Thursday, February 11, 2010

Bill Clinton's Health

An interesting discussion with Dr. Sanjay Jupta (whom I respect) on Bill Clinton's health and heart procedure today:

See also, "Bill Clinton Undergoes a New Heart Procedure" (via Memeorandum).

And Michelle discusses Boston Scientific, which makes the stent's used in Clinton's procedures, and the company's opposition to the Democrats’ proposed massive taxes on medical device manufacturers.

On Civic Learning and Liberal Universities

This is Richard Brake at the Intercollegiate Studies Institute:

Part 2 is here.

Listening to the nature of the survey, I'm not sure if I'm convinced if college instruction is the most important factor that results in students becoming more liberal -- i.e., I'm not sure if this research design is effective in assessing changes over time. It's not a panel study. Dr. Brake discusses survey controls for other influences on opinion, etc., and the poll's based on a representative sample. The study isolates those with college and those without, holding constant other factors, such as levels of civic knowlege (multivariate regression methods are used ...). The study finds those with college training to be more liberal on particularly polarizing issues. I'd still like to see this supplemented with some kind of data on changes through an individual's life cycle (a long-term panel-cohort analysis). Nevertheless, it's a well done initial cut for what they're tying to measure. The summary's at the Civic Literacy homepage, "
The Shaping of the American Mind: The Diverging Influences of the College Degree & Civic Learning on American Beliefs." From the summary:
Earning a bachelor’s degree exerts an independent, statistically significant influence on a person’s views on five of the thirty-nine survey propositions, most involving a narrow range of polarizing social and cultural issues. If two people otherwise share the same background characteristics, as well as equal civic knowledge, the one who graduates from college will be more likely than the one who does not to:
•Favor same same-sex marriage; and
•Favor abortion on demand.
Similarly, a college graduate will be less likely than a non-college graduate to:
•Believe anyone can succeed in America with hard work and perseverance; •Favor teacher-led prayer in public schools; and
•Believe the Bible is the Word of God.

The 'Sexualization' of Ski Champion Lindsey Vonn

I'd never heard of U.S. skier Lindsey Vonn before last weekend, when I read about her at the Los Angeles Times: "Interactive graphic: Alpine skier Lindsey Vonn."

It turns out she's quite attractive, and some folks are taking issue with her recent cover photo on Sports Illustrated:

Over the last 60 years researchers have shown that about 4% of all SI covers have portrayed women.

When females are featured on the cover of SI, they are more likely than not to be in sexualized poses and not in action–and the most recent Vonn cover is no exception.
Check the post for updates. The author's walking it back a bit, although I'm sure Scott Eric Kaufman's on the case!

Also, "Lindsey Vonn's Sports Illustrated cover shot skis into controversy."

Anyway, Vonn's got a shin injury, which might prevent her from competing. See, "
More drama for oft-injured Vonn."

Black 'Copter Tea Parties?

This is the strangest new meme on the tea parties. Now leftists are arguing that it's all about conspiracies (and "racists"), for example, at Newsweek's, "Black Helicopters Over Nashville," and also at Daily Kos, "Reading 'The Movement'." The latter piece is taking issue with the New Yorker cover story a couple of weeks ago, "The Movement." I actually posted on the New Yorker piece. I thought it was reasonable (which came as a surprise). But Daily Kos takes issue with author Ben McGrath, making thinly-veiled allegations that the tea parties are a "racist" front for the "fanatical neo-fascist right."

Anyway, here's this from the Newsweek article (via
The tea-party movement has no leader. But it does have a face: William Temple of Brunswick, Ga. For months, the amiable middle-aged activist has been criss-crossing America, appearing at tea-party events dressed in his trademark three-cornered hat and Revolutionary garb. When journalists interview him (which is often—his outfit draws them in like a magnet), he presents himself as a human bridge between the founders' era and our own. "We fought the British over a 3 percent tea tax. We might as well bring the British back," he told NPR during a recent protest outside the Capitol.

It's a charming act, which makes the tea-party movement seem no more unnerving than the people who spend their weekends reenacting the Civil War. But the 18th-century getups mask something disturbing. After I spent the weekend at the Tea Party National Convention in Nashville, Tenn., it has become clear to me that the movement is dominated by people whose vision of the government is conspiratorial and dangerously detached from reality. It's more John Birch than John Adams.

Like all populists, tea partiers are suspicious of power and influence, and anyone who wields them. Their villain list includes the big banks; bailed-out corporations; James Cameron, whose Avatar is seen as a veiled denunciation of the U.S. military; Republican Party institutional figures they feel ignored by, such as chairman Michael Steele; colleges and universities (the more prestigious, the more evil); TheWashington Post; Anderson Cooper; and even FOX News pundits, such as Bill O'Reilly, who have heaped scorn on the tea-party movement's more militant oddballs.

One of the most bizarre moments of the recent tea-party convention came when blogger Andrew Breitbart delivered a particularly vicious fulmination against the mainstream media, prompting everyone to get up, turn toward the media section at the back of the conference room, and scream, "USA! USA! USA!" But the tea partiers' well-documented obsession with President Obama has hardly been diffused by their knack for finding new enemies.
That is truly a bizarre description, especially with that smack at Andrew Breitbart. That guy has single-handedly done more to right the ship of journalism than anyone else in recent years. If folks were chanting "USA, USA", then more power to 'em. I wish I could've been there!

Joe Biden: Sarah Palin, Tea Parties Don't Represent a "Significant Portion of the Population'

Joe Biden on Larry King Live. Of course polls show that fully one-third of the American public identifies with the tea party movement:

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

'Objectification' Hypocrisy

I seem to really have hit a nerve with my post making extreme fun of Roy Edroso. Look, I'll be honest: I don't have the slightest problem posting images of Sports Illustrated cover models on my page. Doesn't bother me a bit. It's a free world, you know. And frankly, they're a helluva lot more wholesome than the floozies at the Village Voice's "Bikini Burlesque (NSFW). And shoot, if I were Roy, I'd be ashamed to be blogging at a magazine that posted stuff like that right next to each of my entries, much less some of these "Choice Cunts":

But apparently struck dumb by the return-fire ridicule, Roy was reduced to bleating a snippy comment at the post: "Don't like scantily-clad women, Don? Well, to each his own."

Well no, Roy, I obviously love "scantily-clad women," conservative women especially! What I don't like is your radical agenda, and your freaking gratuitous demonization campaigns. And what better way to ruthlessly mock you and your leftist cadres than to ridicule the extremist libertinism that adorns each and every one of your posts. Like
I said at my entry, "This really was too good to pass up!"

And I guess it really was.
Satan's sidekick T-Bogg jumped on it faster than Jane Hamsher's blackface on Joe Lieberman. And then, in another puerile effort at conservative excoriation, Little Scotty Eric Kaufman decided he'd have a go at it as well, with a post (almost-endlessly) entitled, "Just because he hates feminism and festoons his virtual office with photographs of naked women doesn't mean he makes female students uncomfortable."

A monument to childishness, it's on
Twitter too:

I have nothing but contempt for miniscule academic mountebanks like Scotty Kaufman. This prick's an ugly little twerp, and I don't mean that figuratively. His post is yet another really shitty attempt at cutting snark, and it's so bad that even his own commenters dissed it. I will eschew substantive comments on what's posted therein, but readers are welcomed to have a look for themselves. What I can say is that Scott Eric Kaufman represents all that is genuinely wicked and destructive in university culture today. I scoff at whatever claims to moral rectitude this hate-pimp could possible make. This is a merchant of hate of the most despicable kind, although perhaps there's some humor in it that he's actually quite terrible at the trade. Indeed, so far it's been all falsehoods and fabrications, and so it is again. Indeed, this spindle of a man is obsessed with conservative academics, and he's made it his driving ambition to literally destroy them. And let me disabuse readers of Scotty's denials of his desire for my academic termination. Au contraire. That's exactly what he wants, like E.D. Kain before him. This is an agenda driven purely by desperation to purge the ideological other, plain and simple. It's really all he does. And in reading Little Scotty's tantrum at the comments, please keep in mind that there is absolutely nothing authoritative about him. His words, all distortions and lies, signify sound and fury, and little else. But keep flailing, I say. There is nothing better to illustrate the totalitarianism of the today's left than the self-supposed superiority of the politically-correct mind on display. And those denials of political disagreement are worth Olympic gold. Such hypocrisy, given the radical female exploitation at Village Voice (met with SEK's deafening silence), is breathtaking. In any case, this is truly priceless, on the evil "objectification" of a true-academic's babe-blogging:
It's not a trick, you lecherous fraud. You're a disgrace, not because I disagree with you politically, but because you're incapable of understanding that you're actively discouraging half of your students from ever being able to trust you because you want to post pictures of half-naked women on your blog.

I'm a teacher, one who's committed in a way you aren't, as is evidenced by the fact that you value your "freedom" to post pictures that play into the insecurities of half the student body over your responsibilities as a teacher. You've surveyed the field of available options, and chosen the abstraction that affords you titillation over the one that allows you to effectively reach more of your students.

You are, I repeat, a disgrace to the profession. You don't understand this, and I get that, but when you choose satisfying your libido in the company of strangers over fostering an environment in which all your students can safely invest in the rigors of your course, you have failed as a teacher. I'm not trying to get you fired. I'm not going to write anyone any letters, nor will I encourage anyone else to. But you deserve to be.

Pay Attention to the Senate

I've written about this fairly often.

Recall that lefists have been attacking the Senate's filibuster rule with increasing intensity in recent months. It turns out that eliminating the filibuster has been a goal of progressives for some time. Netroots radicals, eyeing the prospects of congressional power, were making the case for
destroying the filibuster in 2008, and perhaps before that. Ezra Klein, as I've discussed here, has been on an anti-filibuster jihad for close to a year. And some of Matthew Yglesias' most extreme blogging has focused on GOP use of the filibuster. Folks like this get attention at the top levels of policy, unfortunately. UCLA Political Scientist Barbara Sinclair was sucking up to Ezra Klein's agenda in her WaPo interview last month, and Klein's been known to brag about his White House connections. I have no idea who reads Yglesias, but the creep's got a big following of airheaded trolls at his blog; and he's working for the Center for American Progress, a Soros-back unit headed-up by former Bill Clinton Chief of Staff John Podesta (who also worked on President Obama's transition). So Yglesias probably gets some Beltway traction

Anyway, I mention all of this in light of some of the news out this week. At yesterday's Huffington Post we had this: "
Progressives Call For Democrats To Abolish The Filibuster." And today: "Carl Levin: Filibuster Could Fall ‘After Massive Conflict On The Floor’." (Via Memeorandum.) And note this interesting comment at Firedoglake:
As Ben Eidelson notes, the Senate is by nature an undemocratic institution in that the representation is skewed toward small states, and sometimes a filibuster represents the votes of a majority of the US population. In fact, that happens most of the time – 64% – when Democrats are filibustering a Republican majority, and just 3% of the time when Republicans filibuster a Democratic majority. But this is not how we count votes in the US Senate, with each Senator getting the proportion of the vote of the population he or she represents. In a perfect world, a unicameral legislature would serve the nation well. But until that time, the 60-vote hurdle, now being trotted out for routine appointments, is too onerous for a democracy to function, particularly one with such unbalanced ideological rigidity from one party.
The discussion is prompted by the administration's nomination of radical labor hack Craig Becker to the NLRB. But previously, with Klein and Yglesias, etc., the outrage was over partisan immobility on ObamaCare legislation. And we'll be having lots more debate on "gridlock" now that Scott Brown is the GOP's 41st vote.

But really notice something here. Leftists are now excoriating Senator Brown for selling out his so-called "independent" credentials to "schlep" with the GOP majority. But Brown was ELECTED to office by the people of Massachusetts. The voters there sent Democrats and the administration a huge message: Quit wasting your time and get down to business on the country's problems. The progressive contingents, rejecting electoral trends starting from last November in New Jersey and Virginia, and now Massachusetts, have decided to push an even more authoritarian agenda. And as Chris Cillizza pointed out a couple of days ago, now President Obama has decided to turn filibuster reform into a campaign wedge against the Republicans in the fall. See, "
White House Moves to Make the Flibuster a Campaign Issue."

This is actually one of the more significant debates for folks to monitor in the months going forward. I can't imagine any Republicans going along with Democratic efforts to abolish the filibuster in the Senate. But as leftists become increasing desperate to ram down their unpopular agenda on the American people, they'll be turning more and more to methods designed to overturn the principles of limited-government constitutionalism designed by the Framers. Note that it's not just abolishing the filibuster anymore. Radicals are talking about abolishing the Senate. James Madison must be turning in his grave, for this is precisely the tyranny of the majority about which he warned.

Orange County Storm

Nothing fancy, but I snapped this shot on the way home from work yesterday. I'm heading east on the 22 freeway. It's about 5:30pm. A few minutes earlier I noticed the sun had broken through the clouds. It was still raining ahead of me, and before long we had one of most brilliant rainbows I've seen in some time:

KABC-TV Los Angeles has a report:

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

More Brooklyn Decker!

Click on the image for the full size cover shot!

Also, more at the Huffington Post, "Brooklyn Decker SI Swimsuit Issue Cover PHOTO REVEALED (PICTURES, VIDEO)."

Bruce Hall is helping me figure out different photo-hosting systems.

This is the Blogger upload, which frankly, I hadn't even thought about using. I've had Photobucket going for so long I forgot about Blogger's own hosting. And frankly, I'm simply still learning how to do this, so I appreciate the help from readers. I do like posting the full size pictures to the blog, which the Blogger upload doesn't seem to be allowing. Any hints on how to do this with Blogger would be helpful.

And, as I mentioned earlier, Blazing Cat Fur's got his pin-up competition going, and he's even got Five Feet of Fury throwing some pics into the mix, and she is not fooling around! Check out: "
The War of the Poses: Priscilla Wright."

Now that is giving
Theo Spark a run for his money! And don't tell Cassandra!

And, how about checking out Bob Belvedere as well, who's already hip to the theme, "
They Don’t Make ‘Em Like That Anymore: Nancy Crawford."

That said, I don't think Smitty at The Other McCain is down with the "War of the Poses" quite yet, although blame it on McCain if you need somebody to burn!

RELATED: The Classical Liberal, "
Bloggers Rock!," and The Daley Gator, "Would I Post Jennifer Aniston Bikini Pics Just For Hits?"

Bad Education: 'Pleasures of Sex' for Kids

From Megyn Kelly's new show:


See the International Planned Parenthood Federation's homepage.

Leon Wieseltier on Andrew Sullivan's Anti-Semitism

It's been a while, but I wrote of Andrew Sullivan's anti-Semitism previously. See, "Andrew Sullivan: Anti-Semitic Neocon Derangement."

As good a case as I might make, it's nothing compared to Leon Wieseltier's utterly breathtaking decimation of Sully, "Something Much Darker" (via Memeorandum):

Consider some squibs that Sullivan recently posted on his blog. “Most American Jews, of course, retain a respect for learning, compassion for the other, and support for minorities (Jews, for example, are the ethnic group most sympathetic to gay rights),” he declared on January 13. “But the Goldfarb-Krauthammer wing–that celebrates and believes in government torture, endorses the pulverization of Gazans with glee, and wants to attack Iran–is something else. Something much darker.” Michael Goldfarb is the former online editor of The Weekly Standard, about whom the less said, the better. Charles Krauthammer is Charles Krauthammer. I was not aware that they comprise a “wing” of American Jewry, or that American Jewry has “wings.” What sets them apart from their more enlightened brethren is the unacceptability of their politics to Sullivan. That is his criterion for dividing the American Jewish community into good Jews and bad Jews–a practice with a sordid history.

As far as I can tell, Krauthammer’s position on torture is owed to a deep and sometimes frantic concern for American security, and his position on the war in Gaza to a deep and sometimes frantic concern for Israeli security, and his position on Iran to a deep and sometime frantic concern for American and Israeli security. Whatever the merits of his views, I do not see that his motives are despicable. Moreover, Krauthammer argues for his views; the premises of his analysis are coldly clear, and may be engaged analytically, and when necessary refuted. Unlike Sullivan, he does not present feelings as ideas. Most important, the grounds of Krauthammer’s opinions are no more to be found in, or reduced to, his Jewishness than the grounds of the contrary opinions–the contentions of dovish Jews who denounce torture, and oppose Israeli abuses in the Gaza war, and insist upon a diplomatic solution to the threat of an Iranian nuclear capability–are to be found in, or reduced to, their Jewishness. All these “wings” are fervent Jews and friends of Israel. There are many “Jewish” answers to these questions. We all want the Torah on our side. And the truth is that the Torah has almost nothing to do with it.

Sullivan is hunting for motives, not reasons; for conspiracies, which is the surest sign of a mind’s bankruptcy. These days the self-congratulatory motto above his blog is “Of No Party or Clique,” but in fact Sullivan belongs to the party of Mearsheimer and the clique of Walt (whom he cites frequently and deferentially), to the herd of fearless dissidents who proclaim in all seriousness, without in any way being haunted by the history of such an idea, that Jews control Washington. Sullivan might have a look at the domestic pressures–in lobbies and other forms–upon American diplomacy toward China, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Cuba, and give a thought or two to the elaborate and sometimes exasperating nature of foreign-policy-making in a democracy; but he prefers not to dive deep into the substance of anything. It is less immediately satisfying than cursing and linking. Does Sullivan think that Obama’s engagement with Iran–which, accurately described, is an engagement with the Iranian dictatorship and not with the Iranian people–is paying off? Does he believe that the Israeli war against Hamas was an unjust war, or that Israel should have continued to absorb Hamas’s rocket attacks–which were indisputably criminal–and not acted with force against them? His answers may be inferred from his various ejaculations–“the pulverization of Gazans,” for example, is a phrase that is calculatedly indifferent to the wrenching moral and strategic perplexities that are contained in the awful reality of asymmetrical warfare–but they are not so much answers as bar-room retorts; moody explosions of verbal violence; more invective from another American crank. Worst of all, the explanation that Sullivan adopts for almost everything that he does not like about America’s foreign policy, and America’s wars, and America’s role in the world–that it is all the result of the clandestine and cunningly organized power of a single and small ethnic group–has a provenance that should disgust all thinking people.

And this is not all that is disgusting about Sullivan’s approach. His assumption, in his outburst about “the Goldfarb-Krauthammer wing,” that every thought that a Jew thinks is a Jewish thought is an anti-Semitic assumption, and a rather classical one. Bigotry has always made representatives of individuals, and discerned the voice of the group in the voice of every one of its members. Is everything that every gay man says a gay statement? I will give an example. On October 15, 2001, when the ruins of the World Trade Center still smoldered, Sullivan published a piece in the Times of London called “A British View of the US Post-September 11.” In this piece he accused Bill Clinton of “appeasement,” and praised George W. Bush for assembling “the ideal team” for a “task” that “cannot be done by airpower alone,” and had kind words for America’s “world hegemony”–the politics changes, the fever remains the same–and also included this unforgettable sentence: “The decadent Left in its enclaves on the coasts is not dead – and may well mount what amounts to a fifth column.” A fifth column! It is a genuinely sinister sentence. I wish to emphasize two features of Sullivan’s comment. The first is that it is an exercise in demonization: it divides the American people into good Americans and bad Americans. The second is that it is in no way an expression of Sullivan’s homosexuality. It must never be said that when Sullivan lauded the bellicosity of Cheney and Rumsfeld–which wing of American Christianity, by the way, shall we blame for them? –he exchanged the company of the good gays for the company of the bad gays. To say that would be homophobic. Here is what such homophobia would look like: Most American homosexuals, of course, retain a respect for art, and compassion for the other, and support for minorities. But the Sullivan-Shmullivan wing of American homosexuality–that celebrates and believes in torture and war, and endorses the pulverization of Afghan villages with glee, and wants to attack any country where Al Qaeda may be found–is something else. Something much darker. Get it?

RTWT at the link.

Dan Riehl says the enormity is much more than anti-Semitism: "Sullivan is Actually Not An Anti-Semite." Brad DeLong, in a wide, winding path, comes to the same conclusion. And others on the left have circled the wagons.

But I'm with Wieseltier on this one. See also, Darleen Click, "Excitable Andy: ‘Watch out for the Jooooos!’."

Audi's 'Green Police'

One guy's thoughts about the Audi "green police" ad:
Now, because I have more than two brain cells, served my country, got an education, and actually give a flying crap about the state of our nation, I consider it a better use of my time to study the vast injustices and crimes our government is committing against us on a daily basis than to watch something as inane and useless as fat men in pads slamming each other to the ground. Thus, I did not get a chance to see this commercial air live or I would have had a coronary on the spot.

Pretty good, except for the "inane and useless" part. The rest is here.

Andrew Breitbart in Nashville!

The remainder of the clips are at Big Government:

OMG Brooklyn Decker!

I think Sports Illustrated plays hardball with their copyright claims. Photobucket deletes any bikini images I've ever saved from SI, and it took practically no time for their prowling image-hawks to delete the brand new cover shot of Brooklyn Decker. We do have video, in any case, so I guess that makes up for it somewhat:

See also, ABC News, "Brooklyn Decker: Sports Illustrated Bikini Bombshell: North Carolina-Bred Model Brooklyn Decker Is New Swimsuit Issue Star."

And by the way,
Blazing Cat Fur has a pinup competition underway (triggered in part by my own Anne Hathaway blogging). More on that later.

Pamela Geller!

One thing about blogging, is that it's all in the family when your conservative cohorts are on the air. Pamela Geller speaks for me, via Gateway Pundit, "Pamela Geller Destroys Ron Reagan Jr. on Joy Behar Show (Video)":

Via Memeorandum. See also, JammieWearingFool, Theb Blog Prof, and POWIP.

And at Atlas Shrugs, "
VIDEO: Pamela Geller on Joy Behar, Liberal Meltdown." Be sure to read the comments there.

Chuck DeVore on Glenn Beck's

It's a great interview, via Left Coast Rebel:

And from Sunday's Los Angeles Times:

If any major candidate should be able to marshal that sentiment in California it is DeVore, a lifetime conservative rumbler whose policy positions dovetail perfectly with the mojo of the nation's guerrilla movement of the moment. Almost a third of Californians, according to a recent poll, identify with Tea Partiers like those at this gathering about 30 miles northeast of Sacramento; Republicans here and across the nation are salivating over the possibility of defeating their long-time Democratic nemesis, Boxer.

Burying Murtha

The post-Murtha congressional jockeying started to heat up even before Murtha got cold. Folks are eyeing their partisan chances in the special election (see,"Fight Shapes Up for Murtha's Seat"). And then there's talk about the impact of the loss for legislative passage. Philip Klein has this, for example: "How Murtha's Death Could Make It Harder to Pass a Health Care Bill" (via Memeorandum).

I was respectful yesterday of Murtha's family, but my good friend
Ken Davenport had a hard time restraining himself:

You are much more charitable than I, Donald. Murtha was corrupt ethically and despite his Vietnam service, proved himself to be a shill for the anti-war crowd at a time when American troops were in daily combat in Iraq. I make no distinction between Murtha and Harry Reid and his "the war is lost" comments. Murtha was no patriot. Sorry to say this but my feeling is "good riddance".

Image Credit: IOWNTHEWORLD, "Obama Bids Murtha Goodbye."

RELATED: Left Coast Rebel, "
Obama Eulogizes Woman Buried in an Obama T-Shirt, 'She Insisted She's Going to be Buried in an Obama T-Shirt'."

Monday, February 8, 2010

Eagles at Honda Center, Anaheim, April 25th

Well, they weren't cheap, but I picked up some tickets for The Eagles at the Honda Center on April 25th. I blame Stogie. Just kidding. The event page is here, in any case. And The Eagles' website is here.

My wife and I will be in Section 104, on the floor at center. We'll be standing once the concert starts. My wife prefers to sit, actually. But I'm stoked, personally. These are pretty choice seats. And I'm not sure if I could have gotten anything better, for example, in the 220 section, etc. I bought the tickets online at Ticketmaster. General ticket sales opened at 10:00am this morning. American Express card holders got first crack over the weekend, as well as those with VIP packages. I first checked for tickets at the top range of $190.00 each, but my password didn't work and I got logged out. After getting a new password I checked for tickets in the $145.00 range. I kept getting a "nothing available ... try again" notice (or something), and I thought I'd better just get what I could get. It's going to fine, of course, but I want my wife to be comfortable.

Anyway, I'll be listening to a lot of Eagles over the next couple of months. I don't have their new CD, but I'll check it out soon. And I'll be listening the "Greatest Hits" CDs that I do have. I'll be posting songs here as well.

In the meanwhile, see some of my previous posts:

* "
Eagles to Play Hollywood Bowl in April 2010."

* "
I've been searching for an angel in white..."

* "
But the Dreams I've Seen Lately... "

O.C. Tea Party Rally, February 13, 2010, Laguna Hills

In my in-box, from my good friends at O.C. Tea Party Patriots!

More information here!

Roy Edroso's Bikini Burlesque (NSFW)

This really was too good to pass up!

Some readers might be familiar with Roy Edroso. He blogs at
alicublog, but his home away from home is at the Village Voice, where he writes the smear-merchandising column, "Running Scared." Well, I saw Roy's link just now at Memeorandum. I thought, "boy that'd be kinda quick to post a reaction to the conservative blogosphere on the death of John Murtha." And that's correct. In fact, Roy posted a brief obituary, "John Murtha, 1932-2010." But what's priceless is that while conservatives spend a lot of time posting pinups for Sunday's "Rule 5" extravaganza, lefties need go no further than the Village Voice for some full-on T&A! Seriously. I made a screencap to preserve the moment, which is truly NSFW. Although no doubt those great defenders of women like Scott Lemieux, T-Bogg, and Thers will find some excellent non-Sarah Palin hand-job material: "Bikini Burlesque (NSFW)"!

You da man, Roy!

And great job on that "Runnin' Scared" tea party roundup: "Rightbloggers Share Tea Party Rage at Gov't Spending -- Until a GOP Senator Puts His Hand Out." I'm sure that's REALLY why folks head over to Village Voice!