Showing posts sorted by relevance for query charles johnson. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query charles johnson. Sort by date Show all posts

Friday, January 8, 2010

Charles Johnson Moved to a Gate-Guarded Community?

My good friend Reliapundit at the Astute Bloggers suggests that we should just lay off blogging about Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs. Well, if the concern is that conservatives are giving King Charles too much time in the spotlight, that's nothing compared to the accolades coming in from the mainstream leftist media. Exhibit A this afternoon is James Rainey's excursion in sycophancy at the Los Angeles Times, "A Blogger's Parting With the Right."

JammieWearingFool picked up on the story. Particularly of interest there is Rainey's description of C.J. as "husky," which is of course a euphemism for "fat." Kind of like George Costanza:

Or in the words of Weasel Zippers, "This is what he really looks like, a fat, bloated, beady-eyed jerkoff ..."

But I noticed something that goes a little deeper to King Charles' narcissistic personality disorder. It turns out that the Lizard Freak relocated to a gate-guarded community from the implied death threats he mentions at
the piece:

Johnson's posting on Nov. 30, “Why I Parted Ways with The Right,” created a maelstrom in some corners of the blogosphere and the Twitterverse. Onetime hyperlinking pals have called him a tyrant and a traitor. Earlier, one had questioned his sanity.

In Johnson's mind, he has not really changed but merely shifted his focus. Where once he was preoccupied with national security, staking out a hawkish, pro-military position, he now spends more time focusing on his liberal social views, and gripes with conservatives who disagree. "I like to think," he told me this week, "I am pretty independent of [the] political winds."

But not totally immune. As I talked to Johnson in his office, an alert flashed on one of his two giant computer monitors. An angry screed targeting him on another website concluded: "I think a visit to Mr. Johnson's home might be warranted. Anybody got his address?"

Such veiled threats are at least one reason why Johnson, 56, relocated not long ago. He remains in the Los Angeles area, but now is in a gated community.

The man who once decried vitriol spread on liberal websites now says: "The kinds of hate mail and the kinds of attacks I am getting from the right wing are way beyond anything I got when I was criticizing the left or even radical Islam."
These are fantasies of persecution, I'd guess. But it's par for the course for someone who's whole schtick is about remaining relevant some way, some how. And right now that means transmogrifying into a useful idiot for the leftist press.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Waiting for Charles Johnson to Join Andrew Sullivan's Anti-Israel Ravings...

With all the Sarah Palin news, I thought I'd check Andrew Sullivan's page this morning. It's pretty much routine stuff ("the lies of Sarah Palin," blah, blah). While there, I took this screencap of Andrew's "Face of the Day" (a Palestinian terrorist):

Palestinians smuggle sheep into the Gaza Strip through a tunnel under the Egypt-Gaza border in Rafah on November 15, 2009. Residents of the poverty-stricken Gaza Strip fear a shortage of sacrificial cattle ahead of a major Muslim holiday due to Israel's blockade. Eid al-Adha or Feast of Sacrifice marks the end of the annual pilgrimage to Mecca and is celebrated in remembrance of Abraham's readiness to sacrifice his son to God. By Said Khatib/AFP/Getty.

Given Sullivan's long history of anti-Semitism (see my essay at RealClearPolitcs, "Kos and Andrew: Merchants of Hate"), I'm wondering when Charles Johnson will complete his leftist transmogrification by hopping on the left's anti-Israel bandwagon. Actually, while Dan Riehl recently wrote, "Charles Johnson's Deplorable Deception Knows No Bounds" (a reference to King Charles' "racist" attacks on Robert Stacy McCain), I think folks are still waiting for the other shoe to drop on Israel.

In any case,
Reliapundit suggested to keep an eye out for the denunciation of Israel at Little Green Footballs. Seeing Andrew Sullivan's attack blog this morning was just a little reminder of what's likely coming down the pike.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Charles Johnson Bad Craziness

It's takes something extraordinary for conservatives to even acknowledge Charles Johnson these days. I'd frankly forgotten about him for most of this year. He's a bonafide leftist now. No different from the trolls at Daily Kos, as far as I'm concerned.

But C.J.'s been interacting with Louise Mensch on Twitter for quite sometime. I just ignored it, thinking Louise would figure out the Lizard Loser sooner or later. Well, it's gonna be sooner, it turns out. Robert Stacy McCain broke the silence about the deranged LGF sleaze-master on Twitter, and he posted a blog entry. See, "Transformation Complete, Charles Johnson Denounces Ronald Reagan."

Charles Johnson Bad Craziness photo CharlesJohnsonBadCraziness_zps0d1c2657.jpg

Be sure to read the whole thing at the Other McCain. It's all good.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Are Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter Good for Conservatives? or, David Frum's Political Stockholm Syndrome (And Charles Johnson's)

From Frontpage Magazine, "Are Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter Good for Conservatives?" (with David Horowitz on David Frum's emotional attachment to the right's partisan enemies):

It seems to me you are suffering from a kind of political Stockholm syndrome. You inhabit a mental universe shaped by media like Newsweek and the New York Review of Books, in which you are a hostage of the Left. As a result you’ve absorbed some of their attitudes, and look at Palin and other non-U conservatives through their eyes, instead of your own.
Also, amazingly, Charles Johnson's mounting a smear campaign against Palin's book. A Google link is here: "Sarah Palin's Book Ghostwritten by Associate of White Supremacist McCain." Pluse, here's the Google cached page of Little Green Footballs. It's okay to click without giving Charles Johnson any blog hits. Check Saber Point for more on that, "If You Just HAVE to Visit "Little Green Footballs," Here's the Way to Do It", and "Mentally Ill Blogger Charles Johnson Hides Shrinking Numbers of New Members."

Related: More Palin Derangement, "
Steve Schmidt: Palin Would Be “Catastrophic” For GOPers in 2012" (via Memeorandum).

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Yid With Lid Banned From Little Green Footballs

Sammy at Yid With Lid wrote an almost melancholy post after being banned from Little Green Footballs:
Today, I was Banned From Little Green Footballs. My Crime, I am friends with Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs and I link to both Pamela and Robert Spencer.

Pamela and Charles Johnson of LGF had a now famous falling out about a year and a half ago. On this site and especially on LGF, I have stayed out of it. Although I have discussed with Pamela privately as friends do ....

I have been saddened by the way Charles has distanced himself from Pamela and others in this small world of blogging ... This blogging world which Charles helped to created is too small and faces too many challenges for us to fight amongst ourselves ...
I too think our conservative blogging world is "too small for us to fight amongst ourselves."

But Charles Johnson is not interested in building a movement. Nor is he interested in building a community of friends. His sole aim is to feed his narcissism.
William Teach left this screencap in the comments at one of my earlier posts. Charles Johnson makes threats:

Sammy's better off being rid of his relationship to Johnson. The guy needs some help.

P.S.:The comment thread is worth you time. It's pure "Banned-a-monium!"

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I'm a 'Pro-Fascist Tea-Bagger'!

You can't make this stuff up ...

Ryan Mauro, who recently criticized CPAC in no uncertain terms for its John Birch Society sponsorship, is not taking kindly to Charles Johnson's "racist" smear allegations, from the Bloggingheads episode below. See Mauro's piece, "Darnit! Charles Johnson Catches Me Being a Racist! Whatever Shall I Do?"

And that reminds me: I'm hanging out all day with Robert Stacy McCain, who Charles Johnson also attacks as "racist" at the video. In his response to Andrew Sullivan last night (where the Daily Dish smear-merchant cites Johnson on Bloggingheads), Robert noted that he was blogging at the home of the "notorious pro-fascist teabagger Donald Douglas." Geez, I'm hearing echoes of Larisa Alexandrovna!

Don't know how much blogging I'll have up today, but at some point I'll report on Robert Stacy McCain's "Fear and Loathing' in Southern California!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Charles Johnson's Servitude to Savages

It's an unfortunate component of being a partisan blogger, but as folks of late have seen around here, you can't cower from the hatred. You must never cave to the progressive totalitarians. Few people live that dictum with more resolve than Pamela Geller.

See, "Charles Johnson, Misogynist, of Little Green Footballs In Servitude to Savages":

I will not submit to the whitewashing and outright cover-up of honor killings in the West, despite the withering personal attacks on me.

That these monstrous crimes of murder do not unite rational men on the basis of sheer humanity is indicative of how debased and morally bankrupt the monsters on the left are. I hold them ultimately responsible. Devout Muslims who support or subscribe to religiously sanctioned gendercide are merely adhering to their faith. What's the left's excuse?

Imagine someone so twisted and dysfunctional that he would vilify those who are fighting against an ideology that oppresses, subjugates and slaughters women. Honor killings are a family affair, and there are as many accomplices as there are killers. Jessica Mokdad was subjected to years of strict religious punishment in that hellish house. Where was her mother? Who lured her back to that deadly house after she had run away?

The once fiercely counter-jihad now viciously pro-jihad Chuck Johnson is rabid with news of my human rights conference, mixing moral equivocation with good old-fashioned lies. Really nuts.

I/we asked the Hyatt for nothing. After they apologized profusely for canceling a Geller event in Sugar Land, Texas (the mistake of a weak, on-site tool), the Hyatt offered to give us space and pay for it at any of their hotels in America. I never bullied Hyatt. I never even contacted them.

I am always surprised when someone sends me a link from the green swamp. No one reads this boil on the ass of the blogsophere anymore, but look what's become of him. Once the pre-eminent blog on the right, the now notorious leftwing troll is mocking the fight for the right to live and live freely as a "ghoulish obsession": Pamela Geller's Ghoulish Obsession With 'Honor Killings' Takes an Ugly Turn. Fighting to save girls' lives is a "ghoulish obsession." I guess CJ would call Elie Wiesel's work on the Holocaust a "ghoulish obsession." Or any human rights group or anti-torture organization -- do they have "ghoulish obessions," too?
Continue reading.

Pamela adds:

And although no one takes this tool seriously anymore (he was us, now he's them, tomorrow he is Gregor Samsa), it is illustrative of the left's canny ability to paint good as evil. "Ghoulish obsession" -- think about that.
It is evil. It's not simply disagreement. It's a demonically obsessed campaign to destroy her.

Pamela also a posts a screencap from Little Green Footballs, where the Little Green Gargoyles in the comments compare honor killings to circumcision and warn that Pamela and the AFDI/SIOA organizers are "looking for trouble." And on cue, Charles Johnson's posts another attack on Pamela, at the Twitter link here: "Pamela Geller Spews Hatred at LGF Again."

The hatred in the comments is heating up right on schedule.

This is what you deal with when you stand up for right. I'm engaged in this kind of thing at American Power. It's f-king unbelievable the depths of genuine evil I deal with, but as you can see with Pamela, there's black contagion spreading and people of good faith can't stand aside.


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Bottom Line on Mississippi's GOP Runoff Primary — #MSSen

Here's Jonathan Tobin, in all his usual perspicacity, "Contentions Will GOP Regret Torching Miss. Tea Party?":
Cochran’s ability to turn out black Democrats in huge numbers to offset his unpopularity among members of his own party in an open primary state could also be interpreted as a triumph for GOP outreach. For a party that desperately needs more minority support, some may argue that Cochran’s tactic of paying black political organizers to persuade hard-core Democrats to vote in a Republican primary is a sign that African-Americans can be enticed to support a GOP candidate under some circumstances.

While that is a rather dubious assumption, the bottom line about the Mississippi primary is that the Tea Party got out-organized, out-spent and outflanked by an incumbent. Cochran was able to use support from the party establishment, business, and local constituencies who were influenced by the senator’s ability to manipulate the federal budget. That bought him a win in a primary that should have been dominated by the highly motivated conservative activists who wanted to retire him.

But the general satisfaction among establishment Republicans today needs to be tempered by the knowledge that what Cochran did in Mississippi may hurt the party in ways they may not quite understand...
Continue reading.

Tobin's right to indicate that the establishment is burning its bridges to the conservative base, and perhaps irreparably.

On that, especially, see Erick Erickson, "The Marionettes Remain Uncut."

Yet, all of this overlooks the illegal nature of Cochran's win last night. Follow Charles C. Johnson for all the latest on this, and more. That's the bottom line:

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Charles Johnson Blames Right-Wing 'Bigotry' and 'Hatred' for Leftist Non-Profit Employee's Attack on New York Muslim Cabdriver

Reliapundit's always telling me to ignore him, but I couldn't resist this one.

I tweeted this at about 9:00AM. I'm linking there to the New York Post's report, "Driver claims his throat was slashed after telling passenger he was Muslim."


And right on cue, Charles Johnson posted this (safe link) about 10:15AM:


In two more (safe link) posts, King Charles attacks both Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer (with the same old stupid guilt-by-association smears).

Obsessed much, Lizard Man? And jumpy, sheesh.

Turns out the "bigotry" of the attacker doesn't fit the radical left's "Islamophobic" narrative. The alleged attacker, Michael Enright, is an associate of a pro-Cordoba Mosque non-profit outfit, according to Ben Smith, "
Alleged Anti-Muslim Attacker Works at Pro-Park51 Group":
The alleged assailant, Michael Enright, is — according to his Facebook profile and the website of the left-leaning media organization Intersections International — a student at the School of Visual Arts and a volunteer for Intersections, which recently produced a statement of support for the Park51 project and is funded by the mainstream, liberal Collegiate Church of New York.

Intersections did not respond to two messages, and the group does not appear to be picking up the phone. Enright did not respond to a message through his Facebook account.

But this appears to be the same man: Police described Enright as a resident of Brewster, 21 years old, and an employee of an "Internet media company who had recently spent time with a combat unit in Afghanistan filming military exercises until this past May."

His Facebook picture, above, appears to show him in Afghanistan. The page describes him as a cinematographer and photographer for Intersections.

Smith links to a Little Green Footballs update, where Charles conveniently ignores (safe link) his earlier allegations against "Fox News" and "right-wing websites," and instead offers some lame dodge about how "there's no reason to believe" Enright was involved with the Cordoba Initiative.

The non-profit, Intersections, has released
a public statement.

And according to a 5:24PM EST update at New York Times:

Mr. Enright is a volunteer with Intersections International, a nonprofit that works to promote cross-cultural understanding and has spoken out in favor of the proposed Islamic cultural center near ground zero. Mr. Enright, who shuffled into court with a collared t-shirt, cargo shorts and shackles around his ankles, has also worked with veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder, Mr. Martin said.

It's now 3:00PM on the West Coast, and I don't see an update or correction at Little Green Footballs.

I know most conservatives have long written off Charles Johnson as a disturbed crank. For me, well, C.J.'s pomposity's both fascinating and funny --- frustrating too, since the MFM gives him an unbelieveable amount of coverage and credibility. And of course, while I'd never hold my breath, Charles' ignorant and unhinged rant on the cabbie attack deserves a retraction at the least. The guy's a tool.


Special Note: I thank God the cabbie, Ahmed H. Sharif, a Bangladeshi immigrant, is going to be okay.

ADDED: Glenn Reynolds links with an Instalanche!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Charles Johnson and Andrew Sullivan: American Power Called It!

I'm scooping AOSHQ by months!

Check out Ace's post, "Inevitable: True Conservative Andrew Sullivan Praises 'Continued Evolution of Charles Johnson'."

But from American Power back in May, "
Charles Johnson and Andrew Sullivan: Separated at Birth?":

And here's
Andrew Sullivan's fine words in praise of Little Green Footballs:

The pioneer of the anti-Jihadist blog, Little Green Footballs, is repulsed by some of the developments on the populist, racist right. He's right to be; and has the courage to say so. For that he is subjected to the usual mau-mauing. Check out his blog. It's an Yglesias Award in motion.
I think it's fair to say that LGF's now gone completely to the other side. Is there anyone out there still aguing to the contrary? LGF Founding Bloggers was quite fair to Charles in a post the other day, "LGF Delinks Pajamas Media!." And my friend Michael van der Galien has long resisted throwing Charles under the bus (see, "Civil War Raging in the Right-Wing Blogosphere") But hey, the evidence is pretty overwhelming by now. The dude's cracked.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Barrett Brown Cross-Posts Lame Response to R.S. McCain at Sick and Evil Little Green Footballs

There's little advantage for me in posting on Barrett Brown's cross-posting of a hit piece against Robert Stacy McCain to Little Green Footballs. That's because while Barrett is likely to respond, I'm not sure if he can link to my blog from Little Green Footballs (since Charles Johnson often refuses links to enemies). And it's definitely no linkage at Ordinary Gentlemen, which is home to sleaze-blogger E.D. Kain. It's okay actually, since I often refuse to throw links to those who're unworthy --- the lying dirtbag RepRacist3 comes to mind. But in this case the stakes are fairly high. Barrett Brown has threatened Robert Stacy McCain with a libel suit. I sometimes communicate with Barrett Brown, and of course I'm a long-time blog buddy to Robert, so I thought I'd just throw out a few thoughts for the heck of it. Maybe there's some utility in this as an excursion in the blogospheric politics of flame wars.

I do link to Ordinary Gentlemen, as folks will recall. It's hilarious when E.D. Kain checks out my blog while analyzing his stats. E.D.'s ashamed to this day of once being the proprietor of a boldly neoconservative webzine known as
NeoConstant. He got tired of it just as the ideological winds were shifting toward the Democrats in 2008. Long-time readers will recall that in response to my series of essays on E.D.'s craven ideological and moral machinations, he launched a campaign of workplace harassment at my college. I had bestowed upon him the "Conor Friedersdorf Wannabe Award for Faux-Conservative Punditry!", and no doubt that didn't sit too well. (See, "Sleaze-Blogger E.D. Kain Reaches Pinnacle of 'Conservative' Blogosphere! Simultaneously Linked by Andrew Sullivan and Charles Johnson!") And while I often hear folks still refer to E.D. as a libertarian-minded conservative, the truth is he's a dyed-in-the-wool progressive. He finally gave up the ghost at Balloon Juice a few months back, "Why I am Not a Conservative." E.D.'s obviously on a search for acceptance --- by someone, anyone, no matter how deeply immoral and without possibility of redemption. It's pretty bad.

And that's why E.D. refuses to link me at Ordinary Gentlemen. I've hammered him mercilessly. The truth hurts, seriously. And ignoring me is his way of admitting he's a tool of the even cheapest sleazeballs higher up the blogging chain, like
RAWMUSLGLUTES and husky über narcissist Charles Johnson.

Anyway, I'm perplexed that Barrett Brown has decided to go all out with the cross-post to Little Green Footballs, linked here and here. (And the Confederate illustration appears only at LGF, although Ordinary Gentlemen is not above those kinds of base smears.) Barrett's post is the basis for his accusation of libel against Robert. And folks can read the latter's original post here: "Narcissism, Isolation and Trolls." And Robert's response to the libel threat is here: "Nothing Says ‘Merry Christmas’ ..." All of this entails a lot of reading, and frankly I don't really see where Barrett's case for libel can be found. Robert's a judicious blogger, and having made a living as an established journalist I'd expect he knows how to avoid litigation. But here's a quote in any case, for a flavor:

Brown pretends to disprove my skeptical remarks about his characterization of Vanity Fair reporter Michael Hastings as his “colleague.” What I wrote was that, in using this term in his YouTube video lecture to National Review editor Rich Lowry, Brown was “expressing a collegiality that probably exists mainly in Brown’s mind.”

The jury will please note the word “probably” in that sentence. Of course I could not know the extent of Brown’s acquaintance with Hastings, despite Brown’s having written sundry things about that relationship, for we have already established that by his own admission Brown perpetrates falsehoods on the Internet. (See defense Exhibit B.)

Given Brown’s confessed use of online deception (his phony “alter-ego,” etc.), his mere assertion as to any particular state of affairs — e.g., an alleged professional relationship with Michael Hastings — proves nothing, as an admitted liar has no credibility. Therefore, skepticism toward such an assertion by Brown was entirely warranted. And what does Brown say of his relationship with Hastings?

We talked on the phone several times and exchanged some number of e-mails . . .

Brown does not say, “We’re best buds,” or “We hung out and had beers together.” No, it’s e-mails and phone calls. By that standard, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I’ve got a whole crapload of “colleagues,” including several members of Congress. But you’ll notice that, so far as we can tell from Exhibit A, Brown and Hastings have never met in person, thus sustaining my assertion, in the blog post that the plaintiff claims is libelous, that “while Brown and Hastings were both True/Slant contributors, it wasn’t like they were hanging out around the office coffee machine, swapping stories.”

My credibility once more vindicated, I next call to your attention this statement by Brown:

. . . the rest can be confirmed by Andrew Sullivan, with whom I discussed the events after he linked to my piece.

Andrew Sullivan. Andrew Sullivan? Does the plaintiff really wish to bring to this honorable court’s attention his professional collaboration with Andrew Sullivan? Your honor, the defense would like to introduce at this time Exhibit C, showing that this same Andrew Sullivan has a criminal record for possession of illegal drugs. We also introduce Exhibit D, a blog post from Ace of Spades HQ, containing certain relevant information about Suliivan’s other behaviors, although there is perhaps no need to discuss this information at this time.

So far, then, we have established that Barrett Brown is a confessed drunkard, by his own admission “arrogant and narcissistic,” a deceptive Internet “troll” who is friends with others who engage in similar deceptive activity online, and an associate of a criminal drug abuser, Andrew Sullivan.

Given all this, your honor, it is the belief of the defense that Barrett Brown is a person of such infamous ill-repute that any negative comments made about him on the Internet could not possibly be considered defamatory.

I'm now going back over Barrett's response, and I see that he's quick to engage in race-baiting allegations against Robert and the latter's ties to the Sons of Confederate Veterans, ad nauseum. And Barrett has a book coming out on all of this as well, with an entire chapter devoted to McCain, Hot, Fat, and Clouded: The Amazing and Amusing Failures of America's Chattering Class. (In recalling this I'm understanding why Robert has something to be pissed about.)

And for a flashback, here's Barrett Brown attacking me as dishonest earlier this year. I later updated a post he criticized (don't remember which one), so I guess this is mostly of entertainment value at this point, if that. Related: "
Barrett Brown Doesn't Read Well."

Footnote: For the origins of the "sick and evil" reference to LGF, see "Ace of Spades Smacks Charles Johnson in a Post Every New* Blogger Should Read."

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Dennis Prager: 'An Open Letter to Charles Johnson'

I did finally read the New York Times piece on Charles Johnson, but I haven't updated for want of something additionally useful to say. But via Glenn Reynolds, I got a kick out of Andrew Sullivan's extreme defense of political flexibility (which is mostly just an attack on those anchored souls with firm convictions). See Glenn for the link, or Google, "How The Internet Enforces Rigidity‎."

And for something serious, from someone of highly respectable ideological thinking, see Dennis Prager's, "
An Open Letter to Charles Johnson": (via Memeorandum):

Dear Charles:

As you know, over the years, I was so impressed with your near-daily documentation of developments in the Islamist world that I twice had you on my national radio show — both times face to face in my studio. And you, in turn, periodically cited my radio show and would tell your many readers when they could hear you on my show.

So it came as somewhat of a shock to see your 180-degree turn from waging war on Islamist evil to waging war on your erstwhile allies and supporters on the right. You attempted to explain this reversal on Nov. 30, 2009, when you published “Why I Parted Ways With The Right.”

You offered 10 reasons, and I would like to respond to them.

First, as disappointed as I am with your metamorphosis, I still have gratitude for all the good you did and I respect your change as a sincere act of conscience. But neither this gratitude nor this respect elevates my regard for your 10 points. They are well beneath the intellectual and moral level of your prior work. They sound like something Keith Olbermann would write if he were given 10 minutes to come up with an attack on conservatives.
The rest of the letter is at the link.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Charles Johnson's 'Peace Train' to Islamofascism — UPDATED!!

UPDATE: Don't miss Aaron Worthing's brilliant post this morning, "Charles Johnson Shreds the Last of his Credibility Discussing the Stewart Rally."


A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, Charles Johnson wrote what may have been the authoritative anti-jihad post on Cat Stevens, a.k.a. Yusuf Islam: "Are You Ready for Islamopop?" (safe link).


And now?

Well, the dude live-streamed Stewart/Colbert's lefty-lovefest, "
Live Video: Rally to Restore Sanity And/or Fear" (safe link).


Yep. King Charles himself now leads the Islamofascist fifth column.

RELATED: Ed Driscoll, "
Video: Riding the Peace Train." And at Toby Harden, "Yusuf Islam (aka Cat Stevens), accused of backing Salman Rushdie fatwah, appears at DC 'Rally to Restore Sanity'."

And Doug Mataconis adds:
Some, such as Talking Points Memo, have already dismissed this criticism of Islam’s appearance at the rally as a “right wing” concern, but there does seem to be somewhat of a disconnect between a rally calling for rationality in political discourse and a singer who once endorsed the idea of murdering someone for writing a book. Inviting a man like this to a rally to “restore sanity” was a mistake, and Stewart is likely to take some well-deserved criticism for it over the coming days.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ayatollah Al-Charles of Little Green Footballs

It turns out that Ayatollah Al-Charles Johnson of Little Green Hateballs can't scrub fast enough. Here's an early Little Green Hateballs entry rightly taking issue with Britain's far left-wing Guardian newspaper: "Al-Guardian Gives Insanity a Bad Name" (safe link).


And here's Al-Charles's piece today on the previously loathed Al-Guardian: "Pamela Geller and the bloggers of hate."


Al-Charles cross-posted Al-Guardian to Little Green Hateballs, along with this:
Here’s my first piece for the Guardian’s “Comment is free” site: Pamela Geller and the bloggers of hate. (I didn’t pick that title, but it fits pretty well.)

I’ll cross-post the article here (including its British spellings), but you should also check out the comments at Cif; some of them are interesting. (And of course, now that I’ve posted the link, you can expect some of the usual stalkers to show up there too.)
And it looks like Ayatollah Al-Charles has no control over the objective comments at Al-Guardian, as we see this one, which is perfect:
Geller is not against Muslims, she is against sharia law in the west. Unlike Imam Rauf. Her tone may not be sweet enough for some but Johnson is the hater in this story, not so much Geller.


And Pamela's having a field day with this, "New Career of a Madman: Johnson Shrieks, 'My site gave Geller Her 'break' on the web'" (via Memeorandum):
Talk about a hot mess. Chuck Johnson has penned his first full length column for the notoriously anti-semitic UK paper, The Guardian, and what is the object of his crazy? Why, Pamela Geller, of course. It's come full circle now.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Larisa Alexandrovna: Libel Blogger, Smears Conservatives as 'Racist'

It's amazing, actually. I was mostly kidding at first, amid the flamewars, when I called Larisa Alexandrovna an "airhead." But seriously, the woman truly is thick.

I mean, damn! It's not just that she's actually libeling me with a series of pathetic allegations of "racism." It's that her posts have nothing even remotely to do with what serious poeple call "evidence." You know, some kind of empirical fact that normal people use to substantiate truth claims. It's not all that hard -- well, for people who aren't pathological liars.

Ms. Alexandrovna's latest attacks are in response to my suggestion that she's a runner-up "candidate for race-baiter of the year." And that's not a joke. Janeane Garofalo's a cinch for 1st prize, but Larisa's hot on her heels: As she alleged previously, "Donald Douglas, is an ultra-nationalist, openly racist professor of political science." And what was the factual basis for that claim? Well, nothing actually, only that I'm conservative. So, in response to my post today, where I denounced the Patrick Lanzo incident -- fully, comprehensively, and unambigously -- Larisa still can't resist to let go again:

Donald Douglas is really just hoping to show himself as not a racist. He points over yonder and says "see" that is what racism looks like and I don't support that. But if you read his blog you will see a exactly why he is a racist. Douglas then goes on to claim the following:
"Larisa recently attacked me with this odd description, "Donald Douglas, is an ultra-nationalist, openly racist professor of political science." I guess that puts me in good company, with Michelle Malkin, for example: "Malkin and the Racists..."I'm putting up Larisa Alexandrovna with Janeane Garofalo as a candidate for race-baiter of the year."
Odd description? Malkin is a racist. There is no debate on this from rational people, including actual Republicans, not the knuckle-dragging glue sniffing kind. Odd description? Not hardly. It is an entirely accurate description of a Muslim hating, birther peddling, racist, white power nationalist. If those terms offend you, then stop supporting those movements and championing those talking points. Otherwise embrace what you are and get it over with already.
Notice that? Her evidence that I'm racist is that -- wait for it -- Michelle Malkin is racist! And we know that because -- don't hold your breath! -- "rational people, including actual Republicans, not the knuckle-dragging glue sniffing kind," say so!

Well, blow me down! That is devastating. I think there's an actual philosophy of science term for that kind of logic: Argumentum ad verecundiam, which is an appeal to authority. And in Larisa's case, it's not just amorphous "rational people" and "actual Republicans ... it's well, nobody. But wait! She does actually refer quite liberally to one of America's greatest experts on racism,
Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs!

That's right! Who would have guessed? Charles Johnson is the kind of "rational person" that Ms. Alexandrovna cites as a source of authority for her theories of conservative racism! And then, by logical implication, the libelous claims at LGF provide the evidence that I'm racist by way of Michelle Malkin being racist! Oh well, that's kind of round-a-bout, so let's go to Larisa's earlier post (because remember, Larisa makes allegations with any actual evidence). Note that I took issue with her post, "
Republicanistan - A Country of Its Own," which was basically setting the table for her race-baiting smears cited above:

Obama has been attacked for efforts of diplomacy and attempts to dismantle the violence of the previous administration. Although IMHO, he has not gone far enough on many of the issues of diplomacy and ending our illegal war in Iraq - his achievements are still remarkable in this political climate and in such a short-time in office.

The Glennbeckistanians deploy their hatriots

So, while I have no problem with legitimate criticism from both the left and the right (as I have said previously, Little Green Footballs continues to earn my respect) of the Nobel Peace Prize in general and of Obama's award in particular, what I do have a serious problem with is those who attack rather than criticize and not on legitimate points, but out of pure hate.
The only problem there being that Charles Johnson's no longer on "the right." And he hasn't been for a long time now. Not only that, C.J.'s certifiably crazed. We find a new example of his megalomaniacal paranoia virtually every day. My friend John Lilyea had his account blocked most recently. Jonn, who admired C.J., and who stayed out of C.J.'s blog flamewars, had this to say after finding that error message below:

I know you’re so damn petty that you Google your name and chase links looking for LGF infidels…so eat shit, Charles. I hope you get your ponytail caught in your bike spokes, you dick. See, I can be petty, too. Dick.

And just today, Little Green Footballs found evidence of "racism" at this thread at Fox Nation:

The most damning piece of evidence there? A link to Lew Rockwell's homepage. Of course, the Lew Rockwell-types not only hate the GOP, but Rockwell himself is in bed (literally) with the neo-communist left!

Wow, that Larisa's a real Nobel-caliber scientist! Impeccable evidentiary analysis!

And it's like I said earlier today at
my post: Airheads like Larisa Alexandrovna have drained the word "racism" of any significant meaning, and thus they've in essence "joined folks like Patrick Lanzo in the racist hall of shame." For in assuming that everything in society is institutionally racist, one automatically condemns blacks to systematic non-achievement: They're always going to be shufflin' fools, looking out for Mr. Charlie. The Democrats love it that way, since they'll always have a dependent lumpenproletariat population to exploit for its dependency. The irony of it all is that it's the Democrats themselves who are the real racists in today's day and age. They can get away with it, and they do so all the time: I mean if a top GOP figure argued that he'd like to string Barack Obama up and castrate the mofo ... well, there'd be hell to pay. But it's okay when you've got the Democratic-leftist race card to play. Hey, come to think of it, maybe Larisa Alexandrovna's pretty clever after all!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Rachel Maddow Attacks Robert Stacy McCain as White Supremacist

From Pat in Shreveport, "Rachel Maddow Attacks Stacy McCain":

Rachel Maddow on Meet the Press this morning, called Robert Stacy McCain a white supremacist. I'm thinking she's been listening to Charles Johnson a little too much.

The panel was discussing the Sarah Palin book,
Going Rogue, when Maddow offers her criticism of Lynn Vincent, Palin's ghostwriter. Maddow explains that Lynn Vincent "co-authored a book with a guy who is widely believed to be , and I believe him to be, a white supremacist. So she's [Palin] chosen Lynn Vincent who has written a book with a white supremacist to write her book." Robert Stacy McCain and Lynn Vincent co-authored Donkey Cons: Sex, Crime, and Corruption in the Democratic Party in 2006.

Slide on over to 8:00 for the quote.

Go to this link for the video (opens in a new window).

I've already testified with all my strength to Robert Stacy McCain's goodness, fairness, and racial evenhandedness. I know this is not a racist man. But for whatever statements he's made, or that have falsely been attributed to him, the radical left is using Robert Stacy McCain to score libelously cheap political points.

I've noted as well that Charles Johnson's turned his entire blogging platform into destroying the reputations of others. You can check his page right now on a cached Google copy. I don't see the Maddow video up yet, but he's got running headlines including fabulist tales such as "Sarah Palin's Book Ghostwritten by Associate of White Supremacist McCain."

And to be clear, what evidence does anyone need anymore that Charles Johnson is no longer conservative? From Rachel Maddow to Andrew Sullivan, Little Green Footballs is the go-to libel blogging site par excellence.

And don't miss Saber Point, "
If You Just HAVE to Visit "Little Green Footballs,' Here's the Way To Do It."

Also, nothing yet on today's news from Robert Stacy McCain, but see yesterday's entry, "
Sometimes You Have to Wonder . . .

Friday, November 6, 2009

Larisa Alexandrovna, Terror-Enabler, Joins Charles Johnson in Leftist Fort Hood Hall of Shame

I noticed the incongruity of the occasion last night, although I was withholding more critical commentary until I had more information. While speaking at a Tribal Nations Conference yesterday, President Obama gave a "shout out" to members in the audience, speaking for a least three minutes before he found the decency of a more somber tone for the enormity of the events at Fort Hood. As Robert George writes:
Anyone at home aware of the major news story of the previous hours had to have been stunned. An incident like this requires a scrapping of the early light banter. The president should apologize for the tone of his remarks, explain what has happened, express sympathy for those slain and appeal for calm and patience until all the facts are in. That's the least that should occur.
And Weasel Zippers laments:
I just want to restate the disgust I have for our President. I keep hearing him say 'outburst of violence'. Why this choice of words? Why belittle the action? Why make it sound like he's talking about a 4 year old throwing a fit? I can only come up with one answer and it frightens me to the core. We know he doesn't see a purpose for the military, but his speech yesterday proves that he hates the military. That he would side with a Jihadist that killed/wounded over 30 of our heroes, disgusts me. That he would call yesterday's horrific act of violence an 'outburst of violence' validates that he deserves no respect. It is times like this that I REALLY miss President Bush.
And in response, Larisa Alexandrovna, who is one of the left's biggest race-baiting smear-merchants on the web - and now obviously an America-bashing terror-enabler - is excoriating those who are rightfully outraged at Obama's inappropriate nonchalance in a crisis deserving the deepest solemnity, "3, 2, 1... Attack Obama Over the Fort Hood Shooting":

Not that I am surprised one bit by the glue-sniffing attack on Obama in relation to the Fort Hood tragedy, but thought you might like a little tour of the lunacy, racism, hate, and stupidity that comprises that right-wing fringe of the Republican Party.
Yep, had to get the racist allegations in there. It's all about "race" and "hatred" with the Obama administration's apologists. Iran's going nuclear, unemployment's soaring past 10 percent, and this administration's own Department of Homeland Security -- as well as other federal officials and Army personnel -- knew of Nidal Malik Hasan's pyschological infirmities, and of his solidarity with Islamist suicide bombers. But for Larisa Alexandrovna, it's all about racist right-wing opportunism in attacking poor Obambi!

"Airhead" Alexandrovna
joins her gay-flame man-crush buddy Charles Johnson in the radical left's terror-enabling hall of shame. See, "Charles Johnson Silent on Jihadi Evidence in Fort Hood Murder Rampage."

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Charles Johnson Becomes a Terrorist Tool

Some developments tonight in the jihad against the anti-jihad bloggers ...

From Robert Spencer, "
Hamas-linked CAIR defames me again, tries to block my ALA appearance, takes material from libelblogger Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs":

I wrote the other day about how some alleged believers in free speech among American academia are trying to block my speaking at the American Library Association convention this Sunday. Now the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), true to form, has gotten into the act, sending the ALA a fresh steaming pile of defamation, lies, and distortions (drawing once again on material from its favorite useful idiot, the discredited, thoroughly dishonest Charles Johnson of that cesspool of lies and hate, Little Green Footballs), asking that I be dropped from the ALA panel.

Whatever the ALA does, I am not going to let CAIR's libels go unanswered.
Read the whole thing, here.

See also, Pamela Geller, "
Robert Spencer Answers CAIR's Libel, Defamation and Lies," and Yid With Lid, "Little Green Footballs Becomes a Terrorist Tool."

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Google Homepage Celebrates Major Fossil Find - UPDATED!!

The shot below is from The Guardian, "Fossil Ida: Extraordinary Find is 'Missing Link' in Human Evolution."

But if you did a Google search yesterday, you must have noticed the search engine's "Ida" logo. Dan Collins has the image
here, plus this, "In the latest news, paleontologists examining the contents of the stomach have discovered material that they believe might be Charles Johnson’s spooge. Tests are ongoing." Charles Johnson weighs in here.

See also, "Scientists: 'Missing Link' Fossil Not Worth Media Hype," and "Celebrated Fossil Shown to World."


UPDATE: Charles Johnson responds to this post: "Donald Douglas has been yipping at me like a crack-addled chihuahua for months ..."