Sunday, April 9, 2017

Angels Mount Totally Improbable Come-From-Behind Victory Over Mariners


I shouldn't be so skeptical of the Angels. They're on fire so far this season, and the Mariners just dropped a game that they in no way should have dropped.

I tweeted after Albert Pujols put one of the board with a solo shot early in the 9th inning:

And then the Angels made the comeback. To call it improbable is putting it mildly:

Shop Today's Deals

At Amazon, Today's Deals.

See especially, Rosetta Stone Level 1-5 Sets.

BONUS: Edmund Wilson, To the Finland Station: A Study in the Acting and Writing of History.

Rule 5 Sunday

No time for a huge roundup today. Just linking Pirate's Cove and 90 Miles from Tyranny.

See, "Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup," and "If All You See……is a rising ocean encroaching on the land, you might just be a Warmist."

Plus, "Hot Pick of the Late Night," and "Morning Mistress."

BONUS: From last week, at the Other McCain, "Rule 5 Monday: Baseball Babes."

Irina Shayk Topless in Tahiti (VIDEO)

This is a flashback to 2016, but as nice as ever:

Sailboat Crew Jumps Ship Milliseconds Before Boat Hits Redondo Beach Pier (VIDEO)

They're lucking they weren't smashed on the pylons.

Via CNN on Twitter:

Bo Krsmanovic Uncovered for Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2017 (VIDEO)

She's incredible!

So Laura Ingraham's Not Thrilled With Trump's Syria Attack?

Apparently not, if this tweet is any indication. Indeed, I saw some buzz about how she was one of the "alt-right" commentators opposing the strike.

I love Ms. Laura, but on this point I suspect she's off.

Syrian Chemical Attack Survivor Hits Out at @CNN's Brooke Baldwin (VIDEO)

Boy, you think Ms. Brooke's tryna make Trump look bad, tryna delegitimize his administration?

This dude Kassem Eid ain't buying it. He's awesome!

At Daily Mail and CNN:

America, the indispensable nation.

Leftists hate that, lol.

'Tomahawk Missiles' Are Offensive to Native Americans?

I've been adding a #Tomahawk hashtag to all my Syria tweets, mostly because I think that's the coolest named ever for the long-range land-attack missiles. Plus, I know that progressives hate the idea of "appropriating" American Indian names for use in military armaments.

And what do you know? The obligatory leftist political correctness.

At Heat Street, "Prominent Editor Mocked for Saying ‘Tomahawk Missiles’ Are Offensive to Native Americans."

It's Clara Jefferey, Editor in Chief at Mother Jones, who's a bloody idiot.

Jerry Brown Wins $52 Billion Gasoline Tax in California (VIDEO)

Jerry Brown is the lamest of lame ducks. He's finishing his fourth term as Governor of California, cementing his legacy of clusterfuck moonbeam progressivism.

At the Los Angeles Times, "California Legislature votes to raise gas taxes, vehicle fees by $5.2 billion a year for road repairs and transit."

Video via KCRA News 3 Sacramento.

I've got another 10 to 15 years or so at the college, then retirement. A lifelong Californian, I'm constantly wondering which state would be best to relocate? Nevada? Texas? Idaho or Montana? Seriously. I want to get out to more of the classic West, and especially to a low-tax state that's big on gun rights.

More at WND, "FLEEING INSANITY -- THAT IS, LIBERALISM: Exclusive: Patrice Lewis cites increasing exodus of people from California, Chicago, NYC:

In 1972, when I was 10 years old, my father’s job was transferred from Buffalo, New York, to California. After endless cold Buffalo winters, the golden state seemed like a golden place, a land of golden opportunity. My parents built a house, my father built a successful career, and my brothers and I thrived.

That was then, this is now. California is going off the deep end. The gold has turned to brass. It has become the land of fruits and nuts, a caricature of its former glory, a place people seek to leave in droves before they run afoul of the latest insanity.

Consider just a few examples of recent lunacy:
* Public university to host talk on animal-based sex fetishes
* Claim: Trump ‘threatens mental health of young Californians’
* They’ll have a ‘gay’ old time: ‘Bordellos’ now in nursing homes?
* California just passed a law regulating cow farts
* New bill would criminalize pronoun usage in nursing homes
* California bans students from traveling to ‘anti-LGBT’ states
Perhaps unsurprisingly, middle class Californians are leaving the state in droves. Take a look at these words from a frustrated inhabitant:

Came to SoCal as a kid in 1969 … got married and had kids who now are in college (out of state). I worked my *** off to get where I am today, but my house goes on the market this spring. I’ve watched this state sink into the abyss of liberal insanity inch by inch, drop by drop.

There is no hope for the state of Kalifornia. The Dems and their insane view of this world have a super majority in the Senate and Assembly. Combined with a Dem governor, there is nothing they cannot get passed. Even the Republicans who end up getting into the minority party are squishy and put up little resistance.

This past summer the legislative branch passed a bunch of bills that finally broke my desire to stay here with my salary. Gov. Moonbeam signed into law a bill that forces the cattle industry (dairy and meat) into providing flatulent catching backpacks for all cows to wear, for their precious global warming efforts. He also signed a bill that permits early release of felons out of jail and has them live amongst the citizenry. Combine that with the draconian laws further limiting my Second Amendment rights by making ammunition costly and more difficult to obtain, making some of my firearms illegal to own, he has put more rights into criminals and made my family less safe to live here.

I am DONE. Good riddance. I am moving to a state that will appreciate my conservative, constitutional values.

This person’s lament echoes that of over a million (mostly middle-class) people who have departed California in recent decades. We were among them. My husband and I shook the California dust off our feet in 1992 and never looked back at that once-beautiful state.

But it’s not just California. Recent articles show a massive exodus from both New York City and Chicago as well.

What do these three locations (California, New York, Chicago) have in common? They are bastions of liberalism, cauldrons of experimental progressive policies, vanguards of whatever feel-good fiscally irresponsible nonsense disturbed minds can think up.

So when we read about populations draining out of certain locations, the conclusion is obvious. People aren’t fleeing New York or Chicago or California; people are fleeing liberalism. The festering cauldron of progressive thought ultimately makes places unlivable.

I’m honestly sorry for those freedom-loving conservatives who are unable (due to work or family commitments) to beat feet and flee the gold-plated state. And I welcome those honestly looking to escape the insidious poison. I do, however, bear a grudge with those who bring their poison with them and enthusiastically spread it to a new location, dragging everything down with them.
Keep reading.

BONUS: From Ed Driscoll, at Instapundit, "WELL, THAT’S ONE WAY TO PUT IT: “California’s gas tax hike shows governor’s political skill” reads an AP headline this weekend."

H.R. McMaster Boots K. T. McFarland

Well, if the appointment as envoy to Singapore doesn't work out, K. T. McFarland can always head back to Fox News.

At Bloomberg, "McFarland to Exit White House as McMaster Consolidates Power":
K. T. McFarland has been asked to step down as deputy National Security Advisor to President Donald Trump after less than three months and is expected to be nominated as ambassador to Singapore, according to a person familiar with White House personnel moves.

The departure of the 65-year-old former Fox News commentator comes as Trump’s second National Security Advisor, H.R. McMaster, puts his own stamp on the National Security Council after taking over in February from retired General Michael Flynn.

McFarland proved not to be a good fit at the NSC, the person said, adding that Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly was involved in the decision as well.

Her removal follows a reorganization of the NSC in the past week that removed Stephen Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist and senior counselor, from the principals committee, the Cabinet-level interagency forum that advises the president on pressing security matters.

Other officials, including the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, were brought back onto the committee as “regular attendees,” reversing a move made in January. The changes were outlined in a presidential memorandum dated April 4.

Former Goldman Sachs executive Dina Powell stays on as another deputy national security adviser, and a second person is expected to be named to a similar role to replace McFarland...
More (via Memeorandum).

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Trump Made All the Right Calls This Week

I've been thinking so much myself.

From Walter Russell Mead, at WSJ (via RCP), "In Striking Syria, Trump Made All the Right Calls":
President Trump faced his first serious foreign-policy test this week. To the surprise and perhaps frustration of his critics, he passed with flying colors.

In the first place, the president read the situation correctly. Syrian President Bashar Assad’s horrific and illegal use of chemical weapons against civilians was not merely an affront to international norms. It was a probe by Mr. Assad and his patrons to test the mettle of the new White House.

This must have looked like a good week to challenge Washington. The Trump administration is beset by critics. Most senior national-security posts remain unfilled. The White House is torn by infighting. The Republican Party is divided by the bitter primary campaign and its recent health-care fiasco.

President Trump concluded, correctly, that failing to respond effectively to Mr. Assad’s challenge would invite more probes and more tests. He moved quickly and decisively against the provocation, demonstrating that the days of strategic dithering are gone.

Second, Mr. Trump chose the right response: a limited missile strike against the Syrian air base that, according to American intelligence, had launched the vicious gas attack. This resonated well nearly everywhere. At home, it won approval from Jacksonians and others who want a strong president. The strikes vindicated America’s prestige and dealt a clear setback to those who seek to humiliate or marginalize the U.S. But no ground troops were involved and Mr. Trump made no move toward long-term counterinsurgency or nation-building, the type of campaign that many Americans, his base in particular, have learned to view skeptically.

Internationally, the strike was also popular. Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, putting awkward phone calls behind him, spoke up forthrightly in Mr. Trump’s support. So did Canada’s Justin Trudeau, not usually considered a member of the Trump Fan Club, and Germany’s foreign minister, a Social Democrat whose party has been among the most critical of past American military action.

The strike reassured nervous allies, hungry for leadership but concerned about Mr. Trump’s temperament, that he is capable of a measured response intended to support a vital principle of international law. Friends of the U.S. will sweat less, and opponents will sweat more. That is a good thing.

Third, Mr. Trump handled the process well. Congress was briefed but not asked for approval, a decision inside the long-established norms that govern military action by American commanders in chief. Engaging in a war to overthrow Mr. Assad would be another matter, but so far Mr. Trump has stayed well within the mainstream of American presidents dating back to the 18th century.

The Trump administration notified Russia before the U.S. bombed the Syrian airfield. This is a process of its own. If this were the start of a long war, we wouldn’t give our adversaries advance warning about the opening salvo. However, by telling Moscow we were about to strike, the administration was signaling that the engagement would be limited, and the Russians could therefore temper their response. By using cruise missiles, the administration also guaranteed that the action would be impossible to prevent.

Finally, Mr. Trump gets extra points for deftness...
Keep reading.

Harvard Looks to Boot 'Puritans' from School Song

Leftists will erase our entire history before their done.

The problem, of course, is just because you change the lyrics doesn't change the facts of our country's founding, or of Harvard's. This is pretty despicable, frankly.

At NYT, "Harvard Seeks to Write ‘Puritans’ Out of Its Alma Mater":

For decades, Harvard students and alumni have sung an alma mater that calls on them to be heralds of light and bearers of love “till the stock of the Puritans die.”

University officials teach the refrain to freshmen on arrival and sing it again when the students graduate years later.

But this week, a university steeped in tradition said the time had come for a change.

To affirm Harvard’s commitment to inclusion in a time when college campuses are routinely finding themselves at the center of national debates on race and identity, university officials said they are seeking suggested rewrites of that disquieting final line. The contest is open only to members of the Harvard community.

The line about Puritans concludes a sentence that is “an exhortation to pursue the truth until a certain endpoint,” said Danielle S. Allen, a professor and political philosopher on the Presidential Task Force on Inclusion and Belonging, which launched the competition.

Harvard’s motto is “Veritas,” Latin for “truth,” she noted, adding, “there shouldn’t be any endpoint to the pursuit of truth, nor should we imply that the pursuit of truth is for any particular ethnic group.”

Danielle Allen's an idiot.

A task force on "Inclusion and Belonging," pfft. These people belong in an asylum.

Also at Never Yet Melted, "The Stock of the Puritans Has Apparently Died":
Today, minority admittees and presiding administrations eagerly lobby for fundamentally changing the composition, constituency, and even the complexion of those schools. Matters have reached a point at which the non-traditional groups feel entitled to rename buildings and to purge references and memorials to illustrious alumni and benefactors on the basis of their own amour propre. Now, at Harvard, they are sending the founders and original constituency of the college into exile from the school’s alma mater. All this causes me to wonder: had the people who initiated the effort at diversity admissions been able to foresee this occurring, would they ever have admitted any of these minorities at all in the first place?

Israeli Ambassador Danny Danon: 'The U.S. is a Beacon of Morality' (VIDEO)

He's the ambassador to the U.N., which gives him an excellent vantage point to judge morality vs. evil.

Watch, at Fox News, "Israeli ambassador to the UN: The U.S. is a beacon of morality - Amb. Danny Danon shares his thoughts on 'America's News HQ'."

Friday, April 7, 2017

Amber Lee's Grand Prix Weather Forecast

The Long Beach Grand Prix's this weekend. Hey, if it's like today it should be perfect weather.

Here's the lovely Ms. Amber, for CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

You Could Read 200 Books Per Year

If you cut down on your frivolous social media consumption. And that reminds me, I was going to keep count of my books read this year, but I forgot. Too busy reading, shopping, and blogging books, heh.

I don't know about this guy's numbers on the hours of book reading versus social media, but I think 200 books a year is easily doable, especially if one reads short books (and short for me is 200-300 pages, which I can finish in a couple of days).

At Quartz:

Anne M. Butler, Daughters of Joy, Sisters of Misery

The further you get into the weeds of this literature, the more interesting are the rare finds.

This is amazing.

At Amazon, Anne M. Butler, Daughters of Joy, Sisters of Misery: Prostitutes in the American West, 1865-90.

Ray Allen Billington, Land of Savagery, Land of Promise


At Amazon, Ray Allen Billington, Land of Savagery, Land of Promise: The European Image of the American Frontier in the Nineteenth Century.

PlayStation 3

At Amazon, PlayStation 3 500 GB System.

More, Music and Entertainment.

And, Mountain House Just In Case...Classic Assortment Bucket.

Here, KIND Breakfast Bars, Peanut Butter, Gluten Free, 1.8 Ounce, 32 Count.

Plus, Samsung USB 3.0 Data Cable for Galaxy Note 3, 2 Pack - Non-Retail Packaging - White.

Still more, Samsung UN55KU6600 Curved 55-Inch 4K Ultra HD Smart LED TV (2016 Model).

BONUS: Don Trent Jacobs, ed., Unlearning the Language of Conquest: Scholars Expose Anti-Indianism in America.

Anne Vyalitsyna Uncovered for Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2017 (VIDEO)

She's so sweet.

Gorsuch Confirmed (VIDEO)

At USA Today, "Neil Gorsuch confirmed for Supreme Court."

And at Truth Revolt, "MUST WATCH: Sen. Cornyn Calls Out Hypocritical Dem Outrage of Filibuster Rules They Made Up — Forget 'Nuclear Option', it should be called the 'Harry Reid Option'."

Watch it at the link.

Brooke Burke-Charvet Vacation in St. Barts (PHOTOS)

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Donald Trump 'Neocon Puppet'?


I got a kick out of seeing Paul Joseph Watson blow a gasket last night:

And then all kinds of reports today about the "alt-right" meltdown at the administration's Syria strike.

At the Atlantic, the Daily Beast, and the New York Times, among others, I'm sure:

They're paleocons. The "alt-right" are basically "paleocons" opposed to a forward U.S. foreign and national security policy. I'm not a paleocon, lol.

Israel and Obama's Political war

From Caroline Glick:
Eli Lake from Bloomberg set off a firestorm in the US this week with his revelation on Monday that in the last six months of the Obama administration, Susan Rice, former president Barack Obama’s national security adviser, requested that the US intelligence community enable her to use foreign intelligence collection as a means of gathering information about Donald Trump’s advisers.

According to Lake’s story, during the course of the US presidential campaign, and with steadily rising intensity after President Donald Trump won the November 2016 election, Rice used her access to intercepted communications of foreign intelligence targets to gather information on Trump’s advisers. Some of those reports were then leaked, injuriously, to the media in violation of US criminal statute.

Whereas in the normal course of events, the identities of American citizens whose conversations with foreigners are intercepted by the US intelligence community are shielded, in the final months of the Obama administration, Rice repeatedly – on “dozens of occasions” – asked that the identities of Americans who conversed with foreigners be exposed.

The Americans in question were Trump’s advisers.

Lake’s scoop both confirmed and expanded House Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes’s charges from two weeks ago against the Obama White House. Nunes said that he had seen evidence that the Obama administration collected information on incoming Trump administration officials that had no intelligence value. In other words, Nunes alleged that the data gathering was not for national security purposes.

This week’s discovery that Rice played a central role in the intelligence collection regarding Trump’s advisers brings Nunes’s allegations that the outgoing Obama administration conducted surveillance of the Trump team to the highest reaches of the administration. Now that Rice has been exposed, it is impossible to claim that in the event such surveillance occurred, it did not reflect the Obama administration’s concerted policy.

With the exceptions of Obama and his top adviser and confidante Valerie Jarrett, Rice was the top official in the White House.

Lake’s story and subsequent stories have obvious implications for the public’s assessment of Trump’s March 4 allegation on Twitter that Obama spied on him. But the Rice story is equally, if not more, important for what it teaches us about Obama’s mode of governing.

The Rice story strengthens the assessment that for eight years, Obama and his associates weaponized the federal government to wage a political war against their domestic political opponents in a manner that is simply unprecedented...
Still more.

Gramscian Damage

A great 11-year-old essay, from Eric Raymond.

Hat Tip: Instapundit.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

How a Queer Dance Party in Front of Ivanka Trump's House Made a Wine-Sipping Woman an Internet Star

From Debra Heine, at Pajamas.

Miltary Strike Against Syria (VIDEO)

Following-up, "U.S. Launches Tomahawk Missile Strike After Syria Chemical Weapons Attack (VIDEO)."

I was watching "The Exorcist" and flipped over to CBS when it was done. I tripped out at the headline of the military strike against Syria. It all happened so fast, literally within 24 hours from President Trump's comments about "crossing so many lines" yesterday.


James J. Rawls, Indians of California

I thought I'd post this one before I started in on all the radical leftist "genocide" tomes.

This looks very good and balanced. I'm ordering a copy.

At Amazon, James J. Rawls, Indians of California: The Changing Image.

U.S. Launches Tomahawk Missile Strike After Syria Chemical Weapons Attack (VIDEO)

Oh boy.

That's a pretty quick turnaround from yesterday's comments about "crossing so many lines."

I like it. This president shows resolve and dispatch. It was literally a surprise attack. Members of Trump's own administration didn't even know beforehand. And striking so quickly sends all kinds of messages, to Assad and Kim Jong Un, as well as Vladmir Putin and Xi Jinping. A new sheriff's in town. The U.S. will not hesitate to act when "vital interests" are at stake, as President Trump made clear in his comment today in the strike.

In any case, at the Guardian U.K., "US strikes Syrian airfield in first direct military action against Assad: Dozens of Tomahawk missiles have been launched at a government airfield in the wake of the Syrian leader’s use of chemical weapons against civilians."

And at USA Today, "U.S. launches cruise missile strike on Syria after chemical weapons attack":

WASHINGTON — "No child of God should ever suffer" the horror of the chemical weapons attack Syria launched on its own people, President Trump said Thursday, as he announced a cruise missile strike against Syria.

Trump ordered the strike against Syria early Friday local time in retaliation for the chemical weapons attack that killed 86 people on Tuesday, he said.

The attack, the first conventional assault on another country ordered by Trump, comes a day after he declared that the chemical weapons assault had “crossed many, many lines,” including the deaths of 27 children.

From his resort in Palm Beach, Fla., Trump said Syrian President Bashar Assad "launched a horrible chemical attack on innocent civilians using a deadly nerve agent. Assad choked out the lives of helpless men, women and children. It was a slow and brutal death for so many. Even beautiful babies were cruelly murdered at this very barbaric attack. No child of God should ever suffer such horror.

"Tonight I ordered a targeted military strike on the airfield in Syria from where the chemical attack was launched. It is in this vital national security interest of the Untied States to prevent and deter the spread and use of deadly chemical weapons," Trump said.

Years of previous attempts to change Assad's behavior had failed, Trump said.

The 59 missiles, fired from the destroyers USS Porter and Ross in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, struck the airfield where the Syria based the warplanes used in the chemical attack, according to Navy Capt. Jeff Davis, a Pentagon spokesman. The missiles destroyed aircraft, hardened hangars, ammunition supply bunkers, air defense systems and radar at the Shayrat Airfield.

The chemicals used in the attack on April 4 were also stored at the base, Davis said. The missile strike was designed to deter Syria from mounting another chemical attack...

Devin Nunes Still a Hero in California's Central Valley

GOP Rep. Devin Nunes will step down from the House Russia investigation, but he's still a hero in the Central Valley.

At LAT, "Washington may be shaking its head, but Devin Nunes is still a hometown hero":

At home, Devin Nunes remains what he has always been, an auspiciously successful man who rose swiftly to unexpected heights, a man high school teachers point to when they tell kids in this often-overlooked place what is possible in this world.

Outside the farming community southeast of Fresno that has sustained him and his family for generations, though, many see the 14-year Republican congressman very differently — as a national symbol of political bungling or worse.

The House investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election, which he heads, has stalemated. A senator from his party has acidly compared him to Inspector Clouseau, the bumbling French detective from the “Pink Panther” movies. Democratic leaders have accused him of working with the White House to divert attention from the investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to derail Hillary Clinton’s candidacy. In much of official Washington, the mention of Nunes’ name prompts dismissive shakes of the head.

The two views of Nunes are impossible to reconcile, not that many in his district are trying to. In a region where troubles often take the form of drought or pestilence, his longtime constituents greet Nunes’ difficulties with a shrug, their faith in him undiminished...

Fritz Fischer, Germany's Aims in the First World War

This is the one to read for understanding the origins of World War One.

At Amazon, Fritz Fischer, Germany's Aims in the First World War.

Justus D. Doenecke, Nothing Less Than War

Well, this one is timely, considering.

At Amazon, Justus D. Doenecke, Nothing Less Than War: A New History of America's Entry into World War I.

One Hundred Years Ago Today: U.S. Entered World War I

There's some argument that the U.S. should have stayed out of WWI, perhaps to the effect that if we stayed home, the rest of the 20th century would have turned out differently (and better).

Frankly, looked at in balance-of-power terms, it was sooner or later. We went to Europe in 1917, but counterfactually, had the Western Allies failed to stop Imperial Germany in 1919, it was just a matter of time. Indeed, the rise of German power made U.S. intervention on the European continent inevitable, and with it the rise of U.S. hegemonic status.

On Twitter:

Advertisements for Pamela Geller's AFDI Banned by San Francisco Municipal Transportation Authority (VIDEO)

At Pamela's, "VIDEO: Pamela Geller on ABC News: San Francisco BANS Free Speech on Buses, Subways."

And at Truth Revolt, "San Francisco Bans Political Ads on Transit After Conservative Group Submits Pro-Trump Ad."

And watch here, on YouTube, "Pamela Geller on ABC News."

AFDI Ads Banned San Francisco photo trum-ban-ad_zpsepxqlqww.jpg

Stacey L. Smith, Freedom's Frontier

As noted, I think leftist scholars throw the term "genocide" around rather loosely, especially with respect to American Indians, and in particular California's indigenous population. I'll post more on that later.

Meanwhile, at Amazon, Stacey L. Smith, Freedom's Frontier: California and the Struggle over Unfree Labor, Emancipation, and Reconstruction.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Daniel K. Richter, The Ordeal of the Longhouse


At Amazon, Daniel K. Richter, The Ordeal of the Longhouse: The Peoples of the Iroquois League in the Era of European Colonization.

Jackie Johnson's Sunny and Warm Forecast

It's been really warm. My kid got a little sunburn while out today cruising around with his friend.

It's nice though. I'm not complaining.

Here's the lovely Ms. Jackie with the forecast, for CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

Tess Jantschek Playboy Pictorial (VIDEO)

At Fashion Mag, "Tess Jantschek by Dove Shore from Playboy (March / April 2017)."

BONUS: At E! Online, "Hugh Hefner's Son Shares an Update on His Dad's Health and Putting Nudity Back in Playboy."

Albert L. Hurtado, Indian Survival on the California Frontier


I'm seeing some interesting books on California's indigenous peoples. I'll be posting some of them.

Meanwhile, at Amazon, Albert L. Hurtado, Indian Survival on the California Frontier.

ADDED: I'm still looking to post more on California Indians, but so much of the work is about the alleged "genocide" of the state's natives that I'm hesitant. (Many tribes remain in California, of course, although the Gold Rush periods was known for its savagery and ethnic cleansing, no doubt. Stay tuned.).

President Trump Says Chemical Weapons Attack Changed His View of Syria (VIDEO)

And this just days after Secretary of State Tillerson sought to rehabilitate Bashir Assad.

We've been escalating in Iraq and Syria in any case. I'm interested to see how things play out now, like the buzz of a more legitimate hard-power case for regime change in Damascus. That's something a lot of Trump supporters opposed during the campaign. Not sure what the political upside would be if Trump's looking to hang onto his hardcore base of supporters. I don't think they're primarily neoconservatives.

In any case, at the Washington Post, "Trump condemns chemical attack as his U.N. ambassador assails Russia’s role":

A chemical attack in Syria that killed scores of civilians, including children, “crossed a lot of lines for me,” President Trump said Wednesday, adding that he is now responsible for trying to end a grinding conflict he blamed his predecessor for prolonging.

Unlike his U.N. envoy, Trump did not mention Russia and its culpability for backing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, whose government blamed the chemical release on rebel forces.

“When you kill innocent children, innocent babies — babies! — little babies,” Trump said, “that crosses many, many lines. Beyond a red line, many, many lines.”

He suggested that the attack Tuesday had changed his mind about his approach to the conflict and confronting the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, but he did not give any specifics.

“I like to think of myself as a very flexible person,” Trump said during a Rose Garden news conference with visiting Jordanian King Abdullah II.

“And I will tell you that attack on children yesterday had a big impact on me, big impact. That was a horrible, horrible thing,” Trump said. “I’ve been watching it and seeing it, and it doesn’t get any worse than that.”

Trump said the grinding Syrian conflict, in its seventh year, “is now my responsibility,” but repeated campaign-trail criticism of the Obama administration for threatening military action and then backing off.

“We have a big problem. We have somebody that is not doing the right thing. And that’s going to be my responsibility,” Trump said. “But I’ll tell you, that responsibility could’ve made, been made, a lot easier if it was handled years ago.”

Earlier Wednesday, U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley assailed Russia in blunt terms for protecting the Syrian government, saying that Moscow is callously ignoring civilian deaths...

Advertisers Bail on Bill O'Reilly (VIDEO)

A lot of companies have yanked their ads. This is serious business.

Funny, too, because you'd find the same kind of allegations at all of these companies, that is, if the New York Times would invest in exposing them like they have Fox News.

In any case, at LAT, "Advertisers bail from 'O'Reilly Factor' following payments to settle sexual harassment claims."

And from CBS Evening News last night:

PREVIOUSLY: "Bill O'Reilly Thrives at Fox News (VIDEO)."

Pepsi Apologizes for Trivializing Black Lives Matter

Actually, this is so stupid I'd have hoped Kendall Jenner would've avoided it, but then, perhaps she should get props for helping SJW activism look so lame.

At the New York Times, "Pepsi Pulls Ad Accused of Trivializing Black Lives Matter."

The video's still available on YouTube, "Kendall Jenner for PEPSI Commercial."

And at Twitchy, "Bad taste? Kendall Jenner’s new Pepsi ad pisses off a lot of people...",  and "Did Pepsi’s apology for now-pulled Kendall Jenner ad only make things worse?"

Paris Jackson Perky Pokies Braless

At the Sunday Express U.K., "Paris Jackson flashes NIPPLE PIERCINGS as she goes braless during birthday celebrations."

Harriette Harper Wet White T-Shirt at Tenerife Holiday

At the Mirror U.K., "Harriette Harper flashing bare boobs at the pool in wet t-shirt."

ICYMI: Anne F. Hyde, Empires, Nations, and Families


At Amazon, Anne F. Hyde, Empires, Nations, and Families: A New History of the North American West, 1800-1860.

Bianca Balti Uncovered for Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2017 (VIDEO)

She's lovely --- and the Rookie of the Year!

New Kate Hudson Bikini Pics

At the Sun U.K., "HUD-SUN, SEA AND SAND: Kate Hudson shows off natural beauty as she goes make-up free in string bikini and takes a dip on holiday with her kids - Hollywood actress unwinds in tropical Hawaii."


Shop Men's Accessories

At Amazon, 70% Off or More on Men's Accessories.

BONUS: From Helen Smith, Men on Strike: Why Men Are Boycotting Marriage, Fatherhood, and the American Dream - and Why It Matters.

John J. Miller, The Unmaking of Americans

Cited by Steven Camarota in his Foreign Affairs essay I posted here.

At Amazon, John J. Miller, The Unmaking of Americans: How Multiculturalism Has Undermined the Assimilation Ethic.

The Truly Lethal F-22/F-15C Combination

Interesting piece, from Dave Majumdar, at the National Interest, "America's F-15 and F-22 Stealth Raptor: The Ultimate Combination?"

Joe Arpaio's Tent City for Illegal Aliens in Pink Underwear Closed Down (VIDEO)

Well, I for one will miss Joe Arpaio.

At the Arizona Republic, "Tent City, infamous home of inmates who wear pink underwear and major piece of Arpaio's legacy, is closing."

The Case Against Immigration

From Steven Camarota, Director of Research for the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), at Foreign Affairs, "Why the United States Should Look Out for Itself."


So am I.

Liz Habib

She's loves taking selfies.

ADDED: Here's a long video with Ms. Habib, "Why I cancelled a trip to the Côte d'Azur-- BIG opportunity on Good Day LA!!"

The Sovietization of American Politics

It's Wretchard, at Pajamas, "Checkmate":
The Sovietization of Washington politics is nearly complete. Strong arm rule, political surveillance and the show trial threatens to replace the orderly alternation at power which characterized elective government. Watching the Beltway is now disturbingly like watching an unfolding power struggle at the Kremlin. Richard Arenberg writing in the Hill asks: "is there any hope of pulling out of the "nuclear option" death spiral before the Senate inflicts permanent damage upon itself and the Supreme Court?" There's growing concern the acrimony will permanently poison the atmosphere by locking both parties into a cycle of retaliation...
Everything is polarized. There's no giving in. There's no compromise. Fuck your partisan enemies. And who can blame Trump and the Republicans? Frankly, fighting back is why people voted for Trump.

Keep reading. (Via Stephan Green, at Instapundit.)

German Foreign Exchange Student Lorraine Gilles

Nice nanny.

At London's Daily Mail, "Mel B and Stephen Belafonte's German nanny pictured."

Who Asked Susan Rice to Unmask Those Names?

Following-up, "Susan Rice Unmasked as Top Obama Aide Who Sought Surveillance Reports on Trump Transition Team (VIDEO)," and "Obama Flunky Susan Rice Denies 'Inappropriately Unmasking' Trump Transition Team (VIDEO)."

Here's Matthew Vadum, at FrontPage Magazine, "Obama’s national security advisor is a liar -- and possibly a felon":
Former President Obama’s National Security Advisor Susan Rice asked for the names of Trump transition officials to be unmasked and made public in raw intelligence files, according to media reports, a move apparently carried out to harm the incoming Trump administration.

As recently as March 22, Rice denied knowing anything about the intelligence reports. In an appearance on “PBS Newshour,” she said pretty definitely, “I know nothing about this.” The new news reports paint Rice as a liar.

The evidence we know about in the Trump-Russia saga so far seems to be pointing at Obama.

Adam Housley of Fox News reports:
The unmasked names, of people associated with Donald Trump, were then sent to all those at the National Security Council, some at the Defense Department, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and then-CIA Director John Brennan – essentially, the officials at the top, including former Rice deputy Ben Rhodes.

The names were part of incidental electronic surveillance of candidate and President-elect Trump and people close to him, including family members, for up to a year before he took office.
The spreading of the unmasked names was carried out for “political purposes that have nothing to do with national security” or foreign intelligence, Housley said. "It had everything to do with hurting and embarrassing Trump and his team," he said, citing his sources.

What is incidental collection, by the way?

Incidental collection “happens when an individual is in contact with the target of surveillance,” or is communicating “about” the target, according to Robyn Greene. “So if Bob were being targeted for surveillance and Alice called or emailed Bob, Alice’s communications with him would be collected incidentally.”

In this example, “if Bob is targeted for surveillance and Alice contacts him during that surveillance, resulting in the incidental collection of her communications with him, her name should be redacted or ‘masked’ unless leaving it unredacted provides foreign intelligence value.” Masking is done to protect U.S. persons (i.e. U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents, etc.) who get inadvertently caught up in the electronic dragnet from being falsely accused of crimes or otherwise improper behavior.

If a National Security Agency analyst “believes Alice’s communications may contain evidence of any crime, the NSA can share those communications with law enforcement or other relevant agencies … even if the crimes are completely unrelated to the purpose for surveilling Bob’s communications, or to foreign intelligence or national security investigations.”

According to former Obama State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf, “if the intelligence community professionals decide that there’s some value, national security, foreign policy or otherwise in unmasking someone, they will grant those requests,”

Assuming these news reports about data that supposedly was incidentally collected are accurate, they raise a multitude of new questions about the ongoing scandal concerning alleged collaboration between the Trump team and Russia.

We still don’t know who asked then-National Security Advisor Susan Rice to unmask those names – or if she acted on her own initiative. But the most likely culprit has to be President Obama himself, along with those in his inner circle such as his Islamist CIA director John Brennan and his slimy national-security aide Ben Rhodes.

But whoever did the deed, it appears someone used America’s taxpayer-funded national security apparatus to engage in likely unlawful espionage against an opposition presidential campaign, an incoming administration, and that administration’s transition team. It’s the stuff of banana republics, which makes sense, because Obama spent eight long, lawless years trying to turn the United States into precisely that...
Keep reading.

Lawrence Culver, The Frontier of Leisure

I mentioned I'd be posting more on the California frontier, but I was thinking more along 19th century lines, heh.

But you gotta love this one, from Lawrence Culver, The Frontier of Leisure: Southern California and the Shaping of Modern America.
Southern California has long been promoted as the playground of the world, the home of resort-style living, backyard swimming pools, and year-round suntans. Tracing the history of Southern California from the late nineteenth century through the late twentieth century, The Frontier of Leisure reveals how this region did much more than just create lavish resorts like Santa Catalina Island and Palm Springs -- it literally remade American attitudes towards leisure. Lawrence Culver shows how this "culture of leisure" gradually took hold with an increasingly broad group of Americans, and ultimately manifested itself in suburban developments throughout the Sunbelt and across the United States. He further shows that as Southern Californians promoted resort-style living, they also encouraged people to turn inward, away from public spaces and toward their private homes and communities. Impressively researched, a fascinating and lively read, this finely nuanced history connects Southern Californian recreation and leisure to larger historical themes, including regional development, architecture and urban planning, race relations, Indian policy, politics, suburbanization, and changing perceptions of nature.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Obama Flunky Susan Rice Denies 'Inappropriately Unmasking' Trump Transition Team (VIDEO)

She's vile.

And she's a bald-faced liar.

At the Hill, "Rice denies Obama administration inappropriately unmasked Trump team."

Here's the interview, with Andrea Mitchell, at MSNBC this afternoon:

PREVIOUSLY: "Susan Rice Unmasked as Top Obama Aide Who Sought Surveillance Reports on Trump Transition Team (VIDEO)."

Will Bagley, With Golden Visions Bright Before Them

At Amazon, Will Bagley, With Golden Visions Bright Before Them: Trails to the Mining West, 1849–1852.

Robert J. Utley, Wanted

I finished Robert J. Utley's, The Indian Frontier, a couple of weeks ago.

It turns out he published a biography of Billy the Kid in 2015, and it comes highly recommended.

At Amazon, Wanted: The Outlaw Lives of Billy the Kid and Ned Kelly.

Ryan Blacketter's Raft of Great Books

Blacketter's "raft of books" is the lifeboat, so to speak, on which he escapes the brain-dead politics of the literary campus left.

It's an interesting piece, and a warning for those who think they can navigate far-left campus political correctness.

At Quillette:

Susan Rice Unmasked as Top Obama Aide Who Sought Surveillance Reports on Trump Transition Team (VIDEO)

CNN's running interference for the Democrats, at the video below. But the latest revelation of Obama administration surveillance, and "unmasking" of Trump transition team members, blows the lid off the left's Russian-meddling election scam and further vindicates President Trump's allegations of the Obama regime's wiretapping. .

At WSJ, via Memeorandum, "Susan Rice Unmasked" (and Ruth King):

Well, what do you know. On the matter of who “unmasked” the names of Trump transition officials in U.S. intelligence reports, we now have one answer: Susan Rice, Barack Obama’s national security adviser.

A U.S. intelligence official confirms to us the bombshell news, first reported Monday by Bloomberg, that Ms. Rice requested the name of at least one Trump transition official listed in an intelligence report in the months between Election Day and Donald Trump’s inauguration.

Ms. Rice received summaries of U.S. eavesdropping either when foreign officials were discussing the Trump team, or when foreign officials were conversing with a Trump transition member. The surveillance was legally authorized, but the identities of U.S. citizens are typically masked so they cannot be known outside intelligence circles. Ms. Rice asked for and learned the identity of the Trump official, whose name hasn’t been publicly disclosed and our source declined to share.

Our source did confirm that Ms. Rice also examined dozens of other intelligence summaries that technically masked Trump official identities but were written in such a way as to make obvious who those officials were. This means that the masking was essentially meaningless. All this is highly unusual—and troubling. Unmasking does occur, but it is typically done by intelligence or law-enforcement officials engaged in antiterror or espionage investigations. Ms. Rice would have had no obvious need to unmask Trump campaign officials other than political curiosity.

We’re told by a source who has seen the unmasked documents that they included political information about the Trump transition team’s meetings and policy intentions. We are also told that none of these documents had anything to do with Russia or the FBI investigation into ties between Russia and the Trump campaign. While we don’t know if Ms. Rice requested these dozens of reports, we are told that they were only distributed to a select group of recipients—conveniently including Ms. Rice.

All of this helps to explain the actions in the last week of House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes, the one official in Washington who seems interested in pursuing the evidence of politicized surveillance. Mr. Nunes was roundly criticized by Democrats and the media last week for publicly revealing at least one instance of Obama White House unmasking, albeit without disclosing any names.

Now we know he is onto something. And we know that Mr. Nunes had to go to the White House to verify his information because the records containing Ms. Rice’s unmasking request are held at the National Security Council...

PREVIOUSLY: "Top Obama Adviser Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel."

Out Today: Laura Kipnis, Unwanted Advances

Following-up from March 28th, "In the Mail: Laura Kipnis, Unwanted Advances."

I'm nearly 100 pages into this book, and it's good.

My only issue with it -- and it's a serious issue --- is that Kipnis insists that the left's Title IX totalitarianism isn't "ideological." She refers to the left's anti-rape jihad on campus as a function of an allegedly hysterical, polarized political environment, said to be productive of schizophrenic college policies on sexual assault.

Frankly, that's much too loose in terms of political responsibility, but it can't be otherwise for Kipnis, since she's desperate to cling to her bona fides as a self-described "far-left feminist." (She'd do well to read Kim Holmes' recent book, which places the left's current campus turmoil firmly in the trenches of radical ideological trends going back to at least the 1960s.)

That said, the volume's a worthwhile read that deserves a spot on the shelf of anyone seriously concerned about the denial of basic due process at America's colleges and universities.

At Amazon, Unwanted Advances: Sexual Paranoia Comes to Campus.

Kendall Jenner as Marilyn Monroe for Love Magazine (VIDEO)

She's so lovely.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Candice Jackson Appointed to Lead the Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights

In terms of power, controlling the executive branch bureaucracy's up there with holding the majority on the Supreme Court.

It's going to take a while to clean out Obama's treasonous deep state, but the extremely politicized "Office for Civil Rights" at the Department of Education (in charge of Title IX regulations) is an excellent place to start.

Report: New Head of Federal Anti-Rape Agency Is a ‘Libertarian Feminist’ and Clinton Critic; Candice Jackson will allegedly become deputy secretary at the Office for Civil Rights. “A conservative legal activist known for defending the women who accused President Bill Clinton of sexual harassment has been tapped to head the Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights on a temporary basis. OCR is the agency that regulates Title IX compliance, and is responsible for the recent effort to compel schools to police sexual assault internally.”

Save Big on Major League Baseball Collectibles and Memorabilia

At Amazon, Shop Our Deal of the Day.

And ICYMI, John Florio, One Nation Under Baseball: How the 1960s Collided with the National Pastime.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali Cancels Australia Visit Over 'Security Concerns' (VIDEO)

In other words, she got death threats.

Apparently, these were specific and credible.

From Ed Driscoll, at Instapundit, "WHITE SUPREMACY: YOU’RE REALLY DOING IT WRONG! Ayaan Hirsi Ali cancels Oz visit after being threatened, called 'white supremacist(!)'."

And watch, at the Rebel:

Top Obama Adviser Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel

From Eli Lake, at Bloomberg:

White House lawyers last month learned that the former national security adviser Susan Rice requested the identities of U.S. persons in raw intelligence reports on dozens of occasions that connect to the Donald Trump transition and campaign, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter.

The pattern of Rice's requests was discovered in a National Security Council review of the government's policy on "unmasking" the identities of individuals in the U.S. who are not targets of electronic eavesdropping, but whose communications are collected incidentally. Normally those names are redacted from summaries of monitored conversations and appear in reports as something like "U.S. Person One."

The National Security Council's senior director for intelligence, Ezra Cohen-Watnick, was conducting the review, according to two U.S. officials who spoke with Bloomberg View on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss it publicly. In February Cohen-Watnick discovered Rice's multiple requests to unmask U.S. persons in intelligence reports that related to Trump transition activities. He brought this to the attention of the White House General Counsel's office, who reviewed more of Rice's requests and instructed him to end his own research into the unmasking policy.

The intelligence reports were summaries of monitored conversations -- primarily between foreign officials discussing the Trump transition, but also in some cases direct contact between members of the Trump team and monitored foreign officials. One U.S. official familiar with the reports said they contained valuable political information on the Trump transition such as whom the Trump team was meeting, the views of Trump associates on foreign policy matters and plans for the incoming administration...
Keep reading.

Richard Slotkin, Regeneration Through Violence


I love this guy's books.

At Amazon, Richard Slotkin, Regeneration Through Violence: The Mythology of the American Frontier, 1600–1860.

And ICYMI, The Fatal Environment: The Myth of the Frontier in the Age of Industrialization, 1800–1890.

The Trump-Hate Weather Vane

It's Olivia Nuzzi.

I tweeted her a while back, asking why she left the Daily Beast. But she didn't respond. Oh well.

At the New Yorker, "Will Anti-Trump Fury Help Flip the Electoral Map for Democrats?":

In all senses, the sun was shining on Jon Ossoff. It was early in the evening on a Sunday in late March, and the suddenly very visible 30-year-old Democratic candidate in the first competitive special congressional election of the Trump era was riding shotgun in a sooty-black Chrysler Sebring, hunched over a paper plate of cheese and crackers, while a member of his staff steered toward the next fund-raiser through the hills of suburban Atlanta. The back of the car was piled high with half a dozen Nike shoe boxes, a stuffed owl, and a reporter. Between bites, Ossoff stared ahead at the road, indulging in long pauses as he considered what to say about his new life as the luckiest young man in American politics. “There’s nothing that I would love more than a freewheeling conversation about political philosophy,” he said. “But I’m cautious because, as you know, the knives are out right now.”

That is not exactly how things appeared to most observers of this breakneck two-month campaign to fill the House seat vacated by Tom Price, the new secretary of Health and Human Services. Outside of the Sebring motorcade, Ossoff looks like the poster boy of the resistance, the grassroots opposition to both President Donald Trump and the wave of nationalism that installed him in office. He is a relative neophyte running 20 points ahead of a divided Republican field in a congressional district that hasn’t been blue since Jimmy Carter, also a Georgian, was president; an anonymous congressional aide turned documentary-film producer made into a national political figure mostly by love from readers of the Daily Kos; a pleasant, generic hipster-technocrat vessel into which an entire nation of angry Democrats has poured its electoral hopes (not to mention its millions of dollars — literally millions, a wild haul for a first-time nobody in a two-month race).

In this brave new post-2016 world, the Ossoff campaign is an experiment of sorts, a Trump-backlash trial balloon that might — on April 18, when the first round of voting is held, or on June 20, when the likely runoff will be completed — tell us just how much the president has reshaped the electoral map. It may also tell us that Democrats will have to do a whole lot more than just ride the wave of Trump hate to have a real chance of puncturing House Republicans’ red wall in 2018. Which is where Tom Perez, the new chairman of the Democratic National Committee, tends to come down. “Our mistakes, I think, were not just in 2016,” he told me, sketching out his vision for how the party might win back control of the federal government. “Our mistakes were a number of years in the making. We ignored too many voters. We got away from a 50-state strategy. And we took too many people for granted.” Now, Perez said, he’s focused on making up for lost time, which includes plans to channel resources into Georgia’s Sixth District. “We’re going to work hard down there,” he said, “because underdogs win.”

By March, anti-Trump enthusiasm and the national spotlight had made the Ossoff campaign look considerably less underdog-y; most recent polls put him at 40 percent, within striking distance of a majority (which would win him the seat outright and allow him to avoid a runoff in which a Republican candidate could consolidate conservative voters). The Atlanta suburbs seemed so upended by the race it almost didn’t feel like the South at all; traveling from Trump’s Washington, D.C., to what Ossoff hopes will soon become his Georgia seat is like walking out of the Gathering of Juggalos and into the Metropolitan Opera. “He’s our hope,” Carol Finkelstein, a 71-year-old from Sandy Springs, told me in her placid living room on a recent Saturday, just before Ossoff took to the carpet to address her neighbors. “He can’t stop a runaway train, but I’m hoping he can at least be a voice of reason.” Nearby, Barbara Brown, a 93-year-old who’s also committed to voting for Ossoff, was less diplomatic. “I’m an Independent,” she told me. “My husband was the Republican, but we don’t have to worry about him anymore.”
Well, this oughta be interesting.

Keep reading.

RELATED: Here's the gag me factor to this race, celebrity carpetbaggers flooding suburban Atlanta. At the AJC, "CELEBRITIES AND POLITICS: Alyssa Milano and Christopher Gorham stump for 6th District candidate Jon Ossoff."

Rita Ora Upskirt

At Taxi Driver, "Rita Ora White Pantie Upskirt."

She's a smokin' hot woman.

PREVIOUSLY: "Rita Ora is Topless on New 'Lui' Cover."

'One Nation Under Baseball'

Just out from John Florio, at Amazon, One Nation Under Baseball: How the 1960s Collided with the National Pastime.

Hat Tip: the New York Times.

Julie Henderson Uncovered for Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2017 (VIDEO)

She's a sweetie.

Give it up for Sports Illustrated this year, man. They've gone above and beyond the call of babe-blogging duty, lol.

Being Well-Informed on the Reality of Global Jihad is 'Islamophobic'


"Islamphobia" is a meaningless term invented solely to stifle criticism of Islam.

A Final Test for Gonzaga

The moment you've all been waiting for, 6:00pm tonight (Pacific time), on CBS.

George Ciccariello-Maher on Tucker Carlson's Show (VIDEO)

Following-up, "Tucker Carlson, Fox News' Unlikely Star."

The Tuck's been hammering leftists on the show, which is one of the reasons for its popularity.

And George Ciccariello-Maher is a literal caricature of the America-hating leftist. He's an idiot, lol.

PREVIOUSLY: "George Ciccariello-Maher."

Tucker Carlson, Fox News' Unlikely Star

I've never cared that much for the guy, but this is a good read. Very sympathetic profile. I like the Tuck a little more now, actually.

At the New Yorker:

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Ned Blackhawk, Violence Over the Land

I've got a lot on my list, but this book crops up a lot in all my reading, blogging, and research.

At Amazon, Ned Blackhawk, Violence Over the Land: Indians and Empires in the Early American West.

Hey Republicans, Would You Hump This Woman?

Well, as a married man I'd have to respond in the negative, but if I was single, hmm?

It's Karley Sciortino, via the Other McCain, and on Twitter:

Suspect in Atlanta Freeway Collapse Was Smoking Crack as Fire Broke Out (VIDEO)

At the Other McCain, "Police Say Crackhead Started Fire That Destroyed I-85 Overpass in Atlanta."

And from Dana Loesch on Twitter, as well as ABC News below:

Giles Milton, Churchill's Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare

Hey, one more for the road!

At Amazon, Giles Milton, Churchill's Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare: The Mavericks Who Plotted Hitler's Defeat.

Tom Clavin, Dodge City

I'm just seeing this one right now!

This is great!

At Amazon, Tom Clavin, Dodge City: Wyatt Earp, Bat Masterson, and the Wickedest Town in the American West.

Frank McDonough, The Gestapo

Historian Dagmar Herzog reviews Norman Ohler's, Blitzed: Drugs in the Third Reich, at today's New York Times book review. (She's highly critical, arguing that the focus on drug abuse throughout the regime serves as an excuse and distraction for the Nazis' larger crimes).

Also, at Thomas Anthony DiMaggio's letter to the book review editor, is the citation for Frank McDonough's, The Gestapo: The Myth and Reality of Hitler's Secret Police, which I didn't know of.

That reminds me of the classic book, from Heinz Höhne, The Order of the Death's Head: The Story of Hitler's SS.

Man Dives in the Water to Retrieve His Hat at Ocean Beach Pier in San Diego, Drowns (VIDEO)

Oh man.

That's not what you want.

At the San Diego Union-Tribune, "Man drowns after jumping off San Diego pier to retrieve items thrown into ocean."

Well, the report indicates that search and rescue efforts were hampered by "8-foot-high waves and thick seaweed," so what can you do?

The Cultural Roots of Campus Rage

The Wall Street Journal has pretty much eliminated access through Google search, which is why I don't link them much any more. They've really "built the wall," the subscription paywall, heh.

But Instapundit's block-quoted most of Jonathan Haidt's op-ed, so this is worth posting.

At the very moment where higher education is in trouble, it is dominated by a mindset that sets it in opposition to the mainstream culture. This will end well:
“People are sick and tired of being called racist for innocent things they’ve said or done,” Mr. Haidt observes. “The response to being called a racist unfairly is never to say, ‘Gee, what did I do that led to me being called this? I should be more careful.’ The response is almost always, ‘[Expletive] you!’ ”

He offers this real-world example: “I think that the ‘deplorables’ comment could well have changed the course of human history.”
I certainly hope so.