Saturday, July 13, 2013

Homosexuals Protest FDA's Tainted Blood Ban

At Lonely Con, "What Could Go Wrong? Gay Men Want Ban Lifted On Blood Donations."

Lots could go wrong, like untold numbers of innocent people contracting AIDS.

And despite clear evidence that the blood supply becomes infected every year with HIV-tainted blood, a left-wing campaign of political correctness seeks to override public health safety and pooh-pooh the odds of infection. Homosexuals are simply pushing one more area of public life where they say efforts to protect the public have "stigmatized" the homosexual culture of depraved abandon and licentiousness. Oh the humanity!

Here's the New Yorker's extremely sympathetic (and stupid) report, "Breaking the Blood Ban":
Over the past fifteen years, the F.D.A. has reëxamined its policy on blood from M.S.M.s on several occasions. It continues to stand by it. The “FDA’s primary responsibility with regard to blood and blood products is to assure the safety of patients who receive these life-saving products,” Morgan Liscinsky, an F.D.A. spokeswoman, told me in an e-mail. She stressed the “much higher rates of transmissible diseases among some MSM than in the non-MSM general population.” Liscinsky did tell me that the F.D.A. is open to a discussion on the matter, though she employed some startling double negatives to make the point: “Although scientific evidence has not yet demonstrated that blood donated by MSM or a subgroup of these potential donors does not have a substantially increased rate of H.I.V. infection compared to currently accepted blood donors, FDA remains willing to consider new approaches to donor screening and testing.”

But there is good evidence to suggest that dropping the ban, and screening gay men who wish to give blood in the same way that people in other high-risk groups are screened, would pose almost no additional risk to the public. In fact, the evidence suggests that such a change in policy might actually save lives by increasing the amount of available blood.
I recommend showing this video to any person about to get a blood transfusion, informing them of the statistics on risk from homosexual infection. Let's see how well that goes over. Homos not only want to get in your face, they want to get in your bloodstream.

Or show them this one, featuring the homosexual organizer Ryan James Yezak and his homosexual freak supporters prancing in the background. Again, ask someone getting a transfusion, do you want blood from these people? How about that big black homosexual bitch in the background? You want that mf's blood?


And more at CBS, from Michelle Castillo (who looks like a damned tranny), "Activists hold first gay, bisexual blood drive to get FDA to change rules." The piece includes no voices of those supporting the ban, and nothing is offered to contradict the homo activist left's claims, despite the ample evidence.

Frankly, progressives don't care about public health. They're destroying every corner of American life, from your child's school to the blood supply. No citizen is safe from the freak homosexual takeover of American life.

Hey, man, we're going to be like the Castro nationwide in no time, mf's!