Wednesday, June 29, 2016

WATCH: Airport Surveillance Video Shows Istanbul Airport Attacker Detonating Bomb

This video by now has been played thousands of times on all the combined major news networks.

It's pretty astonishing.

Via CNN:

Also, at London's Daily Mail, "Chilling moment ISIS suicide bomber casually walks into Istanbul Airport terminal next to a pilot: Jihadists are caught on CCTV before blowing themselves up and killing 41 in deadly massacre."

This Is a Real Headline on Britain's EU Referendum, You Ignorant Unwashed Racist Rubes

Remember, if you had to boil down Britain's vote to leave, it's actually quite simple: "#Brexit: A Referendum on Elites and Immigration."

Of course, that elite class includes all the leftist media's foreign policy intelligentsia, that part of the revolutionary cadre that does its agitation for the proletarian liberation from behind a desk.

I mean, seriously. I thought was was a joke when I first saw the headline, but it's not, which makes it even more hilarious.

From James Traub, at the über establishment Foreign Policy, "It's Time for the Elites to Rise Up Against the Ignorant Masses":
The Brexit has laid bare the political schism of our time. It’s not about the left vs. the right; it’s about the sane vs. the mindlessly angry.

The issue, at bottom, is globalization. Brexit, Trump, the National Front, and so on show that political elites have misjudged the depth of the anger at global forces and thus the demand that someone, somehow, restore the status quo ante. It may seem strange that the reaction has come today rather than immediately after the economic crisis of 2008, but the ebbing of the crisis has led to a new sense of stagnation. With prospects of flat growth in Europe and minimal income growth in the United States, voters are rebelling against their dismal long-term prospects. And globalization means culture as well as economics: Older people whose familiar world is vanishing beneath a welter of foreign tongues and multicultural celebrations are waving their fists at cosmopolitan elites. I was recently in Poland, where a far-right party appealing to nationalism and tradition has gained power despite years of undeniable prosperity under a centrist regime. Supporters use the same words again and again to explain their vote: “values and tradition.” They voted for Polishness against the modernity of Western Europe.

Perhaps politics will realign itself around the axis of globalization, with the fist-shakers on one side and the pragmatists on the other. The nationalists would win the loyalty of working-class and middle-class whites who see themselves as the defenders of sovereignty. The reformed center would include the beneficiaries of globalization and the poor and non-white and marginal citizens who recognize that the celebration of national identity excludes them.

The schism we see opening before us is not just about policies, but about reality. The Brexit forces won because cynical leaders were prepared to cater to voters’ paranoia, lying to them about the dangers of immigration and the costs of membership in the EU. Some of those leaders have already begun to admit that they were lying. Donald Trump has, of course, set a new standard for disingenuousness and catering to voters’ fears, whether over immigration or foreign trade or anything else he can think of. The Republican Party, already rife with science-deniers and economic reality-deniers, has thrown itself into the embrace of a man who fabricates realities that ignorant people like to inhabit.

Did I say “ignorant”? Yes, I did. It is necessary to say that people are deluded and that the task of leadership is to un-delude them. Is that “elitist”? Maybe it is; maybe we have become so inclined to celebrate the authenticity of all personal conviction that it is now elitist to believe in reason, expertise, and the lessons of history. If so, the party of accepting reality must be prepared to take on the party of denying reality, and its enablers among those who know better. If that is the coming realignment, we should embrace it.
Funny, but notice how Traub has reversed the "party of accepting reality" and the "party of denying reality." Clearly, the reality now is that everyday people --- you know, the actually citizens in popular democracies --- have woken up to the lies of the corrupt elites. It's not "pragmatic" to keep telling yourself that all is well when half the EU countries are drowning economically and the other half is hellbent of importing the developing world's wretched of the earth. Regular voters know cultural suicide when they see it, and they're having none of it.

Thank goodness.

Here's the relevant entry to further explain things, "#Brexit: Life-Orienting Belief System of Progressivism Shattered on the Rocks."

American Women Have the Biggest Breasts in the World

Hey, talk about American exceptionalism, lol.

At the Telegraph UK, "US women have the biggest breasts in the world – study reveals."

Well, my guess is that Charlotte McKinney's still something of an outlier, dang!

PREVIOUSLY: "New Charlotte McKinney Photos."

Czech Republic's Lucie Šafářová Dress 'Too Short for Wimbledon'

So since when are short dresses a controversy in professional tennis? Seems like you're always looking at women's undies.

At the Telegraph UK, "Why Wimbledon loves a controversial fashion moment on court":
After the week that is, what relief to be absorbed into the fastidious sartorial guidelines of South-west London’s finest purveyors of sporting dignity.

Or not, as the case may be… viewers (and questions of taste) have already been sent spinning by the erm, fluidity of Nike’s 'Premier Slam’ dress: a sort of sporty, baby doll, thigh-skirting pleated mini dress worn by Czech Republic first round winner Lucie Safarova on Monday, which floated up perilously throughout play...
Even the staid NYT's getting into the action on this one:

New Charlotte McKinney Photos

At London's Daily Mail, "Blonde bombshell Charlotte McKinney stops traffic as she flaunts her assets in a tiny red mini dress on set of new movie."

Speaking of being drunk, she takes her clothes off here (NSFW).

Brianna Addolorato, Fashion Model, Blogger, and Activist

And topless hottie.

Her name is Brianna Addolorato. I’ve never heard of her – but if the paparazzi are taking pictures of her – it’s safe to assume that she’s got a good scam going on, one that involves knowing who the paparrazzi who will take pictures of anyone in a bikini are – but more importantly, that she has been able to polarize her whore behavior, slutty pics, by calling herself a Fashion Blogger…which basically means zero, just that she tags the clothing she wears, or as she probably calls it “curates”…because justifying her whore for follower behavior, or packaging it as “fashion blogger” you know giving it a bigger purpose – makes brands happier to send money her way…it’s all fucking lies…

But at least she knows her place, gets topless one the beach and keeps the lie alive by reminding us she’s down to fuck, but she can make more money if she pretends she’s not...
Click through for the photos. She's a blond hottie.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Jackie Johnson's Cooling Trend Forecast

Ms. Jackie's back!

I was missing this wonderful lady!

LATEST: At Least 28 Dead in Istanbul Jihad Attack (VIDEO)


The number of fatalities has more than doubled since the initial reports on the attack.

Previously, "At Least 10 Dead in Istanbul Airport Homicide Bomber Attack (VIDEO)."

And now at WSJ, "Attack at Istanbul Airport Kills at Least 28":

ISTANBUL — Turkey’s busiest airport was rocked by a terrorist attack late Tuesday that killed at least 28 people and injured scores on the eve of a major holiday, the fourth major attack in Istanbul this year.

At least two blasts rocked the international terminal of Istanbul Ataturk Airport at about 10 p.m. local time, according to a Turkish official. Police fired on two suicide bombers who blew up themselves at the entrance to terminal, the official said.

Turkish Justice Minister Bekir Bozdag said an attacker had sprayed the area with a Kalashnikov and then detonated explosives.

Sixty other people were wounded in the attack, with six in critical condition, the state-run Anadolu news agency said.

Ambulances and police rushed to the area. Telecasts from the area showed bodies splayed on the floor outside the arrivals area and travellers rushing out of the airport. Police cordoned off the area and started evacuating passengers.

Flights to and from Istanbul were halted after the attack. British British Airways rerouted an Istanbul-bound plane back to London and Lufthansa cancelled at least one flight.

Turkish television channels reported at least three explosions at multiple areas, but there was no immediate confirmation from officials.

Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim called Interior Minister Efkan Ala and established a crisis desk.

Turkey’s largest airport has a strict security regime, unlike the other airports that have suffered bombings in the recent past.

Passengers are required to send all luggage and personal items through security screenings at the entrance to the departure zone, long before reaching check-in areas, which are separated by glass partitions and walls. The Islamic State-affiliated bombers who attacked the Brussels airport this year faced no such security screenings, and security officials believe that contributed to the high number of casualties there.

No group had claimed responsibility immediately after Tuesday’s attack...

Deal of the Day: 20% Off on APC Back-UPS Power Supply

At Amazon, APC BR1500G Back-UPS Pro 1500VA 10-outlet Uninterruptible Power Supply.

And, Up to 40% Off Select Logitech PC Accessories.

More, from Sebastian Gorka, Defeating Jihad: The Winnable War.

Joby Warrick, Black Flags: The Rise of ISIS.

Also, Fawaz Gerges, ISIS: A History.

Patrick Cockburn, The Rise of Islamic State: ISIS and the New Sunni Revolution.

BONUS: Stephen Brooks and William Wohlforth, America Abroad: The United States' Global Role in the 21st Century.

Lauren Southern in France's 'Calais Jungle' (VIDEO)

Via the Rebel Media, "Lauren Southern: Searching for 'Syrian refugees' in France’s 'Calais Jungle'."

Melissa Satta Black Bikini Hotness in Italy

At Egotastic!, "Boston born Italian hottie Melissa Satta of the amazing booty finally married her professional soccer player boyfriend because soccer players simpl[y] get the hottest women."

For sure.

Sports Illustrated had her doing body paint a couple of years ago, "SI Swimsuit World Cup Body Painting: Melissa Satta Wearing Nothing But PAINT!"

PREVIOUSLY: "Hot Wives and Girlfriends of Euro Cup Soccer Players."

At Least 10 Dead in Istanbul Airport Homicide Bomber Attack (VIDEO)

This is breaking news.

If it's as bad as it looks, the number of fatalities is going to go way up.

Expect updates.

Alien Sharks: Close Encounters (VIDEO)

It's Shark Week at Discovery Channel.

My wife popped it on to get away from all the blathering talking heads on CNN after the Trump trade speech, lol.

Honestly, though, this is a fantastic series.


I'll post more videos as we go along. Absolutely freakin' amazing.

UKIP's Nigel Farage to the EU: 'You're Not Laughing Now, Are You?' (VIDEO)

At the Federalist, "Watch Brexit Architect Nigel Farage Curb-Stomp the Entire EU Parliament."

And at NPR, "WATCH: Brexiteer Nigel Farage to EU: 'You're Not Laughing Now, Are You?'":

Nigel Farage, a member of the European Parliament and the leader of the U.K. Independence Party, spoke on the floor of the European Parliament on Tuesday morning.

It was a special session of the Parliament, called in the wake of the U.K.'s decision to leave the European Union. Farage — whose eurosceptic right-wing party was firmly in favor of the Brexit, and who personally campaigned quite passionately for it — was grinning.

And on a day marked with fiery speeches, his stood out...
Keep reading.

The leftist press highlight's drunkard Junker's rude rebuke to Farage, at the Guardian, for example, "'Why are you still here?' asks EU's Juncker amid barrage of Nigel Farage."

Remember, the left's entire utopian consciousness has been flushed down the drain.

Not Everything Should Be Decided by the People

Here's the post at Althouse, "Some things just shouldn't be decided by the people?"

She links Instapundit, "THEY LOVE DEMOCRACY UNTIL IT TURNS OUT THE WRONG WAY: WaPo: Brexit is a reminder that some things just shouldn’t be decided by the people."

We used to hear this argument all the time in California once Prop. 8 passed. Remember, "human rights shouldn't be up for a vote by the people."

Now, though, with Black Lives Matter, and all that, it's, "This is what democracy looks like!" You know, shutting down people and opinions with whom you disagree.

Corbyn Supporters Blame Labour Coup on Zionist Plot

Well, what else these days?

Following-up, "Jeremy Corbyn Refuses to Resign After Losing Nob-Confidence Vote (VIDEO)," and "Angela Eagle to Challenge Jeremy Corbyn (VIDEO)."

At Heat Street:
Jeremy Corbyn is fighting for his political life today as more than 20 of his top team have lined up to knife him.

Disgruntled frontbench MPs cited his lack of leadership and inability to stop Brexit as reasons for their revolt – but die-hard Corbyn fans say they know better.

Hundreds of supporters who have the leader’s back claim the real reason for the revolt is a fruition of a Zionist conspiracy.

Truthers posted their thoughts publicly on social media, while MPs including rising star Jess Phillips say they are receiving far more accusations in private.

Angela Eagle to Challenge Jeremy Corbyn (VIDEO)

Following-up, "Jeremy Corbyn Refuses to Resign After Losing Nob-Confidence Vote (VIDEO)."

 Check the Guardian U.K., "Brexit live: Angela Eagle touted as unity candidate in Labour leadership crisis."

Jeremy Corbyn Refuses to Resign After Losing Nob-Confidence Vote (VIDEO)

At Telegraph UK, "Labour crisis: Jeremy Corbyn refuses to resign after losing confidence of 172 MPs as Angela Eagle eyes up leadership challenge":

Jeremy Corbyn has lost a vote of no confidence in his leadership (172 votes to 40) but is expected to battle on to force a contest in which Angela Eagle or Tom Watson is likely to be the rival candidate.

David Cameron is in Brussels for discussions with European leaders about Britain's exit from the EU. He has told journalists that "we must not turn our backs on Europe".

An earlier session of the European Parliament saw Ukip leader Nigel Farage booed and jeered by fellow MEPs...

Hot Wives and Girlfriends of Euro Cup Soccer Players


At WWTDD, "Soccer Players Get the Best Tail":

Soccer WAGS photo hot_wives_and_girlfriends_of_euro_cup_soccer_players_02-186d2c36_web_zpsomm2zanm.jpg
There used to be some debate as to which professional athletes got the hottest tail. That debate ended when everybody admitted that soccer might be boring as shit, but playing professionally essentially guarantees you a slender brunette with big tits wearing screaming your name from the wives and girlfriend section of the stands.

You'd expect top scores of some South American country to have Victoria's Secret model shtupping...

#Brexit: Life-Orienting Belief System of Progressivism Shattered on the Rocks


From Damon Linker, at the Week, "How Brexit shattered progressives' dearest illusions" (via Instapundit):
It's perfectly reasonable to worry about what will happen after Britain's historic vote to break up with the European Union. Will Brexit provoke Scotland and Northern Ireland to secede from the United Kingdom, leading to its dissolution? Will it embolden other members of the EU to bolt? And will those secessionist movements empower unsavory characters who end up being seduced by Vladimir Putin and modeling themselves on his form of authoritarian populism? Will the dire short-term economic consequences of Brexit create chaos and recession in the long term, too?

As I said, lots of reasons to worry.

But what we've seen from a wide range of writers and analysts in the days since the Brexit vote is not necessarily worry. It is shock. Fury. Disgust. Despair. A faith has been shaken, illusions shattered, pieties punctured. This is what happens when a life-orienting system of belief gets smashed on the rocks of history.

The name of that shattered system of belief? Progressivism...
Still more.

And ICYMI, "U.K.'s Guardian After #Brexit — A Roundup."