Thursday, January 12, 2017

Populism Isn't a Threat to Democracy, But a Vibrant Manifestation of It

Following-up, "Fascism vs. Right-Wing Populism."

I don't believe so-called "right-wing populism" is a threat to democracy. What it is is a threat to the morally bankrupt, far-left globalist agenda, and radical progressives across the institutional spectrum, from Hollywood-types, the leftist media, far-left academe, and the radical left's NGO network, working hand-in-hand to delegitimize the grassroots popular surge against the political class, seen in Brexit to Trump and beyond.

The latest case in point is Kenneth Roth, and his piece up at Foreign Policy, "Dark Days: The Global Rise of Populism is a Dangerous Threat to Democracy and Human Rights":

The global rise of populists poses a dangerous threat to human rights — which exist to protect people from governments. Yet today, a new generation of populists is reversing that role. Claiming to speak for “the people,” they treat rights as an impediment to their conception of the majority will, a needless obstacle to defending the nation from perceived threats and evils. Instead of accepting that rights protect everyone, they encourage people to adopt the dangerous belief that they will never need their rights against an overreaching government claiming to act in their name.

The appeal of the populists has grown with mounting public discontent over the status quo. In the West, many people feel left behind by technological change, the global economy, and growing inequality. Terrorism sows apprehension and fear. Some are uneasy with societies that have become more ethnically, religiously, and racially diverse. There is an increasing sense that governments and the elite ignore public concerns.

In this cauldron of discontent, a certain breed of politician is flourishing by portraying rights as protecting only the terrorist suspect or the asylum-seeker at the expense of the safety, economic welfare, and cultural preferences of the presumed majority. They scapegoat refugees, immigrant communities, and minorities. Truth is a frequent casualty. Nativism, xenophobia, racism, Islamophobia, and misogyny are on the rise.

But if these voices of intolerance prevail, the world risks entering a dark era. We should never underestimate the tendency of demagogues who sacrifice the rights of others in our name today to jettison our rights tomorrow when their real priority — retaining power — is in jeopardy.
And you know what's coming: When leftists start going off on nativism, xenophobia, racism, Islamophobia, misogyny and blah, blah, the dreaded "F" word is just around the corner.

See, more from Roth:
We see a similar scapegoating of asylum-seekers, immigrant communities, and Muslims in Europe. Leading the charge have been Marine Le Pen in France and Geert Wilders in the Netherlands, but there are echoes of these arguments of intolerance in the Brexit campaign, the rhetoric of Viktor Orban in Hungary and Jaroslaw Kaczynski in Poland, and far-right parties from Germany to Greece. Throughout the European continent, officials and politicians hark back to distant, even fanciful, times of perceived national ethnic purity, despite established immigrant communities whose integration as productive members of society is undermined by this hostility.

We forget at our peril the demagogues of yesteryear — the fascists, communists, and their ilk who claimed privileged insight into the majority’s interest but ended up crushing the individual. When populists treat rights as an obstacle to their vision of the majority will, it is only a matter of time before they turn on those who disagree with their agenda. Such claims of unfettered majoritarianism, and the attacks on the checks and balances that constrain governmental power, are perhaps the greatest danger today to the future of democracy in the West. They threaten to reverse the accomplishments of the modern human rights movement...
Voices like Roth's are the voices you need to ignore.

Democracy's not under threat. There is no wave of "xenophobia" and "racism." And the so-called "nativist" tide is a righteous populist revolt against the out-of-touch elites in both the U.S. and Europe, who've brought on an unprecedented crisis of jihad terror and political correctness. It's these scourges, and the neo-communist economic policies that go with them --- that threaten world order and the survival of democracy.

Spread the word. Keep fighting for freedom. Make America Great Again!

George Soros Bet Against Donald Trump, and Lost Big

This story makes my day!

French Leader Marine Le Pen Visits Trump Tower


I love it.

At Blazing Cat Fur, "Marine Le Pen Visits Trump Tower During Surprise New York Trip."

President Obama Surprises Vice President Joe Biden with Presidential Medal of Freedom (VIDEO)

Biden was generally surprised.

He truly thought it was a farewell ceremony, and that folks were mostly going to say good things about each other, blah, blah. And then the president announced the award.

I'll be glad when this administration is gone, and I frankly don't remember so much glad-handing, back-slapping, and mutual encomiums when the G.W. Bush administration left office. I think O's taken narcissism to a whole new level.

Still, I gotta admit this moment was pretty amazing. That's genuine emotion coming from the vice president (who, I believe, is a decent man, despite his far-left proclivities).

The story's at USA Today.

And at CNN, which I had going live in real time:

Why Leftist Elites Are So Resentful of Middle America

From Salena Zito, at the New York Post:

The Best Press Conference in the History of Press Conferences

From Melissa McKenzie, at the American Spectator, "Trump Just Had the Best Press Conference in the History of Press Conferences":

The Scene: Donald Trump entered the room with his kids Ivanka, Eric, and Donald, Jr. in tow along with his attorney, press secretary Sean Spicer and Vice President-to-be Mike Pence.  The room is fire-marshall-alerting packed with the media taut and ready to pounce like starved hyenas. It’s been eight years to build up this hunger. It’s been eight years of lovingly grooming Obama when they’re not resting on his lap and being petted.

The Action: Sean Spicer starts with a blistering rebuke of the media–especially Buzzfeed. He decried their bias and baseless reporting. Mike Pence follows up and the introduces President-elect Trump. Strangely, people clap. It had seemed liked the room was only filled with reporters, but evidently not. There were also fans there? Difficult to tell via C-Span.

President-elect Trump comes to the podium and reiterates his disgust with the media, but not all of them. He likes some of them more now. He hands over the press conference to his attorney who lays out that Trump’s sons Eric and Don will run his companies, that Donald won’t be involved, that they won’t be selling assets, that they won’t pursue overseas work. Business building in America is still open, though.

Meanwhile, there are two hearings going on Capital Hill–one for Rex Tillerson for Secretary of State, one for Jeff Sessions for Attorney General. Notes about those: Rubio is tearing into Tillerson. The media is responding as though he’s not convincing them. I’ve been watching the hearing and don’t get it. Tillerson comes across as measured and intelligent. Over at the Jeff Sessions trial hearing, the usual suspects hate him which Lindsey Graham humorously revealed by reading the list of ACLU ratings for various Senators.

Back in New York, things got tense. It’s too difficult to adequately describe the full meltdown of CNN’s correspondent when trying to ask a question of Mr. Trump, so here’s the video.

“You are fake news!” Mr. Trump yelled at the CNN reporter and called Buzzfeed a “failing pile of garbage.”

All heck broke loose among the reporters, with many screeching and trying to ask questions.

It was glorious.

Mr. Trump said [and I’m paraphrasing] that the media is attacking, but that he has this [he was pointing to his microphone] and can fight back. He alluded to the people who couldn’t fight back when attacked by the left and media. Mr. Trump is genuinely offended for how the press has not only treated him, but those who are helpless against a careless media.

Having watched the media destroy innocent people and move along, and conversely let a corrupt administration slide, Mr. Trump’s indictment of the press is welcome...

Farewell, Radical-in-Chief

From Matthew Vadum, at FrontPage Magazine, "Obama says goodbye to a nation he despises":

President Barack Hussein Obama bid farewell last night to the nation he despises in what was, for him, a mercifully brief speech.

“America is a better, stronger place than it was when we started,” he said in all apparent seriousness.

After sending aid and comfort to an Islamic supremacist dictator in Egypt, he falsely claimed to have pulled the rug out from the Islamic Republic of Iran’s nuclear weapon program. The Nobel Peace Prize winner left out how his illegal war destabilized Libya and the fact that the U.S. military deeply distrusts him.

He pretended the economy is going gangbusters while leaving out the fact that nine days away from his departure from the Oval Office, his signature legislative accomplishment, Obamacare, is collapsing as insurers run away from the so-called insurance exchanges. He acted as if fighting alleged manmade global warming was more important than just about everything.

It some ways it wasn’t much different than the warm and fuzzy victory speech the Divider-in-Chief gave in Chicago in 2008, except in this speech he got to lie about his record while throwing in cheap shots against his critics and the incoming president. (A transcript of Obama’s final great oratorical atrocity is available here.)

In a forum resplendent with the echo-acoustics our megalomaniacal president prefers, the pathologically dishonest Obama tried last night to cast himself as a unifying figure:

It falls to each of us to be those anxious, jealous guardians of our democracy; to embrace the joyous task we’ve been given to continually try to improve this great nation of ours. Because for all our outward differences, we in fact all share the same proud title, the most important office in a democracy: Citizen. Citizen.

So you see that’s what our democracy demands. It needs you. Not just when there’s an election, not just when your own narrow interest is at stake, but over the full span of a lifetime. If you’re tired of arguing with strangers on the Internet, try talking with one of them in real life.

A life form that just arrived from Alpha Centauri might have been moved as Obama tried to whitewash the unmitigated catastrophe his presidency has been.

Deploying all the usual tired old left-wing smears against conservatives, the lawless 44th president recited a long series of America-boosting sayings most of which he has never believed in. He said nice things about the dead white men much-derided by the Left whom we call the Founding Fathers, along with the government-restraining Constitution he has spent so much of his life spitting on. With a straight face this despotic destroyer of the rule of law called the Constitution “a remarkable, beautiful gift.”

Of course Chicago was an appropriate locale for the goodbye address. It’s a violent one-party city that is collapsing under the weight of its own corruption. He gave the speech at Lakeside Center at McCormick Place in Chicago, not too far from storied Hyde Park and the site of the future Obama Presidential Center.

The Windy City is where community organizing guru Saul Alinsky, whose teachings on tactics deeply influenced Obama, learned his craft from the Al Capone crime gang. Obama got his start in nasty Alinsky-style community organizing with the assistance of groups like the Developing Communities Project, Catholic Campaign for Human Development, and the Gamaliel Foundation.

Chicago is where young Obama cut his organizing teeth running the successful get-out-the-vote drive for ACORN-affiliated Project Vote in 1992 that elected the awful one-term senator, Carol Moseley Braun of Illinois. She was a friend of Communist Cuba and African dictators who worked closely with agitator Heather Booth of the Midwest Academy, Democratic Socialists of America, and the Communist Party USA, all of which Obama welcomed into his political coalition.

Chicago is where the half-black Obama whose purported father was from Kenya learned to portray himself as what the Left calls “authentically” black, soaking up vile racist hatred while sitting in the pews of Jeremiah Wright’s sinister Nation of Islam-like church.

Chicago is where unrepentant terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn launched his career in electoral politics by hosting a living room fundraiser for his Illinois State Senate campaign. Although his presidential campaign vehemently denied Obama was close to Ayers, the former Weather Underground leader admitted years later that “we served on a couple of boards together.” Chicago is also where Michelle Obama worked at the same law firm as Dohrn.

Giving the speech in Chicago was also appropriate on a symbolic level. Chicago (like Detroit) epitomizes Obama’s failed, bankrupt left-wing ideology, and lack of leadership...
Still more.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Samantha Hoopes Wet T-Shirt Photoshoot Saint Lucia (VIDEO)

The swimsuit issue's due out in February, and it's looking to be a keeper!

Leftist Identity Politics Will End in Bitter Recriminations

From Damon Linker, at the Week, "Liberals are drunk on a political poison called intersectionality":

In the fierce post-election debate about how Democrats should respond to the party's astonishing electoral collapse at all levels of government, some have argued that identity politics is the problem, while many others (especially younger activists) have claimed it's the solution.

Those inclined toward the latter position would be well advised to read a recent New York Times story very closely. An account of growing rancor surrounding the planned Women's March on Washington (scheduled for the day after Donald Trump's inauguration), the piece demonstrates with admirable clarity how doubling down on identity politics — and especially the left's embrace of the trendy postmodern ideology of "intersectionality" — is likely to shatter the Democratic Party into squabbling factions even more vulnerable to a resurgent right.

It would be one thing if Democrats had reason to hope or expect that they would be saved by demographics. Ever since the "emerging Democratic majority" thesis was first floated more than a decade ago, leading liberals have been convinced that their side is bound to prevail as the country becomes less white over time and minority groups eventually combine to form a left-leaning electoral majority. In such a situation, a politics based on racial, ethnic, gender, and other forms of identity might make sense as a mobilization strategy.

But recent events and analysis have cast doubt on these hopes and expectations, raising the possibility that the electoral power of white Americans may well persist for a long time to come. In that case, the need for "normal" politics, which involves forming coalitions across racial, ethnic, and gender divides in the name of the common good, will continue indefinitely.

That's where the danger of identity politics — especially in the radical form highlighted in the Times — becomes obvious.
From the start, the Women's March was an expression of identity politics — the coming together in protest of those appalled by the president-elect's attitude and proposed policies toward the female half of the electorate. But some organizers and participants have something else — something far narrower — in mind. For them, solidarity on the basis of gender alone isn't possible because black women have sometimes been oppressed by white women. For that reason, white women must begin "listening more and talking less," and above all learn to "check their privilege."

Here we enter into the kaleidoscopically balkanizing world of intersectionality, which highlights multiple identities in an effort to single-out the nexus of ascriptive attributes that produces maximal oppression. The idea is that once these attributes have been identified, the "privilege" of those who undertake the oppression can be subverted. Yet in practice, the hierarchy of privilege isn't so much subverted as reproduced and inverted.

Consider the world as viewed through the lens of intersectionality...
Intersectionality creates the Oppression Olympics, heh.

But keep reading.

PREVIOUSLY: "Leftists Foment 'Contentious Dialogues' at Women's March on Washington (Bad Causes Attract Bad People)."

Donald Trump Scorches the Media (CARTOON)

Most excellent.

From A.F. Branco:

Jim Acosta's Butt Hurt

Following-up, "Donald Trump Berates @CNN Reporter Jim Acosta."

The new regime's in town, and this administration's not going to tolerate fake leftist news memes.

You post fake news, you lose access --- and you know, that's the way it should be.

On Twitter just now:

Donald Trump's Business Exit Plan (VIDEO)

The full press conference is at the video.

And at Bloomberg, "Trump to Step Down From Business but Won't Divest Ownership":

President-elect Donald Trump will leave his positions at the various companies of the Trump Organization, but he will not divest his ownership, raising questions about whether he has adequately addressed conflict-of-interest concerns.

“I could actually run my business and run government at the same time,” Trump said at a press conference Wednesday, adding that he recently turned down an offer of $2 billion to do a deal in Dubai. “I don’t like the way that looks, but I would be able to do that if I wanted to.”

Trump’s businesses, which include more than 500 companies with $3.6 billion in assets and ties to more than 20 countries, will be placed into a trust. The trust will be overseen by an independent ethics officer and managed by Trump’s sons Eric and Don Jr., and chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg, who will make decisions without consulting the president. The Trump Organization will terminate all pending partnerships, and won’t enter into new international business arrangements, such as licensing deals for new hotels, while Trump remains in the White House.

“That doesn’t solve any of the problems,” said Richard Painter, who served as a top White House ethics lawyer to President George W. Bush and is now a professor at the University of Minnesota Law School. “If he owns it, he has conflicts of interest.”

Existing Trump businesses, which include hotels and golf courses, will continue to operate and enter into new agreements, such as hosting weddings, parties and other events. Those will be reviewed by the ethics officer to ensure they are conducted at arms’ length. Trump’s debts will be paid down, according to their schedules. The company will voluntarily donate hotel profits received from foreign governments to the U.S. Treasury, said Sheri Dillon, his attorney.

“President-elect Trump should not be expected to destroy the company that he built,” Dillon said.

Under the law, the Office and Government Ethics may require executive branch officials to divest assets that could pose conflicts of interest. The president himself is exempt, but the ethics office “has for more than three decades asserted authority to make nonbinding recommendations regarding a president’s conflicts of interest,” OGE head Walter Shaub said in a December letter to lawmakers.

Trump’s legal team believes he isn’t in violation of his contract at the federal General Services Administration-owned building where he operates his Trump International Hotel in Washington. Although a provision in the lease appears to prohibit elected officials from benefiting from the arrangement, it is designed to prevent sitting officials from crafting sweetheart deals, the attorney said. Trump minted the deal as a private citizen.

His lawyers similarly believe that the emoluments clause of the Constitution, which prohibits gifts from foreign governments and heads of state, doesn’t apply to fair value exchanges between businesses...
Well, actually, I thought Trump's attorney, Sherri Dillon, gave a fantastic presentation. I especially loved the bit about how Donald Trump's business empire is "not dissimilar to the fortunes of Nelson Rockefeller when he became Vice President, but at that time no one was so concerned."

The Rockefeller family fortune was worth well over a billion dollars in 1974, which would probably be worth more than twice that amount in today's dollars. Rockefeller in fact had to testify before Congress at the time, to clarify the avoidance of conflict of interest. But I think Dillon's main point is correct: No one recalls the charges of potential conflicts against Rockefeller. This was right after Watergate. The big deal was just getting a new administration in place. And frankly, as bad as things were back then, I doubt left-wing progressives were as unhinged as they are today. We're in a new era, big time.

But continue reading.

Tennis Star Maria Sharapova Flaunts Tight Bikini Body in Hawaii (PHOTOS)

She's definitely in shape.

And her performance enhancing drug penalty's been partially lifted, so she's nearly good to go for the full pro season.

At WWTDD, "Maria Sharapova in Tiny Bikini in Hawaii and Shit Around the Web."

Donald Trump Berates @CNN Reporter Jim Acosta

This is great.

It was an excellent press conference. I was up for a little while watching, then I went back to bed.

I've gotta head into the office for a department meeting, but I should be back by mid-afternoon with more blogging.

Until then, here's the Hill:

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Buzzfeed and CNN Report Potentially 'Compromising' Russian Espionage Story That May Have Been Based on 4Chan Prank

I don't know what to believe anymore.

Julia Ioffe was approached with this story, but couldn't independently confirm the details and declined to report on it.

Here's the headline, at Memeorandum, from CNN, "Intel chiefs presented Trump with claims of Russian efforts to compromise him."

And also from WaPo, via Memeorandum, "Intelligence chiefs briefed Trump and Obama on unconfirmed claims Russia has compromising information on president-elect."

Unconfirmed. That's key. Unconfirmed.

It's fake news.

There's a huge roundup at Hot Air, "Yikes: Intel chiefs told Trump Russia claims to have compromising personal and financial information on him; Update: CNN video added; Update: Memos leaked to BuzzFeed."

Also, at Instapundit, "NEW YORK POST: BuzzFeed’s Trump Report Takes Fake News To A New Level":
So the website BuzzFeed decided to publish a series of memos that have been floating around for months alleging all kinds of terrible things about Donald Trump.

Some of those terrible allegations have to do with efforts to influence the American elections and Trump. Some of them have to do with Trump’s personal sexual conduct.

Readers of this newspaper know well not to include me among Trump’s supporters. But the scurrilousness of what BuzzFeed has done here is so beyond the bounds of what is even remotely acceptable it should compel even those most outraged by Trump’s political excesses to come to his defense and to the defense of a few other people mentioned in these papers whose names are also dragged through the mud.

There is literally no evidence on offer in these memos or from BuzzFeed that any single sentence in these documents is factual or true. What’s more, we know most major news organizations in America had seen them and despite their well-known institutional antipathy toward Trump, had chosen not to publish them or even make reference to them after efforts to substantiate their charges had failed...

See Twitchy as well, "‘How are we going to have an inauguration next week?’ Russians have compromising info on Trump, says source."

And lots of stuff on Twitter, plus CNN's big breaking report at the video below.

Expect updates.

Report: Monica Crowley Alleged to Have Plagiarized Her Ph.D. Dissertation; HarperCollins Pulls What the (Bleep) Just Happened? After CNN Documents Numerous Examples of Lifted Text

This is bad.

I was going to give Ms. Monica the benefit of the doubt, but now another report's coming out that she allegedly plagiarized parts of her dissertation as well.

I met Ms. Monica at the David Horowitz Wednesday Morning Club, in June 2012. She was giving a talk on her book. She signed my copy, What the (Bleep) Just Happened? The Happy Warrior's Guide to the Great American Comeback. (The book page is now pulled at Amazon.)

Plagiarism is an extremely grave charge, and it's extra personal for me, as I'm a scholar. Funny, but when Ms. Monica signed my book I gave her my business card and told her about my scholarly background in international politics. She boasted that that was her field as well, blah, blah. She served at one time as an aide to Richard Nixon, so she's got deep roots in the realist GOP establishment. After I met her, and after listening to her talk at the Wednesday Morning Club, I found an increasing respect for her. Honestly, before that, I found her a bit pompous. I don't think she's all that attractive either.

In any case, judge for yourself. At Politico, "Trump Pick Monica Crowley Plagiarized Parts of Her Ph.D. Dissertation."

And especially, at CNN, "Trump national security pick Monica Crowley plagiarized multiple sources in 2012 book."

The thing about plagairism is that it's so easily preventable. Those long passages people get busted for can be big block quotes or huge paraphrased sections, as long as they're pointed out and such and documented with citations. It doesn't take anything away from the author and it doesn't take more time. Frankly, it's just what you do.




Leftists Foment 'Contentious Dialogues' at Women's March on Washington (Bad Causes Attract Bad People)

Following-up from last night, "White Women Feel Unwelcomed at the Women's March on Washington."

And now at the Other McCain, "Race Divides #WomensMarch as Black Feminists Tell White Women to Shut Up":
Bad causes attract bad people, and the problems afflicting the Women’s March are typical. Seth Mandel notes that organizers of the march include Linda Sarsour, director of the taxpayer-funded Arab American Association of New York. Sarsour is notorious for hateful rhetoric that is not just anti-Jewish, but also anti-American and anti-Christian. When criticized, Sarsour accuses her critics of being “Zionist trolls.”

We should expect only evil from a movement led by such people.

Vile people. Leftists are truly vile.

Manhunt Still Underway for Suspect Accused of Murdering Orlando Police Officer: Reward Raised to $100,000 (VIDEO)

We should be having nationwide protests against the demonic murderers of police officers, especially black police officers.

This is horrific. The suspect's still on the loose.

At the Orlando Sentinel, "Orlando police killer reward raised to $100,000; suspect still on run."

Dana Loesch Responds to Meryl Streep: Leave The Politics Out of Hollywood (VIDEO)

Watch, on Facebook, "My response to Meryl Streep."

Dana Loesch photo C1xhAbNUoAEedbW_zpsjbc9yffg.jpg

Chicago Facebook Beating and Torture Video: Window Into a Depraved Culture

I though of Heather Mac Donald almost immediately when the story broke.

No one's got this beat nailed down better than she does.

At City Journal, "A Window Into a Depraved Culture."

There's no easy block quotes, so read it all at the link.

And don't forget Ms. Heather's wonderful book, The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe.

Drew Barrymore On-the-Go Beauty Secrets (VIDEO)

She's so sweet.

Laura Ingraham Slams Meryl Streep (VIDEO)

Yet more of the backlash against Meryl Streep, this time with the brilliant Laura Ingraham, sporting an Alabama football jersey:

Iconic Sequoia 'Tunnel Tree' Knocked Down by California Storm (VIDEO)

At NPR, of course, lol.

See, "Iconic Sequoia 'Tunnel Tree' Brought Down By California Storm."

And watch, at KCRA News 3 Sacramento:

U.S. Military Rolls Into Eastern Europe (VIDEO)

An interesting report, from Elizabeth Palmer, for CBS This Morning:

Hannah Ferguson's Poolside Paradise (VIDEO)

Via Sports Illustrated Swimsuit:

Brandenburg Gate Lit Up in Support of Israel

That's pretty spectacular, actually.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Deadly Storms Hammer Bay Area (VIDEO)


I hope everyone is safe.

And I think we can stop worrying about the California drought now.

At CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

White Women Feel Unwelcomed at the Women's March on Washington

Increasingly, left-wing activism is becoming a movement of race-hatred — hatred against white people.

See the New York Times, "Women’s March on Washington Opens Contentious Dialogues About Race":

Many thousands of women are expected to converge on the nation’s capital for the Women’s March on Washington the day after Donald J. Trump’s inauguration. Jennifer Willis no longer plans to be one of them.

Ms. Willis, a 50-year-old wedding minister from South Carolina, had looked forward to taking her daughters to the march. Then she read a post on the Facebook page for the march that made her feel unwelcome because she is white.

The post, written by a black activist from Brooklyn who is a march volunteer, advised “white allies” to listen more and talk less. It also chided those who, it said, were only now waking up to racism because of the election.

“You don’t just get to join because now you’re scared, too,” read the post. “I was born scared.”

Stung by the tone, Ms. Willis canceled her trip.

“This is a women’s march,” she said. “We’re supposed to be allies in equal pay, marriage, adoption. Why is it now about, ‘White women don’t understand black women’?”

If all goes as planned, the Jan. 21 march will be a momentous display of unity in protest of a president whose treatment of women came to dominate the campaign’s final weeks. But long before the first buses roll to Washington and sister demonstrations take place in other cities, contentious conversations about race have erupted nearly every day among marchers, exhilarating some and alienating others.

In Tennessee, emotions ran high when organizers changed the name of the local march from “Women’s March on Washington-Nashville” to “Power Together Tennessee, in solidarity with Women’s March on Washington.” While many applauded the name change, which was meant to signal the start of a new social justice movement in Nashville, some complained that the event had turned from a march for all women into a march for black women.

In Louisiana, the first state coordinator gave up her volunteer role in part because there were no minority women in leadership positions at that time.

“I got a lot of flak locally when I stepped down, from white women who said that I’m alienating a lot of white women,” said Candice Huber, a bookstore owner in New Orleans, who is white. “They said, ‘Why do you have to be so divisive?’”

In some ways, the discord is by design. Even as they are working to ensure a smooth and unified march next week, the national organizers said they made a deliberate decision to highlight the plight of minority and undocumented immigrant women and provoke uncomfortable discussions about race.
Obviously, the event's less about pushing women's equality ---- and promoting respect ---- than it is about pushing the hard left-wing identity politics of the Democrat Party.

Leftists haven't learned anything from their November shellacking.

And the January 21st event, along with rants like Meryl Streep's last night, will only work to further divide the country and make a Donald Trump reelection more likely.

Keep reading.

Robert Reich's 12-Point Plan for 100 Days of Resistance to Donald Trump (VIDEO)

Heh, I didn't know he had a 12-point plan.

I do now, lol.

At Althouse's, "Robert B. Reich explains his 12-point plan for 100 Days of Resistance to Donald Trump."

Despite Reich's claims, this doesn't look like "the agenda of a powerful America," but of a weak and cranky one. The plan calls for defending sanctuary cities (a big losing, lawbreaking issue); giving to 501(c)3 non-profit political organizations (like the SPLC, which is in fact a lie-infested hate group); and working to "abolish the Electoral College by voting for the winner of the popular vote in your state in 2020" (which isn't the way to abolish the Electoral College, no matter how hard leftists moan and groan about it).

Interesting, in any case.

Piers Morgan Blasts Meryl Streep's Anti-Trump Golden Globes Tirade

Piers is essentially leftist, especially on guns (if you recall from back in the day, when he headlined CNN), but he's been a big Donald Trump supporter, and his prominent voice gets a lot of attention.

At London's Daily Mail, "Sorry, Meryl but that hypocritical anti-Trump rant was easily the worst performance of your career (apart from that time you gave a child rapist a standing ovation)":

Hat Tip: iOTW Report.

Heidi Klum Bikini Balcony Peeks

At WWTDD, "Heidi Klum in a Bikini":
Heidi Klum's fond of hitting her hotel balcony after she f**ks her significantly younger boyfriend. She pretends he is an artist of some measure. Whatever gets you through. We've all been there. Klum adds topless to the repertoire so the DailyMail can buy up the bare titty photos and censor them, like hiring a hooker just to talk. It makes business sense in a world that is glaringly unfair...

Bare photo here.

Also, at the Sun U.K., "MIAMI NICE — Heidi Klum goes topless as she relaxes during Miami holiday with boyfriend Vito Schnabel: The 43-year-old model says she’ll be sunbathing topless until old age."

College Football's Run-Pass Option Play (RPO) Could Be Illegal

Well, the big game's about to begin, so here's an interesting piece to read during the commercial breaks.


Melinda Byerley

Man, leftists just let loose this weekend against the "flyover rubes" of the American Midwest.

Meryl Streep became unhinged last night, "Meryl Streep's Golden Globes Speech (VIDEO)."

And this classic cloistered coastal elitist, Melinda Byerley, needs to get out more. Meet some people who differ. Man, you'd think we never had an election in which leftist elites just got destroyed.

At the Other McCain, "Democrat @MJB_SF Hates White Men, Denounces ‘Stupid People’ in Midwest."

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Meryl Streep's Golden Globes Speech (VIDEO)

All this does is sets down your cultural markers, and further divides the nation.

Keep this up and Hollywood leftists will guarantee a second term for the Trump administration.

And like I said, this is why I no longer watch these awards shows.

At Vanity Fair, "Meryl Streep’s Powerful, Anti-Trump Golden Globes Speech: Read the Whole Thing Here."

Emily Ratajkowski Jaw-Dropping Slinky Yellow Dress at the Golden Globes

I didn't watch.

I guess Meryl Streep "went after" Donald Trump in her acceptance speech, which is why I didn't watch.

I love seeing some of the beautiful women, of course, so I'll look around from some photos and video.

Meanwhile, here's the lovely Ms. Emily, dominating the red carpet:


Ain't it the truth?

From Ben Garrison:

KC Johnson and Stuart Taylor, Jr., The Campus Rape Frenzy [BUMPED]

This is going to be mandatory reading.

See KC Johnson and Stuart Taylor, Jr., The Campus Rape Frenzy: The Attack on Due Process at America’s Universities.

Pre-order today. The book's out on January 24th.

Ayatollah Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani — Dead at 82

Rafsanjani was a so-called moderate.

A lot of good he did, pfft.

From Austin Bay, at Instapundit, "SHED NO TEARS: Iran’s Rafsanjani is dead. He died of a heart attack."

And FWIW, at NYT:

Sunday Cartoons

At Flopping Aces, "Sunday Funnies."

Branco Cartoons photo Post-Election-Options-NRD-600_zpsnmov9csb.jpg

And at Theo's, "Cartoon Roundup..."

Cartoon Credit: A.F. Branco, "Make War Not Love."

Sunday Rule 5

Here we go!

At Knuckledraggin', "Your Good Morning Girl (Huge Rack)." Also, "Udderly amazing," and "Ready for a light snack before nap time."

And from the originator, the Other McCain, "Rule 5 Sunday: Happy New Year!"

At 90 Miles from Tyranny, "Morning Mistress."

More, at Drunken Stepfather, "STEPLINKS OF THE DAY."

And the Hostages, "Big Boob Friday (Flashback)." And, "Big Boob Friday- Semi-Finals, Pupster Picks Edition."

Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, "You Really Ought to Cut it Out, You Know."

AWD, "Liberalism is a Quasi-Religious Cult."

Good Stuff's, "GOODSTUFFs BLOGGING MAGAZINE (275th Issue)."

A Slice of Cheesecake, "Zhang Ziyi."

Theo's, "Hannah Ferguson's Body Paint Leaves Nothing to the Imagination - Sports Illustrated Swimsuit."

Maggie's Farm, "Saturday morning links."

Bro Bible, "If You’re a Boob Man Then You Should Be Very Familiar With the Intoxicating Iryna Ivanova (20 PICS)."

Climate Scientist Judith Curry Resigns from Georgia Institute of Technology (VIDEO)

She's a famous, widely-published expert in climate change and global warming science, and she's just had enough.

She says she feels like she's got knives sticking out of her back as she walks around the halls of her college.

She's going into the private sector, where she expects she'll have the opportunity to pursue her research, and have an impact, in a free market for scientific inquiry.

Pretty fascinating, and an excellent example of the left's depravity and totalitarianism on today's campuses.

Watch, at Blazing Cat Fur, "‘Knives Sticking Out of My Back’: Global Warming Skeptic Tells Tucker Carlson Why She Left Academia."

And at Reason, "Georgia Tech Climatologist Judith Curry Resigns over 'the CRAZINESS in the field of climate science."

More, at Watts Up with That, "Dr. Judith Curry chooses integrity over the state of climate science":
Yesterday, I was saddened to learn that Dr. Judith Curry had resigned her position at Georgia Tech. At the same time, I was impressed by her reasoning, and with her candor. I’m certain that she’ll still make some wonderful contributions in her new role. I thought this part of her post was very germane...
Keep reading.


One of Charlie Hebdo's Most Outspoken Journalists Quits After French Satirical Magazine Goes Soft on Islamist Extremism

It's sad.

For an outfit like Charlie Hebdo, it takes phenomenal courage. But it's a stand that must not falter, the stand against fanatical Islamic jihad. You can't fucking cave to the terrorists.

It's Zineb El Rhazoui. What a lady!

At Jihad Watch, "Journalist quits Charlie Hebdo because it now bows to jihadis’ demand: “Mohammed is no longer depicted”":

Zineb El Rhazoui  photo maxresdefault_zpsdnqodjbn.jpg

As I noted here, Charlie Hebdo has not only surrendered but switched sides. Most of the Western media has likewise surrendered, along with major figures of the intelligentsia, the Catholic Church, and more. What none of them seem to realize, or to care about, is that if you bow to jihadis’ demands in any detail, you will not get peace. You will only encourage them to issue more demands. Self-censorship and refusal to draw Muhammad is not charity, or good sense, or prudence. It is condemning our children and our children’s children to lives of violence, harassment and misery.

“Charlie Hebdo has gone soft on extremists: quitting journalist,” by Laurence Thomann, AFP, January 6, 2017:
Paris (AFP) – One of Charlie Hebdo’s most outspoken journalists said on Friday she is quitting the French satirical magazine because it has gone soft on Islamist extremism.

Zineb El Rhazoui accused the weekly of bowing to Islamist extremists and no longer daring to draw the Prophet Mohammed.

Her parting shot comes on the eve of the second anniversary of the jihadist massacre that almost wiped out the controversial magazine’s staff.

“Charlie Hebdo died on January 7”, the day the gunmen attacked the magazine killing 12 people, El Rhazoui said in a damning interview with AFP.

She said she felt Charlie Hebdo now follows the editorial line the extremists had demanded “before the attack — that Mohammed is no longer depicted”.

Four Israeli Soldiers Slaughtered in Jerusalem Jihad Truck Attack (VIDEO)

The jihad truck attack is the new hip mode of jihad massacre.

And it's no surprise we're seeing this massacre just two weeks after the Berlin jihad attack.

On Twitter:

Theresa May's 'Shared Society' (VIDEO)

Yesterday, PEOTUS Donald Trump tweeted his excitement over his upcoming meeting with the British prime minister.

I hope some of his American exceptionalism rubs off on her. She's a bit too British for me. Socialist British, that is.

At London's Daily Mail, "I’m determined to build the shared society for everyone."

And, "Theresa May unveils plans to create 'the shared society' as reform vision is revealed":

Theresa May has revealed her vision for “the shared society” as she declares that government has a duty to intervene and correct “burning injustices” in modern Britain .

Writing exclusively for The Telegraph, Mrs May says that government should not just “get out of the way” and insists there is “more to life than individualism and self-interest”.

The article gives the most detailed insight into Mrs May’s social reform agenda since she took office and reveals a deliberate attempt to break from her Tory predecessors.

David Cameron’s “big society”, which focussed on getting charities to help tackle inequality, and Margaret Thatcher’s claim there is “no such thing as society” are both rejected.

In its place the Prime Minister outlines an unashamed pitch for why governments should intervene in markets that are not giving consumers the best deal.

“It goes to the heart of my belief that there is more to life than individualism and self-interest," Mrs May writes.

"The social and cultural unions represented by families, communities, towns, cities, counties and nations are the things that define us and make us strong."

“And it is the job of government to encourage and nurture these relationships and institutions where it can, and to correct the injustice and unfairness that divides us wherever it is found.”

The piece will be seen as signalling a major departure from generations of Tory thinking that the best way to help the most deprived is to deliver economic growth through the free market.

It also indicates Mrs May’s determination to rebrand the Conservatives as the party of the “working class” and confine the Labour Party to electoral irrelevance.

The Prime Minister's article previews a speech to be delivered tomorrow that will reveal her vision for reforming British society after almost six months of thinking inside Downing Street.

It is designed to build on her promise made on the steps of Number 10 to tackle injustice and “make Britain a country that works for everyone”.
Still more.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Amber Lee's Wet Weather Forecast

The storm's coming in. Folks are getting ready for some heavy rain and snow, perhaps flooding.

At LAT, "Massive storm system moves into Northern California; flooding, heavy snow forecast."

And here's the lovely Ms. Amber, at CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

Out Next Month: Steven F. Hayward, Patriotism Is Not Enough

Hayward's a patriot.

At Amazon, out in February, Patriotism Is Not Enough: Harry Jaffa, Walter Berns, and the Arguments that Redefined American Conservatism.

Republicans Do Have a Plan. That's What Scares Democrats

From David Harsanyi, at the Federalist:

So #MakeAmericaSickAgain is the slogan Democrats cooked up to oppose Republican health-care reform efforts. That’s because, as you may recall, before 2010 America’s streets were strewn with the bodies of the neglected and dead.

Since Democrats are focusing their campaign on the myth that Obamacare is working for most Americans, it’s imperative they create the impression no viable alternative exists. After all, it’s been nearly a week since the new congressional session started, and Republicans still haven’t produced a comprehensive plan to replace a massive federal health-care law.

The New York Times’ Nicholas Kristof leaves a blank paragraph in his column to illustrate what a Republican “plan” to replace Obamacare will look like, before indulging in the customary “people will die!” scaremongering. (Kristof’s newspaper, by the way, featured a piece headlined “Republicans’ 4-step plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act” the same day his column ran.)

Now, if by “plan,” Kristof is using the contemporary Left’s definition, meaning a expensive, constricting federal regulatory scheme that forces Americans to participate through a series of mandates, then one hopes Republicans never have a “plan.” If the word “plan” still means “a proposal for doing or achieving something,” the GOP have many.

Although there may not be space in either of Kristof’s truth barrels to mention this proposal put forward by the speaker of the House, or the numerous other conservative plans that have been floated, they do exist even if he doesn’t approve. Figuring out a way to turn them into legislation that can pass both houses and meet the approval of a new populist president (who, by the way, isn’t even in office yet) will probably take more than a couple of weeks.

You can have plans. And they can change. I know this because Democrats had many big plans in 2008 but they did not have a finished bill ready to go on day one. This, even though they’d been talking, campaigning, and promising to reform the health-care system for decades. When running for president, Barack Obama (supposedly) opposed the idea of an individual mandate — the device on which Obamacare’s rickety viability hinges — yet it was only later part of the plan. While he was changing his mind, the Senate Finance Committee held 31 meetings to develop Obamacare specifics.

Democrats also had to drop the “public” option and rejigger their abortion coverage to make the bill politically palatable for the moderates in their own party — not the GOP. Even after this the Democrats, who passed the basic structure of Obamacare without having to worry about any Republican opposition, were only later forced to use reconciliation to make it acceptable for the House.

Perhaps Republicans are embracing a newfound competence by avoiding those political pitfalls. Perhaps they’re looking for consensus on timelines and specifics that will make it more feasible. Most likely, it’s going to be messy again. It’s not unprecedented.

Of course politicians grapple with the reality of power. Democrats have grappled with the failure of their policy promises for six years. Krugman, like everyone else perpetuating the myth that there are no replacement plans, act as if coverage can only exist through fake state-run exchanges or welfare.

Don’t worry, though; today’s “they have no plan!” is tomorrow’s “that plan is extremist!”

It is worth reiterating that the replacement plan doesn’t have to be conceptually or functionally similar to Obamacare, no matter how often the Paul Krugmans of the world demand it. The comprehensiveness and rigidity of Obamacare are things to avoid. So replacement plans can be passed piecemeal...

Emily Ratajkowski Models New Heart Shaped Pendant in the Bath


Looks like just another chance to post some nearly-nude selfies.

Hey, if you're young and in shape, why not?

At London's Daily Mail, "Emily Ratajkowski sheds her clothing as she models new heart shaped pendant in the bath."

BONUS: At Egotastic, "Emily Ratajkowski Ridiculously Hot Body Sharing on Social Media."

Previously, "Emily Ratajkowski Hits 10 Million Followers in Instagram."

Flashback, "Nude Emily Ratajkowski Stars for Jonathan Leder´s Limited Edition Photobook."

Esteban Santiago's Florida Jihad

Following-up, "Esteban Santiago Charged with Three Federal Crimes, Each Carry Possibility of Death Penalty (VIDEO)."

Here's Douglas Gibbs, at Political Pistachio, "Florida Jihad 2017":

Esteban Santiago Jihad photo C1kS8eUXAAA1VAf_zpstxahi7j7.jpg
Islam is terror.  Jihad is terror.  While there may be Muslims who claim to be moderate, the moderates are truly those who reject the violent teachings of the Koran.  Islam teaches hate, while Christianity teaches love.

As we continue to import Muslims in the name of "refugees," the reality is, what we are experiencing is an invasion.  And those who have invaded our shores have also turned Americans into Muslim killing machines.

On Friday a gunman killed five people at a Florida airport, and according to the FBI, he specifically traveled to Florida to carry out the terrorist attack. 26 year-old Esteban Santiago is the suspected gunman in the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport shooting that claimed five lives.  He sports a Muslim-style beard, and is most recently from Alaska.  He served in the Army National Guard, Alaska was his last duty station.  He entered the National Guard in Puerto Rico.

In November, Santiago paid a visit to the FBI office in Anchorage, telling agents he was hearing voices and being directed by U.S. intelligence agencies.  According to the report, he told the FBI that the U.S. Government forced him to watch ISIS videos.  The ruse of government mind-control will have many, I am sure, shifting the blame from Islam, to the United States.  My thought is, "Is it possible both Islam and the Obama administration are to blame?"

The military has stated that Santiago's nine years of service in the National Guard included one 10-month tour of Iraq, where he was awarded a combat action badge...
Keep reading.

Esteban Santiago Charged with Three Federal Crimes, Each Carrying Possibility of Death Penalty (VIDEO)

The dude should fry.

At the Sun-Sentinel, "Airport shooting suspect Esteban Santiago faces charges that could bring death penalty."

Also, "Esteban Santiago: Details emerge of suspect in airport shooting."

And at CNN, "Fort Lauderdale airport suspect used gun once held by police, sources say":

When Esteban Santiago was in an Alaska FBI office in November, saying his mind was being controlled by US intelligence, he left two things in the car.

A gun and his newborn child.

Santiago's rambling walk-in interview at the Anchorage office was concerning enough for authorities to take away his gun and order a mental health evaluation. But it wasn't enough to get him mentally adjudicated, which would have prohibited Santiago from owning a gun.

"As far as I know, this is not somebody that would have been prohibited based on the information that (authorities in Alaska) have. I think that law enforcement acted within the laws that they have," said US attorney Karen Loeffler.

Santiago got the gun back a month later when he retrieved the pistol from police headquarters, and it was that weapon, law enforcement sources told CNN, that he used to shoot 11 people Friday at the airport in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Santiago also had some legal trouble and was due in court again in March. But he hadn't been convicted of a serious crime.

"He hadn't been adjudicated a felon and he hadn't been adjudicated mentally ill," former FBI assistant director and CNN senior law enforcement analyst Tom Fuentes said. "So again, you know we have this situation where he slipped through the cracks."
Here is what we know about the shooter, the victims and the facts of the case...
Keep reading.

Deal of the Day: Bushnell Trophy Cam HD Trail Camera

At Amazon, Bushnell Trophy Cam HD Essential E2 12MP Trail Camera, Tan.

More deals at the link.

BONUS: Monica Crowley, What the (Bleep) Just Happened?: The Happy Warrior's Guide to the Great American Comeback.

Louise Mensch Calls for Regime Change Russia

Following-up from previously, "Louise Mensch Slammed as a 'Nutcase' on Twitter."

I checked to see if this tweet was still up, it's so over the top.

And it is.

Seriously, just think of the consequences of an American military effort to depose Vladimir Putin. All of your Cold War nightmares would come true. It's just an astounding contemplation, and seems completely divorced from reality.

But again, I like Louise. She's so smart. This seems completely unlike her.