Some readers might be familiar with Roy Edroso. He blogs at alicublog, but his home away from home is at the Village Voice, where he writes the smear-merchandising column, "Running Scared." Well, I saw Roy's link just now at Memeorandum. I thought, "boy that'd be kinda quick to post a reaction to the conservative blogosphere on the death of John Murtha." And that's correct. In fact, Roy posted a brief obituary, "John Murtha, 1932-2010." But what's priceless is that while conservatives spend a lot of time posting pinups for Sunday's "Rule 5" extravaganza, lefties need go no further than the Village Voice for some full-on T&A! Seriously. I made a screencap to preserve the moment, which is truly NSFW. Although no doubt those great defenders of women like Scott Lemieux, T-Bogg, and Thers will find some excellent non-Sarah Palin hand-job material: "Bikini Burlesque (NSFW)"!
And great job on that "Runnin' Scared" tea party roundup: "Rightbloggers Share Tea Party Rage at Gov't Spending -- Until a GOP Senator Puts His Hand Out." I'm sure that's REALLY why folks head over to Village Voice!
Sometimes you feel like looking at boobs, and then other times you feel like looking at topless women. Everybody wins!
I don't get it. He writes a blog... on a website... that also hosted an article about a burlesque show.
Not giggle-worthy unless there's some intrinsic hypocrisy, and given that I don't think he's demonized anyone for linking to pictures of pretty women, I don't see the hilarity.
Don't like scantily-clad women, Don? Well, to each his own.
Uh, Donald? Have you ever heard of the Village Voice? And he probably wonders why liberals continually mock him...
Also, hand-job? I don't think that word means what you think it does.
ZOMG, you mean women in new york are going around town showing off their attributes and letting themselves be photographed?!? for a newspaper!!! that has liberal columnists and gay fashionistas and opera and ballet reviews?!?! what the hell am i doing in texas, baal damn it!
I see you've never actually readThe Village Voice, have you?
It's like being shocked to find pictures of guns in Soldier of Fortune.
Wait, there are pictures of guns in Soldier of Fortune? This is an outrage!
This post might be the most colossally transparent strawman retort I've ever read.
Let's see: Don doesn't like Roy Edroso and his "smear merchandising" of the Teabag Convention. Don refuses to be intellectually honest and actually refute anything that Roy wrote about the event. Instead, he "smears" Roy's feminist credentials (as well as those of T-Bogg, Scott Lemieux, and Thers, apropos of nothing) by pointing out that the Village Voice runs banner ads for risque features that provide a full bolded and capped warning NSFW.
Egads, next Don will use the fact that the NYT occasionally runs bra and panty advertisements to eviscerate a Paul Krugman column.
Do people actually take this blog seriously?
Why are so many wingnuts so riddled with sexual hangups?
And tell me, O Donald: Just how much time did you spend over at the Voice's site, doing "research" to help your outrage tumesce?
Jeez, DD, doesn't your friend Robert Stacy McCain go on & on about how he likes to put pictures of women all over his blog for hits?
What's the bikini burlesque have to do with Roy Edroso? Or is this just another low rent "guilt by association" attack because you can't dispute his observations on the current state of Republican/Conservative/Teabagger politics?
You seem to prove his general thesis. Try again.squ
If you're waxing judgemental about the bikini burlesque, I must assume you never made it to the back of the paper where the classified ads are. Maybe you only read it online? Oh, you sheltered red-staters, you.
" I'm sure that's REALLY why folks head over to Village Voice!" So, what you are saying is that people go to the village voice website to see a few photos of women in (large) bikini bottoms and pasties? have you been on the internets before? If not, check out this: because i know people go to the onion website for the hot photos of naked chicks as well.
I hoped for a loyal opposition, now I just want a sane one.
old Don is only used to seeing Jonah Goldberg's tits
I feel bad for Mr. Douglas for being mercilessly mocked in the comments section of his own blog, and also for using the term "moral bankruptcy" without any hint of facetiousness.
Hey! Don't make Hugh Hewitt jealous!
On the the other hand, one really must command Donald for his honesty. Any other wingnut blogger would long since have deleted a comments thread whose participants unanimously mocked the blogger as the fatuous tool he is.
Or perhaps Donald simply hasn't yet woken up and logged in.
Why yes, Sarah palin does give hand jobs ... but only after washing off the ink
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