Thursday, August 25, 2016

Federal Reserve's Missteps Fueled Populist Disillusion on the Economy and Political Class

I don't know? Seems like blaming the Fed is letting a lot of people off the hook.

Interesting, in any case.

At WSJ, "Years of Fed Missteps Fueled Disillusion With the Economy and Washington":
Once-revered central bank failed to foresee the crisis and has struggled in its aftermath, fostering the rise of populism and distrust of institutions.

In the past decade Federal Reserve officials have been flummoxed by a housing bubble that cratered the financial system, a long stretch of slow growth they failed to foresee and inflation persistently undershooting their goal. In response they engineered unpopular financial rescues, launched start-and-stop bond buying and delayed planned interest-rate boosts.

“There are a lot of things that we thought we knew that haven’t turned out quite as we expected,” said Eric Rosengren, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. “The economy and financial markets are not as stable as we previously assumed.”

In the 1990s, a period known in economics as the “Great Moderation,” it seemed the Fed could do no wrong. Policy makers and voters saw it as a machine, with buttons officials could push to heat or cool the economy as needed. Now, after more than a decade of economic disappointment, the central bank confronts hardened public skepticism and growing self-doubt about its own understanding of how the U.S. economy works.

For anyone seeking to explain one of the most unpredictable political seasons in modern history, with the rise of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, a prime suspect is public dismay in institutions guiding the economy and government. The Fed in particular is a case study in how the conventional wisdom of the late 1990s on a wide range of economic issues, including trade, technology and central banking, has since slowly unraveled.

Once admired globally for their command of the economic system, central bankers now are blamed by the left and right for bailouts during the financial crisis and for failing to foresee and manage forces suffocating the global economy in its aftermath.

Populist protest movements called “Fed Up,” “End the Fed” and “Occupy Wall Street” lashed out at the bank’s policies, and in the case of End the Fed, its very existence. Lawmakers of both parties want to subject it to more scrutiny or curb its powers.

David Einhorn, founder of the hedge fund Greenlight Capital, cites the fable of the ant and the grasshopper, in which a famished grasshopper begs a thrifty ant for help in wintertime after failing to stockpile food during warmer weather.

“We had the grasshoppers party from 2002 to 2007 and winter came and the Fed bailed them out,” said Mr. Einhorn, referring to financial firms and individuals who lived above their means. “Now the ants are pissed.”

The Fed’s struggles will be on display from Friday to Sunday when it gathers for an annual retreat in Jackson Hole, Wyo. On issues of growth, inflation, interest rates, unemployment and how to fight a recession, basic assumptions inside the central bank’s complex computer models have been upended.

“I certainly myself couldn’t have imagined six, seven years ago that we would be employing the policies we are now,” Fed Chairwoman Janet Yellen said to a packed ballroom in New York earlier this year. She lamented the government has leaned so heavily on the Fed to stimulate the economy while tax and spending policies were stymied by disagreements between Congress and the White House.

Many Fed officials believe—and private economists agree—their responses to the crisis helped avert a second Depression, outweighing any unfairness in the bailout process. Fed leaders believe low rates helped, too. “Inflation would be lower and unemployment higher now by noticeable amounts had we not employed those policies,” Ms. Yellen said in March.

Regardless, confidence in the central bank’s leadership has dropped. An April Gallup poll found 38% of Americans had a great deal or fair amount of confidence in Ms. Yellen, while 35% had little or none. In the early 2000s, confidence in Chairman Alan Greenspan often exceeded 70%...
Keep reading.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Heartbreaking Images Show Some Zika Damage May Not Be Obvious at Birth

The New York Times calls Zika a "vicious and unpredictable virus."

Frankly, we know very little about it, and a new radiological study indicates that children inflicted with Zika may face additional brain and body abnormalities as they grow.


At the scientific journal, Radiology, "Congenital Brain Abnormalities and Zika Virus: What the Radiologist Can Expect to See Prenatally and Postnatally."

And at the New York Times, "Brain Scans of Brazilian Babies Show Array of Zika Effects."

Facebook's Got Your Political Ideology Algorithms All Figured Out

Another reason to hate Facebook.

The Zuck zombies just store too much information on each and every user.

You can guess how the "Social Network" has me pegged, all the better for malicious targeting and censorship.

At the New York Times, "Which Way Do You Vote? Facebook Has an Idea."

Midweek Cartoon

I missed my Sunday cartoon blogging due to partying, lol.

So, check Flopping Aces, "Sunday Funnies."

Branco Cartoon photo Hill-Health-600-LI-594x425_zpsennytkh8.jpg

Also, at Theo's, "Cartoon Roundup..."

Cartoon Credit: Legal Insurrection, "Branco Cartoon – Can’t Get Up."

#CrookedHillary's Inescapable Cloud of Corruption

Following-up, "#CrookedHillary: State Department Access Granted to Clinton Foundation Donors (VIDEO)."

From Lisa Boothe, at the Washington Examiner, "Clinton's Inescapable Cloud of Corruption":

While many in the media have declared the presidential election all but over, damning accusations of pay to play at the Clinton Foundation and reports that the FBI found 15,000 work-related documents that Hillary Clinton failed to turn over represent the political land mines that still lie between her and the presidency. Multiple ongoing Freedom of Information Act civil suits, perjury allegations, an IRS probe and alleged joint U.S. Attorney-FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation represent the inescapable cloud of corruption that could be the Democratic nominee's undoing.

As the drip, drip, drip of information highlighting the intersection between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department surfaces, the political fallout for Hillary Clinton is unavoidable. The newly exposed emails demonstrate another lie told by the Clinton campaign. Despite her lawyers stating that only 30,000 emails on her server were related to work, the 15,000 puts that number closer to 45,000. But more importantly, it paints a clearer picture of what Hillary Clinton was attempting to hide by setting up private servers in the first place and attempting to wipe them clean.

What is particularly troubling for Clinton is that liberal publications like the Huffington Post and Boston Globe are calling for the Clinton Foundation to shut down. The calls will undoubtedly grow louder as reports continue to expose the overlap between top foreign donors to the foundation and the access it gained them to Hillary Clinton as secretary of state. That access puts into question the impartiality of the decisions Secretary Clinton made while in office and the potential conflicts of interest she would be confronted with as commander in chief. The Wall Street Journal has reported that "At least 60 companies that lobbied the State Department during her tenure donated a total of more than $26 million to the Clinton Foundation." And according to the Associated Press, 55 percent of Clinton's meetings and calls with people outside of the government were donors to the Clinton Foundation.

More than 40 percent of the Clinton Foundation's top donors are based in foreign countries, prompting the Washington Post to write, "Rarely, if ever, has a potential commander in chief been so closely associated with an organization that has solicited financial support from foreign governments." Many of those foreign governments have a history of human rights abuses. It is estimated the Clinton Foundation has accepted tens of millions of dollars from Middle Eastern countries.

Emails recently released by Judicial Watch and reports by Fox News demonstrate the close level of communication between State Department and Clinton Foundation officials. Judicial Watch recently released 725 pages of State Department documents showing coordination between Hillary Clinton's Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin and Douglas Band, a former longtime aide of President Bill Clinton and employee of the Clinton Foundation, who worked together to grant access to then-Secretary Clinton for high-dollar donors like Crown Prince Salman of Bahrain.

After failing to set up a meeting with the secretary of state through State Department channels, Salman, who contributed $32 million to the Clinton Global Initiative, went through the Clinton Foundation and successfully set up a meeting 48 hours later...
That's the best summary and analysis of this so far.

Keep reading.

Quick-Thinking Seal Hops on Boat to Escape Orca Hunt in British Columbia (VIDEO)

But how does the seal know that it's safer on the boat. You could have someone up top with a baseball bat ready to bludgeon the hell out of that little puppy, heh.

That wouldn't be good, of course. But who knows? Maybe the seal's got a good track record of hopping up on boats.

Via ABC News:

The Future of American Primacy

The National Interest's got a series running, mostly by realists (those skeptical of aggressive forward use of U.S. military power, especially of the neoconservative variety).

It's worth a read, in any case.


* Leslie Gelb, "The Future of U.S. Primacy: Power to Lead, But No Longer to Command."

* Geoffrey Wheatcroft, "Is a Rational American Foreign Policy Even Possible?"

* Robert D. Kaplan, "Is Primacy Overrated?"

* Barry Posen, "The High Costs and Limited Benefits of America’s Alliances."

* Barry Gewen, "American Power in an Age of Disorder."
Personally, I'm not worried about the continued preponderance of American power in the international system. I'm worried about American leadership of the system. That's the key theme of Rober Lieber's book, Retreat and its Consequences: American Foreign Policy and the Problem of World Order.

And see Stephen Brooks and William Wohlforth, "The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers in the Twenty-First Century: China’s Rise and the Fate of America’s Global Position."

Tomi Lahren's Final Thoughts on Huma Abedin, Hillary's Bribe Broker (VIDEO)

Following-up, "Huma Abedin, Hillary's Bribe Broker (VIDEO)."

Watch, via the Blaze, "Tomi Lahren's Final Thoughts on Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton's Corruption."

Tomi Lahren photo Cl1uZ2QWIAAQjYf_zpsqsgclnna.jpg

Long Beach Experiences Surge in Crime


And it's not just the Ferguson effect. California's on the leading edge of the "de-incarceration" movement, with predicable results.

And remember, Long Beach is home to some of the most notorious gangstas anywhere in the country. Local hoodlums brag about their Long Beach creds. Snoop Dogg came out with "I'm From Long Beach" last year, apparently trying to capitalize on this city's hoodlum image:
After dark, no hooks, no marks, all Gs
Dip through the Funk House and I graduated with all Cs
So dope and I made bread
Never switching that's some real shit
Stayed down from the playground
And I always represent 20 crip...
In any case, at the Long Beach Press-Telegram, "Crime spike in Long Beach continues":
Police Chief Robert Luna said his department has been concerned about the crime rate since it began rebounding from historic lows in recent years.

In 2014, the number of violent crimes committed in the city was the lowest in 42 years, but violent crime jumped up almost 20 percent in 2015. That included 36 murders, the highest number in six years.


“To see numbers like this, I’ve got to be honest with you, was keeping us up at night trying to figure out what was going on,” Luna said.

As crime has increased, so have the number of calls the police department has to respond to, according to the chief.

“We’re working more overtime right now to keep up with the workload,” Luna said.

Overtime is often assigned to a specific location and at specific times to tamp down areas where police see crime trends, Luna said.

The chief also said recent changes in California law have made it harder for officers to do their jobs. For example, Proposition 36 softened California’s three-strikes law. Proposition 47 reclassified a swath of felonies, including many drug crimes, as misdemeanors. And AB 109, a prison downsizing bill known as realignment, put local law enforcement in charge of supervising lower-level parolees.

Luna said he couldn’t directly tie the rise in crime to those changes, but he said he’s “highly suspicious” that offenses started trending upward after they went into effect...
And don't forget the war on cops.

Ryan Lochte Might Not Be 'Lyin' Ryan' After All

Is the dude getting a bum rap?


But I don't feel sorry for him. If you're out drunk "carousing" at 4:00am in a Third World Country, bad things can happen. Very bad things. He's lucky things didn't turn out worse.

In any case, Melissa Clouthier cuts the guys some slack, "Feel Sorry for Ryan Lochte."

And see USA Today, "USA TODAY Sports investigation raises questions about Rio cops, Lochte incident."

One thing for sure: He's at the tail end of his swimming career either way, and thus his sponsors are making a rational decision to cut him loose. He might repair his reputation, but I'd be surprised if he returns to his swimming glory days of yore. Never say never, of course. I'll give the guy due props if he makes it to the 2020 Tokyo games.

Stanford University Bans Hard Alcohol at Undergraduate Campus Parties (VIDEO)

Think about all those tequila shots you'd be missing, heh.

At Legal Insurrection, "Stanford U. Bans Hard Liquor Over Sex Assault Case."

And watch, at CBS News 5 San Francisco, "Stanford Bans Hard Liquor."

Jackie Johnson's Beautiful August Forecast

Below average temperatures will bring beautifully mild summer weather today.

Here's Ms. Jackie, from yesterday's forecast, at CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

Carissa Rosario Jumps Rope (VIDEO)

Following-up from the other day, "Carissa Rosario Working Out (VIDEO)."

Duke Taber: Trump's Changing the Narrative on Illegal Immigration

My last few entries on this are at the "illegal immigration" tag.

But read Duke Taber's comment, at the Conservative Treehouse, "Kellyanne Conway is Not Helping Donald Trump – and Perhaps That’s the Plan…":
With over 600 comments on this issue, obviously a lot of people have strong opinions about KC [Kellyanne Conway]. What I am about to say probably has already been said but here goes anyways. I do not believe for an instance that KC’s [Kellyanne Conway's] comment/s were accidental. I don’t think most of you think so either. So the question is whether or not they were intentional for profitable design or nefarious design. The article has landed on the side of nefarious design. That is understandable considering the clients KC [Kellyanne Conway] has represented in the past. I couldn’t stand “wolf in sheep’s clothing” Cruz.

However, I just don’t see this as something of nefarious design...
Keep reading.

Bruce Dickson, The Dictator's Dilemma [BUMPED]

This book looks awesome!

At Amazon, Bruce Dickson, The Dictator's Dilemma: The Chinese Communist Party's Strategy for Survival.

The Shortest Book Tour Ever? Ann Coulter's, In Trump We Trust

Heh, that's funny.

At Hot Air, "“This could be the shortest book tour ever”: Yes, there’s one Trump fan who’ll be unhappy if he flips on deportation."

Here's the video, "Ann Coulter Makes the Case for Trump - Hardball (MSNBC)."

Yeah, Trump's purported flip on immigration does put Coulter in a bind, but she's consistent, in any case. According to Hot Air, so far she's the only hard-line Trump backer willing to criticize the nominee.

And at Amazon, in any case, Ann Coulter, In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome!

PREVIOUSLY: "Donald Trump Lays Out His Plan to Combat Illegal Immigration (VIDEO)."

Donald Trump Lays Out His Plan to Combat Illegal Immigration (VIDEO)

Following-up, "Can Donald Trump Deport 11 Million Illegal Aliens? (VIDEO)."

From Hannity's town hall last night:

Can Donald Trump Deport 11 Million Illegal Aliens? (VIDEO)

If anyone doubts my bona fides on illegal immigration, just review my archives, or check "Immigrants and Socialists March Against SB 1070 in Phoenix."

I fucking hate illegal immigration.

That out of the way, I'm skeptical that we'd be able to pull off mass deportation. I'm skeptical for a variety of reasons. It's not the cost that bothers me (we can afford it), it's the visuals. Not only would mass deportation take on police state optics on an industrial scale, we'd have the radical left sabotaging efforts to the point of domestic terrorism. It could possibly foment civil war. Just look at the Costa Mesa and Sacramento Donald Trump rallies for an idea of the kind of dregs who'd take to the streets. Ask yourself if you're ready to crush a leftist insurgency, because that's what it'd be like. That's how far things have gone in this country.

In any case, at the Los Angeles Times, "Can Donald Trump really round up and deport 11 million people?":

At rallies and debates over the last year, Donald Trump has repeatedly vowed to round up and deport the estimated 11 million people in the country illegally, sometimes saying he would eject them all in two years.

Over the last four days, however, the GOP presidential nominee and his top aides have issued contradictory signals as to whether Trump is backing off that core campaign pledge.

Aides have not said if Trump’s plan is under review because it appears politically unpalatable with moderate Republicans, or because forced deportations of millions of people would be prohibitively expensive and probably logistically impossible.

For now, the campaign has yet to provide specifics on how mass removals would be carried out, who would be targeted, and how much it would cost.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement deported 235,413 people last year, down from a record high of 409,849 in 2012, according to ICE records.

The fall-off followed the Obama administration’s efforts to target individuals who threaten public safety or national security and not deport those with clean records and strong family ties in the U.S.

Independent groups have expressed widespread skepticism that a Trump administration could dramatically ramp up that process without disrupting key sectors of the economy, tearing apart millions of families and violating civil liberties on a mass scale.

In May, a report by the right-leaning think tank American Action Forum estimated that finding, detaining, legally processing and deporting everyone who is in the country illegally would cost up to $300 billion.

To meet Trump’s two-year goal, the report said, Congress would need to appropriate money to hire, train and field about 90,000 immigration apprehension agents — up from 5,000 Enforcement and Removal Operations officers today.

The government also would need to build about 1,250 immigration courts — there now are 57 such courts — and hire thousands more immigration judges and federal attorneys to process the caseload.

The think tank estimates that the lost labor and purchasing power of 11 million people — many of whom work, own businesses and pay taxes — could reduce the nation’s gross domestic product by $1 trillion, equal to about $9,000 per household.

Moreover, finding millions of undocumented migrants almost certainly would entail immigration agents entering homes, raiding businesses and operating roadblocks to check identity papers to separate U.S. citizens and approved immigrants from those in the country illegally, a winnowing-out process that undoubtedly would be challenged in court.

“You will really have to tear up the social fabric to get this done,” said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, head of the nonprofit think tank...
Still more.

'Killing Me Softly'

Y'all can be bumpin' to this one.

From the Fugees.

BONUS: "Fugees & Roberta Flack - Killing Me Softly (Movie Awards)."

'Dough Nation' — New Revelations Show Hillary Clinton Put Access Up for Sale

Following-up, "#CrookedHillary: State Department Access Granted to Clinton Foundation Donors (VIDEO)."

At the New York Post:

Huma Abedin, Hillary's Bribe Broker (VIDEO)

Following-up, "#CrookedHillary: State Department Access Granted to Clinton Foundation Donors (VIDEO)."

From Matthew Vadum, at FrontPage Magazine, "Strong evidence of Hillary and Huma’s pay-to-play conspiracy emerges in new email dump."

Kelly Brook Fans Celebrate Her Curves

Well, I used to celebrate her curves. Now I'm lamenting her splurge.

She needs to get back on a diet. At some point, all that heft isn't attractive. Since when has she been selling herself as a plus-size model? Ashley Graham's got that celebrity top-spot nailed down, and she makes no apologies about it.

In any case, at the Sun U.K., "'THEY'RE GETTING BIGGER!' — Kelly Brook fans celebrate her curves as they speculate the buxom stars breasts are larger than ever before: The 36-year-old showed off her assets wearing a skintight striped dress."

PREVIOUSLY: "Wow! Kelly Brook is Packing on the Pounds!", and "Kelly Brook Goes for a Bike Ride."

Bubba Crony James Carville: 'Somebody is Going to Hell' Over Clinton Foundation Attacks (VIDEO)

Following-up, "#CrookedHillary: State Department Access Granted to Clinton Foundation Donors (VIDEO)."

Carville's delusional.

At Politico, "Carville: 'Somebody is going to hell' over Clinton Foundation attacks."

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

#CrookedHillary: State Department Access Granted to Clinton Foundation Donors (VIDEO)

It's never ending.

Crooked Hillary's email scandal keeps dropping into the news, with new emails coming to light, from new iterations of freedom of information requests.

Here's the big Associated Press story up right now at Memeorandum, "MANY DONORS TO CLINTON FOUNDATION MET WITH HER AT STATE":
WASHINGTON (AP) -- More than half the people outside the government who met with Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state gave money - either personally or through companies or groups - to the Clinton Foundation. It's an extraordinary proportion indicating her possible ethics challenges if elected president...
A.P.'s Stephen Braun discusses the story at the video here.

Plus, at Washington Free Beacon, "ABC: State Dept Access Given to Clinton Foundation Donors ‘Precisely What She Said She Would Not Do’."

That piece discusses the story by ABC News investigation reporter Brian Ross. Here's the video, "Clinton Foundation: Did Donors Get Special Access?"

More at Memoeorandum.

The Unconscionable Legacy of the 2016 Olympic Games — #ThirdWorldGames


I don't think I watched any more after Tuesday night. Once most of the marquee track events were done, I tuned out. Then of course you had the news of that idiot lyin' Ryan Lochte. I hope he's banned from the sport. He only took one gold anyway, and that was on a team relay. He's washed up, in more ways than one.

And as you recall, my hashtag's been #ThirdWorldGames, and for good reason.

In any case, from the article:
More than anything else, what surprised me during my first Olympics was the sheer scale of the bubble the IOC has made for itself. After arriving at the airport, members and assorted apparatchiks were ushered into private cars, ferried along exclusive highway lanes—look out the window, and there were Rio 2016-branded walls to mask the favelas—and dropped off at their exclusive hotels ringed by security, so only those with credentials could enter. They then took the same private cars to all of their events. Some even got motorcades. Once they got to the various sports venues, they went in the Olympic Family entrances, passed through the Olympic Family security lines, mingled in the Olympic Family club lounges, and watched athletes compete from the Olympic Family seats. When they were hungry, they surely put their $900 per diems to use at the city's most exclusive restaurants and bars, never risking having to interact with anyone who wasn't wealthy. Except, perhaps, for the people serving them.

Yes, the Olympic Bubble is so all-encompassing that the IOC has convinced itself that it doesn't exist. "These games have not been organized in a bubble," IOC President Thomas Bach told reporters on Saturday as he made other demonstrably false claims, such as the Games not using any public money and Brazilians being "united behind these Olympic Games" despite the fact that half of them weren't. Bach ended his press conference by no-commenting almost every question, but adding that if the Olympics can happen in Rio, they can happen anywhere.

Putting aside Bach's sportocrat snobbery, there is a critical lesson here. The Olympic Bubble's comprehensiveness illustrates just how little the IOC is concerned with anyone but themselves—and how blithely, even happily indifferent the entire Olympic "movement" is to the waste and corruption it fosters, and the human wreckage it leaves in its wake...
Rather than bring development and prosperity, the games will increase economic inequality and social division.

More at that top link.

Out Today: Ann Coulter, In Trump We Trust

The moment you've all been waiting for, I'm sure.

At Amazon, Ann Coulter, In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome!

Forget About an Electoral Landslide in 2016

I love going on 270-to-Win in my classes, showing students blowout Electoral College victories, like Richard Nixon's massive destruction of George McGovern in 1972. The map's almost hilariously red.

But then I tell students we don't get those kind of blowouts these days. The country's been pretty clearly divided between party strongholds for almost twenty years. I'll tell you though, unless Donald Trump really makes up some big gains in the key battlegrounds, the Democrats might well expand their map this year.

Still, though, it's not likely to be blowout.

See the New York Times, "Think the Clinton-Trump Race Will Be a Landslide? Hold Your Horses":

Donald J. Trump, after weeks of self-inflicted damage, has seen support for his candidacy in national polls dip into the 30s — Barry Goldwater and Walter F. Mondale territory — while Hillary Clinton has extended her lead to double digits in several crucial swing states.

Time to declare a landslide, right? Not so fast.

The vote may be more favorable to Mr. Trump than the worst-case-scenario prognosticators suggest for a very simple reason: Landslides do not really happen in presidential elections anymore.

It has been 32 years since a president won the popular vote by a double-digit percentage. That was when Mr. Mondale suffered an 18-point defeat to Ronald Reagan in 1984. It was also the last time there was a landslide among states, with Mr. Mondale winning only Minnesota and the District of Columbia.

There are a variety of factors that are likely to prevent a candidate today from rallying the huge, 60-plus-point majorities that swept Franklin D. Roosevelt into office in 1936, Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964 and Richard M. Nixon in 1972.

The country is too fragmented and its political temperature too overheated for any single person to emerge as a consensus choice for anything nearing two-thirds of the electorate. And that climate has led the political parties to become far more ideologically uniform than they used to be.

“The biggest difference between today and say, 1936 or 1964, is the composition of the two parties,” said Jonathan Darman, author of the book “Landslide: LBJ and Ronald Reagan at the Dawn of a New America.” Party identification used to be more fluid, making it less difficult for partisan voters to conceive of supporting someone of the opposite affiliation.

“The Republican and Democratic parties were much more heterogeneous than the parties we have today,” Mr. Darman added. “Party identification had a lot more to do with regional ties and family traditions than ideology.”
Keep reading.

The Beach Has Long Been a Powerful Symbol of French National Identity

Hey, I can dig it.

The beach has long been a symbol of American national identity too. And so far, I've yet to see any Muslim burkini babes hitting the breakers, heh.

But check out Foreign Policy. I'll take Ms. Bardot any day, lol.

PREVIOUSLY: "Extreme Veiling is Misogynist Hate Speech."

Vogue Cover Girl Kendall Jenner Shares Swimsuit Outtake

Fans were reportedly "furious" by Kendall Jenner's cover for Vogue's September issue, although the "Momager" wasn't.

Here's a fleshy shot at Kendall's page, and at Daily Mail, "Too cheeky for Anna Wintour? Kendall Jenner posts steamy swimsuit picture that didn't make the cut for her Vogue September."

Vox Day, Cuckservative [BUMPED]

At Amazon, Cuckservative: How Conservatives Betrayed America.

BONUS: Also from Vox Day, SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police.

Andrea Tantaros Sues Fox News, Alleging the Network 'Operates Like a Sex-Fueled, Playboy Mansion-Like Cult Steeped in Intimidation...'

She was my favorite lady over there at Fox. I've been missing her on "Outnumbered." No one provides more concise, penetrating, and morally powered clarity on the issues.

At the New York Times, "Andrea Tantaros of Fox News Claims Retaliation for Sex Harassment Complaints."

Andrea Tantaros photo CodHmotVYAAh9Zt_zpsj3tfb2xa.jpg

Previously, "Fox News Pulls 'Outnumbered' Star Andrea Tantaros Over 'Contract Issues'."

Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke Reflects Intricacies of Race

Sheriff Clarke made the front-page of the Los Angles Times.

Unfortunately, the article attempts to marginalize him as an oddity and throwback, while lionizing Milwaukee's police chief, Edward Flynn, as compassionate and progressive. Who's right about the cities problems? Sheriff Clarke, of course. Flynn's not even originally from Milwaukee, whereas Clarke's lived there all his life, rose up through the police department from the age of 21, and was later appointed county sheriff, and he's been reelected four times. The dude's a righteous freakin' patriot.

Stumped by Trump's Success?

Salena Zito was stoked to see her essay published at the New York Post, "Stumped by Trump’s success? Take a drive outside U.S. cities."

'I Got You Babe'

It's UB40, featuring Chrissie Hynde.

What a trip. I found this scrolling around on YouTube yesterday:

Monday, August 22, 2016

Joseph Stiglitz, The Euro

Here's Professor Stiglitz's new book, just out last week, The Euro: How a Common Currency Threatens the Future of Europe.

It's already creating a buzz. Stiglitz expects we'll see the total collapse of the European monetary union. He's an extremely eminent economist — and a leftist, of course. But it's amazing how this book contributes to the case for #Brexit, heh.

See the review and the Guardian U.K., good for a laugh riot, "The Euro and Its Threat to the Future of Europe by Joseph Stiglitz – Review."

ADDED: Also at the Guardian, Joseph Stiglitz, "The problem with Europe is the euro: In this extract from his new book, the Nobel prize-winning economist argues that if the euro is not radically rethought, Europe could be condemned to decades of broken dreams.

The Compete on Utter Collapse of American Journalism

From Michael Goodwin, at the New York Post.

I'm astonished how good are his commentaries sometimes.

People Have Mixed Feelings About Shaunae Miller Winning the 400-Meter Gold Medal (VIDEO)

Well, you would think so.

She lunged over the finish, which isn't prohibited, but seems unethical. Did she really win?

At BuzzFeed.

Also, at NBC News, "Rio Olympics: Shaunae Miller's 'Dive' That Denied Allyson Felix Gold Divides Twitter."

And watch, "Bahamas' Miller dives to beat out U.S.' Felix for 400m gold."

How to Thank Your Coach After Winning the Gold Medal in Wrestling

It's Risako Kawai of Japan.


Pretty good.

At Telegraph UK, "Japanese wrestler celebrates winning gold by slamming coach to the mat, twice."

Nina Agdal Summer of Swim 2016 (VIDEO)

Following-up from the other day, "Nina Agdal Summer of Swim Coney Island (VIDEO)."

At Sports Illustrated:

Aly Raisman and Team #USA Gymnasts at the Beach in Rio

Hey, I'd be hitting the beach after sweeping competitions, too.

Sheesh, they're hot. And good on them, such great representatives of America.

At London's Daily Mail, "Simone Biles, Aly Raisman, and  Team #USA gymnasts have a beach day..."

ICYMI: Alice Goffman, On the Run [BUMPED]

This is a great, great book. And Alice Goffman is a really fascinating woman.

She takes the wrong lessons from her time with the black underclass, but she's a leftist. I'm just blown away at how she could immerse herself so fully in the culture.

In any case, more later.

At Amazon, On the Run: Fugitive Life in an American City.

Meanwhile, when you have time, grab a beer and read the New York Times piece on Goffman, "The Trials of Alice Goffman."

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Kellyanne Conway: Donald Trump's Having the 'Best Week' Ever (VIDEO)

She's a great spokeswoman. I sure hope she's going to help turn things around.

ICYMI, at NewsBusters, "Flashback: Dukakis Led Bush By 17 Points After 1988 DNC."

From this morning's, "This Week with George Stephanopoulos":

Previously, "Kellyanne Conway on CBS 'This Morning' (VIDEO)."

Hillary's Already Measuring the Drapes in the Oval Office

The campaign denies it, but these idiots are convinced Cankles will be sworn in on January 20th.

At WaPo:

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Donald Trump's Movement is Here to Stay

And this is to the great regret of leftists, like Sarah Kendzior.

At WaPo:

Daisy Lowe in Lingerie

At Egotastic!, "Daisy Lowe Lingerie Hottie."

Also, at Love Magazine, "Daisy Lowe's Best LOVE Advent Moment (VIDEO)."

Deal of the Day: Save on Lenovo ThinkPad T450 14-Inch Laptop

At Amazon, Lenovo ThinkPad T450 20BV000CUS 14-inch Laptop (2.30 GHz Intel Core i5-5300U Processor, 4 GB RAM, 500 GB HDD, Windows 7 Pro).

Also, E-Z UP Swift Instant Shelter Pop-Up Canopy, 12 x 12 ft Blue, and E-Z UP Envoy Instant Shelter Canopy, 10 by 10', Blue.

More, Amazon Back to School Event.

And, Kindle 6-Inch Back to School.

Still more, Books - K-12 Teaching Resources.

Plus, Books for Summer Reading.

Here, AmazonBasics USB 2.0 Cable - A-Male to B-Male - 16 Feet (4.8 Meters).

BONUS: From Glenn Reynolds, The Education Apocalypse: How It Happened and How to Survive It.

Germany Also Question Islamic Veiling: #Jihad

Following-up from yesterday, "Extreme Veiling is Misogynist Hate Speech."

I don't like Muslims.

Sorry, not sorry.


Friday, August 19, 2016

AmazonBasics USB 2.0 Cable - 16 Feet [BUMPED]

Pick up some basic tech supplies at Amazon.

Here, AmazonBasics USB 2.0 Cable - A-Male to B-Male - 16 Feet (4.8 Meters).

Also, AmazonBasics Apple Certified Lightning to USB Cable - 6 Feet (1.8 Meters) - White.

BONUS: All-New Kindle E-reader - Black, 6" Glare-Free Touchscreen Display, Wi-Fi - Includes Special Offers.

Deal of the Day: 20% Off - Arlo Smart Home Security Camera System

At Amazon, Arlo Smart Home Security Camera System - Five-Camera Bundle: One Camera with Base Station and Four Add-on Cameras.

Also, Deals on Handbags.

And, Energetic Lighting ELYSL-5001C-DS 4' LED Shoplight Fixture, and Energetic Lighting HG84207A 4' LED Shop Light Fixture.

More, Save on Apple Products.

BONUS: From Jeremy Scahill, The Assassination Complex: Inside the Government's Secret Drone Warfare Program.

Lavishly Decorated Ole Miss Dorm Rooms

What's not to like?

Well, for leftists, if someone else is happy, that's a civil rights violation, or something.

At Truth Revolt, "Progressives Offended by College Girls Who Don't Want to Live in Festering Piles of Trash and Slime."

Paul Manafort Resigns

Just a little while ago.

At LAT, "Donald Trump's embattled campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, resigns."

Ryan Lochte Apology

Here's Christine Brennan from yesterday:

And here's Locthe's apology:

Hillary Clinton's America

Here's Donald Trump ad spot that's going up in key battleground states today. The ad "will run in Florida, Ohio, North Carolina and Pennsylvania through Aug. 29..."

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Jackie Johnson's Forecast — From the O.C.

It's perfect summer weather.

And it was Los Angeles Rams' Family Day at U.C. Irvine.

Jackie Johnson reports. She says there's a low pressure system coming in over the weekend, which should cool it down a bit.

I'm sure fire-fighters will appreciate that.

Via CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

Extreme Veiling is Misogynist Hate Speech

From Louise Mensch, at Heat Street, "France is Right to Ban the Burkini."

Read it all at the link. It's a transcript of Ms. Louise's appearance on Fox News earlier this week with Stuart Varney. (I looked for the video, but couldn't find it.)

UPDATE: Scrolling Ms. Louise's Twitter feed, I see Media Matter's has the video, naturally.

Here, "Fox Guest: Burkinis Are 'Hate Speech' and Promote 'Honor Killings' - Louise Mensch: 'It's Basically Hate Speech in a Piece of Clothing'."

Yep, all true. All true, chaps.

Van Morrison, 'Too Late' (VIDEO)

Here's Van Morrison's new single, off his new album, due out September 30th, Keep Me Singing.

Blue Cut Fire Update: I-15 Reopened in Cajon Pass (VIDEO)

Following-up from yesterday, "Blue Cut Fire Updates (VIDEO)."

At the Riverside Press-Enterprise, "Blue Cut fire burns into 3rd day, 15 Freeway fully reopening":

The southbound 15 Freeway through the Cajon Pass is in the process of re-opening, the California Highway Patrol reported shortly before 10 a.m. Thursday, after the massive Blue Cut fire forced it closed for the last two days.

The southbound lanes were closed Tuesday at Ranchero Road in Hesperia.

All off-ramps will remain closed, the CHP said in a tweet.

The northbound lanes of the 15 Freeway were reopened late Wednesday night.

For the third day, firefighters continued to battle back the flames of the enormous Blue Cut fire, which has ravaged nearly 30,000 acres of land and destroying about a dozen homes since Tuesday.

The latest numbers released Thursday morning have the fire at 31,689 acres and 4 percent containment, according to the San Bernardino National Forest Service. More than 1,500 firefighters are working to get the wildfire under control...
Also at the Los Angeles Times, "'Erratic' Blue Cut fire in the Cajon Pass more than 31,000 acres."


John Prados, Storm Over Leyte

I'm overloaded with reading right now, and my fall semester's starting on the 29th, but this book looks excellent.

At Amazon, John Prados, Storm Over Leyte: The Philippine Invasion and the Destruction of the Japanese Navy.

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I've Finished Robert J. Lieber's, Retreat and its Consequences

Following-up from previously, "A Defense Strategy for the New Administration."

Thornberry and Krepinevich reminded me that I've finished Robert Lieber's excellent new book, Retreat and its Consequences: American Foreign Policy and the Problem of World Order.

I particularly enjoyed Lieber's discussion of Europe, which is found in chapter 2, "Burden sharing with Europe: problems of capability and will." Lieber has a comparativist's grasp of the internal politics of the leading European nation-states, and his analysis of Germany's role, and Germany's realpolitik within the E.U., is both perceptive and troubling. Berlin advances a very hard-line against weaker E.U. members, like Greece, while at the same time pushing utopian schemes like Merkel's refugee policy, that end up forcing a second blow against the peripheral states, poorer regimes that must bear the extreme costs of the central E.U.'s "enlightened humanitarianism."

The chapters on Middle East politics and the BRICS are also excellent, especially the latter's discussion of BRIC free-riding off America's hegemonic leadership in power politics and international institutions. You'll find yourself infuriated at times as you plow through this chapter, especially because current U.S. leadership --- folks so committed to their own idealistic policies, like the Obama administration's climate change agenda --- is getting thrown under the bus of the world system's multilateral collective action problem.

It's a stunning eye-opener for those worried about the direction of U.S. foreign policy and America's continued primacy.

But like I said previously, "America will lead again, in both word and power. It's just a matter of the political dynamics." My hope, of course, is that the pendulum of preponderance swings back to favor American interests sooner rather than later.

In any case, Lieber's Retreat and its Consequences is a crackling good offering by a master of sweeping foreign policy analysis. The book would do well in either graduate or undergraduate courses in international politics or U.S. foreign policy. And frankly, it's just a good summer sparkler for the general reader as well.

A Defense Strategy for the New Administration

From Mac Thornberry and Andrew F. Krepinevich, Jr., at Foreign Affairs, "Preserving Primacy":

The next U.S. president will inherit a security environment in which the United States con­fronts mounting threats with increasingly constrained resources, diminished stature, and growing uncertainty both at home and abroad over its willingness to protect its friends and its interests. Revisionist powers in Europe, the western Pacific, and the Persian Gulf—three regions long considered by both Democratic and Republican administrations to be vital to U.S. national security—are seeking to overturn the rules-based international order. In Europe, Russian President Vladimir Putin has seized Crimea, waged proxy warfare in eastern Ukraine, and threatened NATO allies on Russia’s periphery. Further demonstrating its newfound assertiveness, Russia has dispatched forces to Syria and strength­ened its nuclear arsenal. After a failed attempt to “reset” relations with Moscow, U.S. President Barack Obama has issued stern warnings and imposed economic sanctions, but these have done little to deter Putin.

Nor has the administration’s “pivot” to Asia, now five years on, been matched by effective action. China continues to ramp up its military spending, investing heavily in weapons systems designed to threaten U.S. forces in the western Pacific. As a result, it is proving increas­ingly willing and able to advance its expansive territorial claims in the East China and South China Seas. Not content to resolve its disputes through diplomacy, Beijing has militarized them, building bases on natural and artificially created islands. The United States has failed to respond vigorously to these provocations, causing allies to question its willingness to meet its long-standing security commitments.

The lack of U.S. leadership is also fueling instability in the Middle East. In Iraq, the Obama administration forfeited hard-won gains by withdrawing all U.S. forces, creating a security vacuum that enabled the rise of both Iranian influence and the Islamic State, or ISIS. Adding to its strategic missteps, the administration fundamentally misread the character of the Arab Spring, failing to appreciate that the uprisings would provide opportunities for radical Islamist elements rather than lead to a new democratic order. The administration also failed to learn from the previous administration’s experience in Iraq when it chose to “lead from behind” in Libya, intervening to over­throw Muammar al-Qaddafi, only to declare victory and abandon the country to internal disorder. It then drew a “redline” over President Bashar al-Assad’s use of chemical weapons in Syria but failed to act to enforce it. The result is growing instability in the Middle East and a decline in U.S. influence.

The threat of Islamist terrorism has grown on the Obama administration’s watch. Al Qaeda and ISIS, both Sunni groups, have gained new footholds in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and even West Africa. Obama’s negotiations with Iran, the home of radical Shiite Islamism, have not curbed the country’s involvement in proxy wars in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen or its support for Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Palestinian territories. What the talks did produce—the nuclear deal—may slow Tehran’s march to ob­taining a nuclear weapon, but it also gives the regime access to tens of billions of dollars in formerly frozen assets. The ink on the agreement was barely dry when, in March, Tehran tested ballistic missiles capable of delivering a nuclear warhead, in blatant defiance of a UN Security Council resolution. Adding to all this instability, military competition has expanded into the relatively new domains of outer space and cyberspace—and will eventually extend to undersea economic infrastructure, as well.

With the current approach failing, the next president will need to formulate a new defense strategy. It should include three basic elements: a clear statement of what the United States seeks to achieve, an understanding of the resources available for those goals, and guidance as to how those resources will be used. The strategy laid out here, if properly implemented, will allow the United States to preclude the rise of a hegemonic power along the Eurasian periphery and preserve access to the global commons—without bankrupting the country in the process...
Sounds great.

Frankly, I'm not worried about the U.S. maintaining its material preponderance, even with China supposedly "catching up."

It's that we need robust, non-politically correct leadership. Global preponderance is a state of mind as well as an objective reality. I'd argue that President Barack Hussein wanted to chop the U.S. down to size, to attack U.S. global hegemony at home, for ideological reasons. He's still doing with his appeasement and apology tours.

America will lead again, in both word and power. It's just a matter of the political dynamics. A Hillary Clinton administration's just going to be four more years of Obama's failed policies. But the pendulum is going to swing back to American exceptionalism at some point. Of that I remain optimistic.

But keep reading, in any case.

Dafne Schippers, the Great White Hope

This woman is seriously bad-ass.

She beats all the black-African runners, which is mind-boggling to me.

Well, she almost beat Elaine Thompson last night, but she stumbled out of the blocks, then stumbled and rolled over the finish line after pushing enormous exertion to finish just a 10th of a second behind the winning time, taking the silver in the 200 meters. It was astonishing.

Either she's amped up on 'roids or the black chicks now have slower times because effective PED regulations and enforcement.

Either way, Schippers is the new Great White Hope of humanity.


The Dutch athlete is disappointed in second place. “I hate this very much. I came here to get gold, and I didn’t do that”, she said to broadcaster NOS after the race. “I can’t enjoy this. Horrible.”

Thompson finished with a time of 21.78 seconds, Schippers finished at 21.88 seconds. Third place went to American Tori Bowie.
Also, from last week, at USA Today, "New kid in blocks: Dutch sprinter Dafne Schippers eyes gold."

The 'Bitch' Presidency

Radical feminists are worked up in a lather over the coming wave of "misogynist" attacks on Hillary Clinton as she (if she) assumes the presidency.

The argument's basically suggesting all the racist Islamophobic truther attacks on Obama squared.

See Michelle Cottle, at the Atlantic, for some epic lulz:

Thanks to the Reader Who Bought Roger Scruton's, Fools, Frauds and Firebrands

It's a great book.

Scruton's a treasure.

Thanks so much to the reader who picked up a copy, and thanks to all of my readers for shopping through my Amazon links. It's much appreciated.

See, Fools, Frauds and Firebrands: Thinkers of the New Left.

Roger Scruton photo fools-frauds-and-firebrands_zpsdqui8dq5.jpg

Kellyanne Conway on CBS 'This Morning' (VIDEO)

Following-up from yesterday, "Kellyanne Conway Takes Over as Donald Trump's New Campaign Manager (VIDEO)."


Sarah Kendzior: Donald Trump is America's Greatest Threat

Ms. Sarah's a great writer, but I think for all her jaded commentary and warnings of American fascism, she sometimes goes over the top.

At Toronto's Globe and Mail, "Trump is right: The greatest U.S. threat is indeed from within. (It's him)."

Carissa Rosario Working Out (VIDEO)

Remember this lady?

Here, "Smokin' Hot Carissa Rosario Goes Topless Sunbathing in New York, Gawkers Run to the Rooftops!"

Well, she's at Playboy, "WATCH: Carissa Rosario with a Subtle Reminder to Renew Your Gym Membership (VIDEO)."

Charlotte McKinney Flaunts Hot Bikini Body in Santa Monica (PHOTOS)

Well shoot, I wish I was at the beach for that display of loveliness. Dang!

At Egotastic!, "Charlotte McKinney Barely Covered Bikini in Santa Monica."

And London's Daily Mail, "Baywatch star Charlotte McKinney makes a splash in tiny bikini as she patrols the beach."

Kelly Gale Playboy September Cover Model (PHOTOS)

At Sydney's Daily Telegraph, "Swedish-Australian model Kelly Gale stays covered up for Playboy."

Also at London's Daily Mail, "Sizzling! Victoria's Secret model Kelly Gale, 21, BARELY contains her ample assets as she poses in a sexy shoot on another clothed cover of Playboy."

And at the source, "Meet our cover girl Miss September 2016, Kelly Gale."

U.S. Swimmer Caught on Video Fighting Security Guard on Night of Alleged Robbery (VIDEO)

Hot Air has it, "Brazil: U.S. swimmers faked robbery to cover up assault — and we have video to prove it."

And at ABC News, via Memeorandum, "U.S. Swimmer Fought With Security Guard on Night of Alleged Robbery: Police Source."

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Autostraddle Apologizes for Favorable Review of Seth Rogan's 'Sausage Party'

Here's an update from the outrage culture.

I don't read Autostraddle. Indeed, I'm only vaguely aware of Autostraddle. But the site published a positive review of "Sausage Party," a film I'm also only vaguely aware of. The editors pulled the piece, but the cached version is here, "Salma Hayek Is a Surprisingly Endearing Lesbian Taco in “Sausage Party”." (Available here as well.)

Well, did she play a lesbian taco in the movie? If so, then what's the problem with calling her a lesbian taco?

Here's the groveling apology from Heather Hogan, the editor who approved the abominably inappropriate piece in the first place, "We Messed Up" (via Memeorandum). Oh, how debased can you get?
I want to personally apologize to every reader who was hurt by the Sausage Party review. I failed you as a senior editor of this website and I failed you as an ally. I am wholly sorry for the pain and anger I caused you. I offer you no justification. I was blinded by my own whiteness existing inside a system of white supremacy. I must do better. I will do better. I also want to take full responsibility for not working more closely with the freelancer. This was not her fault. This was an editorial failure. I should have asked more critical questions about the film, especially since no one I know had seen it...
"Blinded by my own whiteness."

Oh brother.

I'm not white. But one of the things I've learned as a black conservative is that you can just destroy white PC leftists by accusing them of racist white privilege. They really do crumble, and if you have an actionable case under civil rights laws, that's all the more powerful. Keep that in mind when you're fighting the culture wars. You can just go all Alinsky on these people, turn the tables, use their own ammunition against them, and make 'em shut the fuck up.

In any case, I saw this story earlier today, at Heat Street, "Website Issues Apology After ‘Triggering’ Readers With Positive ‘Sausage Party’ Review."

Katy Perry Cigar Heels


She's a crazy lady.

At London's Daily Mail, "Katy Perry steps out in cheeky cigar heels as she announces new shoe collection."

In Syria Strikes, Russia Deploys Bombers from Iran (VIDEO)

This is major.

Seen earlier at Hot Air, "Great Game Over: Russia launching attacks from Iran to defend Assad regime."

And see the New York Times, "Russia Sends Bombers to Syria Using Base in Iran":

MOSCOW — Russia launched a fleet of bombers bound for Syria on Tuesday from an Iranian air base, becoming the first foreign military to operate from Iran’s soil since at least World War II.

Russian use of the base, with Iran’s obvious support, appeared to set back or at least further complicate Russia’s troubled relations with the United States, which has been working with Russia over how to end the Syria conflict.

While American officials said they were not surprised by the Russia-Iran military collaboration, it appeared to catch them off guard, with no solid information on the Kremlin’s intentions. “I think we’re still trying to assess exactly what they’re doing,” a State Department deputy spokesman, Mark Toner, told reporters in Washington.

The arrangement, permanent or not, enables Russia to bring more firepower to the Syrian conflict, and far greater military flexibility. Analysts said the new arrangement could also expand Moscow’s political influence in the Middle East and speed the growing convergence of interests between Moscow and Tehran.

Continue reading the main story

From the air base, in Hamadan, northwest Iran, the Russian bombers destroyed ammunition dumps and a variety of targets linked to the Islamic State and other groups that had been used to support militants battling in Aleppo, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement.

Historians and American officials said Tuesday that the Iranian decision to let Russia base its planes and support operations in Iran — even temporarily — was a historic one.

“This didn’t even happen under the shah,” said John Limbert, a former American foreign service officer who was stationed in Iran, referring to the reign of Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi...

You have to remember the convoluted politics of the conflict. First the U.S. wanted Assad "to go." But when Islamic State gained a stronghold, the Obama administration put Assad's ouster on the back burner, to focus on the jihad threat. But Russia and Iran both work to prop up the Syrian regime, so the Russian strikes on Islamic State aren't really designed as helping U.S. interests in some kind of U.S. entente with Moscow. Russia's helping Iran prop up Assad.

And it's Putin who's driving the current dynamics of international politics. Weird, actually.

'No matter what happens in November, all of my ideological alignments are predicated on defeating Democrats and leftists...'

My response to commenter "Gone With the Wind," here.

Nina Agdal Summer of Swim Coney Island (VIDEO)

She's so lovely.

At Sports Illustrated:

Jeff Bridges on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live'

I'm on a Jeff Bridges jag, lol.

Watch, "Jeff Bridges Watches 'The Big Lebowski'."

My mini-review of "Hell or High Water" is here, "'Hell or High Water' is Great."

Linh and Marty Talk to Jeff Bridges (VIDEO)

It's Marty Bass and Linh Bui, of CBS News 13 Baltimore.

Watch, "Coffee With: Marty and Linh talk with Jeff Bridges about his new movie, 'Hell or High Water'."

I loved the movie.

My mini-review is here, with additional links, "'Hell or High Water' is Great."

Poughkeepsie's Arlington Fire District Roils Controversy Over American Flag Removal

So, the American flags were causing "liability concerns"?

What the fuck's "liability concerns"?

At the Poughkeepsie Journal, "Fire chairman seeks 'compromise' after American flag controversy":
Will flags return to Arlington Fire District trucks after their removal attracted national attention and criticism? A compromise may be in the works.

The chairman of the Arlington Board of Fire Commissioners said he's reached out to Chief Tory Gallante to discuss the possibility of a compromise about the use of American flags on fire trucks.

American flags were removed from three Arlington Fire District trucks Tuesday, sparking heated discussion on social media and disappointment from union members.

Gallante was directed by the board to remove the flags from the backs of the trucks during Monday's meeting. He declined to comment on specifics of why the decision was made but said he is “very disappointed with their direction.”

Arlington Fire Commissioner Chairman Jim Beretta said the board majority feel the flags are a "liability during normal operations for our people and other motorists," and that the board had not been consulted before the flags were mounted.

On Wednesday, Beretta told the Poughkeepsie Journal that he has reached out to Gallante and offered to sit down for a discussion with him "and whomever he wants to pull together ... to have an initial conversation on how we might come to a compromise, some solution."

Gallante said he, union members and board members are planning to meet on Thursday to "start discussing  flag matter."

"I hope eventually this will get resolved," Gallante said...
Plus, "Fire board should allow flags to fly."

I always love seeing the flags flying on fire trucks. I don't think it was "liability concerns" but "political correctness concerns" that guided the stupid decision to remove them.

Thank goodness for the backlash.

Via Memeorandum.

Blue Cut Fire Updates (VIDEO)

Following-up from last night, "Blue Cut Fire Closes I-15 Freeway at El Cajon Pass (VIDEO)."

At the Riverside Press-Enterprise, "What we know right now about the Blue Cut fire burning in the Cajon Pass":

The 15 Freeway, the main artery in and out of the High Desert, remains closed Wednesday morning as firefighters battled the out-of-control Blue Cut fire in the Cajon Pass overnight.

The massive wind-driven wildfire devoured 30,000 acres and multiple homes and buildings by Wednesday morning, forcing more than 80,000 people to evacuate their homes. No portion of the perimeter has containment lines...

Also, live updates at the Los Angeles Times, "Live updates: Devastating Blue Cut fire in Cajon Pass consumes homes at rapid rate, burning out of control."


John McLaughlin Dies: Former Catholic Priest Hosted 'The McLaughlin Group' for 34 Years

He missed his first show in 34 years just last week.

I never really watched his show. I was still a Democrat when "The McLaughlin Group" was super prominent. By the 2000s, I rarely ever heard of the show, which had been overshadowed by cable news programming.

In any case, he was a fascinating guy.

At the New York Times:

Kellyanne Conway Takes Over as Donald Trump's New Campaign Manager (VIDEO)

Well, Paul Manafort got the boot, no doubt because his close ties to Russia became a catastrophic liability for the campaign.

At USA Today, "Meet the new heads of the Trump campaign."

Also, at WaPo, via Memeorandum, "Trump shakes up campaign, demotes top adviser."

Out Next Tuesday: Ann Coulter, In Trump We Trust

ICYMI, at Amazon, Ann Coulter, In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome!

Sebastian Gorka and Sheriff David Clarke on #Hannity (VIDEO)

Two great guys.

They're not blinded by political correctness, thank goodness.

From last night's Hannity:

And ICYMI, "'Extreme Vetting' — Donald Trump's Terrorism Plan Calls for Limits on Immigration (VIDEO)."