Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Obama Bumper Sticker Removal Kit

Via NewsBusters:


Sarge Charlie said...

I liked this, plan to repost it on sarge charlie

Dana said...

I was rather disappointed with the actual BS Removal Tool. I was hoping for something more along these lines.

Dennis said...

This and one of your other comments is how we need to treat those on the left. One needs to step back and see the humor that can be engendered about those on the Left. They need to be laugh at.
A good start would to ask questions about common everyday items like "Why does the sun rise?", because its racist. You could use it as an answer to anything you might not understand, have no answer or just don't want to deal.
The number of leftist ideas open to this treatment is endless, Alinsky, Mao, Stalin et al.
I rather enjoyed using Jeanne Grafalo's, that epitome of leftist beauty, comments to describe leftist in their own words. The possibilities are endless. Don't get mad, have a good laugh at their expense.