Thursday, January 2, 2014

Inadvertent Comedy From the ASA, or, an Ecofeminist Does Milk

A good read, kinda highbrow, from Roger Kimball, at PJ Media.

Kimball plugs Glenn Reynolds' new book, TheNew School: How the Information Age Will Save American Education from Itself.
Reynolds makes the economist Herb Stein’s observation a centerpiece of his book. Repellent pseudo-intellectual horrors like “Toward a Feminist Postcolonial Milk Studies” cannot go on forever; therefore, they won’t. This ruin of taxpayer money, to say nothing of the intellectual sanity of students and teachers, is too egregious to continue. It will not continue. “Toward a Feminist Postcolonial Milk Studies” is just one of many, many signs that the house of intellect in this country has become a sort of Augean Stables, full of malodorous waste and bovine mooing. It awaits its Hercules to perform a much needed lustration. The assembled cattle may not know it, but Glenn Reynolds shows that his advent is nigh.
I hope that's right, but we'll see.