Sunday, January 5, 2014

Bad Idea: Widespread Marijuana Legalization

I'm surprised by this essay, from Larry Kudlow, at RCP. I had no idea he was a recovering addict.

See, "Enough Pot Happy Talk":
There was way too much giddiness in the media about the first day of legal pot selling in Colorado. Instead of all the happy talk, I think it's time for some sober discussion and a strong dose of education about the addiction risks of smoking marijuana -- particularly among young people. It may start out as a party, but it often ends up as something much, much worse.

With the grace of God, I've been clean and sober for over 18 years -- a recovery experience that still has me going to a lot of 12-step meetings. And I hear time and again from young people coming into the rooms to get sober how pot smoking led to harder drugs such as cocaine and heroin. Now, this is anecdotal, and I am not an expert. And I will say that many people can control alcohol or pot or other drugs. But I am not one of them. And I am not alone.

Talk to virtually any professional drug counselor, and they will warn that pot is a gateway drug. Or listen to left-of-center columnist Ruth Marcus, who has gathered important professional evidence about the risks of pot.

Ms. Marcus reminds us that the American Medical Association recommended against legalization, stating, "Cannabis is a dangerous drug and as such is a public health concern." The AMA added that pot "is the most common illicit drug involved in drugged driving, particularly in drivers under the age of 21. Early cannabis use is related to later substance-use disorders."

The AMA also noted that "Heavy cannabis use in adolescence causes persistent impairments in neurocognitive performance and IQ, and use is associated with increased rates of anxiety, mood and psychotic-thought disorders."

I am indebted to Ruth Marcus for this information. She, by the way, thinks "widespread legalization is a bad idea, if an inevitable development."

Now, I didn't hear any of this coming from the media in its first day of reporting on legal pot sales. That's way too bad. The risks associated with pot use must be discussed frequently and soberly so that all can recognize the downside threats.
Keep reading.

Kudlow's not necessarily against legalization. He just wants a full airing of the issue. Enough with the dopey media pom-pom sections.