Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Millions of Ordinary Americans Back Donald Trump, and Not Because of 'Racism' Either

The Weekly Standard's piece from last year remains the best analysis on the demographics behind the Trump phenomenon. See, "The Political Establishment's Terrified by Donald Trump's 'Tangible American Nationalism'."

But this Thomas Frank piece, at the Guardian, is pretty darn good --- all the more so since Frank's a hardline leftist. See, "Millions of ordinary Americans support Donald Trump. Here's why":
Trade is an issue that polarizes Americans by socio-economic status. To the professional class, which encompasses the vast majority of our media figures, economists, Washington officials and Democratic powerbrokers, what they call “free trade” is something so obviously good and noble it doesn’t require explanation or inquiry or even thought. Republican and Democratic leaders alike agree on this, and no amount of facts can move them from their Econ 101 dream.

To the remaining 80 or 90% of America [not populated by Trump supporters], trade means something very different [than economic decimation]. There’s a video going around on the internet these days that shows a room full of workers at a Carrier air conditioning plant in Indiana being told by an officer of the company that the factory is being moved to Monterrey, Mexico, and that they’re all going to lose their jobs.

As I watched it, I thought of all the arguments over trade that we’ve had in this country since the early 1990s, all the sweet words from our economists about the scientifically proven benevolence of free trade, all the ways in which our newspapers mock people who say that treaties like the North American Free Trade Agreement allow companies to move jobs to Mexico.

Well, here is a video of a company moving its jobs to Mexico, courtesy of Nafta. This is what it looks like. The Carrier executive talks in that familiar and highly professional HR language about the need to “stay competitive” and “the extremely price-sensitive marketplace”. A worker shouts “Fuck you!” at the executive. The executive asks people to please be quiet so he can “share” his “information”. His information about all of them losing their jobs.

* * *

Now, I have no special reason to doubt the suspicion that Donald Trump is a racist. Either he is one, or (as the comedian John Oliver puts it) he is pretending to be one, which amounts to the same thing.

But there is another way to interpret the Trump phenomenon. A map of his support may coordinate with racist Google searches, but it coordinates even better with deindustrialization and despair, with the zones of economic misery that 30 years of Washington’s free-market consensus have brought the rest of America.

It is worth noting that Trump is making a point of assailing that Indiana air conditioning company from the video in his speeches. What this suggests is that he’s telling a tale as much about economic outrage as it is tale of racism on the march. Many of Trump’s followers are bigots, no doubt, but many more are probably excited by the prospect of a president who seems to mean it when he denounces our trade agreements and promises to bring the hammer down on the CEO that fired you and wrecked your town, unlike Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Here is the most salient supporting fact: when people talk to white, working-class Trump supporters, instead of simply imagining what they might say, they find that what most concerns these people is the economy and their place in it. I am referring to a study just published by Working America, a political-action auxiliary of the AFL-CIO, which interviewed some 1,600 white working-class voters in the suburbs of Cleveland and Pittsburgh in December and January.

Support for Donald Trump, the group found, ran strong among these people, even among self-identified Democrats, but not because they are all pining for a racist in the White House. Their favorite aspect of Trump was his “attitude”, the blunt and forthright way he talks. As far as issues are concerned, “immigration” placed third among the matters such voters care about, far behind their number one concern: “good jobs / the economy”.

“People are much more frightened than they are bigoted,” is how the findings were described to me by Karen Nussbaum, the executive director of Working America. The survey “confirmed what we heard all the time: people are fed up, people are hurting, they are very distressed about the fact that their kids don’t have a future” and that “there still hasn’t been a recovery from the recession, that every family still suffers from it in one way or another.”

Tom Lewandowski, the president of the Northeast Indiana Central Labor Council in Fort Wayne, puts it even more bluntly when I asked him about working-class Trump fans. “These people aren’t racist, not any more than anybody else is,” he says of Trump supporters he knows. “When Trump talks about trade, we think about the Clinton administration, first with Nafta and then with [Permanent Normal Trade Relations] China, and here in Northeast Indiana, we hemorrhaged jobs.”

“They look at that, and here’s Trump talking about trade, in a ham-handed way, but at least he’s representing emotionally. We’ve had all the political establishment standing behind every trade deal, and we endorsed some of these people, and then we’ve had to fight them to get them to represent us.”

Now, let us stop and smell the perversity. Left parties the world over were founded to advance the fortunes of working people. But our left party in America – one of our two monopoly parties – chose long ago to turn its back on these people’s concerns, making itself instead into the tribune of the enlightened professional class, a “creative class” that makes innovative things like derivative securities and smartphone apps. The working people that the party used to care about, Democrats figured, had nowhere else to go, in the famous Clinton-era expression. The party just didn’t need to listen to them any longer.

What Lewandowski and Nussbaum are saying, then, should be obvious to anyone who’s dipped a toe outside the prosperous enclaves on the two coasts. Ill-considered trade deals and generous bank bailouts and guaranteed profits for insurance companies but no recovery for average people, ever – these policies have taken their toll. As Trump says, “we have rebuilt China and yet our country is falling apart. Our infrastructure is falling apart … Our airports are, like, Third World.”

Trump’s words articulate the populist backlash against liberalism that has been building slowly for decades and may very well occupy the White House itself, whereupon the entire world will be required to take seriously its demented ideas.

Yet still we cannot bring ourselves to look the thing in the eyes. We cannot admit that we liberals bear some of the blame for its emergence, for the frustration of the working-class millions, for their blighted cities and their downward spiraling lives. So much easier to scold them for their twisted racist souls, to close our eyes to the obvious reality of which Trumpism is just a crude and ugly expression: that neoliberalism has well and truly failed.
Plus, here's Frank's book, Listen, Liberal: Or, What Ever Happened to the Party of the People?

The 2016 Election and the Soft-on-Crime Democrats

I find this theory a little dubious, although interesting nevertheless.

From James Dobbins, at USA Today, "If anti-Trump protests grow, they could hand Donald the election":
Black Lives Matter protesters may help elect Donald Trump president, just as their predecessors did for Richard Nixon.

Scuffles broke out at the University of Illinois at Chicago Pavilion on Friday after Trump canceled a rally citing security concerns. Earlier that day in St. Louis, Trump was repeatedly interrupted by demonstrators and police made almost three dozen arrests. On Saturday in Dayton, Ohio, a protester rushed the stage being subdued by security. Trump told MSNBC’s Chris Matthews that events such as these would only increase his vote tally.

Trump may be on to something. The scenario evokes the turbulent election year of 1968 when Richard Nixon successfully cast himself as the “law and order” candidate against Vice President Hubert Humphrey. Violent crime had jumped 85% since Dwight Eisenhower had left office. Nixon charged that Democrats had adopted a do-nothing approach to this rising crisis. When Humphrey denounced the "storm trooper tactics" used by Chicago police in suppressing demonstrations at the 1968 Chicago Democratic National Convention, his comment seemed to play into Nixon’s hands. Humphrey was attempting to placate his party’s left wing, but a Gallup poll at the time showed that 62% of Americans approved of the way Mayor Richard Daley handled the situation. Siding against the cops was bad politics.

Nixon’s stance that Democrats were soft on crime had a clear racial subtext, coming as it did in the wake of urban riots in Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Washington, D.C., and elsewhere. Black militancy was on the rise, particularly after Martin Luther King was assassinated in April 1968. The races were divided on whether police brutality was a factor in the unrest. A 1968 Harris poll showed that 51% of blacks believed it was, compared to only 10% of whites. But Nixon knew where the votes were. Another Harris survey that September showed Nixon with a 20-point lead over Humphrey among respondents who blamed black militants as being a “major cause of the breakdown of law and order.”

Then as now, race and law enforcement were tightly intertwined issues. And, then as now, most people in general support law enforcement. In a June 2015 Gallup survey of confidence in American institutions, the police ranked third behind the military and small business in public esteem, with 52% having a great deal or quite a lot of confidence in the men and women in blue. Donald Trump made his position clear in January when he said that "Police are the most mistreated people in this country."

This dynamic puts prospective Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in a bind...
Still more, but again, I'm skeptical.

It's been almost 50 years since 1968 and the culture has changed, dramatically so. And a 52 percent majority in Gallup is completely unreliable, since Gallup is the least trusted polling organization out there nowadays. I suspect lots of voters will be moved by Democrat arguments attacking Donald Trump as a racist, and blaming him for unrest. And don't underestimate the power of the media to push the narrative into overdrive. There were political assassinations in 1968 as well, which hopefully we will not have on 2016, but no doubt the deaths of MLK Jr. and Bobby Kennedy drove a lot of the demand for public order after the Democrat Convention in Chicago. It remains to be seen how all of this plays out this time around, but public sentiment is extremely divided, and things could go either way on such a volatile issue as political violence.

Trump's going to be running not just against the Democrats, but the entire collectivist media-entertainment-education complex. As it is USA Today reports that Millennials will flock to Hillary if Trump's the nominee. See, "Poll shows that Millennials would flock to Clinton against Trump."

If there was ever an election to determine the future of America (and the future of freedom itself), this year is shaping up to be it, by a long shot.

The Nazis Weren't Socialists

One of the things I hate the most about online debates is how conservatives always claim that the Nazi Party in Hitler's Germany was "socialist" and hence leftist.

It's just not true, although little I say is likely to persuade anyone at this point.

In any case, below is the comment I left at Avi Green's post, at the Astute Bloggers, "RON MARZ DOESN'T BELIEVE NAZIS WAS ACRONYM FOR SOCIALISTS":
Sorry, Avi, the Nazis, in the 1930s, went to exterminate their rivals as they came to power, particularly socialists and communists. To be a true socialist you have to abolish private property, something the Nazis never did. They saw the Soviet Union as a world Jewish conspiracy, and hated Marxism. These are all facts, found all over the literature on the Interwar period.

National Socialists were what you'd call the "reactionary right" today, people whose vision of the perfect society harked back to an earlier time, i.e., the vision of the "Teutonic Knights" and the "Aryan nation" of pure-blood medieval Germans. Socialists are Marxist, and their perfect society is in the future, under Utopian communism and the withering away of the state. The far right is reactionary, while the far left is radical. Nazis and socialists stand at the opposite ends of the ideological spectrum.

If you don't know this history, then you should. I don't know this guy Ron Marz, and I have no idea if he knows this history, but he's essentially right that the Nazis were not left-wing socialists as conservatives usually use the terminology. Yeah, it's complicated and intellectual, but it's the correct version on this topic.
I can of course append sources to my argument at the comment, if anyone's so interested, but then again, I'm not convinced I'd change anyone's mind. If you think the Nazis were leftists, academic sources and scholarly evidence to the contrary are hardly going to be persuasive.

Donald Trump's 'Unlikely Melting Pot' Campaign

This is amazing.

And it's all the more amazing that the Old Gray Lady's running this.

See, "Donald Trump's Tampa Office Is an Unlikely Melting Pot":
TAMPA — Mireya Linsky, born to a Jewish family in Cuba, came to the United States as a refugee at age 5. Her family lived in public housing here for several years and sometimes relied on assistance from Catholic Charities. She has spent the past 33 years working for the Hillsborough County School District.

So Mrs. Linsky, 55, understands that some may see certain contradictions in the fact that she is now spending several nights a week volunteering here at Donald J. Trump’s campaign office. “Like I’m just pulling the drawbridge up behind me,” she says.

Yet Mrs. Linsky is also quick to acknowledge a long list of racial fears and resentments that she says help explain why she is drawn to Mr. Trump: She is furious at undocumented workers who “come basically to see what they can get.” She is wary of Muslim Americans imposing their religion on communities in the United States. She is fearful of more American jobs being outsourced to China, India or Mexico. She even suspects President Obama “has a dislike for white folks.”

“We’re not taking care of our own,” she said.

Recently, Mr. Trump’s campaign has been engulfed by ugly images of mostly white Trump supporters facing off against, and sometimes attacking, young protesters, many of them black or Hispanic, at Trump rallies in Chicago, St. Louis and elsewhere.

But here in Tampa, in the week before the pivotal Florida primary, conversations with more than 20 volunteers showing up to make campaign calls or otherwise help out at a small Trump campaign office in an old cigar factory yielded some surprises on the subjects of race, ethnicity and bigotry.

For a campaign frequently depicted as offering a rallying point for the white working class, the people volunteering to help Mr. Trump here are noteworthy for their ethnic diversity. They include a young woman who recently arrived from Peru; an immigrant from the Philippines; a 70-year-old Lakota Indian; a teenage son of Russian immigrants; a Mexican-American.

They range the political spectrum, too, from lifelong Democrat to independent to libertarian to conservative Republican. To a person, they condemned and sometimes ridiculed David Duke and other white supremacists who have noisily backed Mr. Trump. “I totally do not agree with them,” said one volunteer, Andrew Cherry.

Yet like Mrs. Linsky, many spoke openly about how fears centered on race and ethnicity were at the heart of their support for Mr. Trump. To a large extent, they traced those fears to the scars they still bear from the Great Recession — lost jobs, drained 401(k)’s, home foreclosures, rising debt, the feeling that the country is broken.

More than anything, several Trump volunteers here said, the Great Recession exposed a corrupt, out-of-touch ruling class in Washington that allows big corporations to outsource jobs at will while doing nothing to address millions of illegal immigrants who compete for jobs and drain government coffers. In Mr. Trump, they say, they see a potential antidote to all of this. A man too wealthy to be bought or co-opted. A man with the blunt-force clarity to declare that he is ready to Make America Great Again.

“I think we’ve come to the conclusion that our country is falling apart, and we have to take care of it,” Mrs. Linsky said.

It would be hard to imagine more politically unfriendly turf for a Trump campaign office than the old Garcia and Vega cigar factory on Armenia Avenue. The factory looms over West Tampa, a Democratic stronghold long dominated by Latinos, especially Cuban-Americans. Today, the factory has been converted into space for start-ups. The campaign rents a small room on the second floor and uses a common area for its phone banks.

Early on Wednesday afternoon, Bob Peele, 62, pulled up to the back of the cigar factory in a pickup truck overflowing with Trump campaign signs. Mr. Peele, burly and bearded, wearing a Harley-Davidson hat and a T-shirt depicting a bald eagle, began unloading signs...

What a great piece, totally not going with the left's "racist" Donald Trump narrative.

Hannah Davis on the Cover of Maxim (VIDEO)

At Us Magazine, "Hannah Davis Looks Seriously Sexy on the Cover of Maxim, Talks About Fiance Derek Jeter."

Video via Maxim:

Monday, March 14, 2016

Jackie Johnson's Beautiful Weather Forecast

Well, it was raining today during this morning's drive-time commute, but it's supposed to warm up to above-average temperatures by mid-week. The valleys could see temps in the high-80s. Amazing.

The rain has been welcomed. See LAT, "Drenched by 'March Miracle,' Northern California reservoirs inch toward capacity."

And here's Jackie, via CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

Donald Trump's Normal Campaign Monday (VIDEO)

Well, maybe all the protesting has passed.

At Politico, "Trump’s strange Monday: After a tumultuous weekend, his Ohio rally was among the most surprising things a Trump event can now be: Normal":

VIENNA, Ohio — It had all the trappings of a Donald Trump event, but in the end, something was missing.

Trump took his private, eponymous plane down a runway and parked it behind a stage. He enthralled throngs of fans while speaking at the appropriately named “Winner Aviation” outside Youngstown. He promised to build a border wall with Mexico, to fix a decades-old trade imbalance and to, more generally, “make America great again.” Most of all, he promised repeatedly that he’d win the election.

“I backed McCain. He lost. I backed Romney. He lost,” Trump said. “I said, ‘this time we’re gonna do it ourselves.'”

What the event lacked, however, was even a drop of the drama that defined Trump rallies over the weekend. Without a single interruption, Trump’s speech was a far cry from the violence of his events last week—and the exact opposite of a planned rally in Chicago where clashes between supporters and protesters led to the event being canceled.

Indeed, in the 2016 presidential campaign’s new normal, the rally was among the most surprising things a Trump event can be: normal.

With the protesters absent, the event—which served as Trump’s closing statement to his supporters—centered on the billionaire’s message to his backers: a Trump win in Ohio would all but make him the GOP presidential nominee. The polls suggest that could well happen. Trump and John Kasich are close, and the event here appeared an attempt to snatch a last-minute victory.

“Kasich cannot make America great again,” he said, ridiculing the governor for spending more time in New Hampshire “than Chris Christie,” the New Jersey governor and supporter who introduced Trump...
Keep reading.

GOP Evangelicals Hold Less Sway After Mini-Super Tuesday

This is interesting.

If Trump knocks out Rubio after a Florida win tomorrow (which looks pretty likely), and upcoming GOP calendar is extremely narrow for Ted Cruz, especially in terms of the evangelical vote.

At the Wall Street Journal, "After Tuesday, Evangelicals Hold Less Sway in GOP Nominating Calendar":
Missouri and North Carolina have gotten the least public attention among the five states that will vote on Tuesday. But they could be particularly meaningful for Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.

The two states are just about the last on the nominating calendar with large numbers of evangelical Christians, a group that Mr. Cruz has tried to consolidate. After Tuesday, the primary calendar shifts to states with smaller shares of evangelicals.

The evangelical shares of Missouri and North Carolina residents are 36% and 35%, respectively, according to data from the Pew Research Center. The only state with a larger evangelical population that has yet to vote is West Virginia, where 39% of residents identify as evangelical Christians. That state doesn’t vote until May.

Mr. Cruz’s campaign, which emphasizes social conservative values, was supposed to be built for states with large evangelical populations. But seven of the 10 states with the largest evangelical populations, according to Pew, have voted so far, and Donald Trump has won six of them: Tennessee, Alabama, Kentucky, Arkansas, Mississippi and Georgia. Mr. Cruz won only Oklahoma, which borders on his home state of Texas.

As upcoming primaries and caucuses move north and west, away from the states that were supposed to be Mr. Cruz’s base, he could use a win or two. Missouri and North Carolina would give any winning candidate a boost. Together, they award 124 delegates, more than Florida’s cache of 99, the biggest prize on Tuesday. They award their delegates proportionally, so Mr. Cruz could lose the states but still emerge with a prize.

Mr. Cruz may have greater success in Missouri than North Carolina...
Still more.

SUV Tailgater Loses Control and Crashes on I-41 at Little Chute, Wisconsin (VIDEO)


At the Appleton Post-Crescent, "Watch SUV tailgate, crash on I-41":
It never pays to tailgate.

Deal of the Day: Bissell CleanView Upright Vacuum

A great deal, at Amazon, BISSELL 9595A Vacuum with OnePass: Fast and easy cleaning in a lightweight vacuum with powerful suction and innovative brush design that cleans more on the initial pass.

Plus, save on Easter toys.

More, save up to 70% on select SanDisk products.

BONUS: From Robert Reich, Saving Capitalism: For the Many, Not the Few.

'Ben Shapiro Betrays Loyal Breitbart Readers in Pursuit of Fox News Contributorship'

That's the now deleted headline at Breitbart, which is now replaced with an apology from editor Joel Pollak, "Statement from Breitbart News Editor-at-Large and In-House Counsel Joel B. Pollak."

Pollak was apparently trying to "make light of" the whole Michelle Fields incident, her resignation, as well as Shapiro's, but it's not turning out too well (via Memeorandum).

More, from Hadas Gold, at Politico, "Breitbart piece mocking editor who resigned was written under father's pseudonym." (Via Memeorandum.)

Here's a cached version of the now-removed piece.

I'm not a huge Breitbart News fan, and probably less so in the future.

How Democrats Abandoned the Working Class and Spurred the Rise of Donald Trump

From Kyle Smith, at the New York Post (via Memeorandum and Right Wing News):
Inequality has risen. Jobs are going overseas. The more the stock market rises, the more the working class feels crushed by globalization.

And all of this has occurred exactly as Democrats have engineered it. Stuff happens, they say. The truth hurts.

Take it from Larry Summers, once one of President Obama’s leading economic advisers: “One of the challenges in our society is that the truth is kind of an equalizer,” Summers reportedly said in a candid moment in 2009. “One of the reasons that inequality has probably gone up in our society is that people are being treated closer to the way that they’re supposed to be treated.” (Summers this week denied saying this.)

The elite professional class, in the 1950s one of the Republican party’s most reliable constituencies, became the very heart of the Democrats by the 1990s. The party of labor morphed into the party of lawyers. This didn’t happen by accident.

In his new book “Listen, Liberal, Or Whatever Happened to the Party of the People,” progressive commentator Thomas Frank (author of “What’s the Matter With Kansas?”) says Democrats need to take a good long look in the mirror if they want answers to why blue-collar workers are feeling abandoned and even infuriated by what used to be their party.

Many such voters are now backing Donald Trump, who is sketching out the problem with America in exactly the terms they agree with: Jobs are either going to Mexico, or going to Mexicans. Unchecked illegal immigration on the one hand and free trade on the other hand are driving down the wages of working-class Americans, or costing them their jobs outright.

This isn’t racism: angry Americans told they were losing their jobs at a doomed air-conditioner factory in Indiana wouldn’t have applauded if told production was moving to Canada instead of Mexico. Either way, they’re losing their jobs.

In Frank’s analysis, around 1972 the Democrats started to suspect their lunch-bucket workers were warmongering dinosaurs doomed by their reliance on dying Rust Belt industries. The party placed its future in the hands of groovy technocrats in non-union fields and wrote off the workers, who soon defected to the Republican party even though Republicans didn’t and don’t apologize for being the party of capital.

Blaming Republican Intransigence (TM) for liberalism’s failures, particularly in the Obama era, is a common excuse that Frank isn’t having. He points to areas such as Rhode Island and Chicago where Republicans are virtually extinct and finds that Democrats behave exactly the same way: They make mild clucking noises about inequality while taking donations and policy ideas from financiers (both R.I. and the City of Big Shoulders are run by former Wall Streeters) and outlining an economic future of enhanced “innovation” designed to tilt the economy even further in the direction of elite knowledge-economy workers and away from those without college degrees.

Innovation, Frank says, is often just code for new methods (from Uber to credit default swaps) to evade necessary protective regulations. Many such innovations pump up profits for rich entrepreneurs and shareholders by unloading employees with benefits in favor of part-timers and freelancers with no benefits. Democrats take big donations from such firms, laud them in speeches, and tell everyone else to get out of the way of the “disruption.”

There is some enticing evidence for Frank’s claim that Democrats deliberately shunned American workers...
Keep reading.

Plus, here's Frank's book, Listen, Liberal: Or, What Ever Happened to the Party of the People?

Sunday, March 13, 2016

CBS News Battleground Tracker Poll: Donald Trump Leads Florida, 44-24 Percent Over Ted Cruz, with Marco Rubio's at 21 Percent (VIDEO)

Here, "Poll: Trump and Kasich neck-and-neck in Ohio; Trump leads in Florida" (via Memeorandum).

I haven't seen a single poll with Marco Rubio leading in Florida. Indeed, Trump's got an 18.1 point spread in RCP's average of Florida polling. Rubio's toast.

Ohio's another story, however. Kasich, who is Ohio's governor, has a 2 point spread in RCP's average, and CBS has him tied with Trump for Tuesday's election. It should be pretty amazing, although Ohio won't matter too much if Trump wins Florida. Rubio will be knocked out but there's simply now way Kasich can catch Trump. Ted Cruz will emerge as the main rival in a two man race, but Trump will be prohibitive. The GOPe's schemes to stop the front-runner will have petered out. I don't know what else establishment hacks can do, other than sabotage the convention. But we'll see.

More at Memeorandum.

Plus, watch, at CBS Face the Nation, "CBS News Battleground Tracker Poll: Is Trump on track to win nomination?"

Deal of the Day: Save Up to 45% on Mountain House Meals

At Amazon, Mountain House, Just In Case... Classic Bucket.

Plus, Kanu Surf Women's Keri Long-Sleeve UPF 50+ Rashguard.

Also, AmazonBasics Apple Certified Lightning to USB Cable - 6 Feet (1.8 Meters) - White.

Still more, No GMO: KIND Nuts & Spices, Dark Chocolate Nuts & Sea Salt, 1.4 Ounce, 12 Count.

BONUS: From Alonzo Hamby, Man of Destiny: FDR and the Making of the American Century.

And, from Frances FitzGerald, Way Out There In the Blue: Reagan, Star Wars and the End of the Cold War.

Local News Coverage of Violent Donald Trump Rally in Chicago (VIDEO)

At the video, pretty intense video of the Friday night rally in Chicago.

And more on the story, at the Chicago Tribune, "After-effects of Trump Chicago cancellation felt in presidential race":

The after-effects from the protest-fueled cancellation of Donald Trump's Chicago rally reverberated nationally throughout presidential campaigns in both parties Saturday, just days before Illinois holds its primary.

Skirmishes between Trump supporters and demonstrators laid bare the country's deep and angry political divide, and Trump, during a speech in Ohio, contended supporters of Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders were behind a "planned attack" by "professional" protest organizers Friday night.

"They were taunted, they were harassed by these other people. These other people, by the way, some represented Bernie, our communist friend," Trump said at an airport rally outside Dayton that was interrupted by Secret Service agents surrounding the candidate when a protester tried to take the stage and was arrested.

"(Sanders) should really get up and say to his people, 'Stop. Stop. Not me. Stop.' They said Mr. Trump should get up this morning and tell his people to be nice. My people are nice folks. They are. They're great," he said.

Later Saturday, at a raucous rally in Kansas City, Trump was interrupted several times by protesters.

“We’re going to take our country back from these people,” he said. “These are bad, bad people.”

Trump also threatened to “start pressing charges against all these people” and said the arrest records are “going to ruin the rest of their lives” and would stop the protest interruptions...
Still more.

BONUS: At the Los Angeles Times, "How black, Latino and Muslim college students organized to stop Trump's rally in Chicago."

Donald Trump Attacks John Kasich Over Free Trade, Says Governor Abandoned Ohio


At the Wall Street Journal:
CLEVELAND — Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump attacked Gov. John Kasich for supporting free-trade policies the billionaire businessman said have hurt Ohio’s job market and economy, and he accused the governor of abandoning the state while running for president.

During a rally before several thousand supporters here on Saturday, Mr. Trump accused Mr. Kasich of letting the state’s coal and steel industries fade and said Ohio’s economy was only saved by the discovery of shale oil in recent years.

He also accused the two-term governor of being weak on immigration, spending too much time in New Hampshire on the campaign trail and not addressing the state’s problems.

“Why didn’t he drop out?” Mr. Trump said at a convention center near the city airport. “Now he says he is going to win Ohio? I really don’t think so.”

Mr. Trump has escalated his attacks on Mr. Kasich as Tuesday’s Ohio’s primary draws near.  The businessman had 37% support among Republican primary voters in Ohio, while Mr. Kasich registered 34% support, according to a Real Clear Politics average of recent polls.

Mr. Trump’s event here was disrupted about a half a dozen times by protesters, while his supporters chanted “Trump! Trump!” as the protesters were escorted out. The protests appeared spontaneous, in contrast to the seemingly more-organized confrontation at a Chicago campaign rally on Friday that was consequently canceled over security concerns...

Lily Aldridge Outtakes Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2016 (VIDEO)

The lovely Lily, for Sports Illustrated.

PREVIOUSLY: "Victoria's Secret Swim Special: Lily Aldridge (VIDEO)."

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Amber Lee's Low-Pressure System Forecast

I didn't even see the rain on Friday. My wife texted me, worried about my son, who was walking home from school, about the harsh downpour around 3:00pm.

It cleared up today though, but it's cool out.

Via CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

Secret Service Rushes to Protect Donald Trump at Dayton, Ohio, Rally (VIDEO)

At Mashable, "Donald Trump's Dayton rally was tense as security detail stormed stage."

Also, at the NBC News, via Memeorandum, "Secret Service Rushes Stage to Protect Donald Trump at Ohio Rally."

And watch, at CBS News:

Donald Trump Supporter Birgitt Peterson Explains 'Heil, Hitler' Salute at Chicago Protest

Well, I like Trump and all, but I wouldn't want my supporters performing Nazi salutes. Just bad optics, you know?

At the Chicago Tribune, "Trump supporter explains what led to 'Heil, Hitler' salute at canceled Chicago rally":

A 69-year-old Yorkville woman and her husband are defending her actions after a Tribune photo showed her giving a Nazi salute during an altercation with protesters outside UIC Pavilion Friday night following the ill-fated Donald Trump rally.

The photo of Trump supporter Birgitt Peterson went viral on social media this weekend, causing some to wonder about her motivation for making the gesture.

Peterson, who said she emigrated from West Berlin and has been a U.S. citizen since 1982, said the salute came during an argument with protesters and was simply her response to them giving her the Nazi gesture.

Her husband, Donald, insisted: "We're not skinheads, we're not Nazis."

Birgitt Peterson said she and her husband had left the UIC Pavilion after the rally was canceled because of security concerns. "I came out and lit a cigarette and all of a sudden, I was surrounded,'' she told the Tribune on Saturday.

She was wearing a Trump T-shirt, and a group of about 20 protesters began speaking to them, she said.

"The one lady, she said: 'Hey, white supremacist,'" Peterson said.

A woman grabbed the orange lanyard Peterson had around her neck that identified her as a member of the Illinois delegation to a past Republican convention, and then the woman let it go, she said.

Peterson said she told them: "Girlfriend, don't do this. If you want to talk, you have the right to be here to protest. I have the right to be here."

A protester told Peterson that she wanted the woman to "stay safe'' and urged Peterson and her husband to leave, she said. But they were cursing at them also, her husband added.

A young woman who had a shirt comparing Trump to Hitler accused the couple of voting for the Ku Klux Klan, Birgitt Peterson said, quoting the woman as saying, "Hitler is Donald Trump ... This is what you are. Why did you vote for this man?"

Peterson said she responded: "You should know that I haven't voted for anybody because the primary is not until Tuesday."

She said the protesters told her, "You are here to vote for Hitler," and they started giving a Nazi salute.

Peterson said she told the protesters she was German and asked them if they knew what the salute meant.

"So Birgitt decided to teach them to do it,'' said Donald Peterson, who insisted they were "not Nazis'' and absolutely not supporters or "saluting'' Adolf Hitler.

"I lifted my arms," she said, adding that in German she said, "Hail to the German Reich."

A protester who was photographed with Peterson, Michael Joseph Garza, told the Tribune on Saturday he did not believe Peterson was responding to anyone else when she raised her arm in the salute.

"I went up to her and said, 'Ma'am, please leave, we have understood you, we have made a (path),'" Garza recalled. "She said, 'Go? Back in my day, this is what we did,' basically, and then she hailed Hitler."

Jason Wambsgans, the Tribune photographer who took the picture, said he had more than a dozen photos of Peterson giving the Nazi salute but did not see any protesters doing the gesture and has no photos showing that...
Still more.

I wish she hadn't made that salute, for whatever reason. This is the social media age. If you make yourself look like a Nazi, then you're going to be smeared as a Nazi. Simple as that.

Back from Pearson Revel Community Forum at the Laguna Cliffs Marriott Hotel, Dana Point

I attended a teaching conference this weekend in Dana Point.

I tweeted:

A lovely hotel, particularly the views overlooking the harbor. The weather was beautiful when I got there Friday morning, but by mid-afternoon we had more of the El Niño downpours.

No matter. It was fun and informative.

Breitbart Senior Editor Joel Pollak Told Staffers to Stop Defending Michelle Fields (VIDEO)

When I first started checking out this story, I tweeted, "Video or it didn't happen."

I still haven't seen what you'd call "conclusive" video evidence that Fields was assaulted --- and there's been all kinds of conflicting reports claiming to have such evidence, although nothing I've seen is definitive either way.

Sadly, Ms. Fields doesn't come off as a persuasive victim. She appears "clingy" and "whiny." In other words, she's not a sympathetic individual, especially considering the hateful "purity" wars we're having right now over Ted Cruz vs. Donald Trump.

I haven't been on Twitter that much lately. It's been too ugly.

In any case, see BuzzFeed, "Breitbart Editor Ordered Staffers to Stop Defending Michelle Fields." (Via Memeorandum.)

Pollack ordered:
“EVERYONE. STOP tweeting about the story. Stop speculating about the story. Stop answering queries about the story. Stop retweeting other people's comments about the story. You were given explicit instructions. If you have new information please DM me.”
Plus, watch Ms. Fields' interview with Megyn Kelly on Fox News from a couple of nights ago, "Trump campaign manager accused of assaulting reporter."

Friday, March 11, 2016

Deal of the Day: Omron Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor

At Amazon, Omron 7 Series UltraSilent Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor.

Also, today only, Save on Select Harry Bosch Novels by Michael Connelly.

Plus, from Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead.

BONUS: From Arthur Brooks, The Conservative Heart: How to Build a Fairer, Happier, and More Prosperous America.

GOP Majority Voters in Primary are Wayyyyyy Beneath Cruz, So Says Cruz

From Sarah Palin, on Facebook (via Memeorandum):
Calling GOP frontrunner supporters "low information" disengaged voters, Ted Cruz's insinuation reeks of all the reasons America knows "the status quo has got to go." The arrogance of career politicians is something at which the rest of us chuckle, but Cruz's latest dig strays from humorous into downright nasty. Cruz is right, though - independent, America-first, commonsense conservatives supporting Donald Trump ARE "low information" when it comes to having any information on Cruz's ability to expand the conservative movement, beat Hillary Clinton, unify and lead the nation...

Plus, from Terresa Monroe-Hamilton, at Right Wing News, "Trump Supporter, Sarah Palin Just RESPONDED To The Cruz Attacks – And WHOA!":
Let’s address this, shall we? In the end, I may wind up voting for Trump simply to keep Hillary out. But I will never, ever have any use for Sarah Palin ever again. She has lied about Ted Cruz and slandered him relentlessly in order to protect Trump, who I suspect is paying her handsomely to do so. The full quote from Cruz is, “Donald does well with voters who have relatively low information, who are not that engaged and who are angry and they see him as an angry voice. Where we are beating him is when voters’ get more engaged and they get more informed.” Tell me how that is not true. If you look at the issues and you believe in the Constitution, that is exactly right. Trump’s supporters are running on anger and vengeance, not the issues...
Keep reading.

Violence at Donald Trump Campaign Events (VIDEO)

Watch, at ABC News, "Trump Under Fire for Violence at Campaign Events."

And from Sam Stein, at PuffHo (via Memeorandum), "Donald Trump Encourages Violence At His Rallies. His Fans Are Listening."

Donald Trump Plays It Safe at GOP Debate in Miami (VIDEO)

From Dan Balz, at the Washington Post (via the O.C. Register), "Trump drops big shtick, speaks softly: Few fireworks as Trump plays it safe":

MIAMI – Through 12 Republican debates, there has been one consistent dynamic: Donald Trump has held center stage literally and figuratively. He is the alpha politician who has fended off multiple opponents with cutting insults, timely interruptions and only an occasional exploration of the substance of policy.

Trump shared a debate stage Thursday night with his three remaining rivals: Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, and he found a different way to control the evening: by deflection and adaptability.

Ahead in the race for the nomination, he adopted a more restrained and subdued demeanor, even passing up opportunities to strike back when his opponents tried to engage him. It was a strategy common to any front-runner – play not to lose, avoid mistakes or eruptions, and force the opposition to change the dynamic.

For much of the evening, the four candidates carried on a generally civil discussion on the issues. They avoided the kinds of clashes that had created a downward spiral in their dialogue over the three previous debates.

Thursday’s encounter in particular seemed a direct reaction to the universal criticism of their debate a week ago, a forum that took the GOP campaign into the gutter. But in the more subdued environment, Trump was challenged anew to move beyond generalities, and he still struggled to explain where he really stands on a range of issues, from education and trade policy to Social Security and the federal budget deficit to dealing with ISIS and Iran.

That Trump has certain skills as a candidate is without question. He can dominate a debate or a news cycle with relative ease. His ability to keep opponents at bay and off balance has been stellar. But there is much more to being president than that, which is why there are so many doubts about him among the electorate at large. What the debates have shown is that Trump’s lack of depth on issues continues to be a key part of the story of his quest for the presidency.

Trump arrived at Thursday’s debate at the University of Miami nearing what could be a key turning point in the Republican campaign. By Tuesday night, after a round of primaries in big states, he either will be seen in full command of the nomination process – virtually unstoppable – or facing competition that could carry on all the way to the floor of the GOP convention in July in Cleveland with no certain outcome...
Keep reading.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

P-22 Mountain Lion Suspected of Killing Koala at Los Angeles Zoo

If this story holds up, I doubt this poor koala's going to be the last animal killed at the zoo.

The mountain lion knows where to find dinner.

At the Los Angeles Times, "Griffith Park mountain lion P-22 suspected of killing koala at L.A. Zoo":
In the legal world, it’d be called circumstantial evidence.

On March 3, one of the Los Angeles Zoo’s koalas went missing. Down the road from its enclosure, a tuft of its hair was found. About 400 yards farther down, zookeepers made a grisly discovery: bloody marsupial parts.

Something must have been able to carry it that far, park employees figured. So they examined the park’s “trap cameras” — surveillance devices with motion sensors — in an effort to spot the culprit. Though the attack wasn’t recorded, they did find still photos of the likely perpetrator: P-22, Griffith Park’s famous mountain lion.

Zoo officials don’t know how the mountain lion is getting in and out of the park, but said it was spotted on cameras stationed around the zoo the night the koala was killed.

The zoo also released a black-and-white video taken by surveillance cameras place him near the scene the night before the koala was discovered missing.

“The evidence is circumstantial. We don’t have any video of it taking the koala. We can’t say 100%,” L.A. Zoo director John Lewis told The Times on Thursday.

About a month ago, cameras stationed around the park to record the behavior of smaller wild animals, like bobcats and coyotes, roaming the park at night showed P-22 also on the premises.

“It was kind of like ‘Whoa,’ ” Lewis said when they saw the 6-year-old puma on camera.

P-22 has been seen on camera a few other times since then, and once left the remains of a devoured raccoon in its wake. Sometime between the night of March 2 and the morning of March 3, the predator visited the koala enclosure, Lewis thinks.

That’s where it probably found Killarney, the oldest koala in the exhibit at 14 years old, on the ground, unprotected from the elevation the trees provide. Koalas live to be 12 to 15 years old, Lewis said.

“She was very individual,” Lewis said of the koala, which had no offspring and hailed from Australia. “At night, for whatever reason, it was typical for her to walk around. … The other koalas were up in the trees.”

There was no blood trail in the enclosure, and no fur to indicate a violent attack, he said. The koalas were kept in an open enclosure surrounded by an 8-foot high wall...

ADDED: There's a video report at ABC News 10 San Diego, "Famous mountain lion suspected in death of koala at LA Zoo."

Kindle Paperwhite on Sale

Take 20 percent off through Friday, at Amazon, $20 off Kindle Paperwhite - 6" High-Resolution Display (300 ppi) with Built-in Light, Wi-Fi - Includes Special Offers.

Also, from Steve Coll, Private Empire: ExxonMobil and American Power.

More, from Bing West, The March Up: Taking Baghdad with the United States Marines, and No True Glory: A Frontline Account of the Battle for Fallujah.

BONUS: From E.J. Dionne, Why the Right Went Wrong: Conservatism - From Goldwater to the Tea Party and Beyond.

And Don Watkins and Yaron Brook, Equal Is Unfair: America's Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality.

Donald Trump Leads John Kasich in Ohio, 41-to-35 Percent (VIDEO)

Now this is interesting.

Trump's already pulling out a huge lead in Florida, so it's going to be pretty amazing if these numbers hold up and he wins both the Buckeye and Sunshine states.

At CNN, "CNN/ORC Poll: Trump, Clinton leading in Florida, Ohio."

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Victoria's Secret Swim Special: Lily Aldridge (VIDEO)

It's coming up at 9:00pm on the West Coast, heh.

Here's Ms. Aldridge, at CBS This Morning:

Jackie Johnson's Warm Sunny Skies Forecast

I'll be at a teaching conference this weekend, at the Laguna Cliffs Marriott. The warm sunny skies aren't going to be too warm on the coasts, with temperatures in the low 60s.

Via CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

New Claudia Romani Bikini Pics in Miami


At Egotastic!, "Claudia Romani Strips Down to Thongtastic Bikini in Miami."

Previous Claudia Romani blogging here.

Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points: The Left's 'Fascist' Smear Against Donald Trump (VIDEO)

An outstanding commentary:

Frauke Petry Is Germany's Anti-Angela Merkel

Pretty interesting.

The Donald Trump comparisons are obligatory, with the implication of Nazism, of course.

Oh, keep in mind that the "far-right" is used as a smear. People like this aren't "far-right." They're mainstream populists that scare the bejesus out of idiot establishment hacks.

At NYT, "Germany’s Embrace of Migrants Spawns Rise of Far-Right Leader":
MANNHEIM, Germany — In the current tussle for the future of Germany, Frauke Petry is what you might call the anti-Angela Merkel.

Where Ms. Merkel, the chancellor, has welcomed refugees, Ms. Petry, a rising far-right leader, has said border guards might need to turn guns on anyone crossing a frontier illegally.

Where Ms. Merkel has urged tolerance, Ms. Petry has embraced the angry populism now running through Europe and the United States.

“The preachers of hatred” was how the news weekly Der Spiegel characterized the new German right on its cover last month, emblazoned with a portrait of the petite Ms. Petry.

But this brisk, garrulous 40-year-old is more than Ms. Merkel’s foil. She is a disruptive, new force on the German political scene.

She and her party, the Alternative for Germany, have ridden a wave of discontent over the chancellor’s embrace of more than one million refugees to their strongest poll ratings ever...
Keep reading.

Deal of the Day: 65% Off Boss Audio Speakers

At Amazon, BOSS AUDIO ATV25B Powersports Plug and Play Audio System with Weather Proof 6.5 Inch Component Speakers ,Bluetooth Audio Streaming, Built in 450 Watt Amplifier.

Plus, Save on Graco Car Seats.

And ICYMI, from Dana Loesch, Flyover Nation: You Can't Run a Country You've Never Been To.

Iran Fires Missiles Marked with 'Israel Must Be Wiped Out' (VIDEO)

Obama's nuclear peace partner.

Video via the Telegraph UK.

And at AP, "Iran fires 2 missiles marked with 'Israel must be wiped out'."

Samantha Hoopes Intimates Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2016 (VIDEO)

She's so sweet.

Watch, "Samantha Hoopes Intimates Swimsuit 2016."

BONUS: "Win a Date with SI Swimsuit model Samantha Hoopes."

The World Is Getting Worse, But This Time America Won't Save It

From Dennis Prager, via Blazing Cat Fur:
I cannot imagine any thinking person who does not believe the world is getting worse.

The number of slaughtered and the number of refugees from slaughter is immense and growing.

Islamic State now controls territories from Afghanistan to West Africa. Libya is in the process of being added to that list. And other sadistic Islamist movements hold additional territory.

According to Pew Research, approximately 10 percent of world Muslims have a favorable opinion of the Islamic State and terror against civilians.

That’s more than 100 million people...
Keep reading.

Ed Morrissey, Going Red

From Captain Ed, Going Red: The Two Million Voters Who Will Elect the Next President - and How Conservatives Can Win Them.

And from Jennifer Lawless and Richard Fox, Running from Office: Why Young Americans are Turned Off to Politics.

Also, from Kristen Soltis Anderson, The Selfie Vote: Where Millennials Are Leading America (And How Republicans Can Keep Up).

Donald Trump Takes Three of Four States in March 8th Primary Elections (VIDEO)

Video below via CBS News This Morning.

And a great summary of last night's events, at the Los Angeles Times, "Trump rolls on, winning 3 of 4 states; Cruz takes Idaho":

Another Tuesday, another series of victories and the prospect of Donald J. Trump as the Republican presidential nominee grows ever more likely.

By carrying Mississippi in the Deep South and Michigan in the upper Midwest, Trump has already demonstrated a broader appeal than either of the last two GOP standard-bearers — who both happen to be among his major detractors.

Not the withering criticism by Mitt Romney or John McCain, a widely disparaged debate performance nor a growing bombardment of negative ads were enough to slow a steam-rolling Trump, as he noted at a gloating news conference Tuesday night.

“I don’t think I’ve ever had so many horrible, horrible things said about me in one week … but that’s OK,” he told reporters at his Trump National Golf Club in Jupiter, Fla. “It shows you how brilliant the public is, because they knew they were lies.”

Later, he added sarcastically, “I want to thank the special interests and the lobbyists, because they obviously did something to drive these numbers.”

The spending is likely to continue unabated, as the results offered at least a sliver of hope to the stop-Trump forces.

Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz were in a close race for second in Michigan; Kasich hoped his respectable showing would give him a lift ahead of a must-win primary next Tuesday in his home state.

Cruz finished second in Mississippi, dissipating some of the momentum he picked up with two wins over the weekend, but he easily won the Idaho primary.

The last remaining challenger, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, placed a distant fourth in Mississippi and Michigan, third in Idaho, and was headed to a third- or fourth-place finish in Hawaii. He faces elimination next week if he fails to carry his home state. Polls there give Trump, a part-time resident, a big lead...
Still more at that top link.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Dana Loesch, Flyover Nation

It's out June 21st.

I'm looking forward to it. Dana's really nailed down the problem facing the political system.

At Amazon, Flyover Nation: You Can't Run a Country You've Never Been To.

Dana Loesch photo Cc5GjKXUcAAJDo3_zpslp2sdjnp.jpg

Desperate, Panicked GOP Insiders See 'Clearer Path' to Stopping Donald Trump

The Republican Party implosion continues.

It's not pretty.

At WaPo, "Seeing Trump as vulnerable, GOP elites now eye a contested convention":
PARK CITY, Utah — The presentation is an 11th-hour rebuttal to the fatalism permeating the Republican establishment: Slide by slide, state by state, it calculates how Donald Trump could be denied the nomination.

Marco Rubio wins Florida. John Kasich wins Ohio. Ted Cruz notches victories in the Midwest and Mountain West. And the results in California and other states are jumbled enough to leave Trump three dozen delegates short of the 1,237 required — forcing a contested convention in Cleveland in July.

The slide show, shared with The Washington Post by two operatives advising one of a handful of anti-Trump super PACs, encapsulates the newly emboldened view of many GOP leaders and donors. They see a clearer path to stopping Trump following his two losses and two narrower-than-expected wins on Saturday.

In private conversations in recent days at a Republican Governors Association retreat here in Park City and at a gathering of conservative policy minds and financiers in Sea Island, Ga., there was an emerging consensus that Trump is vulnerable and that a continued blitz of attacks could puncture the billionaire mogul’s support and leave him limping onto the convention floor.

But the slow-bleed strategy is risky and hinges on Trump losing Florida, Illinois and Ohio on March 15; wins in all three would set him on track to amass the majority of delegates. Even as some party figures see glimmers of hope that Trump could be overtaken, others believe any stop-Trump efforts could prove futile.

This moment of confusion for the Republican Party is made more uncertain by the absence of a clear alternative to Trump. Cruz, Rubio and Kasich each are collecting delegates and vowing to fight through the spring. Among GOP elites, the only agreed-upon mission is to minimize Trump’s share of the delegates to enable an opponent to mount a credible convention challenge...
I don't know about Illinois and Ohio, but in Florida, Marquito Rubio's pretty much toast. He's behind in the polls, and in some cases, by huge margins.

And later today, if Trump wins Michigan, it just gives him even more momentum heading into March 15th.

The GOP elites are freakin' deranged.

Keep reading.

150 Somali Workers Fired at Cargill Meat Solutions Plant in Fort Morgan, Colorado (VIDEO)


At NYT, "Prayer Dispute Between Somalis and Plant Reshapes a Colorado Town, Again."

They've now sued, claiming civil rights violations under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Pamela wrote on this in late-December, "Hundreds of Muslims Walk Off Jobs at Cargill Meat Plant, Demanding More Religious Prayer Accommodation":

At a Colorado meat packing plant, 190 Muslim workers have been fired after they walked off the job to protest not being given special breaks for Islamic prayer. Some of them returned to work, but most of them are staying away, as now the Hamas-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has stepped in to pressure the company, Cargill Meat Solutions in Fort Morgan, Colorado, to grant Muslim workers special privileges.

Read the chapter titled “Mosqueing the Workplace” in my book Stop the Islamization of America to better understand this de facto imposition of sharia in America. It works this way: every accommodation gives way to more demands. Everywhere American mores conflict with sharia, it is our mores that must give way.

Muslims impose their work times, their sharia on non-Muslim coworkers, and punish companies that refuse to submit. Litigation jihad is a huge industry, and American companies are being held hostage by Muslim workers...
Keep reading.

Maria Sharapova Admits She Tested Positive for Meldonium (VIDEO)

Meldonium? What in the heck is meldonium?

At the Guardian UK, "What is meldonium and why did Maria Sharapova take it?":
Meldonium is also known as mildronate, it increases exercise capacity in athletes and the Olympic figure skating champion Ekaterina Bobrova admitted to testing positive to the drug on Monday.

And see the Los Angeles Times, "Maria Sharapova unsure of punishment after failing drug test at Australian Open."

Sixty-One Percent of Israeli Jews Say Donald Trump is Friendly to Israel


This won't get a lot of MSM attention.

At Instapundit, "WAIT, I THOUGHT HE WAS HITLER? Poll: 61% of Israeli Jews Say Donald Trump Good for Israel."

Monday, March 7, 2016

Kelly Rohrbach Outtakes Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2016 (VIDEO)

She's having fun.

Watch, "Kelly Rohrbach's Hilarious (And Sexy) Outtakes Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2016."

Also at WWTDD, "Kelly Rohrbach Seems Worth Baywatching, Get It?"

Jackie Johnson's Thunderstorm Forecast

I tweeted Ms. Johnson this morning.

At the clip, she says she's been up since 6:00am.

What a storm!

Tomi Lahren: Leftist Media Smears Donald Trump with the KKK (VIDEO)

It's good, and she doesn't even support Trump.

Deal of the Day: Logitech Harmony Ultimate Remote with RF Control

At Amazon, 40 Percent Off - Logitech Harmony Ultimate Remote with Customizable Touch Screen and Closed Cabinet RF Control - Black (915-000201).

Also, from Max Hastings, Inferno: The World at War, 1939-1945, and Armageddon: The Battle for Germany, 1944-1945.

BONUS: From Hannah Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil.

Thousands of 'Refugees' Stranded in Greece (VIDEO)

At the New York Times, "European Union Plans Emergency Aid to Help Trapped Refugees."

They're bottle-necked, heh.

Also at NBC News, "Refugee Crisis: EU Leaders Meet on Migrants as Thousands Wait in Greece."

Plus, watch via Euronews:

Transgender Bathrooms: The Next Battleground for LGBT Rights

Hey, if this is the left's hill to die on, they're really gonna die on it!

Some lines you don't cross. Forcing families to integrate public restrooms with transgender activists is one of those lines.

At the Los Angeles Times, "The next battleground for LGBT rights."

Things won't go well for radical homosexual collectivists. Houston's city ordinance was just a glimpse of the future, and that's a multcultural city that had a lesbian mayor and elected Obama twice by massive margins.

Here, "Why Depraved Leftist Democrats Lost on Houston Transsexual Bathroom Ordinance (VIDEO)."

Flashback video, "Campaign for Houston - TV Spot 1."

Western Washington University Assembly for Power and Liberation — OUR DEMANDS

Heh, this is pretty hilarious!

At the Daily Beast, "The College That Wants to Ban ‘History’".

And read the petition, lol: "Student Assembly for Power and Liberation Demands (WWU)."

Talk about crazy people. *SMH*

Judge Jeanine Slams Mitt Romney and the Craven, Panicked GOP Elite (VIDEO)

This is fantastic!

From Saturday's Justice with Jeanine:

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Sunday Cartoons

Back at Flopping Aces, "Sunday Funnies."

A.F. Branco Cartoons photo GOP-Great-600-LI1-594x425_zpshzlhhx1h.jpg

And Theo Spark's, "Cartoon Roundup..."

Cartoon Credit: Legal Insurrection, "Branco Cartoon – Reality Check."

Miesha Tate Chokes Holly Holm Unconscious at UFC 196 (VIDEO)

I would've liked to watch it live, heh.

At USA Today, "Miesha Tate holds onto dream, opens world of possibility with defeat of Holly Holm."

Also at the Heavy, "WATCH: Miesha Tate Submits Holly Holm With Rear-Naked Choke."

And watch, "Holly Holm v. Miesha Tate (UFC 196) - Meisha WINS chokes out Holly."

Still more, at MMA Fighting, "UFC 196 results: Miesha Tate stuns Holly Holm with fifth-round submission":
LAS VEGAS -- Holly Holm seemed well on her way to retaining the UFC women's bantamweight championship on Saturday night.

Then Miesha Tate scored one of the most stunning finishes in mixed martial arts history.

Tate landed a swift takedown in the final two minutes of the fifth round at UFC 196 and landed a tight rear-naked choke. Holm tried to shake Tate off, and when she couldn't, went unconscious instead of tapping out.

Tate won the title at 3:30 of the final round at the MGM Grand Garden Arena for her fifth straight victory.

"I knew I had to finish the fight," said Tate (18-5). "I knew I had to be perfect in the fifth round."

Tate had very nearly finished the bout in the second round, dominating from bell to bell and securing a rear-naked choke in the final minute.

But Holm (10-1), who had won the opening round, regained control and won the third, fourth, and appeared to be winning the fifth. She stuffed every Tate takedown attempt in that time frame up until the final, fateful attempt.
Still more at MMA Mania, "UFC 196 results: Miesha Tate mounts incredible comeback, chokes Holly Holm unconscious to win Bantamweight belt late in final round."

Young Reporters, Steeped in Social Media, Accustomed to Digital Speed and Always-On World, Grab Spotlight on U.S. Campaign Trail

This is really fascinating, although, except for Time's Zeke Miller, it's all women.

And it's weird, because when I first really started following politics back in the early 1980s, it was the old-timers who were all the most prolific, and authoritative. That's when shows like "This Week with David Brinkley" were the rage. Even CNN was still catching on back then.

Nowadays, fresh out of college and you're reporting from the presidential campaign trail? Pretty amazing.

At NYT, "Millennial Reporters Grab the Campaign-Trail Spotlight":

When the last presidential race was in its early stages, Katie Glueck was a senior at Northwestern University. Now covering the Ted Cruz campaign for Politico, Ms. Glueck, 26, belongs to a select group of millennial reporters who have a front-row seat to the greatest political show on earth.

While youth is a virtue for those covering the turbulent 2016 campaign, it has been known to get in the way now and then. Caitlin Huey-Burns, 28, who covers primaries and caucuses for the website RealClear Politics, said, “I often get asked by voters if I’m writing for the school paper.”

Rosie Gray, 26, who covers the campaign for BuzzFeed, said that her age is only occasionally a factor. “Honestly, the times I feel the most young is when I’m talking to a voter on the trail and I sound like a pipsqueak saying, ‘Excuse me, ma’am, can I ask you a question?’” she said. “A lot of that had to do with how you present yourself and how you act. You can either act like a young little thing or not.”

And she disputed the notion that her age is much of an issue. “I’m not that young,” she said. “I’m 26. Thirty is staring me down the barrel of a gun.”

But Maralee Schwartz, a former longtime political editor at The Washington Post, said that the rise of these correspondents is new indeed.

“They’ve become much more prominent,” Ms. Schwartz said, adding that 2012 “was the first year that you saw how many younger reporters were on the trail. One veteran reporter called me from the bus, stunned, saying: ‘I am the oldest person here. One of them brought brownies.’ They may lack experience, but they can keep pace with the changes and demands and responsibilities of the web.”


Unlike some of their more experienced colleagues, the reporters under 30 also seem to accept the notion that they are always on the clock, that keeping up a running patter with news-hungry audiences via Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat is as much part of the job as filing a 550-word dispatch.

“There are points where I have to remind myself, ‘You haven’t tweeted all day,’ because it is an important part of building our brands and sharing our work, and that doesn’t come to me naturally,” said MJ Lee, a 29-year-old politics reporter for CNN. “But there’s no going back.

“You have no excuse,” continued Ms. Lee, who is married to Alexander Burns, who covers politics for The New York Times. “You have to be up-to-date on everything, because you can be. You have your iPhone and you have Twitter. Why aren’t you up-to-date on the latest thing that happened two minutes ago? When I get on a plane and it’s a small plane and there’s no Wi-Fi, I get uncomfortable.”

Ms. Lee, a 2009 Georgetown University graduate who majored in government and Chinese, said: “Yesterday, we went to dinner, and for some reason I stopped getting email on my phone. And that made me really nervous. And it was maybe 17 minutes.”

The energy required to maintain a constant online presence is just part of the challenge. To write or broadcast anything connected with politics in 2016 is to be exposed to instant backlash. Even a deeply reported and elegantly written campaign story is likely to draw malicious attack.
Well, I'm getting a kick out of the "always-on" digital culture reference, although I hate it, since to me it implies that these young cub reporters don't really know anything. They don't have a personal wealth of political knowledge, and should they come up short, well, there's always Wikipedia.

But then, I'm online much of the time myself, reading the news, and blogging. So, I can't gripe too much about that without being hypocritical.

So, it's all good.


Marco Rubio Is Toast

If Rubio can't win his home state of Florida, it's all over.

The polls are a little mixed so far. A new survey out yesterday from Our Principals PAC (an anti-Trump operation) had Rubio just 5 points behind Trump, 35-30 percent. See the Miami Herald, "Poll for anti-Donald Trump group finds narrowing Republican presidential race in Florida."

But Quinnipiac had Trump up 44-28 over Rubio among likely Republican primary voters the other day. See, "Trump Trumps Rubio Among Florida Republicans, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; Leadership Is Important Factor In Race."

But hey, Rubio's doing his best Baghdad Bob impersonation. At NBC News, via Memeorandum, "Rubio on Losses: ‘The Map Only Gets Better for Us’."

And see Politico, "Battered Rubio vows race ‘only gets better for us’: Rivals call on the Florida senator to drop out after he took a shellacking on Saturday night":

Marco Rubio Loser photo Cc3c3nHUsAAMX4I_zpswhk8wkkw.jpg

The Florida senator, badly trailing Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, lost every state and even failed to pick up delegates in some of the contests.

Despite the dismal news, Rubio offered a rosy picture of the race going forward, especially in the winner-take-all Florida primary.

“We’re going to win Florida, and you’ll find out on March 15 how confident we are,” Rubio said, in Spanish, to supporters in San Juan, Puerto Rico, which holds its primary on Sunday. “Tonight we will have more delegates than we did last night,” Rubio promised. “This map only gets better for us.”

Cruz’s campaign, however, said it’s all but over for Rubio.

“It’s devastating. The Florida-or-bust strategy hasn’t worked in the past and it won’t work this time,” Cruz’s spokeswoman Catherine Frazier said. “Cruz continues to amass delegates as conservatives rally behind him and gets closer and closer to making this a two-man race between him and Trump.”

Trump eked out narrow wins in Kentucky and Louisiana Saturday night, while Cruz scored two big, surprise victories in Kansas and Maine. Rubio was left choking on their dust. He lost by double digits in Louisiana, Kentucky, Kansas, and in Maine, where he failed to even pick up a single delegate.Trump eked out narrow wins in Kentucky and Louisiana Saturday night, while Cruz scored two big, surprise victories in Kansas and Maine. Rubio was left choking on their dust. He lost by double digits in Louisiana, Kentucky, Kansas, and in Maine, where he failed to even pick up a single delegate.

Rubio spokesman Alex Conant said the Florida senator has been hurt by the heavy schedule of caucus contests and expressed hope that Rubio’s fortunes will improve with the primaries ahead. “So we feel really good about the map moving forward. And after we win the Florida primary, the map, the momentum and the money is going to be on our side,” Conant said. “At this point, nobody is on track to having the 1,237 delegates needed to secure the nomination. But after we win Florida, we are going to be on our way to doing so.”

Rubio so far has only won one state – Minnesota – and has only half of Cruz’s delegate count and one-third of Trump’s...
Keep reading.

Image Credit: Dr. Marty Fox.

The First Full Biography of Julia Ward Howe

This looks great, from Elaine Showalter, The Civil Wars of Julia Ward Howe: A Biography.

It's released on Tuesday, but you can pre-order.

Donald Trump Leads in CBS 'Battleground Tracker' Poll Ahead of Michigan Primary

At CBS News, via Memeorandum, "Battleground Tracker poll: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton lead in Michigan."

PREVIOUSLY: "Great Donald Trump Interview on 'Face the Nation' (VIDEO)."

Great Donald Trump Interview on 'Face the Nation' (VIDEO)

Watch, in two parts, "Donald Trump on torture: 'I will always abide by the law'," and "Trump on KKK: 'Hate groups are not for me'."

Great comments on fighting terrorism, especially --- another reason why I really like Trump.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Why Is Donald Trump So 'Yuge'?

At the Mad Jewess Woman's, "WHY Is #Trump So “Yuge”? Not Hard to Figure Out If You Were Raised Old School American."

And at CNN, ".@realDonaldTrump calls for @MarcoRubio to drop out, jokes @TedCruz won Maine bc it's close to Canada #SuperSaturday."

Introducing Amazon Tap

Out March 31st, but you can pre-order now.

Here, Shop Amazon Tap - Small. Loud. Smart.

Why I Left the Conservative Movement

This is an absolutely amazing essay.

My only quibble is with his over-reliance on his military service. Very few people have served in the military, but that doesn't mean that their political voice is less significant as those who have. Besides that, though, the guy pretty much nails it.

From John Kluge, at Richochet, "An Open Letter to the Conservative Media Explaining Why I Have Left the Movement":
I really do not care that Donald Trump is vulgar, combative, and uncivil and I would encourage you not to care as well. I would love to have our political discourse be what it was even thirty years ago and something better than what it is today. But the fact is the Democratic Party is never going to return to that and there isn’t anything anyone can do about it. Over the last 15 years, I have watched the then-chairman of the DNC say the idea that President Bush knew about 9-11 and let it happen was a “serious position held by many people,” watched the vice president tell a black audience that Republicans would return them to slavery if they could, watched Harry Reid say Mitt Romney was a tax cheat without any reason to believe it was true, and seen an endless amount of appalling behavior on the part of the Democrats which is too long to list here and which I am sure you are aware. And now you tell me that I should reject Trump because he is uncivil and mean to his opponents? Is that some kind of a joke? This is not the time for civility or to worry about it in our candidates.

Actually, one more thing: I also don't like this guy's paleoconservative talking points, which I think overlook some of the more firm (bellicose) statements Trump has made on national security.

But again, these are just quibbles. I think the overall thrust of his essay is brilliant, and it's thinking like this that's going to clarify the conservative movement going forward, and force the Republican Party to respect the interests of regular, rank-and-file voters.

Donald Trump and the Republican Party Identity Crisis

Following-up from earlier, "Rank and File Republicans Tell Party Elites to F--- Off (VIDEO)."


How much longer are we going to hear about this so-called crisis? I'm tired of it.

Donald Trump's expected to win the Louisiana primary today, and that'll send GOP elites even further into depression. (Check back for election updates throughout the night.)

At the Washington Post, "Trump throws the GOP into an identity crisis":
Only a year ago, Republicans were congratulating themselves on having the strongest field of presidential candidates in a generation — diverse, highly credentialed conservatives who might be the salvation of a party that had lost the popular vote in five of the past six elections.

But now, the question is how close the Grand Old Party will come to annihilating itself and what it stands for.

Donald Trump — dismissed by GOP elders for months as an entertaining fringe figure who would self-destruct — has staged a hostile takeover and rebranded the party in his own image. What is being left by the wayside is any sense of a Republican vision for the country or a set of shared principles that could carry the party forward.

A substance-free shout-fest billed as a presidential debate Thursday night marked a new low in a campaign that has seen more than its share of them.

The increasingly prohibitive front-runner and his three remaining opponents spent nearly the entire two hours hurling insults back and forth, with Trump at one point making a reference to the size of his genitalia.

“My party is committing suicide on national television,” tweeted Jamie Johnson, an Iowa political operative who had been an adviser to former Texas governor Rick Perry, one of the dozen Republicans whose presidential campaigns have been incinerated by the Trump phenomenon. The latest, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, formally dropped out Friday.

Also Friday, Trump clarified earlier statements that as president, he would order the U.S. military to waterboard militants and carry out other acts that violate international law.

In a statement, he said he understands “that the United States is bound by laws and treaties and I will not order our military or other officials to violate those laws and will seek their advice on such matters.”

In Thursday’s debate, moderator Bret Baier had asked Trump what he would do if service members refused to comply with his orders for exteme measures. The candidate replied, “If I say do it, they’re going to do it. That’s what leadership is all about.”

Trump’s musings on torture were among the many remarks that have alarmed establishment Republicans as worrisome and reckless...
Keep reading.

Tanya Mityushina Outtakes Sports Illustrated 2016 (VIDEO)

Following-up from last month, "Tanya Mityushina, Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Rookie (VIDEO)."

Via Sports Illustrated:

Deal of the Day: Computer/Gaming Glasses by Gunnar

At Amazon, Up to 60% Off These Gunnar Computer/Gaming Glasses.

And from Michelle Malkin, Sold Out: How High-Tech Billionaires & Bipartisan Beltway Crapweasels Are Screwing America's Best & Brightest Workers.

Also, Who Built That: Awe-Inspiring Stories of American Tinkerpreneurs.

BONUS: In Defense of Internment: The Case for Racial Profiling in World War II and the War on Terror.

Pat Conroy Has Died

I read "The Prince of Tides" after the book came out in movie version, and it was a spectacular novel.

Conroy was a premier writer.

At Fox News, "Pat Conroy, author of 'Prince of Tides,' dies at 70."

Michelle Malkin Speech at CPAC 2016 (VIDEO)

She's fantastic!

Watch the whole thing. It's a little over 15 minutes but it goes by before you know it, she's so mesmerizing.