Thursday, February 11, 2010

Joe Biden: Sarah Palin, Tea Parties Don't Represent a "Significant Portion of the Population'

Joe Biden on Larry King Live. Of course polls show that fully one-third of the American public identifies with the tea party movement:


Just a conservative girl said...

Admitting that they have an issue with this would be way too much to ask for. If they did, they might just have to address some of the issues. We can't have that now can we?

Rusty Walker said...

I'll give him credit for generously stating that he found her engaging, and if you know her you se why people like her, and that her popularity extends beyond grassroots tea parties. The behavior of the press and administration toward her has been mean beyond belief. Astonishingly, the feminists, are frenetic in their appalling, relentless personal attacks on her. It is stunning to me. The left hates everything for which she stands. This says more about their petty instincts, than about her disciplined principles and values.