Or in the words of Weasel Zippers, "This is what he really looks like, a fat, bloated, beady-eyed jerkoff ..."
But I noticed something that goes a little deeper to King Charles' narcissistic personality disorder. It turns out that the Lizard Freak relocated to a gate-guarded community from the implied death threats he mentions at the piece:
Johnson's posting on Nov. 30, “Why I Parted Ways with The Right,” created a maelstrom in some corners of the blogosphere and the Twitterverse. Onetime hyperlinking pals have called him a tyrant and a traitor. Earlier, one had questioned his sanity.These are fantasies of persecution, I'd guess. But it's par for the course for someone who's whole schtick is about remaining relevant some way, some how. And right now that means transmogrifying into a useful idiot for the leftist press.
In Johnson's mind, he has not really changed but merely shifted his focus. Where once he was preoccupied with national security, staking out a hawkish, pro-military position, he now spends more time focusing on his liberal social views, and gripes with conservatives who disagree. "I like to think," he told me this week, "I am pretty independent of [the] political winds."
But not totally immune. As I talked to Johnson in his office, an alert flashed on one of his two giant computer monitors. An angry screed targeting him on another website concluded: "I think a visit to Mr. Johnson's home might be warranted. Anybody got his address?"
Such veiled threats are at least one reason why Johnson, 56, relocated not long ago. He remains in the Los Angeles area, but now is in a gated community.
The man who once decried vitriol spread on liberal websites now says: "The kinds of hate mail and the kinds of attacks I am getting from the right wing are way beyond anything I got when I was criticizing the left or even radical Islam."
The Difference between Charles and George Costanza is that the shrinkage that Charles had was in his brain.
Sorry to hijack your thread. I thought you'd like to know that Right Wing Prof has passed away. He was a good warrior and now he's with God. Our prayers will help his family.
Who's paying him??
Where does a blogger get the money to live in a gated community?? Is he one of George Soros' paid shills?? Where's he getting his money??
Is he being paid to "switch loyalties" to the looney left or what?? I'd like to know who pays him and if there's a money trail to follow to learn about any conflict of interest profit motives that reveal his political shifts.
How dare you? You right wing racist white supremacist!! lol.
Yeah - I heard selrahC only had a battered car, his bike and a laptop to his name...
Suzie Q may have the correct question. Also, I noticed on the very few occasions I read his stuff that there were equal parts grandiosity and narcissism wedged into the fatboy's rants.
Could it be that he added Abilify to his Prozac? Plus other meds one can only speculate about judging from the schizoid systems Fatboy presents?
Very sorry to read that, LaOT. I didn't often agree with him (obviously), but I did enjoy his writing. My prayers are with all those who loved and respected him.
I stopped wasting energy on CJ a long time ago..
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