdo Muhammad Cartoons

"Hey, we're a progressive network! We can't go around offending tender Muslim sensibilities. Besides, we could get killed!" --- MSNBC talking heads.

Icons of liberty over there. Truly courageous.

At NewsBusters, "MSNBC's Maddow Shows ‘Piss Christ’ But Not Latest ‘Charlie Hebdo’":
On MSNBC Tuesday night Rachel Maddow described the cover of the latest edition of Charlie Hebdo because, "NBC News will not allow us to show it to you." A different perspective than Maddow and MSNBC had in 2011 when showing the image of the “Piss Christ” photo by Andres Serrano.

"The cover is a cartoon of the prophet Mohammed shedding a tear beneath the words ‘all is forgiven’ he’s also holding a sign that says 'Je suis Charlie'", Maddow said on her program. "The reason I’m describing it to you rather than showing it to you – is because we operate under NBC News rules and NBC News will not allow us to show it to you."

On April 18, 2011 Maddow and her network had no difficulty showing and discussing the “Piss Christ” photo by Andres Serrano after it was destroyed in a museum in France by protestors upset with the image of a crucifix submerged in urine...
Because consistency and integrity, or something. Fucking morons.

More at Jihad Watch, "MSNBC blurs Charlie Hebdo cover during interview with contributor":
This represents a capitulation to the jihadists who murdered twelve people in the Charlie Hebdo offices. They committed mass murder in order to “avenge” Muhammad. They didn’t want people drawing Muhammad. They wanted the West to comply with Sharia blasphemy restrictions. And MSNBC, along with most others in the mainstream media, appears happy to accommodate them...
Say it ain't so, Joe!

Princess Catherine Arrives at Barlby Primary School in London's Ladbroke Grove

She does look impressive.

At London's Daily Mail, "Every inch the yummy mummy! The Duchess of Cambridge is pretty in navy as she meets arty children (and Grayson Perry)."

Disneyland Measels Outbreak Blamed on Anti-Vaccine Movement

At Truth Revolt.

And at CBS This Morning, from yesterday morning, "Disney measles outbreak highlights anti-vaccine movement."

Also from yesterday's front-page at the Los Angeles Times, "Disneyland, holiday travel a perfect mix for measles' spread":
Quelling the outbreak has taken on special urgency as measles cases have increased dramatically in the last year and as child immunizations have dropped. This decline has come amid fears of some parents that the vaccines can cause autism, a theory that has been discredited by numerous scientific reports.

A "significant number" of the Disneyland patients involved people who were not immunized, said Dr. James Watt, who heads the California Department of Public Health's division of communicable disease control...

Four Top Secret Service Executives Forced Out in Agency Shake-Up


The president and his family are lucky they've not been attacked. Sheesh.

At LAT, "In a shake-up, Secret Service reassigns key officials":

The Secret Service is removing four officials from key positions as the agency continues to deal with fallout from a series of security lapses, according to an agency official.

Four senior officials from the agency have been told they must leave their current jobs. A fifth official, Vic Erevia, had recently decided to retire, the agency said. Erevia, an assistant director for training, had once headed President Obama's detail.

The moves were first reported by the Washington Post.

The Secret Service confirmed that the officials being reassigned within the agency or the Department of Homeland Security are Mark Copanazzi, assistant director for technology; Jane Murphy, assistant director for government and public affairs; Paul Morrissey, assistant director for the office of investigations; and Dale Pupillo, assistant director for protective operations.

The personnel moves come after a series of incidents last year that included a dramatic breach at the White House when a military veteran with a history of mental health problems hopped the fence and made it all the way into the residence.

In addition, there was concern raised after an armed guard who did not have security clearance rode in an elevator with President Obama while he was visiting the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.

The prestigious agency had faced criticism two years earlier when Secret Service agents were involved in soliciting prostitutes ahead of Obama's visit to Colombia for a conference...

Charles Warner, Black Mofo Dead-Man-Walking, to Be Executed Today for Rape and Murder of 11-Month-Old Baby

Hopefully, it'll be a botched execution and the motherfucker will go down in excruciatingly caustic pain from the burning, death-bringing pharmaceuticals coursing through his evil system.

At NBC News, "Oklahoma Execution: Baby's Mom Says Killer Charles Warner Should Live":

Charles Warner photo 1414946337114_wps_11_image002_png_zpsf8bc3b59.jpg
Death-row prisoner Charles Warner is set to be executed in Oklahoma on Thursday for the rape and murder of an 11-month-old baby, but one person who doesn't want to see him killed is the infant's mother.

Shonda Waller told defense lawyers in a videotaped statement that a lethal injection for Warner — the first in the state since a bungled procedure nine months ago — would be a "dishonor" to her daughter Adrianna's name and against her religious beliefs.

"I don't see any justice in just sentencing someone to die," Waller said. "To me, the justice is in someone living with what they have done to you, your family, and having to live with that for the rest of their life knowing they will never walk out those bars."

The statement made last January was played for Oklahoma's parole board in March when Warner was up for clemency. The panel voted not to give him a reprieve and he was scheduled to die April 29. He was waiting to be escorted to the death chamber when an earlier execution that same night was so badly botched it sparked global outrage.

That inmate, Clayton Lockett, was supposed to die within minutes after a doctor ran three drugs through an IV in a vein his groin, but he regained consciousness and appeared to writhe in pain midway through the procedure. He said, "Oh man," and tried to rise from the gurney.

The warden tried to halt the execution, but Lockett died anyway, after 43 minutes of suffering.

The disturbing scene made headlines around the world, prompted President Obama to order a Justice Department review of lethal injection protocols nationwide — and bought extra time for Warner, whose execution was called off while the debacle was investigated.

Among the questions asked: Did Oklahoma's use of midazolam contribute to the debacle? The sedative was the first of three drugs administered and critics say it carries the danger of not rendering an inmate fully unconscious before the other two chemicals, a paralyzing agent and a heart-stopper, hit the bloodstream with potentially excruciating results.

The Oklahoma probe ultimately determined the midazolam itself was not the culprit and a poorly placed IV that leaked the drug into the surrounding tissues instead of a central vein was to blame.

The corrections department promised to increase the dose of midazolam for future injections, improve training for the execution team and revamp procedures to make it easier to stop an execution gone awry.

A new date with death was set for Warner, whose latest appeal is sitting with the U.S. Supreme Court after a federal appeals panel this week rejected his claims that midazolam would cause too-painful an end, in violation of the constitutional protection against cruel and unusual punishment.

There could be no debate about the cruelty of the crime.

It happened Aug. 22, 1997, in the home that Warner and his two children shared with Waller, who is variously described as an ex-girlfriend or former roommate in court papers. Waller went out to run errands and when she returned, the child was unconscious. Resuscitation efforts failed and the baby was pronounced dead at the hospital...
The death penalty is available for society's most heinous crimes. You don't get much more heinous than this. Fry the fucker.

More at Politico, "Oklahoma prepares to use controversial execution drug."

In Wake of #CharlieHebdo March, France Cracks Down on Hate Speech. Wait. What?

It was a nice march, but pessimists sure didn't have to wait long to be proved correct.

At the BBC, "Paris attacks: Dieudonne held as France tackles hate speech," and the Guardian, "Dieudonné arrested over Facebook post on Paris gunman."

Video here, "French Comic Dieudonne Faces 7 Years in Prison for Paris Attack Facebook Post."

Also, from Neo-Neocon, at Legal Insurrection, "France is cracking down on “hate speech”."

And don't miss civil liberties drama queen Glenn Greenwald, at the Intercept, "FRANCE ARRESTS A COMEDIAN FOR HIS FACEBOOK COMMENTS, SHOWING THE SHAM OF THE WEST’S “FREE SPEECH” CELEBRATION."

As they say, even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Seattle Couple's Non-Traditional Baby Announcement Goes Viral

Modern family.

A few years back, before all of the recent court ruling favoring homosexual marriage, a gay man in one of my classes defiantly proclaimed, "You don't even need a man and a woman to have a baby!" He meant of course that traditional marriage was for the birds. Who needs a married man and woman when two gay guys can hire and impregnate a surrogate mother with their sperm?!!

Or in the Seattle couple's case, who needs a man? Well, who needs a married man? Just get a sperm donor down at the clinic and you're all set. Hooray!

Marriage is dead.


Heidi Klum Strips Down in Racy New Underwear Campaign Replacing Elle Macpherson's Intimates

Out with the old, as they say.

In this case, however, they're both kind of old. I suppose Ms. Klum's got far greater name recognition though, hence Ms. Macpherson was dumped.

At London's Daily Mail, "Battle of 'The Body': Heidi Klum strips down to racy and lacy lingerie in new campaign for underwear line that replaces Elle Macpherson's Intimates range."

Also, "Too legit to quit! Elle Macpherson shares a flashback shot of herself on bus shelter starring in campaign for The Body Intimates range after being replaced by Heidi Klum."

PREVIOUSLY: "Heidi Klum Christmas in St. Barts."

The Threat to the West from al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)

The tide of war is receding and we've got the terrorists on the run.

Famous last words.

See Ahmed Rashid, at the New York Review, "Waking Up to the New al-Qaeda":

The Yemen branch of al-Qaeda should be a particular concern to the West. AQAP is almost as old as the original al-Qaeda organization formed in Afghanistan and Pakistan by Osama bin Laden in the early 1980s. Bin Laden’s family was from Yemen and it was always his aim to maintain an organization in that country, where territory was fairly easy to acquire, in order to provide permanent bases from which to eventually seize power there. It never happened in bin Laden’s own lifetime, but now the Yemeni state is in chaos and the possibility that AQAP could gain control of a significant part of the country cannot be ruled out.

Moreover, in its fundamental aims, AQAP poses a more direct threat to Western targets than ISIS. From its initial rise to power in Iraq and Syria, ISIS has given top priority to the “near enemy,” what it views as the corrupt secular Arab regimes of the Middle East. Thus, while there have been some attacks in the West by supporters of ISIS, the group itself has set out to seize Arab territory, destroy borders, and establish a unitary Islamic state or Caliphate stretching from Morocco to India. By contrast, AQAP has maintained the original al-Qaeda aim of attacking the “far enemy”—Western countries and Western capitalism—in order to bring about the collapse of Arab regimes.

Despite a sustained US drone campaign and a brutal civil war in Yemen, AQAP continues to have a strong organization and is far from being annihilated. Unlike other branches of al-Qaeda, AQAP has never picked a fight with ISIS, despite rivalry between the two groups. ISIS may have ambitions in Yemen but the country is far from ISIS’s heartland in Iraq and Syria, and the group has decided for the moment to leave AQAP alone. All of this should make Western intelligence agencies particularly vigilant about further AQAP attacks in the West.

However, the phenomenal growth of ISIS in the past twelve months has distracted Western intelligence from the continued threat of al-Qaeda. ISIS battlefield successes have helped draw some 18,000 foreign jihadists from ninety 90 countries to join and fight for the movement in Syria and Iraq. The original al-Qaeda never managed to recruit such large numbers of followers, and ISIS’s success has provided inspiration and ideological clarity to many extremists in Europe and around the world. It also has overwhelmed Western intelligence agencies. In numerous reports, we have been told that the European intelligence agencies had far too many leads to follow, too many returning fighters from Syria and Iraq to keep tabs on, and not enough manpower to do all the tasks required. There is now little doubt that the first beneficiary of this de-facto switch in Western intelligence priorities was AQAP.

The attacks in France killed seventeen people—far fewer than the attacks on New York and Washington on September 11—but they seem to have had nearly as powerful an effect, terrifying governments across Europe, turning security protocols and precautions upside down, and even provoking demands by some leaders that the Schengen open-border policy be revised. Doubtless, in the weeks ahead we will see even greater social, political, and economic repercussions in France and other European countries, including a change in security practices at airports and train stations, and possibly in laws and detention rules by the courts. Worst of all, it may draw new support to right wing, anti-migrant, anti-Muslim political parties, making them more likely to win elections in several countries, including France.

In other words, the Paris attacks could dramatically change the way Western governments operate, which is exactly what the old al-Qaeda tried to do when it attacked the twin towers in New York. AQAP will continue to make this its strategic aim—to bring Western capitalism to its knees. ISIS represents an extraordinary threat of its own, but the Paris attacks have demonstrated that the greatest danger to the West is still al-Qaeda.
Be sure to RTWT.

Plus, from Reuters, "Al Qaeda claims French attack, derides Paris rally."

Woman Beheaded in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabian justice, at Blazing Cat Fur, "VIDEO: Saudi Arabia: Woman murderer beheaded – Warning Graphic."

Pakistan Protesters Pay Tribute to #CharlieHebdo Jihadists, Hail Kouachi Brothers as 'Martyrs'

Video at AFP, "Pakistani protesters celebrate Charlie Hebdo attackers":
Dozens of people in Pakistan's northwestern city of Peshawar pay tribute to the brothers who carried out the Charlie Hebdo murders.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Flagstaff Officer Tyler Stewart Shot to Death While Wearing Police Body Camera (VIDEO)

Well, it's definitely up close and personal.

At the Arizona Republic, "Flagstaff police officer's body camera captures fatal shooting":
EDITOR'S NOTE: The video below is graphic and may not be something you want to see. It was released by Flagstaff Police honoring a public records request by media, including azcentral, The Arizona Republic and 12 News. The video will be part of the ongoing discussion about safety for officers and for the people they encounter, which is why we think it is newsworthy.
There's video at that above link.

And see the Los Angeles Times, "Body camera video of Arizona police officer's killing stirs ethical debate":

The video footage is raw, showing Flagstaff, Ariz., police Officer Tyler Stewart chatting with a man accused of breaking a couple things in his girlfriend's apartment a day earlier. That's what body cameras do: capture the daily work of police officers up close.

"Do you mind if I just pat down your pockets real quick? You don't have anything in here?" Stewart, 24, can be heard asking the suspect, Robert Smith, 28, who had his hands jammed in his pockets. They had been talking in the cold for a few minutes outside Smith's home Dec. 27.

"No, no — my smokes," replies Smith, who had been chuckling moments earlier. Smith then draws a revolver so fast that the gun is almost a blur. The video stops. Stewart is shot five times before Smith fatally shoots himself.

The graphic video altered the usual conversation about body cameras and police accountability by capturing — up close — a polite conversation that instantly turned into a deadly encounter in which the officer had little chance to react.

The Flagstaff Police Department released body camera footage this week in response to several media public records requests.

For several months, nationwide calls for police to wear body cameras have grown as activists and some public officials have pushed for answers after several high-profile use-of-force incidents, including the fatal police shooting of unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson Mo.

In Albuquerque this week, body camera footage was used by prosecutors in their decision to seek charges against two police officers after they fatally shot a homeless man while he appeared to be turning away during a standoff.

"That's what these cameras are for," said Tim McGuire, who teaches ethics at the Arizona State University Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication. "They're for accountability, and they're designed to minimize controversy and educate the public about how these things come down."

But the Arizona footage raises questions about the balance between the public's right to know and privacy concerns for officers and bystanders as authorities around the country wrestle with how to regulate the rapidly spreading technology.

"We are currently crafting or looking at legislation that may very well discuss this," Levi Bolton Jr., executive director of the 14,000-member Arizona Police Assn., said Wednesday shortly before a meeting to discuss body cameras at Arizona's state Capitol.

"We acknowledge that the public and the media should have access to this information," Bolton said of body camera footage. However, he was concerned about the appropriate timing for its release and whether such footage should be regulated so that confidential informants, undercover officers or victims of sex crimes are not identified...
Hmm... Actually, the body-camera genie's not going back in the bottle at this point. There's too much demand for accountability. If folks are worried about the sensitive nature of these recordings, there should be strict protocols for public release. I suspect the public's right to know, especially in the wake of the Michael Brown shooting death in Ferguson, is going to outweigh worries about privacy, however.

Still more at the link.

Holly Williams Reports on the Islamic Reaction to Charlie Hebdo's Latest Issue Featuring Muhammad Cover

A mixed reaction, to say the least. Lots of blame placed on the West.

From CBS Evening News, "Muslims respond to latest Charlie Hebdo issue."

East London Café Owner Gets Death Threat After Placing 'Je Suis Charlie' Sign Outside

Heh, maybe East London's looking to become a "no-go" zone.

At BCF, "East London café threatened for placing #JeSuisCharlie sign outside – owner says he won’t back down."

Obama's Pathetic Bombing Campaign Hasn't Stopped Expansion of Islamic State in Syria

Military and strategic experts hammered the administration's tepid bombing campaign last summer, and now there's evidence that ISIS is not only holding the line, but expanding its presence in Syria.

Military air campaigns as leftist window dressing for appeasement. Seriously. It's come to this.

And by the way, no offense to the honorable U.S. military personnel who're on the front lines of the battle. Your sacrifice is forever appreciated.

At the Wall Street Journal, "Months of Airstrikes Fail to Slow Islamic State in Syria: Militant Group Has Gained Territory Despite U.S.-Led Strikes, Raising Concerns of the Obama Administration’s Mideast Strategy":
WASHINGTON—More than three months of U.S. airstrikes in Syria have failed to prevent Islamic State militants from expanding their control in that country, according to U.S. and independent assessments, raising new concerns about President Barack Obama ’s military strategy in the Middle East.

While U.S. bombing runs and missile strikes have put Islamic State forces on the defensive in Iraq, they haven’t had the same kind of impact in Syria. Instead, jihadist fighters have enlarged their hold in Syria since the U.S. started hitting the group’s strongholds there in September, according to the new estimates.

Islamic State’s progress in Syria is partly the result of the U.S. decision to focus its military efforts on Iraq, where the militant group has seized major parts of the country and declared them part of a new Islamic caliphate. The U.S.-led military effort has pushed the forces out of some key battlegrounds in Iraq.

But Syria still serves as a haven for Islamic State fighters, also known in the West by the acronyms ISIS and ISIL.

“Certainly ISIS has been able to expand in Syria, but that’s not our main objective,” said one senior defense official. “I wouldn’t call Syria a safe haven for ISIL, but it is a place where it’s easier for them to organize, plan and seek shelter than it is in Iraq.”

The assessments come as the Obama administration is considering whether the U.S. should embrace more aggressive ideas for containing Islamic State forces in Syria. Some administration officials have been pushing the U.S. to once again rethink its “Iraq-first” strategy and focus more attention on Syria, including training thousands of Syrian fighters to take on the feared group.

Among suggestions: The U.S. military could help set up a buffer zone along Syria’s border with Turkey that would be protected by American air power. It could start coordinating airstrikes with rebel forces currently fighting in Syria. And it could provide Kurdish forces now fighting in Syria with more sophisticated weapons.

But there is significant opposition within the administration to any idea that would drag the U.S. military deeper into a country where few see options that will make things better, officials say. Military officials say the concerns are understandable. But containing the dangers posed by Islamic State forces will take time and patience, they say.

For now, the U.S. strategy remains focused on pushing Islamic State forces out of Iraq, where they control major parts of the country, including Mosul, its second largest city, and Fallujah, a longtime stronghold of anti-American resistance northwest of Baghdad.

That focus is likely to be questioned in the coming weeks when the new Republican-controlled Congress holds hearings on Mr. Obama’s strategy in the Middle East. Sen. John McCain (R., Ariz.), the new chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, is likely to challenge the strategy when he holds a confirmation hearing in early February for Ashton Carter, a longtime Pentagon official who is Mr. Obama’s nominee to be his next defense secretary.

Col. Patrick Ryder, a spokesman for U.S. Central Command, which oversees the Middle East military campaign, said the airstrikes weren’t intended to prevent Islamic State fighters from gaining ground in most of Syria.

While the U.S. has stepped in to help Kurdish fighters in Kobani, Col. Ryder said coalition strikes in Syria are primarily “shaping” operations meant to weaken their hold in neighboring Iraq. “Gaining territorial control in Syria has never been our mission,” he said. “That wasn’t the objective of our airstrikes.”

One senior administration official said Wednesday that the strategy remains focused on training Syrian rebels to eventually lead the fight in a complex civil war.
Right. "Training Syrian rebels." What rebels? They've either been exterminated by ISIS or they've sworn fealty to their Islamic State overlords to save their own necks.

Syria is virtually lost. We'd need bombing campaigns to match Dresden in World War II to start having an impact, and that's not something the United States will do, especially under the continued cowardice and appeasement of Barack Hussein.

Still more.

No! You Can't Murder Our Freedom!

Via Daniel Greenfield, at FrontPage Magazine, here's Berliner Kurier getting right to the point:

After #ParisAttacks, Obama to Enlist 'Social Service Providers' to Fight Terrorism

Because at base, it's a law enforcement and social welfare issue --- and that's not a joke!

My god we're doomed.

At the Washington Examiner, "After attacks in France, White House enlists 'social service providers' to fight terrorism":
On Sunday the White House announced that President Obama will convene a "Summit on Countering Violent Extremism" on Feb. 18. By "violent extremism," the White House means the Charlie Hebdo and kosher grocery attacks carried out in Paris last week by Islamic jihadists.

The White House has long made a point of leaving the word "Islamic" out of discussions of Islamic terrorism, choosing instead to refer to it as "violent extremism." For example, an April 2010 New York Times article on White House efforts to reach out to Muslims noted that top counterterrorism adviser John Brennan and others "have made a point of disassociating Islam from terrorism in public comments, using the phrase 'violent extremism' in place of words like 'jihad' and 'Islamic terrorism.'" A May 2010 Times article noted that "Mr. Obama avoids the word 'Islamic' in his discussions of 'violent extremism."

So the upcoming White House summit, spurred by radical Islamist attacks, will be devoted to countering a mysteriously-motivated "violent extremism." The summit will emphasize the soft side of the problem, seeking social scientists and other professionals to address the root causes of what administration officials refer to as a "really negative" ideology.

"Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) efforts rely heavily on well-informed and resilient local communities," White House press secretary Josh Earnest said in the announcement Sunday. "Boston, Los Angeles, and Minneapolis-St. Paul have taken the lead in building pilot frameworks integrating a range of social service providers, including education administrators, mental health professionals, and religious leaders, with law enforcement agencies to address violent extremism as part of the broader mandate of community safety and crime prevention. The summit will highlight best practices and emerging efforts from these communities."

Attorney General Eric Holder confirmed the "root causes" orientation of the summit during an interview with CBS Sunday. "The president has announced that on February the 18th, we will host a summit in Washington, DC," Holder said, "so that we can come up with a way in which we can deal with the root causes of this. Countering violent extremism is what we call it, that we can deal with the new causes of what it is that attracts these young men to these really negative ideological groups."
Yes, let's really nail it down to "root causes," which is of course everything but radical Islam.

American Jihad: FBI Arrests Islamic State Suspect in Terror Plot on U.S. Capitol (VIDEO)

No worries though. The "real" threat is from "militant right-wing extremists."

See Pamela Geller, at Atlas Shrugs, "Islamic State jihadi arrested after allegedly plotting to bomb US Capitol":

An alleged sympathizer of the Islamic State terror group was arrested in Ohio on Wednesday after authorities learned that he was plotting a shooting and bombing attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Christopher Lee Cornell, 20, of Green Township, considered members of Congress as “enemies,” and planned to travel to Washington to kill employees and officers working in and around the U.S. Capitol, according to a criminal complaint. Authorities said he had two semi-automatic rifles and about 600 rounds of ammunition, and planned to build and detonate pipe bombs at and near the U.S. Capitol.

A Justice Department official, however, told Fox News that Cornell was “aspirational and not operational,” adding that the public was never in danger.

The investigation relied heavily on the use of a source, who the criminal complaint said began cooperating with authorities last fall to gain favorable treatment for his prosecution on an unrelated case.

The complaint adds that Cornell said he thought he was fulfilling the directives of the Islamic State group, also known as ISIS, or ISIL.

“I believe that we should just wage jihad under our own orders and plan attacks and everything,” Cornell told the source, according to the papers. “I believe we should meet up and make our own group in alliance with the Islamic State and plan operations ourselves.”

Cornell was charged with the attempted killing of a U.S. government officer and possession of a firearm in furtherance of attempted crime of violence.

French Jews to Consider Immigrating to Israel After #ParisAttacks

As much as I love Claire Berlinski and her bravery, and think the trend among commentators is for the Jews "to get the hell out of France," to quote Paula Stern.

With Israel, Jews have a true home literally dedicated to their people's survival. I think Pamela Geller nailed it with her piece the other day, "The Death of the Jews of France."

The New York Times wrote yesterday on the Jews in France "weighing" an exit to Israel. And now here comes the Los Angeles Times, "Jews worry about their future in France after attack on kosher market":
A pair of soldiers toting submachine guns patrolled Tuesday outside a Jewish school on Rue Pavee in Paris' Marais district, where shoppers and tourists mingled with black-clad, ultra-Orthodox men.

Across the street, the owner of the Pitzman falafel shop eyed customers warily under gray skies and an occasional chilly drizzle in the city's traditional Jewish quarter.

At the school day's end, parents sidestepped the beret-wearing French soldiers in body armor and combat boots to pick up their children in the midst of the bustling neighborhood.

"I don't know if there will be a future for my children here in 10 years," said Joy Bengoussan, a mother of four, holding hands with two daughters, Haya, 4, and Rahal, 3, expressing a sentiment on the minds of many other Jewish people. "This didn't just start now. It has been going on for a while."

Last week's Islamist terrorist attacks included the killing of four people at a kosher market Friday, the latest blow for France's reeling Jewish community, Europe's largest at about 500,000 people. Thousands of Jewish people have left France for Israel or other destinations in recent years, many citing economic reasons and unease related to anti-Semitism.

The attack at the market, which ended with authorities killing the gunman, came two days after a dozen people were slain in an assault by two brothers on the headquarters of Charlie Hebdo, a satirical magazine targeted for lampooning Islam. The militants were at large until Friday, when they were killed by authorities. A policewoman was also killed in an attack last week.

In response to the violence, the government said 10,000 troops and additional police would be ordered to the streets of Paris to guard "sensitive" sites, including more than 700 Jewish schools. Jewish residents in the city and elsewhere generally welcomed the bolstered security presence.

But many in the Jewish community remained angry about what they see as a lapse in protecting the nation against homegrown militants mostly arising from the alienated immigrant enclaves on the fringes of Paris and elsewhere in France. A demonstration Sunday that featured more than 1 million people marching in a show of unity did little to quell some people's discontent.

"I respect the values of liberty. I am French. But the government needs to do something about this or everything will be lost," said one Jewish student, who, like many others, declined to give his name for privacy reasons. The march against terrorism "was a positive thing," he said.

The market attack victims were laid to rest Tuesday in Jerusalem, where Israeli authorities called on French Jews to return to their "historic home."

Many are taking the advice.

France has become the major country of origin for Jews returning to Israel, and the numbers are on the rise. A record of almost 7,000 immigrants from France arrived in Israel last year, according to the Israeli government, double the previous year. The figure is expected to exceed 10,000 in 2015. Experts say that a perception of growing anti-Semitism in France only partially explains the flight, which is also related to economic, personal and other reasons that may prompt French Jews to emigrate.

Some government officials are alarmed...
Yeah, "alarmed," blah blah.

Still more at the link.

Sky News Cuts Away as Charlie Hebdo Writer Holds Up Muhammad Magazine Cover (VIDEO)

I mean, seriously. Won't somebody over there stand up to genocidal Islam?

Via Hot Air, "Video: Sky News cuts off Charlie Hebdo writer when she tries to display Mohammed cartoon."

My stomach literally sucked in --- like a punch to the gut --- as the cameraman flinches and then the network cuts away to the anchorwoman. The fear --- pure terror in the anchorwoman's eyes --- is so palpable. We're surrounded by cowards. Political correctness will be the death of us.

Funeral in Israel for Jews Slain in #ParisAttacks

At the Weekly Standard, "4 Jews Killed in Paris Attack Buried in Israel."

And video from AFP, "Israel funeral for four Jews killed in France attack."

The Death of Supermodels: Cindy Crawford Bemoans Fashion Magazines Putting Pop Culture Stars on Their Covers

Movie stars and reality show queens. They're the ones making the magazine covers these day, wails Cindy Crawford, now 49 and clearly perturbed. I dare say that the industry has changed, however (take Victoria's Secret's success model, for example). And perhaps she missed out on the key trends.

Whatever. It's a beautiful photo roundup, at London's Daily Mail, "The death of the supermodel: Cindy Crawford complains models no longer become big stars as magazines want celebrities for their covers instead."

Chilling New Video Shows Images from Inside Kosher Market #ParisAttacks

At London's Daily Mail, "EXCLUSIVE: First chilling footage from inside Paris deli shows jihadist killer herding terrified customers and forcing them to deactivate security cameras as corpses lay around them."

And Brianna Keilar reports for CNN: